Board 8 > Anagram ranks anything Star Trek-related with a short writeup (spoilers)

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09/19/20 7:18:12 PM

Saucer separation

This is quite a username I have here.
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09/19/20 7:41:10 PM


Board 8's Voice of Reason
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09/19/20 7:50:54 PM

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09/19/20 11:48:47 PM

VOY's writers looked at the existing bad guy races. The Klingons had been the Soviet Union during TOS, the Romulans had been China, the Borg had been zombies, and the Dominion had been the Federation's dark reflection. But what kind of villain can you make for a ship that's constantly traveling? The answer is a very bad one.

So the Kazon's shtick is that they're idiots who accidentally got into space and barely understand anything. The writers said they were based on local gangs, who operated independently and were always fighting for turf. They have no meaningful culture beyond a vague "warrior code." Probably the funniest aspect of their culture is that they don't have prisons, they just have lines on the floor that you aren't supposed to cross.

If the Kazon had been a one-episode race, fine. But they're the main villains for two years. Even if we set aside all questions of logic (if Voyager is always on the move, how do the Kazon follow it? Isn't Voyager super advanced and the Kazon are barely space-capable?), they do not come across as a viable threat at all. Like, Voyager is a powerful, advanced ship full of military people, and the Kazon are gangbangers, and the Kazon pose all the threat you would think gangbangers would pose to US Navy destroyer. It can't be emphasized enough how unequal this matchup is, which the writers eventually realized, so they had one of Voyager's crew defect to them and she, alone, was a bigger threat than the rest of them were combined.

Brunt, FCA
I think Brunt was a necessary character. He's the only recurring Ferengi villain in the show (aside from that guy who hated Picard so much that he rewrote a random guy's DNA to trick Picard into thinking he was his son just so he could kill him), and he's a villain in a very Ferengi way: he's going to mess with your finances. When he thinks Quark is powerful, he kowtows to him, when he doesn't think that, he treats Quark like crap. I guess it makes sense that he has like no interaction with the other main characters, since they don't use money and can't be intimidated by him.

The Federation's dark reflection. One is an enlightened civilization that rejects superstition, embraces technology and change, and is built on equality and diplomacy. The other is a theocracy built on certain races being more valuable than others, that embraces unquestioning devotion (and drugs), and expands via conquest.

The key to what makes the Dominion work as a concept is that it's completely believable that this civilization functions the way it does and that its people have the philosophy they do. It's very easy to believe the Founders consider all others to be beneath them, to the point where they'd compromise their own war to protect the only Changeling who joins the enemy's side, and it's easy to accept why the Vorta are so devoted to them.

One thing I would have liked was to have more Dominion races, though. The Federation has dozens of races, but the Dominion only has three. I get that the Changelings are the rulers, the Vorta are the administrators, and the Jem'hadar are the soldiers, but give me like a slave laborer caste, an engineering race that can only think in terms of machines, etc, that the Changelings have manipulated over time to have no ideas except what relates to their role in society. Then that contrasts with Sisko the unusually religious human, Quark the unusually kind Ferengi, etc. Oh well.

Saucer Separation
I kind of hate it. Aside from never getting used even in the instances when it would have been helpful, the idea here is that you put your nonessential crew members and the civilian families onto one part of the ship, then ride the other part into battle. But even coming up with this idea is an acknowledgement that bringing civilians onto the ship is a stupid idea in the first placer, and that's without considering how having a twice-as-large ship during a battle is probably more useful than not having that.

The most important thing about Woopie Goldberg will forever be the time she was contractually obligated to make a movie about a dinosaur police officer played by John Goodman, tried to get out of it, and was ordered by a judge to make the movie.

Guinan is a great character. We don't know her story and we don't really need to. All we need to know is that she has Picard's complete trust, and that she has her Wisdom stat maxed out. I actually think the show is worse for later revealing that the El Aurians are just a normal race. They were more interesting and mysterious when Guinan and her wacky hats were the only representation.

Saavik, eh? Notable for being the first Vulcan female not named "T'psomething." So, Saavik serves two roles in WoK. First, she's the only female character of any importance (sorry, Uhura and Carol Marcus, but one of you is a glorified extra and the other is a plot device). Second, she gets to be the inexperienced newbie who can have everything explained to her, and through her, the audience. Her only actual contribution to the plot is when she tells Kirk to raise the shields as the Reliant approaches and he blows her off. Then comes SfS, where her contribution to the plot is that she ****s a mute teenage version of Spock to keep him from going crazy during pon farr, and does nothing else. I can imagine that for an 80s audience, Saavik surviving instead of David Marcus must have been shocking. I read that she was originally supposed to be pregnant with his baby at the end, but they cut it. I'm not sure I believe that, though.

One neat fact about her is that she was supposed to be the traitor in TUC, but Roddenberry opposed it because he thought it was out of character for her, which is why half of that movie is dedicated to "Who could the traitor be? It's either one of these beloved characters we've known for thirty years or this new person we've never met before."

Hide and Q
The idea of this episode is interesting: Q has a bet with Picard that no one can resist Q powers, so he gives Riker them to prove it. Riker is tempted by the ability to save people and make the galaxy a better place, but eventually gives them up. The execution is really sloppy, but none of that is what people remember about this episode.

