Current Events > Pro-Life Woman Struggles to Get Abortion In State Where Abortion Is Banned

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11/15/23 2:12:37 AM

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. At 6:30 a.m. on Aug. 2, nearly 18 weeks into her pregnancy, Mylissa Farmer experienced what doctors call a preterm premature rupture of membranes her water broke before labor, followed by vaginal bleeding, abdominal pressure and cramping.

She went to Freeman Hospital in Joplin, Missouri, where she'd been just the day before. Everything had been normal then. She and her boyfriend, Matthew McNeill, had already picked out a name for their daughter: Maeve.

But the doctors had devastating news for them.

If Maeve was delivered right then, chances of survival at 17 weeks and 5 days were zero, according to the assessment and plan section of Farmer's medical records outlining the visit. And the outcome wasn't much better if they tried to hold off on delivery.

The doctors recommended terminating the pregnancy but 39 days after the state of Missouri banned abortions, that wasn't an option, at least not in Missouri.

A year ago, the hospital could have offered a chance for the couple to say goodbye and hold their daughter, even though they knew she wouldn't survive outside the womb.

Instead, Farmer and McNeill were left to make a series of trips across three states and countless phone calls.

The couple wanted to be able to grieve the loss of their daughter, not sit at home or in a hospital "with a baby dying inside me," Farmer said.

In the end, Farmer didn't just lose Maeve; she lost her friends and her trust that Missouri would allow medical professionals to do their jobs.

If her vitals plummeted or infection set in, or the fetus' cardiac activity stopped, the doctors could intervene, but not before then.

At 41, Farmer worried that, by the time there was an emergency, it would be too late for both her and Maeve. And even if Farmer did live through it, she worried about what her recovery would be like.

She was already at "risks of maternal thrombosis given her history of (deep vein thrombosis during a COVID-19 infection), infection/sepsis, severe blood loss, hysterotomy, hysterectomy and even mortality," according to the medical record.

Farmer returned to Freeman Hospital on Aug. 3, staying overnight for observation and looking up stories about water breaking early after a nurse mentioned that antibiotics might allow Farmer to carry to term without infection.

But reality came crashing down when more doctors came to advise them.

One newborn intensive care unit doctor "went over the whole baby being deformed because their bones are so soft, she would have permanent disabilities the rest of her life even if she made it," Farmer said. "But he said because my cervix was open, there was no chance for me to even make it 6 weeks."

"The thing he said was, 'There are things worse than death, and I have seen it.'"

Rather than stay at the hospital to wait for infection to set in, Farmer went home to wait, monitoring her temperature and her pain. On Aug. 4, she called her state senator, Bill White, and explained her situation to an aide.

He told her, "Thats not what the law was designed for. Its designed to protect the womans life."

"Its not protecting me. We have to wait for the heartbeat (to stop). Theres no chance for a baby; shes not going to make it. Its putting my life in danger," Farmer said she remembers telling him. "We just want to move on, we just want to grieve."

Farmer describes herself as "pretty pro-life" and Christian. She then did something she never thought she would do: Begin looking for abortion clinics.

Planned Parenthood in Kansas, she said, was overbooked. They couldn't find anyone in Illinois. It was looking like they would have to travel to Colorado.

After reaching out to a couple abortion services that help with finances and facilitating the procedure, one person contacted the Illinois HOPE Clinic for Farmer.

"It did my heart good to know I was doing the right thing," she said, as if her body was telling her that it was OK.

But still, the experience was harrowing. Protesters in front of the clinic echoed the things her friends had told her, "saying we were killing our baby and that we were evil."

"It was awful, you know? We were just going through so much. We didnt want this ... but at the same time, we had no choice," Farmer said.

The loss isn't limited to their child.

The friends who told her she was killing her child have since been cut out of her life.

"I either told them not to contact me or unfriended them, because we were getting judged harshly," Farmer said. "It was just more insult to injury that people are so uninformed and so unsympathetic."

Since their ordeal, Farmer has lost trust. While she still feels her obstetrician at Freeman Hospital in Joplin is a good doctor, she's worried about whether medical professionals in Missouri will be able to offer patients necessary care.

She's lost trust in the politicians who represent her, as well.

