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06/07/18 11:02:17 AM

Sanders VS Biden probably favors Sanders if there are a bunch of Democrats running, yeah. I agree that one-on-one, Biden seems more likely.

I think a testament to Sanders' impact while also being a detriment to him is how Gillibrand, Booker, and I think Harris all agreed to no longer take donations from large corporations (my wording might be a little loose here, clarification would be appreciated). That is a big decision to make from several younger likely candidates and that's because of Bernie's impact, but also that dilutes some of what he's done in the past as far as what he can do in the future -- $27 donations won't be as synonymous with him anymore when more candidates will focus on small donations.
Nominate METAL MAN for 20XX!
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06/07/18 11:04:49 AM

I actually think if Sanders and Warren both ran, Warren would come out ahead of that. They'd end up dooming each other's campaigns though by splitting their supporters. I just don't get the impression she's interested in running either way however.

I know about Booker, I was just trying to think of people I think are likely to get involved in the primary.

Thought about mentioning Harris but I think it might be a tad too early for her to make that move. I dunno, maybe she goes for it anyway, it's not like it hasn't worked before!
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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06/07/18 11:06:53 AM

Dancedreamer posted...
xp1337 posted...
Wouldn't that be worse? You'd effectively be making that person a kingmaker.

What are you talking about?

How is requiring one endorsement from one elected Democrat Official making anyone a Kingmaker?

Oh, I read that as you saying that a specific elected official (tbd later) would need to endorse. Not any.

However, in that event, I don't think you're solving the problem you laid out there! Trump had endorsements from elected Republicans! That's not a high bar at all to clear!
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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metroid composite
06/07/18 11:10:38 AM

Also, there's this dude, who has filled out his paperowork and is officially in the primary race:

I still don't know who this guy is.
Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state of quantum indecision
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06/07/18 11:10:44 AM

Booker's still too much of a corporate stooge. And he was pals with Betsy DeVos. That's a big concern for me as far as he's concerned.

I do think Dems need to go a little younger than Biden. Though I wouldn't be opposed to Sanders (as long as he chose a good running mate)
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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06/07/18 11:11:34 AM

xp1337 posted...
However, in that event, I don't think you're solving the problem you laid out there! Trump had endorsements from elected Republicans! That's not a high bar at all to clear!

For Republicans, no. But for Democrats I don't think you'd see, for example, anyone saying "I endorse Kim Kardashian"
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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06/07/18 11:16:37 AM
#208:" data-time="

"One toot on this whistle will take you to a far away land."
-Toad, SMB3
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06/07/18 11:19:00 AM

Neither Biden nor Sanders should run, and I find unlikely they will. They are both way too old. They need to pass the torch to a successor.
It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
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metroid composite
06/07/18 11:20:27 AM

xp1337 posted...
I actually think if Sanders and Warren both ran, Warren would come out ahead of that. They'd end up dooming each other's campaigns though by splitting their supporters.

I feel like if Warren was pulling ahead that Sanders would endorse her and get out of the race. Sanders is known to write bills, and then give them to other people to put their name on if he thinks that will increase the likelihood of passing the senate. He does seem to care about policy positions more than personal glory. (See also: refusing to endorse Hillary after losing until he negotiated her to move the platform to the left on a number of policies).

Warren might just be playing stealth, though. When it looked like she was a possible candidate, Fox News started attacking her early back in 2016.
Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state of quantum indecision
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06/07/18 11:21:57 AM

Dancedreamer posted...
For Republicans, no. But for Democrats I don't think you'd see, for example, anyone saying "I endorse Kim Kardashian"

I mean, my faith is at an all-time low these days so I'm not so sure!

More seriously, any candidate in that position is almost guaranteed to get a endorsement if for no other reason than political opportunism by someone. If they've gotten enough support from the voters to be in a position where this is the only thing standing in the way of the nomination, someone will either cave out of fear of the backlash of denying "the will of the people" or endorse in the hopes of it paying off for them down the road.

IDK, I really think this is more an issue created by the media. If they didn't count superdelegate endorsements in their counts would anyone really care about them? It's not like those are binding at all. But by counting them like that, the media was able to establish/aid the narrative that there was an INSURMOUNTABLE LEAD blah blah blah. They're not likely to defy the "will of the voters" and will see to it they don't swing the result at the convention unless they think the candidate is uniquely awful, so they serve to solve that problem.

