Board 8 > Fool's Overture [CYOA]

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08/15/11 7:28:00 AM

Sprite has crush on us I see no downside!

Also change to A: Read the manual

Oh, a big machine with flashy lights. A big machine like that has me written all over it. Well, okay, it doesn't. But give me time... and a crayon --11th Doctor
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08/15/11 8:09:00 AM

A: read the manual.

Nanomachines: The cause of and solution to all of life's problems.
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08/15/11 8:10:00 AM

A: Read manual

Sounds good to me.

Though I stay firm in that we keep the lustful actions to school babes and Etta.

Lluvia has to watch?


"I can already feel my Dumey Lust kicking in." -MistBiomeZ
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08/15/11 9:42:00 AM

Why can't Lluvia just join in at that point?


Oh, a big machine with flashy lights. A big machine like that has me written all over it. Well, okay, it doesn't. But give me time... and a crayon --11th Doctor
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08/15/11 1:02:00 PM

She sort of has the mindset of an inordinately wise and brave 10 years old or thereabouts. You can thank me for the sudden surge of discomfort later.

Also, with five votes for the manual, voting is certainly closed. Update a-coming!

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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08/15/11 2:03:00 PM

A) Free Choice.

You excuse yourself out of the Forge and head back into the library, Lluvia following you with short, rapid steps like those of a pint-sized ballerina. It's time to check out the manual you got from Mr. Lotwyver.

Inside the library, you find a couch next to the wall, and take out the manual. It is written quite dryly, wasting almost no space on poetry and purple prose. The first thing you stumble across are the Commandments.

"Commandment of One: Bask in the Moonlight.

You cannot escape the world you have been plunged into, and if you turn and run like a coward, you will swiftly meet a coward's death. Be brave, or be dead, Knight-in-Training.

Commandment of Two: Together, you triumph.

A lone knight is a beacon of light in the battle against the darkness. A group of knights are a cleansing flare that will purify some of that darkness into light. Seek out the brave and form unbreakable bonds with them, Knight.

Commandment of Three: If at first you don't succeed...

...Try, try, try again. Discretion is the better part of valor, and what you learn from a battle will be instrumental in defeating an enemy who overpowers you. Risk not your life unnecessarily, as there are too few Knights in service to afford to lose one stupidly.

Commandment of Four: Dominate the elements.

Each creature has an element from which it was Forged and which drives its passions, and one element that can destroy that swiftly and mercilessly. Seek control over the four elements, either alone or with your people, and use them as your shield and sword.

Commandment of Five: Forge your bonds in fire.

Seek out the Forges, wellsprings of power, and turn your thoughts and desires into weapons with which to vanquish the darkness. Live intensely, and empower yourself through your emotions.

Commandment of Six: Venture into the wild lands cautiously.

There are worlds beyond our own. If ever must you reach out to them, remember: malice and goodness exist in the same measure in those places as they do in our reality. Be wary, but also ready to accept the help of those who pursue the same goals as you do.

Commandment of Seven: Be not bound by fate.

No chain is harder to break than those of your mind. Nothing can force you to follow a course of action, and your will is your own. Remember that.

Commandment of Eight: Do not forget your roots.

You are just a mortal man, who fights for other mortal men. You are not, cannot, and will not ever be above them, merely beside them. True superiority comes not from the magic you wield, but from the resolve in your heart.

Commandment of Nine: Your greatest weapon is one that cannot harm.

Show mercy after your enemy has been defeated, and strive not to kill, but to redeem. A man who has previously tasted the intoxicating taste of forbidden power but has turned away from it makes for a very devoted Knight, and a step forward in the battle against the darkness.

Commandment of Ten: Never lose hope.

Your foes are many, perhaps infinite, and you wage a shadow war, brave Knight. But no matter how dire the situation may seem, never lose hope. As long as you stand resolute, you shall emerge victorious. From hope comes the will to fight, from the will to fight comes courage, from courage comes greatness, and from greatness comes victory. And hope springs eternal.

-Ezra Muir, Hunter of the Air, AD 1057."

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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08/15/11 2:03:00 PM

After the commandments what follows is a bestiary, describing a great many creatures, big and small, hostile and harmless. You briefly peruse it, but soon notice that half an hour's passed. If you get going right now, you'll barely get to school in time.

