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So my mother has cancer

Board 8

Board 8 » So my mother has cancer
God damn man

I actually found out last night, she received the call the other day and I guess she needed time to process this

Its stage 1

My mom definitely plans to fight it of course

its just one of those things you hear happening to other people and its such a crazy and sad thing to happen, you don't think it'll happen to you

We are waiting on a date on the surgery, we haven't even thought about payment yet

Shes of course very shocked and saddened. but shes going about her day

as you all know, I lost my dad 12 years ago and it shook everything, I'm not ready to lose my mom yet. No one ever is, but yea , parent mortality is something you never want to think about .

I'm not doing so good right now
Very sorry to hear that Pun. I hope she makes a full recovery! Unfortunately I have experienced this kind of thing a lot lately but there is hope.
I just decided to change this sig.
Blaaaaaaargh azuarc
Sorry to hear that, wishing you positive vibes for both you and your mother.
PaulG235 | Finished in the Top 2 of GotD2010's Second Chance Bracket
Sadly, there are no second chances in the Guru, azuarc doesn't need one.
LightningStrikes posted...
Unfortunately I have experienced this kind of thing a lot lately but there is hope.
if I may ask, in what ways?
Keep up hope, your moms gonna kick cancers ass.
I used the knife. I saved a child. I won a war. God forgive me.
Im so sorry. I dont have much to say, but stay strong, both for your mother and yourself.
Its good it was caught in stage 1. Survival rates on cancer caught early are usually very good. Keep your chin up and hope for the best!
I'm really sorry to hear that my dude. If it's stage 1 they probably caught it pretty early so there's definitely a lot of hope. Praying for you.
Games beaten in 2023 - 7; Most recent - Professor Layton and the Curious Village
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I'm sorry, Pun

Out of curiosity what we're the circumstances that led to the early detection?
~C~ FD
Punnyz posted...
if I may ask, in what ways?

Three different family members going through cancer in the last couple of years unfortunately.
I just decided to change this sig.
Blaaaaaaargh azuarc
My mom was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer about 3 years ago and after two rounds of chemotherapy and a surgery she has fully recovered.

hoping it's a similar case for you and your mother and wishing you all the best in her treatment and recovery
The Artist Formerly Known as Hannyabal
Hoping for the best!
Donny: Are they gonna hurt us, Walter?
Walter: No, Donny. These men are cowards.
I'm very sorry to hear this, my friend, and I'm wishing your family all the best.
Burnin, Blazin
what kind of cancer? as others have said, catching it in stage 1 is great.
while you slept, the world changed
My condolences. One of my friends mom just rang the bell on her cancer, so just remember anything is possible
I'm the original TomNook7 from the old days. The other guy is just TomNook. Know your TomNooks.
fuck cancer

Really sorry to hear that, Pun. At least they caught it early, but doesn't change how brutal it is to go through. Hope she can beat this! And let me know if you need somebody to talk to.
Come check out my movie watchthrough topic:
Im sorry to hear this. Heres to hoping the surgery eliminates it.
It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
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Thank you everyone

She had some bleeding and she went to multiple doctors to get it checked out

first two tests came up with nothing, they thought it could be some sort of cancer and it turns out it was

she said she noticed little things changing too, apparently her hair had become really frizzy
Hug. So sorry to hear. Lost my grandfather to it, but also my mom made it through it. I'm rooting for our moms to have similar luck.
O P E R A T I O N O U S T : Nominate SHEIK!
Darn. I'm sorry to hear that. Here's hoping for your mom's speedy recovery.
"A blank page or canvas, his favorite. So many possibilities."
- RIP Stephen Sondheim, 1930-2021
Sorry to hear. My mother has been battling cancer for the last few years and recently it's taken a negative turn. It's tough.
Azuarc is my favorite arc of the Game of the Decade 2020 anime.
Wishing you and Mama Pun the best man. Gotta reiterate what others said and mention that it's a great thing you caught it early. Keep us posted brother
Feel the sadnesss of the Earth, and I close my eyes. And I'm beyond time now.
Cancer bad. Stage 1 good.

As for the losing parents thing, well, mine are both gone and I knew I was destined to be without them by a certain point. I was always the kid in school with the oldest parents, and my mom's side had all kinds of health issues. My dad's parents were longer-lived, but grandpa was a little spindly guy and dad was not. They were 70 and 75. Both from cancer. Mom had various skin cancers over the years, but some kind of abdominal cancer ultimately got her. Dad had a lump in his esophagus, was at least stage 3 when they found it. He did well on chemo for a bit, and then switching to radiation knocked him right the fuck out. Whatever your situation, I imagine it's better than this. I mean, it has to be, right? You still have your mom.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
Horrific man, so sorry to hear that
Not to be confused with XIII_Minerals.
I hope it goes into remission. My sympathy.
Dokkan Battle ID :3175154559 JPN Dokkan Battle ID 1270165763
Dragon Ball Legends ID brggv8m3
thanks everybody

like, cancer is the worst. I wish nobody got it

but I didn't realize so many people dealt with this

I appreciate you guys sharing

I'm sorry you all had to go through it
Stage 1, she's got this.

