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10/23/22 3:44:01 PM

Freestyle, whatever you want. And, I do hope you post something because frankly I was going to make this a little gimmicky, but I'd really like to share memories, no bullshit. So here goes one of mine...

Honestly, now-a-days, being 48, I'm one of those characters who just perpetually sits in shock on how the world has changed so dramatically.

For example, I remember going to the library to rent Forest Gump the book, having just seen the film in theaters. But soooo many people had the book checked out I had to wait like a freaking month to get it.
And FINALLY, my turn. I read it. And I was so disappointed that it sucked so much and was NOTHING like the movie. Its a god damn miracle that movie got made from that book at all.

Alas, no one has to wait in line at the library anymore to check out a book. We don't read, we don't go to libraries.
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10/23/22 3:45:09 PM

i remember it snowing

Never eat spinach with a stranger
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10/23/22 3:45:39 PM

Playing drunk truth or dare with a couple of male and female friends in college and one of the dares I had to do was suck off a beer bottle with a condom over it.

Let me tell you, it was legit kinda difficult >_> Ever since that day, I've had new found respect of any chick that could give me a good BJ. It definitely takes a lot of skill

Neon >_>
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10/23/22 3:46:04 PM

One time, I sat and watched while my little brother drew on the sidewalk with what he thought was chalk and what I knew was old dog shit.

Heartomaton for President 2028.
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10/23/22 3:46:46 PM

The earliest memory I have is being at the zoo and seeing a gorilla puke into his hand and then eat it again.

Save for your doomed future
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10/23/22 3:51:11 PM

I took a shower and got soap in my eyes

my old computer died and i didn't feel like resetting the password to my original account, so i created this one instead. yeah, i know, what a shocker >_>
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10/23/22 4:04:02 PM

Shit my pants as I was pulling them down in the bathroom

I am Mogar, God of Irony and The Devourer of Topics.
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10/23/22 4:07:02 PM

I remember going to go see Michael Jordan play when he was on the wizards.
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10/23/22 4:07:20 PM

there was this kid in my preschool that had a glass eye and at nap time he had the cot next to mine. he wouldnt sleep, hed just stare at me, take his glass eye out, and roll it across the floor at me. freakiest shit ever when ur 4 years old

Your anus can't read. - Heartomaton
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10/23/22 4:07:35 PM

i remember seeing a black cat and a black dog at the bottom of my grandmother's curved driveway, one with a missing eye and the other with a missing limb. i ran up to the front of the house and told them about it because i wanted to share, but the animals were gone when we got back down. they told me it was just my imagination, but if it was, it's the only time i saw something that wasn't real in my waking life

equites quattuor in saeculum saeculi
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10/23/22 4:08:24 PM

a-c-a-b posted...
The earliest memory I have is being at the zoo and seeing a gorilla puke into his hand and then eat it again.

Wow, my earliest is a gorilla puking into his hand, sniffing it, tasting it, wiping it in his butt, then tasting it again.

I guess it's the kind of thing that would make an impression on anyone that saw it.

Any last one-liners before I go ape on you? - Hoss Delgado
Mmm, toast some marshmallows for me too Mailman.- Chris Paul
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10/23/22 4:11:25 PM

At some trip once they had us go caving and my light went from not very good to basically dead very quickly. Lots of uncomfortably low ceilings, accidentally kicking big chunks of rock lodged in the floor, trying to remember the way and trying to listen for other people, pitch black, very unhelpfully shaped walls that didn't give me much of a clue what direction I was moving in. I don't know why I didn't complain. I think I accepted that the trip was out to get me and that I was going to have to tough it out.
Pretty much everything after that was a mix of things continuing to be tainted by some left field bullshit or me choosing not to do it, to not even give it the chance.

I didn't really think about it again until a few weeks ago when the videos of people stuck in caves Youtube seems to like throwing at me got me wondering if that part could have been worse.

Still waiting on that third threat
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10/23/22 4:12:14 PM

I spit on a prayer rug

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10/23/22 4:14:17 PM

Many years ago I was home alone when I heard a helicopter. It sounded extremely close, so I looked outside and it was landing in our field. While I'm looking at the helicopter, about 4 police cars pull into the driveway and out into the field. A horde of cops jump out and all dash across the creek and into the woods nearby.

I stepped out, hoping to be able to ask what was going on, but the helicopter lifted off and started flying around the property. So, I didn't think it was a good idea to hang out there. I locked all the doors and after about half an hour they all just loaded up and left.

I never found out what was going on.

