Board 8 > The Notes of Cain [CYOA/Forum Game]

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06/29/18 12:02:25 PM

2. Who will Kidd save...
(11111111) A. Jamison and Fah
(1111111) B. Jen
(111) C. Himself

it's actually not tied if I add in pk2k's vote, which I missed earlier

also holy crap 18/19 people have voted on this choice

this may be the only time in my entire memory where we had almost every single participant vote on a chapter that wasn't the first chapter.
~* Now I only see your dull imposter ~*
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06/29/18 12:06:37 PM

I'm making an effort to actually vote in all choices this game. My weird hangup around voting has been silly from the inception >_>
JeffRaze, for all your random spellcasting needs
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06/29/18 12:08:10 PM

"And the Lord said unto John, come forth and receive eternal life, but John came fifth and won a toaster"
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06/29/18 12:15:30 PM

now that I can safely shift going to change vote to B
XBL GT: Demon Ninja X2
"There comes a time in every man's or woman's life where they have to make **** up to cover their ass." - Hazama
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06/29/18 2:00:06 PM

looks like B is winning right now, then. I'll move forward under that assumption for the time being.

doing some cooking right now, preparing lunches for the next few days, but I'll probably start writing after I finish with that.

there will be no update tomorrow, and I would say in general don't expect any updates on saturdays usually.

but yeah definitely one later today.
~* Now I only see your dull imposter ~*
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06/29/18 2:10:12 PM

Actually it almost feels like everyone heading for the door might be safest. Jen trying to do the lion tamer thing with that stool and back up with Kidd to the door, just tear Fah off that snag dress or no dress and group smash through that monster at the doorway and torch the building lel >_>
Dokkan Battle ID:3175154559
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06/29/18 2:12:06 PM

I'm going away to Mexico for my sister's wedding starting tomorrow for a week. I'll still try and check the topic a couple times a day but unfortunately I really won't be around much.

I'm sad :(
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06/29/18 2:32:05 PM

Zigzagoon posted...
I'm going away to Mexico for my sister's wedding starting tomorrow for a week. I'll still try and check the topic a couple times a day but unfortunately I really won't be around much.

I'm sad :(

hopefully you don't have too hard of a time staying caught up at least. also I guess while I've got you here I did have a question... what is Zephyr exactly? I had Matsuda/Seth refer to him as a weasel, but I didn't really think that he was one. more that they thought he was one.

anyway if you tell me what he specifically is, I can clarify that in the story.
~* Now I only see your dull imposter ~*
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06/29/18 2:39:35 PM

He's a silver Ermine
Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination.
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06/29/18 2:41:44 PM

MariaTaylor posted...
Zigzagoon posted...
I'm going away to Mexico for my sister's wedding starting tomorrow for a week. I'll still try and check the topic a couple times a day but unfortunately I really won't be around much.

I'm sad :(

hopefully you don't have too hard of a time staying caught up at least. also I guess while I've got you here I did have a question... what is Zephyr exactly? I had Matsuda/Seth refer to him as a weasel, but I didn't really think that he was one. more that they thought he was one.

anyway if you tell me what he specifically is, I can clarify that in the story.

He's literally an ermine lol. Which are weasels basically. Technically an ermine is a stoat which is just a large weasel. The defining qualities of an ermine is that they are in their winter coat which is pure white with the black tipped tail.

If you want more than SCIENCE behind it, I can give that too, but that's more based around his character and backstory that doesn't really matter too much in these since you are the one creating the story and characters.
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06/29/18 4:16:17 PM

Came in here to change my vote. Decided I trust the capable fighter vs the injured fish monster more. Especially since she can run.

Might be to late but change to a
--- ~Drak
"Hope is allowed to be stupid, unwise, and naive." ~Sir Chris
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06/29/18 4:22:53 PM

Came in here just to say C is still objectively the right choice and I refuse to change.
Board 8's Voice of Reason
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06/29/18 4:27:22 PM

Entry 3: Answers From Above, Questions From Below

Dismas found himself walking to the woodcutters cabin on the western edge of town, with his new tools slung over his back, and carrying his old tools in the satchel in his free hand. Honestly he had probably picked up too much to carry and use it all effectively. It was better to be over prepared rather than under, he supposed.

