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04/02/22 6:58:19 PM

Hmm, the new chapter is titled The Transfer Student from Beyond the Grave. That piques my interest some. We immediately start in the assassin lab, and there are about 100 more weapons than are necessary for Maki, not that she doesn't already have plot armor as a killer.

I got more items to expand the area, but other than the key going to the voxel door just outside of this lab, I have no idea where the other two are intended to be used with. This fourth floor certainly is unlike the rest of the grounds, well maybe the casino/hotel area sticks out the most, but this would be a close second. When I entered this rooms on the left, I briefly saw the ghosts of Mono Yellow, Mono Blue, and Monokuma, but when I regained control, they disappeared, so I don't know if that was some sort of bug/glitch or intentional because Shu didn't even react.

Kiyo's lab was about what I expected. I couldn't get into Angie's lab, but apparently that was because Angie locks her lab when inside of it. The other door in this lab has a sliding lock as opposed to entrance I went in being a key lock, and now the key was eaten by Mono Green. I think it goes without saying that we will have a locked door murder in this room, with Angie being the likely victim.

After much running around, I discovered that the scroll goes to this statue outside of the conservatory. A dojo appeared, so this must be Tenko's lab. I thought Tenko had androphobia, or something like that, given what she spews ad nauseam, and maybe she does, but she was willing and able to throw down Shu with no hesitation or post-reaction. lol Himiko getting the same treatment.

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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04/02/22 7:13:44 PM

Oh, I saw this earlier next to the rooms with the Kuma ghosts, but apparently the wall at the end is where I needed to use my hammer. After the hallway littered with monitors or something was a computer room with a single, massive Xbox computer, and a chest with a flashback light. If this is it for this chapter, then Kaito, Kiko, Keebo, and Tsu do not have labs yet and based on previous chapters, those four will have plot armor this chapter.

Meeting at the dining hall for the flashback light, someone defended Maki (Kaito?) claiming that she wasn't a killer. Uh, how could one be called the Ultimate Assassin if they've never assassinated someone? She's an ultimate in assassination theory/planning (and if you think that kind of person still wouldn't have blood on their hands)? Flashback light revealed all 16 died or "died" and had a group funeral. They presumably died or "died" together.

I don't know why my free time took me there, but I ended up going back to the tunnel where the escape game was located, and to my suprise, I could still play it lol. I did horribly. I hung out with Kiyo and was surprised that was my only free period that round.

I'm sure this means nothing, but Mono Pink vomited blue in the announcement, which is allegedly a sign of good luck, so I'm going to be on the lookout for anyone absent at the gym just in case. Ugh, we will be having a pool scene later. I counted 11 people including Shu at the gym, but Gonta showed up later, so everyone was accounted for.

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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04/02/22 7:14:57 PM

KCF0107 posted...
I briefly saw the ghosts of Mono Yellow, Mono Blue, and Monokuma, but when I regained control, they disappeared
Just window dressing. Not plot-related, or anything-related, for that matter. Just for fun.

Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform
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04/02/22 7:27:34 PM

Angie has really started a mini-cult and has become a bit of a religious zealot. I mean, it should have raised flags long ago that from the get-go, no other character had heard of Atua and whatever religion they belong to. The Kumas broke this up by introducing their motive being a tome that will allow us to resurrect a fallen ally. Now the title makes sense, and let's just see how this plays out. If there's any legitimacy to this, I suspect Rantaro is the target given how little we got to know about him as well as the mysteries surrounding him.

"I feel like this academy has prepared me for absurd situations" - Shu
- You'd think so, but that makes one of us.

I forgot about that horse a stone, but now there's more writing. Ignoring that for now, Kaito has been acting a little weird. Sick? Poisoned!? Uh oh, Angie turned Gonta. Let me do a head count of who is team Atua and who is team not:
- Atua: Angie, Tsu, Keebo, Tenko, Gonta, Himiko
- Not: Kaito, Shu, Kiyo, Miu, Maki, Kiko

It looks like we have a split. Also, apparently Team Atua has formed a student council that has been making rules and seeking to enforce them in the name of peace and harmony. I would now put the odds of Angie being the victim in a locked-room murder at about 99% unless they wish to milk this Atua stuff for more conflict in later chapters. Between this, Ryoma's uncertainty about his will to live, and Rantaro's plan to put to an end to the Kumas, were the games always this up front about who would be killed? I feel like THH and GD to a lesser degree didn't telegraph victims as obvious as this game. That really puts a damper on things, as I liked the element of surprise.

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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04/02/22 7:43:22 PM

Oh no, pool scene. "My heart's safety was off, and I was going in guns blazing." *gags*

I ended up hanging out with Miu and then Gonta once I realized that I had basically hung out with the same four characters with Shu despite actually choosing them at random previously.