[Hunter's Libram has been added to inventory!]

27) What will you do?
A) Leave the bestiary for later and go to school.
B) School can wait. Skip class and keep reading.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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08/15/11 2:34:00 PM


So uh, now that Lluvia isn't pocket sized, what happens there? Can she still shift to something small enough to hide as, or are we going to pull a "no one but supernaturals can see her" type of thing?

Also I've decided that we are now insane, and will deploy our umbrella no matter what time of day or weather.

From: KanzarisKelshen | #356
A man who has previously tasted the intoxicating taste of forbidden power but has turned away from it makes for a very devoted Knight,


"I can already feel my Dumey Lust kicking in." -MistBiomeZ
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08/15/11 3:03:00 PM


Also I've decided that we are now insane, and will deploy our umbrella no matter what time of day or weather.

We will also open our umbrella in doors! Even though that is bad manners and bad luck or whatever.

"Hope is allowed to be stupid, unwise, and naive." ~Sir Chris
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08/15/11 3:11:00 PM


Oh you silly people.

You can only open parasols when it's sunny, not umbrellas

Oh, a big machine with flashy lights. A big machine like that has me written all over it. Well, okay, it doesn't. But give me time... and a crayon --11th Doctor
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08/15/11 3:26:00 PM

Maniac64 posted...

Also I've decided that we are now insane, and will deploy our umbrella no matter what time of day or weather.

We will also open our umbrella in doors! Even though that is bad manners and bad luck or whatever.

Unrelated to the stuff on this post, but that sig is hilariously (in)appropriate. Well played, randomizer.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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Tom Bombadil
08/15/11 3:38:00 PM


not letting it interfere with our life and whatnot


~Tommeri Uranius Bombaldi the Fourth, esq.
(aka not Krakenprophet)
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08/15/11 4:25:00 PM


Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals ... except the weasel.
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08/15/11 6:22:00 PM

A) Leave the bestiary for later and go to school.

You put the bestiary down and tuck it into your bag. There'll be time for it later. For now, you need to get going. It's a long walk to school from here. You make your way to the elevator in mere moments, crossing no one's path along the way. Lluvia follows you into the elevator as you punch the button for the ground floor, but when you step out, she's nowhere to be seen. Turning around to look for her, you see water flowing upwards from the elevator, covering several times the ground you do to get to the door at the same time as you. Outside Hallcroft, Turing, and Lotwyver's, You briefly wonder how you're going to sneak Lluvia into the school now that she's grown so tall, but that question is promptly answered as rain begins to fall all around you. You resist the urge to smile as you open Stormscraper to shield yourself from the rain, in spite of the sky being devoid of clouds. Sneaky, but effective.

Calling the learning centre you attend a school could be considered a slight. Consisting of several buildings, big and small, and a large, well-kept campus covered in evergreen grass, it doubles as both a secondary school and a university, and more than four thousand students come to it every day to stuff their brains full of knowledge. School is a very small word for it. You step through the main gates and breathe in the air, which is fresh and cool, a far cry from the smog-filled gas that passes for air in the inner-city streets. You have a laundry list of things you dislike about this place, but the atmosphere is not one of them. You head for the nearest building through the stone streets, dampening the grass at your sides as you pass, and take the stairs right past the door to the fourth, and last floor. You see the water sneak into an air vent as you clamber up the steps, and when you step into your classroom, you are not surprised to see water dripping from the ceiling soundlessly.

Your class is comprised of forty students, and the ceaseless murmur of several conversations going on in the background at once greets you as you look for an empty seat. Several of your fellow students call out to you, and you answer back. Perhaps you're not the most popular man on campus, but you're well liked nonetheless. It might have something to do with your serious air and tall height, which makes you look older than you really are, as though you belong with the universitaries and not the high-schoolers.