Despite reaching out to various legislators, she has yet to receive an answer that satisfies her: Why is this law written this way? If it's to protect women, why did she have to be in danger before she could get care in-state? Why is it such a binary law?

"The world is too nuanced to put such strict rules in place," Farmer said.

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11/15/23 2:13:20 AM

I feel for this woman, but she has to realize that having a pro-life stance can only bring more hardship and suffering for others.

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11/15/23 2:17:00 AM

people are so uninformed and so unsympathetic.

That's what makes for a republican. She had to learn the hard way, but at least she's alive and understanding, now.

evening main 2.4356848e+91
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11/15/23 2:19:30 AM

It sounds like she's still pro-life she's just upset the particular law wasn't written better to only target the evil liberals who have abortions because they want to rather than divine people like her that have to.

Sigful User Logic
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11/15/23 2:20:01 AM

The leopards wont eat my face
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11/15/23 2:23:00 AM

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11/15/23 2:34:22 AM

It's almost like the exact fucking thing we told you was gonna happen happened, lady.

In simplicity, utility. Through utility, simplicity.
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11/15/23 2:36:45 AM

This is what you want, this is what you get

Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things. GNU STP
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11/15/23 2:37:14 AM

DrizztLink posted...

That's actually very interesting.

This one particularly stuck out:
Ive had several cases over the years in which the anti-abortion patient had rationalized in one way or another that her case was the only exception, but the one that really made an impression was the college senior who was the president of her campus Right-to-Life organization, meaning that she had worked very hard in that organization for several years. As I was completing her procedure, I asked what she planned to do about her high office in the RTL organization. Her response was a wide-eyed, Youre not going to tell them, are you!? When assured that I was not, she breathed a sigh of relief, explaining how important that position was to her and how she wouldnt want this to interfere with it.

Like what

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11/15/23 2:50:25 AM

Its so fucking classic when right wingers continually vote for shitty things, and then when said shitty thing that they WANTED occurs to them, its suddenly a totally different ball game for them specifically.

You can see this with abortions, drug crimes, healthcare, etc.

Hee Ho
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11/15/23 2:59:31 AM

I think she should have the right to an abortion, but I don't feel all that sorry for her.

And who are you, my little friend? Not a spoon... not a fork... but something in between. A fpoon. What will you think of next, Germany?
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11/15/23 3:01:53 AM

I've said dumb stuff about abortion, but these own-goals are beautiful. Maybe they should form a soccer team!

A Planned Parenthood handbook on abortion notes that nearly half of all abortions are for women who describe themselves as born-again Christian, Evangelical Christian, or Catholic. (4)

Swimming over the barrier to protect my egg.
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11/15/23 3:02:54 AM

Guide posted...
That's what makes for a republican. She had to learn the hard way, but at least she's alive and understanding, now.

I know we shit on the modern Republican but I swear they use to be decent? people 20 or so years ago. I would disagree with many of their takes but they at least had a decent baseline for ethics. DECENT. Not good.

Now? I can probably only get one to agree that what? Murder is wrong? Thats it? Even then it depends on who you talk to because many of them wanted to hang Mike Pence so Yea

Atlanta Falcons choking a 28-3 lead in the 3rd qtr:
Atlanta Falcons choking a 26-10 lead in the 4th qtr:
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11/15/23 3:02:58 AM

This is becoming a common theme and highlights just how fucked up taking away women's bodily autonomy affects people across the political spectrum

There is no good. There is no evil. There just is.
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11/15/23 3:03:06 AM

^ And it seems many of them go right back to being pro-life and picketing clinics after they get their abortion! wtf?!

edit: @ #12

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11/15/23 3:03:35 AM

"I never thought the leopards would eat my face!" -sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party.

The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed.
To find the one true path, one must seek guidance amidst uncertainty... - Arcana VIII The Justice
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11/15/23 3:07:45 AM

Sounds like a terrible ordeal. I would never wish that situation on anyone even for those that supported banning abortion.

It sucks that it had to come to such a tragic and traumatic experience for them see the other side and the importance of women having full autonomy over their own body.
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11/15/23 3:12:47 AM

Humble_Novice posted...
She's lost trust in the politicians who represent her, as well.

Guarantee she will still vote for republicans.

Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
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11/15/23 3:18:18 AM

Missouri is more of a failed state than an actual state.

