Board 8 > VI does Top 5s of anything - With mini-writeups

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03/26/17 4:03:23 PM

Stevie did what I wanted to do but I'll go ahead with this anyway because I always thought they were cool to read. Given nobody really knows what I like here it could be interesting! (Or if it's hard maybe I'll do a top VI things) and I'll throw in write-ups too because why not!

I like pretty much everything so don't be afraid to state what you want me to rank (Though admittedly there are some things I'm unfamiliar with).
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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03/26/17 4:04:55 PM

Superhero television series
Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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03/26/17 4:06:27 PM

Pokeymanz types
By the slice, baby.
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03/26/17 4:15:57 PM

Movies released before 1980
Congrats to 2015 Guru champ DpObliVion
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03/26/17 4:17:00 PM

I faced a fear of mine and shivered but didn't blink -
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03/26/17 4:29:36 PM

holes on the human body
Lord have mercy on my soul, I've had a good run but I can't run anymore. Just put me down
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03/26/17 4:37:20 PM

Johnbobb posted...
Superhero television series

I haven't watched any of the CW/ABC shows so this should be kinda straightforward

1) Jessica Jones - Almost doesn't feel like a superhero series, and I think that's what makes it fantastic. Yes, Jessica is an out of this world character, but she's ultimately helpless to the psychological carnage that Kilgrave inflicts upon her and her friends. There's just a lot of good character dynamics and elements and it's easily the top.

2) Daredevil - Wilson Fisk is a fantastic man, the greatest of men. He's the reason everyone should watch this show, and it might as well not be called Daredevil but the Wilson Fisk show.

Ok, I definitely am skewed towards Season 1 but Season 2 is still good. The fight choreography is superb, Murdock and Foggy are an amazing duo with great chemistry. It's a little safer than Jessica Jones, which is why it's slightly lower.

3) Batman: The Animated Series - Just an extremely good nostalgia show. Out of all the many adaptations, this actually feels like the Most Batman adaptation outside of a comic book. It doesn't hurt that Mark Hamill captures the Joker's voice and expression brilliantly. The music is consistently on point, the villains are all colorful and interesting, and the storylines appeal to both young and old. An absolute must watch for anybody who likes comics, Batman, or just really freaking good animated television shows.

4) Batman Beyond - I absolutely loved this show as a kid. It's not as interesting now, but it definitely shows a different take on what a Post-Batman world would look like in Gotham. Terry's probably not as interesting as Bruce, but the dynamic between old and young and how different Gotham City feels compared to how we are used to make the show quite interesting to me.

5) Luke Cage - I think as a television show it falls towards just around average. I think what makes the Defenders' Series to me is their antagonist. The greater they are, the better the show is. Cottonmouth is good, but Diamondback really pales compared to Fisk/Kilgrave, and that drives the show down compared to the other 4.

Honorary VIth choice) Static Shock, because it was the only other one I could think of that I watched. >_>

JDPizza posted...
Pokeymanz types

I have no idea what a Pokeymanz is so I'll just assume this is Pokemon.

1) Flying. Kinda cheating because just about everything is flying but they all can use the HM to fly, it combines just about the best of all the other types, and it's just fantastic.

2) Normal. It feels really weird to say, but I'm strangely interested in the fun normal types that are constantly put together by nintendo. Tauros, Dunsparce, Ursaring are all top tier pokemon. Also the generic weaklings that are always at the start of the game are all fantastic.

3) Bug. It has Scyther, so it's good enough.

4) Psychic. Goofy, straight forward type with a lot of strong pokemon. I think just about every single in game run I've done has involved a Psychic type. Whether it's Hypno, Espeon, Alakazam, Reuniclus etc. Just great.

5) Ground. because f*** Thunder Wave.

Honorary VIth choice) Grass for having the best starters almost every time.
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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03/26/17 5:13:54 PM

Xeybozn posted...
Movies released before 1980

1) 12 Angry Men. Fantastic movie, don't have anything bad to say about it. It's just 12 men arguing about whether a man should live or die based on what they were presented. The backgrounds of the men are all exciting and interesting,

2) Star Wars. My favorite to just mindlessly rewatch because you don't really need any backstory, just know that a bunch of rebels are fighting an evil empire and that's it. It's the most standalone in the entire series, and the characters in it are all just so cool and memorable.

