Board 8 > League of Legends Topic 42 - "I AM evil! Stop laughing!"

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05/14/12 10:52:00 PM

From: X_Dante_X | #1459
they're getting rid of purple dude? time to uninstall

old shopkeeper champion confirmed

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05/14/12 11:05:00 PM

Graphic update looks great.

Thematically correct shopkeeper is also great.

"What if you just eat vegetarians?"-neonreaper
"^ You are what you eat. ^_~"-Koiji
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05/14/12 11:08:00 PM


Mundo got me back to 1400.

That guy is still a joke. It wasn't the damage from his W, it was when they lowered the health cost that he became dumb. He has a permanent Irelia with it on and it cost nothing once you get sprirt visage and heart of gold so he can just go Ninja Tabi and lulz.

He can counter jungle, can't be counter jungled, great duelist, great ganker with exhuast up, and he transitions into team fights amazingly.

Oh yeah, he also reaches a point where you can't kill him. It's an absolute joke.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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05/15/12 1:08:00 AM

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And new Ashe model.

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"Eet's game time..."
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05/15/12 5:33:00 AM

From: TheConductorSix | #303

Mundo got me back to 1400.

That guy is still a joke. It wasn't the damage from his W, it was when they lowered the health cost that he became dumb. He has a permanent Irelia with it on and it cost nothing once you get sprirt visage and heart of gold so he can just go Ninja Tabi and lulz.

He can counter jungle, can't be counter jungled, great duelist, great ganker with exhuast up, and he transitions into team fights amazingly.

Oh yeah, he also reaches a point where you can't kill him. It's an absolute joke.

But noob Mundo's are pretty easy to beat when you know how it works. I had a game two games ago where he had was pretty much shut down late game by my team. I will admit he did good in laning though. And by noob I mean I still play at the level where there is very rarely jungling.

From: Luis_Sera89 | #304
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And new Ashe model.

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Those are all awesome.

Official Mienshao of the pokemon B/W and BW2 clans
Comic pull list: UXF, WatX, XML, Avengers Academy, Defenders, Secret Avengers, JLI, and Batwing
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05/15/12 5:44:00 AM

yessss new ashe

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05/15/12 6:14:00 AM
Health increased to 513 (+90 per level), from 505 (+82 per level).

This makes me happy.

Official Mienshao of the pokemon B/W and BW2 clans
Comic pull list: UXF, WatX, XML, Avengers Academy, Defenders, Secret Avengers, JLI, and Batwing
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05/15/12 6:29:00 AM

Zeal/PD nerf confuses me.

Lulu not nerfed enough.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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05/15/12 6:33:00 AM

The mundo nerf should make him slightly less of a beast in the jungle, good

the PD/Zeal nerf is kind of weird but it won't be that big of a deal since those items are still gonna be primary build on any AD carry

Yesss Athene's is not forgotten

drawing of me ©Lisel
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05/15/12 7:20:00 AM

Ashe's animations are so fluid.

New SR looks too brown, but I guess that's the direction the art is going in so whatever.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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05/15/12 7:21:00 AM

Amethyst ashe finally has purple arrows? Hell yes

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05/15/12 7:57:00 AM

Hecarim... buffs?

'Two of the six slides at six flags I assume that is why it is named that for six being its slide number. ' - Whiskey Nick
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05/15/12 8:28:00 AM

>_>' Ashe model for all of her skins, and the other PBE skins.

I am an advocate of celebrating not just the new year, but every single new day.
That way, every single day is blessed.
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05/15/12 8:29:00 AM

YES I'm so glad I have Woad Ashe and the White one now. They both look much better and Woad Ashe was great already

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05/15/12 8:55:00 AM

I just noticed that Sad Robot Amumu has stains around his eyes.

Nice touch.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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05/15/12 9:12:00 AM

Hecarim and Malph getting buffed greatly confuses me. The Zeal/PD nerf makes me sad but that wasn't the main stat on them.

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05/15/12 10:16:00 AM

Yay for Ashe art buff. Now Sivir!

Zeal/PD nerf is annoying, but at least Lich Bane isn't changed.

The new Swain skin confused me for a moment. That is not Ahri.

