Board 8 > I copy Johnbob and rank every TV Series I've ever seen

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07/22/17 1:58:33 PM

Which TV show that I haven't seen yet should I watch?

So I figured I'd copy Johnbob and rank every tv show I've ever watched (which is 212). Some of which I haven't seen all of. Others I've seen multiple times. I'd be surprised if anyone's seen or remembers about half of these. But I figured I'd give it a try anyway.

A Few Notes:

#1. Rank is not indicative of Quality, but how much I personally like the show
#2. Early write ups probably won't be long, because I don't remember some of these shows very well. And I don't have much to say about them.
#3. I'll be giving hints to the next 3, and try to get to 15~ or so a day at first.

The List breakdown:

By network:
NBC 35
CBS 29
ABC 28
FOX 27
CW/WB 23
Disney 11
ABC Family/Freeform 7
Syfy 7
Nickelodeon 5
Netflix 4
Showtime 3
Amazon 2
FX 2
Syndication 2
A&E 1
Channel 4 1
Comedy Central 2
FreddieW 1
History 1
Showcase 1
TV Tokyo - 1

By Genre
Comedy 45
--Sitcom (22)
--Teen Sitcom (15)
--Comedy (8)
Drama 41
-Crime Drama (19)
-Supernatural Drama (9)
SciFi 26
Reality 18
Action 14
Mystery 13
Horror 12
Cartoon 10
Comedy-Drama 9
Gameshow 11
Soap Opera 7
Talkshow 3
Anime 1
Kids 1
Romance 1

Badly Described Plots for the first three:
#1. A man pretends to be a doctor so he can pretend to help people
#2. People buy things, but don't.
#3. The President of the United States does stuff
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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Jeff Zero
07/22/17 1:59:54 PM

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07/22/17 2:07:55 PM

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07/22/17 2:14:56 PM

Poor Johnbobb doesn't even get his second b.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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07/22/17 2:16:32 PM

#212: Dr. Phil
Network: CBS
Genre: Talkshow
Available: Syndication
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: A former psychologist exploits patients for fun and profit
Spoiler-Free Thoughts:
Dr. Phil likes to exploit the guests on his show, which makes his show easily my least favorite. I'd actually say this is the only show on the list I find objectively bad. I've only watched it a couple of times--but I feel like that's enough to rank it. A lot of his advice amounts to nothing more than pandering to the public. People who truly need help should probably seek elsewhere. I think the worst thing Oprah has ever done is give an outlet to Fraudsters like Dr. Phil. I know he's technically a real psychologist, but he definitely does NOT act like one. He'd rather get laughs out of the audience from reactions to his guests. He also brings on Prosperity Gospel Preacher Joel Osteen, and often whores out his wife's jewelry line at the end of his show. I remember on one show he recommended that a parent with a child who appeared to be gender confused NOT let them play with 'girl toys'. What exactly is a girl toy? I didn't realize toys had genders. Why aren't boys supposed to play with Barbie Dolls, or girls with GI Joes? He's basically just another run of the mill talk show that throws 'doctor' on his name to give him more credibility.

#211: Pawn Stars
Network: History
Genre: Reality
Available: Hulu, HIstory Channel Website
Favorite Character: The Old Man
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: The History channel glamorizes the Pawn Industry, as three guys offer the lowest amounts possible for the junk people bring in.
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
While I really don't like this show, I understand why people do. Once in a while they might bring something interesting in. But overall, it just sort of bores me. The haggling is pretty ridiculous at times, and I find myself rooting for the customers rather than the shop owners. They also bring on experts now and again. I haven't watched much of the show, but it's ruined the idea of what a pawn shop is for most people. I also got really annoyed at this show because a friend of mine would have this on tv almost all the time. Even episodes they had seen before!

#210: The Apprentice
Network: NBC
Genre: Reality
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: Donald Trump fires people on television
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Of all the competition reality shows, this is my least favorite. I don't care who the host is--Martha Stewart, Arnold, Donald Trump, or whoever. (Okay, I might watch it if Misha Collins takes over). They basically give all the power to the production/host in determining the elimination. Which makes it hard for me to watch. When production has all the power, they can craft whatever narrative they like in editing. This is reality television at it's worst imo. Also I really hate that theme song. Hate me for that if you will, but it's awful. "Money, Money, Money" *blows brains out*
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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07/22/17 2:17:29 PM

Legion isn't gonna win that poll, but it's absolutely amazing and you should watch it ASAP.

Also tag.
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07/22/17 2:20:30 PM

Good start, never heard of Pawn Stars, but Dr. Phil and Apprentice belong at the bottom.
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Jeff Zero
07/22/17 2:21:22 PM

If I had my way with this list, all reality TV would be on the bottom. Heh heh.
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07/22/17 2:26:44 PM


Really surprised you've only seen 1 kids show though

Maybe I just watched TV too much as a kid
Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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Jeff Zero
07/22/17 2:27:24 PM

Johnbobb posted...