Instead, people remember the dog aliens dressed like Napoleonic soldiers for literally no reason. I don't blame them, though. That's so stupid that it's impossible to not remember them.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/19/20 11:50:28 PM


Make it So
Captain Jean-luc Picard of the USS Enterprise
James Tiberius Kirk

The Beginning of Wisdom
The Borg
D'deridex-class Warbird
The Mirror Universe
Cardassia Prime
Prime Directive
The Neutral Zone
The Rules of Acquisition
TOS Films Uniforms
USS Defiant
Riker Chair Maneuver
Data & Picard
Gul Dukat
Khan Noonien Singh
The Doctor
The Dominion
Geordie's Epic Maneuver
Picard Song
Zapp Brannigan
The City on the Edge of Forever

Assimilate This
Year of Hell
Galaxy Quest
The Orville
Homefront/Paradise Lost
Star Trek TOS/X-Men Crossover Comic
Leonard McCoy (Abramsverse)
DS9 s6e1-6
Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Picard Memes
TNG Warp Core Sound
Starfleet Martial Arts
Ballad of Bilbo Baggins
Kobayashi Maru
The Riker Lean
Frequency of Uniform Changes in Starfleet
Chain of Command Torture Sequence
Kirk is a Jerk Shirt
Conundrum (TNG)
The Chase
That One Matte Painting
The Pegasus
Lower Decks (TNG episode)
Where No Fan Has Gone Before
Miles O'Brien
Medical Equipment
Children of Time
Ambassador-class Starship
Species 8472
Wolf in the Fold

Live Long and Prosper
Brunt, FCA
TNG Poker Games
Q's Mariachi Band
Enterprise s3
Gul Damar
The Way McCoy says "Spock's Brain"
Escape Pods
The Daystrom Institute and the Vulcan Science Academy
Phaser Rifles
Ezri Dax
Everything Not Ruined by Discovery
The Cage
Tom Paris and Nicholas Locarno
Worf's Baldric
TOS Klingons
Kira Nerys
The Maquis
RedLetterMedia's Picard Re:Views
Holodeck Episodes
Mike and Rich's Top 5 TNG episodes
Brent Spiner
TNG Title Sequence
The Picard Maneuver
Gene Roddenberry
Reginald Barclay
Raemes T. Quirk
Helena Cain
Sanctuary Districts
O'Brien Must Suffer
Sarah Higley

Highly Illogical
David Marcus
Cupid's Errant Arrow
Captain Proton Holonovels
TNG s1 and s2
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Star Trek: The Animated Series
Temporal Edict (Lower Decks)
Thirty Days
Pon Farr
Enterprise's Opening Credits
STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association
Spock's Dick Tweet
Prune Juice
For the Uniform
Sisko's Beard
Vic Fontaine
Romulan-owned Borg Cubes
Cristobal Rios
Tasha Yar
The Rock's Appearance on Voyager
It's a Faaaaaaaaake!
Naomi Wildman
Nichelle Nichols
Valiant (DS9)
Picard's Captain's Jacket
Sisko Punching Q
DS9/Babylon 5 Similarities
Saucer Separation

Get the Cheese to Sickbay
Warp Speed Limit
Hide and Q
Star Trek: The Last Voyage
Worf x Dax
Harry Kim
Wesley Crusher
Star Trek: Beyond
Antitime Future Enterprise-D
Wil Wheaton
Vacation Episodes
ENT's Reason for Klingon Forehead Ridges
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Night Terrors
Flaunting Danger Clip
Beardless Riker
Katherine Janeway
The Host
Star Trek Online
The Way to Eden
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Star Trek action figures

This is the Power of Math, People
Alexander Rozhenko
Lwaxana Troi
Lighting Choices in Discovery s1
Neelix Episodes
Riker's Pizza
Warp 10
The Outcast
Harry Mudd
The Child
Tartigrades Lawsuit
God Aliens Not Respecting Consent
Climax of Into Darkness
The Mycelial Network
Jennier Lien's Descent into Madness
The Rape Gangs of Turkana IV
Data x Borg Queen [robo][tf][buzzsaw]

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/19/20 11:56:54 PM

Ketracel white

Besides, marijuana is far more harmful than steroids. - BlitzBomb
I headbang to Bruckner.
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09/20/20 12:00:15 AM


Somehow he wasnt nominated yet, unless Im missing it.
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09/20/20 12:02:50 AM

How many Alien Cultures that suspiciously resemble Nazis
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09/20/20 2:51:17 AM

the slingshot maneuver
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09/20/20 2:58:38 AM

Thanks for continuing to put to much effort into this, it is super high quality

Uhh the episode "parallels"

(|| ' ' ||) "Your First Thought" - A (sometimes) Daily Topic Series 'Bout Thinkin':
. /|_|\ [azuarc]
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09/20/20 3:03:31 AM

I am also making a formal request for you to give a few sentences about each lower decks flair or each week as they air and you get around to watching them

Specifically the most recent episode because I didn't hate it

(|| ' ' ||) "Your First Thought" - A (sometimes) Daily Topic Series 'Bout Thinkin':
. /|_|\ [azuarc]
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09/20/20 3:21:01 AM

The Delta Quadrant

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09/20/20 4:11:37 AM

Congrats to azuarc for winning the GotD Guru!
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09/20/20 11:41:32 AM

ZenOfThunder posted...
Thanks for continuing to put to much effort into this, it is super high quality
No problem, I'm happy to do it.

Ketracel White
I like the idea of keeping an entire army on drugs that only you control in order to manipulate them. As a plot device, it's interesting and sensible -- of course the Changelings would build in a second method to control the Jem'hadar. Makes you wonder if they have another method for the Vorta.

Worf is a character defined by two things. The first is that he's one of Star Trek's classic Torn Between Two Worlds characters, alongside Spock, Odo, and Seven of Nine. These are characters who have heritage from more than one culture, and so have to rectify their feelings about that in some way. What makes Worf different from the others is that he sort of lives up to the Klingon ideal rather than the Klingon factual; the guy is all about honor and is always serious, whereas the other Klingons, you know, they laugh, they screw around, they get drunk, and they lie, cheat, and steal. The other thing about Worf is his internal vs external honor. Externally, honor is something given to you by the Klingon Empire for great deeds. Internally, Worf knows that he always does what is best for society or the Empire, even if it makes him hated in others' eyes. This all makes Worf a pretty complex and interesting character.