The chained man, the others had been calling him an abomination, waked in sullen silence behind Dismas and slightly to his side. Though he had spoken up a bit earlier... things quickly returned to the status quo. And he was once again cloaking himself in silence.

"Thanks for vouching for me back there," Dismas said, trying to break the silence.

The guy looked at him and nodded. It didn't help too much. His chains were clinking quietly as they went up the western path through the outskirts of town together.

Just then, a scraggly looking young noble approached the group from behind. "Ahoy there, name's Cata Spade," the man announced. "Looks like I'm with you guys."

"What, did they tell you to follow me or something?" Dismas inquired.

"Yeah, I suppose so," Cata told him. He scratched at his beard.

Dismas just shrugged emphatically. Even if it meant he nearly dropped his tools, it was worth it to make this gesture. He needed this guy to know how much of a joke it all was; following orders, being bossed around by those idiots. "If they told you to jump into a hole full of snakes would you do that, too?"

"I haven't always done what is expected of me," Cata retorted. "But I have my own reasons for being here."

The chained man looked at Cata, taking in that remark thoughtfully.

Dismas found himself somewhat impressed. He crossed his arms and gave a nod. "Alright, that's what I like to hear. I think you'll fit right in with our crew of outcasts. Heh." Dismas then shook his head. "Trust me, I have my own reasons for being here, too. Otherwise I would have booked it as soon as that idiot uncuffed me."

"Let me guess, you're looking to get rich quick?" Cata asked him. His eyebrow was raised curiously. "You know there are safer ways..."

"Hey man this is the perfect mix of exciting, interesting, and profitable," Dismas replied. "Besides, my chances of death are like... probably fifty per cent at most. I'm fine with those odds."

Cata chuckled at that. It was hard to tell if Dismas was being sincere or not; about those odds or whether he was really okay with risking that much. He glanced at the big man. "So what's his story?"

"Oh, this guy? This is... uh... Abom," Dismas said. "He might look scary but he seems like a nice guy."

Abom, the abomination, grunted at that.

"By the way..." Dismas was happy the nickname seemed to stick. That made it easier to call out to the guy or speak to him directly. "What's up with those chains anyway? Who put you in chains...?"

"These are..." Abom's voice was low and quiet, almost sounding pained at that moment. "My own design. It's to protect myself. And protect others from me."

Cata didn't have anything to say to that. He just gave a low whistle. It was certainly a unique remark.

"Heh. Are you tellin' me you went and chained yourself up?" Dismas looked at him in a shocking manner. "Now I'm sure I've seen everything in this screwed up world."

Abom was thinking of simpler times. He thought about his life before the world had become so screwed up. Yeah, that would have been much nicer. If things could have remained that way forever, he would have been happy. He missed his freedom. He missed being normal.
~* Now I only see your dull imposter ~*
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06/29/18 4:28:05 PM

But most of all, he missed his Mona.

Then, he was looking ahead. Perhaps it was because Dismas was the first person who had tried to get him to open up, but he was starting to feel more comfortable talking to others now. "It looks like we're here," Abom noted.

"Alright, lackeys, just hang back for a moment. This kind of place always has some kind of ghoul or fiend lurking inside," Dismas noted. He began to creep away to scout ahead, when he was suddenly stopped by an objection.

"... Did you just call me a lackey?" Cata asked him. "You know I am the third son of a noble-"

"Yeah, yeah, nobody gives a shit," Dismas replied. "Maybe if you were the actual heir I'd wipe my ass before talking to you. Otherwise, shut the hell up and do as you're told." He didn't wait for a response to that. He simply went slinking off into the darkness by himself.

Abom looked at Cata and just shrugged, his chains making a heavy noise for emphasis.

Cata didn't even look angry. He was only staring on in disbelief. His life had been very ambivalent up until now. Being born into a noble family meant there were certain expectations of him, and the way he was treated by the world. But... what Dismas said was true as well. Everyone knew his older brothers and their children would become the next heir of Spade long before he got anywhere near the lord's seat.

Perhaps it was because of those expectations and understanding that he had turned into such a two sided person. He acted and dressed and behaved in a more wild manner, wearing his hair long, not bothering to shave his beard... he practiced swordplay instead of diplomacy. But the truth was that in moments like this he would still go with his natural instincts that made him believe he was in charge.