Really surprised you've only seen 1 kids show though

Maybe I just watched TV too much as a kid

That's another thing that caught my eye. I've only seen 1 or 2, myself. But that's kind of a board meme with me at this point. I'm surprised someone else exists here with a similar track record.

I watched plenty of TV as a kid, but it was almost uniformly 18+ target demos.
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07/22/17 2:35:30 PM

#209: Deal or No Deal
Network: NBC
Genre: Gameshow
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: People open cases with money in them, and then get offers on the case they chose first.
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
My least favorite gameshow. I don't really see the appeal. I mean I imagine it'd be fun to play. But watching? It's like Golf. I just don't get it. They just pick cases, and the audience has no idea what's in each one. Then Howie Mandel adds a bit of suspense, and the Banker offers them money. I also remember them putting this show on like every night. I guess most of the appeal is seeing when the big numbers drop--but I find that boring. I like gameshows that at least take a little skill, and I don't think this one takes any.

#208: Storage Wars
Network : A&E
Genre: Reality
Available: Hulu, A&E Website
Favorite Character: Barry
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: People bid on storage containers nobody has claimed, and then try to profit.
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Another show where people try to find interesting and weird things, and then try to make a profit off of them. Only in this one people aren't bringing stuff to them. Sometimes they'll find interesting things, and sometimes they won't find much. A lot of the show is just bidding on the lockers. I remember reading that sometimes production will put stuff in the lockers to make it more interesting. Which is kind of lame. But I guess they wouldn't have a show without doing that sometimes--which is the downside to this sort of show. And maybe why they shouldn't exist at all.

#207: America's Got Talent
Network: NBC
Genre: Reality
Available: Hulu, Yahoo View
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: A singing show with a few other talents to set it apart from the rest
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
This show would have been great if they had excluded singing as a talent. I mean yeah, singing is a talent. I'm not questioning that. But tv is is so over-saturated by singing shows, that we didn't really need another one. The unusual talents were usually the best, but often didn't go too far. Somehow a rapping granny got really far in the first season I think. Didn't they do that in The Wedding Singer? I remember they had a pole dancer on there too once. Apparently it took SEVEN seasons before the first completely non-singing act won. SEVEN SEASONS! And I think a singer of some sort has won 7/11 seasons? I think it's just a waste. I'd rather see unique talents. It wouldn't be such a problem though if we didn't already have like fifty singing competitions on television.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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Jeff Zero
07/22/17 2:36:07 PM

Five for five. Combo in action. Kill the reality. I live for this violence.
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07/22/17 2:40:28 PM

I hate Deal or No Deal, such an awful premise. Before it aired, I was actually paid a small amount of money to watch an episode and give my reactions, and I wonder if they took me seriously, since I kept hitting the thumbs down button repeatedly.
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07/22/17 2:41:02 PM

I grew up with four older siblings, so I never watched much kids shows. The one I have seen, I've only seen recently actually!
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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07/22/17 2:59:40 PM

#206: Shark Tank
Network: ABC
Genre: Reality
Available: Hulu,
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: Four rich people play Kickstarter
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
People come on this show with their business ideas, and then pitch it to the four very rich people who will invest in their product. Someone wake me when it's over. Some of the ideas are pretty terrible, while others are okay. I feel like they let some of these people on there just so they can put their failures on television. That, and probably tugging at the heartstrings with some of these people's stories is the point of the whole show. I watched a couple of episodes, and then tuned out.

#205: American Inventor
Network: ABC
Genre: Reality
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: People have their inventions compete to see which is the best
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Slightly better than Shark Tank was American Inventor. People would bring on their inventions, and compete to see which was the best. Now... you may be wondering why I've seen so much reality television when I don't like most of it! That's actually a pretty good question. I regret all of it. The only inventions I remember are the Christmas Angel (which was already done, and somehow won the competition despite that) and the 6-way bra which was turned into an actual product. I only tuned in for the last episode or so.

#204: Hell's Kitchen
Network: FOX
Genre: Reality
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: Gordon Ramsey yells at incompetent chefs who compete for their own restaurant
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Yes, another reality show. I think Hell's Kitchen mostly picked chefs they knew would piss of Chef Ramsey the most. It's hard to judge cooking shows like this because you can't taste the food. I think most of the appeal of the show is watching Chef Ramsey yell at people. And you don't need reality TV for that! All you really need is a scripted show with an angry chef. You could call it Angry Chef. I won't charge royalties, I swear. And then at least you could have more compelling stories and characters. Also I really hated how they'd be like "The one going home tonight will be....' *goes to commercial* Every single time. That doesn't create suspense! It makes me walk away from the television because I know it's coming.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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07/22/17 3:06:36 PM

tagging this even though I know what #1 is

Dr. Phil is a quack. Period. That's the appeal of his show and why it's bad.

Pawn Stars is actually pretty good when they go into the history parts of things. That's the only thing I like about it.

The Apprentice season 1 was awesome, but after that... yeah, not good at all. President Trump's ego grew more and more as time went on and the show continued to become more and more unbearable. Season 4 was pretty good, come to think of it, but that's the only time the show ever came close to the first-season appeal. The fame from the show gave Trump more fuel for his ego.