Not!zi Aliens
Because the nomination specified "suspiciously resemble," I'll discount the aliens who were modeled after explicit Nazis and the literal Nazi aliens from that ENT two-parter.

Fascist imagery is very powerful for creating villains in fiction. Star Trek isn't the first and it won't be the last to utilize that. There's always going to be an episode of the week alien race that's at least partly inspired by them. So I'm going to go off on a tangent here and instead talk about Discovery's Klingons -- I swear this will make sense, just give me a chance.

Season 1 of Discovery is about Klingons screaming about how the Federation wants to infiltrate them and replace their ideals. One of the Klingons gets really upset about the phrase "We come in peace," even though that has literally never been used in all of Star Trek up to that point. So the season seems like it's going to be about alt-right Klingons, which is an interesting concept. But then it's just not, because the writers had nothing meaningful to say about the alt-right, and had characters with no ability to resolve problems in any way except violence. Like, the moral of TOS Klingons and Romulans was clearly "other people may have different ideals, that's okay, no need for fighting." What's the moral of DIS' portrayal of the alt-right? "Violence is always the answer?"

At this point, I'm wondering if there's anything in Star Trek I can't turn into a complaint about DIS. There probably is, but I haven't found it yet.

Slingshot Maneuver
An interesting idea, but one with no thought put into how it would affect the rest of the universe. Star Trek does this often, where it'll introduce some crazy new concept that should rightfully change the entire setting, but then just ignores the implications, but the Slingshot Maneuver is especially bad, because we see that it all it takes is a brain-damaged Spock doing math for two hours to make a pinpoint time jump. I especially like how that one episode of TOS has the gang time jump to the 1960s so casually that it's not even shown on-screen, and they do it for the purposes of studying the local history.

A good episode. Worf episodes are typically about resolving some kind of internal vs external honor problem, discovering more about his family, or having sex with Dax. Parallels is Worf's one chance to really get a science problem episode, and he does as much with it as "the sword guy" possibly can, even if his solution is to immediately talk to Geordi and Data. I mean, I don't blame him, that's what my solution would also be.

Delta Quadrant
It makes complete sense for the Delta Quadrant to be VOY's focus. After all, by this point, we've seen the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Quadrants enough to at least know the major players in the regions. The Delta Quadrant was an opportunity for something new. It also makes complete sense that there would be no big powerful empires here, because the ship will always be on the move, so it would be awkward to explain why a single race dominates a quarter of the galaxy and yet never came up before. The Delta Quadrant was an untouched opportunity to show us all kinds of wacky new races every week!

... Nope.

Quark is the Ferengi who made Ferengi cool again. Well, for the first time. He starts out as a greedy bartender, and progresses over time to being a bartender who's a little less greedy. A great moment is when Brunt gets upset at him for selling medical supplies at cost instead of at a massive markup. Quark even comments on this at one point with his famous analogy between the Federation and root beer, saying they get into you and make you like root beer. But really, the dude is on the second tier of Star Trek characters. He's not a Worf, he's more like a Riker.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/20/20 11:43:18 AM


Make it So
Captain Jean-luc Picard of the USS Enterprise
James Tiberius Kirk

The Beginning of Wisdom
The Borg
D'deridex-class Warbird
The Mirror Universe
Cardassia Prime
Prime Directive
The Neutral Zone
The Rules of Acquisition
TOS Films Uniforms
USS Defiant
Riker Chair Maneuver
Data & Picard
Gul Dukat
Khan Noonien Singh
The Doctor
The Dominion
Geordie's Epic Maneuver
Picard Song
Zapp Brannigan
The City on the Edge of Forever

Assimilate This
Year of Hell
Galaxy Quest
The Orville
Homefront/Paradise Lost
Star Trek TOS/X-Men Crossover Comic
Leonard McCoy (Abramsverse)
DS9 s6e1-6
Picard Memes
TNG Warp Core Sound
Starfleet Martial Arts
Ballad of Bilbo Baggins
Kobayashi Maru
The Riker Lean
Frequency of Uniform Changes in Starfleet
Chain of Command Torture Sequence
Kirk is a Jerk Shirt
Conundrum (TNG)
The Chase
That One Matte Painting
The Pegasus
Lower Decks (TNG episode)
Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Where No Fan Has Gone Before
Miles O'Brien
Medical Equipment
Children of Time
Ambassador-class Starship
Species 8472
Wolf in the Fold

Live Long and Prosper
Brunt, FCA
TNG Poker Games
Q's Mariachi Band
Enterprise s3
Gul Damar
The Way McCoy says "Spock's Brain"
Escape Pods
The Daystrom Institute and the Vulcan Science Academy
Phaser Rifles
Ezri Dax
Everything Not Ruined by Discovery
Slingshot Maneuver
The Cage
Tom Paris and Nicholas Locarno
Worf's Baldric
TOS Klingons
Kira Nerys
The Maquis
RedLetterMedia's Picard Re:Views
Holodeck Episodes
Mike and Rich's Top 5 TNG episodes
Brent Spiner
TNG Title Sequence
The Picard Maneuver
Gene Roddenberry
Reginald Barclay
Raemes T. Quirk
Ketracel White
Helena Cain
Sanctuary Districts
O'Brien Must Suffer
Sarah Higley

