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Topics: 116
Last Topic: 8:58:28pm, 09/04/2024
Think of a topic before entering this topic.

Posts: 1328
Last Post: 8:59:23am, 02/14/2025

Azuarc is my favorite arc of the Game of the Decade 2020 anime.

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Manual Posts: 3
Last Post: 11:34:41pm, 07/20/2007
Kuge was watching NBC when he sees a preview for the next To Catch a Predator. Headslam dude looks similar to what is supposedly Kuge. Kuge makes a joke topix for the lulz.

Makes sense.

Still, you're ruining the epicness!
Pokemon FC: 0129 8285 9148
Dude, the Romans didn't slap two pieces of stone together, minus adhesive, and call it a day. ~WVI