Board 8 > Anagram ranks anything Star Trek-related with a short writeup (spoilers)

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09/30/20 1:23:47 PM

The United Federation of Planets

It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
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09/30/20 1:35:36 PM

The beta quadrant.
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09/30/20 1:47:53 PM

Red alerts

This is quite a username I have here.
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09/30/20 2:16:38 PM

Dilithium crystals

Besides, marijuana is far more harmful than steroids. - BlitzBomb
I headbang to Bruckner.
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09/30/20 3:46:35 PM

Jeffries Tubes

(|| ' ' ||) "Your First Thought" - A (sometimes) Daily Topic Series 'Bout Thinkin':
. /|_|\ [azuarc]
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09/30/20 4:18:46 PM

I saw Nemesis in theatres and I remember unironically asking my dad if he thought that was the best Star Trek movie, cause I sure thought it was. It was awesome.

He non committedly was like "Oh yeah buddy this was definitely a fun time"

To be so young.....

The batman villians all seem to be one big joke that batman refuses to laugh at - SantaRPG
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09/30/20 5:44:55 PM

CoolCly posted...
I saw Nemesis in theatres and I remember unironically asking my dad if he thought that was the best Star Trek movie, cause I sure thought it was. It was awesome.

He non committedly was like "Oh yeah buddy this was definitely a fun time"

To be so young.....
I saw it in theaters with my dad, too, but I remember nothing.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/30/20 6:02:15 PM

Benjamin Sisko
AKA what hipsters bring up in Kirk vs Picard debates. Can I just take a moment to point out how crazy it is that there's still no third captain on Kirk or Picard's level? I mean, I'm just assuming Captain Freeman in LD won't quite measure up, but I think everyone will agree with me there.

Sisko is actually a pretty complex guy. Watching him try to balance Federation responsibilities with "whoops, you're accidentally Jesus" is really fun and interesting. It's the only time Star Trek ever did vague magical powers right -- Q's powers are clearly not magical, but then you have Force Mushrooms in Discovery, alternate dimensions having real magic in TAS, and so on. It also helps that Sisko has a pretty definite connection to his entire crew. I love Kirk and Picard, but again, tell me what Kirk thinks of Sulu or Uhura beyond "they're professionals." Tell me what Picard thinks of Geordi beyond "I can rely on him in a crisis." Archer is the same, although in his case it's because most of his crew barely has a personality. Only Janeway really matches Sisko in this, which is strange. Points to VOY, I guess.

I once read one of the writers describe Sisko as a "builder" in contrast to Kirk's cowboy or Picard's diplomat. I can see that, but I really think of him more as the warrior captain. He's the guy who tried every peaceful solution to a crisis, then gave up and resorted to war -- but is still willing to use peaceful options when possible. He's reasonable, but in a different way than Kirk and Picard.

The United Federation of Planets
As a storytelling device, it provides our heroes with motive and infrastructure, and as an idea on its own, it's brilliant and simple: a space government that encompasses many planets of various races. Basically the Space UN crossed with Space America. This is so much cleverer than just having Earthlings explore the galaxy, which other shows have done, and it's less interesting than the Federation. My favorite aspect of the Federation, though, is when it's revealed to have a shady element that undoes all of its optimistic elements during Discovery, then it's destroyed by the Burn, an epic galaxy-wide destructive event, and Michael Burnham has to rebuild it in a plot they definitely didn't steal from Andromeda.

Beta Quadrant
AKA the other one. We know a lot about the Alpha, Gamma, and Delta Quadrants. But when it comes to the Beta Quadrant, all we know is that the Klingons and Romulans are along the border. I mean, presumably there are space empires beyond them, but who knows? I know that space is big, but I feel like we could still have a Beta Quadrant show.

Overall, it's the least interesting of the quadrants.

Red Alerts
I first watched Star Trek TOS when I was eighteen, and the moment that stands out the most to me is that episode that was directed by a 1960s Batman director, where the camera zooms in and out when the red alert sounds. I don't know why.

Red alerts are a good idea and a good way to get across the severity of trouble, but they weren't invented by Star Trek, so I'm hesitant to give them a lot of points.

Dilithium Crystals
AKA Spice, AKA space oil. And I say that as someone with no real problem with the concept. There just needed to be something generic for the various space empires to want, and something that fuels FTL travel is one of those things. This is despite the fact that the ships already use antimatter. I guess you can't just find antimatter laying around on a random planet, though.

Jeffries Tubes
A great idea. It's always fun to explore that innards of the ship. There's one episode of TNG where the ship breaks, and Riker and Data have to go crawling through the ship and we get to see all of the technical doodads inside of it, oh, it's just fantastic, I love that kind of stuff.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/30/20 6:03:50 PM

Make it So
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Captain Jean-luc Picard of the USS Enterprise
James Tiberius Kirk
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
All Good Things
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
The United Federation of Planets

The Beginning of Wisdom
Star Trek: The Original Series
Borg Cube
The Borg
USS Enterprise NCC-1701
D'deridex-class Warbird
The Mirror Universe
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Cardassia Prime
Prime Directive
The Neutral Zone
The Rules of Acquisition
TOS Films Uniforms
USS Defiant
Benjamin Sisko
Riker Chair Maneuver
Data & Picard
Vulcan Mind Meld
Gul Dukat
Khan Noonien Singh
The Doctor
First Contact (Concept)
Seven of Nine
The Dominion
Geordie's Epic Maneuver
Picard Song
Zapp Brannigan
The City on the Edge of Forever
Leonard McCoy (Prime)
William Riker

Assimilate This
Year of Hell
Course: Oblivion
Montgomery Scott
Seven Loses the Drone
First Contact (Film)
Data Learns Small Talk
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Galaxy Quest
Sins of the Father
First Contact (TNG)
Spock x Romulan Captain
The Orville
Homefront/Paradise Lost
Neural Parasites
Vulcan Nerve Pinch
Hee Haw - The Next Generation
Star Trek TOS/X-Men Crossover Comic
Leonard McCoy (Abramsverse)
DS9 s6e1-6
Jeffries Tubes
Paperless Future
Thomas Riker
Star Trek: The Q Continuum (novel)
Picard Memes
TNG Warp Core Sound
Starfleet Martial Arts
Janeway Killing Tuvix
Ballad of Bilbo Baggins
Kobayashi Maru
3D Space
Dilithium Crystals
The Riker Lean
Frequency of Uniform Changes in Starfleet
Chain of Command Torture Sequence
Kirk is a Jerk Shirt
Conundrum (TNG)
The Chase
Red Alerts
What You Leave Behind
That One Matte Painting
The Pegasus
Lower Decks (TNG episode)
The House of Quark
Where No Fan Has Gone Before
The Drumhead
Geordi/Data Bromance
Miles O'Brien
Medical Equipment
Spock vs Tuvok
A Guide to the Races of Star Trek
Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Bride of Chaotica!
Second Skin
Little Green Men
Children of Time
Ambassador-class Starship
Species 8472
Wolf in the Fold
3D Chess
Time Travel