This isn't 1950. Girls develop way later than they used to because human lifespans have increased - Lavos_Fanboy
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05/15/12 12:12:00 PM


Why are they buffing Malphite? Anyone know? Does everyone realize how much he destroys any team with AD top/jungle/bottom and even if you only have 2 you are still quite hampered. Or that his level 6 jungle ganks are essentially a kill every time. or that you can't push him out of top lane or trade with him if you rely on attack damage.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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05/15/12 12:42:00 PM

Malphite buff is just getting his numbers in line with where they should be after they buffed Irelia, Annie, Etc starting stats. It's lame reason but that's the reason. Hecarim is for the $$$ because he isn't played a lot so they'll make him stupid for a while so people buy him and buy more skins. Riot had such poor marketting on Hecarim announcing him and Varus at pretty much the same time killed the hype for Hecarim.

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05/15/12 1:02:00 PM

Man, I started 7-0 as Teemo versus a morde and we still lose because of horrible dcing mal. Oh well I had fun.

The Cult of Personality.
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05/15/12 1:17:00 PM

Geez I improved immensely in the last two games I played it seems. 12/7/6 win where every other lane lost a turret while mine still stood and then I owned once it wasn't lanes to give my teammates lots of exp/assists followed by a 14/13/5 loss where we had a person go afk like 2/3 of the way thru. Also had the second lowest death count if you don't count afk person in that game. Both games had a jungle mundo on my team. And he was the same guy lol.

Official Mienshao of the pokemon B/W and BW2 clans
Comic pull list: UXF, WatX, XML, Avengers Academy, Defenders, Secret Avengers, JLI, and Batwing
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05/15/12 1:29:00 PM

Hecarim is getting buffed because people believe he's bad for some reason.

I mean, I look at people comparing him to Shyvana and I don't really understand the relevance of that. Hecarim is absolutely nothing like Shyvana from a jungling standpoint.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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05/15/12 1:45:00 PM

Then I played a Fizz game where I was a bit sloppy early but my team all did great, whoo good team mates.

The Cult of Personality.
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05/15/12 2:44:00 PM

...How the hell did I not notice that the gold bonus from Philo's stone/HoG was unique till now :(

Official Mienshao of the pokemon B/W and BW2 clans
Comic pull list: UXF, WatX, XML, Avengers Academy, Defenders, Secret Avengers, JLI, and Batwing
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05/15/12 2:46:00 PM

From: profDEADPOOL | #1604
...How the hell did I not notice that the gold bonus from Philo's stone/HoG was unique till now :(

they're unique, but you can still use them together

You can use Philo and Heart of Gold and get both gold bonuses, just not two Philo stones or two hearts of gold

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05/15/12 3:01:00 PM

All those graphical updates are great...but why can we still not see our character's face portrait change when we use a skin? That's the main reason I don't buy skins anymore and it seems like it would be extremely easy to fix.

Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
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05/15/12 3:02:00 PM

From: KamikazePotato | #326
All those graphical updates are great...but why can we still not see our character's face portrait change when we use a skin? That's the main reason I don't buy skins anymore and it seems like it would be extremely easy to fix.

make a topic on the forums, i'm sure this could get support.

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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05/15/12 3:04:00 PM

Hey guys a code for a free Alistar came with my Diablo III Collectors Edition.

Who wants a free Alistar

You know, the guy you can already get for free. Really easily.


Why did they choose Alistar for this?

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05/15/12 3:05:00 PM

I could use free Alistar on my Alt <_<

lol just give it to someone else though

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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05/15/12 3:07:00 PM

I'll take it because my Youtube account is on a different email than my League account, and I'm not gonna make another account for Youtube.

Even though I have no use for Alistair, never really liked him, but at least I could probably use him.

Official Pidgeot of the B/W Boards Clan
Quite frankly my Deerling, I don't give a Wormadam- GenesisSaga
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05/15/12 3:12:00 PM

Where should I make the topic? General Discussion or In-Game HUD or...

Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
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05/15/12 3:15:00 PM

I guess anyone who actually wants Alistar would go the Youtube route, so 'eh i may use him someday' is the best I'm gonna see >_>

PMing code to you, Wicklebee

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05/15/12 3:17:00 PM

From: KamikazePotato | #326
All those graphical updates are great...but why can we still not see our character's face portrait change when we use a skin? That's the main reason I don't buy skins anymore and it seems like it would be extremely easy to fix.

Because it would change the way people would look at the minimap and how the minimap icons work. I think they could change it for kill callouts but I can't argue with the fact that I like being able to know exactly what I'm looking for on the minimap.

Also I am basically paraphrasing a red post here.

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05/15/12 3:19:00 PM

1. They don't have to change it for the minimap.
2. OR, they can change it only for the summoner using the skin, and no one else.

Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
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05/15/12 3:22:00 PM

I commented on 1 above already and 2 would probably be somewhat tricky because it's shared resources. I dunno though. Either way it's not a high priority for them.

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05/15/12 3:27:00 PM

From: WaIker | #333
Because it would change the way people would look at the minimap and how the minimap icons work. I think they could change it for kill callouts but I can't argue with the fact that I like being able to know exactly what I'm looking for on the minimap.

Also I am basically paraphrasing a red post here.

Wait hold up I completely miss your point

exactly how is something arbitrary like changing character face portraits to correspond to their skins affecting gameplay

like at all

I'm serious here, I seriously don't know what you're trying to say >_>

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05/15/12 3:27:00 PM

No, you didn't. Nothing would change with what I suggested. Change the in-game portrait and leave the minimap icons alone. This will not affect anyone negatively.

Anyway, anyone that likes the idea can say so here.

Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
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05/15/12 3:32:00 PM

will do ^_^

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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05/15/12 3:40:00 PM

Man. Anyone else who likes the idea, it would be a good idea if you posted there too. That board moves ridiculously fast, it's basically already off the front page.

Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
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05/15/12 4:30:00 PM

So, uh. Guess what, this is happening starting the 22nd:

I am an advocate of celebrating not just the new year, but every single new day.
That way, every single day is blessed.
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05/15/12 4:31:00 PM

From: KommunistKoala | #325
they're unique, but you can still use them together

You can use Philo and Heart of Gold and get both gold bonuses, just not two Philo stones or two hearts of gold

Oh cool. nvm then. Unique passives are confusing. So that means it doesn't stack if you get the same item+if it says it doesn't stack with other items then?

Official Mienshao of the pokemon B/W and BW2 clans
Comic pull list: UXF, WatX, XML, Avengers Academy, Defenders, Secret Avengers, JLI, and Batwing
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05/15/12 4:33:00 PM

From: IhatethisCPU | #340
So, uh. Guess what, this is happening starting the 22nd:

A good addition

it does mean you have to have like 16 champs I think to play ranked but anyone who wants to play ranked should have more than that amount. hell i'm level 26 and I already have that amount I think >_>

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05/15/12 4:33:00 PM

From: profDEADPOOL | #341
Oh cool. nvm then. Unique passives are confusing. So that means it doesn't stack if you get the same item+if it says it doesn't stack with other items then?


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05/15/12 4:35:00 PM

From: VincentLauw | #343

kk thanks.

Official Mienshao of the pokemon B/W and BW2 clans
Comic pull list: UXF, WatX, XML, Avengers Academy, Defenders, Secret Avengers, JLI, and Batwing
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05/15/12 4:38:00 PM

From: IhatethisCPU | #340
So, uh. Guess what, this is happening starting the 22nd:

I think that this sucks for the people who legitimately understand how a champion works but doesn't actually own them for one reason or another, (IE: Graves player who doesn't buy him because he's in the rotation fairly often) but overall I think this is a good addition. If you're so into ranked, I think you should be able to commit a little more for it. And that you should.

From: VincentLauw | #342
it does mean you have to have like 16 champs I think to play ranked but anyone who wants to play ranked should have more than that amount. hell i'm level 26 and I already have that amount I think >_>

There are nine 450 IP champions alone, and 22 1350 IP champions. Two of the latter are basically free.

Getting 16 champions by level 30 is a non-issue.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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05/15/12 5:04:00 PM

I won't go hunting for the forum topics on the in-game portraits, but there has already been lots of discussion on it. Basically the agreement is that they will never change minimap icons or kill callouts, since they all have to look unique and discernible, and while the portraits would be a nice touch, they would have to make a portrait for every skin (easily 300+ skins in this game now) and it would be a lot of work for minimal gain

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05/15/12 5:05:00 PM

Oh damn it's going to be more difficult to play ranked on my alt now. I would just pick free week people and kick ass...

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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05/15/12 5:06:00 PM

That honestly doesn't seem like that much work. I'm pretty sure one guy with photoshop could make all those portraits in an afternoon, and coding shouldn't be worse than an if->then statement.

Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
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05/15/12 5:07:00 PM

Yeah, the logic behind no mini-map icons that reflect your skin is that it might cause confusion among players.

I know that this probably isn't a big deal for most people, but I imagine that there are more than a few people out there who would get confused in a game with Ironscale Shyvana and Katarina for example.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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05/15/12 5:08:00 PM

I don't care about the mini-map icons, I just want my own personal face portrait to change. There's no point in me buying skins if I see the classic face no matter what my character looks like.

Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
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