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Rip Lester The Unlikely
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
WWE fans towards AEW
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
ThatGeminiGuy posted...

Expected somebody to post this, and wasnt disappointed.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Coffee filters.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
chris1001_the_sequel posted...
Oh got another one. Jurassic Park III>Lost World Jurassic Park.

JP3 was not a good movie, but it wasn't really trying to be. It was a short (90 minutes with credits) simple action movie with dinosaurs. Lost World tried to be a Spielberg movie and just failed miserably. It's a slog to get through. People focus on the "Hey Allen" Dream in III and while it was dumb, it was a dream. Lost World asked you to believe a skinny 13 year old girl could kill a raptor with gymnastics. You could also write an essay on the problems with the San Diego sequence.

Lost World may be on paper the (slightly) better movie, but I sure had more fun with III and and if I had to watch one of the two, I'd just choose III in a heartbeat.

One of the biggest issues i had with JP III was the ending. Its almost like the writers couldnt come up with anything so, abrupt deus ex machina! Credits!
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Okay, i'm sold. This looks fun as all hell.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Dr Pepper has always tasted weird to me. Like it's not awful or anything but I can't figure out why i've never taken to it.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
ShineboxPhil posted...
imagine hiring a stapler to do standup

'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Adding to that article, get a load of this shit:

Rob Schneider opens up about his conversion to Catholicism (

Comedian Rob Schneider revealed that it was the 'evil' he witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic that awakened his spirit to receive Christianity and ultimately decide to convert to Catholicism.
In an interview with the Christian Post's Leah Klett, Schneider discussed how contending with the 'organized evil' he saw during that multi-year stretch led him to his faith.

The actor did not specify what he meant by 'organized evil.'

Back in October, Schneider turned 60, which he saw as an opportunity to announce to his followers and the world his newfound religiosity.

In vague terms, Schneider alludes throughout the interview to a threat that is literally and spiritually threatening the American way of life.

He says more than once he feels it is 'important right now' for freedom and liberty loving citizens to emphasize faith, strength, and forgiveness, but also a 'steely resistance to evil' in their lives.

'And I think it's really important that people arm themselves - and I mean that physically - but I also mean that spiritually, for what's coming,' he added.
He underscored a message of preparedness and faith, saying, 'It is time to get closer to God,' and to select leaders who will 'stand up to tyranny.'

He discussed society's current propensity toward cancel culture, and how forgiveness is not a value being taught or utilized at present.

He also noted that he believes people are currently 'being misled and used for agendas ... to feed into a system that is corrupt.'

Offering no specifics, he gave a vague allusion to the co-opting of mental health in America, and the systems of corruption revealing themselves to people who are paying attention.

At the time of the interview, the actor's latest comedic film 'Daddy Daughter Trip' had just arrived on Netflix.
'I wanted to make a movie my wife would let my kids see,' said Schneider, whose most famous role in his body of work is likely Deuce Bigalow, in he 1999 comedy 'Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo.'

Schneider has been married three times, and is the father of country singer Elle King, as well as two younger kids with his current wife.
His more recent work has tended more toward the family friendly genre.
He told Klett he wants to make his audience 'laugh, think, and feel like you're watching a real family,' which he feels he succeeded in doing with his latest live action flick.

In terms of his work moving forward, the comedian said he's not sure if his newfound faith will drastically influence his material.
He said his work will 'look different than before,' adding that he's thinking about removing dirty words from his stand-up sets.

He also spoke about a project he is hoping to move forward with about the Shroud of Turin, which many Catholics believe is the piece of burial cloth that was wrapped around Jesus following his crucifixion.


'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
DodogamaRayBrst posted...
Reminder that Rob Schneider is so stupid and narcissistic that he thought only people with a Pulitzer prize should be able to criticize his acting.

Which lead to Roger Ebert absolutely destroying him with an epic burn.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
'Everyone in the Room Was Groaning': Rob Schneider Removed From Charity Event Over Anti-Trans and Anti-Vaccine Jokes (

Over the weekend, comedian Rob Schneider was removed from the stage at a charity event for the Hospitals of Regina Foundation.

The incident took place at the Four Seasons Ball on Saturday night, where the Jack & Jill actor's performance was met with widespread disapproval and boos from the audience.

Schneider's material allegedly focused on topics related to the LGBTQ+ community and vaccines, which led to discomfort among the audience and ultimately resulted in his removal from the stage.

Attendees reportedly started walking out of the event before the Grown Ups actor was asked to leave the stage.

One attendee of the charity fundraiser told outlets, Everyone in the room was groaning, adding that it was apparent how uncomfortable everyone felt.

Tynan Allan, a Black, queer person who attended the event to support various healthcare causes, told CBC that he was horrified by the transphobic and misogynistic content of Schneider's set.
"Everyone in the room was groaning, saying, 'What is going on?' Like whispering to themselves. Not a single laugh at times," Allan said. "It was just very apparent how uncomfortable everyone felt and how unacceptable the things he was talking about were."

