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What caused you to get Hacked or your first VIRUS

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Current Events » What caused you to get Hacked or your first VIRUS
Just curious what the results may be. I think it was something back in the AOL days when they got me I was like 16 ... it was that or adult option
FFBE friend ID 958,168,629 Rank 156
P2P programs were kinda rampant with them. Either music or porn, i don't know which.
When money talks for the very last time, and nobody walks a step behind
When there's only one race, and that's mankind, then we shall be free
Me personally?

being an tired idiot who didnt even have my glasses on clicking on a link in an e-mail I 100% knew better then to click on but was to exhausted for my own good
A message from messenger (facebook) that I didnt even click (my wife went through it one day and actually thought I was having conversations with other women)

41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
Within the first week of having my first computer...

As a joke someone I knew sent me something which set off this looping gif filling my screen with the sound 'You are an idiot, you are an idiot, HA HA, HA HA!' on repeat. Restarting got rid of it.

Sometime after I must have done something as someone claiming to be from my ISP called me attempting to "fix what I'd done" and help clear up a virus they said I had. I don't recall if the subject of paying for anything ever came up, but I assume if that were the case and they realized I had no method to do so they finished up the call. Never heard from them ever again.
It was a banner saying I'd won... I forget, a phone I think. I guessed it was fake before I had clicked on it, I was curious to see what would happen next. Didn't know at the time that ads could be vectors for viruses. It was the early mid 90s.
If you're not smart enough to survive, you are basically just food for something smarter.
I think it was downloading a fake anime episode of either outlaw star or gundam wing off kazaa.

I remember trying to play the fake episode only to find out it was a executable file that all kinds of fucked up my PC. Turned my desktop to this ugly green and yellow theme with a skull and nuclear symbol as the wallpaper. Almost all of my programs and such deleted or hidden away to only show links to buy this virus scan and remover.

Took me like 5 days of messing with my PC on and off before I got it all straightened out. I had to hop on my dad's PC, do a ton of searching to find out what exactly this shit that was infecting my PC was, learn how to use torrents just so I can download bootleg retail versions of these specific malware/trojan etc. removers I needed, download a bootleg windows XP because lord knows what happened to the one that came with my PC, burn all of these to blank CDs so I can run them off safe mode on my PC and whatnot.

GTag:MadDogg730 PSN:lMadDogg NNID:xMadDoggx NS friend code:5313-0564-0819 Go buy cyber shadow like right now.
PMarth2002 posted...
P2P programs were kinda rampant with them. Either music or porn, i don't know which.
Lol yeah anyone downloading porn was playing russian roulette including the kind of video they would get. Most of the time the description was completely wrong sometimes on purpose >_>
Airhammy posted...
As a joke someone I knew sent me something which set off this looping gif filling my screen with the sound 'You are an idiot, you are an idiot, HA HA, HA HA!' on repeat. Restarting got rid of it.

That was the first one I remember seeing, too, though it was from one of the AOL chatrooms back in the day.
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Other.. disassembling software and making modifications with unexpected consequences.
Now or never.
Probably a rom website.
No lollygaggin'.
Never been hacked that I'm aware of. Sure I've had plenty of viruses though from porn sites.

I've always been skeptical of emails I wasn't expecting ot links in text messages from numbers I don't recognize. Where as porn and viruses is kinda like you expect the risk and just hope for the best.

I almost fell for one coming from a friend that got hacked claiming g he had video footage of me doing something embarrassing. And right as I was about to click it I was like wait... I never go anywhere but work and they don't allow recording devices inside.
I put my heart and soul into my work and I fear I have lost my mind in the process
Downloaded random shit on Bearshare when I was young. Had to reboot eveeything.
I realized the gifs prob aren't allowed anymore
i downloaded a program off of cnet-owned way back when and it came with a rootkit.
those shiny mouse pointer
We suffer from the delusion that the entire universe is held in order by the categories of human thought.
Never got one. Just... don't fuck with suspicious shit. It's not hard.
evening main 2.4356848e+91
See profile pic
Downloaded a Mario fangame sometime back in the early 2000's, and it came with a virus that messed up the PC.
"Be good to yourself, because everyone else in the world is probably out to get you." - Dr. Harleen Quinzel
a PC game crack or something like that
Fact: Nintendo is the best, there is no point denying it.