Deal or No Deal was fun for a couple of episodes but got boring fast because there's nothing to it. It relies on staged tension and money matrices calculated by a computer (the "banker" just tells Howie what number the computer gives him). It's so boring and that's why it didn't last.

Same goes for Storage Wars. I enjoyed an episode or two of it, but then noticed that's all there was to it and got bored. There are at least some interesting personalities, but that isn't enough.

America's Got Talent is too much of a singing show, yeah. It should exclude straight-up singing, but still allow Terry Fator and incredibly unique things like he does. Who would have thought a singing ventriloquist existed?

I really can't complain about any of these, honestly.
BlueCrystalTear | GNT BB4 Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner
3DS 4356-4163-4781 X/M: Natalie AS: Allie | You're living your own life. You're you.
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07/22/17 3:24:32 PM

#203: Master Chef
Network: FOX
Genre: Reality
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: People cook dishes to impress Chefs
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Master Chef is like Hell's Kitchen minus the yelling. But it still fails because you can't taste the food. You can only listen to the opinions of the experts like Chef Ramsey. I think sometimes they share their recipes. I think most people pick their favorite contestant based on personality, rather than you know.. how well they cook. Which goes against the very premise of the show. I think it's better than Hell's Kitchen overall though because they don't seem to put the most incompetent people on there. There's a human element of the story for a few of them to root for.

#202: Fear Factor
Network: NBC
Genre: Reality
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: People do stunts and gross things for money
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
This might be the first one people really like that I don't. Each episode usually features three tasks: A stunt, something gross, and then another stunt. I always thought the whole eating disgusting stuff part was easily the worst part of the show. Some of the stunts were really repetitive. Joe Roegan was a good host, but I wasn't a fan of the concept at all. I just found it kind of boring.

#201: The Chair
Network: ABC
Genre: Gameshow
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: People are asked 7 multiple choice questions by a tennis star while having their heart rates monitored
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
I only barely remember this one, but the concept was kind of silly. I think they'd try to raise people's heart rates between questions, though I don't remember how. Wikipedia mentions them using an alligator. A different concept of a gameshow, but it's no surprise that it didn't last long. I almost forgot about this show until John McEnroe appeared in the news.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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07/22/17 3:36:47 PM

#200: Bold and the Beautiful
Network: CBS
Genre: Soap Opera
Available: CBS Streaming
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: A Soap Opera centering around fashion designers and love triangles
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
I haven't watched much of this show, but I watched it a little, giving it a try. And honestly... I wasn't a fan. I mean I don't hate soap operas--there's a few I like. But this one was just... kind of dull for me. Their villains tend more toward the business tycoon type, than the crazy type. Though they do have some crazy characters (and apparently they recently brought back Sheila Carter who is crazy is a nutshell).

#199: Young and the Restless
Network: CBS
Genre: Soap Opera
Available: CBS Streaming
Favorite Character: Kevin Fisher
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: A soap opera featuring love triangles and uhhh.. I'm not really sure what else.
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
I watched this one a little longer than B&B. I thought it was a little better--though it's also a little longer. Bold and the Beautiful is only half an hour long. I doubt anyone here watches soaps anyway, so I don't have to talk about this one too long. Kevin is probably the one character I actually sort of like, even though he's kind of evil (or at least was). I watched during the drama between him and his father, who abused him as a kid (which made him turn crazy, and lock this girl in a fridge and set the place on fire). Of course he later falls in love with a girl who's just as crazy as he was before he reformed because they made him a main character. It's a bit crazier than B&B, and I like my soaps with a good dash of crazy.

#198: Last Comic Standing
Network: NBC
Genre: Reality
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: Josh Blue
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: Stand Up Comics do a reality show
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Another reality show. This time about stand up comics. Some of the bits could be pretty funny, but it was pretty hit and miss. My brother (who wanted to try out for the show) said it felt a bit rigged. At least in the later seasons. Some of the early bits were truly terrible, and some of the challenges were kind of dumb. Still much better than any of the billion singing shows. They needed a better host, and I don't think they ever stuck with one.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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07/22/17 4:11:11 PM

#197: Judge Judy
Network: Syndication
Genre: Reality
Available: Syndication
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: A former judge sits on the bench and calls people stupid
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Another show I know a lot of people like. Judge Judy is the only judge show I've ever watched. It's kind of like Hell's Kitchen, but in a courtroom. (My mom could totally do this job if she had a judge's license. Only it'd have to be on HBO because my mom curses all the time). I could never sit through a whole episode of Judge Judy. I can watch a clip here and there. It's mostly just a character--and the show pays both people to be on there. Knowing that it's hard for me to like this show too much.