Highly Illogical
David Marcus
Cupid's Errant Arrow
Captain Proton Holonovels
TNG s1 and s2
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Star Trek: The Animated Series
Temporal Edict (Lower Decks)
Thirty Days
Pon Farr
Enterprise's Opening Credits
STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association
Spock's Dick Tweet
Prune Juice
For the Uniform
Sisko's Beard
Delta Quadrant
Vic Fontaine
Romulan-owned Borg Cubes
Cristobal Rios
Tasha Yar
Not!zi Aliens
The Rock's Appearance on Voyager
It's a Faaaaaaaaake!
Naomi Wildman
Nichelle Nichols
Valiant (DS9)
Picard's Captain's Jacket
Sisko Punching Q
DS9/Babylon 5 Similarities
Saucer Separation

Get the Cheese to Sickbay
Warp Speed Limit
Hide and Q
Star Trek: The Last Voyage
Worf x Dax
Harry Kim
Wesley Crusher
Star Trek: Beyond
Antitime Future Enterprise-D
Wil Wheaton
Vacation Episodes
ENT's Reason for Klingon Forehead Ridges
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Night Terrors
Flaunting Danger Clip
Beardless Riker
Katherine Janeway
The Host
Star Trek Online
The Way to Eden
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Star Trek action figures

This is the Power of Math, People
Alexander Rozhenko
Lwaxana Troi
Lighting Choices in Discovery s1
Neelix Episodes
Riker's Pizza
Warp 10
The Outcast
Harry Mudd
The Child
Tartigrades Lawsuit
God Aliens Not Respecting Consent
Climax of Into Darkness
The Mycelial Network
Jennier Lien's Descent into Madness
The Rape Gangs of Turkana IV
Data x Borg Queen [robo][tf][buzzsaw]

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/20/20 11:44:17 AM

ZenOfThunder posted...
I am also making a formal request for you to give a few sentences about each lower decks flair or each week as they air and you get around to watching them
Why not?

Second Contact
I was worried by this episode because it establishes that Mariner is always right, and that even the characters within the show comment on how she's always right. I thought I might be reading into things too much, but then later episodes established that I was correct.

This episode further cements the fact that Mariner is always right. They have to transport a Klingon general, and Boimler slowly realizes he's useless and plans to retire. Mariner, though, being always right, contracts a Ferengi to menace them in a stereotypical way so Boimler can save them, thus preserving his career, which she identified as a good thing because she is, as always, right. By the way, what was that Ferengi thinking? "Hello, sir, I'm a human, and I want to pay you to rub your hands together and cackle."

Temporal Edict
The buffer time episode. This is the only episode where Mariner is possibly wrong, in that she volunteers to fight the giant monster guy, but Ransom stops her, fights it on his own, and wins. This is also the episode that establishes that the bridge crew will treat Mariner as basically an equal despite her being an Ensign. Of course, Mariner is right in the end because she chooses not to get Ransom fired -- so everything is always REALLY in her hands.

Moist Vessel
The episode where Mariner's mother (who's the captain) tries to get her to transfer by promoting her and giving her boring jobs. Mariner works with her mother to save the ship, impressing her and making her realize that Mariner actually is really smart and may have a future. Mariner, though, prefers working on the lower decks, so she insults an admiral to get demoted again. This episode is less about Mariner being always right and more about Mariner's desire to stay on the lower decks.

Cupid's Errant Arrow
Boimler gets a new girlfriend who's perfect in every way, so Mariner assumes she must be a shapeshifter or something. She tries to expose the truth, but ends up really liking the girl and realizing they have a lot in common. In the end, Mariner was right, but didn't realize that it was Boimler who had the alien parasite attached that makes him attract perfect girlfriends.

Terminal Provocations
Mariner and Boimler have to help a new ensign who seems nice, but is actually an irresponsible idiot. I especially like Mariner saying "I would never endanger the ship," but literally the first scene of the first episode is her getting drunk on duty and stabbing a guy by accident. Anyway, Mariner saves the ship from the ensign's incompetence and gets him transferred away.

Much Ado About Boimler
Oh man, if you thought Mariner wasn't always right before, have I got news for you. In this episode, it is firmly and inarguably established that Mariner could totally be a captain at age 24 if she wanted to be, she just chooses not to be, and any seeming incompetence by her is just an act. It's a shame, because the episode is otherwise okay.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/20/20 12:04:14 PM

The House of Quark

It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
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09/20/20 1:18:16 PM

"Sub Rosa"
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09/20/20 1:50:56 PM

Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War

Dunno if I can do another since you've still got TNG/X-Men in the queue, but I was reminder of this other crossover today.

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09/20/20 1:58:01 PM


Besides, marijuana is far more harmful than steroids. - BlitzBomb
I headbang to Bruckner.
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09/20/20 2:06:08 PM

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09/20/20 2:24:13 PM

Seven of Nine
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09/20/20 2:28:51 PM

Every culture having their own signature drink

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09/20/20 3:19:08 PM

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09/20/20 3:33:35 PM


Board 8's Voice of Reason
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09/20/20 5:41:39 PM

Someone else already nominated latinum!

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/20/20 8:00:40 PM


This is quite a username I have here.
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09/20/20 11:02:46 PM

Amusingly, my nomination of 'Section 31' on post 189 was skipped over. Always lurking in the shadows they are...

There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
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09/20/20 11:07:10 PM

Starship Mine
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09/21/20 2:17:09 AM

The House of Quark
A lot of people don't like the Ferengi comedy episodes, but I actually enjoy them well enough. This is a good one, because it juxtaposes Quark's extremely specific financial skills with a culture that doesn't value them at all, and his rampant sexism with a Klingon woman who won't tolerate it at all (she only tolerates Klingon sexism). I really enjoy the part where Quark bores the Klingon High Council with insane financial documents until Gowron gets angry and forces him to stop. Overall, a really solid episode.

