Board 8 > Freedom, Liberty, Ron Paul - Return of the #fakerich [dwmf]

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06/10/17 10:28:43 AM

Yes, market value has to come from somewhere, in the beginning. But once your company's value is measured in the billions, your market value is self sustaining to a great degree due to cultural momentum, and you can afford to cut corners on your product/service and let marketing/momentum take up the slack.
Blasting off
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06/10/17 10:29:59 AM

But once your company's value is measured in the billions, your market value is self sustaining to a great degree due to cultural momentum, and you can afford to cut corners on your product/service and let marketing/momentum take up the slack.

Can you? How'd that work out for every large company that eventually went out of business? How's it working for specific Apple products (Itunes as mentioned, Apple TV, the watch isn't a failure YET but it's certainly disappointing)?
SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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06/10/17 10:41:14 AM

Of course not, because everyone arguing with me doesn't have the slightest clue about how capitalism actually works.

I mourn the downfall of "literally", but it remains lamentably correct to use the word to mean "figuratively", now. English, SmartMuffin: do you speak it?

Suppose a man with no present vehicle wants to buy a fast car, and the lot has a car that does 60 MPH for $1000 and a car that does 135 MPH for $20,000. He only has $5000. Obviously he buys the cheap car. But the other car is still faster.

Now suppose we're talking about overall quality, which we have somehow objectively measured, and not just speed; the pricy car has GPS support, leather bucket seats (they'll double the price!!), and so on. I for one feel no remorse for saying that the pricy car is better, i.e. "more good", than the cheap car. The choice to buy the pricy car is not better, because that choice is invalid; we have declared that it is out of the buyer's price range. But the car itself is.
I don't like this duchy. Now, it's an adventurer.
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Mr Lasastryke
06/10/17 10:43:17 AM

MalcolmMasher posted...
Now suppose we're talking about overall quality, which we have somehow objectively measured,

i wouldn't go down this road unless you want an argument about obama browsers >_>
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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06/10/17 11:02:50 AM

Now suppose we're talking about overall quality, which we have somehow objectively measured, and not just speed; the pricy car has GPS support, leather bucket seats (they'll double the price!!), and so on. I for one feel no remorse for saying that the pricy car is better, i.e. "more good", than the cheap car. The choice to buy the pricy car is not better, because that choice is invalid; we have declared that it is out of the buyer's price range. But the car itself is.

Yeah, and for a whole lot of Americans (and let's not even get started on the developing world, where this will be even MORE pronounced), the CHOICE to regularly eat out at a fancy hipster gastropub (as opposed to McDonalds) is NOT better, because that choice is invalid. And the CHOICE to drink fancy craft beer is invalid.

And given that the purpose of business is to actually make money, selling products that are not even part of the potential decision set for half the population would seem to be a poor strategy. Five fancy gastropubs near me go out of business every month. McDonalds made nearly $5 billion in net profit last year. As an investor or businessman, I don't give a shit whose burger tastes better. I know which of those businesses I would prefer.
SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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06/10/17 5:11:49 PM

And given that the purpose of business is to actually make money, selling products that are not even part of the potential decision set for half the population would seem to be a poor strategy.

Sure. And you may freely criticize the strategy of any gastropub you like. But if you think "good burger" clearly and unambiguously means "burger produced by a company that represents a valuable investment opportunity", then I think you're going to encounter some difficulty in communication.
I don't like this duchy. Now, it's an adventurer.
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06/10/17 5:44:31 PM

A Big Mac is a "good burger" in exactly the same sense that a Toyota Camry is a "good car" meaning that it provides a good combination of quality and affordability in such a way as to specifically appeal to a very wide audience.
SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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06/10/17 10:40:08 PM

Burns then confronted him about the fart and Willie became agitated, telling her to shut up
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06/11/17 11:22:23 AM

SmartMuffin posted...
If "brand value" is what makes the iphone successful

Uh the iphone is really good. That's why it caused the massive spike in brand value for Apple, which bled into their other products.

Their current products suck, but they are still riding the wave of the first iphone.

And to be clear, I'm not saying brand value has anything to do with quality or success of a product. The iwatch and apple TV sucked so they failed, brand value didn't save them. But, brand value COULD have saved them. (How many units would have sold if they weren't Apple products?) Regardless, they were invented to boost Apple's brand value because that increases their company's value far more than making profits on sales does.
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06/11/17 11:32:23 AM

SmartMuffin posted...
It's almost like product differences actually matter. Whoda thunk it.

Obviously, that's my whole point. That Apple is failing because it's way more profitable to boost brand value than release good products, so they are losing to very simple improvements by startups.