Live Long and Prosper
Brunt, FCA
TNG Poker Games
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Star Trek Subtitle Abbreviations
Christopher Pike
Star Trek (2009)
Cultural Drinks
Leonard Nimoy
Q's Mariachi Band
Enterprise s3
Gul Damar
The Way McCoy says "Spock's Brain"
Escape Pods
The Daystrom Institute and the Vulcan Science Academy
Phaser Rifles
Ezri Dax
Everything Not Ruined by Discovery
Slingshot Maneuver
The Cage
Bashir/O'Brien Bromance
Tom Paris and Nicholas Locarno
Worf's Baldric
TOS Klingons
Johnathan Frakes Asks You Things
Face of the Enemy
Kira Nerys
The Maquis
RedLetterMedia's Picard Re:Views
Holodeck Episodes
Mike and Rich's Top 5 TNG episodes
Brent Spiner
TNG Title Sequence
The Picard Maneuver
Gene Roddenberry
Reginald Barclay
Delta Flyer
Raemes T. Quirk
Ketracel White
Starship Mine
Tea, Earl Grey, Hot
TOS Opening Credits
Captain Picard Day
Helena Cain
Carbon Creek
Sanctuary Districts
O'Brien Must Suffer
The Game (TNG)
USS Make It Up
This Topic
Mark Hamill and Patrick Stewart UberEats Ad
Beta Quadrant
Sarah Higley

Highly Illogical
Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War
Brannon Braga
Sisko's Personal Debt to the Prophets
Star Trek Cats
David Marcus
Cupid's Errant Arrow
Captain Proton Holonovels
TNG s1 and s2
Star Trek: The Video Game Ad
Julian Bashir
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Star Trek: The Animated Series
Temporal Edict (Lower Decks)
Thirty Days
Far Beyond the Stars
Tom Paris' Love for Classic Cars
Pon Farr
Enterprise's Opening Credits
STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association
Spock's Dick Tweet
Prune Juice
For the Uniform
Sisko's Beard
Jake Sisko
Hikaru Sulu
Pavel Chekov
Delta Quadrant
Deanna Troi
Vic Fontaine
Romulan-owned Borg Cubes
Cristobal Rios
Tasha Yar
Not!zi Aliens
The Rock's Appearance on Voyager
It's a Faaaaaaaaake!
Naomi Wildman
Nichelle Nichols
Valiant (DS9)
Nuking Florida
Picard's Captain's Jacket
Patrick Stewart on Extras
Sisko Punching Q
DS9/Babylon 5 Similarities
Saucer Separation
Riverside, Iowa

Get the Cheese to Sickbay
Paris/Kim Bromance
Abramsverse Enterprise vs Prime Enterprise
Star Trek: Insurrection
Kobayashi Maru (Mission Hill)
TNG Skirt Uniforms
Warp Speed Limit
Hide and Q
Star Trek: The Last Voyage
Worf x Dax
Harry Kim
USS Cerritos
Wesley Crusher
Decontamination Chamber
Star Trek: Beyond
Antitime Future Enterprise-D
Wil Wheaton
J.J. Abrams
Vacation Episodes
ENT's Reason for Klingon Forehead Ridges
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Night Terrors
Flaunting Danger Clip
Beardless Riker
Katherine Janeway
The Host
Star Trek Online
The Way to Eden
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Star Trek action figures
Keiko Ishikawa
Star Trek: Nemesis
Kira x O'Brien
Section 31
Root Beer
Tilly's "medical issues" turning out to be allergies

This is the Power of Math, People
Alexander Rozhenko
Lwaxana Troi
Lighting Choices in Discovery s1
Neelix Episodes
Star Trek: Generations
Riker's Pizza
Warp 10
A Night in Sickbay
The Outcast
Harry Mudd
CBS All Access
The Child
Tartigrades Lawsuit
God Aliens Not Respecting Consent
Climax of Into Darkness
This is the Power of Math, People
I Like Science
The Mycelial Network
Sub Rosa
Jennier Lien's Descent into Madness
The Rape Gangs of Turkana IV
Data x Borg Queen [robo][tf][buzzsaw]
Profit and Lace

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/30/20 6:04:25 PM

Yellow Alerts

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09/30/20 6:47:08 PM

i got to go to the star trek exhibit thing at that big ugly art museum in Seattle back in 2016 and they had a life-size jeffries tube and i climbed through it and it really made my year

EDIT: also please rank the website

(|| ' ' ||) "Your First Thought" - A (sometimes) Daily Topic Series 'Bout Thinkin':
. /|_|\ [azuarc]
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09/30/20 7:08:19 PM

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09/30/20 7:10:33 PM


It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
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09/30/20 7:12:00 PM

BElanna Torres
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09/30/20 7:12:53 PM

Star Trek

You shine, and make others shine just by being near them.
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09/30/20 7:13:03 PM

Star Trek: Discovery

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09/30/20 7:46:24 PM

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09/30/20 8:04:56 PM

Starfleet Academy

Besides, marijuana is far more harmful than steroids. - BlitzBomb
I headbang to Bruckner.
... Copied to Clipboard!
09/30/20 9:00:39 PM

Yellow Alerts
I knew my red alerts writeup would cause someone to nominate yellow alerts. These are fine. "Watch out," is basically it. "Something might be happening, I don't know." Creates some tension without putting everyone in crazy mode.

I've been to Memory-Beta before. I'm impressed, but not really surprised, that Star Trek has both a wiki and a non-canon works wiki. Even Star Wars doesn't have that level of dedication, and Wookiepedia is the site that has this page:

AKA elevators. I realize that "elevator" sounds too modern, but c'mon. These are literally just elevators.

"What do we call the space military?" "Space Force," says Donald Trump. Well, Gene Roddenberry said "Starfleet," and you know what, he was right. That's a much cooler name. I don't even mind that Starfleet covers basically every role a military plays, plus exploration. I'm fine with it expanding to encompass everything, that's fine.

B'Elanna Torres
Torres has basically three types of episode:
1. I am angry.
2. I must deal with being part-Klingon.
3. I must fix a broken engineering thing.
If Data is the reverse Spock, then Torres is the reverse Worf. See, the idea of a half-human, half-alien choosing to embrace their human half and being annoyed at their alien parts is interesting. Torres' problem is that she's on Voyager. I can easily imagine her being a great character who's constantly grappling with her anger management issues and racial identity if she was on TOS, TNG, or DS9. It's not even just that she's on VOY, it's that she's on Voyager, if you get my meaning. Because the show takes place a billion light years away, she encounters other Klingons twice, and that includes the hallucination of herself in Hell episode. This type of character needs to have her alien half thrust in her face all the time. She needed to have other Klingons looking at her askance and calling her a p'tach under their breath. Instead, her Klingonness is only ever brought up when she brings it up. Plus, VOY is just a poorly-written show in general, so yeah.

Star Trek
To quote Comic Book Guy: "Of the four great Star series, Trek, Wars, Gate, and Search, Gate is easily my third favorite." Trek, however, is my first favorite. Wars is great and it's fun and all that, but Trek has a higher level of class and intelligence, at least when it's good. The height of Star Trek is an exploration of philosophy and sociology, and even its lows, until DIS, weren't as low as Wars' are.

It's basically the best show, is what I'm saying.

Star Trek: Discovery
The worst of the Star Treks. The only saving grace is that it can't get worse than this. I knew when DIS was announced that it wouldn't be like Star Trek used to be, and I said to a friend that it would have drama and low lighting and season-long epic plots in an attempt to be like Game of Thrones. I didn't know how right I was.