The conversations do not stop when Mr. Adamson enters the room. He's a young man, in his late twenties (or perhaps, his early thirties), and his easygoing demeanor and willingness to spend as much time as necessary on tangents to interest his students on the subject at hand make him one of the students' favorites among the faculty. Leaving his things on his big teacher's desk, he claps his hands like thunder, and all sound ceases at once.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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08/15/11 6:22:00 PM

"Alright, squirts, listen up!" He booms, though there's a merry tone to his voice and a smile on his face hidden by his beard that makes it clear he's only playing the part of an ogre, instead of being one. "Before we start today, I've got some news for you. A new student is joining the class, and I expect you all to help her catch up on the subjects we've already covered this term. And yes, I said *her*, so try not to drool too much when she comes in, you horndogs." Though the school mixes girls with boys on each class, there's only three girls out of forty students in your class. Instantly, a chorus of wolf-whistles forms in response to Mr. Adamson's words, as the boys take up the challenge implicit to them. It takes him several moments to quiet the class down again.

"Alright, now that you got that out of your systems...Miss Blumenthal, if you would please come in!"

You gasp as the new students steps into the room. Not because she's particularly pretty (which she is; you vaguely hear a single wolf-whistle this time, before the whole room bursts into laughter), but because you've seen her before!

Those eyes...those two short pigtails falling down to shoulder-level...even though she had a cartoony style before, there's no mistaking her. The girl that is now standing in front of the class, smiling and waving a hand at the room is the same girl you saw on Etta's painting at the training course!

"Ladies and generally boorish people, please welcome Karenina Blumenthal to Class 421!" Still reeling from the shock, you don't join the general chorus of hellos and welcomes, but thankfully this goes unnoticed. How is this happening? When did the...other part of your life decide to creep in and pay your normal life a visit? And how does Etta know this girl enough to paint her? You finally snap back to your senses in time to hear the new girl speak.

"Hi everyone! Nice to meet you too! Please, call me Nina. My mom was armed with a book on baby names when they had to pick a name for me and everybody was too scared of her to argue." She says, her tone chipper, her voice a sweet soprano. More laughs follow in the wake of her joke, but you feel too confused to join in.

"Now, let's see where we can slot you in so we can get this class started, Nina...hey you, make some room for the new student!" Mr. Adamson bellows, pointing at you and the empty chair beside you. Just your can't argue with him, however, and move to the side as Karenina puts her bag down and the chair in place.

The following eighty minutes pass in a blur. Usually, you find Mr. Adamson's classes to be tremendously interesting, but this time you're so distracted by the curveball you've just been thrown you completely miss it. All you can think of is how the day has gone from strange but interesting, to deeply disturbing. Eventually, the bell indicating recess finally rings, and the students flock out of the room en masse, leaving you alone with your thoughts.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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08/15/11 6:23:00 PM

The water's dripping finally ceases, as Lluvia takes on her normal, humanoid form again and walks to your side. Though her features remain blank and inexpressive as always, you sense her distress for your state of mind. She puts her arms around your neck and leans to rest her head on your shoulder, as if trying to instill a sense of calmness in you through that gesture. Before you can do anything, however, you hear somebody scream, and a massive spike of what looks like plant matter pierces the floor in front of you, sending several desks flying. After an instant, the spike retreats, and two short, bulbous creatures jump into the room through the hole it left behind.

Ally Team

Name: Main Character
Element: Water
HP: 65/75
MP: 34/34

Name: Lluvia
Element: Water
HP: 60/60
MP: 50/50

Enemy Team

Name: Bully Bulb
Element: Earth
HP: 30/30
MP: --

Name: Bully Bulb
Element: Earth
HP: 30/30
MP: --

Character Sheet:

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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08/15/11 7:30:00 PM

I almost say we should have MC attack one, and Lluvia attack the other. Attacks still do no elemental damage, so we don't have to worry about the element reduction, and we will generally be able to see whether magic or strength is more useful.

They have low hp, but there's got to be some knack to make this interesting. I'll wait for others to input of course.

"I can already feel my Dumey Lust kicking in." -MistBiomeZ
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08/16/11 6:38:00 AM

Mmmm... Hopefully, we can bludgeon them to death with that low HP; and it doesn't make sense for Lluvia to use offensive spells against earth foes, MP as finite as it is.

The only real question is, do we risk not putting up a Blood Link?

I'm thinking 9 MP's not worth it for this small-scale a fight.

MC & Lluvia: Attack the left bulb.

(splitting attacks doesn't really make sense >_>)

Oh, a big machine with flashy lights. A big machine like that has me written all over it. Well, okay, it doesn't. But give me time... and a crayon --11th Doctor
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Tom Bombadil
08/16/11 6:49:00 AM

MC & Lluvia: Attack the left bulb.

