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xXEgukXx 07.20.2007 3:20:47 am #1: |
I kid you not...
...I figure I would drop the bombshell at 3:18am before some of you see me on tv. ...Kuge was set up, and hence...I have to change the sig. --- Kuge Bauer: The People's Chump I am tearing up typing this. ... Copied to Clipboard!
Heroic Palmer 07.20.2007 3:21:28 am #2: |
... Copied to Clipboard!
DSRage_Revived 07.20.2007 3:23:46 am #3: |
When is that on?
Are you the predator? -?R?G?- --- I eat entire water ~Revenus ... Copied to Clipboard!
CountCrazy007 07.20.2007 3:25:38 am #4: |
Alien vs. Preditor
--- Board 8's Classiest User Since 2003 ? ... Copied to Clipboard!
xXEgukXx 07.20.2007 3:29:52 am #5: |
Well, Kuge Bauer is not sure if NBC will follow up on me, but the
charges were dropped and NBC is still going to air Kuge because of what
I did and it will give "ratings". I'm gonna effing gonna sue their
--- Kuge Bauer: The People's Chump I wanted to punch Chris H. ... Copied to Clipboard!
ESY16 07.20.2007 3:40:07 am #6: |
That is epic, crazy, unfortunate, and probably some other stuff as well. Do you know when it will be on?
Also, if the charges were dropped and NBC still makes it a big deal and makes you out to be they bad-guy then I hope you win the lawsuit you bring against them. --- Operator of the Would You Hit It Topics! ... Copied to Clipboard!
CountCrazy007 07.20.2007 3:41:21 am #7: |
What the ****ing hell happened, Kuge? I haven't heard anything about this before this topic...
--- Board 8's Classiest User Since 2003 ? ... Copied to Clipboard!
Heroic Hero Dude 07.20.2007 3:41:30 am #8: |
If this is actually serious, then there's really no way you could have
been undeserving of a Chris Hansoning, even if they dropped the charges.
There's no reasonable way you could unfairly get caught up in that ;>_> --- OH JEEZE! MoogleKupo141 ... Copied to Clipboard!
CountCrazy007 07.20.2007 3:42:44 am #9: |
Yeah, I tend to agree with MK but since it's Kuge I'll await an explanation before I pass judgment.
--- Board 8's Classiest User Since 2003 ? ... Copied to Clipboard!
newusrname 07.20.2007 3:43:36 am #10: |
Okay, wait, hold on. I have read some of your wacky stories before, but
I must have missed this one. All I know is, To Catch a Predator is for
bad people, and surely you are a bad people. So wtf mate.
--- I don't know what to do. My kingdom for a moment of peace, and my life for a moment of chaos.-Somebody who doesn't exist yet. ... Copied to Clipboard!
newusrname 07.20.2007 3:44:40 am #11: |
^Surely you aren't a bad people. Silly typos.
--- I don't know what to do. My kingdom for a moment of peace, and my life for a moment of chaos.-Somebody who doesn't exist yet. ... Copied to Clipboard!
Dawn and Dusk 07.20.2007 3:45:24 am #12: |
-D&D --- Sigs? Who the **** cares about sigs?-Dawn and Dusk ... Copied to Clipboard!
Dark Young Link 07.20.2007 3:46:54 am #13: |
I think a girl tried to set me up one time though. Some 12 year old gave me her address without me even asking.
Hell no to that! DYL doesn't go down like that! (Also DYL doesn't like them that young >.>) --- to say you are not a FF fanboy is like to say I am not a May fanboy, a very horrible case of denial, and completely idiotic -Endgame towards jlh28532 ... Copied to Clipboard!
Abomstar 07.20.2007 4:18:03 am #14: |
If true, this is the funniest thing to ever happen here.
--- Q: What's the difference between an actor and a baker? A: An actor has roles, a baker has rolls. ... Copied to Clipboard!
paperwarior 07.20.2007 4:19:23 am #15: |
Someone better record this for us.
