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Community » EmbraceOfDeath
Been wanting Switch ports of A Link Between Worlds and the Mario and Luigi games so I hope it's one of those.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
WingsOfGood posted...
So Mark is sequel to Matthew?
Tc made it sound like story ended at cross and the following chapter is an entire sequel.
Much of those parts were written centuries later.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
If they don't want to do their jobs properly then they need to be forcibly removed.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
About every 5-6 days with two cats.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
All ghost stories are made up.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
JuanCarlos1 posted...
Where do you think money goes when making games? People who deserve a living wage.
So keep the same budgets and don't increase them.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
Bill & Ted's Butt Adventure
Bill & Ted's Bogus Butt
Bill & Ted Face the Butt
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
I'd definitely pay a million for that.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
Companies gotta save that extra penny.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
samsungsalt posted...
You have it completely backwards
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
Some attack or spell from Dragon Quest XI. Probably won't make it.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
He's 100% right, especially with GoT and Hot D where there are massive changes for the worse.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
We've still got underage users making topics here even after CE was closed to new accounts?
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
People would stop posting online, other than masochists.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
Trumble posted...
I mean, I think that's a bit far in the other direction. There's no way in hell a parent these days can know let alone control everything a child does (and that's without considering the extent of surveillance in general that would be needed to find something online that the kid is trying to hide), and that's if the child is still living with the parent (probably different in America and maybe varies between states, but you can move out at 16 here).
If they don't want to parent, then they shouldn't have had kids.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
hyperpowder posted...
I guess you guys can live in La La land
Lmao if you get called out for saying something stupid and contrary to reality, don't double down.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
Musk himself has nothing to do with the actual development of anything and has no useful skills so no loss there.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
Reading animal minds. There are plenty of applications but it would be very good to be able to catch any health issues for my cats early.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
bsp77 posted...
Okay, dude. Chill
He's 100% right.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
Super Mario Bros.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
I hope not. If there are alien civilizations, I hope they're not shitty like humans who are obsessed with spreading wherever they can and making everything bigger to sate their garbage egos regardless of the cost to any other species or even their own.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
It was decent but had some issues with the combat that dragged the experience down. Wouldn't put it in the upper half of Soulslikes, right around the middle.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
It would end in a calamity and the rejoining of a shard to the Source.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
Could be avoided if Biden wasn't trash. People who blame voters for his loss of support instead of his actions have no business telling anyone else what to do.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
Not in around 8 months.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
Do you feel it when individual bacteria move around in you?
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
And people still support this asshole.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
I don't know. I had one a week ago and all I could manage to eat was a couple pieces of bread that day.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
Trumble posted...
Charging for the time they were actually there is one thing. Iffy but understandable. Charging for the time they don't actually serve is pure corruption.
Charging for it isn't understandable at all. You can't force someone to live somewhere and then charge them for it, that's insane.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
SauI_Goodman posted...
Lol @ lost winning despite the writers admitting they got lost themselves and wrote themselves into a hole.
And it still managed to be infinitely better than the garbage fire that was the Game of Thrones ending.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
In one sitting? I have before, but wouldn't again.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
Clothing for non-practical purposes like warmth or comfort is stupid anyway.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
They don't get a free pass. It is worse with YouTube though, considering YouTube is user made content.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
lilORANG posted...
People with 20 DUIs on the record often also have 20 Driving While Revokeds on their record. Banning someone from driving doesn't stop them from driving
Then ban them from driving and give them a severe punishment.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
I've lost about 65 pounds since the start of 2023. Just cutting small amounts of calories at a time, losing weight until I stop, then doing it again. Doing it gradually has helped a lot, to the point that I don't feel all that hungry even when I cut down again.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
I keep getting those annoying ads on youtube.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
3 cups a day for me.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
BDSMKane posted...
Im trying to understand the situation. So was the assailant armed? If so, with what? The cop who fired, I saw in the body cam he fired three shots at the suspect. So one of them missed, hit the wall, went through, and killed the girl on the other side? Im not sure Ive ever given a cop the benefit of the doubtbut if he was trying to stop an armed assailant and didnt know there was anyone on the other side of the wallI dont know.

Im still down for disarming the average cop, but if the one with the rifle was part of a tactical response unitthat wouldnt help much. This definitely isnt your average case of reckless cop shoots kid though. Without the freeze frame pointing out the dressing room wall, Im not sure I would have noticed it. Then again, from the body cam dialogue, the cop did seem too eager to lead the charge with the rifle, so Im not quite sure what was going on.

Who was he and why did he have the rifle?
If anyone else shot recklessly and killed someone behind a wall they would 1000% be charged for it regardless. This piece of shit should be in prison.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
A million dollars and a year of vacation, hell yes I would do it.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
Don't care until they port it to a real system.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
ReiRei89 posted...
I'm all for the right to protest but this isn't the way to do it. This just creates more opposition to their protesting.
People always post this tired nonsense in any topics like this. This is exactly the way to do it. The point IS to force people to pay attention and get them mad.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
The_Wheelman1 posted...
Elon really wants Twitter to die don't he? He hasn't done a single thing right since he bought it.
Killing Twitter is the only smart thing he's ever done.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
3 or 5.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
Many of the rare monsters in FFXII, though you can get them to spawn pretty quickly if you know the methods.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
You're gonna vote for this racist? Disgusting.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
Reveal face down card!
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
Good, planned obsolescence is bullshit.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
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