"I hope she's not doing something stupid" - Shu thinking about Miu
- I'm afraid that ship has sailed on every character

The cult is ramping up their control by limiting nighttime movement, covering up the manhole cover, and destroying a flashback light. Oh no, what will I do without being able to play that escape game? Tenko's non-reaction to this dining hall argument has me believing that she may just be there because of Himiko and is actually not on Team Atua.

Now that I see that I'm actually close to maxing out Miu's friendship, I may actually target her exclusively until it is finished because I don't think that I ever maxed one out in-game in the previous two games.

Tenko is indeed not a true believer. Hmm, we are now heading to the lab at night as a group of three, and now four with Kiko in tow. Oh, Angie is still alive, for now. She made wax figures of the deceased so their souls have a vessel to return to. Now that we left, time to find her dead there tomorrow I guess.

Kaito was sick because...of a ghost phobia? Whatever, Himiko is outside of Angie's lab unable to get in because it is locked and nobody's answering the door. Truly a great sign. Koki picked the locked, and as we turned the handle...I decided to call it quits.

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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04/02/22 7:52:03 PM

What suspense! Who could possibly be dead inside Angie's room when Angie specifically shut the door on you the night before and said she wouldn't be coming out and now the door's locked? Could be anyone.

Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform
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04/02/22 8:31:17 PM

KCF0107 posted...
Now that I see that I'm actually close to maxing out Miu's friendship, I may actually target her exclusively until it is finished because I don't think that I ever maxed one out in-game in the previous two games.


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04/02/22 8:32:01 PM

MrSmartGuy posted...
What suspense! Who could possibly be dead inside Angie's room when Angie specifically shut the door on you the night before and said she wouldn't be coming out and now the door's locked? Could be anyone.

Surprise it's Hifumi

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04/03/22 12:37:56 AM

As an anthropology major, I definitely made an effort to max out Kiyo's friendship.
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04/03/22 4:08:50 AM

I liked 3-2, and it was one of the rare cases I knew exactly what was going on before the trial started. (1-3 was basically the only other time I can remember that happening.)

Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
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04/03/22 8:08:22 AM

In a shocking turn of events, Angie was found dead in what appears to be a locked room murder. For once, I don't have an immediate suspect or pool of suspects. If I had to make a guess though, they will probably make this an Atua vs non-Atua thing, so the suspicion would initially fall on the non-believers but in reality it was an "inside job." If the trend holds on ultimates surviving until their labs are revealed (who is to say that Monokuma wasn't joking when he said Rantaro was the ultimate who cares?), then Gonta and Himiko are the most suspicious.

Wax figures are hoisted upside down, with poor Kaede having a sword stuck in her, and Angie lying on the ground. I'm not sure what the ritual in the book states, but I will laugh, not necessarily in a positive way, if this is this game's suicide. Angie died at 2 AM, so no alibis will be found. Stab to the back was fatal, but there is also a wound on the forehead. In other news, Kiyo, Koki, Tenko, Himiko, and Keebo will be conducting a seance.

They aren't letting me investigate the Kaede figure even though the sword is definitely something I should be looking at. The sliding door is still locked, but there's some gold residue on it. Is that from the hilt or whatever non-blade parts of the sword it could also be? I remember something in Kiyo's lab was so old that the gold was flaky, and I want to say it was a blade. There's no way Kiyo would be so dumb to incriminate himself by using bringing "his" sword to a murder. so aside from Shu and probably Mika, he's my third least-likely suspect in Angie's death, if it was from foul play.

We are already strongly suspecting council members because of who Angie would allow in, so maybe I'm wrong. Oh, I can investigate the dolls once I click to look at Angie. Katana in Kaede has blood on it, so it is presumed to be the murder weapon, but given the ample time the perpetrator would have to clean up after themselves, I can see the katana being a red herring. It isn't as if we are going to do a blood analysis.

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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04/03/22 8:22:10 AM

Okay, so according to the ritual book, it needs to be burned as its ashes are to be used in the resurrection process. That makes it seem highly unlikely that this was a suicide, especially since in the bizarre case that Angie fatally stabbed herself in the back of the neck and was able to walk, she was pretty adamant about not choosing a killer, so the sword should be in Rantaro in that scenario. I did find it curious about the line that the person doing the resurrecting will feel a light tap in the back. I feel like that has to have some signficance.

Angie's wounds came from different weapons. Perhaps the forehead was an accident and the neck was murder. That's all that I've really got on that at the moment. There's also duct tape with blood and presumably Angie's hair underneath her. Got some pretty raw clues, but hopefully there's more to come as my investigation in the lab came to a close as I got confirmation that the katana in the art lab is a match for the missing weapon in Kiyo's lab.

I guess that I am checking out the seance. If we are going to completely cover Kiyo with a basket and blanket, I'm getting the feeling that these are the last moments we see him alive. lol poor Keebo getting ragged on since everyone gathered around Angie. Oh, it won't be Kiyo but Tenko who will be the vessel. Well, you clearly weren't my favorite, but you probably won't deserve what's about to come to you.

