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Do you have tinnitus?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Do you have tinnitus?

Mine is so frickin loud today, just wondering who else is suffering too.
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Yes, and I get disability from the VA for it.
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Far-Queue posted...
Yes, and I get disability from the VA for it.

Wow, must be pretty bad then.
I worship Jesus Christ and am 100% proud to be Christian!
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It's not too bad. I always wore earplugs at the range, but I guess they only do so much. I can still hear okay most of the time.

The tinnitus only accounts for 10% of my 40% combined disability. The other 30% being my knee and my shoulder. Shoulder is 20% I believe.
Bluer than velvet was the night... Softer than satin was the light... From the stars...
I have a pretty mild case from listening to loud music.
I used to have it pretty bad from back in my road tech days but now that I'm in the office it only flares up occasionally.

My air compressor and air tools were loud but if I wore hearing protection then I wouldn't hear the subtle sounds that hint at the tire was about to explode. Damned if you do and Damned if you don't...
Yes. I got it from the chemo I had for treatment for a brain tumor I had as a kid. It's so bad that I can't much hear anything else unless I have my hearing aids in which (the hearing aids) help a lot
Yes. I had a ton of ear infections as a kid and multiple surgeries in my ears. So I have tinnitus and a lot of scar tissue making me a little hard of hearing.
"I am not gay! Can't you get that through your head? I am very much aroused at the site of a naked woman!" - Dan0429
ninja_lootz posted...
I have a pretty mild case from listening to loud music .

I don't have tinnitus but my brother has it and he has only one functioning ear.
My father also has tinnitus.

Your palace may last forever, but my yurt can go anywhere.
I have it and have BPPV too. I've fainted a few times from dizzy spells and they are like nothing I've ever experienced before. You can feel them coming and it is scary as Hell.
yeah. pretty minor tho, not sure if it's more from surgery i had when i was little or all the loud music. my hearing is kinda shitty sometimes too.
Trevor_Belmont posted...
Yes. I got it from the chemo I had for treatment for a brain tumor I had as a kid. It's so bad that I can't much hear anything else unless I have my hearing aids in which (the hearing aids) help a lot

That's crazy, had no idea that would be a side effect. I wonder if the technology back then (whenever that was) caused it?
I worship Jesus Christ and am 100% proud to be Christian!
I read the Bible every day, you should too!
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Renraku_San posted...
Trevor_Belmont posted...
Yes. I got it from the chemo I had for treatment for a brain tumor I had as a kid. It's so bad that I can't much hear anything else unless I have my hearing aids in which (the hearing aids) help a lot

That's crazy, had no idea that would be a side effect. I wonder if the technology back then (whenever that was) caused it?

It was 1988.
Had it a few times over the years, was only bad enough to see a doctor about it twice.
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Krazy_Kirby posted...
ninja_lootz posted...
I have a pretty mild case from listening to loud music .

it's TIN-it-us, not tin-ITE-is. it's not -itis which would mean inflamation/infection.
yeah I have it. I have been to a lot of loud concerts over the past few years but it started wayyyy before then. could have been from listening to loud music in earbuds, possibly. anyway, I wear earplugs at concerts now.

lately my hearing issues have included a sensitivity to high frequencies like squeaky brakes or jingling keys. I honestly have no idea why, only other time this happened was after a show where I forgot to bring earplugs, and that time it went away after a few days. anyway, problem is that my tinnitus is one of those frequencies so I'm frequently feeling the urge to dig into my ears with a hot knife.
i don't understand how people can spend every waking moment listening to music
Yeah from playing in a band, theyre basically ringing all the time and sometimes i have a hard time telling if things are loud or quiet.
Yes and thank you for making me aware of it.
Far-Queue posted...
Yes, and I get disability from the VA for it.
Post #24 was unavailable or deleted.
Extremely minor, but yes. Had it since birth, or pretty close to it since I have memories going back to when I was 2.
Stupid signature!
Yes. I don't get it all the time, but it is a lot. I've also started getting Visual Migraines recently. It was very close to this video I found on youtube. I had it happen twice the other day.

Mine is less jagged and colorful then this example.
Playsaver posted...
Yes. I don't get it all the time, but it is a lot. I've also started getting Visual Migraines recently. It was very close to this video I found on youtube. I had it happen twice the other day.

I've had this on two separate occasions. I assumed they were migraines but wasn't sure, but now I know, thanks.

it was basically that exact shape, but it wasn't bright colors. it started at a point and radiated outwards slowly over time till eventually it was a big curve like that. the curve would drift slowly. it was really annoying when it crossed over the center point of my vision, since then I couldn't read for a few minutes.

the zigzag pattern was more like composed of little triangles which had their image data flipped. it's a little unnerving because you don't normally think of your vision as a computer or a hardware device like a monitor, but it seems exactly like having a hardware problem.
Yeah but I don't notice it unless it is dead quiet, a high pitched whine, had it as long as I can remember oddly, maybe ear infection as baby.
Pretty minor tinnitus due to exposure to loud-ass music at social dances.
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I have tough actin' Tinactin.
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Sahuagin posted...
Krazy_Kirby posted...
ninja_lootz posted...
I have a pretty mild case from listening to loud music .

it's TIN-it-us, not tin-ITE-is. it's not -itis which would mean inflamation/infection.

Both pronunciations are technically valid.

And honestly, most of the officials PSAs I've heard always use tin-EYE-tus. And have since the 1980s.