--- And rocks vanish underneath Paper Warior! The cream of Faust(Guilty Gear) and God Hand fanboyism ... Copied to Clipboard!
Heroic Palmer 07.20.2007 4:19:26 am #16: |
time and channel por favor
i can't miss this Kugey is going to be famous for all the wrong reasons! Like Kramer or someone else! --- ... Copied to Clipboard!
UseHarden 07.20.2007 4:21:00 am #17: |
This should have been SDR! noeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssss
--- B8's master ceramicist and overall anime-lover ~*~Taslion~*~ Aww yeah... ... Copied to Clipboard!
ExThaNemesis 07.20.2007 4:25:30 am #18: |
I hate that show so damn much. They all think they're so by god revolutionary.
In my opinion if some girl gives out her addy online to someone and gets molested, she deserves it 100% for being a moron. And Kuge, wtf happened? --- CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL - neonreaper Pokemon Friend Code: 5240 8454 2328 ... Copied to Clipboard!
ExThaNemesis 07.20.2007 4:26:38 am #19: |
Oh, and Chris Hanson is a moron.
--- CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL - neonreaper Pokemon Friend Code: 5240 8454 2328 ... Copied to Clipboard!
Dark Young Link 07.20.2007 4:27:57 am #20: |
Not to mention they're pretty much tempting
these people. Plus they make it all too easy. These girls aren't being
"tricked". They are willingly whoring themselves out so they can
pretend they are "victims" when it's really the older people that are
the victims.
Not that they are innocent, but those girls sure as **** are not. --- to say you are not a FF fanboy is like to say I am not a May fanboy, a very horrible case of denial, and completely idiotic -Endgame towards jlh28532 ... Copied to Clipboard!
ExThaNemesis 07.20.2007 4:31:03 am #21: |
Damn.... Kuge, it's a shame you didn't like, go to
the house wearing the Harry Potty spoilers on a t-shirt or something.
Then you could "get ratings" while spoiling Book 7.
--- CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL - neonreaper Pokemon Friend Code: 5240 8454 2328 ... Copied to Clipboard!
CountCrazy007 07.20.2007 4:31:05 am #22: |
I REALLY want Kuge to tell us what happened. >_<
--- Board 8's Classiest User Since 2003 ? ... Copied to Clipboard!
Brayze_II 07.20.2007 4:33:49 am #23: |
Did they taser you?
... Copied to Clipboard!
AtlusSaGa 07.20.2007 4:38:08 am #24: |
The ONLY way someone could have showed up at the house to be Hansowned
is if they went under the intention of having sex with a 13 year old.
There really is no way to be tricked into it, so I don't see how you
can defend these people unless you're just trolling.
Oh, and there is no way this is real, and I laugh at anybody that thinks it is. --- Park that car, drop that phone, sleep on the floor, dream about me. ... Copied to Clipboard!
Heroic Hero Dude 07.20.2007 4:41:38 am #25: |
Oh, and Chris Hanson is a moron.
How is Chris Hanson a moron? He's not. Stop that. --- OH JEEZE! MoogleKupo141 ... Copied to Clipboard!
ExThaNemesis 07.20.2007 4:43:19 am #26: |
How is he not?
--- CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL - neonreaper Pokemon Friend Code: 5240 8454 2328 ... Copied to Clipboard!
CountCrazy007 07.20.2007 4:44:44 am #27: |
Obligatory Chris Hansen soundboard post. >_>;;; --- Board 8's Classiest User Since 2003 ? ... Copied to Clipboard!
AtlusSaGa 07.20.2007 4:45:17 am #28: |
Chris Hanson is a badass, and strikes fear into the hearts of pedophiles everywhere. I don't see how you can call him a moron.
--- Park that car, drop that phone, sleep on the floor, dream about me. ... Copied to Clipboard!
Heroic Hero Dude 07.20.2007 4:46:28 am #29: |
How is he not?