I call BS that all four were needed to carry the statue but found to simultaneously movearound all the salt and never disturb it. Oh, that can't be good. We didn't break singing, but there was a loud noise in the room. If that was the sound of the dog statue falling, then I think that someone attacked Tenko from below the floorboards (since they just talked about them being loose), causing her dying body to react and knock the statue over. Oh god, I see a little speck of blood underneath the blanket. Unless she's playing her role like a champ, then she's a goner. I would have stopped here in anticipation of another death video, but I want to keep the ball rolling, and it's possible that she isn't dead.

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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04/03/22 8:34:27 AM

Kiyo removed the sheet, but there's none of the usual wailing sounds and woobly screen with a light filter, so maybe she's just incapaciated. Oh, once Himiko lifted the basket, then the standard death stuff popped up. Yeah, with a floorboard loose, someone definitely came from below and likely had to have left to an adjacent room.

I just realized that all third chapters have been double deaths. I distinctly remembering in THH that the only way to salvage such an embarrassing-constructed third case was for the circumstances to be that the rules that Celestia was allowed to live on despite being a murderer. That wasn't the case, but Monokuma here did bring up that if there were multiple murderers, only the one who murdered Angie would be on trial and the other won't get punished but doesn't get to leave either. Of course, it definitely seems like the same murderer. Tenko was specifically murdered, it was the person who would be the vessel. And that murderer would have that motive because they killed Angie and were afraid about a successful seance, suggesting that Angie did see her attacker.

Tenko also had a stab wound to the back of the neck, and searching below the floorboards, a sickle was discarded here and with the blood being fresh, it seems like our murder weapon. Hell, it could even be both murder weapons. There's both fresh and dry blood underneath a floorboard. Huh. Could this at all be related to Angie's forehead wound? I don't know why anyone would be here, let alone Angie, but I suppose this could have been the start. There's also rotted wood under here, which I would assume connects to adjacent rooms, so our killer had to have entered and exited through there.

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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04/03/22 8:50:20 AM

Wait, trial already? I still need to look at the evidence some more, but I have some quick thoughts:

- I can't imagine anyone in the seance killing Tenko. I would imagine that opening the door would make a noise if they entered underneath from one of those other rooms, and if they opened up a floorboard not covered with salt, they probably couldn't do that sneakily.
- The killer would have to be aware of the seance mechanics, though I suppose the likely scenario is that they were in earshot of Kiyo explaining the seance procedure in full and knew when to strike.
- I'm sure that Maki would have informed us if anyone was gone from or left the art lab once she went back, and I can't imagine they would have Maki kill someone as part of the killing game.

That leaves just two suspects: Keebo and Kaito. Keebo will obviously be suspected because he was kicked from the seance, but even though he and Kaito o not have their labs revealed yet, let me make a case for Kaito:
- Kaito has been acting sick and has blamed it on a phobia of the supernatural. What if he lost a lot of blood in an unknown event and has been trying to recover from that? The dried blood underneath the floorboard could be his.
- I don't think that Kaito was around when the seance was first mentioned, so what if he panicked when he heard about Kiyo planning to do one having already killed Angie and maybe he does actually believe/fear supernatural stuff. He then excused himself for health reasons, went to the closest room with a weapon (sword from Kiyo's was no longer an option) by grabbing a scythe from Maki's, and you know waited and eventually murdered Tenko by entering the left room and killing her from below.
- This doesn't explain how he first got into Angie's room unless he was able to convince her to open the door, but whatever. My first thought was Kaito and basically only because of the Tenko murder.

Whenever I get back on the game, I will definitely this time go through the evidence again and see if anyone else pops in my head.

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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Big Bob
04/03/22 8:25:56 PM

No thoughts on uh, THAT scene?

I mean, I know it's irrelevant to the case, but that has to be the funniest moment in the entire series.

Come watch me on Twitch:
azuarc beat me.
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04/03/22 8:39:31 PM

I think that you are going to have to spell out what you are talking about. I have a favorite line/moment in the game, and I did indirectly mention it

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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04/03/22 9:09:28 PM

I don't see any mention of anything being a lie, so I can only assume you made such a deeply veiled reference no one could possibly catch it.

Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform
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04/03/22 10:54:13 PM

Anyway, I decided to check out the evidence again. I have a theory.

To start things off, solving Angie's death is of the literal most importance, but honestly I think her death is relatively cut-and-dry. Nothing about the evidence surrounding her murder sticks out as truly unusual. I am assuming right now that Angie was murdered, the murder took place in Angie's lab, and that the killer exited through the side door. Now that sliding lock has the katana gold on it. Unless the killer used some sort of tool to somehow use the katana to lock the door and then be able to lodge it into the suspended wax doll, then really the only way I can think of them being able to lock the door is that the katana was already lodged into Kaede, and they decided to swing in it motion hoping that the katana it would hit the lock perfectly to lock it as they were already outside.