The fact that Dismas completely blew those expectations away without a second thought was stunning.

"This is what it's like to commune with the lowest level of filth, I suppose," Cata observed.

"Welcome to the gutter," Abom replied. And for the first time, he was actually smiling.

Dismas appeared between the two. The bushes to the side of the path rustled ever so slightly as he emerged from them. He gave a slight wave, placing his fingers against his forehead and then pushing them forward. "Alright, it's as I expected. One of those monsters is resting inside."

"Is it asleep?" Cata asked.

Dismas shrugged. "Couldn't tell, really, but we should assume it's gonna fight back." He glanced sideways at Abom. "I don't suppose I could count on you to start wailing on it with those chains again?"

"I'll do what I must, but..." Abom looked hesitant.

"I get it, I get it." Dismas sighed. "So you're more the type who won't act until your life is in danger, huh."

Cata Spade drew his sabre. This was his moment. If he could win the respect of someone like Dismas, who didn't give a damn about his family name, it would be with this. The slightly curved blade shined against the midday's light. "If you need someone to work from the front, I can do it."

"Now that's the enthusiasm I like to see," Dismas said. He clapped softly for a moment. "Alright, but if you're going with a weapon like that why don't you try to get close and aim for the neck right away? If we can end it in a single stroke that's even better."

"You don't have to tell me twice," Cata replied. He was wearing light armor after all, and a heavy cloak to hide the reflection of the metal bits. It wasn't the most stealthy set of gear in the lands, but he was capable of sneaking up on something if he needed to... or at least making a good attempt at it. "You better have that bolt loaded."

"I'll be right behind you, Cata," Dismas assured him.
~* Now I only see your dull imposter ~*
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06/29/18 4:28:31 PM

The two went off ahead, leaving Abom trailing behind them. Abom seemed like he wanted to be ready to jump in if he was needed. Though, at the same time, he didn't want to throw his life away needlessly. If he died here... he'd never...

While Abom's mind was wandering, Cata's mind was razor sharp and focused on the space in front of him. He had gotten inside of the cabin without making a sound. Thankfully, the door was slightly ajar already, and the thing had rotted to pieces in the last few months. The floorboards were soft and didn't creak as he walked. The enemy before him was in a curled up position but it was hard to tell what was truly going on here.

Were those eyes open? They looked like it. But maybe that soft film over them meant it was sleeping. Which way was it looking? Was it looking at him? Somehow it felt like it was. And that position could mean it was ready to pounce rather than ready to fall asleep. Too much about this was uncertain, and it filled him with a sort of existential dread.

Yet, he knew, if he screamed and let his fear get the better of him, if he turned and ran, he'd be cut down from behind. The only way to advance was forward. Before long, his forward foot was practically beneath the enemy. His blade was pointed down and ready to strike. All that was left... he glanced over his shoulder, checking to make sure that Dismas was still behind him. Ready to support him if things went wrong.

Unfortunately for Cata Spade, that lack of trust meant that things had already gone wrong.

The moment he turned back, the moment he looked away, the creature blinked. And in that instant it stirred from its state of rest. It reacted to the shadow standing over it. Its fingers shot out, wrapping around Cata's leg, crushing the bone as long nails dug into his flesh and sent ribbons of blood firing out across the floor.

Even as his feet were pulled out from under him, Cata let out a cry - half of pain and half of warning to the others - while his sabre shot downward in a stabbing motion. He'd finish that stroke no matter what!

Since the monster had moved, the point of the blade struck it in the shoulder rather than the neck. It pierced so deeply, however, that it ended up skewering the monster through to the torso. This meant that his weapon was stuck, and Cata was forced to grip the handle in both hands, but it mattered very little anyway.

Cata's legs were pulled out from under him anyway. And as the creature rose up to its feet, it also pushed him to the ground and slammed his back against the soft wood. "Kyaaaaaa----" It let out an eerie cry as its eyes turned toward the door. They were glowing fiercely.


A crossbow bolt slammed into the side of its head, snapping its face back and away with the force of the shot. It lost its grip on Cata in that moment. White light flashed out from its eyes. It had been intending to burn the person standing in the doorway, but that wasn't meant to be.