They need a CEO that can look further into the future for profits, which requires making good products.

SmartMuffin posted...
Not 0%. But also not 100%.

Oh come on, I never said 100%. It's like 75-90%, which is more than enough to dominate a company's entire business strategy.

However, you DID say the only way to increase brand value is good products, so you are arguing its 0%. (Unless part of "good" is "well advertised" which I guess it is)
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06/11/17 11:34:38 AM

SmartMuffin posted...
"Adequate and cheap" IS "good" for anyone whose financial resources are limited (which is like 95% of people)

Would you describe Apple products as adequate and cheap?

You're exactly making my argument
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06/11/17 11:36:50 AM

HotDogButts posted...

dat massive $300 support and soon to be busted $350
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06/11/17 11:56:38 AM

foolm0r0n posted...
SmartMuffin posted...
"Adequate and cheap" IS "good" for anyone whose financial resources are limited (which is like 95% of people)

Would you describe Apple products as adequate and cheap?

You're exactly making my argument

Most of their products, no (which is why most of their products fail or play to a small niche)

iPhone yeah, probably, although it took a pretty clever strategy from themselves (and their network/retail partners) to utilize the subsidy model up until the point where all of a sudden, a smartphone with appropriate ecosystem (i.e. apple or android) was no longer considered a luxury good but rather, a basic must-have necessity.

The iphone was "cheap" in the sense that you didn't know (and didn't care) what it cost, because all you had to do was pay for a two-year commitment to AT&T, which you were probably going to do anyway even for your stupid motorola razr or whatever you had before. And it's "cheap" today in the sense that you pay for it in monthly installments that make up a minor fraction of your cell phone bill such that the price doesn't hit you as hard as it otherwise would.
SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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06/11/17 12:01:30 PM

It was still a rich early adopter thing to get an iphone, until like 2009 or so. It got popular off 2 year old models being given for free with a 2 year plan or whatever. However EVERYONE wanted an iphone, that's why it worked. The old models still carried the brand value (and were still massive improvements to the flip phones). App store was another big contributor to late adoption in a similar way.
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06/11/17 12:03:59 PM

That being said, low end Android IS adequate and cheap. That's why it grew to be the most popular mobile system in the world by an insane margin. It is the best.

Apple can't compete with that, so they go for the high end. The brand value. It's literally their only option and they can't avoid it without another true innovation.
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06/11/17 12:28:17 PM

zucc p mad that ive started purging cucks from my friends list
SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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Mr Lasastryke
06/11/17 4:36:03 PM

you use the word "cuck" unironically? please unfriend me.
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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06/11/17 6:33:30 PM

Cuck is such a great word. It triggers leftists ALMOST as hard as racial slurs, and yet, isn't really banned anywhere (yet)
SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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06/11/17 6:36:14 PM

plus whenever someone uses it you know they're a loser
Burns then confronted him about the fart and Willie became agitated, telling her to shut up
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Mr Lasastryke
06/11/17 6:36:40 PM

i'd put the word in the "4chan idiocy that triggers leftists" category, sure.
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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06/12/17 12:16:58 AM

I don't think I've ever seen anyone upset to be called a cuck other than repdills (i. e. cucks)
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06/12/17 9:21:35 AM

foolm0r0n posted...
I don't think I've ever seen anyone upset to be called a cuck other than repdills (i. e. cucks)

Oh it's better than that. It's not that they get upset if you call them one, it's that they get upset if you use the word at all, ever, in any circumstance.
SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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06/12/17 9:36:03 AM

That makes sense. They want a word that is "theirs" like the n word that they can call each other and be offended by. Not sure why they picked such a self deprecating word like cuck though.
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06/12/17 9:39:36 AM

Nah I don't think it's that either. I've never even heard of an effort to "reclaim" it or anything like that.

I think it's something like, only someone with extensive knowledge of the alt-right would ever use the word, and by using it at all, ever, in any circumstance, you have outed yourself as a member of the opposing force. And THAT'S the problem.

Basically it's the left wing version of "patriarchy" or "latinx" or whatever.
SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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Mr Lasastryke
06/12/17 9:51:37 AM

the problem is that it's a fucking dumb word.

like "terribad."
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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06/12/17 10:11:00 AM

lasa feeling a little buttdevastated I see
SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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Mr Lasastryke
06/12/17 10:11:58 AM

i'm buttfurious
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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06/12/17 10:17:40 AM

SmartMuffin posted...
only someone with extensive knowledge of the alt-right would ever use the word

This is the basis for their identity politics gatekeeping , but it makes no sense since literally everyone knows what cuck is and means. Same with pepe memes and other memes. Everyone on the internet knows about these already, it's not a secret exclusive club in the slightest. There's absolutely 0 mystery or confusion about their lingo. The main distinguishing factor is if you're stupid enough to seriously use the words/memes. (Though to be fair, "SJW" is pretty mysterious, which is why I think it will last far longer than "cuck" and related memes.)

