Current Events > CYOA: You are a normal person looking for normal friends

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04/26/19 4:14:49 PM

-The Admirable
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04/26/19 4:59:25 PM

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04/27/19 12:10:22 AM

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04/27/19 12:30:41 AM

I use Gameraven and you should too.
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04/27/19 5:33:21 PM

B) Agree to pair up with lollipop girl

You nod at him. Sure thing, Mr. Fisch! I would hate for anyone here to work alone!

He chuckles. Altruistic, aren't you Lee? Just remember that you're sharing a grade with your partner, so don't try to do all the work for her!

You nod again, then get up to talk to the lollipop girl.

Even with you next to her, she doesnt bat an eye you.

Hey there. What game are you playing? you ask.

The students in the neighboring seats give you strange looks.

Shes still focused on her game, but her hands seem a bit shaky.

You tilt your head. ...Are you being bullied?

She turns off her Switch and suddenly gets up, looking at you with a scowl. Say bathroom, she demands as she grabs your arm and leads you out the door.

Uh, buh, bathroom! you say in a panic.

The two of you now stand just outside the classroom doors.

She takes out her lollipop and points it at you angrily. I dont know how you can see me...but for your own good, dont try to associate with me, she says with tension, yet with little volume.

You blink. Um. Sorry, could you say that again?

She sighs. I said dont associate with--

Mmm, youre still mumbling, you say with a hand behind your ear to gesture your difficulty hearing her.

She pinches her nose. So you can see me, but cant hear me?! she says, probably shouting to her, but normal for you.

Oh, I heard that just fine. It might just be that youre pretty bad at speaking up.

She puts the lollipop up to her lips. ...Oh. I havent talked to anyone in years, so I might have forgotten how to she mumbles.
You tilt your head again. Hm?

Let me make this easier for both of us. She puts in her lollipop and yanks you by your collar, bringing your ear to her lips. Ill be nothing but trouble to you. People are only gonna give you weird looks. You might even catch my curse. Just leave me alone.

You scratch your head. Uh, I cant really leave you alone. We have to work together for this project.

Thats because you volunteered to work with me! Just tell the teacher that you changed your mind.

You shake your head. Hell no, thats too embarrassing. Plus, Mr. Fisch called me altur...altruh...weestic? I dont know what that word is, but Im pretty sure it has to do with me working with you, and I dont wanna turn Mr. Fisch into a liar by taking it back!

She lets you go. ...Fine. Do what you want. And altruism means you like people, which sounds like another curse to me.

You put your hand behind your ear again.

Ugh, Im going back inside--

Oh wait, you still didnt answer my question. What game were you playing earlier? It looked really fun!

She raises her Switch. ...Smash, she says with a surprisingly normal volume harboring no hostility. Do you play too?

My mom cant really afford to buy me games, so I dont even know what its about.

Her lollipop drops to the ground. Cursed of a life bereft of video terrible. She picks it back up and tosses it to the nearby trash. Tomorrow in class, we HAVE to play one round, at least.

Your mouth is agape. Wait...playing games together, thats what friends do, right?!

She takes another lollipop out of her pocket and unwraps it. Nobody should be friends with me, she pops it into her mouth, ...but playing games together is what playmates do.

As she says that, the bell rings, and she walks inside.

Your eyes light up. Playmates...Ill take it!

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04/27/19 5:33:27 PM

School just ended. You walk into the clubroom to meet up with Naomi...your clubmate.

Clubmate. Just being able to call someone that fills you with joy.

She stands by the pot, stirring away as always. The moment she sees you, her mouth creases up ever so slightly. Hello, Lee. Sadly, I do not have any more chips for you.

Oh, no big deal! Were the cooking club, arent we? We can just make some food!

She pauses. ...Ah. Right. The cooking club. Yes. Perhaps we should cook something today. Stand by me; youll be assisting me by handing over the ingredients I need.

Okay, you say as you walk over to her, but didnt you say I shouldnt be near the boiling pot?

She taps your nose with her oar. Ill keep you safe. I am your clubmate, after all.

You nod with extreme vigor after hearing that.

Lets seewhat to make... she ponders at the pot, Lee, you said you were having difficulties acquiring friends, correct? What if I told you I can create a po...a confection that could help with that?

A confection? You mean, like, a cupcake? Im sure thatd help! Friends like gifts and food!

She exhales with a slight smile. No Lee, I mean...yes, its like a cupcake, but it can potentially, um, bring them to like you instantly.