The Regina organization noted that Schneiders jokes did not align with the views of the charity.
While we recognize that in a free and democratic society, individuals are entitled to their views and opinions and that comedy is intended to be edgy, the content, positions and opinions expressed during Mr. Schneiders set do not align with the values of our Foundation and team, the foundation said in a statement.

itico reported that the frequent Adam Sandler collaborator was cut off after 10 minutes during what was supposed to be a 30-minute set at the Waldorf Astoria and that Republican Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi chose to leave because she found Schneider's routine "gross and vulgar."

"Nobody removed me from stage, somebody waved to me at the 50-minute mark," Schneider told TMZ. "I'm not changing my material or apologizing for my jokes to anybody. Enough with this woke bulls---, America's sick of it."

Rob Schneider has never been, or ever will be funny. Talentless waste of a human.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
I love Fool Us. One of the most fun shows on TV.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Eternal Darkness on Gamecube was boring as hell.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
I mean they can go from like 30 bucks to hundreds.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Oh awesome. Never played the OG and The Thing is pretty much my favorite movie. Hyped.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
'I haven't had this much sex since I was a boy scout leader!!!'

*awkward looks*

'I the time, i was dating......a lot'
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
I remember some fan theory saying he was wearing an earpiece and someone was feeding him answers or something.

But i do remember the guy getting booed at the start because he said he worked for the IRS lol
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
So you hate the entirety of Revelations?
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Got summoned once, in reply i said i take medication for anxiety and depression, and i was excused. Short and simple.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
E-reader all the way, for two reasons - One, i'm the type of reader that never rereads books, even if i l loved the hell out of one, because there's so much out there to discover. And two, i can put truckloads upon truckloads of books on it and it doesn't take up any space.

Also TC, what are you reading?
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Arkham Asylum
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
I keep bringing this up in topics like these and it always triggers a lot of people, and i'll keep saying it, brace yourselves:

AC/DC is the greatest pure rock n' roll band that has ever graced God's green Earth, and yes i'm talking both Brian and Bon eras. Nobody comes close. Not Stones, Zeppelin, Beatles, none of em.

You may now commence your REEEEEE'ing.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Someone should tell the owner they spelled Minnow wrong.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Temple is great. Calling it the worst of the OG trilogy seems harsh, even if i love the other two more, because all three movies are terrific.

What floors me is some people out there who say Skull was better than Temple.

Also Dial isn't perfect, but its a fun ride and i enjoyed it much more than the previous movie.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Also loved it. Refused to fast travel because simply sailing around was fun.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
3. I choose a grizzly bear.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Deal. Im not a vegan, but a lot of plant based 'meat' are actually really good.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Might be alone on this, but no. Him being an innocent and naive child is a great precursor because it makes the audience think, how did this sweet little guy become an evil ruthless destructor?
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Yes sir, good old antidepressants.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
May Long, because we're lazy and hate syllables.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Really sad. Can't imagine what the parents are going through.

On that note, the parents of the bullies - what would they even say or do in that situation? Unreal.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
You know cops are bored when.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Kaldrenthebold posted...
Only real gamers use the nade launcher ammo glitch!

I used this constantly. Much fun.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Charged151 posted...
Wonder if we can communicate with random people finally online without jumping through hoops. No one uses that stupid phone option.

Yeah, please. There was no need for that.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Cantaloupe can go away, and nobody would miss honeydew either.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Conan O Brien Needs A Friend, easily.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Usually melatonin every night but as the work week goes on, i can sometimes just nod off.

Now if i have a super early midnight shift, Melatonin + Zzzquil in the afternoon, and im out colder than a block of ice.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Came in to the topic to say the exact same thing,TC. And start to finish, it's only 20 something minutes so its a breeze, but damn its still fun.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Thats why i got a personal trainer years ago. I dont have to think. They just say, do this, this many times, and correct my form if needed.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Board games. I think im close to 200 at this point.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
41. All of us GameFAQ heyday'ers are getting old and grey.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Mussurana posted...
Obviously Empire, although I do like Rogue 1 quite a bit.

Honestly, id put it 3rd best after New Hope and Empire. I enjoyed it a lot.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
I saw that at a Taco Bell somewhere in flatland California. I thought it was neat.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Camera guy/Pam storyline. That was awful. Show hit a low at that point.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
The Last Of Us.

Was excited going into it, which was years after release, after so much praise.

And i played through it and......ehh. Wasnt time wasted but i was still scratching my head going.....THIS was labelled one of the best games of all time? What?
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Funny way of spelling Captain N and the Gamemasters.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Lady In The Water. I haven't met one person who actually likes it.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
itcheyness posted...

Looks pretty doable imo

How is it that cluster on the east side all decided on the same name? Lol
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Probably one of my biggest pet peeves. I can do laundry easily within half a day, when people have their shit sitting in the machine after its cycle for god knows how long, im moving your crap elsewhere and using it myself.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
Im not defending pissing in a water bottle, but i imagine due to his insane workout schedule among other things he probably drinks a ridiculous amount of water/Zoa so he probably has to piss every hour.
'We're not gonna make it, are we? People i mean.'
'It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.'
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