Some people think that DIS doesn't understand what makes Star Trek good, but I think it does. Sometimes, I get the feeling that DIS is like a rebuttal to Star Trek. Like they want to take the bright, optimistic future Roddenberry created and make it grimy and disgusting. Like they want to intentionally contradict anything they can, both in tone and canon. Which you might think was alright, but the writing is just atrocious. I don't even want to pick apart the logic of what happens, so instead I'll point out what I think is this show's biggest storytelling flaw: the stakes.

In real Star Trek, you know, the stakes of the episode this week might be that someone is dying, or there's a shipment to make, or there's a new alien race that's easily offendable, or if things get really exciting, the ship is in danger. In DIS, the minimum stakes for every episode are that the ship will be destroyed and the Federation will collapse, because the Discovery is the key to saving the Federation or, in season 2, all sentient life everywhere. There's one episode in the Mirror Universe. You'd think the stakes are high enough -- if they can't get back to the main universe, then they'll all die and the Federation will be destroyed off-screen. Instead, Stamets discovers that his Mirror Universe counterpart has built a machine that will "kill all life in the multiverse." So we're dealing with the extinction of all life in all dimensions, the biggest possible threat that could ever happen, and this is like the fourth or fifth subplot going on. The writers for this series do not know how to write something exciting other than to ratchet up the stakes to "everyone will die forever."

Also, Michael Burnham sucks.

Starfleet Academy
Makes complete sense. I get that there'd be an academy for Starfleet. One thing I never really liked was the idea that all officers are trained here. You've got like 200 planets of people, not including minor colonies, and only one academy, and it's the size of a normal modern university? Give me a break. And it's in San Francisco? Dude, do you know how expensive apartments are there?

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/30/20 9:02:33 PM

Make it So
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Captain Jean-luc Picard of the USS Enterprise
James Tiberius Kirk
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
All Good Things
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
The United Federation of Planets
Star Trek

The Beginning of Wisdom
Star Trek: The Original Series
Borg Cube
The Borg
USS Enterprise NCC-1701
D'deridex-class Warbird
The Mirror Universe
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Cardassia Prime
Prime Directive
The Neutral Zone
The Rules of Acquisition
TOS Films Uniforms
USS Defiant
Benjamin Sisko
Riker Chair Maneuver
Data & Picard
Vulcan Mind Meld
Gul Dukat
Khan Noonien Singh
The Doctor
First Contact (Concept)
Seven of Nine
The Dominion
Geordie's Epic Maneuver
Picard Song
Zapp Brannigan
The City on the Edge of Forever
Leonard McCoy (Prime)
William Riker

Assimilate This
Year of Hell
Course: Oblivion
Montgomery Scott
Seven Loses the Drone
First Contact (Film)
Data Learns Small Talk
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Galaxy Quest
Sins of the Father
First Contact (TNG)
Spock x Romulan Captain
The Orville
Homefront/Paradise Lost
Neural Parasites
Vulcan Nerve Pinch
Hee Haw - The Next Generation
Star Trek TOS/X-Men Crossover Comic
Leonard McCoy (Abramsverse)
DS9 s6e1-6
Jeffries Tubes
Paperless Future
Thomas Riker
Star Trek: The Q Continuum (novel)
Picard Memes
TNG Warp Core Sound
Starfleet Martial Arts
Janeway Killing Tuvix
Ballad of Bilbo Baggins
Kobayashi Maru
3D Space
Dilithium Crystals
The Riker Lean
Frequency of Uniform Changes in Starfleet
Chain of Command Torture Sequence
Kirk is a Jerk Shirt
Conundrum (TNG)
The Chase
Red Alerts
Yellow Alerts
What You Leave Behind
That One Matte Painting
The Pegasus
Lower Decks (TNG episode)
The House of Quark
Where No Fan Has Gone Before
The Drumhead
Geordi/Data Bromance
Miles O'Brien
Medical Equipment
Spock vs Tuvok
A Guide to the Races of Star Trek
Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Bride of Chaotica!
Second Skin
Little Green Men
Children of Time
Ambassador-class Starship
Species 8472
Wolf in the Fold
3D Chess
Time Travel

Live Long and Prosper
Brunt, FCA
TNG Poker Games
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Star Trek Subtitle Abbreviations
Christopher Pike
Star Trek (2009)
Cultural Drinks
Leonard Nimoy
Q's Mariachi Band
Enterprise s3
Gul Damar
The Way McCoy says "Spock's Brain"
Escape Pods
The Daystrom Institute and the Vulcan Science Academy
Phaser Rifles
Ezri Dax
Everything Not Ruined by Discovery
Slingshot Maneuver
The Cage
Bashir/O'Brien Bromance
Tom Paris and Nicholas Locarno
Worf's Baldric
TOS Klingons
Johnathan Frakes Asks You Things
Face of the Enemy
Kira Nerys
The Maquis
RedLetterMedia's Picard Re:Views
Holodeck Episodes
Mike and Rich's Top 5 TNG episodes
Brent Spiner
TNG Title Sequence
The Picard Maneuver
Gene Roddenberry
Reginald Barclay
Delta Flyer
Raemes T. Quirk
Ketracel White
Starship Mine
Tea, Earl Grey, Hot
TOS Opening Credits
Captain Picard Day
Helena Cain
Carbon Creek
Sanctuary Districts
O'Brien Must Suffer
The Game (TNG)
USS Make It Up
This Topic
Starfleet Academy
Mark Hamill and Patrick Stewart UberEats Ad
Beta Quadrant
Sarah Higley

Highly Illogical
Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War
Brannon Braga
Sisko's Personal Debt to the Prophets
Star Trek Cats
David Marcus
Cupid's Errant Arrow
Captain Proton Holonovels
TNG s1 and s2
Star Trek: The Video Game Ad
Julian Bashir
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Star Trek: The Animated Series
Temporal Edict (Lower Decks)
Thirty Days
Far Beyond the Stars
Tom Paris' Love for Classic Cars
B'Elanna Torres
Pon Farr
Enterprise's Opening Credits
STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association
Spock's Dick Tweet
Prune Juice
For the Uniform
Sisko's Beard
Jake Sisko
Hikaru Sulu
Pavel Chekov
Delta Quadrant
Deanna Troi
Vic Fontaine
Romulan-owned Borg Cubes
Cristobal Rios
Tasha Yar
Not!zi Aliens
The Rock's Appearance on Voyager
It's a Faaaaaaaaake!
Naomi Wildman
Nichelle Nichols
Valiant (DS9)
Nuking Florida
Picard's Captain's Jacket
Patrick Stewart on Extras
Sisko Punching Q
DS9/Babylon 5 Similarities
Saucer Separation
Riverside, Iowa

Get the Cheese to Sickbay
Paris/Kim Bromance
Abramsverse Enterprise vs Prime Enterprise
Star Trek: Insurrection
Kobayashi Maru (Mission Hill)
TNG Skirt Uniforms
Warp Speed Limit
Hide and Q
Star Trek: The Last Voyage
Worf x Dax
Harry Kim
USS Cerritos
Wesley Crusher
Decontamination Chamber
Star Trek: Beyond
Antitime Future Enterprise-D
Wil Wheaton
J.J. Abrams
Vacation Episodes
ENT's Reason for Klingon Forehead Ridges
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Night Terrors
Flaunting Danger Clip
Beardless Riker
Katherine Janeway
The Host
Star Trek Online
The Way to Eden
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Star Trek action figures
Keiko Ishikawa
Star Trek: Nemesis
Kira x O'Brien
Section 31
Root Beer
Tilly's "medical issues" turning out to be allergies