Now if, and this is a big if because of how often they decide to lie or pull things out of thin air, Angie would have never opened the door for just Kiyo, Maki, Shu, Miu, Kaito, and Kiko, with the latter also not picking the lock, then our suspects are Gonta, Himiko, Tsu, Keebo, and Tenko.

The crux of the matter then becomes Tenko's death since there just isn't much evidence for a specific individual using Angie's crime scene. I cannot fathom any one of Shu, Himiko, Kiyo, or Kiko killed Tenko. It was pitch black, and the salt circle was undisturbed upon the lights coming back on, so they are out. As stated before, I'm positive Maki would have mentioned anyone being absent from Angie's lab when she went back, so I think Keebo, Tsu, Gonta, and Miu are out. I also think Maki is out because no way she would use her own scythe, and she wasn't desperate enough to grab one of her own weapons because I do believe that she doesn't believe in this seance.

That would just leave Kaito correct? Tenko volunteered to both be part of the seance AND be the vessel. She then gave a heartfelt speech to Himiko before departing to her spot in the circle. She was completely covered from everyone's eyesight before even the lights went out. Kiyo told everyone out loud what was to be done before and during the seance, so she knew when to make a move and when it would be time to make that move. When everyone began singing, something they were not supposed to halt once it began, she moved the floorboard and grabbed the prepared scythe and fatally wounded herself.

I felt this could be a possible explanation for why there was blood on top of the sheet and the crash. She held up the scythe as far up as she could, making contact with the top of the cage and thrusted down. She was maybe able to supress making a sound since she knew it was coming. It was said that she did not die instantly and was able to move around, so she probably discarded the scythe (maybe a little too perfectly for this to be plausible) but was unable to return the floorboard to its original position before succumbing to her wound. Perhaps Tenko did not want to be executed like she saw Kirumi and Kaede, or maybe part of her did believe in the possibility of the seance and did not want to be outed that way, but she decided that taking her own life was the best option.

I thought about suicide being a more likely scenario when I realized that because the room has holes along the walls and floor, a light source from below would have been seen by those in the room, and I would also think that by having to crawl underneath the floor, one would have had to made noises that others would hear.

I think this was a murder/suicide perpetrated by Tenko.

There are plenty of questions regarding the validity of this though:
1. What about the dried blood? Was this during a previous trial run using something else or a different body part or is it somehow related to Angie?
2. How did Angie get her forehead wound? Is it related to the previous question(s)?
3. That scythe was perfectly placed there, so was it actually feasible that she did that even though it is unlikely that she physically went back underneath the room after striking herself.
4. Is a scythe even a plausible suicide weapon? If she struck herself while basically being in that crouched position, can you even fatally wound yourself with certainty? I don't know if the length of the weapon was necessary, but I assume it had to have been for her to take such an awkward weapon given Maki mentioned having other blades I think. Or did she say the opposite?
5. Would Maki have not realized that one of her weapons was taken? She seems like the type to meticulously take note of her own inventory.
6. Angie was killed after Tenko "betrayed the student council" so is it possible that Angie would not have let Tenko back into the lab?

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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04/04/22 11:26:52 PM

The bottom right of the elevator looks a little crammed. Potential Gonta/Tsu/Kiyo culprit? They also updated the pre-trial panels:

Panel 1 - Himiko, Kaito
Panel 2 - Gonta, Keebo, Tsu, Maki, Kiyo
Panel 3 - Shu, Kiko, Miu

All of the aforementioned three are part of the pristine second panel, so I have a hunch it will end up being one of the three.

So far, it seems like everyone's name has been brought up for Angie's murder except Kaito, Shu, and Miu. So far so good on the Angie lab front with the culprit using the katana to move the sliding lock by spinning the doll. I'm feeling slightly better about Tenko being the culprit, but that will obviously fall apart if the suicide theory is debunked. We are already pivoting to Tenko's death, so here we go!

Himiko selected where the seance would take place, but that was in earshot of everyone, so that doesn't exactly narrow down the suspects. Hmm, Shu thinks someone is manipulating this trial. I'm guessing that Himiko has plot armor at this point, so my only other guess is Kiyo, but certainly Kiyo/writers wouldn't be dumb or unimaginative enough to kill Angie with a weapon directly tied to him and then kill Tenko in a situation that he called for and constructed himself?

No lights under the floorboard, so the suicide theory is still holding...uh oh, we randomly brought up Tenko potentially killing Angie. This still seems too early in the trial, so I fear my theory may be dying. Oh, and we then quickly pondered about Tenko doing a murder/suicide. Well, that's the end of that theory.

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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04/04/22 11:44:08 PM

Could that late-seance crash sound have been Tenko falling through the floor due to the sawed off portion beneath giving weight to the cage and statue? That would mean that the sickle was placed down there ahead of time, not that it explains how the fatal wound was on the back of her neck unless where the wound was to be made didn't matter. Of course, the killer would then have to be underneath the floor already to put her back up, something that seems to be hard to do without a light source and making noise to alert the other four.