3) Taxi Driver. Robert DeNiro's character is fantastic and it captures the experience of post Vietnam life rather well. They were fighting for so long, but when they come back they lose touch with everything that is going on and ultimately feel like their life is meaningless. Fantastic film, captures existentialism very well.

4) Monty Python's Life Of Brian. Hilarious movie, honestly like it way more than Holy Grail. The jokes still hold up and because not everyone in their mother is quoting them they still manage to maintain their charm.

5) Rear Window. Fantastic film, most of the shots are straightforward and it feels intense with how limited the protagonist is in his movements. Kinda wish I could watch more Hitchcock stuff.

Honorary VIth) Dr. Strangelove. Hollywood's greatest take on war.

Snake5555555555 posted...

Killing me snake, this is a pretty hard one!

1) The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead. I think when my stepdad let me borrow some albums of his from the 80s/90s, this was a big standout. I didn't even really know much about who Morrissey was before listening to it, but it helped me be more free to listen to artists that I knew just about nothing about. I also got Doolittle, Nirvana, Alice in Chains etc. so you can say that entering high school I probably was exploding to the brim on music that I listened to. I went from pretty much only listening to like Green Day and Linkin Park to practically everything haha

2) Nas - Illmatic. Nas is the greatest storyteller in Hip-Hop and it isn't even close. This was a go to album on my car stereo from high school up until now, I've never gotten tired of listening to it. Every single track is a killer, from New York State of Mind to It Ain't Hard to Tell. I can recognize each and every single one. I used to not like Hip Hop before listening to this album, now I really enjoy.

3) Radiohead - In Rainbows. Best album that I got for free. Heard about the download thing from a friend, and became hooked. Kid A used to be my favorite album from them for a while, but given that this is the album that really introduced me to them

4) Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly. I remember listening to this when it came out. It was when I was pulling an all nighter for a essay I was writing, and one of my friends messaged me on Facebook letting me know about the new Kendrick album that was out. I was already into him from GKMC and Section 80 so I decided to give it a spin. It actually made that paper really easy to write about. The beats, lyrical content, everything about this album is top notch.

5) The Beatles - Revolver. My first Beatles album, what else can I say.
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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03/26/17 5:16:51 PM

Bane_Of_Despair posted...
holes on the human body

I'll just go with mine

1) Urethra - Lets me piss and masturbate, good enough for the top spot just on that alone.
2) Mouth - Lets me experience delicious foods and extremely solid craft beer, excellent.
3) Right Ear. Lets me listen to music. I favor the right ear for earbuds so that's better
4) Left Ear. Again, lets me listen to music.
5) Right Nostril. Breathing's important!
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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03/26/17 5:16:53 PM

Users you could take in a fight
"Reading would be your friend." ~Dave Meltzer
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03/26/17 5:29:33 PM

Favorite place to die
Phantom Dust.
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03/26/17 5:32:22 PM

Characters in Super Smash Bros. based on the character alone
Bear Bro
So confirmed, Santa's number one helper is a squirrel.
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03/26/17 5:38:15 PM

Besides, marijuana is far more harmful than steroids. - BlitzBomb
I headbang to Bruckner.
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03/26/17 5:38:36 PM

nerds on this board
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03/26/17 5:40:15 PM

scarletspeed7 posted...
Users you could take in a fight

1) Vlado. I don't think they do gyms in Bulgaria and if there's one user that I could definitely picture as a weasel, it's him. Could be easy to take down so long as I don't mention globalism.

2) Extha. I hate having to fight midgets but this is top 5 users that I could take in a fight. Just under Vlado because I think he does weightlifting but I dunno if his base is the same as mine.

3) JC. He's like 16. He's a great user but I have him in age and he'll probably be nervous.

4) SephG. I think all of that cozy officework and his fancy job has made him soft. Maybe? Only one way to find out!

5) gravy. I dunno just from how I've seen him interact with me online I think I can take that punk in a fight. (Love you gravy)

ChaosTonyV4 posted...
Favorite place to die

Like actual place?

1) Australia. Everything there kills you so it's kinda like hard mode. Well actually most of the stuff there won't really do much but at least it's an awesome country in just about every way. Speaks English, natives seem friendly and there's plenty to do. Cool country.