Cupcakes can do that?

When I make them, yes. Are you interested?

A) Accept her offer
B) No, make a normal cupcake yourself since you wanted to improve your cooking
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04/27/19 5:41:44 PM


I'm liking where this is going
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04/27/19 9:18:37 PM

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04/27/19 11:24:26 PM

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04/27/19 11:28:02 PM

Imagine not picking A
MVP Tracker: 1-0
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04/28/19 3:41:03 AM

I use Gameraven and you should too.
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04/28/19 4:08:24 AM

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04/29/19 2:41:38 AM

bump; no update for tonight
but we are at a record of 6 unanimous votes!
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04/29/19 2:23:09 PM

A) Accept her offer

Your eyes light up. That sounds amazing! Lets make it happen!

She stops stirring. Alright. Lets start with she taps the ground with her oar twice, ambrosia, please.

You nod and look around. When you turn around, you suddenly see an assortment of jars on the table with various plants and powders. Youre not sure if they were there before, so you simply chalk it up to being hungry.

Uh, which one is it?

Try guessing. The best way to learn po--cooking is trial by fire.

Hmm, you say with a finger on your chin and your other hand hovering over the different jars. Eventually, your hand stops on a greyish powder. This one!

You grab a handful and toss it into the pot--

Naomi quickly jumps in front of you and embraces you, but with one arm extended behind you and holding a phone. An explosion erupts from the pot, but you were kept safe.

And caught in a selfie, it seems.

Her eyes meet yours. She quickly prods you back with her oar as she covers her face with her hat. That was gunpowder. Which, I guess would have come later in the recipe. She stands up straight and turns back to the pot. Well, Im sure a slight jumble in the order should be fine. Try finding ambrosia again.

You gulp and hover around the jars again, this time stopping on a pure white powder. You grab a pinch and toss it into--

Naomi shields your eyes with her oar as she puts on a pair of sunglasses on herself.

The room gets filled with intense blinding light. A bird just outside crashes into the window, then slides down slowly.

Those were condensed photons, Naomi says, taking off her sunglasses. ...Which is also in the recipe. You have a natural talent for this. Dont even worry about the ambrosia anymore. See what else speaks to you.

You smile at her praise and check out the jars once more. Your hand lands on a jar with cubes tinted a slight orange. You grab two and toss them into--

...The pot? Nothing happens.

Naomi shakes her head. That was pineapple. Everythings ruined now.

She grabs you and stands you next to her and the pot, then takes her phone out again and takes a selfie. Heres to your first failure. How do you feel, Lee?

I feel like...I should respect my mother more whenever shes cooking--

Something dings.
She walks over to the stove and opens the oven door, then slides her oar in and brings out a tray holding a single cupcake. Lucky for you, I started it before you arrived. Thank you for helping me pass the time, Lee. She sets it on the table, which is now suddenly empty. Care to try?

You must be really hungry if things are just disappearing. So...this is the friendship cupcake?


And if I eat it...people will like me?


Have you tried it?


You blink at her. Dont you get lonely in this room, Naomi? I remember you told me that you dont have a lot of friends either. Wont the cupcake fix that?

Fixing implies there was a problem to begin with. She returns to the pot and taps the side of it, which magically flushes the liquid out and refills itself. Im comfortable keeping my social circles small. Im comfortable being alone. Loneliness isnt caused by sitting in a room by yourself.

She turns to you and taps your nose again. But, I do enjoy your company. Its nice to have someone in this room. She takes the cupcake and puts it in your hand. Ill ask again; care to try?

A) Consume now
B) Save it for when you really need it
How to open a door, Step one:
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04/29/19 2:25:41 PM

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04/29/19 3:06:12 PM

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04/29/19 3:11:04 PM

A True Friend leaves paw prints on your heart
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04/29/19 3:54:22 PM

I use Gameraven and you should too.
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04/29/19 5:30:49 PM

-The Admirable
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04/30/19 12:22:26 PM

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04/30/19 2:20:49 PM

We got a tie between A and B
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04/30/19 7:10:03 PM

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05/01/19 4:03:10 PM

A) Consume now

You stare at the cupcake. This is your chance to turn away from your former solitary life in middle school.

Here goes nothing. You take a bite out of it.
It doesnt feel like anything happened.

I, uh, dont think I feel any different, you say, rubbing your stomach. Did it work? Is it working on you right now? Do you like me?