Generally you have to do something like... moronic to be a moron. I've yet to see him do such a thing. --- OH JEEZE! MoogleKupo141 ... Copied to Clipboard!
ExThaNemesis 07.20.2007 4:48:58 am #30: |
Because he gets paid to do, and believes he is an authority on the
subject because he commits probably one of the most easily pulled off
"pranks" in the world.
The only ones more idiotic than the "victims" that actually get sexually abused each year are the half-wits that actually fall into Hansen's poorly constructed traps. I just can't believe that he's gotten over 200 people to fall into that. It's absolutely mind-boggling. --- CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL - neonreaper Pokemon Friend Code: 5240 8454 2328 ... Copied to Clipboard!
Heroic Hero Dude 07.20.2007 4:50:27 am #31: |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
... Copied to Clipboard!
Heroic Hero Dude 07.20.2007 4:50:51 am #32: |
Because he gets paid to do, and believes he is an authority on the
subject because he commits probably one of the most easily pulled off
"pranks" in the world.
He's a moron because he gets paid a lot of money to be on TV? I think you'd have to be a moron to turn down the opportunity to be paid a lot of money and be on TV. --- OH JEEZE! MoogleKupo141 ... Copied to Clipboard!
ExThaNemesis 07.20.2007 4:53:18 am #33: |
There was more to that than just being on TV, MK.
--- CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL - neonreaper Pokemon Friend Code: 5240 8454 2328 ... Copied to Clipboard!
Heroic Hero Dude 07.20.2007 4:55:13 am #34: |
There was more to that than just being on TV, MK.
Whatever stuff he does he does to get a lot of money and be on TV... and the second paragraph is just calling the people in Kuge's position morons, and really has nothing to do with Chris Hansen. --- OH JEEZE! MoogleKupo141 ... Copied to Clipboard!
AtlusSaGa 07.20.2007 4:56:12 am #35: |
The only ones more idiotic than the "victims" that actually get sexually abused each year You should probably just shut up and never speak again. --- Park that car, drop that phone, sleep on the floor, dream about me. ... Copied to Clipboard!
ExThaNemesis 07.20.2007 4:56:31 am #36: |
No, he believes he's an authority on a subject because he does
something ANYONE with an internet connection could do. He just does it
on TV with a high budget because NBC will air anything.
--- CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL - neonreaper Pokemon Friend Code: 5240 8454 2328 ... Copied to Clipboard!
ExThaNemesis 07.20.2007 4:56:51 am #37: |
You should probably just shut up and never speak again.
No. --- CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL - neonreaper Pokemon Friend Code: 5240 8454 2328 ... Copied to Clipboard!
thundersheep 07.20.2007 4:58:05 am #38: |
I feel sorry for the guys that get caught.... really. It's not their fault.
--- ~*~Nettes~*~ Level 70 Blood Elf Warlock **Sargeras** PSN: Thundersheep ... Copied to Clipboard!
Heroic Hero Dude 07.20.2007 4:58:37 am #39: |
No, he believes he's an authority on a subject because he does
something ANYONE with an internet connection could do. He just does it
on TV with a high budget because NBC will air anything.
Chris Hansen isn't even the person who's tricking the guys into coming to the house. That has nothing to do with him. He's just the guy who's waiting for them when they come through the door and narrates --- OH JEEZE! MoogleKupo141 ... Copied to Clipboard!
AtlusSaGa 07.20.2007 4:59:00 am #40: |
Yes, and show me one example of him calling hjmself an authority on the subject.
--- Park that car, drop that phone, sleep on the floor, dream about me. ... Copied to Clipboard!
Heroic Hero Dude 07.20.2007 4:59:48 am #41: |
feel sorry for the guys that get caught.... really. It's not their fault.
Yes, it is their fault. They're idiots and pedophiles.... it's not like it's hard for people to not have internet conversations about sex with people they believe to be 12 year-old girls and not get their address and not go to their house. --- OH JEEZE! MoogleKupo141 ... Copied to Clipboard!