Wishing you all the best, my friend.
Phantom Dust.
"I'll just wait for time to prove me right again." - Vlado
What they don't tell you as a kid is that most people go through this

I remember as a kid thinking cancer was some rare thing, or some thing that only really old people or smokers got

but I swear, my dad got it and most of my friends have a parent who got it too.

pretty sure if you end up having parents that make it into their 70's with no major health issues you're actually extremely lucky and not the norm.
while you slept, the world changed
My condolences.

Hopefully she'll be able to beat it since it was caught early.
Best of luck to your moms, Pun
MZero , to the extreme
I'm really sorry to hear about your mother, Pun; but, I'm also very relieved to hear y'all caught it at an early stage because that means she has a much better shot of overcoming this bull with the proper treatments. As for how to afford those treatments you just can't stress out over that yet. Health before wealth. My condolences to eventual the loss of your nest egg to the ceaseless hunger of the ravenous good ol' American healthcare system though. It's gonna suck all of the ass, but hopefully it will all be worth it in the end. Best wishes to you and your mother for a full recovery and remission. Fuck cancer.

No seriously, fuck cancer right in the pee hole. For anyone else who shares this sentiment and doesn't have excess funds to pour into anti-cancer research I encourage you to do what I'm doing today: donating blood platelets. It's an absolutely free process that will take up roughly 2-3 hours of your time and goes a long way in helping cancer patients fight off tumor cells*. It's a great way to help without any cost to yourself, and unlike donating blood, which is an act that can only be done once every 56 days you are able to donate platelets once every 7 (though I myself go out to the American Red Cross every other week because my iron levels fluctuate too much to support that many donations).


I digress, but cancer really does suck and fuck it. Punny, my dude, I hope both you and your mother will be able to look back on this diagnosis one day and cry tears of joy because she's cancer-free for the remainder of her life.
:> I'll never stop smilin'
colliding posted...
What they don't tell you as a kid is that most people go through this

I remember as a kid thinking cancer was some rare thing, or some thing that only really old people or smokers got

but I swear, my dad got it and most of my friends have a parent who got it too.

pretty sure if you end up having parents that make it into their 70's with no major health issues you're actually extremely lucky and not the norm.
this is actually exactly where I was at

I thought it was some horrible lottery-luck-level deal where its like one in a billion chance or something

I'm pretty blown away the past week to be hearing all of this. Its actually comforting in a weird wa y
Thank you all

and Thanks Genny, for your words

My mom is retired AND shes been disabled for about two years now

I have been unemployed for two years since the incidents and been living off my nest egg, which I'll admit is starting to thin. I started taking Sprite Commissions on Twitter because that and I started moving forward with some of my business plans. but this isn't enough right now. obviously twitch doesn't pay alot either

Yea, I don't know what we're gonna do about this surgery. I always stress about money, I'm not a "Worry about it til it happens" kinda guy
BlueCrystalTear posted...
fuck cancer
^^^I'm sorry to hear this man, but like everyone said glad they at least caught it early. Hoping for quick remission and support & comfort for your family.
azuarc wasn't even home. he was playing Magic the Gathering at his buddy's store, which is extremely easy to verify
Surgery is now this Monday, which is sooner than we thought

My mom does have this new insurance but we actually don't know how much of it will be covered

we don't know the cost either

my mom is gonna have to go all the way and also pay for rehab so people can take care of her

theres a small thing going on right now, my niece, her grand daughter, needs a baby sitter right now because Her mother and My bro are doing some training course things for their jobs and its her summer vacation. my mom went over there to take care of her and now this happened. I'm gonna have to go to my Bro's and fill in. They live 5 hours away

so I won't be able to take care of her during all of this either. Shes retired and disabled

ugh this is all happening so fast
Hang in there and have faith itll all work out in the end. Im sure your brother appreciates the help. Best of luck out there.
Punnyz posted...
My mom does have this new insurance but we actually don't know how much of it will be covered

we don't know the cost either

Your mom absolutely has a right to this information before the surgery. So you should try opening a can of whoop ass on the hospital/her insurance until you get answers.
It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
Board 8 » So my mother has cancer