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Community » Awesker002
I'll always remember Kasanoff as the guy who sued Warner Brothers claiming he owned the rights to the entire Mortal Kombat franchise because he produced the movies in the 90's.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
I just realized this means women have officially played Major League Baseball now.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
The article says that Josh Gibson is now the all time leader in Batting average, Slugging, and On Base Percentage. That's not actually true though because you need a minimum of 3000 Plate Appearances to qualify and he only has 2500.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Living in Silent Hill isn't that big of a deal. It's a completely normal quiet resort town as long as you don't have some super fucked up shit in your past.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Grover Cleveland was the 22nd and 24th president because that's exactly how it works.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
I feel like doing that probably created a lot of mold in the walls.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
My high school Spanish teacher had the last name Moscoso and she is the whitest woman I have ever met in my life.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
So they are Gina Gershon from Showgirls?
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Red Dead Redemption
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
I think Maximus is supposed to demonstrate how incompetent dipshits manage to fail upwards in society. Every time he gets in trouble he either gets extremely lucky or the people around him are dumber than he is.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
There is no way that woman passed a physical and got certified by an Athletic Commission.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Two balls one strike
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Don't you stray away from where you truly are
As the water's dripping down you'll go and find your faith
I know you want to know but
Not knowing is what makes you whole

And we'll walk into the valley
Where the Piper Man will play
And you're looking for some answers
But that's where the gallow's wait

When the winds come, you'll go and build your house
Your wife will bear your childrens: a son, two daughters
How will you keep the wolves out?

And we'll walk into the valley
Where the Piper Man will play
And you're looking for some answers
But that's where the gallow's wait

The day you're looking for your answers the tide pulls you out
No house, no son, no daughters: your quest is filling you with doubt
Beaten by defeat your head hangs between your knees
Driven mad with rage you go and you burn it all down

And we'll walk into the valley
Where a Piper Man still plays
And you find yourself no answers
But still the gallow's wait

And we'll walk into the valley
Where the Piper Man still plays
And you found yourself no answers
You have only diggen a grave

Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
I like them but never really eat them because they ruin your pallet for the next couple hours.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Dudebusters posted...
Invincible came out in 2003
Not to mention that Peacemaker was the inspiration for the Comedian from Watchmen back in the 80's.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
It's the only comic book stuff that's actually making any money at the moment.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Waiting Around to Die by Townes Van Zandt
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Seymour would have been great if you could summon Anima with him. Otherwise the only thing good about him is a pretty cool Overdrive that literally no one ever sees because the boss is already dead by the time you can use it..
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
mercurydude posted...
The Wizard of Oz. I don't just mean the Judy Garland film (though they'd probably flip their shit about that too because of how the lion acts) but the original books:

From wiki:

Also, woke Dorothy:
The line about queer friends has nothing to do with being gay. At the time the word queer just meant strange or unusual.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Bugsy Seigel
Frank Abbandando
Whitey Krakow

Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Talia AL Ghul raped Batman in order to get pregnant. So hopefully not her.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
You can also fast travel by shipping yourself in a box.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Johnny Winter And
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Vanilla extract is a very expensive and shitty way to get drunk.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Boy I can't wait for it to be thrown in the trash for a tax break.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
This probably wouldn't have been an issue if cheese laws weren't so fucking stupid. Most of these fancy cheeses are so tightly regulated they can only be legally produced in some tiny ass-end village of the world or in some cases only a single farm is allowed to make them.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
UnholyMudcrab posted...
I certainly don't. The obsession with true crime shit is something I really wish society would drop.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Ed Kemper also requested the Death Penalty but was denied.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Ed Kemper himself has stated that he shouldn't be released from prison.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
I feel like you deserve a scoop of ice cream that matches your opinion.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
K181 posted...
If I did, Id like to know which one it is to give it a shot, though I suppose the reveal would be spoiled then.
He's talking about Heavy Rain and it's one of the worst plot twists ever.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
This is my wall paper
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
A live action Robocop would be pretty good I guess.
Detroit Lions 12-5 NFC North Champions
Community » Awesker002