She goes back to stirring the pot. It might take awhile for it to take effect. Besides, Im resistant to my own craft, so Im not the best subject to test it on.

You sit back down, though you leg bounces wildly. Im excited to see how this plays out! Thanks so much, Naomi!

Next day. Lunch time.

No one in your previous classes acted any differently. You were expecting to be the super popular kid that you see on TV all the time. But right now, youre still the kid sipping BanApple in the corner by yourself.

In the far opposite corner, you can vaguely see someone else sitting by themselves drinking BanApple. Upon squinting your eyes, its none other than Leah!

She makes eye contact with you, then quickly turns away. Maybe shes just shy?

You look around for anyone else you might know.
...But no sign of Drake or that lollipop girl. Not even Naomi.

You sit in silence, with only the sound of your straw to keep you company.

English class again. You arrive earlier than everyone, just like last time.

And also just like before, the lollipop girl arrived earlier than you.

You wave at her. Hey there! Youre here early, huh?

She keeps her eyes on her Switch. Its best you dont talk to me. People will think youre crazy, she says in a surprisingly normal yet stern volume.

You sit next to her and set your stuff down. Whys that?

She stands up and scowls at you. Cut the horseshit. Are you playing dumb?

You look away, not being able to stand such a cold glare on you. No, its just, uh, I, you wanted to play a game, didnt you?

She blinks, then sighs and sits back down. Right, I did say that. Sorry. Im usually averse to people, but not like that-- She jolts to alertness and starts sniffing around. Did you take a shower?

You lean towards her. Sorry, what was that?

She leans towards you and sniffs. It smells. You smell. Wait She squints and takes a good look at you.

You lean back, darting your eyes left and right as youre not sure where to look.

Her eyes widen. Youre cursed too?!

Cursed? You mean like, when ghosts follow you around? Or that Ive been cursed with taste buds so I can enjoy BanApple Capri Sun?

What? No, not that! And ew, you do know that Capri Sun sometimes has mold in it, right?

You tilt your head. Wait, sorry, still cant hear you that well. Capri Sun has what now?

Nevermind. She leans closer to your ear, pinches her nostrils. Yeah, this is a pretty bad curse. It feels really similar to mine. Im guessing that youve been repelling people this whole time?

Your jaw drops. Are you telling me...that the only thing stopping me from making that I need to change my shampoo?
She exhales. Forget playing dumb, you really are just dumb.

Other students start to walk in.

Meet me in the library after school. For now, dont talk to me in class, she says just before leaning back and returning to her games.

After school. You head inside the clubroom. Naomi? I think theres a prob--

Nobodys here. Her pot isnt even on the stove, either.

A) Try to look for her
B) Head to the library
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05/01/19 4:05:12 PM

The plot thickens...

I use Gameraven and you should too.
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05/01/19 4:05:20 PM

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05/01/19 4:19:19 PM

A then B
-The Admirable
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05/01/19 4:21:36 PM

A True Friend leaves paw prints on your heart
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05/01/19 6:53:44 PM

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05/02/19 4:21:30 PM

B) Head to the library

You go through the upper-floor hallway and enter the library doors.

The librarians assistant stands behind a counter, about to nod at you in acknowledgment, but instead quickly looks away from you and returns to her computer.

Man, youre never using your usual shampoo ever again.

You walk further in, seeing no other students here except one sitting in a bean bag by the manga section.

She takes out her lollipop upon making eye contact with you. Youre here.

You gesture with your hand behind your ear as usual.

She grumbles and pulls your arm, sitting you next to her on the same bean bag. Too lazy to get up. Can you hear me now?

You nod. Are you sure youll be fine with the shampoo smell?

Shampoo? What? Oh, right, the curse. I got used to it fast. She flips a page. Speaking of curses, thats what I called you here for.

Wait, you mean I really am haunted by ghosts?!

The librarian shushes you.

...So, ghosts? you whisper.

No dingus, this is far more sinister. Its no laughing matter, and I really have no idea how youve been dealing with it so casually when Ive been living with it for years. And all because I pissed off some witch.

She closes her book aggressively. Do you have any idea what its like to be unseen and unheard? What your family members go through when you dont exist anymore? Ive been isolated since I was ten! Ten, damnit! My mom cant see or hear me either, but she still leaves food out for me like a fucking crazy person.

Her hand balls up. She has to call the school and say I have a special condition, but I know those fuckers in the faculty room are calling her a terrible parent. I sit here in school alone with my thoughts while my moms being judged by everyone in this town. Do you know what thats like?!