2) Amsterdam. Visited here once and just about everything holds up. Beautiful City with a kick of darkness in it in every way, wouldn't mind dying here.

3) A random pacific island. So I can die in some peace.

4) Maine. I dunno if it's all the Stephen King books I've read but I feel like it would be a decent place to retire and eventually die.

5) Just A Hospital. Just so that I can have some loved one with me and know it is the end.
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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03/26/17 5:43:54 PM

Pop punk songs
This is Katana, she's got my back -
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03/26/17 5:51:44 PM

The 5's in Snake5555555555.
obligatory DpOblivion sig for guru
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03/26/17 6:49:10 PM

Users who would beat you in a fight
Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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03/26/17 7:21:19 PM

Top 5 favorite amiibo
"The people who play Final Fantasy 7 actually have lives and dont NEED polls" ~MajinUltima
Now owned by DpOblivion.
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03/26/17 7:22:46 PM

Great_Paul posted...
Characters in Super Smash Bros. based on the character alone

Oh character

1) Samus. Probably not even close too. Just a really kickass bounty hunter and someone that I wish was just better in the game otherwise I'd use her way more. (Zero Suit is kinda lame tbqh, armor or bust)

2) Solid Snake. Not sure if cheating but he is probably the most detailed and complex of the bunch. Amazing that they somehow got him into the game despite the fact that Kojima has hardly done anything on a Nintendo platform. Great design, great man, and definitely the most interesting.

3) Falco. He's a c***y pilot and he has to keep all those other lame squadmates in check. He also probably has the best lines of the bunch. Sorry Peppy but "Hey Einstein I'm on your side" and "Something's Wrong with the G-Diffuser" > "Do a Barrel Roll".

4) Shulk. I really love Xenoblade and everything in it. When I saw that he was going to be in Smash 4 was the exact moment I knew I was getting it Day 1 on 3DS (And I bought a Wii U for it, pretty good investment!) I was a bit late on the Xenoblade train, played it in late 2013 but it ended up being a fantastic JRPG. Arguably the best on the platform, and Shulk's character is what makes it interesting.

5) Bayonetta. It's weird to see her in a E-10 rated game but there she is. She doesn't have the super overly excessive sex appeal that she does in her games but she still has a really great design and is a good protagonist. Played through the Bayonettas a little while ago and they are fantastic, highly recommend.

VIth) Bowser. Feels weird keeping him just under the top five but that's only because the 5 above are just too good. Amazing design, he's had his ups and downs in the series but as a whole is usually great. If this is just RPG Bowser instead of tropey final boss Bowser or if I erase Sunshine he could be much higher on this list.

Not_an_Owl posted...

1) Mongols - Might not be the greatest but they are probably my favorite. They allowed for free religion, opened up trading through their entire empire, and were just generally good dudes so long as you didn't try to rebel against them. (Then you die a horrific death)

2) Roman - Pretty much everything in the world was affected and shaped by how this empire rose and fell. Starting Christianity may or may not be a good thing depending on how you look at it.

3) Aztec - Definitely f***ed up IRL but playing Montezuma in Civ games is such a good experience I have to put it as 3rd.

4) British - Them being dumb helped create America, which from what I hear is a pretty good country!

5) Russian - Honestly Russian empire is so interesting that they pretty much have that in the bag. Have you read anything about it? If you haven't, you should!

slycooper69 posted...
nerds on this board

1) VeryInsane. I am top nerd and I am proud. I don't even take it as an insult as I am self-aware.

2) Scarlet. Has a lot of pretty good opinions (or harsh ones at times but hey) and is probably knowledgeable about pretty much everything in books/movies/games. Good enough for second nerd.

3) Brohan. He's such a nerd, I heard he likes DBZ and HxH. Top tier anime but hey that can be kinda nerdy.

4) Foolmo. Doesn't he develop games? Pretty nerdy if you ask me.

5) Jeff Zero. All he talks about is Final Fantasy, Game Of Thrones, and Star Trek. Holy Trinity of Nerdship on this site.

