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Biden team eyes expanding map to Texas, Florida despite Trump leads

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Current Events » Biden team eyes expanding map to Texas, Florida despite Trump leads

Focusing on Texas is the right decision. Texas has been trending in Dems' favor for a long time, and it's an expensive state to campaign in. Investing in Texas would force the GOP to use their already diminished funds to keep the state red instead of putting it toward swing states or the Ohio or Montana Senate races.
It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present, and a waste to live in the future.
The Democrats have the money, use it. Republicans don't have the money. Take advantage of that.
"Intelligence has no place in Politics" Londo, (Babylon Five)
Best new show of 2023, One Piece live action.
The major cites are blue but we have several hundreds of counties, that are really small towns some so small, less than a hundred people living there

and since the electoral college is by county it why we always lose

This is my sig. Don't like it, then don't look at it.
They should. Florida over the past half-year has finally started entering the 'find out' stage of DeSantis and the state legislature's fuck-aroundery, so it's prime time for the Dems to start investing time and money into local outreach.
Simple questions deserve long-winded answers that no one will bother to read.
I think it's a super smart move. Especially with the campaign money that Biden has compared to the entirety of the RNC.

It's been proven that majority of people like and approve of democratic messages, and policies, it's just that people on the right are brainwashed to go haywire when certain vernacular is used; like welfare. Strike when the Iron is hot and start putting the Republican party to rest.
The Dem's highwater mark electorally in recent history was with them specifically following Dean's 50-state strategy. Even if Texas and Florida are long-shots, they shouldn't be written off.

Granted, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Virginia, and North Carolina should all be higher priorities.
Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less.
They should also prioritize on swing states at the same time.
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Biofighter55 posted...
The major cites are blue but we have several hundreds of counties, that are really small towns some so small, less than a hundred people living there

and since the electoral college is by county it why we always lose

That's not how it works. That's just congress. The EC, with a few exceptions, is all or nothing by state.
We all ate the biscuits, Fighter. We can all see through time. [ER]
Biofighter55 posted...
and since the electoral college is by county it why we always lose
Honestly a waste of time. He isnt winning either. He needs to be focused on the trifecta mi,oh,wi. Cause there's a very goodnchance he loses at least 1 or even all 3.
Italian, French, German.
i don't wanna see biden expand
Relient_K posted...
That's not how it works. That's just congress. The EC, with a few exceptions, is all or nothing by state.

my memory must be failing me then
This is my sig. Don't like it, then don't look at it.
SauI_Goodman posted...
Honestly a waste of time. He isnt winning either. He needs to be focused on the trifecta mi,oh,wi. Cause there's a very goodnchance he loses at least 1 or even all 3.
TX has a better chance of flipping blue than OH does. Also MI is pretty safe considering the GOP there are borderline extinct and Dems control the entire State Gov. WI is the one that's going to be uncomfortably close.
FGO US:973,940,202 JP:410,404,215
Resident Europa fangirl
Florida went from being a swing state 10 years ago to solid red. No chance there. Texas is equally hopeless. Focus on the rust belt.
They need to leave FL behind
If you say I am wrong, then prove that you are right.
texas is a good investment, we should play there

florida is a good investment if and only if it forces the GOP to waste money investing in ad buys there
Akuryu posted...
Florida went from being a swing state 10 years ago to solid red. No chance there. Texas is equally hopeless. Focus on the rust belt.

Texas and Florida have been trending in opposite directions. Texas might not be winnable this cycle, but Dems can make gains there that can pay off later.
Texas will flip, but it might need legal action to prevent voter suppression.

Florida Im unsure on the f it will flip in a timely manner
I'm a ? Block. No, punching me won't give you power ups.
I think if Biden went to Texas and campaigned hard on the fact that Republicans blocked the bipartisan border security bill after Trump Said to block it he'd have a decent chance of changing some minds.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Biofighter55 posted...
The major cites are blue but we have several hundreds of counties, that are really small towns some so small, less than a hundred people living there

and since the electoral college is by county it why we always lose
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it's all or nothing based on popular vote in Texas.
They're going to have to get better at appealing to Hispanic voters if they want this to be a reasonable strategy.
Reminder, the Texas AG openly bragged that dems would have won Texas in 2020 if not for him interfering with mail in ballots.

Texas is winnable.
"The soul in the darkness sins, but the real sinner is he who caused the darkness." - Victor Hugo
Post #24 was unavailable or deleted.
As long as it's not at the expense of states Biden must win.
Paid for by StarksPAC, a registered 501(c)(4)
Biofighter55 posted...
The major cites are blue but we have several hundreds of counties, that are really small towns some so small, less than a hundred people living there

and since the electoral college is by county it why we always lose
Not quite. What you're thinking about is Gerrymandering. That's done for the districts for the House. For the Presidential vote, it's a straight up vote throughout the state.

For example in 2020
Trump Biden
Electoral vote 38 0
Popular vote 5,890,347 5,259,126
Percentage 52.06% 46.48%

About 1/2 million people move into Texas per year and they move into blue cities mostly, though that probably holds true for those that move out. Probably not enough to make up 600k for this election but in 8 years it might be.
Home of the free
Because of the brave
Doesnt help they limit polling locations in major cities like Houston and Harris county. Texas can flip if the game was fair and voting was easy. The GOP knows this, hence why they try to prevent it
I'm a ? Block. No, punching me won't give you power ups.
The reason theyre expanding to Texas is the winnable Senate races this election are mostly held by Democrats. With Manchins parting fuck you theyre looking at a 50-50 split assumjng no other losses.

They see Cruzs seat as the most winnable GOP Senate seat.
Moustache twirling villian Kerbey
Sure, why not go for it. The states have been purplish states for a few cycles now. It might seem unlikely to actually flip a state like Texas, but if it actually happens, it's essentially a death blow to any hopes of a Republican win.

Couldn't hurt to at least try.
Hey Trashcan Man! What did old lady Semple say when you burned her pension check?
Boston Bruins - 2011 Stanley Cup Champs!
Texas is about to go through a ton of racial profiling.
Paid for by StarksPAC, a registered 501(c)(4)
texas is very winnable and we should invest lots and lots of money there
Mecha_Sonic posted...
texas is a good investment, we should play there

florida is a good investment if and only if it forces the GOP to waste money investing in ad buys there

I would say both are good investments because even if Dems don't win, they force the GOP to spend money there. Money that they don't have.
Narutaki was right. This is all Decade's fault.
Florida is at least straightforward. Lock down Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade. Then work from there.
Paid for by StarksPAC, a registered 501(c)(4)
Mecha_Sonic posted...
texas is very winnable and we should invest lots and lots of money there

What I've been saying for over a year now.
Texas needs a "just vote" effort.
Paid for by StarksPAC, a registered 501(c)(4)
Biofighter55 posted...
The major cites are blue but we have several hundreds of counties, that are really small towns some so small, less than a hundred people living there

and since the electoral college is by county it why we always lose

Increasing turnout in those blue areas could be the key. That's what happened in Georgia. Supercharge the blue areas to outweigh the red.
Takuya_Lee posted...
I would say both are good investments because even if Dems don't win, they force the GOP to spend money there. Money that they don't have.

And the way the RNC is now set up, they will only get money if Trump likes the republican running. If there's even money to give.
"Intelligence has no place in Politics" Londo, (Babylon Five)
Best new show of 2023, One Piece live action.
Current Events » Biden team eyes expanding map to Texas, Florida despite Trump leads