Sub Rosa
I have a confession to make! Like ten years ago, I did a TNG episode watch-through topic, and I skipped Sub Rosa, but I pretended I watched it anyway. I'm sorry, but I've only seen this episode once, when I was eighteen. I remember the writer of the episode complaining that Star Trek fans don't like gothic horror, which... yes? But even if they did, "Scottish sex ghost seduces all the women in a line" is like the stupidest premise for an episode ever. The most important thing about this episode isn't even the rapist space ghost, it's that Crusher discovers her grandmother's secret sex journal, reads it, and tells Troi that it's super hot and erotic. If I discovered my grandparent's secret sex journal, I would at best not burn it and just toss it into a box to never be read by anyone.

Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War
So Nekron and some Lanterns go to the Abramsverse, and the emotional rings go to various Trek characters, who eventually set aside their differences to fight Nekron. I'm okay with this so far, but the Trek characters who get rings are Chekov (hope), Uhura (love), McCoy (compassion), General Chang (fear), the Gorn Prince (rage), and the Romulan Praetor (avarice). Poor Uhura. Even when they reboot you to actually have a personality, you're still just 'the girl.' I've never read Green Lantern comics, do all love rings always go to girls? Because I refuse to believe there's a 50/50 split with them.

Perfection. It would have been so easy to just give the bad guy races phasers as well, and that's what disruptors are for any practical purpose. But by calling them disruptors, it implies a direct destruction of the target, whereas a phaser is more abstract.

A great idea. Of course the sterile, clinical Federation doesn't use real alcohol except during special occasions. Unlike most other Star Trek concepts, I don't think there's ever been a synthohol-based episode, though. What premise could you have about synthohol malfunctioning? Probably none.

Seven of Nine
Seven of Nine is a character who works in spite of herself. Everyone involved in the production of VOY acknowledges that she was created solely to be hot. And yet, she's also a thoughtful examination of how someone raised from childhood to be a zombie communist would react to becoming a human again. She and the Doctor are the only things carrying VOY for four straight years. The best part of her character is that after years of careful development and hard work, her adopted son was brutally murdered by having his eyeball cut out of his head using a corkscrew, which caused her to go insane and turn into a vigilante who views the world solely with cynicism and hatred. Perfect writing, Alex Kurtzman.

Cultural Drinks
... do they? I never thought about it before. Hm. Blood wine, Romulan ale, kanar, spring wine, root beer... Yeah, I guess so. Do the Ferengi? Huh. Well, this is fine. It's good to help flesh out cultures by giving them identifiable foods.

3D Chess
"How do we establish that someone is smart?"
"Have them play chess."
"Okay, but we need to establish that he's really smart."
"Say no more."

For a short period of time, I promoted Data above Spock in my list of favorite Star Trek characters, because Spock was in Discovery, but Data wasn't. But then, PIC just had to go and use Data. Ah well. Of all of the returning old characters in the new Star Trek, Data is by far the least ruined. Spock was revealed to be super emotional, have dyslexia, and have a secret adopted sister, Sarek was revealed to not hate his son for entering Starfleet and to have galaxy-range psychic powers, Spock's mom was revealed to be going against her husband's wishes and breaking the law, Pike was revealed to not just have an unfortunate accident but to instead have an epic destiny to end up in a wheelchair, Harry Mudd turned into a psychopath, Picard gave up on life and acts like he had a close friendship with Data that he clearly did not have in TNG, Riker retired to make pizza, Troi had a son who died of a disease that makes no sense, Icheb's eyeball was cut out of his head, Seven of Nine turned into a crazy person, and Hugh was killed by a ninja star. I guess 'least ruined returning character' technically goes to Number One, Pike's first officer who shows up for five seconds, but whatever.

Data is such a good idea. Sorry, ed, I know you hate Data, but too bad, I love him. He's the anti-Spock -- a guy who feels no emotions, but wants to explore his humanity anyway. Star Trek is largely defined by its Torn Between Two Worlds characters and their internal conflicts, but Data just completely ignores all of that and feels zero conflict at all. He knows what he wants, and he's prepared to explore it in a funny way.

Did you know that TNG was originally pitched by Gene Roddenberry as focusing on Picard, Riker, and Crusher? But they instantly realized that Riker and Crusher are boring compared to Data and Worf, which is why all of the movies are about Picard and Data, and why not?

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/21/20 2:17:12 AM

Section 31
The idea that ruined Star Trek. I know I just complained about DIS, but settle in, folks, because I'm going to complain about it some more.

I'm okay with the idea of Section 31. I know it violates Gene Roddenberry's vision, but alright. I accept that there'd be a secret quasi-legal spy agency in the Federation that gets tacitly overlooked by the powers that be, and they do nasty stuff. DS9 knew how to use Section 31, and it knew exactly how much Starfleet types could overlook their actions and how far Bashir could be pushed. My point is that DS9 knew Section 31 was questionable, but that it still had limits, and that it was being used for a very specific purpose, which is to show how that that no matter how evolved the Federation may be, people will still lose their morals if they'd pushed too far.

I'll just give ENT a get out of jail free card for using Section 31 two-hundred years before DS9. Fine. Section 31 is immortal, sure, whatever.

Then DIS rolls around, and in its unending quest to ruin everything about Star Trek, it quickly identified Section 31 as a powerful weapon to use. What was once meant as an examination of how you hold onto your ideals during a war turned into an organization that does comically evil things like make volcano bombs that explode the entire Klingon homeworld. That's a plan that Dr. Evil would come up with. I guess the plan was technically invented by the Mirror Universe emperor, but Section 31 agreed to it, so whatever.