This is the Power of Math, People
Alexander Rozhenko
Lwaxana Troi
Lighting Choices in Discovery s1
Neelix Episodes
Star Trek: Generations
Riker's Pizza
Warp 10
A Night in Sickbay
The Outcast
Harry Mudd
CBS All Access
The Child
Tartigrades Lawsuit
God Aliens Not Respecting Consent
Climax of Into Darkness
Star Trek: Discovery
This is the Power of Math, People
I Like Science
The Mycelial Network
Sub Rosa
Jennier Lien's Descent into Madness
The Rape Gangs of Turkana IV
Data x Borg Queen [robo][tf][buzzsaw]
Profit and Lace

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/30/20 9:06:01 PM

Elevators don't transition to sideways movements like turbolifts though.
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09/30/20 9:16:32 PM

the star trek command ranking structure

(|| ' ' ||) "Your First Thought" - A (sometimes) Daily Topic Series 'Bout Thinkin':
. /|_|\ [azuarc]
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09/30/20 9:18:14 PM

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09/30/20 9:39:25 PM

Everything cumulative in the Math tier

You shine, and make others shine just by being near them.
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09/30/20 10:05:09 PM

In honor of Discovery:


It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
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09/30/20 11:07:08 PM

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09/30/20 11:43:07 PM


Photon torpedos


This is quite a username I have here.
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10/01/20 12:06:21 AM

Starfleet Command Ranks
Completely unremarkable. It's just the real US Navy ranks, except with "crewman" instead of "seaman." The only thing I can think of to say about the ranking structure is in ENT, Trip is a Commander while T'Pol uses the Vulcan ranking system, which has the rank Subcommander, but she outranks him, which confused the hell out of me when I first watched the show. It's not even that Subcommander is equal to Commander, because the Vulcans also had a Commander rank. Completely impossible to explain.

I had to look this guy up. It's the weird rock face midget who hangs out with Scotty in the Abrams movies! He's okay. It's interesting how Abrams tried to introduce other new characters, but this comic relief guy is the only one who stuck for more than one movie.

Everything Cumulative in the Math Tier
Oh Jesus, why are you doing this to me? Haven't I suffered enough? There are a few redeeming... ideas... in this tier, like the idea of space gangs or a martial art practiced by blind people, but you could cut this entire tier and the franchise would be better for it. I don't even know how to rank everything cumulatively. Do I add all of the goodness in this tier together, like 0.23/10 + 0.11/10, so that we can get something like 2/10, or do I take everything and average it out, so that we'll get something like 0.5/10? Argh, sometimes I kind of hate Star Trek.

The Whole Universe is Going to Die
I'm not a big fan of YouTube Poop, so this ranking will reflect that. It actually took me like thirty seconds to realize that it was a gay joke? It's not even a very well-constructed gay joke. It doesn't look at all like Goku is having sex with Vegeta. I'm sorry, this is extremely weak.

Along with Vulcans, Klingons are the alien race of science-fiction. Normally, I don't really like proud warrior race guys, but Klingons are the originals, so I'll cut them a lot of slack. They've gotten quite a bit of development over the years, really fleshing them out into a solid race. I wouldn't have minded a little more like subcultures of Klingons, but it's fiiiine. As rivals for the Federation, they work perfectly -- the Federation solves things with diplomacy and science, Klingons solve things with force. One thing I never quite got with the Klingons is how much of an empire they actually are? Only one time, in Enterprise of all things, are they shown as conquerors of another race.

The Klingon architecture in TNG is really good. Everything looks like a military compound, which makes complete sense. If I was going to compliment Discovery (gasp), one thing it does well is portray Q'onoS. You've got like dirty gangster guys and weird immigrant humans running around, this is how I imagine a Klingon underworld would look.

You want to know something insane? I remembered the Klingon Chef as being a major background character of DS9, as appearing all the time. He's in two episodes. Klingons tend to make a huge impact whenever they show up. I can't think of any like nobody Klingons who just don't matter. There're Klingon lawyers who show up and make a splash, Klingon ambassadors who act like jackasses, and even a Klingon scientist who's super insecure and assumes people laugh at her behind her back (that episode also features a Ferengi scientist doing the same thing). What I'm saying is that Klingons are great.

Hell, even Discovery thinks of something cool do with Klingons: alt-right Klingons! Sure, that's kind of weird and interesting. I mean, the show does nothing with that concept, and it contradicts all established Klingon lore (Klingons now care about corpses and have gender equality), and Discovery is terrible, but it still manages to have a cool Klingon-related idea.

I especially love how Klingons have a bunch of mental gymnastics to justify all of their backstabbing and dishonorable conduct as actually being super honorable, you guys, you just don't get it. Perfection. That's completely realistic, I approve 100%.

Did you know that fans sent mail to the characters, not the actors, of TOS? And that every single week, Spock got the most mail... except once. The one exception was Sarek. Sarek made such an impression that he showed up in four major roles in movies and two TNG episodes, and had multiple books starring him. And it's really good! His one TOS appearance is amazing! He really sells the idea of a perfectly logical man being full of hate and resentment toward his own son, a man who's ostensibly motivated only by reason but who's also extremely prideful and bitter that his offspring would view something else as being more important. The part when Spock decides to save the ship instead of his own father, alienating his mother, is one of the best moments in TOS, and Kirk lying to Spock to get him to go save Sarek instead... If I could represent that one gesture where you kiss your own fingers to emphasize how good something is, that's what I would do here. Then in TNG, Sarek's losing his mind due to space Alzheimer's, and he's too prideful to admit it even to himself, and it takes master diplomat Picard to get him to admit it? It's just so good. All of Sarek's appearances are perfect, he has absolutely no bad moments. Even JJ Abrams understood the character and used him correctly in 09. Yep, the single best thing about Sarek is how they stopped using him after Star Trek 09, and he never appeared again.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
... Copied to Clipboard!
10/01/20 12:07:56 AM

Murphiroth posted...
Elevators don't transition to sideways movements like turbolifts though.
I guess this is true, I didn't consider it. Doesn't change my ranking, though.

Make it So
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Captain Jean-luc Picard of the USS Enterprise
James Tiberius Kirk
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
All Good Things
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
The United Federation of Planets
Star Trek

The Beginning of Wisdom
Star Trek: The Original Series
Borg Cube
The Borg
USS Enterprise NCC-1701
D'deridex-class Warbird
The Mirror Universe
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Cardassia Prime
Prime Directive
The Neutral Zone
The Rules of Acquisition
TOS Films Uniforms
USS Defiant
Benjamin Sisko
Riker Chair Maneuver
Data & Picard
Vulcan Mind Meld
Gul Dukat
Khan Noonien Singh
The Doctor
First Contact (Concept)
Seven of Nine
The Dominion
Geordie's Epic Maneuver
Picard Song
Zapp Brannigan
The City on the Edge of Forever
Leonard McCoy (Prime)
William Riker