--- ^ My YouTube. Current LP Core Keeper, Shovel Knight Dig, and Tunic.
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10/23/22 4:16:30 PM

October 2021. A darkened barn/farmhouse in Connecticut converted into a reception hall. My cousin's wedding reception.

It was the first time I'd ever taken a significant other to a wedding. Dancing that evening with her surrounded by family. Partly the dance, partly due to the confidence of being someone that was wanted, partly the alcohol.

It had been a long time since I've felt that happy, that whole of a person.

She would break up with me four months later.

It's the kind of important memory that reminds me that, for my own health and happiness, I can't give up.

CyricZ He/him
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10/23/22 4:25:20 PM

When I was a teen I got guns pulled on me 5 different times. Couple I was shot at

One of them was my buddy and I tried to trick a dealer into selling us drugs on the promise that we'd bring him a pit later that day. He picked up on it right away, knocked my bud down, and fired "at" us while I drove us away around the curve he lived on

He likely wasn't trying to hit us, just send a message. I went back to him with actual money a couple times and neither of us acted like it ever happened, just did business

One time a guy pulled an entire shotgun out his pants on me. That was... Impressive

Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
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10/23/22 9:05:37 PM

@rivers thats something straight out of goosebumps. Spooky
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10/23/22 9:15:47 PM

once i scraped my knee
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10/23/22 9:15:56 PM

12 year old me, playing pokemon red. Made it to the elite 4 for the first time. I went in with my level 50 something Venusaur that I'd been using for the whole game like an idiot and I didn't really level up any others. I had the most gut wrenching final battle with Blue. I was pacing and praying around my kitchen to beat this guy. Lo and behold, I managed to pull it off.

I was so damn pleased with myself.

Shut your BF28/9 sound hole and listen up.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? Strike three.
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10/23/22 9:16:23 PM

i opened the door with my seatbelt off before the car had come to a stop. and the driver did not stop.

"Now, was that civilized? No, clearly not. Fun, but in no sense civilized."
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10/23/22 10:00:15 PM

I like to write idealized or romantic expressions of my childhood memories.

Our wounds burned with the salt of sweat. The march through the pine bush thicket left our skin perforated and swollen. We had spent the summer venturing into the woods on the creek bank and blazing paths through the undergrowth to hidden glades. We didn't realize then, but time was moving out in all directions -- and seemingly conspired against us. That day and summer lasted forever, but it was twilight beneath an endless orange sky. The setting sun brought respite to the wet-heat of the day, and we stopped without a word and caught our breath in the clearing. The rich smell goldenrod and pine sap swirled in the cooling wind.

Our attention to that fleeting moment was punctuated out of that time and out of that place by the distant roar. High above, an alien or intruder -- no! -- a sun-but-not-the-sun blazing its own path across the sky carrying some-ones to their some-places. The verdant sieve on the ridge conquered orange rays before our eyes and second sun faded to sound and sky-trails. The present entered our attentions again and, with small words of astonishment, we disappeared to blazed paths to our some-ones and some-places. We parted that day with unspoken promise that time would certainly see broken.

You know how fads are. Today it's brains, tomorrow, pierced tongues. Then the next day, pierced brains.
-Jane Lane
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10/23/22 11:39:17 PM

Many years ago when I was in high school I was friends with a couple of potheads named Brad and Phil. I would give them firecrackers and they would sometimes set them off in the school. They had did this a few times and no one noticed. Then one day they did it and the science teacher ran out asking "What was that?" This occurred not to long after the columbine shootings and the teacher obviously thought it was a gunshot. Brad was a quick thinker and told him that someone had dropped a book down the stairwell. The teacher bought that and went back to what he was doing. So sorry to you Mr. Burgess, we didn't mean to scare you.
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10/23/22 11:42:01 PM

I remember seeing my future wife for the first time at a house party of my friend (her cousin) and my ass immediately stumbling over to her as I always had a weakness for redheads.

She liked fit hairy dudes, so we had a good long chat that evening.

Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less.
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10/24/22 12:06:22 AM

i won some award for art achievement or something as a kid, and got to go to some ceremony at city hall to shake the mayor's hand. i fucking tripped on the way up in front of a bunch of people lol. i got really embarassed but managed to not cry until the car ride home

(psst... its me, teamilk)
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10/24/22 12:09:19 AM

Im being carried by the crowd as the band is singing Come Out and Play and when my feet hit the ground Im back in the mosh pit sweating and slamming into the grooving masses.