Why does Section 31 even have a gigantic fleet to be controlled by an evil computer? Why does it have its own black combadge design? It's a spy agency, not a navy. Does Alex Kurtzman think the CIA is a division of the Army, and has access to stealth aircraft and tanks? I have complete hatred for DIS s2's ending, even more than DIS s1, and Section 31 is a major part of it.

Honestly, I'm super torn on how to rank Section 31. The DS9 version would be fairly high, but since I'm including all appearances here, I guess it's getting kicked down below.

On a related note: the Federation has Section 31, the Romulans have the Tal Shiar, the Cardassians have the Obsidian Order, and the Dominion have the Changelings. You never hear about Klingon Intelligence, though, it only comes up in the tribble episodes. Are the Klingons the best or the worst spies in the galaxy? We may never know.

Starship Mine
This is the second time I had to look up an episode. I thought this was the episode where Picard had to fly the ship through a minefield, but this is actually the Die Hard episode. Okay. It's a Die Hard episode. It's exactly what it sounds like. The most notable thing about the episode is that the actor who plays Tuvok is in it as a human thief. This is like peak 6/10 territory.


Make it So
Captain Jean-luc Picard of the USS Enterprise
James Tiberius Kirk

The Beginning of Wisdom
The Borg
D'deridex-class Warbird
The Mirror Universe
Cardassia Prime
Prime Directive
The Neutral Zone
The Rules of Acquisition
TOS Films Uniforms
USS Defiant
Riker Chair Maneuver
Data & Picard
Gul Dukat
Khan Noonien Singh
The Doctor
Seven of Nine
The Dominion
Geordie's Epic Maneuver
Picard Song
Zapp Brannigan
The City on the Edge of Forever

Assimilate This
Year of Hell
Galaxy Quest
The Orville
Homefront/Paradise Lost
Star Trek TOS/X-Men Crossover Comic
Leonard McCoy (Abramsverse)
DS9 s6e1-6
Picard Memes
TNG Warp Core Sound
Starfleet Martial Arts
Ballad of Bilbo Baggins
Kobayashi Maru
The Riker Lean
Frequency of Uniform Changes in Starfleet
Chain of Command Torture Sequence
Kirk is a Jerk Shirt
Conundrum (TNG)
The Chase
That One Matte Painting
The Pegasus
Lower Decks (TNG episode)
The House of Quark
Where No Fan Has Gone Before
Miles O'Brien
Medical Equipment
Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Children of Time
Ambassador-class Starship
Species 8472
Wolf in the Fold
3D Chess

Live Long and Prosper
Brunt, FCA
TNG Poker Games
Cultural Drinks
Q's Mariachi Band
Enterprise s3
Gul Damar
The Way McCoy says "Spock's Brain"
Escape Pods
The Daystrom Institute and the Vulcan Science Academy
Phaser Rifles
Ezri Dax
Everything Not Ruined by Discovery
Slingshot Maneuver
The Cage
Tom Paris and Nicholas Locarno
Worf's Baldric
TOS Klingons
Kira Nerys
The Maquis
RedLetterMedia's Picard Re:Views
Holodeck Episodes
Mike and Rich's Top 5 TNG episodes
Brent Spiner
TNG Title Sequence
The Picard Maneuver
Gene Roddenberry
Reginald Barclay
Raemes T. Quirk
Ketracel White
Starship Mine
Helena Cain
Sanctuary Districts
O'Brien Must Suffer
Sarah Higley

Highly Illogical
Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War
David Marcus
Cupid's Errant Arrow
Captain Proton Holonovels
TNG s1 and s2
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Star Trek: The Animated Series
Temporal Edict (Lower Decks)
Thirty Days
Pon Farr
Enterprise's Opening Credits
STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association
Spock's Dick Tweet
Prune Juice
For the Uniform
Sisko's Beard
Delta Quadrant
Vic Fontaine
Romulan-owned Borg Cubes
Cristobal Rios
Tasha Yar
Not!zi Aliens
The Rock's Appearance on Voyager
It's a Faaaaaaaaake!
Naomi Wildman
Nichelle Nichols
Valiant (DS9)
Picard's Captain's Jacket
Sisko Punching Q
DS9/Babylon 5 Similarities
Saucer Separation

Get the Cheese to Sickbay
Warp Speed Limit
Hide and Q
Star Trek: The Last Voyage
Worf x Dax
Harry Kim
Wesley Crusher
Star Trek: Beyond
Antitime Future Enterprise-D
Wil Wheaton
Vacation Episodes
ENT's Reason for Klingon Forehead Ridges
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Night Terrors
Flaunting Danger Clip
Beardless Riker
Katherine Janeway
The Host
Star Trek Online
The Way to Eden
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Star Trek action figures
Section 31

This is the Power of Math, People
Alexander Rozhenko
Lwaxana Troi
Lighting Choices in Discovery s1
Neelix Episodes
Riker's Pizza
Warp 10
The Outcast
Harry Mudd
The Child
Tartigrades Lawsuit
God Aliens Not Respecting Consent
Climax of Into Darkness
The Mycelial Network
Sub Rosa
Jennier Lien's Descent into Madness
The Rape Gangs of Turkana IV
Data x Borg Queen [robo][tf][buzzsaw]

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/21/20 4:37:26 AM

Anagram posted...
I've never read Green Lantern comics, do all love rings always go to girls?

For awhile, yeah. I think that's changed very recently but for a long time it was nothing but women.