Assimilate This
Year of Hell
Course: Oblivion
Montgomery Scott
Seven Loses the Drone
First Contact (Film)
Data Learns Small Talk
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Galaxy Quest
Sins of the Father
First Contact (TNG)
Spock x Romulan Captain
The Orville
Homefront/Paradise Lost
Neural Parasites
Vulcan Nerve Pinch
Hee Haw - The Next Generation
Star Trek TOS/X-Men Crossover Comic
Leonard McCoy (Abramsverse)
DS9 s6e1-6
Jeffries Tubes
Paperless Future
Thomas Riker
Star Trek: The Q Continuum (novel)
Picard Memes
TNG Warp Core Sound
Starfleet Martial Arts
Janeway Killing Tuvix
Ballad of Bilbo Baggins
Kobayashi Maru
3D Space
Dilithium Crystals
The Riker Lean
Frequency of Uniform Changes in Starfleet
Chain of Command Torture Sequence
Kirk is a Jerk Shirt
Conundrum (TNG)
The Chase
Red Alerts
Yellow Alerts
What You Leave Behind
That One Matte Painting
The Pegasus
Lower Decks (TNG episode)
The House of Quark
Where No Fan Has Gone Before
The Drumhead
Geordi/Data Bromance
Miles O'Brien
Medical Equipment
Spock vs Tuvok
A Guide to the Races of Star Trek
Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Bride of Chaotica!
Second Skin
Little Green Men
Children of Time
Ambassador-class Starship
Species 8472
Wolf in the Fold
3D Chess
Time Travel

Live Long and Prosper
Brunt, FCA
TNG Poker Games
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Star Trek Subtitle Abbreviations
Christopher Pike
Star Trek (2009)
Cultural Drinks
Leonard Nimoy
Starfleet Command Ranks
Q's Mariachi Band
Enterprise s3
Gul Damar
The Way McCoy says "Spock's Brain"
Escape Pods
The Daystrom Institute and the Vulcan Science Academy
Phaser Rifles
Ezri Dax
Everything Not Ruined by Discovery
Slingshot Maneuver
The Cage
Bashir/O'Brien Bromance
Tom Paris and Nicholas Locarno
Worf's Baldric
TOS Klingons
Johnathan Frakes Asks You Things
Face of the Enemy
Kira Nerys
The Maquis
RedLetterMedia's Picard Re:Views
Holodeck Episodes
Mike and Rich's Top 5 TNG episodes
Brent Spiner
TNG Title Sequence
The Picard Maneuver
Gene Roddenberry
Reginald Barclay
Delta Flyer
Raemes T. Quirk
Ketracel White
Starship Mine
Tea, Earl Grey, Hot
TOS Opening Credits
Captain Picard Day
Helena Cain
Carbon Creek
Sanctuary Districts
O'Brien Must Suffer
The Game (TNG)
USS Make It Up
This Topic
Starfleet Academy
Mark Hamill and Patrick Stewart UberEats Ad
Beta Quadrant
Sarah Higley

Highly Illogical
Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War
Brannon Braga
Sisko's Personal Debt to the Prophets
Star Trek Cats
David Marcus
Cupid's Errant Arrow
Captain Proton Holonovels
TNG s1 and s2
Star Trek: The Video Game Ad
Julian Bashir
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Star Trek: The Animated Series
Temporal Edict (Lower Decks)
Thirty Days
Far Beyond the Stars
Tom Paris' Love for Classic Cars
B'Elanna Torres
Pon Farr
Enterprise's Opening Credits
STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association
Spock's Dick Tweet
Prune Juice
For the Uniform
Sisko's Beard
Jake Sisko
Hikaru Sulu
Pavel Chekov
Delta Quadrant
Deanna Troi
Vic Fontaine
Romulan-owned Borg Cubes
Cristobal Rios
Tasha Yar
Not!zi Aliens
The Rock's Appearance on Voyager
It's a Faaaaaaaaake!
Naomi Wildman
Nichelle Nichols
Valiant (DS9)
Nuking Florida
Picard's Captain's Jacket
Patrick Stewart on Extras
Sisko Punching Q
DS9/Babylon 5 Similarities
Saucer Separation
Riverside, Iowa

Get the Cheese to Sickbay
Paris/Kim Bromance
Abramsverse Enterprise vs Prime Enterprise
Star Trek: Insurrection
Kobayashi Maru (Mission Hill)
TNG Skirt Uniforms
Warp Speed Limit
Hide and Q
Star Trek: The Last Voyage
Worf x Dax
Harry Kim
USS Cerritos
Wesley Crusher
Decontamination Chamber
Star Trek: Beyond
Antitime Future Enterprise-D
Wil Wheaton
J.J. Abrams
Vacation Episodes
ENT's Reason for Klingon Forehead Ridges
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Night Terrors
Flaunting Danger Clip
Beardless Riker
Katherine Janeway
The Host
Star Trek Online
The Way to Eden
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Star Trek action figures
Keiko Ishikawa
Star Trek: Nemesis
Kira x O'Brien
Section 31
Root Beer
Tilly's "medical issues" turning out to be allergies

This is the Power of Math, People
The Whole Universe is Going to Die
Alexander Rozhenko
Lwaxana Troi
Lighting Choices in Discovery s1
Neelix Episodes
Star Trek: Generations
Riker's Pizza
Warp 10
A Night in Sickbay
The Outcast
Harry Mudd
CBS All Access
The Child
Tartigrades Lawsuit
God Aliens Not Respecting Consent
Climax of Into Darkness
Star Trek: Discovery
This is the Power of Math, People
I Like Science
The Mycelial Network
Sub Rosa
Jennier Lien's Descent into Madness
The Rape Gangs of Turkana IV
Data x Borg Queen [robo][tf][buzzsaw]
Everything Cumulative in the Math Tier
Profit and Lace

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
... Copied to Clipboard!
10/01/20 1:12:24 AM

William Shatner

... Copied to Clipboard!
10/01/20 1:29:24 AM

This has been a great topic, Anagram. Really enjoyed the write-ups.

Darmok (episode)
... Copied to Clipboard!
10/01/20 6:12:08 AM

Data's sex life

(|| ' ' ||) "Your First Thought" - A (sometimes) Daily Topic Series 'Bout Thinkin':
. /|_|\ [azuarc]
... Copied to Clipboard!
10/01/20 8:01:11 AM

Anagram posted...
Starfleet Command Ranks
Completely unremarkable. It's just the real US Navy ranks, except with "crewman" instead of "seaman." The only thing I can think of to say about the ranking structure is in ENT, Trip is a Commander while T'Pol uses the Vulcan ranking system, which has the rank Subcommander, but she outranks him, which confused the hell out of me when I first watched the show. It's not even that Subcommander is equal to Commander, because the Vulcans also had a Commander rank. Completely impossible to explain.
If the Vulcan rank system is the same as the Romulan rank system, then it's easy to explain. In that case Subcommander would indeed be equal to the Starfleet rank of Commander, because Romulan ships have Commanders instead of Captains.

"Home Soil"
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10/01/20 11:31:48 AM

In the original pilot, The Cage, someone uses a laser. After that, Roddenberry cleverly thought "Lasers have real properties, which means that keeping the show realistic would be a pain if we use them. Wait a minute!" And thus were born phasers, which can do anything you need them to. Stun a guy? No problem. Blow a hole through a wall? No problem. Disintegrate a crowd of people? Easy. Create a campfire? Done. A great little way to give Star Trek a bit of its own identity.

Photon Torpedoes
Like phasers, photon torpedoes have nothing to do with photons, it's just a science name. This could have as easily been neutrino bombs or phase missiles. Again, useful for giving Star Trek its own identity.