Now or never.
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10/24/22 5:41:08 PM

I love these! Thanks for these shares! Please more.

I'll share some more too.

Let's see. Give you something more exciting this time. Going to tell you about my first near-death experience.

Summer, 17 years old. I was hanging with this chick and a whole bunch of friends. She wasn't my girlfriend, Becky, but she was a good friend. And she was on this rehab kick. Her group was goin to the beach, for you know a good time without drugs or some shit.

It was wild. Her and all of our friends met up with this gang of rehab folks. They seemed pretty cool, people our age. And we had this big caravan drive down to the beach.

Just a little after we got there, we start swimming. I went in shirt off, pants on. Now, some of my friends were saying that out in the distance in the water was something known as a "sand bar" where if you swam out far enough you could actually stand up on it...

So yeah, I believed that shit, and they did too, and a big handful of others because about twelve of us started swimming out there, on faith of finding the elusive sand bar.

Well, as you can imagine, there wasn't one. People started turning around and swimming back. Only, for a couple of us, we already swam out REALLY far, and now it was beginning to become too difficult to get back!

I was out very far. The shore looked very far away. I could not touch the ground underneath with my toes at all. And for every stroke I went forward, that mother fucking current would relentlessly pull me back by at least two strokes, and I began to add this all up quickly in my head.

And that's when it happened. The mortal fear of death overwhelmed my body, my mind, my spirit. I truly thought I was about to die right there from drowning because I didn't have enough strength to swim back.

I never truly understood the expression having your life flash before your eyes until that day, but now I know, because that's exactly what happened. When you truly think you're going to die, and you have a brief moment to think about it, you actually stop worrying, give up, and you can see your whole life at one time, like the whole thing in snow globe, or 3D picture, everything. If you could keep that kind of memory all the time you'd be the smartest person alive.

So, as all this was happening, I decided I'd give one last chance. I screamed out for help. My friends were to far away to do anything, but they did say, "TRY STANDING UP!"

I did, and by God, my big toe barely touched a little bit of the ground bellow, but that was enough to relight my spirit on fire, and I made another mad dash attempt to get to shore. And holy shit I made it.

I got up on shore, went down the beach a little, and passed out.
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10/24/22 6:17:52 PM

i was in air force basic training back in '07. during the second week some MTIs (air force drill sergeant) come into the dorm at like 1am and inspect a few of our areas to make sure we were doing things correctly. under our bed we had to line up our shoes (running shoes,shower shoes, and boots) perfectly with the edge of the bed. they get to this one guy a couple bunks down from me who is still snoozing and yell at him because his shoes weren't aligned properly. conversation went like this:


Trainee: *mumbles something still half asleep, no idea whats going on*


Trainee: *looks around in a daze*


Trainee: MOVE SHOES!


Trainee: MOVE SHOES!

the MTI moved to the next area and that trainee never had an issue with his shoes again from what i remember.

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10/24/22 6:18:54 PM

i farted
many times

Your anus can't read. - Heartomaton
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10/24/22 7:33:27 PM

(Remember) walkin' in the sand
(Remember) walkin' hand in hand
(Remember) the night was so exciting
(Remember) smile was so inviting
(Remember) then he touched my cheek
(Remember) with his fingertips
Softly, softly we'd meet with our lips

Never eat spinach with a stranger
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10/25/22 1:11:32 AM

When I was a kid I would test my balance by walking one foot in front of the other on the curbs. At the top of my street there was an area where the curb was all broken. One I came home from school and saw new curb. I honestly thought the asphalt it was made of had dried. It had not. As soon as I stepped on it my foot sunk into it. I heard one of the workers who was now working on the other side of the street yell "Hey" and I took of like a bat out of hell. He didn't pursue me very far and they didn't fix it. For years I had a monument to myself at the top of my street in the form of my footprint in the curb. Then a jerk snowplow driver got to close and took out the curb.
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10/25/22 1:12:43 AM

pokemon jade

Life is just a journey from the maternity ward to the crematorium.
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10/25/22 1:28:03 AM

When I was 6 or 7 I remember walking with my neighbor into the woods behind his house. There was a house way back there that wasn't accessible by the road we lived on. It didn't look dilapidated or anything but it would have taken almost a mile to drive to it through the long driveway (if you can even call it that.) We never went back to investigate further and I never ventured out on my own as by the time I became a teenager there were private property signs posted everywhere across my neighbor's backyard and the guy back there loves to use a shotgun during the daytime so who knows what he'd do if he caught someone snooping back there.