Oh...someone, uh, stomped on the loose floorboard. It can only be Kiyo at this point with him knowing the layout and being able to multitask moving around and singing the chant. Kiyo was like the only living character who I can't recall being a dumbass before, so it would be a shame, one might say a travesty, that he would commit multiple murders that immediately raised red flags in his direction. I'm desperately trying to think of ways to defend him, but when Himiko chose the room, did she choose the room out of all the rooms or did Kiyo suggest the three rooms in a row and asked Himiko which of the three? I'm assuming that the same set up is in every room because we weren't allowed to investigate the other two rooms, and Kiko was bloodied by a similar thing in an adjacent room.

Okay, if the murder weapon was hidden in the white cloth, I can buy that, but how did Kiyo remove and place it without any one of Shu/Kiko/Himiko seeing or hearing it when they clearly would be watching him finish setting things up? Himiko being a magician and potential slight-of-hand tricks I could accept, but not Kiyo. Kiyo's reaction to recent developments is definitely that of someone whose plan was figured out and decided not to be skeptical of it to avoid suspicion.

Nobody stepped through the board because of the salt circle that Kiyo drew and said to not disturb. It would be a might big upset if he wasn't Tenko's murderer. The question is if the game will be wisely bold and not have him be Angie's murderer as well. Historical precedence laughs at my optimism for the non-boring outcome, but I will cling to this tiny shred of hope.

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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04/05/22 12:11:53 AM

Okay, now it is confirmed that the sickle was placed and removed when same was done to the cloth. I'm going to need a meticulously detailed play-by-play to accept nobody in the room noticed.

Once they clarified the rules when there were multiple deaths, the blackened on trial is on a first come, first served basis, which leads me to believe that with that wording and the series' unwillingness to do the narratively bold and interesting thing, Kiyo either killed Angie or Angie committed suicide or died accidentally and Kiyo is still the blackened. That being said, this does bring into question why would he kill Tenko if he killed Angie, especially since the multi-murder rule wasn't revealed yet? He is the one that brought up the seance, and if he wanted to thwart his own idea, he could have just accidentally messed up the salt during the dark and blame it on someone else. Of course, why would he kill Tenko no matter how Angie died? There's no benefit in the killing game and he just assumes a lot more risk. Is he like a serial killer or something?

Okay, so that dried blood undearneat the floorboard was Angie's. She didn't fucking fall down and accidentally get herself killed with Kiyo's trap did she? That would be about the only way to partially salvage this if Angie died accidentally, but since this was Kiyo's trap, he would be considered her killer, so he set things in motion to try to make the case more complicated to hopefully increase his survival chances, even if it just makes him more connected to the crimes. I'm assuming at this point that Tenko or whoever was to be the vessel in the seance was the actual target and Angie's death was totally unplanned. Well, they are bringing up that she was injured in the seance room but killed in her lab, so there goes that hope.

Is Kiyo schizophrenic and the sister that he alluded to way back in the first chapter that I suspected would be the reason he becomes a future murderer actually this other persona (let me have this win)? Hold up, why the fuck would Angie go into the middle room for a candle? The left one would be closer, and she wasn't expecting anything when she entered the middle room, so it's clear that she didn't go to the middle room to investigate a noise.

As an experiment, I voted for Maki when it came time to vote, but it didn't make a difference. Kiyo appeared to vote for himself as I was the only non-Kiyo voter. Time to see if Mono Pink or Red is killed this time. Before that, Kiyo said that he killed Tenko because he already set up the trap, and it would be a waste not to use it. Seriously? Oh no, Mono Green ran into the fire! What a twist!

I said that I thought that Kaito might actually be sick, recovering from blood loss as a potential murderer, but I think he might actually be sick. Yeah, coughing up blood kind of solidifies that.

Ch. 3 End

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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04/05/22 12:14:59 AM

And so we say farewell to Angie, the only one of my seven top tier characters from the series that didn't make it past the halfway point in the games. Still three better characters remain from DR3 though.

Touch fuzzy. Get fuzzier.
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04/05/22 12:22:34 AM

KCF0107 posted...
The question is if the game will be wisely bold and not have him be Angie's murderer as well. Historical precedence laughs at my optimism for the non-boring outcome, but I will cling to this tiny shred of hope.
This was such a huge disappointment. Having the group have to deal with a known killer among them who evaded a trial because of a technicality could have been really interesting but of course not.

May you find your book in this place.
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04/05/22 12:22:48 AM

While this wasn't a bad chapter, I think calling it a waste is accurate. It's a waste of an opportunity to do what they didn't have the guts to do in the abysmal third chapter of THH. It's also a waste of Kiyo to kill off one of the more reasonable/less idiotic characters by having him commit two murders that had direct connections to him (he even went and got rope and other materials from the warehouse but didn't bother coming up with a better idea than using his sword to kill Angie and lock the door?), with one of murders done just because he put in the time to set it up, just to give his sister a friend in the afterlife.