Unlike most Lantern Corps, save perhaps Agent Orange, the Star Sapphires are currently all female. However, it is not impossible for a man to wear and use the Ring. During The War of the Green Lanterns, Guy Gardner once wore a Sapphire Ring, in addition to a Red ring, to boost his power, and was able to, if only for a brief time, channel its power, though it proved extremely difficult (mainly due to the fact that he needed to make himself mad and feel love at the same time). The writers also stated that men are allowed into the corp, it's just that none have been found worthy yet. Recently, men began to join the corps, as "Love is love, no matter who bears the heart".

Edit: Also do Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

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09/21/20 11:24:58 AM

The nuking of Florida

Board 8's Voice of Reason
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Mac Arrowny
09/21/20 12:16:39 PM

Starship Mine is great. High tier TNG episode.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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09/21/20 12:17:50 PM

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09/21/20 12:29:43 PM

Leonid Nimoy

Congratulations to azuarc, GotD2 winner
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09/21/20 1:02:23 PM

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09/21/20 1:21:21 PM

Jake Sisko

Is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it is?
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09/21/20 1:50:35 PM

Chakotay and why hes the worst
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09/21/20 3:19:16 PM

The USS Cerritos

It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
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09/21/20 4:03:20 PM

That time fake Indians tricked star trek into thinking they were experts.

Board 8's Voice of Reason
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09/21/20 4:18:43 PM

bryans7 posted...

For awhile, yeah. I think that's changed very recently but for a long time it was nothing but women.
Well, I'm glad to hear there's some equality there, lol.

Mac Arrowny posted...
Starship Mine is great. High tier TNG episode.
Don't know if I agree with that, but that's fine. I always found it a little weird that it's Picard who gets the Die Hard episode and not, say, Riker.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/21/20 4:19:57 PM

This topic

(|| ' ' ||) "Your First Thought" - A (sometimes) Daily Topic Series 'Bout Thinkin':
. /|_|\ [azuarc]
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Mac Arrowny
09/21/20 4:20:47 PM

That's what's so fun about it! You see the normally a diplomat guy go all out and kill a bunch of people. It's ridiculous, hilarious, and fun.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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09/21/20 4:51:38 PM

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
The one with the whales is the only thing about this movie most people remember. Its funny, too. This is the only movie thats a flat-out comedy, which makes it unique in the franchise, but its also the movie that saved the franchise. TVH exceeded expectations by so much that it got Roddenberrys dream project, a relaunch of Star Trek itself, greenlit, and thus we have TNG.

As a movie itself, its really good. I could point out any of the great moments all throughout the movie, but instead, Ill point out one moment that didnt. Every character in the movie gets at least one scene to do his or her shtick (Scotty and the engineer, Chekov and nuclear wessels, and so on) except for Sulu. Thats because they hired a little kid to be Sulus ancestor, only for that kid to cry too much and be unable to film the scene. Poor Sulu. Even when you do nothing wrong, you still dont get anything to do.

Nuking Florida
Am I allowed to just post that one Bugs Bunny gif? No? Fine.

This was a very clear attempt to do a 9/11-style event in Star Trek. The problem with this is that we already had that in Wolf 359, and it was done better, and because of the way ENT s3 is set up (a lone ship exploring the unknown), we dont get to see any of the aftermath of its 9/11 except Trip being angry about his dead sister. I mean, a little bit is done with this with that one Xindi scientist whos like sometimes I think about the kids who mustve died, but I dont think the writers really knew what they were doing here.

USS Make It Up
Id never heard this, its very good. I notice they dont use any ENT clips or references, which is amusing, and that whenever they talk about making something up, they switch to Janeway, which is good. Poor Shatner. Like, if you want to make a Star Trek song about making up science stuff, clearly the correct choices for the singer are Scotty, Geordi, or Janeway, and yet its still Kirk who gets used, and why not?

Honestly, now Im wondering who the most identifiable voices in Star Trek are. Im going to say Kirk, Scotty, and Sulu are the top three even now. Janeway might be able to pierce that trio, though.

Leonard Nimoy
I honestly dont know a lot about Nimoy. I know he invented the Vulcan salute, which is good, he invented the Vulcan nerve pinch because he thought it was out of character for him to pistol-whip a guy, which is good, he refused to be in Generations, which is good, and he got angry when Roddenberry included Vulcan logic pins in an episode because it was clearly just something he wanted to sell for extra cash, which is good. Then again, he agreed to be in a Bayformers movie, so its not all good.

Jake Sisko
Jake is the most noncharacter of all the pre-ENT main characters. Hes in like half of the episodes of DS9, and he has a significant role in like half of those. The only notable thing about him is that the writers were smart enough to make him avoid turning into Wesley Crusher, but really, Jake is just an extension of Sisko. He exists only in reference to Sisko, and only to make Sisko more interesting by worrying about his son, which is fine. Jake is just a human version of Spot.

Chakotay + Jamake Highwater
I hope no one minds me combining these two. Chakotay is Star Treks official Native American character, and Jamake Highwater (real name Jackie Marks) is the Native American consultant who helped design him. But what VOYs production staff didnt know is that Highwater was just a white guy who knew nothing about Indians, so the result is that Chakotay is just every stereotype ever, as played by a Latino guy instead of a Native American. Like, thats the most confusing aspect of this entire character. Star Trek has had Native Americans before in one-episode roles. By this point, there had been multiple Native American episodes where they hired real Native Americans. Could they not find one middle-aged Native American man in Los Angeles? I live in Los Angeles; I can tell you they exist.

Anyway, Chakotay is a boring nothing character the writers had no idea what to do with. The story behind his creation is more interesting than he is. Robert Beltran (the actor) wanted to get out of VOY, so he told people on live TV during interviews not to watch it, he demanded more money in an attempt to get fired, and he demanded a girlfriend for his character, but the producers just would not fire him, and it resulted in the infamous Chakotay x Seven plot twist in the final episode. I give PIC a lot of flak, but okay, this is something I dont mind them ignoring.