And finally, even in a more mundane race, you avoid the trainwreck of a brokered convention where you have 3+ candidates with the delegates split such that no one has a majority.
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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06/07/18 11:51:07 AM

The media-angle is valid regarding complaints for superdelegates -- the superdelegates-narratives created by mainstream media pushed heavily for public favor of Hillary and did so since Hillary was announced to run. Right on.

Also though, by nature of their work and previous successes, superdelegates have their hooks deep in the media. They have the power to influence the media in this kind of way and chose to do so early in the campaign for Hillary. That's problematic, and I wouldn't have liked it if superdelegates flipped for Bernie early on instead of Hillary.

I don't know that superdelegates and the media can be fully separated. I expect the people serving as superdelegates to continue doing what they do and the media to still care about them, but the position of superdelegates is what I hope to see reevaluated. Maybe there's a better way.
Nominate METAL MAN for 20XX!
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06/07/18 12:06:59 PM

Well, yeah, I wouldn't expect the media to change their behavior in this regard. IIRC, they were even asked by the DNC to not count the superdelegate endorsements in their totals because, again, unlike pledged delegates them endorsing is not binding. They can change their mind as much as they want up until the convention.

And obviously I'm saying I believe that removing superdelegates entirely would create the potential for even bigger headaches.

With that said, I'm not sure what you can do to alter the behavior of the superdelegates in this regard. Do you prevent them from endorsing prior to the convention? Not only is this not realistic and would lead to accusations both real and imagined of them for-all-intents-and-purposes endorsing in the shadows but remember all nationally elected Democrats are superdelegates. So are we preventing them from weighing in with their thoughts? That doesn't seem productive to me personally. I can't imagine most would think removing them as superdelegates would work because now who are the superdelegates? Solely unelected DNC members or something?

I guess I just feel superdelegates are the least bad option available. I'm open to hearing alternatives but I haven't heard one I think is as good, nor have I succeeded in thinking of one myself, and I had tried quite a bit back when I myself was on the side of "we should get rid of superdelegates."
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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06/07/18 1:53:38 PM

YAHOO SPORTS - Sources: Colin Kaepernick's legal team expected to subpoena President Trump in case against NFL

With that in mind, multiple incidents could factor prominently into the request for subpoenas. Among a few (but not all) that could ultimately be referenced by Kaepernicks attorneys:

In August 2016, as a Republican presidential candidate, Trump went on Seattle radio station KIRO and remarked of Kaepernick protesting during the national anthem: I think its personally not a good thing, I think its a terrible thing. And, you know, maybe he should find a country that works better for him.

That could prove to be significant, because it can be framed as the clock-starting moment when Trumps interference in Kaepernicks livelihood first began, then extended and became amplified into the presidency.

In March 2017, New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft joined Trump on a flight aboard Air Force One in which the two men engaged in conversation. The next day, at a speaking event in Kentucky, Trump bragged that NFL owners werent signing Kaepernick because they were afraid of him.

Your San Francisco quarterback, Im sure nobody ever heard of him, the president said. There was an article today that was reported that NFL owners dont want to pick him up because they dont want to get a nasty tweet from Donald Trump. Do you believe that? I just saw that. I just saw that.

In a later deposition in the Kaepernick case, Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross testified Kraft told NFL owners he had spoken to Trump about players kneeling during the anthem. It wasnt clear if that conversation occurred on the Air Force One flight or a different date.

In September 2017, Trump spoke directly to Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, who later revealed during his deposition in the Kaepernick collusion case that the president told him, Tell everybody [in the NFL], you cant win this one. This one lifts me, and that the player-kneeling issue was a very winning, strong issue for me [politically].

Also in September 2017, Trump blasted NFL players during a speech in Alabama, taking direct aim at the jobs of kneeling players.

Wouldnt you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, Get that son of a bitch off the field right now. Out! Hes fired. Hes fired! Trump said.

In October 2017, Trump again spoke directly about Kaepernick, and again suggested NFL retribution against the quarterback for his kneeling during the anthem.

I watched Colin Kaepernick [in 2016], and I thought it was terrible, and then it got bigger and bigger and started mushrooming, and frankly the NFL should have suspended him for one game, and he would have never done it again, Trump said in an interview with Fox News Sean Hannity. They could have then suspended him for two games, and they could have suspended him if he did it a third time, for the season, and you would never have had a problem. But I will tell you, you cannot disrespect our country, our flag, our anthem. You cannot do that.