This could very well be the cleverest idea used in all of Star Trek. Not only do you get a cool special effect when an enemy whatever blast hits the shield, but you can then have Sulu/Worf/Kira/Tuvok/Reed scream out "SHIELDS AT X PERCENT," and we as the audience know that lower numbers = bad, and zero = game over. It's such an immediate way to get across how much danger the characters are in without a bunch of exposition. It's such a good idea that when ENT decided the ship wouldn't have shields, and would instead have polarized hull plating, which was exactly the same thing, right down to "Hull plating is at X percent, captain!"

William Shatner
The defining Star Trek actor, in more ways than one. Shatner will forever be the guy, even after he's dead. I showed my sister a picture of him, and she guessed he was like 70. He looks amazing for his age.

Unlike Nimoy, who contributed a bunch of ideas to flesh out the Vulcans, Shatner mostly just did his job well. His big contributions were backing Nimoy up on the Vulcan Nerve Pinch when he pitched it (the producers were initially unsure) and TFF, the movie that almost killed Star Trek. To paraphrase Mr. Plinkett, Shatner had good intentions with his idea to explore the nature of God, but just wasn't smart enough to pull it off.

Also, I like that one Twilight Zone episode he's in.

Darmok (episode)
I thought this would be the first episode nominated. Everyone likes Darmok. It's shown in completely professional linguistics college courses! This could very well be the single defining Star Trek episode. Everything about it clicks, from the acting to the idea of the language to the setup, and we get a lot of cutaways to the Enterprise to show that everyone is still working trying to rescue Picard. The only niggle against this episode is that Picard is wearing that stupid jacket. I might call this my favorite TNG episode, but it's definitely in my top five.

Data's Sex Life
Yar, that one ensign who falls in love with him... is that it? *Checks Memory-Alpha* Oh yes, the Borg Queen. Well, "fully functional" jokes aside, Data's sex life is pretty bad, but I'm willing to chalk that up to him not caring very much. This is as opposed to Geordi, who definitely does care, but is either the worst or second worst with women. It's between Geordi "Create a Holographic Clone of a Woman I've Never Met and Program Her to Fall in Love with Me" La Forge and Harry "Every Woman I Screw is Actually a Sex Vampire" Kim. Data only had sex with an evil tyrant once, which puts him over the other two.

Home Soil
This sounds like one of those DS9 conspiracy episodes, but it's actually about the Federation accidentally terraforming a planet that has intelligent microbe life on it. Whoops! This is a nice little mystery episode early in the show's run, which is a pleasant surprise. Overall, fine.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
... Copied to Clipboard!
10/01/20 11:35:06 AM

ranagrande posted...
If the Vulcan rank system is the same as the Romulan rank system, then it's easy to explain. In that case Subcommander would indeed be equal to the Starfleet rank of Commander, because Romulan ships have Commanders instead of Captains.
I didn't think of this, which made me check. Apparently Vulcans have captains, but not commanders, so it goes directly Captain-Subcommander, which is even more confusing!

Jesse_Custer posted...
This has been a great topic, Anagram. Really enjoyed the write-ups.
I'm very happy people have enjoyed it, thanks for telling me.

Make it So
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Captain Jean-luc Picard of the USS Enterprise
James Tiberius Kirk
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
All Good Things
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
The United Federation of Planets
Star Trek

The Beginning of Wisdom
Star Trek: The Original Series
Borg Cube
The Borg
USS Enterprise NCC-1701
D'deridex-class Warbird
The Mirror Universe
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Cardassia Prime
Prime Directive
The Neutral Zone
The Rules of Acquisition
TOS Film Uniforms
USS Defiant
Benjamin Sisko
Riker Chair Maneuver
Data & Picard
Vulcan Mind Meld
Gul Dukat
Khan Noonien Singh
The Doctor
Darmok (episode)
First Contact (Concept)
Seven of Nine
The Dominion
Geordie's Epic Maneuver
Picard Song
Zapp Brannigan
The City on the Edge of Forever
Leonard McCoy (Prime)
William Riker

Assimilate This
Year of Hell
Course: Oblivion
William Shatner
Montgomery Scott
Seven Loses the Drone
First Contact (Film)
Data Learns Small Talk
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Galaxy Quest
Sins of the Father
First Contact (TNG)
Spock x Romulan Captain
The Orville
Homefront/Paradise Lost
Neural Parasites
Vulcan Nerve Pinch
Hee Haw - The Next Generation
Star Trek TOS/X-Men Crossover Comic
Leonard McCoy (Abramsverse)
DS9 s6e1-6
Jeffries Tubes
Paperless Future
Thomas Riker
Star Trek: The Q Continuum (novel)
Picard Memes
TNG Warp Core Sound
Starfleet Martial Arts
Janeway Killing Tuvix
Ballad of Bilbo Baggins
Kobayashi Maru
3D Space
Dilithium Crystals
The Riker Lean
Frequency of Uniform Changes in Starfleet
Chain of Command Torture Sequence
Kirk is a Jerk Shirt
Conundrum (TNG)
The Chase
Red Alerts
Yellow Alerts
What You Leave Behind
That One Matte Painting
The Pegasus
Lower Decks (TNG episode)
The House of Quark
Where No Fan Has Gone Before
The Drumhead
Geordi/Data Bromance
Miles O'Brien
Medical Equipment
Spock vs Tuvok
A Guide to the Races of Star Trek
Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Bride of Chaotica!
Second Skin
Little Green Men
Children of Time
Ambassador-class Starship
Species 8472
Wolf in the Fold
3D Chess
Time Travel

Live Long and Prosper
Photon Torpedoes
Brunt, FCA
TNG Poker Games
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Star Trek Subtitle Abbreviations
Christopher Pike
Star Trek (2009)
Cultural Drinks
Leonard Nimoy
Starfleet Command Ranks
Q's Mariachi Band
Enterprise s3
Gul Damar
The Way McCoy says "Spock's Brain"
Escape Pods
The Daystrom Institute and the Vulcan Science Academy
Phaser Rifles
Ezri Dax
Everything Not Ruined by Discovery
Slingshot Maneuver
The Cage
Bashir/O'Brien Bromance
Tom Paris and Nicholas Locarno
Worf's Baldric
TOS Klingons
Johnathan Frakes Asks You Things
Face of the Enemy
Kira Nerys
The Maquis
RedLetterMedia's Picard Re:Views
Holodeck Episodes
Mike and Rich's Top 5 TNG episodes
Brent Spiner
TNG Title Sequence
The Picard Maneuver
Gene Roddenberry
Reginald Barclay
Delta Flyer
Raemes T. Quirk
Ketracel White
Starship Mine
Tea, Earl Grey, Hot
TOS Opening Credits
Captain Picard Day
Helena Cain
Carbon Creek
Sanctuary Districts
O'Brien Must Suffer
The Game (TNG)
USS Make It Up
This Topic
Starfleet Academy
Mark Hamill and Patrick Stewart UberEats Ad
Beta Quadrant
Sarah Higley

