Board 8 > Mass Effect 3 Topic v3 -- Spoil the game, and I'll genophage you.

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03/11/12 5:38:00 PM

Traynor is better than Chambers.

Chambers was just a whore. Traynor is friggin' adorable. Dammit, I knew I shouldn't have gotten back with Liara... then Thane... then back with Liara...

TheRock ~ Slow dramatic zoom-pan. Doesn't phase the hooded man.
"You have issues." - MWC. Pot. Kettle.
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baron von toast
03/11/12 5:40:00 PM

Chambers was a filthy Cerberus race traitor. Should have let the Collectors tang her.

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03/11/12 5:40:00 PM

Traynor is awesome. Liked her better than Kelly the first time she spoke.

"Why must we always choose between certain death and probable death?"
"I'm in an epic battle to the death, FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF!"
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03/11/12 5:40:00 PM

Dat accent.

TheRock ~ Slow dramatic zoom-pan. Doesn't phase the hooded man.
"You have issues." - MWC. Pot. Kettle.
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03/11/12 5:40:00 PM

From: baron von toast | #152
Chambers was a filthy Cerberus race traitor. Should have let the Collectors tang her.

She also spread that scale itch onto the Normandy.

Good riddance, I say.

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03/11/12 5:42:00 PM

who cares about kelly or traynor, both are so boring

EDIT: see I even got the other one's name wrong
I've played 30 hours of this damn game in the last four days
so bland

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baron von toast
03/11/12 5:45:00 PM

Traynor's a good girl. She's smart and modest and plays chess.

Chambers plays the vorcha meat flute and is probably indoctrinated.

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03/11/12 5:46:00 PM

Liara kinda sucks, to be honest. They tried to make her "badass" in ME2 and it didn't work, so now she's back to the nerdy Liara from ME1... and it doesn't work, either.

Kaiden is actually more enjoyable from my interactions with him. He's still kinda flat but I like his attitude towards Shepard.

Vegas is too bro to ever romance, even if he was an option (I don't think he is).

Could stick with Thane, but since he was dying in ME2 I assume that ME3 isn't going to be kind to him.

Damn, I almost want to restart so I can romance her. She seems like the best option for FemShep.

Until that EDI romance option.

TheRock ~ Slow dramatic zoom-pan. Doesn't phase the hooded man.
"You have issues." - MWC. Pot. Kettle.
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03/11/12 5:48:00 PM

I thought Liara was great in ME3, but I've always been a big fan of hers.

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03/11/12 5:48:00 PM

Her getting owned by the DLC character is hilarious, I'll say that much.

TheRock ~ Slow dramatic zoom-pan. Doesn't phase the hooded man.
"You have issues." - MWC. Pot. Kettle.
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baron von toast
03/11/12 5:49:00 PM

I liked ME3 Liara more than any of her previous incarnations. She wasn't quite the wet towel she was in 1 but lost of that annoying EDGINESS she picked up in 2. And dat singularity. Can't live without it.

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03/11/12 5:53:00 PM

I do think she's actually at her best in ME3.

I just don't think she's that good.

If I had to rank so far that I've played:

DLC Character > Garrus > Vega > Non-DLC Hidden Character > Kaiden > Liara

TheRock ~ Slow dramatic zoom-pan. Doesn't phase the hooded man.
"You have issues." - MWC. Pot. Kettle.
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03/11/12 6:43:00 PM

From: TheRock1525 | #128
This is the first game in the series where I've used powers way more than I used guns.

Hell, I barely use cover anymore.

As an Infiltrator I was constantly using my Black Widow to explode heads. I didn't even use powers that much.

From: the icon ownz all | #138
oh man. an infiltrator is essential in multiplayer. i just finished a gold match that we wouldn't have won if i couldn't camouflage in order to revive people.

Yeah my shotgun Quarian Infiltrator is the only class I've been able to beat Gold with.

~Halo There is no Crane, only Scarecrow!
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03/11/12 6:55:00 PM

oh dear god shepard and jack clubbing

what in the world

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03/11/12 7:08:00 PM

Whooooo boy

That ending was baaaaaaad

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baron von toast
03/11/12 7:18:00 PM

I know, right? I liked it better when it was called Hyperion.

