Current Events > Your worst nightmare?

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09/17/18 7:54:37 AM

I've have quite a few dreams where my top front teeth have become so loose that they can fall off even at the slightest touch. And that im constantly pushing them back up with my tongue or by biting down.

Its scarier than any other bad dreams I've had. Being chased? Being hunted? Ghosts? Those are nothing compared to a detatched tooth thats still in your gums but you dont want it to fall out.

Whats yours?
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09/17/18 7:57:58 AM

I keep having relapse dreams.

Like, not even "getting drunk" dreams, just having to deal with the fallout.

It really fucks up my mornings.
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09/17/18 7:59:16 AM

I love nightmares.

I have a scene that I still remember that I enjoyed.

I'm in some cellar setting, a maze of corridors, the walls, floors and ceiling are very light gray concrete, there are white thick metal doors with visible bolts on the edges of the door scattered around in the corridor walls, flickering florescent lights on corners of the ceiling and walls.

I have someone with me, a 9 year old girl. She is very afraid, so am I. We are running in the corridors, lost, sometimes we pass intersections where you have 4 ways to choose from, some of the corridors have no light, we don't go to the darkness.

We pass a T intersection, we look to the corridor to the right, and see something, some kind of humanoid creature, it turned it's head quick, and saw us. We started running. I felt being chased.

We found a stairwell going down, same grayish concrete. I told the girl to wait, I'll check if we are safe.

I went and checked, but there was nothing. As I returned, the girl was gone, and suddenly a creature went on top of me, I started beating it with my fists, got hold of it's shoulders and mashed the head into mush. And then I realized I had killed that little girl.

It freaked me out, I started crying, panicked. I ran, I felt chased, I ended up in one of those dark corridors, I felt around and noticed it was a dead end.

I heard them surrounding me, felt the breath on my face, as I was feeling the claws dig deep on my chest I woke up.

I can't believe how vivid it was, I still remember so many details.
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09/17/18 8:02:52 AM

I have had recurring nightmares several times a year since I was young, although they've slowed down nowadays.

They involve some sort of ghostly malicious presence in the room that starts pulling me towards it, usually while whispering in tongues in a deep voice.

I was also a C-section baby who had attachment issues with my mother when growing up. I think this inherent nightmare theme is related to that, like being pulled from the comfort of my mother's womb by a doctor at the wrong time or something.
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09/17/18 8:05:00 AM

But my worst nightmare was this:

I have a big family, 4 older sisters and lots of kids I'm uncle to. So in the house where we most live in (well I don't there anymore), one of my family went missing. We called the police and stuff. Then another one went missing and we started to get really scared. We started to suspect there was someone out there taking ppl from our family. More of my family started missing, we started to panic.

In the end, there was barely any family left. And I was crying, being devastated. Then like an M Night Shyamalan twist I found out they were all killed, chopped up and thrown in the furnace in the basement, and I was the murderer.

I woke up crying with a panic. I didn't know what was real ot dream. I was so scared, so scared of myself...I could not fall asleep that night.
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09/17/18 8:09:11 AM


Your nightmare is a typical horror nightmare though.

I was expecting people to have similar dreams that mean something.

Like my other worst nightmare is receiving a time table for my a-levels maths exam schedule. By then its too late to revise and I've not done any revision. Its almost like a memory. A massive 'im fucked' moment.

I've long finished school, I dont think about it at all but these dreams must dig through my most traumatising moments in life.

Ahh just read your second post. That one seems like it has more of a meaning. And more disturbung to read too.
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09/17/18 8:10:33 AM

Cobra1010 posted...
I've have quite a few dreams where my top front teeth have become so loose that they can fall off even at the slightest touch. And that im constantly pushing them back up with my tongue or by biting down.

Those are nothing compared to a detatched tooth thats still in your gums but you dont want it to fall out.

That sounds too familiar. <.<

I chipped my front teeth in half like 10 years ago. Fixed them and you can't even tell the difference.
I sometimes have a nightmare where my teeth start hurting so much and eventually just explode.
Not in a bomb explosion kind of way, but they disintegrate.
Which is also weird, because other than that accident, I never had a single spot on any of my teeth.

Other nigtmares would include me getting in a fight with someone, keep hitting them and they laugh at me because my punches do no damage. <.<
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l Dudeboy l
09/17/18 8:20:49 AM

When I was young, I used to have nightmares a lot. Eventually I learned how to tell when I was having a nightmare and wake myself up.

My worst nightmare was when this was used against me. I kept having false awakenings and thinking things were back to normal, until I noticed some details were wrong and that I was still asleep. Whenever I realised I was still dreaming I would also heard weird music. It's hard to describe, but the basic gist was it was like someone was banging a bunch of really poor quality drums. This kept happening until after one of the "awakenings" I was stuck in bed face down, and felt like something was looming over me.

The next thing I knew, I was walking upstairs, unable to control my body and with a knife in my hand. I walked in to my parent's bedroom where my dad was asleep. Then, as I thrusted the knife towards my dad's eye, my vision zoomed in on his eye as it opened and I heard his blood curdling scream.

Finally, I woke up for real and back in reality. My bed was completely drenched in sweat and I couldn't go back to sleep. This all happened many years ago, and nothing remotely like it has happened since, but I'll never forget it because it was both horrifying and I had never felt trapped and powerless like that before.
You are now breathing manually.
Lets put a little lead in the air, and see what falls over.
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09/17/18 8:37:48 AM

Something involving pitch black, long caves and being totally lost.
GT unpleasant milk
#I want a poacher skin rug ~
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09/17/18 8:50:15 AM

The missing teeth and still in college class/exams are recurring nightmares I have too. College was probably the most stressful time in my life.

I only occasionally have the chased by horror movie icons dreams.
Hey kiddies
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09/17/18 9:10:46 AM

There are aliens trying to get in through my bedroom window. They come running in from the dark of the tall grass in the field and I close the window just in time. They seem to have a rule about not breaking the window to get in, though I'm always drawn to pull the curtains back, at which point they paralyze me with their eyes. I've had this nightmare literally hundreds of times and it still scares the fuck out of me.
Do unto others what your parents did to you.
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