A streak of heat and pressure cut through the archway above the door and ripped a hole through the ceiling.

Then, the monster spun once, and fell over... dead.

"Two kills, heh." Dismas walked into the room. "I'm not doing bad for myself."

He checked the perimeter quickly before going to where Cata was and trying to help him. Both of them were forced to ignore the stinking fish corpse in the room. Now it was time to search this place for valuables. Abom stood quietly by the door, watching his newfound companions. A part of him was glad at they were okay. It was a part of himself he had killed long ago. The part that was capable of caring about others.
~* Now I only see your dull imposter ~*
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06/29/18 4:29:17 PM

"Why now... of all times..." Abom muttered to himself.

He knew it would only lead to terrible things if he made friends again.


As the shimmering veil fell, Punch found himself disconnected from the others. He could still see his surroundings but somehow it felt like his mind and his body had been separated. And, truthfully, the only thing his eyes could really focus on were the eyes of the giant bug that were staring back at him.

"How fascinating," a voice spoke inside of his mind. "I didn't think I'd come across someone who could understand me so well. We are... so... compatible..." It had a strange sort of way of speaking that almost made it seem like the words weren't real. If he had to describe the voice; High or deep? Male or female? Old or young? He couldn't give it any discernible properties.

It was creeping him the hell out. "Who are you?" Punch asked. "What do you want?" His speech was slurred but he assumed it could understand him.

"Relax, my friend. I am only looking to become your ally... and help you through these dark times, in this dark place. You are a man of the sea. I'm sure you understand-"

"How do you know that about me?" Punch asked, suspiciously.

"I've already looked into your mind and your heart," the voice confided in him. The eye of the insect blinked, and then after a moment it began speaking again. "Someone like you has already seen what lurks far below, in the deepest parts of the world. You know a truth that most men couldn't ever hope to see."

Punch tried to look for the kid, to check and make sure he was okay.

"Fear not, I haven't harmed your ward," the bug told him.

Punch shook his head. "Stop doing that, damn it."

"Does it bother you? To have someone know you so intimately... to be close to someone?" The moth went on to ask him. "You seem like the type of person who can inspire and lead others. You developed a kinship with your crew, your mates, and... and yet... as I look at it, I feel a bit sad. It seems you never felt like there was one person who was special, or anyone that you felt very close to."

"Just tell me what you want with me," Punch spat back. "And stop doing creepy stuff like reading my mind."

"I'll answer your question, of course. As well as many others... if you'd like to know," is what the creature told him. "The important thing to understand now is that you're in danger. I wanted to offer you my power, as a way to shield yourself against the coming threats."

"I've always relied on the power of my own fists," Punch replied.

"And what will you do the next time someone tries to reach your mind directly?" The moth asked him seriously. "What if it's someone else, someone who wishes to harm you? I might be your friend, but there are others who would quickly melt your brain before you get the chance to ever reach them with that fist."

Punch looked down at his hand and saw that it was closed into a fist. And for the first time, his hand felt weak and useless. No, this wasn't the first time. Would things have been different against the Sirens if his mind had been more prepared to defend against their sick magic...?

Perhaps this wasn't as strange of an idea as it seemed. Perhaps this was the way to move forward.
~* Now I only see your dull imposter ~*
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06/29/18 4:29:38 PM

If he wanted to become a greater captain, and a greater man than he was before... he couldn't keep doing things the same way forever. But, before that, he had to look after the ones around him. The boy needed to be kept safe. And, he hated to say it, but it had been his charge to protect the wimp as well. He wasn't going to let either of them come to harm. "What kind of power can you give me? Will I be able to keep them safe?"

"Don't you realize... I've already given it to you...?" The moth asked him.

"Punch! Oy, Punch! Holy shit, are you alright?!" Tristan was screaming in his face.

At that moment, Punch realized he was laying on his back. He hadn't been standing this whole time. The great moth was standing over him... one of its long antenna had protruded downward and was stuck inside of his skull. It had punctured his head and even reached his brain. He could feel it throbbing inside of his head.

His eyes felt weak, like he was still asleep, and he didn't even have the strength to scream. His hand went up, grabbing Tristan's wrist. "No... it's..." It's okay? Was he going to say that? But what if it wasn't?