It really has a lot to do with reclaiming the word though. A ton of these people have been cucked at some point, probably with a highschool girl that they liked and were niceguys to but she picked some other guy instead. In general, the hatred of another man taking things that they feel like they own/deserve is very important among the movement (money, jobs, hobbies, memes, and of course the most important object, women). So they reclaimed "cuck" as a form of empowerment. They embraced and now strongly identify with being a loser who unwilling supports a stronger man who hasn't even thought once about them. Hence, the rabid Trump support.
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06/12/17 10:40:10 AM

also $400
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06/12/17 2:12:39 PM

red button related
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06/12/17 2:25:44 PM

On the one hand, I still don't see the point of Alexa or similar products.

On the other hand, I am 100% willing to give my data over to Google or Amazon or whoever, for free.
SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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06/12/17 2:57:52 PM

love this

if you sell a lifesaving drug for a high cost, you're evil, wicked, terrible, and the government needs to regulate you out of existence

if you sell a piece of shit for a high cost, that's totally okay though
SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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06/12/17 4:57:44 PM

Is that illogical? Something lifesaving has high demand, therefore people would care way more about its price than some garbage no one would ever pay money for.

That being said, there is lots of high-priced garbage that people care about, like that juicer thing, or the $1000 app. That's mostly for broader cultural reasons though.
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06/12/17 9:50:10 PM

feminists still fighting the truly important societal battles
SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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06/12/17 10:02:57 PM

Without government, who will sell the roads for cash to pay the pensions of city workers?

Honestly tho it strikes me as ridiculous that if you own all the parcels of land around where some roads (not like, a major highway or anything) are, you have to pay millions of dollars to buy them from the city. At that point, what useful purpose do they serve? Why don't they just abandon them?
SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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06/12/17 11:26:28 PM

They put me in charge of a 21 y/o intern.

Should I bang y/n?
SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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06/13/17 1:59:40 AM

SmartMuffin posted...

feminists still fighting the truly important societal battles

So un-self-aware that the anti-SJWs obliterate that battle every time
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06/13/17 1:59:57 AM

SmartMuffin posted...
They put me in charge of a 21 y/o intern.

Should I bang y/n?

pics also are you in Houston?
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06/13/17 2:40:16 AM

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06/13/17 8:57:16 AM

foolm0r0n posted...
SmartMuffin posted...
They put me in charge of a 21 y/o intern.

Should I bang y/n?

pics also are you in Houston?

no pics, but she's actually not that hot

and yes
SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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06/13/17 1:47:52 PM

I might visit Houston

We should go clubbing so I can see how the #fakerich do it in Texas
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06/13/17 2:15:46 PM

Honestly I wouldn't even know where to take you. I pretty much gave up on being social and normal when I got here and am becoming increasingly comfortable with spending 100% of my free time watching sports and playing video games.
SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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06/13/17 2:18:35 PM

I'll go with your intern then

But that does entirely explain the resurgence of your redpill
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Mr Lasastryke
06/13/17 3:03:34 PM

SmartMuffin posted...
Honestly I wouldn't even know where to take you.

just go to some random club.
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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06/13/17 3:05:25 PM

Why? I hate clubs. If I'm not willing to do stuff I hate in order to get sex, why would I do stuff I hate just to entertain foolmo? <_<
SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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Mr Lasastryke
06/13/17 3:22:53 PM

just saying that if the reason you're not taking foolmo to a club is "i don't know the clubs here," you should just take him to some random one. there should be plenty in a big city like houston.

if the reason is "i hate clubs" you obviously shouldn't go, sure >_>
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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06/13/17 3:27:57 PM

just have foolmo find out where to go, and tag along

thats what I did
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06/13/17 3:30:51 PM

well the reason I don't know where to go is because I hate them and therefore don't go
SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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06/13/17 3:41:03 PM

Man I was worried I was the most anti-social freedom topic person, feels good to not be in last place
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06/13/17 3:44:59 PM

Mr Lasastryke posted...
just go to some random club.

Uh this isn't the Netherlands, 90% of US clubs suck ass, and the good ones are only good on specific nights once a week or so. You gotta really know the city to know where to go on any given night.
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