Current Events > USA students have been outsourcing Homework Assignments to 'Shithole' Countries

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Barenziah Boy Toy
09/10/19 5:58:58 PM

So it turns out that students from shithole countries have been propping up dumb-ass shitty Americans .

Cheating, Inc.: How Writing Papers for American College Students Has Become a Lucrative Profession Overseas

The essay-for-hire industry has expanded significantly in developing countries with many English speakers, fast internet connections and more college graduates than jobs, especially Kenya, India and Ukraine. A Facebook group for academic writers in Kenya has over 50,000 members.

After a month of training, Ms. Mbugua began producing essays about everything from whether humans should colonize space (it is not worth the struggle, she wrote) to euthanasia (it amounts to taking the place of God, she wrote). During her best month, she earned $320, more money than she had ever made in her life. The New York Times is identifying Ms. Mbugua by only part of her name because she feared that the attention would prevent her from getting future work.

It is not clear how widely sites for paid-to-order essays, known as contract cheating in higher education circles, are used. A 2005 study of students in North America found that 7 percent of undergraduates admitted to turning in papers written by someone else, while 3 percent admitted to obtaining essays from essay mills. Cath Ellis, a leading researcher on the topic, said millions of essays are ordered online every year worldwide.

When such websites first emerged over a decade ago, they featured veiled references to tutoring and editing services, said Dr. Bertram Gallant, who also is a board member of the International Center for Academic Integrity, which has worked to highlight the danger of contract cheating. Now the sites are blatant.

You can relax knowing that our reliable, expert writers will produce you a top quality and 100% plagiarism free essay that is written just for you, while you take care of the more interesting aspects of student life, reads the pitch from Academized, which charges about $15 a page for a college freshmans essay due in two weeks and $42 a page for an essay due in three hours. No matter what kind of academic paper you need, it is simple and secure to hire an essay writer for a price you can afford, promises Save more time for yourself.

In Kenya, a country with a per capita annual income of about $1,700, successful writers can earn as much as $2,000 a month, according to Roynorris Ndiritu, who said he has thrived while writing academic essays for others.

Roynorris Ndiritu, 28, who asked that only part of his name be used because he feared retribution from others in the industry in Kenya, graduated with a degree in civil engineering and still calls that his passion. But after years of applying unsuccessfully for jobs, he said, he began writing for others full time. He has earned enough to buy a car and a piece of land, he said, but it has left him jaded about the promises he heard when he was young about the opportunities that would come from studying hard in college. You can even get the highest level of education, and still, you might not get that job, he said.

But Ms. Mbugua said she loved learning, and sometimes wished that she were the one enrolled in the American universities she was writing papers for. Once, when she was asked to write an admissions essay for a student in China who was applying to the Eli Broad College of Business at Michigan State University, she said she dreamed of what it would be like to go there herself.

People say the education system in the U.S., U.K. and other countries is on a top notch, she said. I wouldnt say those students are better than us, she said, later adding, We have studied. We have done the assignments.

You don't need a treaty to have free trade. M Rothbard
{Self-Hating Token Asian of the Ivory Tower's Zionist Elite}
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