Poll of the Day > What's the worst dream you've ever had?

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06/08/18 4:19:19 PM

I had one last night that's been giving me anxiety all day, and I'm still sick from it.

It started out on Thanksgiving Day, at my families house and we had a fuck ton (30+) family members there (aunts, uncles, cousins).

For the first hour+ of the dream, it was myself and my brother running around my parents house, trying to prepare for everyone's arrival.

Eveyone was yelling at us to hurry up, while my brother was doing a perfect job and I was a bit behind. My cat escaped and started running around stealing food and I had to chase her around while my family laughed.

When we finally sat down for dinner, I felt a shake in the ground. For some reason, I said "it's an earthquake", even though we live in Massachusetts which has no earthquakes.

Then someone pointed to the sky and we saw a ton of missiles crashing down from the sky. Sirens started going off in the distance and everyone started crying and screaming "oh god it's finally started!" and we all jumped up out of our seats and ran.

For some reason, the missiles let out a type of gas, and for some reason I completely understood the type of gas my family mentioned (although it doesn't exist IRL)

So we ran down to our basement and people started tossing gas masks down to us. We struggled to put the gas masks on The youngest children as they fidgeted and cried and the masks looked too big for them. Some of them died in front of us.

Then apparently our house was near the coast, because a giant battle ship crashed next to our house and started firing bullets at us. A ton of people died and we hid behind cover as a bunch of families around us gathered together. Then one of the enemy men yelled to cease fire, and that they "needed to take prisoners". So everyone around us started rolling around in blood to pretend we were dead.

Then some Asian man came out of nowhere and screamed "you'll never take us! Fuck you all!" And unveiled a nuke next to him. The enemies screamed, and he denoted it. Then I saw a slow motion scene of everyone around me being disintegrated.

Then I saw a distance shot of the entire battleship and our homes exploding. And then a narrator saying "this stand would later be known as 'Tanaka's Revenge'. It would be the start of the war"
Official Strawberry Eater of PotD
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06/08/18 5:30:24 PM

The dream started in kind of an alternate take on my own history. I had my first car, but instead of using it in a good way (for work, to listen to the radio, etc), I used it to go to loose women and to rise in popularity and esteem. So after I had risen in popularity amongst evildoers, I decided to go against my parents and I began to look down on them and be cruel to them. (big mistake!)

Then I appeared in an apartment. As I looked down over the balcony, I saw people killing each other in cruel ways. It was chaos. What's worse, they began to come for me, and I remember seeing people climbing over the balcony, trying to get into my apartment. My parents were there, and I called for them to help me... So my dad made me a sharp blade-like weapon, but refused to help in any other way. So I began to kill my attackers with this weapon.

And I killed them in gruesome ways, I remember the blood pouring out of people's necks and such. The killing went on for a while, until I found myself sleeping in bed after it was all over. But that's when the nightmare took a turn for the worse.

I was paralyzed in that bed. What came for me in that bed was unimaginable. It was like maggots, but bigger. Also what looked like grasshoppers, but bigger. And I looked the grasshopper in the eye, and what i saw was absolutely terrifying. It was lifeless and yet alive. The eyes were black and like an insect, lifeless and horrifying, but I knew these things came to devour me. And they began to. They creeped all over me, and began to go inside my skin.

So I began to cry. And when I cried, I got out of the paralysis and ran to where my parents were sleeping, and banged on the door for them to wake up. But they wouldn't wake up, and I was struck with the realization that it's just me and the creatures, and there's no salvation from them.
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06/08/18 5:52:43 PM

Not sure if I should be saying it here, and not sure if that's the worse of them all, but it is the worst I can remember. It's really messed up.

I and several people I know and another girl that I never seen before (tho she was a friend in the dream somehow) were in a Chinese-looking castle. We were "locked up" inside - as in, we couldn't leave the terrain, but there were outdoor places - but no one was worried at all. I kept saying that we should look for a way out, but no one listened.

Then night feel and some people went missing, including the weird girl. I told the others to look up for the missing people, but only my siblings agreed and we went together. Form that point on, the layout of the place stopped making sense and we got lost in a maze of dark hallways.

All of a sudden, something started pursuing us... I think, I never saw it, but my sister started running and screaming, so me and my brother ran as well. Somehow, we ran as fast as a car and I couldn't quite make a clear picture of the path we walked, but there was blood and mutilated corpses all over the place. I managed to catch up with my sister and the thing following us was gone, but then my brother disappeared.

While looking for him we went trough a door and we were somehow on one of the rooftop and there was a volcano spilling lava just the other side of the walls holding us inside. We could hear several terrifying screams coming from bellow, we tried going there, but we couldn't find the right way, so we ended up in the garden and we saw the people from the windows of two rooms.

On one , they were throwing a party which looked like a child's birthday, and on the other, the weird girl was killing everyone with a knife and eating their bodies, wearing the same clothes as me, alongside some indescribable creatures. She looked at us and smiled before leaving to the hallway. There were no doors leading inside, and no matter how much I screamed, the people on the other room never heard me.

I ran away trying to either escape, but I ended up inside the other room and it was completely different from before. There was lava everywhere, some were melting away without even noticing what was happening, and the others were being killed and raped by those things. I tried to escape again, but the lava caught up to me midway and started destroying my legs. I felt the burns, but I still could ran somehow.

I finally managed to make it outside the building (a door that was locked before opened up), but the girl was there, alongside a giant dragon, probably the size of a skyscraper. She was stabbing my siblings, ripping they flesh apart and feeding it to the dragon while they screamed at me for help. My body kept melting and I couldn't move anymore. So the girl looked at me in and stabbed her own face, which broke apart like a glass mask, and behind it... it was my own face, rotten and bleeding, missing an eye right where the knife had hit. It laughed manically while dragon turned to me and spat out fire, everything became white, I felt my whole body ache and I couldn't breathe anymore.

When I woke up, I still couldn't breathe, my body was still hurting and I could still hear the screams and the girl laughing. When it stopped, my eardrums kept ringing for the rest of the day.
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