So basically I have the timid Shu, anti-social Maki, and a bunch of people incapable of being consistent and reliable assets in court. Why do they always kill off the more useful and relatable characters!?

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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04/05/22 12:36:29 AM

The results of 3-3 were very disappointing to me, more in terms of the explanation of why Korekiyo behaves the way he does. It does set up one of the funniest executions, though, when Monokuma comes in with the giant salt shaker.

Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
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04/05/22 1:25:56 AM

Basically everyone agrees that 3-3 is the most 'missed opportunities' chapter in the series.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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04/05/22 1:32:29 AM

Not a huge fan of 3-3. Sure, the twist of having just a straight up mentally unwell serial killer has it's own value, but it's to the decrement of the much more interesting twists they seemed to be setting up. A serial killer murderer would have been more interesting for, say, a standard case 2 trial.

Glad to have reached this point, though. Reactions from here on are why anyone comes to a V3 playthrough, other than chapter 1.

Inviso posted...
And so we say farewell to Angie, the only one of my seven top tier characters from the series that didn't make it past the halfway point in the games. Still three better characters remain from DR3 though.

My fellow Angie defender, we are truly repressed.

There are definitely more than 3 characters I have ranked higher than her left, though.

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04/05/22 2:13:30 AM

Angie is great, I agree. She's an entertaining secondary antagonist with a cool design and pretty great dialogue. It's just a shame the game makes it so obvious she's gonna die.

I also think 3-3 has a pretty poor murder case, like every chapter 3. I don't mind the whole cult thing and it's a very Danganronpa conflict. By now, though, you know there's gonna be two deaths and one of them is clearly Angie, and there's not many options for potential killers if you're familiar with the tropes of the series so far. Kiyo is the obvious choice from the start of the trial especially after Tenko goes. Also, the end of the trial wasn't great. I'm never a fan of "actually, this character was secretly mentally unwell and that means they had the insatiable urge to kill, which was kept hidden almost perfectly up to this point!" as a cliche.

Perhaps the golden rock was inside us all along.
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04/05/22 4:00:53 AM

I need to post my fanfic some day. I never got past writing case 3, but the third case is ridiculous (in, I hope, a good way.)

Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
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04/05/22 7:11:05 AM

xp1337 posted...
This was such a huge disappointment. Having the group have to deal with a known killer among them who evaded a trial because of a technicality could have been really interesting but of course not.
This is what I would love to see in the next Danganronpa game, even though in reality I know we're not getting another one

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04/05/22 8:04:28 AM

See, I don't even care about the whole "well what if there were TWO killers, and one of them gets away with it because the rules only punish the first one" thing. The disappointment I have is how they build up this whole, oppressive cult attitude...and then Angie just gets killed almost arbitrarily, for reasons unrelated to the cult. It's like how Hiyoko dies in DR2 in terms of a missed opportunity.

Touch fuzzy. Get fuzzier.
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04/05/22 8:08:55 AM

DR and missed opportunity go together like peanut butter and jelly
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04/05/22 12:42:18 PM

Oh hey, KCF likes Kiyo too. That's great!
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04/05/22 12:53:05 PM

Case 3-3, the case where all the players are generally disliked.

Angie is the one I was referring to as the hate boner character at the onset of this topic BTW....and Korekiyo as the one I didn't personally like.

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04/05/22 12:57:52 PM

Honestly, I love Angie and I find Kiyo so bizarre that he's almost amusing. I don't particularly like him, but I don't hate him either. Really, I only hate one character from DR3, and I can't say much more than that at this time.

Touch fuzzy. Get fuzzier.
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04/05/22 6:35:31 PM

There's one character I hated, partway through, and they turned out to be pretty awesome.

Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
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04/06/22 5:12:21 AM

Is Raidan's spoiler tag one that I should avoid or is it safe for me to read?

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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04/06/22 5:38:39 AM

Definitely avoid. It's a very vague spoiler, but I'll still never understand why it's so hard for people to not flood a playthrough topic (and it's especially bad with Danganronpa) with spoiler bars that the person playing the game can't read. Either come back to it when it's no longer a spoiler or forget about it. It's just not worth it.

Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform
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04/06/22 7:38:39 AM

UshiromiyaEva posted...
Angie is the one I was referring to as the hate boner character at the onset of this topic BTW....and Korekiyo as the one I didn't personally like.

Odd. I always got the opposite vibe. Praise be to Atua.

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04/06/22 11:46:13 AM

That spoiler is only a spoiler if you already know it spoils something. It would have flown by, unremarkable, otherwise.

Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
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04/06/22 1:44:44 PM

DRV3 has a much more cohesive cast than any of the other DR games, imo. For instance, you could replace a lot of DR1 characters with some other better character, and the narrative will still be the same, but will feel better-written. DR2 could've done a lot better with someone like Akane or Teruteru or Hiyoko.

But V3 gets pretty much every character just about right. I can only think of one character I could point to and say "they should've replaced this one with someone like this". The story just wouldn't have worked as well with any of the other fifteen. Everyone has a distinct role that only they could fill properly.