Highly Illogical
Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War
Brannon Braga
Sisko's Personal Debt to the Prophets
Star Trek Cats
David Marcus
Cupid's Errant Arrow
Captain Proton Holonovels
TNG s1 and s2
Star Trek: The Video Game Ad
Home Soil
Julian Bashir
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Star Trek: The Animated Series
Temporal Edict (Lower Decks)
Thirty Days
Far Beyond the Stars
Tom Paris' Love for Classic Cars
B'Elanna Torres
Pon Farr
Enterprise's Opening Credits
STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association
Spock's Dick Tweet
Prune Juice
For the Uniform
Sisko's Beard
Jake Sisko
Hikaru Sulu
Pavel Chekov
Delta Quadrant
Deanna Troi
Vic Fontaine
Romulan-owned Borg Cubes
Cristobal Rios
Tasha Yar
Not!zi Aliens
The Rock's Appearance on Voyager
It's a Faaaaaaaaake!
Naomi Wildman
Nichelle Nichols
Valiant (DS9)
Nuking Florida
Picard's Captain's Jacket
Patrick Stewart on Extras
Sisko Punching Q
DS9/Babylon 5 Similarities
Saucer Separation
Riverside, Iowa

Get the Cheese to Sickbay
Paris/Kim Bromance
Abramsverse Enterprise vs Prime Enterprise
Star Trek: Insurrection
Kobayashi Maru (Mission Hill)
TNG Skirt Uniforms
Warp Speed Limit
Hide and Q
Star Trek: The Last Voyage
Worf x Dax
Harry Kim
USS Cerritos
Wesley Crusher
Decontamination Chamber
Star Trek: Beyond
Antitime Future Enterprise-D
Wil Wheaton
Data's Sex Life
J.J. Abrams
Vacation Episodes
ENT's Reason for Klingon Forehead Ridges
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Night Terrors
Flaunting Danger Clip
Beardless Riker
Katherine Janeway
The Host
Star Trek Online
The Way to Eden
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Star Trek action figures
Keiko Ishikawa
Star Trek: Nemesis
Kira x O'Brien
Section 31
Root Beer
Tilly's "medical issues" turning out to be allergies

This is the Power of Math, People
The Whole Universe is Going to Die
Alexander Rozhenko
Lwaxana Troi
Lighting Choices in Discovery s1
Neelix Episodes
Star Trek: Generations
Riker's Pizza
Warp 10
A Night in Sickbay
The Outcast
Harry Mudd
CBS All Access
The Child
Tartigrades Lawsuit
God Aliens Not Respecting Consent
Climax of Into Darkness
Star Trek: Discovery
This is the Power of Math, People
I Like Science
The Mycelial Network
Sub Rosa
Jennier Lien's Descent into Madness
The Rape Gangs of Turkana IV
Data x Borg Queen [robo][tf][buzzsaw]
Everything Cumulative in the Math Tier
Profit and Lace

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
... Copied to Clipboard!
10/01/20 11:45:15 AM

great topic, can we get an JJ Abrams style reboot for the next one?

thank you for all the effort anagram

(|| ' ' ||) "Your First Thought" - A (sometimes) Daily Topic Series 'Bout Thinkin':
. /|_|\ [azuarc]
... Copied to Clipboard!
10/01/20 1:10:59 PM

(ps plz review latest Lower Decks)

(|| ' ' ||) "Your First Thought" - A (sometimes) Daily Topic Series 'Bout Thinkin':
. /|_|\ [azuarc]
... Copied to Clipboard!
10/01/20 1:29:10 PM

It's been a great topic. Really enjoyed.

Any Star Trek race that hasn't been nominated yet but you want to talk about
... Copied to Clipboard!
10/01/20 2:46:06 PM

Thanks so much, this has been awesome. If you do anymore, here's one more Nom:

The "Anagram ranks anything Star Trek-related with a short write-up (spoilers)" topic on GameFAQs

(Also you forgot to put Sarek on the list.)

... Copied to Clipboard!
10/01/20 3:56:32 PM

ZenOfThunder posted...
great topic, can we get an JJ Abrams style reboot for the next one?

thank you for all the effort anagram
Of course, I like talking about Star Trek. I won't make a reboot of this topic immediately or probably even soon, though. I'm not sure what there's even left to discuss about Star Trek! But I may do a similar topic for a different subject in the future.

ZenOfThunder posted...
(ps plz review latest Lower Decks)

PerfectChaosZ posted...
It's been a great topic. Really enjoyed.
Glad people enjoyed it.

bryans7 posted...
Thanks so much, this has been awesome.
Thanks for nominating so much stuff!

bryans7 posted...
(Also you forgot to put Sarek on the list.)

Anagram's Choice of Star Trek Races
I knew going in that people would nominate Klingons and Romulans. I was shocked when no one nominated Vulcans, and a bit surprised that no one nominated Orions. But the one race I expected to never be nominated, and was disappointed when I was right, is humans.

I'll freely admit that the idea of humans becoming more enlightened is farfetched to the point of impossible. Have you seen people today? If we're more enlightened than people were one-thousand years ago, then humanity would have never survived long enough for us to have reached this point. What I'm saying is that I expect in four-hundred years all of our current social problems to still be plaguing us, with the possible exception of Twitter. I ****ing hate Twitter. I think it's actively making the world a slightly worse place.

But Star Trek posits a future where people have learned better, have learned how to work together to achieve greater things, and are motivated by reason and sympathy. The humans of Star Trek have used technology to better themselves in a spiritual and philosophical way rather than a literal cybernetic way, and as Picard puts it, "are no longer obsessed with the accumulation of things." I think that's a really amazing vision of the future, even if I think it'll never happen.

Also, let's be real, even if it did happen, humans aren't all going to give up religion and become atheists.

The "Anagram ranks anything Star Trek-related with a short write-up (spoilers)" topic on GameFAQs
I already did this one! It's listed under "this topic" in the rankings.

Crisis Point (Lower Decks)
I really like the premise of Mariner using the holodeck to create a Star Trek episode of the crew that can have wacky exciting stuff without being "canon," that's actually a good use of established Star Trek resources that can be used in a comedic way. I like the idea of her casting herself as the villain and trying to kill her hologram mother, then accidentally fighting the hologram version of herself and accidentally working out her emotional issues via this form of therapy. I also like how because it's all fictional, they can keep doing Star Trek-y things that make no sense, like using technobabble to beam everyone at once or using a decapitated Borg head to summon a shield. I really like how the hologram of Mariner's mother doesn't know the real version of Mariner is Mariner (since she's playing a pirate), so they start arguing and have two different conversations.

I like that this is a holodeck-centric episode that has action and excitement, but not a holodeck malfunction. I like Tendi getting awkward and angry about stereotyping her as a pirate and slaver (I was wondering if they would ever bring up the Orion Slave Girl thing, and the answer is still no), and I enjoyed the joke "Many Orions haven't been pirates for over five years!" This episode also basically proves that Rutherford has no personality, though. Everyone else has something to do and motivation in this episode, but he has nothing.

I was confused by some of the jokes, though. The joke where they fly toward the ship for two minutes while saying nothing is something only people who watched TMP would understand, and the destruction of the ship is something you'd only get if you watched Generations. This show confuses me because it's set up in a way that would annoy dedicated Trekkies, but constantly makes references that non-Trekkies would have no hope of understanding. Even many of the jokes that non-Trekkies would understand I imagine wouldn't really "land" if you aren't already a fan, though. What I'm saying is that this show has a serious intended audience problem.

I also didn't realize that Mariner being the captain's daughter was supposed to be a secret? I thought everyone knew that. Oh well.