Also in October 2017, Trump admitted to orchestrating a walkout of an NFL game between the San Francisco 49ers and Indianapolis Colts, in which Pence attended the game briefly and then left when players knelt during the national anthem.

Nominate METAL MAN for 20XX!
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06/07/18 1:53:53 PM

In late October 2017, a handful of NFL owners met with a select group of players during the leagues New York meetings. In a confidential meeting that was secretly taped and then leaked to the New York Times, Kraft can be heard referring to kneeling as the elephant in the room.

The problem we have is, we have a president who will use that as fodder to do his mission that I dont feel is in the best interests of America, Kraft said, according to the Times. Its divisive and its horrible.

The Times also quoted other owners at the meeting talking specifically about Trumps impact. They included Philadelphia Eagles owner Jeff Lurie, who reportedly said, Weve got to be careful not to be baited by Trump or whomever else, and Buffalo Bills owner Terry Pegula, who reportedly worried that, All Donald needs to do is to start to do this again. We need some kind of immediate plan because of whats going on in society. All of us now, we need to put a Band-Aid on whats going on in the country.

In March 2018, Ross told the New York Daily News that Trump had influenced him to reverse his support of players who chose to kneel during the anthem. It was the first time that an owner said publicly that Trump had influenced their stance on the issue.

I think initially I totally supported the players in what they were doing, because its America people should be able to really speak about their choices and show them [in] doing that, Ross said. But I think when you change the message, about, is it support of our country or the military, its a different message. When that message changed, and everybody was interpreting it as that was the reason, then I was against the kneeling. [Trumps] message became what kneeling was all about. From that standpoint, thats the way the public is interpreting it. So I think thats really incumbent upon us to adopt that, because thats how I think the country is now interpreting the kneeling issue.

In May 2018, after the NFL passed a rule prohibiting kneeling during the national anthem but allowing players to remain in the locker room during the ceremony if they wish some owners admitted that Trump had impacted the leagues motivation for creating a rule. The day after the NFL passed the rule, Trump once again revisited his remarks about players job statuses or whether they should be in the country if they didnt stand for the anthem.

You have to stand proudly for the national anthem or you shouldnt be playing you shouldnt be there, Trump told Fox & Friends. Maybe you shouldnt be in the country.

That is only a handful of some of the incidents reflecting Trump potentially influencing NFL owners on either Kaepernick or kneeling players. It doesnt account for all of his statements or address the multitude of tweets he has sent about the issue nor other private conversations that have reportedly occurred inside the NFL about his impact.

Nominate METAL MAN for 20XX!
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06/07/18 1:57:11 PM

Sorry for the particularly large excerpt and triple-post, but this is likely to be big recurring news should Kaepernick's subpoena go this way.

Friendky reminder that Donand's rating never boosted more in a month than September 2017, which is probably because of him speaking up against kneeling. If this subpoena follows through, he'll be talking about this case more than he does about Stormy.
Nominate METAL MAN for 20XX!
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06/07/18 1:59:50 PM

I mean he always was going to come back to the topic by the time the NFL Season started and reporting has backed it up that he views it as a "winning issue" for him so of course he'd keep pushing it, but man what a bizarre journey Kaepernick's story has taken.
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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06/07/18 2:04:13 PM

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The Mana Sword
06/07/18 2:07:27 PM

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06/07/18 2:14:16 PM

Too bad the news media can't all agree NOT to cover Trump and the Kneeling thing. Like imagine if everyone just ignored it and decided not to report on it.
Growing up, I wish some teacher told me "You probably won't ever need this, but if you don't learn it, you might miss out on something really cool."
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06/07/18 2:14:30 PM

In Donald's defense, he already has fires to worry about in Trump Towers this year. Asbestos just doesn't compare.
Nominate METAL MAN for 20XX!
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red sox 777
06/07/18 2:23:13 PM

metroid composite posted...
Also, there's this dude, who has filled out his paperowork and is officially in the primary race:

I still don't know who this guy is.