#196: Hope and Faith
Network: ABC
Genre: Sitcom
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: One sister is famous, the other isn't
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Our first scripted show! And one I don't remember too well. It was part of the TGIF lineup. I don't think it was that good. Faith was a celebrity, and Hope.. wasn't. Regis Philbin was in it a couple of times. I remember Megan Fox was in it too, as the daughter. But other than that I don't remember too much. about It. A very forgettable show, if not for Regis and Kelly. (Which I never watched)

#195: Father of the Pride
Network: NBC
Genre: Cartoon
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: What life is like for the Lions who perform with Siegfired and Roy
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Another show I've actually mostly forgotten about. All I know was that John Goodman was in it. I watched some clips to try to jog my memory, and I didn't find it that funny. Maybe it was better in it's time. It only lasted one season. Does anyone remember this show? Cause I really don't. The animation wasn't bad, but... apart from that I can't remember enough about it to rank it higher. Not really fair to judge it off some clips alone. But I didn't want to just leave it off either.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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07/22/17 4:26:42 PM

What I'm getting from this is that you don't like reality shows but you watch a lot of them anyway

For what it's worth, I've seen a lot of these too, I just haven't watched more than a couple episodes so I didn't include them

Props on going so quick; at this rate you'll finish before me
Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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07/22/17 4:34:34 PM

I haven't watched a lot of reality TV. Just a lot of different ones I gave a chance to, and then quit on. I could have probably left a few of these shows off the list because I can't really remember them. But some of them I still want to mention.

Only 7 reality shows left. Gameshows will probably go pretty quick too. I prefer scripted dramas mostly.

Also coming up:

A bunch of shows that only lasted one season!
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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07/22/17 4:58:15 PM

I'm a huge fan of Survivor and Big Brother and even I can't stomach reality TV. Almost all of it is garbage.
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07/22/17 5:12:24 PM

Lopen posted...
Poor Johnbobb doesn't even get his second b.

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07/22/17 5:14:01 PM

Poor Johnbobs
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07/22/17 5:14:31 PM

Dancedreamer posted...
Okay, I might watch it if Misha Collins takes over

Castiel Apprentice what
Thus is our treaty written, thus is our agreement made. Thought is the arrow of time; memory never fades. What was asked is given; the price is paid.
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07/22/17 5:18:15 PM

I enjoy Shark Tank
Ulti was right
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Jeff Zero
07/22/17 5:22:09 PM

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07/22/17 5:32:46 PM

greengravy294 posted...
Lopen posted...
Poor Johnbobb doesn't even get his second b.

Technically it's the third b
Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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Jeff Zero
07/22/17 5:33:46 PM

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07/22/17 5:58:35 PM

#194: Video Game High School
Network: FreddieW
Genre: SciFi
Favorite Character: Jenny Matrix
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: Video games are the top sport, and a kid lucks into a prestigious school to learn to play video games
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
The first of many Sci-Fi shows on the list. Video Game High School is about a boy who lucks into killing one of the best players in the world in a video game, and is then invited to a prestigious video game academy. It's been a while since I watched it on Netflix, but I couldn't get through most of it. I watched a few episodes, and then decided to give up on it. The humor didn't really click with me, and the acting felt kind of flat. I'm not sure the concept was even that good of an idea.

#193: Intelligence
Network: CBS
Genre: SciFi
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: Gabriel
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: A Secret Agent gets implanted with a Microchip as CBS rips off Chuck.
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Another mostly forgettable show that only lasted one season (13 episodes). It starred Josh Hollaway as an agent who had a microchip in his head that gave him access to the intelligence grid. I managed to watch all 13 episodes... and I wasn't too disappointed when it was cancelled. I think it took itself a little too seriously, and the concept had already been done before with Chuck and so many other things. Only instead of a normal guy getting the chip, it was an army guy. They didn't execute the concept very well.

#192: Aquarius
Network: NBC
Genre: Crime Drama
Available: Netflix
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: Highly Fictionalized account of the Manson Family.
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Aquarius is another show i quit after just a few episodes. I felt they were kind of slow getting to the whole point of Charles Manson. I also found it hard to follow because some of the characters looked alike. (No, not the few black guys. The white guys with mustaches.) I just lost interest in it very fast. Maybe I was expecting too much out of a summer show about Charles Manson. The Manson murders are absolutely fascinating. I'm not sure if they ever got to them in their two seasons. I don't think they had by the end of season 1. It did have David Duchovny in it at least. Crime Dramas are another genre I've watched more of than I probably should have.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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07/22/17 8:49:18 PM

#191: God, the Devil and Bob
Network: NBC
Genre: Cartoon
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: God
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: God and the Devil make a bet the fate of humanity on one man's soul: Bob.
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
The show only lasted four episodes. God was voiced by James Garner, and Bob was French Stewart. It was a pretty funny show. God and the Devil were friends more than enemies, making a bet with the stakes being humanity as a whole. God even lets the Devil choose a man, and he chooses Bob. Bob isn't a particularly good person, but he's not even a really bad person either. NBC cancelled it pretty quickly after a lot of outrage from religious groups. The Devil was portrayed mostly just as a loser.