This is pretty easily the best Lower Decks episode. It's so good, in fact, that I'm going to go all the way and award it the greatest honor I have ever bestowed on new-Trek: an 8/10. Congratulations, my friends, you've earned it.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
... Copied to Clipboard!
10/01/20 3:57:54 PM

Make it So
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Captain Jean-luc Picard of the USS Enterprise
James Tiberius Kirk
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
All Good Things
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
The United Federation of Planets
Star Trek

The Beginning of Wisdom
Star Trek: The Original Series
Borg Cube
The Borg
USS Enterprise NCC-1701
D'deridex-class Warbird
The Mirror Universe
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Cardassia Prime
Prime Directive
The Neutral Zone
The Rules of Acquisition
TOS Film Uniforms
USS Defiant
Benjamin Sisko
Riker Chair Maneuver
Data & Picard
Vulcan Mind Meld
Gul Dukat
Khan Noonien Singh
The Doctor
Darmok (episode)
First Contact (Concept)
Seven of Nine
The Dominion
Geordie's Epic Maneuver
Picard Song
Zapp Brannigan
The City on the Edge of Forever
Leonard McCoy (Prime)
William Riker

Assimilate This
Year of Hell
Course: Oblivion
William Shatner
Montgomery Scott
Seven Loses the Drone
First Contact (Film)
Data Learns Small Talk
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Galaxy Quest
Sins of the Father
First Contact (TNG)
Spock x Romulan Captain
The Orville
Homefront/Paradise Lost
Neural Parasites
Vulcan Nerve Pinch
Hee Haw - The Next Generation
Star Trek TOS/X-Men Crossover Comic
Leonard McCoy (Abramsverse)
DS9 s6e1-6
Jeffries Tubes
Paperless Future
Thomas Riker
Star Trek: The Q Continuum (novel)
Crisis Point (Lower Decks)
Picard Memes
TNG Warp Core Sound
Starfleet Martial Arts
Janeway Killing Tuvix
Ballad of Bilbo Baggins
Kobayashi Maru
3D Space
Dilithium Crystals
The Riker Lean
Frequency of Uniform Changes in Starfleet
Chain of Command Torture Sequence
Kirk is a Jerk Shirt
Conundrum (TNG)
The Chase
Red Alerts
Yellow Alerts
What You Leave Behind
That One Matte Painting
The Pegasus
Lower Decks (TNG episode)
The House of Quark
Where No Fan Has Gone Before
The Drumhead
Geordi/Data Bromance
Miles O'Brien
Medical Equipment
Spock vs Tuvok
A Guide to the Races of Star Trek
Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Bride of Chaotica!
Second Skin
Little Green Men
Children of Time
Ambassador-class Starship
Species 8472
Wolf in the Fold
3D Chess
Time Travel

Live Long and Prosper
Photon Torpedoes
Brunt, FCA
TNG Poker Games
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Star Trek Subtitle Abbreviations
Christopher Pike
Star Trek (2009)
Cultural Drinks
Leonard Nimoy
Starfleet Command Ranks
Q's Mariachi Band
Enterprise s3
Gul Damar
The Way McCoy says "Spock's Brain"
Escape Pods
The Daystrom Institute and the Vulcan Science Academy
Phaser Rifles
Ezri Dax
Everything Not Ruined by Discovery
Slingshot Maneuver
The Cage
Bashir/O'Brien Bromance
Tom Paris and Nicholas Locarno
Worf's Baldric
TOS Klingons
Johnathan Frakes Asks You Things
Face of the Enemy
Kira Nerys
The Maquis
RedLetterMedia's Picard Re:Views
Holodeck Episodes
Mike and Rich's Top 5 TNG episodes
Brent Spiner
TNG Title Sequence
The Picard Maneuver
Gene Roddenberry
Reginald Barclay
Delta Flyer
Raemes T. Quirk
Ketracel White
Starship Mine
Tea, Earl Grey, Hot
TOS Opening Credits
Captain Picard Day
Helena Cain
Carbon Creek
Sanctuary Districts
O'Brien Must Suffer
The Game (TNG)
USS Make It Up
This Topic
Starfleet Academy
Mark Hamill and Patrick Stewart UberEats Ad
Beta Quadrant
Sarah Higley

Highly Illogical
Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War
Brannon Braga
Sisko's Personal Debt to the Prophets
Star Trek Cats
David Marcus
Cupid's Errant Arrow
Captain Proton Holonovels
TNG s1 and s2
Star Trek: The Video Game Ad
Home Soil
Julian Bashir
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Star Trek: The Animated Series
Temporal Edict (Lower Decks)
Thirty Days
Far Beyond the Stars
Tom Paris' Love for Classic Cars
B'Elanna Torres
Pon Farr
Enterprise's Opening Credits
STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association
Spock's Dick Tweet
Prune Juice
For the Uniform
Sisko's Beard
Jake Sisko
Hikaru Sulu
Pavel Chekov
Delta Quadrant
Deanna Troi
Vic Fontaine
Romulan-owned Borg Cubes
Cristobal Rios
Tasha Yar
Not!zi Aliens
The Rock's Appearance on Voyager
It's a Faaaaaaaaake!
Naomi Wildman
Nichelle Nichols
Valiant (DS9)
Nuking Florida
Picard's Captain's Jacket
Patrick Stewart on Extras
Sisko Punching Q
DS9/Babylon 5 Similarities
Saucer Separation
Riverside, Iowa

Get the Cheese to Sickbay
Paris/Kim Bromance
Abramsverse Enterprise vs Prime Enterprise
Star Trek: Insurrection
Kobayashi Maru (Mission Hill)
TNG Skirt Uniforms
Warp Speed Limit
Hide and Q
Star Trek: The Last Voyage
Worf x Dax
Harry Kim
USS Cerritos
Wesley Crusher
Decontamination Chamber
Star Trek: Beyond
Antitime Future Enterprise-D
Wil Wheaton
Data's Sex Life
J.J. Abrams
Vacation Episodes
ENT's Reason for Klingon Forehead Ridges
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Night Terrors
Flaunting Danger Clip
Beardless Riker
Katherine Janeway
The Host
Star Trek Online
The Way to Eden
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Star Trek action figures
Keiko Ishikawa
Star Trek: Nemesis
Kira x O'Brien
Section 31
Root Beer
Tilly's "medical issues" turning out to be allergies

This is the Power of Math, People
The Whole Universe is Going to Die
Alexander Rozhenko
Lwaxana Troi
Lighting Choices in Discovery s1
Neelix Episodes
Star Trek: Generations
Riker's Pizza
Warp 10
A Night in Sickbay
The Outcast
Harry Mudd
CBS All Access
The Child
Tartigrades Lawsuit
God Aliens Not Respecting Consent
Climax of Into Darkness
Star Trek: Discovery
This is the Power of Math, People
I Like Science
The Mycelial Network
Sub Rosa
Jennier Lien's Descent into Madness
The Rape Gangs of Turkana IV
Data x Borg Queen [robo][tf][buzzsaw]
Everything Cumulative in the Math Tier
Profit and Lace

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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10/01/20 4:06:52 PM

Is Starfleet in the list?

It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
... Copied to Clipboard!
10/01/20 4:09:42 PM

It is now! Thanks for the catch.

Thanks for being part of the topic everyone, and remember, play Earthbound.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
... Copied to Clipboard!
Topic List
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