~Tommeri Uranius Bombaldi the Fourth, esq.
(aka not Krakenprophet)
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08/16/11 7:11:00 AM

MC & Lluvia: Attack the left bulb.

Though honestly, I would love to use this as a chance to search for some more combo attacks. Especially with that Deep Bond passive. I figure something like Attack+Impulse or Unyeilding Will+Attack have a good chance of being combos. Relentless Resolve+Attack is worth a check as well.

Unrelated to the stuff on this post, but that sig is hilariously (in)appropriate. Well played, randomizer.

That's just my sig. I don't have a rotation.

(Maniac64 at work) [Browncoat] ~Board 570901~
All the proteins, vitamins, and carbs of your grandma's best turkey dinner, plus 15% alcohol.
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08/16/11 7:15:00 AM

In that case, that's one hell of a time to use your main account, heh. Anyway, update coming in a sec.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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08/16/11 8:03:00 AM

Wearily, you stand up from your desk, and grab Stormscraper. You've been through this only once, and yet it already feels routine to you. Brandishing the blade hidden within the umbrella, you take a swing at the nearest bulbous fiend...

...Which is blasted by a crescent wave of sky-blue energy, as well as two concentrated water blasts from Lluvia. It crumples and stops moving at once.

[Bully Bulb 1 HP remaining: 0/30]

The other plant creature, meanwhile, takes its time and throws a tiny little seed at your feet. Following a gut feeling, you dive out of the way, just in time to avoid being skewered by another one of those massive plant spikes.

[MC HP remaning: 60/75]

Ally Team

Name: Main Character
Element: Water
HP: 65/75
MP: 34/34

Name: Lluvia
Element: Water
HP: 60/60
MP: 50/50

Enemy Team

Name: Bully Bulb
Element: Earth
HP: 0/30
MP: --

Name: Bully Bulb
Element: Earth
HP: 30/30
MP: --

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
... Copied to Clipboard!
08/16/11 8:03:00 AM

By the way, literally loling at this move. Not because it was bad, but because the writer-side stuff was *amazing*. I might share it later.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
... Copied to Clipboard!
08/16/11 8:55:00 AM

MC & Lluvia: Attack.

Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals ... except the weasel.
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08/16/11 8:56:00 AM

MC & Lluvia: Attack.

Nanomachines: The cause of and solution to all of life's problems.
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08/16/11 9:04:00 AM

By the way, literally loling at this move. Not because it was bad, but because the writer-side stuff was *amazing*. I might share it later.

Please do.

And is the first bulb dead or does it still have 1 HP, I'm a bit confused.

(Maniac64 at work) [Browncoat] ~Board 570901~
All the proteins, vitamins, and carbs of your grandma's best turkey dinner, plus 15% alcohol.
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08/16/11 9:11:00 AM

Wow, I was really expecting them to have like infinite defense to make up for the low hp.

MC & Lluvia: Attack

"I can already feel my Dumey Lust kicking in." -MistBiomeZ
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08/16/11 10:39:00 AM

Pretty sure these are just some random baddies. Just some low level stuff.

We are probably being tested by someone (like Nina).

(Maniac64 at work) [Browncoat] ~Board 570901~
All the proteins, vitamins, and carbs of your grandma's best turkey dinner, plus 15% alcohol.
... Copied to Clipboard!
08/16/11 11:44:00 AM



Oh, a big machine with flashy lights. A big machine like that has me written all over it. Well, okay, it doesn't. But give me time... and a crayon --11th Doctor
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08/16/11 12:31:00 PM

I'd gamble Etta created Nina.


That, or they're lovers? It's not like most people would randomly paint portraits of their mortal enemies...

Oh, a big machine with flashy lights. A big machine like that has me written all over it. Well, okay, it doesn't. But give me time... and a crayon --11th Doctor
... Copied to Clipboard!
08/16/11 12:40:00 PM

Or you know, sisters or something. Or former friends who ended up on different sides of the fight.

(Maniac64 at work) [Browncoat] ~Board 570901~
All the proteins, vitamins, and carbs of your grandma's best turkey dinner, plus 15% alcohol.
... Copied to Clipboard!
08/16/11 1:09:00 PM

Or it's some form of precognition. Would not be out of the ordinary for a supernatural setting.