My perception of it has always been that Americans tend to use tin-EYE-tus while British people seem to say TIN-eh-tus. So I've always just chalked it up as a regional issue and accept either (in the same way I don't see any real difference between aluminum and aluminium).

"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
saying tin-ITE-is seems to be an expectation that a medical issue would end in -itis, meaning inflammation, but this doesn't have anything to do with inflammation. it's definitely supposed to be TIN-it-us, apart from that confusion.
gguirao posted...
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
Sahuagin posted...
saying tin-ITE-is seems to be an expectation that a medical issue would end in -itis, meaning inflammation, but this doesn't have anything to do with inflammation. it's definitely supposed to be TIN-it-us, apart from that confusion.

Again, it's both. Most dictionaries both online and off cite either as valid. And like I pointed out, most of the PSAs put out by actual medical organizations in the US don't use it the way you're arguing in favor of.

You're also kind of forcing the pronunciation of "tin-ITE-is" to emphasis the "-itis" to try and prove your point, but I'd say people who pronounce it that way could just as easily be leaning more towards "tin-EYE-tus", both pushing the t to the third syllable and pronouncing the word exactly the way it's spelled ("-itus"). And "itus" has nothing to do with inflammation or disease.

Like it or not, it's kind of a toe-may-toe/toe-mah-toe sort of situation.

"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Nope, but I can hear "The Hum" in nearly every electronic device, especially TVs and those "eco-friendly" lightbulbs
It's insanely annoying.
Let strength be granted so the world might be mended.
bEcoMe aS gODs
ParanoidObsessive posted...
You're also kind of forcing the pronunciation of "tin-ITE-is" to emphasis the "-itis" to try and prove your point

well, I'm being generous since that's an understandable mistake. the alternative is just ignorance by itself.

I'm fine with language evolving over time, but the -itis/-itus thing annoys me a bit since saying it that way makes it sound like it's related to inflammation when it's not, and the origin of the word is clearly not pronounced that way. it's a mispronunciation that can carry misinformation with it.
Years of loud music and the usage of power tools without hearing protection has left me with a constant ringing in my ears. Most days I don't notice it if I'm focused on something. But once it gets quiet or my mind isn't occupied I'll notice. Then there are days that nothing drowns it out, especially when I'm lying in bed trying to sleep.
John Mellencamp said it best "Life goes on long after the thrill of living is gone."
Yep years ago I had no insurance and ignored getting an ear infection treated. My ears ring ever since.

It is not so loud that it is distracting a majority of the time though. If I think about it I can always hear it though. For me it is constant high-pitched ringing.
Sahuagin posted...
Krazy_Kirby posted...
ninja_lootz posted...
I have a pretty mild case from listening to loud music .

it's TIN-it-us, not tin-ITE-is. it's not -itis which would mean inflamation/infection.

puh-tay-toe, puh-taw-toe
was fucking with me badly last night tbh
Hell is digital
my tinnitus has been really bad since last week when I had to take 2 long flights home. apparently rapid changes in altitude and air pressure can make tinnitus worse for quite a while. I have had quite bad sound sensitivity too and a bit of pain and pressure. could this be an infection? or maybe just anxiety? guess I'm going to the doctor tomorrow.
Does this have to be constant? Or is it an off and on sort of thing?
I get it in the bathroom at my parents house randomly.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
BlackScythe0 posted...
Does this have to be constant? Or is it an off and on sort of thing?

For me there is constant ringing in my ears.
Trevor_Belmont posted...
BlackScythe0 posted...
Does this have to be constant? Or is it an off and on sort of thing?

For me there is constant ringing in my ears.

I'll have ringing for months at a time and then have it disappear for a year or two before coming back.
I might hear a very soft "eee" sound when it's completely quiet around me.

However, for about nine months now, my right ear has been "sensitive" to certain clicking noises that seem to appear mainly as video game sound effects. They don't hurt my ear, but they make it "twitch" on the inside, if that makes sense. Some techno music sounds also cause this, as can flipping through papers and clicking a mouse---but thankfully the paper-flipping and mouse-clicking cause it only rarely. I basically haven't been playing video games as much as I want to; I can play them with the sound off, but that's not much fun.

Does anybody else have this problem? I told my doctor about it when I went for a checkup in the spring, and he said I have no ear infection and no punctures in my eardrum. So that's good, at least.
BlackScythe0 posted...
Does this have to be constant? Or is it an off and on sort of thing?

It is constant however my mind filters it a majority of the time. Others have it worse than me. Mine sounds kind of like the whine some CRT displays make, but much louder at times. It isn't always at the same intensity.

Oddly my hearing test was not bad, though tinnitus often is paired with hearing loss.

Incidentally an ear doctor I visited said normal headphones are extremely unlikely to cause hearing damage.
Voxwik posted...
BlackScythe0 posted...
Does this have to be constant? Or is it an off and on sort of thing?

It is constant however my mind filters it a majority of the time. Others have it worse than me. Mine sounds kind of like the whine some CRT displays make, but much louder at times. It isn't always at the same intensity.

Oddly my hearing test was not bad, though tinnitus often is paired with hearing loss.

Incidentally an ear doctor I visited said normal headphones are extremely unlikely to cause hearing damage.

I believe mine was caused by falling asleep listening to loud music on my headphones. Brilliant, really.
I worship Jesus Christ and am 100% proud to be Christian!
I read the Bible every day, you should too!
Poll of the Day » Do you have tinnitus?