(If you are offended I am sorry)
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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03/26/17 7:36:23 PM

Green Day songs
Suddenly, Mudkips. Thousands of them.(preferably OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Congrats to DpObliVion, 2015 Guru champ.
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03/26/17 7:47:41 PM

Snake5555555555 posted...
Pop punk songs

I'll limit this to one per band

1) Linoleum - NOFX. Is NOFX considered pop punk? I honestly don't know, but they are a fun band and Linoleum is a fantastic opening track that sets the pace for my favorite punk album of all time.

2) The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows - Brand New. Amazing song. I admit I like a lot of the songs on Devil and God way more but they don't quite give me a pop punk vibe at all. Deja Entendu and Your Favorite Weapon

3) Longview - Green Day. Perfect Green Day song IMO. Between that bass sound you know you are going to have a good time. I put this as my favorite Green Day song but I guess there are a couple others that might fit the bill more. (Can't say though cause Dragon asked for my top 5!)

4) Alive with the Glory of Love - Say Anything. Amazingly goofy, fun song that I enjoyed a lot when I was in Middle School. Scrubs episode is also pretty good.

5) Ocean Avenue - Yellowcard. It's my guilty pleasure but at least it's amazingly fun to sing along to.

JONALEON1 posted...
The 5's in Snake5555555555.

1) The 5th 5. You know why.

2) The 4th 5. This is because it comes just before the best one and you have a good reason to get excited and hyped before reading it.

3) The 8th 5. No real reason why I just like it a lot.

4) The 3rd 5. This is when you recognize that the username is going to transcend into greatness as the many 5s will reach the stratosphere.

5) The 6th 5. Just when you think the 5s have ended... you recognize that they have only just begun.

Johnbobb posted...
Users who would beat you in a fight

1) the jp. My attacks will do nothing to him while he flattens me. (Sorry I had to make the joke)

2) yoblazer. I saw a picture of him and I'm just like yeah I dunno. I doubt I could take him on.

3) Metal DK. He's literally Metal DK.

4) TimJab. Special cop training yeah he's got me.

5) Realo. Isn't he a bouncer or something? He probably has got me good.
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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03/26/17 7:52:15 PM

Nice picks! NOFX is pop punk in my opinion but they definitely straddle that early line between hardcore punk and pop punk.

Vita games
This is Katana, she's got my back -
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03/26/17 8:04:09 PM

Scrubs episodes
Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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03/26/17 8:07:13 PM

Times you've been arrested
Bear Bro
So confirmed, Santa's number one helper is a squirrel.
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03/26/17 8:08:03 PM

Flavors of cake
Phantom Dust.
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03/26/17 8:36:17 PM

swirIdude posted...
Top 5 favorite amiibo

1) Waluigi. Do I need a reason?

2) Smash Luigi. That taunt pose is fantastic.

3) NES Link - I'm looking at it and I really like it, seems like a good nostalgia setpiece. Plus Zelda has a ton of games IIRC so it should be helpful.

4) Ike. Looks really good and like Link probably has a ton of usage you can get from it.

5) Shovel Knight. Honestly was just looking at the different amiibo that has been released and it blows my mind that they did a Shovel Knight one. Really cool!

Dragon66116 posted...
Green Day songs

1) Longview. Kinda covered it already but it's the first Green Day song I think of first and foremost.

2) Hitchin' a Ride. Criminally underrated. That violin at the beginning followed by a very solid bassline. The whole song is about addiction and the struggle for it.

3) When I Come Around. Just a catchy song, listened to Dookie and I immediately remembered all the words to this song.

4) She. You might notice a trend, I'm a sucker for basslines in Green Day songs. But yeah it's just another good song where there's tension between two individuals just by being someone that they aren't.

5) Jesus of Suburbia. It's definitely an epic song, and probably my favorite off of American Idiot. It's a little long, but at least all of the story arcs are completely different so it keeps your attention.

Snake5555555555 posted...
Nice picks! NOFX is pop punk in my opinion but they definitely straddle that early line between hardcore punk and pop punk.

Vita games

Well I don't have a Vita so this will mostly be ports/indie games

1) Persona 4 Golden. This is mainly just assuming that it's Persona 4 with some better additions.

2) FFX HD. Portable FFX seems good. Remastered music is eh but it's still portable FFX.