"I can already feel my Dumey Lust kicking in." -MistBiomeZ
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Tom Bombadil
08/16/11 1:45:00 PM

Sisters? >_>

~Tommeri Uranius Bombaldi the Fourth, esq.
(aka not Krakenprophet)
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08/16/11 4:00:00 PM

muddersmilk posted...
By the way, literally loling at this move. Not because it was bad, but because the writer-side stuff was *amazing*. I might share it later.

Please do.

And is the first bulb dead or does it still have 1 HP, I'm a bit confused.

Dead, I just indicated that yes, that was the first Bully Bulb.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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08/16/11 4:28:00 PM

The second bulb never knew what hit him, as Stormscraper slices it to pieces in an instant. Its three parts roll convulse for a moment before settling down.

[Bully Bulb 2 HP remaining: 0/30]
[10 XP earned!]

With the battle over, you decide to go outside to investigate what is going on. Carefully sidestepping the gaping holes in the floor, you find most of the doors outside locked. Looks like the students have barricaded themselves in. Maybe that's for the best-

"No! Stay back!" You hear someone yell. You hasten toward the source of the noise, and turn down a corner to see a strange plant beast that looks vaguely like a man stand on a doorway, before you hear several pings and several bolts ram into it, sending it crashing against the wall.

Peeking into the room, you're quickly forced to duck back out, as a dart zooms into the spot your head was a moment before. Inside, you hear someone let out a strangled cry.

"Oh, no! I'm sorry, sorry, sorry!"

You nearly run into Karenina as she dashes out of the room, a concerned expression on her face. Said worry quickly disappears when she sees your clothes are ruffled, but you're otherwise unharmed.

"Oh, thank the heavens! I thought I'd got you for a second. I'm sorry, since those things started knocking I've been on edge, they're so vicious..." Inside the room, you see two young girls passed out on the floor, and the bodies of two other plant men.

"What happened here? T-those monsters...they just came out of nowhere and started attacking people. I tried to get everyone into a classroom so they wouldn't be hurt, but I don't know if they made it..." She looks contrite, and distressed.

"These two girls just couldn't move, and one of the plants lunged for them, so-" You interrupt Karenina's words as you see one of the two fallen plant-men begin to stir and raise a hand at her. Stepping into the room, you grab Stormscraper by the middle and plunge it into the thing as though it were a stake. It convulses and lets out a dying hiss before going still.

"Oh dear, it was still alive? I was so careless...someone could have been hurt by it." She says, an even guiltier look on her face than before. "What's going on here, anyway? D-did these things come here for me?" She asks, a desperate inflection to her voice. You have your doubts, given that the last time you came across a monster it had a slightly different target, but you're hesitant about speaking up about that. It looks like Karenina is resourceful, for a normal girl, but out of the loop.

28) What will you tell Karenina?
A) "Yeah, they're probably after you."
B) "No, look, I think these things are out to get me..."
C) "I don't think so, they must be here for a different reason."
D) Other.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
... Copied to Clipboard!
08/16/11 4:29:00 PM

So, battle reveal. You couldn't miss against these guys...which was a good thing, because if they'd have had any evasion, you'd have missed with both first-round attacks. Either you're very lucky about the way those rolls fell, or you're going to pay through the nose soon.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
... Copied to Clipboard!
08/16/11 4:41:00 PM

Kanz is trying to screw us guys, head up. :D

Something along the lines of

D) "Does it matter? Let's clean up any others."

Take charge, and be a hero all at the same time.

"I can already feel my Dumey Lust kicking in." -MistBiomeZ
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08/16/11 4:42:00 PM


Nanomachines: The cause of and solution to all of life's problems.
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Tom Bombadil
08/16/11 4:45:00 PM

D. "I don't know, do you know of any reason for them to be after you?"

There's no reason to make any assumptions- they might be after us, they might be after her, they might be after something else entirely. We're unlikely to figure it out by talking to her right now, but we might at least figure out where she's coming from- she might have just now had an awakening kinda thing like ours with Celty, or maybe she's some sort of MacGuffin that's been chased for years.