USS Cerritos
Its a fine-looking ship. Lower Decks gets the aesthetics of Star Trek right. I dont really like the idea of all ensigns in a ship having to have bunks in a shared hallway anyone can enter, but fine, I guess. The ship itself is not a problem with the show, unlike Discovery (told you I can turn anything into complaining about Discovery).

I was going to say that most of the crew isnt Starfleet material, but I realized thats not really true. Most of them could be. The exceptions are Captain Rutherford, the Bajoran warmonger guy, and Mariner. But those three are main characters, so it ends up the same.

The easiest way to explain the Cerritos being canon is to just assume Starfleet needs a ship to send all of its terrible officers to when it cant fire them for some reason.

Anagram ranks anything Star Trek-related with a short writeup
1/10. The idiot who made this topic forgot to capitalize the words in the title.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/21/20 4:51:48 PM


Make it So
Captain Jean-luc Picard of the USS Enterprise
James Tiberius Kirk

The Beginning of Wisdom
The Borg
D'deridex-class Warbird
The Mirror Universe
Cardassia Prime
Prime Directive
The Neutral Zone
The Rules of Acquisition
TOS Films Uniforms
USS Defiant
Riker Chair Maneuver
Data & Picard
Gul Dukat
Khan Noonien Singh
The Doctor
Seven of Nine
The Dominion
Geordie's Epic Maneuver
Picard Song
Zapp Brannigan
The City on the Edge of Forever

Assimilate This
Year of Hell
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Galaxy Quest
The Orville
Homefront/Paradise Lost
Star Trek TOS/X-Men Crossover Comic
Leonard McCoy (Abramsverse)
DS9 s6e1-6
Picard Memes
TNG Warp Core Sound
Starfleet Martial Arts
Ballad of Bilbo Baggins
Kobayashi Maru
The Riker Lean
Frequency of Uniform Changes in Starfleet
Chain of Command Torture Sequence
Kirk is a Jerk Shirt
Conundrum (TNG)
The Chase
That One Matte Painting
The Pegasus
Lower Decks (TNG episode)
The House of Quark
Where No Fan Has Gone Before
Miles O'Brien
Medical Equipment
Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Children of Time
Ambassador-class Starship
Species 8472
Wolf in the Fold
3D Chess

Live Long and Prosper
Brunt, FCA
TNG Poker Games
Cultural Drinks
Leonard Nimoy
Q's Mariachi Band
Enterprise s3
Gul Damar
The Way McCoy says "Spock's Brain"
Escape Pods
The Daystrom Institute and the Vulcan Science Academy
Phaser Rifles
Ezri Dax
Everything Not Ruined by Discovery
Slingshot Maneuver
The Cage
Tom Paris and Nicholas Locarno
Worf's Baldric
TOS Klingons
Kira Nerys
The Maquis
RedLetterMedia's Picard Re:Views
Holodeck Episodes
Mike and Rich's Top 5 TNG episodes
Brent Spiner
TNG Title Sequence
The Picard Maneuver
Gene Roddenberry
Reginald Barclay
Raemes T. Quirk
Ketracel White
Starship Mine
Helena Cain
Sanctuary Districts
O'Brien Must Suffer
USS Make It Up
This Topic
Sarah Higley

Highly Illogical
Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War
David Marcus
Cupid's Errant Arrow
Captain Proton Holonovels
TNG s1 and s2
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Star Trek: The Animated Series
Temporal Edict (Lower Decks)
Thirty Days
Pon Farr
Enterprise's Opening Credits
STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association
Spock's Dick Tweet
Prune Juice
For the Uniform
Sisko's Beard
Jake Sisko
Delta Quadrant
Vic Fontaine
Romulan-owned Borg Cubes
Cristobal Rios
Tasha Yar
Not!zi Aliens
The Rock's Appearance on Voyager
It's a Faaaaaaaaake!
Naomi Wildman
Nichelle Nichols
Valiant (DS9)
Nuking Florida
Picard's Captain's Jacket
Sisko Punching Q
DS9/Babylon 5 Similarities
Saucer Separation

Get the Cheese to Sickbay
Warp Speed Limit
Hide and Q
Star Trek: The Last Voyage
Worf x Dax
Harry Kim
USS Cerritos
Wesley Crusher
Star Trek: Beyond
Antitime Future Enterprise-D
Wil Wheaton
Vacation Episodes
ENT's Reason for Klingon Forehead Ridges
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Night Terrors
Flaunting Danger Clip
Beardless Riker
Katherine Janeway
The Host
Star Trek Online
The Way to Eden
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Star Trek action figures
Section 31

This is the Power of Math, People
Alexander Rozhenko
Lwaxana Troi
Lighting Choices in Discovery s1
Neelix Episodes
Riker's Pizza
Warp 10
The Outcast
Harry Mudd
The Child
Tartigrades Lawsuit
God Aliens Not Respecting Consent
Climax of Into Darkness
The Mycelial Network
Sub Rosa
Jennier Lien's Descent into Madness
The Rape Gangs of Turkana IV
Data x Borg Queen [robo][tf][buzzsaw]

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/21/20 4:57:51 PM

Time Travel in the Star Trek universe
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09/21/20 5:44:46 PM

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09/21/20 6:07:02 PM

"A Night in Sickbay" (Enterprise)

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09/21/20 7:09:40 PM

The Abramsverse Enterprise being as large (slightly larger?) than the Enterprise-D from the Prime universe.

It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
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Topic List
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