#190: The Nine
Network: ABC
Genre: Drama
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: Nine People who effect each others lives during a bank robbery
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Another show I don't remember much about. I don't think it lasted a whole season. Chi McBride and John Billingsley were both in it. A bank was robbed, and nine people were held hostage--and afterwards they start coming together and are part of each others lives. Some of the story was told through flashbacks.

#189: The Amazing Race
Network: CBS
Genre: Reality
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: Teams race across the world with help from the production team sometimes
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Another reality show. The Amazing Race is an okay concept--teams of usually two race around the world while completing various tasks. But the seasons got kind of repetitive after a while, and they kept visiting the same locations. At one point I kind of wanted to do the race--but I wouldn't want to now. Unlike other competition reality shows, this one kept the same cast each week (except those eliminated), but it wasn't a competition where people were voted out. It was mostly based on skill. It's certainly different from the shows you vote people off, but it gets really old really fast. And you don't really have the benefit of people with different strategies each time making their way to the end.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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07/22/17 8:53:35 PM

obligatory "cartoon is not a genre"
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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07/22/17 9:18:10 PM

#189: Touched by An Angel
Network: CBS
Genre: Supernatural Drama
Available: CBS Streaming
Favorite Character: Andrew the Angel of Death
Favorite Episode: None
Premise:An Angel in training tries to save people's souls
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
An incredibly sappy show, Touched By An Angel features Roma Downey as an angel in training, who has to save people's souls. With her is the sassy Angel Tess, and the Angel of Death Andrew. Whenever he appears, it means someone is probably going to die. As an atheist now, I find it hard to look back on this show fondly--though it was fairly secular. Even going so far as to say it's okay to be gay (which caused a lot of people to get upset). They also never mention the name "Jesus" anywhere. Though I think they do quote the bible now and again. The show had an awful lot of suffering for people, and the series finale had a pretty good concept. I actually have a great interest in Christian Lore. The whole idea of the devil, and god, and angels. They mostly avoided the wrath of the old testament god, preferring a positive message. A little too religious in tone for me to really like--but it had some good points to it too.

#188: Wheel of Fortune
Network: NBC
Genre: Gameshow
Available: Syndication
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: Hangman with a wheel you can spin and no noose
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Another gameshow. Wheel Of Fortune isn't something I can watch every night. But at the very least you have to try to figure out the puzzles. Unlike Deal or No Deal it gives you plenty to think about. I can handle gameshows once in a while. Usually while I'm doing something else. But most of them I don't think i could straight watch. The wheel spinning takes a lot of out of it for me. I don't think I've tuned in for a while now. Not even sure when it's on where I live now.

#187: Cops
Network: FOX
Genre: Reality
Available: Can be bought on various platforms
Theme Song:

Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise:Real Police go out and catch real crooks
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
An okay documentary style show, but the problem is that they never really show police failures. I think they always end with someone being arrested or shot. You don't see when they make mistakes, or anything like that. I guess it doesn't make for good tv or a compelling story. Though I think in some ways it's dishonest. I mean obviously they're going to go with arrest footage over footage where nothing is found. But that makes it hard for me to watch. And let's be honest. The best part of the show? The Theme Song. I wonder how much of a success the show would have been without that song. If I did a Top TV theme songs, it'd probably be up there pretty high.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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07/22/17 9:49:25 PM

Dancedreamer posted...
The best part of the show? The Theme Song.

aw yeah
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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07/22/17 10:00:29 PM


Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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07/22/17 11:07:58 PM

#186: The Price is Right
Network: CBS
Genre: Gameshow
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: People play pricing Games
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
This is another gameshow that's fun to watch once in a while, but I don't think I could watch it once a week. Some of the games are good, while others are pretty bad. I also hate the spinning at the end to determine who gets in the Showcase Showdown. But the Showcase is, imo, the best part of the show. It's the most fun to play because it's player vs player. Price is Right does have some really good pricing games though. Bob Barker was the better host, though Drew hasn't done too bad. It's just a show I couldn't see myself sitting down to watch specifically.

#185: Reba
Network: CW
Genre: Sitcom
Available: Hulu
Favorite Character: Cheyenne
Favorite Episode: None
Premise:A pregnant high school senior and her boyfriend get married and live with her divorced mom and two siblings.
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
A Decent sitcom that has some funny moments. Starring Reba McEntire as a mom who's recently separated from her husband. When she and her husband go to counseling, she finds out that not only did her husband get his assistant pregnant--but that their oldest daughter is pregnant too. After her daughter's boyfriend's parents kick him out and he married her daughter, he moves in with Reba. And that's the premise of the show. Van (the boyfriend) is kind of an idiot--though he usually means well. Reba's ex-husband is also dumb. But the funniest part of the show is probably dealing with the mistress--Barbara Jean. A bubbly woman who just wants to be Reba's friend. It's a little creepy when you think about it, but somehow over the course of the show they become friends. Not something I went out of my way to watch--but it did get a few laughs from me.