Beware the fanatic! Too often his cure is deadlier by far than the evil he denounces!-Stan Lee RIP
Make Arcades Great Again!
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10/25/22 1:40:58 AM

The best memory I have of my father is from this one argument my mom and him were having. We had a kitchen with a rectangle shape and the way in and out was small since most of the section adjacent to the space designated as the dining room was blocked by a built in counter with drawers and stuff for storing pans and such in. I'd gone in to get something or another and my mom is yelling at him. See, he was an adulterer and porn addict and wasted money on stuff for him that could have been spent, you know, nurturing us kids or paying bills. And yes, that included stealing our state quarter collections and pawning off some now collectors item movies including the little mermaid VHS with the penis art on the cover.

It seems she'd found his stash of porn, a full grocery story type paper bag with DVD cases filling it up. Two per layer all the way to the top. By this point they'd made their way to the dining room and my father was blocking the way with his back to me and I could only stand and avert my gaze, maybe peeking on occasion.

At some point, my mom had it with his bs excuses and said something I'll never forget. She shouted "you need to stop fucking around" as she hurled the paper bag to the ground. It being so filled causes the corners to give out instantly and the DVD cases went sliding along the floor towards my father. And consequently, me. Bump. Something hit my foot. I looked down. It was a porno DVD case titled Fucking Around and that just made me want to laugh so hard. As my father was on the ground scrounging the pile up, I finally had my chance to escape.

I went past him and to my sisters room where they'd been listening from the doorway but far enough back not to be immediately seen until they could tell it was me coming. I told them what had happened. Of course they found the events hilarious. It was like. The quintessential example of a domestic dispute (or any issue, really) and then perfect timing of words and events coinciding into a single moment.

"But gunplagirl, that's a memory with your father in it and not OF him" and to that I say, if an amusing yet deeply fucked up story like that doesn't get across how horrible a father he was, I think further stories would be necessary but I'd rather not share them.

Anywho, there are some other moments but nothing I remember so vividly. Learning to play chess and beating him, those were good memories. But they were clouded by a childish innocence and not yet having the mental capacities to observe the full extent of his horrible ways. And it isn't even like my mom made me hate him. He was always abusive. Just, it really toned up as we got older and he didn't feel like he needed to hold back. So yeah. All things considered I'm a pretty fucked up person but at least I'm fucked up in my own ways and not ones that hurt literal innocent children to whom I had an obligation to care for.

tfw no big tiddy goth vampire gf who lactates blood - viewmaster_pi
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10/25/22 2:28:22 AM

I remember going out house to house on Halloween with my friends and pretty much all the neighborhood kids getting lots of candy and just walking around and talking, simple times :)

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10/25/22 8:48:54 AM

Great memories! More please.

Let's see...

A simple one for me this time.

My first job was in a bar. And I was 12 years old. My mom was a bartender at a honky tonk. She was cool with the owner. And so I got my first paying gig as a bar-back, which is basically somebody who just helps the bartender out, restocking things, cutting lemons and limes, making sugar water, rotating glasses, doing dishes, shit like that. I got $20 a night. It was pretty cool.
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10/25/22 8:58:21 AM

There was a foreign student who just moved here who I slept with in high school. She called me crying when her dad saw the blood on her sheets.

I know people stereotype Chinese parents, but holy shit did he threaten the hell out of me lmao

<3 <3 I love life <3 <3
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10/25/22 9:10:33 AM

Most of my memories are negatively tinged because I spent 12 years being bullied at school and then the next 8 years spending time with a former friend who didn't treat me very well. I'm only just starting to build more positive memories now.

Last May, after splitting with that whole friend group over the aforementioned former friend, I spent a week in Canberra. It was a mixed bag, but I had a good time and it felt like I was getting back on my feet. Looking back, it was a formulative experience.

But on Thursday - keeping in mind I was leaving on Friday - I went bar-hopping. Started at this video game bar called Reload - $5 gin and tonics, fuck yeah - which progressed to karaoke, which progressed to wandering the city streets looking for clubs and bars that were still open. I vaguely remember going to at least two more clubs.

I wasn't used to Uber, so after I failed my first attempt I got in a cab. I told the guy where to go and laid back a bit in my chair, and I rested my eyes because I was fucking loaded. Big mistake on my part. I cracked my eyes open, and this fucking cab driver was driving slowly around the block racking up the meter because he thought I was asleep.

I got upset and got him to drop me off, and I think I like threw paper money at him. After this, I black out. That was around 2 in the morning.