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03/11/12 7:20:00 PM

These luck-based packs are so annoying. It'll give me everything but what I actually want, which is the Widow/Black Widow. I got the Viper and Revenant in one pack. UGH. This is the worst method to unlock things ever.

~Halo Everybody run!
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03/11/12 7:21:00 PM

I liked it better when it was called Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

Witty sig about SuperNiceDog winning the guru
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03/11/12 7:29:00 PM

I liked it better when it was called Deus Ex

~=Please insert liquor, and pour one for Guru Winner, SuperNiceDog=~
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03/11/12 7:29:00 PM

I liked it better when it was called Mass Effect 3.

TheRock ~ Slow dramatic zoom-pan. Doesn't phase the hooded man.
"You have issues." - MWC. Pot. Kettle.
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03/11/12 7:29:00 PM

I liked it better when it wasn't ending.

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baron von toast
03/11/12 7:30:00 PM

It was called so many things! And they were all so much better! Where did it all go so wrong?

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03/11/12 7:32:00 PM

Leon, that sig is so good for that post.

~=Please insert liquor, and pour one for Guru Winner, SuperNiceDog=~
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03/11/12 7:32:00 PM

The sig knows.

"Hold on a minute! That testimony stinks!"
"Witness! You can't just say 'Hello' and expect us to get anywhere! I want you to testify!"
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03/11/12 9:21:00 PM

I think I might start my Insanity run at some point. Not sure what class I wanna go with.

~Halo Live, fight, survive, as a family.
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03/11/12 9:25:00 PM

Insanity has been a joke so far with my Infiltrator, even the Grissom Academy Courtyard. The N7 Valiant Sniper is so awesome.

If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate. - Zapp Brannigan
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03/11/12 9:35:00 PM

But I don't have that sniper rifle sadly.

~Halo Live, fight, survive, as a family.
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03/11/12 9:40:00 PM

Oh, hmm. Not sure what else I would use until the Black Widow Rifle.

If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate. - Zapp Brannigan
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03/11/12 9:45:00 PM

The Mantis is all I could use. But Tactical Cloak is too appealing not to have, and the Infiltrator is my class. So I probably will go with that.

~Halo There is no Crane, only Scarecrow!
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03/11/12 9:45:00 PM

Very first pack.

Krogan Soldier.

Which was my main goal for unlocking.

Then some ****itchin' high powered assault rifle which has been working out pretty great.

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the icon ownz all
03/11/12 9:45:00 PM

ea's servers are pretty much the worst thing on earth.

When there's nothing left to burn, you have to set Bidoof on fire.
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03/11/12 9:46:00 PM

GranzonEx posted...
I liked it better when it was called Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

I still haven't beaten ME3, but Gurren Lagann's ending is freakin' epic and touching.

Needless to say, still lovin' ME3, been rocking it a lot this weekend. I've got a full Paragon bar already, and about almost one full notch of renegade, and I feel like there's still a lot of game left (just got back to the Citadel after the Quarian stuff).

One Piece: Pirates with style!
-= Metal Gear Solid: Tactical Espionage Action =-
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03/11/12 9:47:00 PM

From: the icon ownz all | #181
ea's servers are pretty much the worst thing on earth.


~Halo Everybody run!
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the icon ownz all
03/11/12 9:51:00 PM

I have a wired connection, fIOS internet, and I'm located 1 mile from EA headquarters, yet I disconnect from 90% of my online matches. I have 75% readiness, but I need 100%, because my war assets are just over 5000 and I'm locked into the end game.


When there's nothing left to burn, you have to set Bidoof on fire.
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03/11/12 9:57:00 PM

You shouldn't at all be concerned with your readiness. Just beat the game already.

~Halo Now you learn the mistake of challenging me.
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the icon ownz all
03/11/12 9:59:00 PM

I want the perfect ending! Whatever that is!

When there's nothing left to burn, you have to set Bidoof on fire.
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03/11/12 10:01:00 PM

icon, as long as the green bar is full, you're fine.

I have seen the "perfect ending" you get for going to about 5000 ready assets. It's not worth it.

The extra content is LITERALLY a second long.