3) Terraria. Fun indie game, mainly play it on Steam but I can see it being good on Vita.

4) Hotline Miami. Another good indie game. Gotta try the sequel soon I got that from a free steam game (Though I've heard mixed things about it)

5) Thomas was alone. Cute platformer that I spent a night on.
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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03/26/17 8:43:36 PM

strains of weed
Lord have mercy on my soul, I've had a good run but I can't run anymore. Just put me down
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03/26/17 9:46:18 PM

Johnbobb posted...
Scrubs episodes

1) My Screw-Up. Probably the go to but it was the first one that came to mind.

2) My Lunch. Shows how crucial one mistake could be. Scrubs does sad extremely well that I sometimes forget that it's a comedy instead of a drama. (Mainly because it combines both elements extremely well)

3) My Fallen Idol. The aftermath of My Lunch. Dr. Cox looks vulnerable as one of the rare times this series, and the fact that JD refuses to go see him shows how hard it is to change the dynamic.

4) My Musical. It's so hilariously cheesy that they did this but I love it nonetheless. Guy Love for life.

5) My Jiggly Ball. Probably the best chemistry between JD and the Janitor IMO.

VIth choice) My Way Home. So many Wizard of Oz references that it's almost excessive, but they still do a great job with it.

Great_Paul posted...
Times you've been arrested

...Damn, you got me. I haven't been arrested at all. I'm boring!

ChaosTonyV4 posted...
Flavors of cake

1) Red Velvet. The granddaddy of them all. I still have no idea what it even is but it's magnificent.

2) Chocolate Fudge. Used to hate this as a kid but it's really grown on me lately. It's really hard to mess it up!

3) Tiramisu. If done correctly it will always be a great dessert to get. It's just a completely different style.

4) Banana Cake. Yum. A Good cake flavor that you can add to a rather generic vanilla cake to create something with a little bit more kick to it.

5) Ice Cream Cake. Yeah it's pretty mundane but it's Ice Cream. With Cake. What else do you need?

Bane_Of_Despair posted...
strains of weed

Ok I've done it twice and I have no f***ing clue what strains I did so you'll get names that I find interesting

1) Grandaddy Purple

2) Trainwreck

3) Girl Scout Cookie

4) Skywalker OG

5) Alaskan Thunder f***
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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03/26/17 10:03:30 PM

Discworld books
Thus is our treaty written, thus is our agreement made. Thought is the arrow of time; memory never fades. What was asked is given; the price is paid.
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03/26/17 10:26:28 PM

UNC teams
LoL ID = imajericho
XBL GT = Corrik
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03/26/17 11:06:35 PM

B8 Mafia games
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
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03/26/17 11:30:28 PM

Super Smash Bros stages
Bear Bro
So confirmed, Santa's number one helper is a squirrel.
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03/27/17 8:42:52 PM

NFUN posted...
Discworld books

Aka VI really needs to read more Discworld (I picked the sig for Good Omens tbqh)

1) The Light Fantastic

2) The Colour of Magic

The order is basically just because I thought the Light Fantastic was more consistent and Pratchett felt more at home writing the story than he did in the Colour Of Magic.

My reading backlog atm is huge, I'll get to more when I either have money or it's finally been whittled down (Or my library keeps them in stock!)

Corrik posted...
UNC teams

1) 1980 Football team. That team gave us Lawrence Taylor and groomed him into being a fantastic linebacker. Takes the top spot solely for that.

2) The Women's Tennis team. Tennis teams always have the best women when it comes to sports. Great personalities, super athletic, and yet still extremely attractive.

3) Women's Fencing. Sounds like a fantastic date just to know someone who fences for college. I'd enjoy it.

4) Women's Volleyball. Also Another quality group of women who I would certainly not mind going out on a date with! Always fun to have parties with them.

5) 1982 Basketball team. Has a pretty good basketball player. His name is James Worthy IIRC. (Yes I know there's a certain OTHER player but James Worthy is just a cooler dude)

Raka_Putra posted...
B8 Mafia games

1) Board 8 Mafia Mafia 2. I played the Scottie Pippen role so well here it's almost crazy. It was just a well played game from both sides. Arguably the best players to have played in mafia during that time period were in it! It was a treat.