#184: Complete Savages
Network: ABC
Genre: Sitcom
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: Nick Savage
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: A single dad tries raising 5 unruly sons
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
This show was pretty funny. It starred Keith Carradine as the dad (Nick Savage) trying to raise 5 boys. It only lasted a single season. I probably woudln't remember it if it weren't for Keith Carradine being in it. It was part of the TGIF lineup. Nick and his brother worked as firemen. Not much to say about this one since it was on a long time ago.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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07/22/17 11:34:44 PM

Complete Savages I actually enjoyed and was sad to see it disappear as quickly as it did, but yeah I think I liked it more than I should because of the casting. Keith Carradine and Vincent Ventresca both quality.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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07/23/17 1:01:58 AM

I'll probably do three more tonight. Honestly if I had seen it more recently it might be ranked higher. That's the real problem with those older single season shows. You don't remember them that well.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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07/23/17 1:33:39 AM

ph33r teh masta~!
Currently playing - Pokemon Sun
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07/23/17 1:39:52 AM

Wow, Reba is not a show I expected to see on this list. My grandmother loved that show and I probably saw way more of it than I ever wanted to just from her having it on at her house when I was younger. I remember having quite a crush on the younger daughter.
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07/23/17 1:45:43 AM

i did enjoy like the 2-3 episodes of reba i ever saw. reba herself was quite likable. the everything else was kinda trash, but you respect the familial feeling of familiarity.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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Jeff Zero
07/23/17 1:51:28 AM

weirdly, I knew the girl who played the younger daughter. scarlett pomers. before reba, she played on star trek: voyager. as a kid, it was dope passingly knowing her, even if her character was just some girl.
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07/23/17 11:11:02 AM

#183: Project Mc2
Network: Netflix
Genre: Comedy
Available: Netflix
Favorite Character: Adrienne Attoms
Favorite Episode: Mission Totally Possible
Premise: Teenage Girls become Secret Agents and use Science
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Project MC Squared is a Netflix Original show meant to encourage young girls to enter STEM fields. They have a whole line of toys, which come with mini-science experiments. Some of them you can do many times, while others you can only do once. It's not a bad show... but it's also not for everyone. It's a bit cheesy at times. I did learn one thing through this show--There's such a thing as Culinary Chemistry. While the characters are smart, they're also a bit... ditzy. Aside from the main character, who has the only real experience being a spy. Still, it's not a terrible show--though I wouldn't recommend most people watching it unless they have kids. The show is about these girls working for a government organization known as NOV8 (That would have had way more meaning if Hillary won the election. I mean obviously it's just innovate spelled with an acronym. But having it be the day a woman was elected President too? That would have been a pretty cool coincidence). I think the show would be a lot better if the characters were just regular smart girls who happened to be into stuff that is popular too (as well as being spies). Popular doesn't mean ditzy.

#182: I Survived A Japanese Gameshow
Network: ABC
Genre: Gameshow
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: Americans play a Japanese Gameshow
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Majide! This was a reality show gameshow hybrid. It could be pretty funny at times. I didn't watch the second season. A bunch of Americans play various games on a Japanese Gameshow called Majide. The reality portions of it were pretty dull, but the gameshow portions were pretty good. It reminded me a bit of the old Nickelodeon Bits. But with adults instead of teens/kids.

#181: Melissa and Joey
Network: ABC Family
Genre: Sitcom
Available: Hulu
Favorite Character: Lennox
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: Council Member Melissa takes in her scam artist brother-in-law's kids after he and her sister go on the run, and has to hire a nanny--Joey, who lost his job because of her brother-in-law
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Starring Melissa Joan Hart and Joey Lawrence, this sitcom can be pretty funny at times. Joey used to work for Melissa's sister-in-law until his boss got caught running a scam. Then Joey lost everything--his job, his wife, his car. So he turns to council member Melissa for a job. Having recently taken in her nephew and niece--she needs a nanny (and she can't afford to hire Joey at Town Hall), so she ends up reluctantly hiring him as a live-in-nanny. It's a decent show, but not one of the better sitcoms. The two can't stand each other at first.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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07/23/17 11:54:38 AM

#180: The PJs
Network: FOX
Genre: Cartoon
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: The Super
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: A stop-motion series about a Superintendent in the Projects)
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Another show I don't remember too well, but it lasted a bit longer than some of the others. Of course it's also a lot older than other shows. Eddie Murphy did the voice of the main character--who was a superintendent of an apartment building in the projects (which is what the PJs stands for). Other than that I can't really remember much. I remember tuning in most of the time though.

#179: Smith
Network: CBS
Genre: Drama
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: Bobby Stevens
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: Professional Thieves prepare for heists
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
A short lived show about a bunch of thieves who live double lives. It starred Ray Liotta, Simon Baker and Johnny Lee Miller. (The Mentalist and Sherlock Holmes on the same show. Kind of funny in hindsight). The show was cancelled after three episodes. I remember reading it was 'too confusing for viewers'. I was disappointed when it was cancelled, but never went to watch the series on the internet before they took it off. Surprised it's not on Amazon Prime or something. Especially since they included the 4 unaired episodes.