~Tommeri Uranius Bombaldi the Fourth, esq.
(aka not Krakenprophet)
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Tom Bombadil
08/16/11 4:47:00 PM

or actually yeah what Dumey said.

changing to

"Is there a reason for them to be? Let's figure it out after we take care of the rest."

best of both worlds


~Tommeri Uranius Bombaldi the Fourth, esq.
(aka not Krakenprophet)
... Copied to Clipboard!
08/16/11 5:13:00 PM

D. "Is there a reason for them to be? Anyway, let's figure it out after we take care of the rest."

Same thing, but I like this wording a bit better.

"Hope is allowed to be stupid, unwise, and naive." ~Sir Chris
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08/16/11 5:41:00 PM

What Maniac and Tom said.

Oh, a big machine with flashy lights. A big machine like that has me written all over it. Well, okay, it doesn't. But give me time... and a crayon --11th Doctor
... Copied to Clipboard!
08/16/11 5:53:00 PM

D) "Is there a reason for them to be? Anyway, let's figure it out after we take care of the rest."

"Yeah..." Karenina starts, hesitantly. "Hey...if...if we're going to work together, I figure you should know. Look!"

Lifting a hand, palm-up, she concentrates, and a gout of flame appears, as her eyes turn a radiant pink. She looks at you, sheepishly. "I can do strange stuff, if I put my mind to it. Stuff that shouldn't be possibly. I can do magic!" She says, looking at you, her stance guarded but her eyes hopeful.

"Those monsters were brought here by magic, and they're drawn to spellcasters. That's why I figured they were out to get me. I don't know how anyone could send so many, though...hey, you don't think I'm lying, do you? I swear I'm telling the truth!" She asks, suddenly. It is at that moment that Lluvia steps into the room. Pointing at her, you nod, and Karenina's face brightens, after a brief instant of surprise.

"Oooooh, is that an Element? That means you're a caster too! I didn't know there were any others in this city!" She says, clapping her hands. "Maybe...maybe we can find out who's behind it we use our powers together to erase these monsters."

(Misc Theme 1, Fire Forged Bond:
[Nina has joined the party!]

Together, you, Nina, and Lluvia venture out of the room. Outside, everything has gone quiet, except for the occasional screech of a plant monster in the distance. In the span of time you spent inside, the school corridors have been overrun by wild, dark green vegetation, and an intoxicating perfume fills the air. A strange shiver creeps down your spine as you take in the changes, and you turn around.

On the far end, hovering in mid-air, you see a shade attached to no body, glaring at you. The figure is completely dark, with the exception of two large, glowing white eyes, which stare at you hatefully. After a moment, the shade turns around and floats down a corridor to its right.

"Was that another monster? It didn't look like the ones I saw before." Nina asks, worried. "Should we go after it and see what it's up to?"

29) What will you do after your encounter with the shade?
A) Pursue it and see what it wants.
B) Find your way down and out of the building, it's not safe here.
C) Other.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
... Copied to Clipboard!
08/16/11 5:53:00 PM

Nina's statblock will come soon, when I have the time for it. 'Til then, just rest assured that she'll pop up on the character sheet.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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Tom Bombadil
08/16/11 6:13:00 PM

A, but try not to be obvious or confrontational about it. If that means I should vote C then I vote C.

I don't want to start a fight with this thing before we have a bit better idea of what it's capable of and what it's up to, but we can't just bug out on the school.

I don't suppose we have the bestiary handy to flip through, do we?

~Tommeri Uranius Bombaldi the Fourth, esq.
(aka not Krakenprophet)
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08/16/11 6:17:00 PM

Don't you know that you should never follow the creepy shadow? It's like horror movie 101 Tom.

That being said, A.

"I can already feel my Dumey Lust kicking in." -MistBiomeZ
... Copied to Clipboard!
08/16/11 6:17:00 PM

To check your inventory, just write

>Use [Item]

This usually doesn't consume your choice for the current juncture, though if it does I'll state as much.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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Tom Bombadil
08/16/11 6:18:00 PM

alrighty then

>Use Poked- I mean bestiary.

~Tommeri Uranius Bombaldi the Fourth, esq.
(aka not Krakenprophet)
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08/16/11 6:19:00 PM

Hunter's Libram has been accessed. What is your query?

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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Tom Bombadil
08/16/11 6:20:00 PM

What's that thing?

~Tommeri Uranius Bombaldi the Fourth, esq.
(aka not Krakenprophet)
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