"While you were wasting your time castrating a priceless antique, I was systematically feeding babies to hungry mutated puppies!" -The Monarch
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11/15/23 3:19:42 AM

Thermador446 posted...
Missouri is more of a failed state than an actual state.

Missouri is the Florida of the Midwest. Glad we went oerma work from home and I don't have to go over there anymore.

Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
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11/15/23 3:20:10 AM

Turns out people don't just get abortions for shits and giggles.

I wouldn't wish what happened to this woman on anyone, but I hope she understands how many other women go through similar problems.

Black Lives Matter. ~DYL~ (On mobile)
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11/15/23 3:28:06 AM

Sad part is this will keep happening and the right will continue to ignore it. They've become so obsessed with their strict stance on abortion that they refuse to see how these draconic laws impact women every day.

The Legend is True!
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11/15/23 3:35:28 AM

I don't feel sorry for her. She can stay with the leopards eat my face group.

It's more than good, it's alive!
Warning: May contain stone hat pieces
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11/15/23 3:50:43 AM

Rules for thee but not for me republicans always
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11/15/23 4:08:52 AM

DepreceV2 posted...
I know we s*** on the modern Republican but I swear they use to be decent? people 20 or so years ago. I would disagree with many of their takes but they at least had a decent baseline for ethics. DECENT. Not good.


They respected decorum. That's different.

Newt was very low key and inside voice about it, but his Contract On America was still the beginning of, depending on how you look at it, modern radicalized republican obstructionism in the legislature.

What has books ever teached us? -- Captain Afrohead
Subject-verb agreement. -- t3h 0n3
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11/15/23 4:14:50 AM

So she thought the Leopards wouldnt eat her face?

A garbage pod!? It's a smegging garbage pod!
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11/15/23 5:11:40 AM

AldousIsDead posted...
It's almost like the exact fucking thing we told you was gonna happen happened, lady.

Putin delenda est
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11/15/23 5:28:00 AM

"I am against the thing I hate, until I need it myself!"

leopards lick their lips

If you're not smart enough to survive, you are basically just food for something smarter.
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11/15/23 5:38:17 AM

Right here in Missouri, I am not even surprised. I dead ass had a coworker tell me they would rather have their daughter die than have an abortion. I guess theyll be getting their way.
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11/15/23 6:23:21 AM

To some extent I do feel sorry for her with the struggles she's going through. But at the same time, she got what she asked for. Maybe it took this experience to make her realize it wasn't what she wanted but I'm not even quite sure she realizes that. She seems to still want to prevent other women from getting abortions and wants hers to be an exception, but you can't have it both ways.

"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life."
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11/15/23 6:33:33 AM

Zero sympathy. This is what you voted for.
Always amusing when filthy goppers have to reap what they've sown. Like it never occurs to them the ramifications of their actions until it happens to them.

Shut your BF28/9 sound hole and listen up.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? Strike three.
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11/15/23 6:39:42 AM

Ivynn posted...
^ And it seems many of them go right back to being pro-life and picketing clinics after they get their abortion! wtf?!

edit: @ #12
Yes. I read an account years ago that described an event where a woman who had been picketing the abortion clinic one day came in with her daughter to get the procedure done for her. While the abortion was being performed, the mother was telling the staff that this didn't change anything and that they were still evil for providing abortions, and the next day the mother was right back outside protesting the clinic.

It might have been in that link posted above and maybe I'm misremembering the details at this point, but it's been a long time since I've read it.

"Be good to yourself, because everyone else in the world is probably out to get you." - Dr. Harleen Quinzel
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11/15/23 6:44:37 AM

mistymermaid posted...
I've said dumb stuff about abortion, but these own-goals are beautiful. Maybe they should form a soccer team!

I mean Im Catholic but I definitely believe in the right to an abortion.

Shit my kid is in religion class and the teacher though it would be a wonderful idea for the kids to ask for a donation in their name for Christmas and for them to share it with the class to see what a difference they are making. I am going to make a donation to Planned Parenthood and watch the teachers head explode. I personally cant wait.
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11/15/23 6:46:19 AM

Who wouldve guessed that laws should be written while considering every scenario they affect instead of just the common stereotype you built in your head.