You blink a bit. I...dont really know what to say. Im sorry?

She takes a deep breath. ...No, Im the one who should be sorry. Ive pent up a lot of emotions and thoughts, and you happened to have an open ear. She sits up and looks right at you. And after all these years, you also happen to be my only lead. You have to tell me...who did this to you?

You scratch your head. Uh...Head and Shoulders, I guess?

She pinches the bridge of her nose. Okay, lets step away from the shampoo stuff. What happened before people started being weird to you?

Hmm...I yelled out something about BanApple in the hallway and got some weird looks. Does that count?

No. Thats definitely just being weird. When did people start being REALLY weird to you?

Uh...I saw a guy eat a big ketchup packet for lunch.

She cringes. Okay, thats pretty weird. But nothing curse-worthy. Yknow what, maybe I should have just asked this in the beginning: have you encountered a witch?

A) Yes; Talk about Naomi
B) No; Naomis just a clubmate, not a witch
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05/02/19 4:47:47 PM

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05/02/19 7:47:37 PM

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05/02/19 11:24:54 PM

I use Gameraven and you should too.
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05/02/19 11:30:39 PM

-The Admirable
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05/03/19 12:56:34 PM

Tied between A and B
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05/03/19 3:02:50 PM

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05/04/19 12:07:24 AM

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05/04/19 1:40:22 AM

Long ass update. Enjoy.

B) Dont talk about her (Begin lollipop girls arc)

Your eyes widen. Witches exist? First ghosts and now witches?!

She buries her face into the bean bag and lets out a muffled scream. She then sits back up. Im okay. She glares at you, then sighs. Forget about anything I said today. Doesnt seem like youll be of much help.

You look away. Im sorry. I guess I missed another social cue.

She leans to the side, reaching for her backpack. Its, um, its okay. Everythings okay. A bit of rummaging and out comes her Switch. And I dont think theres a proper social cue for the supernatural.

You stare at it curiously. that Smash?

Her ears perk up. Pfft, no. This is just the menu. THIS is Smash!

Upon saying that, she presses a button, changing the screen to a colorful and flashy animation.

Youre immediately mesmerized.

Without even noticing, she slides a joycon in your hand. Hope youre a fast learner.

The two of you spend the rest of the next hour playing.

Its all a completely new experience for you; your heartbeat beating fast the entire time, palms getting sweaty, breathing getting more and more intense, and youre not even sure when you last blinked--Its all an intense adrenaline rush.

But more notable to you was how she looked playing with you. Initially, you thought of her as somewhat quiet, with a bit of pent up angst.

Yet, how she looked here was completely different--this girl next to you knew how to smile and laugh, how to cry out in frustration, how to throw the controller in your face, how to apologize for that and pretend nothing happened, how to laugh again...

Oh, but she definitely did not know mercy. Your ass was mostly kicked this whole time. Not that you minded; its all fun.

The bell rings, signifying that its getting late and for everyone to go home.

She looks out the window and blinks. ...Huh. Thats a sunset. How long have we been here? Her eyes widen. Oh my god Ive never been out this late mom is gonna be so piiiiiiissed--

Her phone dings.

Upon looking at it, she tucks it back in her pocket with a smile. Oh my god mom is piiiiiissed, she says as she throws the manga up on the shelf and frantically packs her things--

You hand the joycon back to her and get close to her face. Thanks for showing me what video games are like! Youre a really nice person...uh, I guess I still dont know your name.

She blinks in astonishment, then grins, then looks away and pushes you back, returning her face to its usual brooding self. I only tell my name to friends.

With that, she grabs her backpack and runs out the library.

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05/04/19 1:40:57 AM

The following weeks came to be routine.

Nobody seems to come near you. Leah would still look away from you, but doesnt seem to show the same weird looks everyone else gives you. Meanwhile, Drake doesnt even seem to be anywhere during lunch. Then again, you havent checked the bathroom at all during lunch.

Youd sit next to lollipop girl during English. Shed tell you to keep your phone out on the table whenever its time to work with partners. Despite that, for some reason, shed never give you her number.

Thanks to that, Mr. Fisch seems to think youre collaborating with her via cell phones.

In reality, youre holding an invisible joycon under the table and collaborating with her, if collaborating meant trying to kick her ass.

After school, youd still head over to the cooking club. Although its empty every time, youre still a member, and you dont want to leave Naomi alone if she ever does return. You two are clubmates after all.