2) Board 8 Mafia Mafia. I think this is the only archived game before my time that I had the stomach to read all the way through, 100%. I highly recommend it.

3) Doctor Doom Mafia. Arguably my best played game, mainly because I managed to convince a bloodthirsty Spiral and DYL to stop voting each other at final four and instead vote scum death, a very tough feat that I don't think could be accomplished by anybody else. I mean, have you tried playing mafia with those two?

4) Batman Mafia. I enjoyed this read though it was pretty painful at times. The ending shows why user masterplum is in fact one of the best personalities to play the game of mafia. Manages to solve practically everything down to the wire, confirm everybody and then just line up the lynches. Oh yeah, they tried to leash a serial killer too.

5) A Game of Thrones Mafia (Suprak's). The perfect game (Literally!). I honestly wonder how scum reacted at every single event that was taking place, it must have been heartbreaking.

VIth) Mafia Melee. It was a clusterf*** with like 20 replaces but it was at the very least an entertaining clusterf***. (Maybe it's more I can't think of others off the top of my head)

Great_Paul posted...
Super Smash Bros stages

1) Fountain of Dreams (Melee) My favorite stage by a country mile. It's simple, elegant, the background is just cool to look at while playing and the Music is fantastic.

2) Temple (Melee) I mainly am more of a casual man instead of a hardcore smasher, I just like messing around and doing dumb stuff to people on this stage.

3) Bridge of Eldin (Brawl) A simple and elegant duel to the death with some chaos thrown in, works for me.

4) Pokemon Stadium 2 (Brawl I think) I can't remember which one I played more of but I enjoy both.

5) Hyrule Castle (64). Fantastic stage and my go to on Smash 64.

VIth) Poke Floats. I actually enjoy it! Just fun to see the random pokemon that you attack on.

Huh, no Smash 4 stages. I should play it more.
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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03/27/17 11:48:00 PM

Pizza toppings
By the slice, baby.
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03/28/17 2:45:57 AM

LoL ID = imajericho
XBL GT = Corrik
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03/28/17 9:35:54 AM

JDPizza posted...
Pizza toppings

1) Chicken. I don't mean Buffalo Chicken pizza (though that is ok, even if I think the tomato sauce is the best part of pizza)

2) Bacon. Literally bacon.

3) Peppers. I think Peppers are honestly one of best things you can get on anything. Bowls, Pizza, Cheese steaks, make sure you include them. Eating peppers is always quality no matter the dish

4) Onions. The best friend of Peppers, there's nothing better than a cooked onion IMO.

5) Mushrooms. Not super greasy like a meat, but it still manages to be just as filling

VI) Red Pepper. Not so much of a topping as it is a spice that I literally always put on my pizza

Corrik posted...

This is what happens when you ask a man who isn't a UNC fan or hardly watches college sports what his favorite teams are!
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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03/28/17 7:36:34 PM

Roles to play in a Mafia
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
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03/28/17 7:37:26 PM

Songs by the Eagles that are not on the album Hotel California
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03/28/17 7:43:38 PM

Fighting game characters
Besides, marijuana is far more harmful than steroids. - BlitzBomb
I headbang to Bruckner.
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03/28/17 8:04:47 PM

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03/29/17 7:42:33 AM

Raka_Putra posted...
Roles to play in a Mafia

1) Vanilla - You know, everyone always talks about how mafia is about the powers that you roll. I disagree. What makes mafia great to me personally is the players that play the game and understanding how you interact with them. You don't need scans or confirmable powers to catch all of the scum. You just need your own intuition, and that's all that matters.

2) Roleblocker - Roleblocker is so versatile with how you can use it. It's protection, but it's also scanning. Some of my best Town games have come from using roleblocker (Noir and Tarot back to back). As scum, it's... more stressful. Scum Vanilla is honestly the best kind of scum to be (though I'm not super big on scum so it's not on this list)

3) Day Vig - I was this once and it didn't disappoint. There's no better way at controlling the tempo of a game than just shooting someone in the middle of the Day point blank and they flip scum. It loses points for effectively being a broken role (I mean, come on)

4) Schizo - Its a silly random rng role but it really makes you think about how you want to use your night actions every single day. I think my favorite night action roles are the ones that require thought.