I say all this because I really dislike Angie as a person. If I knew someone like her in real life, I would have to really commit to not getting in arguments with her every single time we met. But she fits a very specific role in V3, and she's incredibly important because of it. I like her character quite a bit. But every time she talked the first time I played, I had this subconscious anger build up inside me, so I still don't really like her.

....... Is it weird that in that same vein, I truly related to Kiyo up until his breakdown? >__>

Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform
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04/06/22 5:40:49 PM

Rantaro with some dumb, scattered/cryptic/teasing message about someone being here by choice and in a previous game or something. Whatever, who cares.

There are new letters on that stone Gonta found. I'm just guessing here, but I think part of the message will end up spelling out "This world is mine..."

New expansion items are a brush, stone, and card key/motive. Is the card key maybe for the Monokuma door, computer, or hotel? I had no idea where anything went, and after much searching, I remembered the scroll on the 4th floor, and that is what the brush was for. I thought maybe the stone could be used on the nearby statues, but that wasn't the case. Tsu's lab is on this new floor. Tsu went to sit down at her bar set, completely unaware that I had already slapped away all the tables, chairs, and sofas. She can sit on the floor I guess. She has mixology skills if that means something later on.

Also on this floor appears to be my lab. Murder guidelines and poison here. Lovely. Not sure how much this will matter, but some of the guidelines have photos and others are merely illustrated. Oh wow, I thought we had something special Maki. She threw some shade saying that this lab was too good for me.

Apparently the stone was to be inserted in this random thing next to Miu's lab that I never noticed. I have a hunch that this is Keebo's and not Kaito's or Koki's lab. If this holds true to the previous three chapters, then our victims and murderers will be from this pool of three (I'm assuming that Rantaro either doesn't have an ultimate title and/or wasn't supposed to be here and did not have a planned lab). Unless they plan to bring back Kaede, Keebo and Tsu are it.

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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04/06/22 5:52:23 PM

Flashback light revealed stuff like Gofer Proejct to save humanity. May have failed. Also meteorites, humans suck cult, ultimate hunt, and joint funeral. Again, whatever, but I'm just hoping that I can at least remember this stuff so that whatever crap they intend to pull with the overarching stuff doesn't completely catch me off guard.

Free time from now on I may focus on Himiko and Maki since I think they have plot armor. Gonta and Miu each have plans to save everyone. And there's our victim sign in flashing lights. I have to assume that the trend up to this point will be bucked and one of those two will be murdered. Leaning toward Miu. She had three chapters to have fun with her lab. Oh, and Koki plans to instigate trouble (aka murder) by using one of the plans of the aforementioned two. It will almost certainly have to do with Miu's since she's keeping hers a secret.

Seeing what Miu was cooking up in the computer room, I see chairs and what appear to be VR headsets. Is her plan basically escaping reality to live the rest of our days in a virtual world. Our corporeal bodies won't last long then. Oh, that is exactly what she had planned. Ch.4 is basically going to be a carbon copy of GD taking us to a setting independent of the rest of the game? Oh, and Monokuma made this virtual world. Certainly nobody is idiotic enough to go along with this nonse...I'm surrounded by imbeciles.

Keebo has mentioned multiple times about having an "inner voice" that he follows without question. I feel like that is totally the set up for a murder. This is just for my convenience if this will end up matter, but in regards to the VR cords:

Red = Consciousness
Blue = Memory

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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04/06/22 6:01:22 PM

Maki immediately wanted to go back upon entering the new world, and I was right there with her. Objects are unbreakable, and everyone has the same physical strength, certainly an upgrade for senior citizen Keebo. You can only log out using this phone in this first room. So someone can easily log out and murder everyone to graduate. Nice job everyone for agreeing to this.

"And besides, this is a simulator, right? We won't actually die, right?" - Shu wondering to himself
- Oh you sweet summer child

I already have had enough of this virtual world with the loading screens, art style, and not being able to go more than 10 steps before being dragged into another long, exposition-filled conversation.

We are using a signboard as a makeshift bridge. Who wants to be that someone will remove the bridge so someone can't cross back to log out? No sights or sounds go through map transition bounderies. You've done enough foreshadowing someone is going to be murdered while in this simulation, so let's get it over with lol. Oh, Miu removed the bridge. Bravo.

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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04/06/22 6:08:42 PM

Even though Miu, Maki, Keebo, and Himiko were allegedly stuck on the chapel side, Tsu claims to have seen Miu through the dinning room window. Then there was a loud bang, and Keebo could be heard. Gonta is fine, and everyone is accounted for except for Kaito and Miu. One is going to be dead while the other is probably going to be a false prime suspect. Pre-simulation signs pointed to Miu being a victim this chapter, so my money is on her.