#178: Numb3rs
Network: CBS
Genre: Crime Drama
Available: Amazon, Hulu
Favorite Character: Charlie Epps
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: A mathematician helps his FBI brother solve crimes using math
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
A decent crime drama featuring a math professor who helps his brother solve crimes. I never really understood the math behind it all, but it was always interesting to see how they solved the crimes. Of course I was only 13 when it came on, and just starting Algebra. Unfortunately for me, it never got me into math because I continued to suck at it for the next four years. The show generally showed a bit more of their home life than other crime dramas (or at least most of the ones I watched). Some of it made things go a bit slow though. It also had the guy from the second Ghostbusters movie in it. I didn't tune in each week, but I'd watch it when nothing else was on.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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07/23/17 2:54:27 PM

#177: Guiding Light
Network: CBS
Genre: Soap Opera
Available: Fandor
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: Soap Opera with cloning and time travel
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
I only sort of watched this show because my mom watched it. It was a bit crazier than the other soaps, with things like cloning, faked deaths, and time travel. I remember a few of the characters. There were some crazy storylines that caught my attention. Namely the time they cloned a woman. It's basically what you expect form a Soap Opera, but with a little supernatural added in. I think another soap opera (I didn't watch, so I forget which. I think it was Port Charles) had vampires. It could be entertaining. It lasted a long 70 some years.

#176: NCIS
Network: CBS
Genre: Crime Drama
Available: Netflix, CBS
Favorite Character: Leroy Jethro Gibbs
Favorite Episode: SWAK
Premise: CSI: Navy
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Another show i haven't seen all of, and gave up on a long time ago. Of course it's also lasted like 14 seasons now. The basic premise is that you have Navy Cops solving Navy Crimes. The main character is GIbbs--a no nonsense boss who knows only slightly more about comptuers than the producers of the show. (Which is to say not at all, because at one point they had two people typing on a keyboard. I wish I was making that up.) He often slaps his subordinates upside the head at least in the early seasons. You also have DiNozzo who was in it for almost the entire run up until this past season. His characterization ranged from "Clever wise-cracking ladies man" to "Complete idiot". The writers were never really consistent with it. There's also Abby the goth girl who's now almost 50 years old now so I have no idea how her character still works as the goth-chick that's hip with the times. There's also the medical examiner Ducky who is now almost 83) and Ziva--who gets all the American idioms wrong in a humorous way. You also have McGee who was a 'probie' forever. The show gets old after a while, and I have no idea how it gets so many viewers after so many years. There's little to no character development--but it's still a fairly entertaining show. It's enjoyable. Just... kind of boring.

#175: The Bernie Mac Show
Network: FOX
Genre: Sitcom
Available: Netflix
Favorite Character: Bernie Mac
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: Comedian Bernie Mac and his wife must raise his sister's three kids
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Another show I don't remember too well. But it's been a long time. The only thing I remember is Bernie talking to the camera sometimes, talking to the audience. Also he called the youngest daughter "baby girl" I think. It was a pretty funny show. I need to rewatch it on Netflix someday. RIP Bernie Mac. You were a funny man.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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07/23/17 6:01:13 PM

#174: Days of Our Lives
Network: NBC
Genre: Soap Opera
Available: NBC Streaming
Favorite Character: Stefano Dimera
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: Soap Opera with a villain who just won't die (until the actor did)
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Another show I watched with my mom. I was really young when Marlena was possessed by the devil, but I can remember bits of it. That's what really drew me into it, and might have been part of what put me on the whole supernatural kick. The show had great villains like Stefano Dimera, who just kept coming back from the dead. Of course pretty much everyone died at some point. I remember a plot line where Marlena went around killing everyone, and they thought she was possessed again. Then of course it turned out they weren't really killed at all. A pretty good soap, though I haven't watched it in years. Mostly because they went away from a lot of the supernatural stuff, and Stefano left.

#173: Bunk'd
Network: Disney
Genre: Teen Sitcom
Available: Netflix
Favorite Character: Zuri
Favorite Episode: Xander Says Goodbye
Premise: A spinoff of Jessie featuring the kids going to Summer Camp
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Bunk'd is an okay teen sitcom featuring the characters from Jessie (minus Luke). I've only seen the first season, but I'll watch the second eventually. Emma, Zuri, and Ravi are away at summer camp, and it's a pretty bad camp. You'd think rich parents would be able to send their kids to whichever camp they wanted to. Or at least donate some money to make it a good camp. But apparently Emma's parents went to the camp when they were younger. The series can be pretty funny, and if you're a fan of Jessie you'll probably like it well enough. I'm not sure if it stands on it's own or not. Some of the jokes are kind of flat and more for kids (well it is a show for kids afterall). Obviously not something I'd go out of my way to watch, since I've only seen the first season. I just don't think the premise works very well for a teen sitcom.