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the icon ownz all
03/11/12 10:07:00 PM

oh. well then. hmm

is there a trophy for it? i guess i could do a ng+ for that if that's the case.

When there's nothing left to burn, you have to set Bidoof on fire.
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03/11/12 10:08:00 PM

You get a trophy for obtaining 100% galactic readiness, I think, yeah.

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03/11/12 10:12:00 PM

You can get 100% Galactic readiness AFTER beating the game though.

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03/11/12 11:16:00 PM

Oh my f***ing god they need to fix a lot of crap in this multiplayer. Matchmaking is a joke, connections suck, the hosting player leaves after five rounds and that's it? CHANGE THE F***ING HOST THEN. Don't just make the rest of us quit and forfeit the exp and credits we've racked up so far.

God damn.

I've been trying for over an hour or two just to play ONE more damn Silver match all the way through to get the rest of the credits I need for another Cerberus pack.

~Halo You're not the brightest.
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03/11/12 11:43:00 PM

The default choices that you're stuck with for ME3 are the absolute worst.

++++ Mass Effect 1 choices ++++

- Garrus was recruited
- Wrex was recruited
- The feros colony was not saved
- Shiala, the asari, was killed by the Thorian
- The Rachni Queen died
- Shepard killed Wrex on Virmire
- Shepard had no romance (oh noes!)
- The destiny ascension, along with the council, was destroyed.
- Udina was named counsellor
- All side missions and DLC content are considered as if you did not do them

++++ Mass Effect 2 choices ++++

- It is assumed Shepard did not do any loyalty missions
- Shepard did not help Mordin, as such no chance was made to save or destroy the genophage cure data.
- Tali was exiled by her people
- Shepard had no romance
- Zaeed and Kasumi were never recruited
- Mordin is alive
- Garrus is alive
- Miranda is alive
- Jacob is alive
- Grunt was never woken up from the tank and as such is never mentioned
- Jack died during the suicide mission
- Thane died during the suicide mission
- Tali was recruited and is alive
- Samara was never recruited, but she fought her way off of ilium and was then murdered by Morinth.
- Legion was never reactivated and never gained a name
- Shepard destroyed the collector base
- The only normandy crew members that survived the suicide mission were Joker and Chakwas. Yeoman chambers and all other mass effect 2 non-squad members died.
- Shepard did not complete optional N7 missions and assignments (such as citadel missions)
- Shepard did not complete Arrival, Overlord or the shadow broker DLC. But the events of Arrival and Overlord happened off screen, the batarian system still exploded, and Liara is still the shadow broker.

~Halo Now you learn the mistake of challenging me.
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03/11/12 11:49:00 PM

From: ShadowHalo17 | #192
- Thane died during the suicide mission

Man, why would you do this to people and deprive them of the best scene of the game by default?

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03/12/12 12:01:00 AM

Oh man Rannoch boss renegade interrupt

so good

XBL GT: Demon Ninja X2
"There comes a time in every man's or woman's life where they have to make **** up to cover their ass." - Hazama
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03/12/12 12:12:00 AM

Man I really don't think I got that interrupt at all. That upsets me.

~Halo Live, fight, survive, as a family.
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03/12/12 12:12:00 AM

Accidentally deleted my 15 hours in save.

Someone shoot me... and possibly Jack but mainly me.

TheRock ~ Slow dramatic zoom-pan. Doesn't phase the hooded man.
"You have issues." - MWC. Pot. Kettle.
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03/12/12 12:42:00 AM

Tip for Insanity: Make sure to choose a good power or two that can damage enemies. I just went a whole battle in the control room on Mars without any ammo. Had to rely on Liara's Singularity (VERY useful) and Incinerate.

~Halo Rolling around at the speed of sound.
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03/12/12 12:57:00 AM

This game crashes too damn much.

~Halo Now you learn the mistake of challenging me.
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the icon ownz all
03/12/12 1:07:00 AM

I think it's an issue with the game loading a scene and saving at the same time. All of my freezes have happened when the autosave kicks in while something large is loading.

When there's nothing left to burn, you have to set Bidoof on fire.
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03/12/12 6:24:00 AM

The game is a technical mess. Were it a lesser series, I think the critics would have slammed it pretty hard for that.

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