Youd then head over to the library, where youd sometimes see lollipop girl just reading manga. Initially, you were curious about it, since you dont read a lot.

At first, shed offer to have you read with her, with you asking occasional questions since it gets confusing sometimes. Eventually, you became more and more of a seasoned reader, indulging in books separately from her. This after-school scene of the two of you reading in the same bean bag in silence became commonplace for you.

The day would end when the bell rings, or whenever her mom would text her and send her into a panic.

With each passing day, you find her to be smiling more and more, and even her once quiet voice became more audible.

Its lunch time again. It would be yet another average day, except you notice something; everyone that usually sat within your vicinity is sitting farther away. Even earlier today, whenever youd walk down the hallway, everyone would step aside, trying to avoid being anywhere near you.

Lunch ends, and youre sitting next to lollipop girl as usual. No one else has arrived yet.

She waves at you. Sup. Ready for another beatdown?-- She quickly pinches her nostrils. Oof, did you forget to take a shower today?

You ruffle your hair. Fuck, I definitely did. I even changed my shampoo like last week. Should I change it again? Cuz people are being extra weird to me today

Well yeah, because you ARE a fucking weirdo-- she quickly covers her mouth. I...I didnt mean that.

You chuckle. No worries. I know Im weird. But you squint at her, are you okay? You look kinda pale. I can even see the window behind you.

Her eyes widen. mean, you can see through me?

Kinda? Is that a normal thing?

Nono no no no-- she suddenly gets up and runs out the classroom.

You peek into the clubroom as per your after school routine. Still no sign of Naomi. This time, you decide to grab a sticky-note and stick it on the stove, saying that youd love to bake more cupcakes.

You then make your way to the library, but see lollipop girl standing just outside its doors. Well, you KIND OF see her. Shes a bit more faded compared to earlier.

She takes out her lollipop and waves at you. Hey. For today, you wanna just...walk around the school?

Sure! you say, walking up to her.

The two of you trod down the hallway.
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05/04/19 1:41:57 AM

So, you begin, Ive been wondering; what got you into video games?

Hmm...well, my mom just bought a Gameboy one day, curious about Pokemon. But uh, I got way more curious, and the next day she couldnt find it anymore since I took it and got it cursed.

She looks up, thinking fondly of something. But then, she bought another one for herself, and we played together. It was the first time we were able to do something more than just text each other.

Wow. Your mom must be rich.

She giggles. Yeah, only YOU would focus on the money when were talking about a heartfelt moment.

You scratch your head. Oops. Did I miss another social cue?

Nah. You know I dont care about that anymore.

The two of you reach the end of the hallway, revealing the second-floor balcony where you can see the courtyard below, and the sun slowly setting in the sky to your left." data-time="

She leans over the railing, looking down. Remember that stuff about ghosts and witches?

You lean over as well next to her at her right side. Uhhh, yeah? You told me to forget about it. Are they real after all?!

She smiles. Who knows. Im starting to think that maybe ghosts do exist. She looks over to you, wearing a smidge of melancholy. These past few weeks have been like a dream. For a bit, I forgot what it was like to be isolated by this curse. At first, I didnt wanna get close since I didnt want others to think you were crazy like my mom. But I guess that doesnt matter now.

She turns around and leans with her back against the railing. In a way, were both like ghosts. Weve made these days fly by, stuck in our own little world separate from everyone else. She sighs. But...I think its time for us to wake up. Our curses are getting stronger. Soon, you wont be able to see me. And towards you, Ill

Her hands start tensing up, shaking a bit. Ill...I might grow to hate you, just like everyone else. Her hand balls up into a fist. I dont want that! I dont want us to stop playing together! I dont wanna end our times at the library together!

You scratch your neck. I, uh, could always change my shampoo.

She bites into her lollipop, sounding out a bit of a crunch as she looks at you with welled-up eyes. I know I said I didnt care about social cues, but please...this is the one thing I cant have you miss. Curses are real. Witches are real. Ghosts are real. Im about to be one to you. Cant you see it happening right now?!

The sun starts to shine through her with more intensity. Your eyes start to well up too. You mean...Im gonna act like everyone else? How everyone else just pretends you dont exist?

She nods, sobbing up her runny nose.

You grip the railing very tightly. I...I really dont know what to say. I wanna be angry, but no one ever taught me how to.

She tries to smile. Havent you played against me enough times to know how it looks?

I think thats a bit different.

She turns around again, looking back down at the courtyard. True.