Maki wants us all to log out, so we are totally about to see a dead body. Oh, and the chapel crew says that Miu's avatar isn't moving. That about seals her fate. Could the bang have come from outside the game? I'm sure that our brains can perceive sound waves and send them to our avatars based on the Kiko slapping Keebo bit. Perhaps Miu was smashed with one of the discarded monitors in the hall or some of the things, for a lack of a better term, they were in this computer room.

"He's stupid enough to get himself killed, but I know he won't really die." - Maki on Kaito
- Is it possible that the Rantaro message was for Maki and like GD, the events from this game aren't actually real?

After logging out, I went to remove my headset...and stopped there.

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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04/07/22 5:23:06 PM

I wasn't sure that there would be a body because Shu was the second-to-last to log out, and nobody was making any noise like there was a dead body. However, the comic relief character bit the dust. She's clutching her neck, so I don't know if she was poisoned/strangled outside of the game or maybe she was drowned inside of it? Kaito had already logged out when Miu died, so she she wasn't dead yet. I'm assuming that he will still be the prime suspect for everyone else. He was also logged out involuntarily.

She died at 6:30 AM, not that this will help me since I have no idea what time it is. There were no external wounds, so it has to be poison, maybe something to do with those cords, or something else that I am not aware of. There is a bottle of poison on Koki's chair, but not only does that scream a frame job, the poison is supposed to kill the person immediately and give them bloodshot eyes. The poison can be ignored as a murder weapon.

In text files, it was uncovered that damage in the virtual world transfers to the real world. I think we have our general murder method. A fatal injury will result in the real body dying from shock. I don't know anymore, is Miu's body indicative of one that went through shock? Does the brain interpret shock like it would if one was unable to breathe?

Man, I really have no sense of time during the trip to the virtual world because Kaito apparently logged out an hour and a half before we all did at the end in a five-minute span. In the events leading up to her death, Miu was looking around outside the chapel and something hit the chapel wall. Miu was also in the process of dying when Keebo logged out, and he was the first out of the non-Kaitos.

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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04/07/22 5:33:25 PM

I know that you have to say your name to log out, but I don't recall there being a rule that it has to be you. Kiko was in charge of the lounge when we split up to search the mansion, so I wouldn't be surprised if he said Kaito's name through the phone. I'm assuming that the chapel is to the left of the mansion and vice-versa. I mean there is this path on the map that match up despite being on opposite ends. It would also explain how the sign board washed up on the mansion shore since the river went east. It just "looped" around back to the mansion like it was originally supposed to. People asking dumb questions up in here. How could Kaito discover Miu's corpse if Keebo and Mika were there for her final moments 90+ minutes after Kaito logged out?

It's weird how the developers spent all this time and effort creating this virtual world but decided that the only things that they would spend time detailing were these rugs. Outside of the mansion is the toilet paper from the first-floor bathroom. I'm pretty sure Gonta saw this. I don't know if he was confused and trying to process this or if he was a bit panicked and decided not to dispose of it when Shu came upon him.

Miu's avatar is on the side of the chapel facing the mansion's dining room window. That wooden mat thing I am positive I saw from the mansion rooftop storage. There's also curiously a hammer and cell phone. I'm betting that the phone was used to log out Kaito to frame him. Oh, we got a demonstration and yeah, you can force someone else to log out.

Koki and Miu had plans to mee on the rooftop. Just after testing to see if avatars could hide items, I was not allowed to search Miu if she had anything on her. The rooftop door can only be locked from outside, and Kiko claims that he could not meet up with Miu because the door was locked.

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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04/07/22 5:36:36 PM

With best girl Miu's passing, I can't help but bring up my "favorite" Danganronpa factoid.

Kodaka designed Miu to be the most hated character in all of Danganronpa. He truly believed that a girl like Miu would be disliked by literally the enitrety of the fanbase, he came up with her as the worst woman he could imagine.

What a moron.

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04/07/22 5:41:53 PM

I heard that was a mistranslation.

May you find your book in this place.
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04/07/22 5:43:14 PM

Miu did a lot of tinkering with the world:
- Deleted objects from game but kept hammer
- Added two maps
- Everything is human or non-human, and she made herself non-human
- Added a wall on the Y-axis that non-humans could pass through
- Koki would be unable to move if Miu touched them

This basically cements my belief Miu was planning to murder Koki and frame Kaito. There was a user error when we first logged in. Someone's avatar had "something strange happen to them." Okay, this means nothing to me right now.

I feel like it has to be Tsu, Gonta, or Keebo. I'm operating under the belief that Maki, Himiko, and Shu have plot armor for the time being, Kaito is being framed, and Kiko was probably supposed to be murdered.

In the pre-trial panel screen, here is the update:
Panel 1 - Himiko, Kaito
Panel 2 - Gonta, Keebo, Tsu, Maki
Panel 3 - Shu, Kiko

Would you look at that, panel two has double the other two and has all three of my murder suspects.

In a tie vote, both are blackened, and that's okay if at least one is correct. For starters, I don't expect the game to do anything this intriguing, but if they defy expectations, it would be neat if who I vote for actually matters now.

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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