#172: The Weakest Link
Network: NBC
Genre: Gameshow
Available: None
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: Contestants are asked questions, earn money, and then they vote out the weakest link. Then get berated for not doing that by host Anne Robinson.
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
The game show is an interesting concept. Because strategy is difficult. Do you vote out the smartest players, risking money--or do you vote out the weakest link, to earn more money, but make it increasingly less likely you win? Anne Robinson was a good host, and her pithy remarks at the end of each round were nice. It's another gameshow I don't think I could ever watch once a week, but it was still pretty entertaining. You are the weakest link, Goodbye.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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07/23/17 6:49:34 PM

only show here i care about in the last few posts is melissa and joey

and yeah, it probably belongs here. the show has virtually no attraction beyond the will-they-won't-they. and seeing a grown-up MJH, in fairness, which is the reason i watched it.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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07/23/17 8:54:39 PM

#170: Family Feud
Network: ABC
Genre: Gameshow
Available: Nowhere
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: People guess the results of a survey
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
A decent gameshow (almost forgot to put this here!). My favorite part is probably Fast Money. It's had many hosts over the years. As a gameshow, it's not one I could watch too often. But it's fun once in a while. Some of the answers are hard to get. In Fast Money people try to get the top answers to make a total number of points to earn $20k. I'm always surprised there aren't more outliers--but I guess they throw them out. Which is kind of a shame. Though it would make it really hard.

#169: Sliders
Network: FOX
Genre: SciFi
Available: Hulu
Favorite Character: Professor Arturo
Favorite Episode: The Guardian
Premise: Four people travel between Paralell worlds, trying to find their way back home.
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Sliders isn't really a bad show... but it's early quality isn't quite good enough to offset the awful last two seasons (when it moved to SyFy and Sabrina Lloyd and John Rhys-Davies left). They travel to some pretty interesting worlds. A world where women control the world, one where the Americans lost the American Revolution... one where everything happens so many years later. Even one where people can get all the money they want, and everyone wins the lottery. There were some really creative worlds. But then the show goes downhill when they introduce the Kromags and they become the focus of the show. Each episode they get stuck in a new world, and are there until the timer hits 0. Wade and Professor Arturo are also sorely missing, replaced by Maggie Beckett, who I just didn't like. This is one show I didn't absolutely LOVE, but I'd love to see get a remake. Because the concept was great.

#168: Under the Dome
Network: CBS
Genre: Sci-Fi
Available: Amazon, CBS
Favorite Character: Dale Barbara
Favorite Episode: Curtains
Premise: A town is encased in a dome, unable to contact the outside world
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
This show started out pretty good. Junior was a creepy character, and Big Jim made for a pretty good villain. Dale "Barbie" Barbara was a pretty interesting hero. I wanted to like this show--but it sort of went downhill in the second season. I think it would have been better as a single season show rather than trying to spread everything out into multiple seasons. The show is based on a Stephen King novel, and I tend to like things by him--but this didn't quite cut it. I only finished the second season before quitting. It only got three seasons.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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07/23/17 9:09:51 PM

#167: Survivor
Network: CBS
Genre: Reality
Available: Hulu, CBS, Amazon Prime
Favorite Character: None
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: People stranded on an island vote each other off
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Survivor fans won't like that I put it below Big Brother. There's less production interference, the host is better. But honestly? I just don't feel you get much time to know the cast in Survivor. It's hard to pick someone to like and root for. I also think they put it on too many times a year. Once a year would be more than enough. When I did watch, I almost never watched two seasons in a row after the first couple of seasons. I also feel like there's no chance for someone to just take total control of the game. I also don't really like the different tribes. You can only form bonds with people you interact with regularly, which kind of limits your strategy early on. I also never really liked the reward challenges. I can see the appeal of the show--but I'm not a big fan. And I haven't watched since Heroes vs Villains. They kept bringing back older players. (not that Big Brother didn't try this too!)

#166: Big Brother
Network: CBS
Genre: Reality
Available: CBS Streaming
Favorite Character: Dr. Will
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: Survivor in a house
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
I like Big Brother more than Survivor--but not so much that it's more than one spot higher. There's way too much interference going on by production. But I feel with the feeds, you just get to know the house guests a lot better. I also feel there's room for people to manipulate, because you don't have two separate tribes. Julie Chen is pretty robotic. And of course I never seemed to like the people the producers wanted you to like. Big Brother is also at a disadvantage because they don't know who's going to win when they edit it. It also helps that they only do one a year. The year they tried two, the other one sucked. Dr. Will remains my favorite Reality Show contestant.

#165: Family Guy
Network: FOX
Genre: Cartoon
Available: Hulu, Netflix
Favorite Character: Stewie
Favorite Episode: None
Premise: A bumbling dad and his wife try to raise their children
Spoiler Free Thoughts:
Family Guy is a hit or miss show for me. I know a lot of people love it, so this ranking may be controversial. But some of the humor, I just don't find that funny. I can watch an episode now and again. Sometimes I'll laugh, but other times I'll just feel uncomfortable. I like South Park a lot better--and maybe because I watched it before Family Guy, I don't like family Guy as much as some people do. Stewie is probably the funniest part of the show, with Peter being close behind. The show can be pretty random at times. Again, not a bad show, but it's not for me.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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07/23/17 9:29:01 PM

New Page before the next two.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
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