...I still dont know your name.

She looks to the sky. Its Iris. Whats yours?

Im Lee...wait, does this mean were friends?!-- you look to your left, expecting to still see her there, but instead all thats there is the sunset. ...Iris? Am I allowed to say your name? Are you there?

Suddenly, you feel a soft warmth tightly embrace your body, which slowly fades away as the bell rings to end the day.

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05/04/19 1:42:06 AM

The next day goes by like a breeze. You spend almost all of it thinking about yesterday. Its still hasnt quite hit you yet. Even during English, you couldnt see her anymore, but you still left your phone out.

After school, you head to the clubroom as always.

However, there, you see a certain girl stirring a pot with a very distinct oar. The sticky note you wrote is stuck on her big pointed hat.

A) Ask her about witches and Iris
B) Just welcome back your clubmate
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05/04/19 2:34:11 AM

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05/04/19 2:35:14 AM

That's sad ;_;

I use Gameraven and you should too.
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05/04/19 2:28:38 PM

-The Admirable
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05/05/19 12:32:25 AM

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05/05/19 6:34:49 PM

A) Ask her about witches and Iris

Naomi!! you yell as you run in.

Hello, Lee, she says as she stops stirring and turns to you. I saw your nice little note and decided to stop by for once. She looks to the side in hesitation. ...Im also here to apologize.

No need to apologize! Im sure you have your reasons for being absent from the club for a while!

She sighs with a slight smile. Yes, I suppose I should apologize for that, too. But I mean to apologize for causing you great unhappiness.

You tilt your head. When did that happen?

Are...are you not unhappy? she asks with a raised eyebrow. That cupcake I gave you before, did it not work?

What are you talking about? It definitely worked!

She blinks. It--it did?

Yeah! Well, kind of. It wasnt instant. But I made my first friend!

Her mouth opens in surprise. Are you saying that...youre actually happy? You dont hate me?

Why would I hate you? Its thanks to you that I finally made a friend! Of course Id be happy!--

A teardrop slides down your cheek. I made a friend, so I should be happier, right? More tears are building up in the corner of your eyes. Im sorry, I think Im missing another social cue again

She purses her lips, then walks to you as she hides her face behind the brim of her hat. Lee, she begins, taking out a handkerchief and wiping your eyes, that cupcake definitely didnt work. I cursed you, Lee. Thats just what witches are fated to do. She squeezes the handkerchief. ...Im sorry.

You blink a bit, stopping your tears. Youre...a real witch? Like, not a sandwich but a magical witch?

She chuckles. Food is the only thing on your mind in this room, isnt it? But, yes Lee... She walks back over to the pot, only for it to emit a loud screeching as a horned being emerges from it.

Without missing a beat, she twirls her oar and smacks it back into the pot. Im a real, magical witch. But really, theres nothing magical about us. My entire bloodline is condemned to give nothing but curses. No matter what sort of sorcery I attempt, it can never turn out benevolent.

She stands up her oar, leaning on it. Im desperately trying to fight this fate of mine, Lee. I thought something would be different if I tried my hand on a pure person such as you. Her hands tighten. Instead, you paid the price for my misguided optimism. Im so sorry.

You put a hand on your chin, processing everything she just said. So...youre saying was never my shampoo? It was just your cupcake that made everyone act weird?

Yes. Again, Im--

What about Iris? Did you do that too?


Your face brightens up as you think about her. Yeah, Iris! Shes the friend I was talking about! She said that she pissed off a witch when was younger, and now people act like she doesnt exist. Does that ring a bell?

She shakes her head. I would never curse someone in anger. She may have encountered one of my family members.

Oh, that makes it easy then! You can find out who it is and ask them to take off this curse thingy!

She returns to stirring. Im not exactly close with my family anymore. Plus, if any of us knew how to undo curses, I would do everything in my power to fix everyone weve cursed.

Your face droops down. Oh. Then that means...everyones still gonna be weird to me and Iris?

She pauses, then nods.

A) Help her find a cure, as clubmates
B) Let her do her own thing and continue normally
How to open a door, Step one:
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05/05/19 6:43:00 PM


We have to get Iris back!
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05/05/19 7:00:55 PM

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05/05/19 8:34:10 PM

-The Admirable
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05/06/19 8:50:58 AM

I use Gameraven and you should too.
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05/06/19 11:30:07 PM

Another long update incoming. Bringing it to the next page
How to open a door, Step one:
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