If that dream had been the truth that meant this moth was his ally. But if it was all a lie then it had simply already defeated him by draining his strength. The reality was this -- one way or the other, there was nothing Punch could do about it now.

Then, at that moment, he heard its voice in his mind again. "If you want to keep them safe, then now is the time to stand up and fight."

There was a rush of air as the Moth flapped its wings. And then the giant creature flew off into the sky, taking the shimmering dome of air and light with it as it exited the scene. Punch could do nothing but lay on his back and bring his hand to his head, trying to stop the flow of blood.

Only... then... he realized that his head wasn't bleeding at all. It had somehow gone in and out of his brain without injuring him. Both him and Tristan looked after the moth, glittering orbs of light trailing behind its wings, as it flew off majestically into the night.

Then there was a bright flash of light as Owen took a picture.

"Magnificent!" The wimp cried out. "I've never seen such a thing in my life."

Punch rolled onto his side, pushed himself up with his arm, and tried to get a sense of his balance. Actually, he felt even more balanced than before. Without much effort at all he got back up to one knee. He had felt heavy just moments ago, but now he felt strong. Mentally strong. Tougher than he had ever been before in his life... and it had nothing to do with the power in his arms.

He glanced over at Owen and saw that flash of light from his camera had unfortunately woken up other things.

Glowing eyes were flashing back from the edge of the woods.

And then a line of rotted corpses emerged from that direction. Some of them had the meat picked off of their bones in certain places already. As if the monsters here had been feeding on them until they died. And yet something, perhaps some strange bacteria or virus, had infected those bodies and turned them into post-human fiends.

"Owen, behind you," Punch called out. "Get over here quickly!"

Owen turned just in time to see a line of horrors scrambling toward him from out of the forest. He ran back, going to where Punch was, and taking a spot beside Tristan. The enemies were not as slow as one might hope for corpses, but the uneven soil and rotted vegetation slowed them down more than it did for Owen. They seemed to have less of a sense of where they were going.

And by the time they reached the three, Punch and Tristan were ready.
~* Now I only see your dull imposter ~*
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06/29/18 4:30:57 PM

Tristan jumped forward immediately, without hesitation. It was almost heartwarming to see the kid face a situation like this with courage and more than a bit of skill. He had brought his quarterstaff with him and slung it back and forth, up and down, using it to the full advantage. With that weapon he had immense reach and speed. He could stop the infected corpses from ever reaching him.

The enemies were battered to pieces with each strike, allowing Tristan to move forward another step, and with that he pressed his advantage even more. He covered more ground, defended his territory more effectively. He was quick and skilled with the weapon and this allowed him to strike at vital points. Where the flesh had already been stripped away he would smash the bone with a quick swiping motion -- and his staff would shatter the enemy on impact and send them tumbling to the ground.

And if that corpses didn't stay down, if it kept moving, and overhanded swing would bring down the full force of the pole on it... smashing the remainder of the foe like a melon.

Punch, meanwhile, was more like a primal force. There was no sense of finesse behind his actions. Nor did he seem to care about keeping the enemies at range. He thundered forward like a mad brawler, ignoring the disgusting horror of the shambling corpses, and focusing on pulling them apart like he would any other enemy.

His fist didn't have the reach of the quarter staff but his arms had far more power behind them. He sent the head of an enemy cleanly flying off of its shoulders with a single hook. Then a jab sent the next one tumbling to the ground. He stomped hard, crushing it beneath his feet, even as he jumped forward and smashed the next enemy with an overhanded strike.

And just when it seemed they were on the verge of victory, then came the turn.

"GG--kkk--- AHHHH!" Owen let out a harrowing cry. And he wasn't the only one.

Tristan began to convulse, foaming at the mouth. He dropped his weapon in an instant and fell onto his back. His limbs were curled up while one of his legs kicked and flailed. But as he turned and tossed and struggled, the reality is that he was being assailed by a foe... by a force... that he could never hope to match.

Punch looked straight ahead and saw the enemy commander.

The enemy had pale skin and a fat body, with some kind of cluster of mushroom heads on the top of its body. And coming from within there was some kind of pulse of psionic energy. Punch wasn't sure why he could see it, or why he knew what that was... but he was sure of it.