He's the guy who ran for Senate in Missouri and ran an ad where he assembled an assault rifle while blindfolded. Outperformed Hillary by miles but Missouri was too red for him to win.
September 1, 2003; November 4, 2007; September 2, 2013
Congratulations to DP Oblivion in the Guru Contest!
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06/07/18 2:41:23 PM

HaRRicH posted...
In Donald's defense, he already has fires to worry about in Trump Towers this year. Asbestos just doesn't compare.

Maybe if he used MORE asbestos...
E come vivo? Vivo!
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06/07/18 4:07:25 PM

Looks like Corker has unveil a bipartisan bill to prevent the President from enacting tariffs without congressional approval.

Not sure if it'll get 2/3 support since Trump would likely veto it.
Congratulations to BKSheikah for winning the guru
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06/07/18 4:35:25 PM

trdl23 posted...
HaRRicH posted...
In Donald's defense, he already has fires to worry about in Trump Towers this year. Asbestos just doesn't compare.

Maybe if he used MORE asbestos...

He probably read all those Human Torch comics in the 60s where the villains were like You cant stop me Torch! Im wearing armor made of asbestos!

Those poor villains
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06/07/18 4:37:21 PM

Ashethan posted...
Too bad the news media can't all agree NOT to cover Trump and the Kneeling thing. Like imagine if everyone just ignored it and decided not to report on it.

This is the stance they should have taken in 2015

Sadly I think its irresponsible to not report on the President
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06/07/18 4:38:38 PM

HaRRicH posted...

The Times also quoted other owners at the meeting talking specifically about Trumps impact. They included Philadelphia Eagles owner Jeff Lurie, who reportedly said, Weve got to be careful not to be baited by Trump or whomever else,

Too late.
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06/07/18 4:42:52 PM

Trump on his summit with Kim Jong Un NEXT WEEK: I dont think I have to prepare very much. Its about attitude.

What could go wrong?
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06/07/18 6:59:31 PM

Peace___Frog posted...

Trump on his summit with Kim Jong Un NEXT WEEK: I dont think I have to prepare very much. Its about attitude.

What could go wrong?

"Nobody knew East Asian geopolitics could be so complicated."
Besides, marijuana is far more harmful than steroids. - BlitzBomb
I headbang to Bruckner.
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06/07/18 7:38:48 PM

I dont really care for this story, but this CNN headline made me laugh

Giuliani says people in the porn business are not credible. Trump has appeared in three softcore porn videos.

Very Fox News Style
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06/07/18 8:07:53 PM

Well obviously he only meant women.
Congrats to BKSheikah, who knows more about years than anyone else.
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06/07/18 8:18:15 PM

<insert Melania nude photoshoots here>

... or Kim K who just got somebody pardoned
something something hung something horse something
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Mr Lasastryke
06/07/18 8:22:15 PM

sure sucks for the other gazillion inmates who are in prison for no reason that kim k doesn't give a shit about them.
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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06/07/18 8:56:11 PM

Mr Lasastryke posted...
sure sucks for the other gazillion inmates who are in prison for no reason that kim k doesn't give a shit about them.

Well for a more empathetic president being convinced something is a problem would lead to a policy initiative.

But Trump probably saw this as tit for tat for Kanyes tweets.
Board 8's Voice of Reason
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Mr Lasastryke
06/07/18 8:59:36 PM

Eddv posted...
Well for a more empathetic president being convinced something is a problem would lead to a policy initiative.

But Trump probably saw this as tit for tat for Kanyes tweets.

yeah for clarity's sake, i'm not blaming kardashian for only being interested in this particular case (and not tons of other similar cases). that's fine. it's entirely on trump that he's going "OMG KIM THINKS THIS A BIG DEAL?!? I SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!"
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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metroid composite
06/08/18 1:24:25 AM

Interesting article from a former trump troll (supposedly):
Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state of quantum indecision
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metroid composite
06/08/18 1:33:54 AM

Mr Lasastryke posted...
sure sucks for the other gazillion inmates who are in prison for no reason that kim k doesn't give a shit about them.

I mean, prison reform has been her political focus for a while.

I would assume that now that she has the president's ear that she'll come back next month with more cases.

She's doing that thing that Africa aid groups do to try to convince you to give them money. You know, show the person a single starving child with a name to elicit personal attachment and sympathy; tell them that they will be sponsoring just that child and can write to that child. Don't talk about thousands of cases--that becomes numbers and abstraction and doesn't usually get the person to buy in.

Basically, Kim is using smart psychological manipulation designed for convincing average intelligence people to support a cause.