Clicked a link on the World of Warcraft forum when I was a teen, lost my first WoW account shortly after
limewire downloads for sure
I Love Rice
Using a campus computer lab that was infected, then transferring that via a floppy disk to my home computer.

Yes, I'm that old
cnet download for a music downloader
Lancool II | Z690 Tomahawk |12700K | Fuma 2 | RTX 3070Ti | 16GB
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My first geocities account got 'hacked' because I used the password '123456'. lol.

I was like 11.
I'm a long, long way from giving up
Call me old-fashioned, call me a fool
My Roblox account got hacked into because I tried to sign into roblox from another website.

Stupidest mistake I've ever made.

I'm pretty sure that as soon as they saw that was account had parental control t,hey just quickly logged off and never came back then I changed my password.
Can I have a Cookie?
No? then I'll have to kill you
Just wanna add I don't belive I've ever gotten anything bad. I just feel I've had viruses cause I noticed a sharp decline in the computers performance after visiting a seedy site or two.

Also reminded of a funny one. Dude I knew clicked on a link for a "free virus scan" which then told him he had like 130 some viruses but for a fee they would get rid of them

Instead he decided to start dumping everything on his computer. We caught him like half way through and stopped him
I put my heart and soul into my work and I fear I have lost my mind in the process
Kazaa, downloading a "movie" that was a 3MB .exe file.
As others have said kazaa/limewire music. Or the annoying toolbars from some random click that would install.
You're all probably hacked right now and don't know. They can see you through the cam. I'm sure not a lot of you use virus scans frequently.
Virus posted...
I'm sure not a lot of you use virus scans frequently.
Literally never. Used to be on top of that, but never found malware. I don't think it's a huge problem like it used to be.
Virus posted...
They can see you through the cam.
My PC doesn't have a camera hooked up to it, so I'd be damn impressed.
I'm a long, long way from giving up
Call me old-fashioned, call me a fool
I was reading a health blog on Blogspot in Internet Explorer, which was a rare browser for me to use at the time--2013 or 2014--and I suspect the proprietor had unknowingly partnered with some unscrupulous entities for his embedded ad panel because when I came back my stuff was locked out by ransomware, including after restarting the computer. Fortunately, it wasn't so sophisticated that it transmitted any data or encrypted my files. I booted into Linux on a live USB and removed the relevant files, never used IE again, and installed Debian on my hard drive shortly thereafter which was my primary OS for a few years.
equites quattuor in aeternum
Error1355 posted...
My PC doesn't have a camera hooked up to it, so I'd be damn impressed.

You ever see/hear about those scam emails that say they hacked your webcam and recorded you as an attempt at extortion? I once got one, myself, despite the fact that my desktop doesn't have one and my laptops always have a piece of electrical tape over the built-in ones. I think I started to do it after I saw a story where they were interviewing Zuckerberg years ago and you could see the tape on his laptop, though I also try to make sure any webcam drivers are uninstalled, too (though who knows when a laptop might decide to try to reinstall things on its own).

Anyway, I'm also reminded now that I once clicked on a link to a news article about something gaming-related that was posted in a topic here, from a gaming website I'd never heard of, and I immediately started having pop-ups and redirects when trying to browse afterwards. I took it as an excuse to do a reformat and fresh install, then started using NoScript for a while after that one.
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You ever see/hear about those scam emails that say they hacked your webcam and recorded you as an attempt at extortion?

i once had to remove ransomware from someone else's computer that did this.
Downloading and installing 'free' music app back in the 90s or something.

So I quickly learned there's no such thing as downloading stuff for 'free'. Even if you can download stuff without catching a virus, the site owner prob benefited in some ways the moment you click the download button.

Mobage: Fire Emblem Heroes 8793571220
Virus posted...
You're all probably hacked right now and don't know. They can see you through the cam. I'm sure not a lot of you use virus scans frequently.
I put masking tape over my cam and my mic doesnt work anymore.
No lollygaggin'.
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Current Events » What caused you to get Hacked or your first VIRUS