At that time he seemed to be looking at the world from behind his own eyes. He could see a line drawn through them. Saw his own killing intent manifested in that line. Yes, this was the general. Those bodies weren't being controlled by some kind of virus or bacteria. This monster had been the one animating them and giving them life.

It had sent them forward as an initial wave to weaken Punch and the others, but its real goal was to then attack them and take control of their bodies. So then, if Punch couldn't win here, all three of them would become corpses. They'd be added to his collection.

He felt a pain in his forehead as his own antennae sprouted.

Getting killed, dying here, letting the others be killed... he wouldn't let that happen.

His newfound antennae twitched in response to the movement of the enemy. At that time there was some kind of signal being sent out from the head of the mushoom colony. But he answered it with his own psionic pulse. That was something no normal human could see happening. The other two here probably didn't understand what was going on.
~* Now I only see your dull imposter ~*
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06/29/18 4:31:48 PM

Even as Tristan was clawing at his own throat and gasping for air he must have been locked in some kind of horrific hellscape. Without Punch here to protect him, the kid would have died without ever knowing what was going on.

The two signals cancelled each other out, causing the air between the two to distort. There was an odd ringing and Punch felt a similar sensation inside of his mind as before... only this time his ears didn't start bleeding. And he didn't faint. And he realized that his new powers, the powers the moth had given him, were protecting him!

Some kind of symbiote had been added to his brain and it was giving him the power to fight back.

Tristan and Owen were still twitching and struggling... and that scared him a little bit inside. It could be possible to share his power with them and keep them safe? Or maybe it was better to save this power for himself... but he still didn't know if the moth could be trusted. It might be best to try and get rid of this symbiote before something bad happened.

His eyebrow twitched. There was pain, and some kind of struggle was happening, but he seemed to be fighting evenly with the enemy for now. All he could do was push forward and hope for an answer.


3. What should Punch do with his power?
A. Share it with Tristan and Owen.
B. Keep it for himself.
C. Try to get rid of it.
~* Now I only see your dull imposter ~*
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06/29/18 4:33:38 PM

C. Cant Trust these dark powers.
Board 8's Voice of Reason
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06/29/18 4:41:19 PM

Trust the Moth! He's a bro! Also try and help his friends.

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06/29/18 4:43:30 PM

A. I feel like dealing with something that can directly screw with your brain puts you in a position where trust is the only option. If it wasn't trustworthy, it could just make you trust it.
JeffRaze, for all your random spellcasting needs
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06/29/18 4:44:52 PM

My thesaurus arrived yesterday, but when I opened it it was blank inside. I have no words to describe how angry I am.
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06/29/18 4:50:46 PM


Who is to say the others will even be compatible with the symbiote? Just zerg rush, punch the spook good, and don't dilute its effectiveness I say! Take down the boss and the rest follow
XBL GT: Demon Ninja X2
"There comes a time in every man's or woman's life where they have to make **** up to cover their ass." - Hazama
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06/29/18 4:53:37 PM

If the moth had wanted Punch dead, he wouldn't have bothered with giving Punch these powers (unless this is some of kind of long-term plan, but then we're probably screwed either way). Plus I don't really see a way to win this fight without them. So the real question is whether to try to help the other guys or not. I'm not sure sharing the powers is a good idea, though; if that would have worked, wouldn't the moth have given it to all of them in the first place? So...

Congrats to 2017 Guru champ BKSheikah!
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06/29/18 4:54:26 PM

A. Bugs do well in hives.
The Unofficial Iron Castle That Smashes Through Mountains of every board in the multiverse. People who got it:5
The Official Tlaloc of the SMT IV board.
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06/29/18 4:58:54 PM

for what it's worth, I will never include options that are impossible.

so if everyone votes for B I'm not gonna be like 'well too bad he can't share his powers.'

assume the moth gave him the knowledge and ability to spread the symbiotes to others. although this may cause you to question why it gave him that ability... that's a different question entirely than asking whether or not it'd work.
~* Now I only see your dull imposter ~*
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06/29/18 5:18:05 PM

Definitely B. If its nefarious, best to keep it contained in the person who is already acclimated to it.