(Honestly, I think her approach here is pretty savvy).
Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state of quantum indecision
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06/08/18 1:46:51 AM

metroid composite posted...
Interesting article from a former trump troll (supposedly):

That article triggered me.

Because he literally was not a troll at all.

He really believed in Trump.
It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
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06/08/18 2:03:51 AM

Looks like Obama Care is under attack again.
LoL ID = imajericho
XBL GT = Corrik
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Suprak the Stud
06/08/18 3:21:11 AM

In announcing the lawsuit back in February, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said, "The US Supreme Court already admitted that an individual mandate without a tax penalty is unconstitutional. With no remaining legitimate basis for the law, it is time that Americans are finally free from the stranglehold of Obamacare, once and for all."

In court papers, lawyers for Texas asked a Texas judge to hold that the ACA is unlawful and enjoin its operation.

"The DOJ agrees with Texas that the individual mandate is unconstitutional once the tax penalty was zeroed out, and if it is struck down, the guaranteed issue and community ratings provisions go with it," said Jost.

"In other words, people can once again be denied insurance because of pre-existing conditions or be charged more," Jost said.

Seems like a good thing for Republicans to campaign on in the upcoming elections!
"I thought you were making up diseases? That's spontaneous dental hydroplosion."
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06/08/18 3:42:51 AM

These people are the fucking worst
Congrats to BKSheikah for winning the BYIG Guru Challenge!
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06/08/18 4:56:34 AM

Suprak the Stud posted...
Seems like a good thing for Republicans to campaign on in the upcoming elections!

You would excuse me if I thought this was a red sox post at first.
Phantom Dust.
"I'll just wait for time to prove me right again." - Vlado
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Suprak the Stud
06/08/18 9:09:04 AM

ChaosTonyV4 posted...
Suprak the Stud posted...
Seems like a good thing for Republicans to campaign on in the upcoming elections!

You would excuse me if I thought this was a red sox post at first.

(I was being sarcastic if that wasnt obvious.

But yes I could see that!)
"I thought you were making up diseases? That's spontaneous dental hydroplosion."
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red sox 777
06/08/18 10:14:34 AM

While it legally makes sense, it doesn't seem like a great thing to campaign on.
September 1, 2003; November 4, 2007; September 2, 2013
Congratulations to DP Oblivion in the Guru Contest!
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06/08/18 10:21:20 AM

So the mandate is only unconstitutional because of the penalty they set to 0?

Which they only did because they lacked the votes to actually remove the mandate?
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06/08/18 10:23:07 AM

Forceful_Dragon posted...
So the mandate is only unconstitutional because of the penalty they set to 0?

Which they only did because they lacked the votes to actually remove the mandate?

Is a tax penalty of $0 still a tax penalty?

The lawyer in me says yes
Board 8's Voice of Reason
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red sox 777
06/08/18 10:29:15 AM

Whether the mandate will be unconstitutional in 2019 is a moot point. There is no penalty, and the Supreme Court already ruled there can't be a penalty other than a tax. The question is if this makes the remainder of Obamacare unconstitutional or void.
September 1, 2003; November 4, 2007; September 2, 2013
Congratulations to DP Oblivion in the Guru Contest!
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red sox 777
06/08/18 10:33:29 AM

And after thinking about it, I'm not sure that it does. Suppose after a few years, Congress had determined that there was no need for the mandate because, in fact, people would still buy healthcare without it. Then they could repeal the mandate and it shouldn't have an effect on the rest of the law.

I mean, Congress didn't say it in those words but that's basically what they did. They voted to eliminate the mandate and kept the rest of the law. After considering this subject extensively in 2017. The provision with questionable constitutionality in the first place was the mandate, which Congress concluded we don't actually need. So it seems the rest of the law would still pass muster, at first glance.
September 1, 2003; November 4, 2007; September 2, 2013
Congratulations to DP Oblivion in the Guru Contest!
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06/08/18 10:56:12 AM

Suprak the Stud posted...
Seems like a good thing for Republicans to campaign on in the upcoming elections!

no worries

they (and the media) will just campaign on kneeling at nfl games and roseanne being cancelled and other culture war stuff and ignore this

Seriously though. Bold strategy, Cotton.
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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06/08/18 11:26:28 AM

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06/08/18 11:29:54 AM

Jakyl25 posted...

Not the Onion

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