"Something's wrong! Murder isn't working and that's all we're good at." ~Futurama
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11/15/23 6:48:35 AM

Cuticrusader09 posted...
I mean Im Catholic but I definitely believe in the right to an abortion.

Shit my kid is in religion class and the teacher though it would be a wonderful idea for the kids to ask for a donation in their name for Christmas and for them to share it with the class to see what a difference they are making. I am going to make a donation to Planned Parenthood and watch the teachers head explode. I personally cant wait.
If you want to paint a target on your kids back, sure

Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things. GNU STP
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11/15/23 6:51:21 AM

She got exactly what she voted for. She should be thrilled!

I agree with you, Blue. - FinalRockerdude, Vgmasta, ZeldaFan42, ObservanTeMK, Magoo111, E121Phi, re4master543, PJiddy, bloodmage3 (cont. in quote)
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11/15/23 6:54:13 AM

Who knew that letting medieval evangelical fuck nuggets dictate medical procedures would result in problems? Just couldn't see this coming

CE's Resident Scotsman.
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11/15/23 9:15:07 AM

BlueAnnihilator posted...
She got exactly what she voted for. She should be thrilled!

They earned her vote!

Putin delenda est
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11/15/23 9:31:47 AM

DrizztLink posted...
I once had a German client who greatly thanked me at the door, leaving after a difficult 22-week abortion. With a gleaming smile, she added: Und doch sind Sie ein Mrder. (And youre still a murderer.) (Physician, The Netherlands)

This specific quote always pissed me off for some reason.

"Average Joe" is a trolling term since it's completely an opinion. "Overachieving" is also an opinion. - SBAllen (Hellhole: 52458377)
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Post #40 was unavailable or deleted.
11/15/23 9:38:51 AM

Missouri's abortion law is weird in that it doesn't punish the woman directly. It punishes anyone who helps her get an abortion. So doctors and healthcare professionals are all terrified to do it.

Let's all please just get along.
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11/15/23 9:40:47 AM

There was a similar story in Ohio. The parents of the couple disowned them for doing it.

"It was horrible," guard Jeff McInnis said.
"I took 100 naps and we were still in the air."
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11/15/23 9:45:51 AM

Currently playing: Stardew Valley (Switch)
Never befriend a man in sandals and always measure twice, cut once.
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11/15/23 9:47:41 AM

Ivynn posted...
That's actually very interesting.

This one particularly stuck out:

Like what
Have you only just found out that the far-right are hypocritical liars?

^ Hey now that's completely unfair!
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11/15/23 9:52:27 AM

Hopefully this terrible experience leads to her reassessing her beliefs so she can stop being a horrible person.

My sister's dog bit a hole in my Super Mario Land cartridge. It still works though - Skye Reynolds
3DS FC: 3239-5612-0115
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11/15/23 9:53:28 AM

Women & children are the ones primarily affected by Republican laws regardless of your ethnicity or race, all the anti-child & anti-women bullshit they enact catches up with them eventually. But they're the only ones that can advocate for & fix it, & if they just go back to business as usual after something traumatic like that happens, then clearly it doesn't fucking bother them much *shrug*

3DS Friend Code: FC: 0318-7199-1150
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Post #47 was unavailable or deleted.
11/15/23 10:19:22 AM

Solar_Crimson posted...
Yes. I read an account years ago that described an event where a woman who had been picketing the abortion clinic one day came in with her daughter to get the procedure done for her. While the abortion was being performed, the mother was telling the staff that this didn't change anything and that they were still evil for providing abortions, and the next day the mother was right back outside protesting the clinic.

It might have been in that link posted above and maybe I'm misremembering the details at this point, but it's been a long time since I've read it.
I'm sure for a lot of people it's that they live in places where they have to at least pretend to be anti-abortion to not be ostracized by their community. But you hear stories like that and it's like some people don't seem to understand that their own claims of being anti-abortion are purely performative when their actions show that they clearly are not.

"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life."
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11/15/23 10:20:11 AM

Why isn't she happy, she got what she voted for.

"Freedom was meaningless without ownership and control over one's own body" -Tera Hunter 'Joy My Freedom'
[Evil Republican] 3DS FC: 5429-7297-4842
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11/15/23 10:27:48 AM

She'll keep voting Republican so I doubt she learned her lesson.

FGO US:973,940,202 JP:410,404,215
Resident Europa fangirl
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