I am concerned that this is going to eventually cause Punch to metamorph into another version of the moth, but thats a problem for later. Doesnt matter if they all die here.
E come vivo? Vivo!
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06/29/18 5:19:49 PM

votes B
Congratulations to BKSheikah, winner of the BYIG Guru Contest
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06/29/18 6:13:20 PM


Its crazy and I wasnt sure about the moth at first (honestly Im still not) but if they are gong to love through this maybe they need some of whatever the moth gave him. Jeff is right tho; at this point trust may be the only option.

Even though it IS a bug.

Also I love the Dismas/Cata/Abom team up. All the joys of a buddy road trip movie, the taunts, the drama, the ultimate friendship?! I definitely want more of that <3

And yes Im aware its possible the bug is going to just harvest everyone who the parasite spreads to or something but living through this is always an amazing impossibility in a Maria Taylor adventure anyway, gotta grab what you can get for now. :3
Dokkan Battle ID:3175154559
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06/29/18 6:31:24 PM

I am not dissappointed with Cata for he is not dead right off the bat

Edit: Then again, he'll die right before the end just like every other Cata
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06/29/18 6:39:24 PM

He shouldnt have teamed with Dismas if he wanted to die.
Board 8's Voice of Reason
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06/29/18 6:42:47 PM

MariaTaylor posted...
for what it's worth, I will never include options that are impossible.

so if everyone votes for B I'm not gonna be like 'well too bad he can't share his powers.'

assume the moth gave him the knowledge and ability to spread the symbiotes to others. although this may cause you to question why it gave him that ability... that's a different question entirely than asking whether or not it'd work.

Yeah, possible possession by a Mothra's morally ambiguous cousin and becoming Utahime's are a thing. On the other hand we have mushroom zombies.
The Unofficial Iron Castle That Smashes Through Mountains of every board in the multiverse. People who got it:5
The Official Tlaloc of the SMT IV board.
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06/29/18 6:46:55 PM


kill the general.

If he loses the powers mid fight he is screwed.
--- ~Drak
"Hope is allowed to be stupid, unwise, and naive." ~Sir Chris
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06/29/18 7:03:35 PM

FakeAccount3000 posted...
Also I love the Dismas/Cata/Abom team up. All the joys of a buddy road trip movie, the taunts, the drama, the ultimate friendship?! I definitely want more of that <3

yeah I've had too much fun writing Dismas so far...
~* Now I only see your dull imposter ~*
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06/29/18 7:07:12 PM

Thought there was a Cata who won (though I may just be thinking of a Spade character in general and not necessarily Cata)
XBL GT: Demon Ninja X2
"There comes a time in every man's or woman's life where they have to make **** up to cover their ass." - Hazama
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Mega Mana
06/29/18 7:10:50 PM


Not really certain on any of the options. I think C can wait if necessary, and A & B both have their ups and downs.
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
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06/29/18 7:14:23 PM


Who knows what the long term consequences of such a power is, there has to be some catch. It's better to keep it contained within one person for now until we know more about it.
"And the Lord said unto John, come forth and receive eternal life, but John came fifth and won a toaster"
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06/29/18 7:23:14 PM

Ignael Gades (1 Disarm) - jeffraze
Torin Gemmason - Mana
Maria Taylor - nfun
Goetic - lefty

Old Inn
Gunslinger Kidd (1 Assist) - drak
Jamison, Investigator - maniac
Lancer Aaron (1 Kill) - FB
Fakeru, Lucky Girl - fake
Jen Lowell (1 Kill) - pk2k

Captain Punch (3 Kills) - xey
Tristan (4 Kills) - oracle
Owen the Coward- stan

Dismas the Guilty (2 Kills) - eddv
Chained Prisoner (1 Assist) - decider
Cata Spade (1 Assist) - cata

Matsuda, Gambler (1 Assist) - trdl
Seth, Golden Agent (1 Assist) - reg
Leone the Cat (1 Assist) - cpu
Beastkin Zephyr (1 Assist) - ermine

1. Follow the Leader...
(1111111111) A. Torin

2. Who will Kidd save...
(11111111) A. Jamison and Fah
(1111111) B. Jen
(111) C. Himself

3. Psychic Bug Powers...
(111111) A. Share it.
(111111) B. Keep it for myself.
(1) C. Get rid of it!

Once again the group seems heavily split on options A/B, while outright rejecting option C. This time ed couldn't even convince one person to side with him.
~* Now I only see your dull imposter ~*
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06/29/18 7:28:58 PM