5) Mason Recruiter/Mason - Have a good buddy and it rewards you for having insanely good Town reads. Not much more to say about that.

Reg posted...
Songs by the Eagles that are not on the album Hotel California

Oh uh let's see

1) One of these Nights
2) Desperado
3) James Deen
4) Ol' 55
5) Take it to the Limit

No write up cause I'm just going off of memory ATM (or I'll wait until I get home to do so but this is probably what it looks like)
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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03/29/17 8:44:18 AM

Yeah, and I also like the freedom of being a Vanilla, there's just less baggage.

Movies released in the 2010s
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
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03/29/17 11:40:51 AM

Houses in DUNE
LoL ID = imajericho
XBL GT = Corrik
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03/29/17 1:06:15 PM

Sega Genesis games besides Sonic.
By the slice, baby.
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03/29/17 1:06:28 PM

Metallica songs
The one who will lead us to paradise with blood-stained hands -
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03/29/17 5:18:44 PM

Crossover games
Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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03/30/17 9:45:37 PM

Sorry guys, I'll do this tomorrow.

And I'll do some more detailed write ups in exchange!
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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03/31/17 9:21:07 PM

Well so much about quality but here's some stuff

Not_an_Owl posted...
Fighting game characters

1) Johnny Cage. Literally the best in every single possible way. I want to think that the Miz's current WWE character is essentially just Johnny Cage in a WWE ring, which it is. He's just a smug, c***y a****** who can bite as well as he barks. He puts every other character in the Mortal Kombat universe in their place. Thunder Gods? Ninjas with Ice Powers? Demons? All of them are nothing compared to the power of Hollywood superstar Johnny Cage.

2) M. Bison (Aka Dictator). I think I main him in just about every Street Fighter game I play. His design is fantastic, just simple and clean. He fits the charge playstyle that taught me how defensive the game is compared to say, Mortal Kombat above. And of course the Scissors Kick is just a simple and fantastic move that I generally have to think about when I have to use.

3) Guile. Another charger that I generally like to use, and probably the most American one too. His theme definitely does go with everything, and his sonic booms are nothing to be trifled with.

4) Marshall Law. My Tekken character of choice, just a generally fun character to play, not much more to say.

5) Cervantes. My Soul Calibur character main, again I just like the idea of literal freaking ghost pirate.

kateee posted...

When I watch porn, I don't generally remember specific videos. Or d****s, for that matter. (Most cases they aren't used in what I watch)

I'll just go with five used by Gianna Michaels and call it a day on this one. I just don't feel like going through a bunch of those kinds of videos.

Raka_Putra posted...
Yeah, and I also like the freedom of being a Vanilla, there's just less baggage.

Movies released in the 2010s

I had to think a little bit on this one. I'll limit the descriptions to avoid spoilers.

1) Whiplash. Extremely good movie. I think we all have that teacher who we hate but has a motive where he wants people to try to succeed in a field which is extremely difficult. JK Simmons is the best.

2) The King's Speech. This movie gives humanity to nobility. I've heard so many people critique this film receiving an Oscar and I honestly don't get it. Fantastic film.

3) 12 Years a Slave. Extremely well done depiction of the mid 19th century narrative.

4) Mad Max: Fury Road. Just a really good action film. Completely caught me off guard, and I love it for that.

5) Drive. Great film, Ryan Gosling doing what Ryans do best and that's be insanely attractive and kick ass. Great action, acting, pace, soundtrack, everything. More people should talk about this movie haha
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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04/01/17 9:00:35 AM

VeryInsane posted...
2) The King's Speech. This movie gives humanity to nobility. I've heard so many people critique this film receiving an Oscar and I honestly don't get it. Fantastic film.

It was a great movie, but to me (and to a lot of people, from what I've heard) it doesn't have much lasting effect. It falls into the category of "this is good for Oscar bait but nobody's gonna care about it in a few years." To make it worse, it was up against movies like Black Swan, Inception, Toy Story 3, The Social Network, etc. which I'd argue all have more modern relevance and lasting impact. It was the type of film where going in, everyone could just say "this'll win everything because it's the right type of movie to win," and then it did, which I think is a large part of why it's met with such apathy. The same thing happened with The Artist, Spotlight and La La Land (the only difference there being LLL lost)
Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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