I jump back into my body at around 5am, a kilometre or two from my motel room, walking along the light rail tracks. I knew previously that the tracks came back online at 6.30, I was following them because I knew I wouldn't get run over. Got back to Watson, the suburb my motel was in, and got lost again. Called another Uber and this one worked.

That night derailed a lot of progress I had made, but the story about the cab driver makes up for it and I'm a lot better today than I was back then. It was fun. I wanna go back, or maybe go to Melbourne because that's the one big city on the east coast I haven't been to.

Rest your head - you've got two pillows to choose from in a queen-sized bed
Now Playing: Paladins, Minecraft, Danganronpa
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10/25/22 9:24:27 AM

Christmas 2002. It's the holiday break from school. Night time. I'm in the basement, the fireplace and the TV are my only sources of light. The sound system my parents have set up in the basement is playing the local Christmas station at a low volume. Outside there's several inches of snow on the ground with more lightly falling, illuminated by the streetlights.

In my hand is a PlayStation 2 controller. On the TV is this crazy new game with Disney and Final Fantasy characters called Kingdom Hearts.

I'm ten years old and don't have a single thing to be stressed about.

Life is good.

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10/25/22 2:00:19 PM

I remember fencing in school with other kids using wooden meter sticks. I had done it a couple of times before without incident. One day while doing it I broke one of them. The class was pretty empty as it was recess and the teacher wasn't around. I tried to hide it up on a high shelf but knew it would be found sooner or later. That's when I noticed the class next door was empty. I switched out the broken meter stick with that of the class next door and after a few days of not being caught I relaxed. Many months later I told this story to a friend. He told me that he was in that class and the teacher made everyone stay after class demanding to know who broke his meter stick. Oops.
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10/26/22 4:36:11 PM

I was only 6 or so when it happened and i had a bad spitting habit every time i saw hairs <_< please don't judge me too harshly

Please join the 100 Presidents community board and contribute to the project! Check back for updates!
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10/26/22 4:36:37 PM

I remember the time my dad held a rifle to my uncles chest.
I was...8?

Psn: beastlytoast
Left-handed fire-slapsies leave me feeling confused about life. - Merydia
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10/26/22 5:11:56 PM

Choking on mash potatoes and fainting for 5 hours or so it was afternoon and then I woke up in the evening for tea

Everyone says my cooking is to die for....and then they laugh.....
-picnic felicia
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10/26/22 5:28:02 PM

Scout camp when I was 8. We were sleeping in cabins with bunk beds and concrete floors. First night I went to sleep after telling stories around the camp fire in the top bunk. Woke up the next morning in the bottom bunk with no idea how I got there. Turns out I fell out of the bunk, and landed on the floor which woke up everyone but me. They wouldn't let me sleep in the top bunk for the rest of the trip.

Have you seen the Yellow Sign?
Quando omni flunkus moritati
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10/26/22 7:07:24 PM

Bishop_Hastur posted...
Scout camp when I was 8. We were sleeping in cabins with bunk beds and concrete floors. First night I went to sleep after telling stories around the camp fire in the top bunk. Woke up the next morning in the bottom bunk with no idea how I got there. Turns out I fell out of the bunk, and landed on the floor which woke up everyone but me. They wouldn't let me sleep in the top bunk for the rest of the trip.
I went camping with my dad as a Tiger Cub when I was 7. The first night there was a microburst thunderstorm that woke me up in the middle of the night that devastated the camp ground. One kid even had a tree fall on him! (He didn't suffer any lasting physical injuries.) Needless to say not very families stayed the whole weekend.

Beware the fanatic! Too often his cure is deadlier by far than the evil he denounces!-Stan Lee RIP
Make Arcades Great Again!
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10/26/22 7:13:50 PM

I was the 3rd best in the entire school at the elementary spelling bee. in the 4th grade.

I made it through the semifinals at 3rd, they went up to 6th grade words. I got "Adequate" wrong.

Classroom Rank 1st/24
Semis 3rd
Finals 3rd

"Er...well, y'know. You can't make an omelette without um...destroying a forest.....or something" -Black Mage
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10/26/22 7:21:27 PM

Waiting for the gross Porta potty to free up whilst the first song at my first concert started playing, and freezing in place and trying not to cry.

Also poopin myself in the 3rd grade

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10/26/22 7:58:13 PM

I remember proudly declaring that island was pronounced as "is-land" when I was in kindergarten.

Man it's been 30 years since that? It's so vivid in my mind!

When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps. - Confucius
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