ExThaNemesis 07.20.2007 5:00:30 am #42: |
You should probably just shut up and never speak again.
Did you say this on the pretense that I mean ALL sexual assault victims are stupid? That would mean you didn't read the topic at all and failed to realize that I mean anyone that gets sexually assaulted as a result of them agreeing to meet someone they met online. --- CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL - neonreaper Pokemon Friend Code: 5240 8454 2328 ... Copied to Clipboard!
ExThaNemesis 07.20.2007 5:00:48 am #43: |
Yes, and show me one example of him calling hjmself an authority on the subject.
He wrote a ****ing book on it. --- CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL - neonreaper Pokemon Friend Code: 5240 8454 2328 ... Copied to Clipboard!
AtlusSaGa 07.20.2007 5:00:49 am #44: |
I feel sorry for the guys that get caught.... really. It's not their fault.
Are you ****ing kidding? --- Park that car, drop that phone, sleep on the floor, dream about me. ... Copied to Clipboard!
Dark Young Link 07.20.2007 5:01:07 am #45: |
Let me sum it up.
The girls are whore for giving it out so easily The guys are perverts for taking it. Hanson is a tool for broadcasting it all on live television. --- to say you are not a FF fanboy is like to say I am not a May fanboy, a very horrible case of denial, and completely idiotic -Endgame towards jlh28532 ... Copied to Clipboard!
AtlusSaGa 07.20.2007 5:02:14 am #46: |
He wrote a ****ing book on it.
If you actually knew what you were talking about, you would know the book consisted of commentary from actual experts on the subject. The only thing he did was organize the material basically. --- Park that car, drop that phone, sleep on the floor, dream about me. ... Copied to Clipboard!
Dark Young Link 07.20.2007 5:02:46 am #47: |
That and sometimes it's not even a young girl, it's someone posing as one. Which makes it all the more ****ed up.
--- to say you are not a FF fanboy is like to say I am not a May fanboy, a very horrible case of denial, and completely idiotic -Endgame towards jlh28532 ... Copied to Clipboard!
Heroic Hero Dude 07.20.2007 5:03:25 am #48: |
Book Description
A never-before-written expos? on catching child predators, from the creator of the powerful NBC Dateline series Over 40,000,000 Americans have seen Dateline NBC?s ongoing ?To Catch a Predator? series, with an average of 11 million viewers per episode. So far, the Dateline series has led to the arrest of 183 men and shown that child predators can be anyone?even those most trusted in the community?including rabbis, doctors, and teachers. In his book To Catch a Predator, Chris Hansen, the creator and on-air correspondent for Dateline?s most successful series, looks deeper into the world of child predators. The book expands beyond the Dateline series to include commentary from psychological and criminal experts about the origins and methods of child predators, and includes substantive advice for both parents and children on how to protect kids on the Internet. Hansen also looks at the current methods for treating child predators and interviews several of the men seen on the Dateline show to follow up on their lives since being arrested. To Catch a Predator presents a strong analysis of what some feel is a child predator epidemic and a startling look at the shortcomings of our systems and society. --- OH JEEZE! MoogleKupo141 ... Copied to Clipboard!
Heroic Hero Dude 07.20.2007 5:03:58 am #49: |
Let me sum it up.
The girls are whore for giving it out so easily The guys are perverts for taking it. Hanson is a tool for broadcasting it all on live television. Chris Hansen is not the one broadcasting it. Jeeze. --- OH JEEZE! MoogleKupo141 ... Copied to Clipboard!
ExThaNemesis 07.20.2007 5:06:08 am #50: |
If you actually knew what you were talking about, you would know the book consisted of commentary from actual experts on the subject. The only thing he did was organize the material basically. He was yammering on about how because he's seen 200 of these guys and watched the chat room bullcrap that he has a unique point of view about the subject. And you still didn't respond to my other point. --- CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL - neonreaper Pokemon Friend Code: 5240 8454 2328 ... Copied to Clipboard!
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