The Cata that won was dead at the end, his plan succeded though (if it's the one i'm thinking of), pk
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06/29/18 7:36:25 PM

One youll all C the errors of your ways.
Board 8's Voice of Reason
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06/29/18 7:43:22 PM

Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination.
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06/29/18 8:01:33 PM


If we need to split up the party in future, we'll want to have a psychic on each team.
another place and time, without a great divide, and we could be flying deadly high
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06/29/18 8:12:40 PM

Yeah...I really don't trust this moth at all but honestly we need the power it provides.But hey, if we keep it in one person at least that only leaves the possibility of just that person becoming possessed/mutated and fighting the rest of the party

Not sure what to put for a sig...
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06/29/18 8:29:14 PM

Is it too late to sign up?
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06/29/18 8:31:36 PM

I'm inclined to trust the moth because, if it wanted, it probably could've just killed Punch/Tristan/Owen on the spot. Punch was incapacitated, Owen isn't much, I don't think Tristan could 1v1 the moth.

Alternately the power is bad news BUT not as bad as the mushroom dudes trying to possess us right now.
another place and time, without a great divide, and we could be flying deadly high
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06/29/18 8:37:21 PM

Drakeryn posted...
I'm inclined to trust the moth because, if it wanted, it probably could've just killed Punch/Tristan/Owen on the spot. Punch was incapacitated, Owen isn't much, I don't think Tristan could 1v1 the moth.

Alternately the power is bad news BUT not as bad as the mushroom dudes trying to possess us right now.

If it's a parasite like some people are saying then it'd want Punchy to be alive and cooperative
Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination.
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06/29/18 9:20:07 PM


actually I think I know why - the moth is only compatible with Punch (and it's rare for it to be that compatible with a human). but Punch is compatible with Owen/Tristan/other humans. Punch is the only way it can spread.

BUT I think we gotta prioritize short-term survival in the short term. if anything happens to Punch, we don't want to be screwed against any future mushroom guys.

keeping my vote
another place and time, without a great divide, and we could be flying deadly high
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06/29/18 10:55:35 PM

hfmisij posted...
Is it too late to sign up?

You may be the last sign up, if you wish. Don't bother picking a location, however. I'll need to work you into the story another way.
~* Now I only see your dull imposter ~*
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06/29/18 11:39:28 PM


I decided it would be fun to let you guys place the treasure from the first phase, so here we are. The treasure items from this list will be assigned to each location one at a time. Each item will end up in a different location. So each of the five items will populate all five locations with treasure.

All it takes is for ONE PERSON from a specific location to assign a piece of treasure. Once that has been done, no one else from that location may assign a treasure.

The treasure items all have roughly the same value.
The treasure items all have different properties.
The treasure item chosen LAST will have its value increased slightly.
However, this should not offset the value of getting the item that you would take as your first choice.
So basically intentionally waiting to pick last is not the best strategy, but the downside of being forced to pick last is somewhat mitigated by the added value.

Here are the Treasure Items in question:
1. Treasure Sack (Few Items of Medium Impact)
2. Treasure Chest (Few Items of Medium Impact)
3. Treasure Trove (Many Items of Low Impact)
4. Mysterious Card (Unknown Value or Purpose)
5. Mysterious Books (Increase the Knowledge of Players)

So, for an example of what a treasure placement post would look like:

Rudy will place the Treasure Trove in the Pantry.

Lastly, there is one additional action which can be taken during this phase... or at any time later. Any player holding a shovel may "Activate" their shovel with an Activate My Shovel post. This will stock their current location with an extra piece of treasure and give them extra rewards during the next treasure phase. Keep in mind that Dismas may do this now, but he can also wait to do it later if he wishes to save the Shovel. If you keep the shovel for -too- long you will increase the odds of being forced to use it in combat and breaking it, which results in no treasure.

Happy (treasure) hunting!

Oh, and if you somehow forgot and need a list, here are the five locations:
1. Smithy
2. Old Inn
3. Farmlands
4. Woodcutter
5. Clinic

Since I won't be writing a chapter tomorrow, you guys will have plenty of time to make your treasure placements.
~* Now I only see your dull imposter ~*
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