Current Events > CYOA: You are a normal person looking for normal friends

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05/16/19 3:06:24 AM

You slowly reach out your hand towards her.

--I still cant believe weve never talked even though we sit so close to each other! I mean, I guess youre a quiet, what are you doing?

You stop your hand midway. Oh. Uh, well--

Other students start to walk in. With reddened cheeks, you turn to face the front.

Class goes on like normal. Although, it looks like Leah chose to do the solo project instead of the pair project. Youre not really sure where she is in her project, but you make an effort for her anyway.

After class, as youre packing your things, Iris is already up and headed out the door. You scramble to follow her.

As she walks through the hallway, you really get to see how different she is.

Eyoo Cindy, love the new hair! she says to a girl while pointing finger guns at her.

A guy holding a skateboard approaches her. Oh shit, its the Irisaur! he says as they do a loud high-five. You down to skate later?

Naw, I got shit to do, but stay cool dude! she replies.

Another girl runs up to her. Oh my god, Iris, have you seen Jamies Snapchat story?

I sure did! I cant believe shes breaking up with Elijah! They were cute A-F together!

You eventually lose her in the crowd, but her barrage of greetings with people doesnt stop. Its like she knows the entire school. Getting a chance to talk to her alone isnt gonna be easy.

After school, you stop by the library to check on Meg to see if shes any different here.

And shes behind the counter as always, still keeping her robotic demeanor on. However, shes currently tending to a somewhat long line of students, so you decide not to disturb how.

But in the corner of your eye, you see a certain someone studying by himself at a table in the corner.

You run up to him with a very curious face. Excuse me, are you Drake?

He glances up from the papers he was writing on. Yeah, thats me. And no, just cuz Im a valedictorian candidate doesnt mean Ill write your semester essay for you.

Whoa, youre super smart here?

Compared to other places? Yeah, I guess so. Is this important? I kinda have a LOT of work to do.

You step back with a hand behind your neck. Oh! Sorry! I didnt mean to bother you! Good luck with your work, Drake!

If you knew you were being a bother, then you should have known better. And go take a shower sometime; you reek.

Oh...sorry, you say, quickly walking away in embarrassment. Shit, looks like the curse affects him in this world. Which is odd since he never minded it in your world.

You look back at the counter. Looks like the lines gone now.

A) Talk to Meg; ask about Drake and Iris
B) No time for that; move on to the next day and focus on Iris
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05/16/19 5:38:45 AM

I use Gameraven and you should too.
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05/16/19 6:58:53 AM

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05/16/19 7:44:26 AM

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05/16/19 7:57:40 AM

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05/16/19 6:58:04 PM

-The Admirable
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05/17/19 7:19:49 PM

bump of procrastination
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05/18/19 4:07:33 PM

Very long update. Thanks for waiting.

A) Talk to Meg

Nothing to lose. Meg is pretty observant and smart; might as well see what shes like in this world.

You walk up to the counter, waving at her slightly. Uh, hello, you say awkwardly.

Hi. Do you, like, need something? she says while taking out a nail-file from her pocket, still keeping up her blank expression familiar from your world. Are you, like, also here to get a last-minute book for the book report thing?

Oh, uh, no, I was just, uh, wondering if you knew about that guy over there, you say as you point to Drake.

She raises an eyebrow of curiosity, which surprises you a bit as youve never seen her move her face much. Oh, the cutie over there? Yeah, he, like, comes here every time after school to do nerd stuff. She leans over the counter closer to you. I heard hes, like, the principals kid. Makes sense why hes studying so hard.

Wait, he is? How do you know?

She wags her nail file around. I see, like, lots of things and hear lots of things. Like, I know a bit about everyone here. She points her file at a girl crying into a bean bag. Thats Jamie, head cheerleader. She just broke up with Elijah from varsity soccer cuz they catfished each other and thought they were both cheating.

She then points to a random guy hiding his face behind a large book. Thats Marlo. He seems quiet but dont be fooled; hes hacked the school wifi to get past the filters and is probably watching some, like, raunchy furry stuff behind that book. I hear hell let you in on the details for a price.

You open your mouth in awe. Wow. Does everyone come in to the library to tell you this stuff?

She puts the file up to her ear. Nah, lets just say I have, like, really really good ears and eyes.

You look up in thought. Would you happen to know about someone named Iris?

Iris is a pretty common name. Do you mean, like, the super popular Iris?

You nod.

She taps her file against her chin. Gosh, like, where do I start? Shes like, the coolest person in this school. Like, everyone knows her. I dont think Ive even heard about any haters. Why you askin? Are you, like, one of her admirers?

You redden a bit. Oh, no, Im just, uh, a friend of hers. We played video games together.

She raises an eyebrow again. She plays video games? First Ive heard of that.

You look confused. Doesdoes she not? I thought the two things she really loves are video games and manga.

She chuckles. No way, Id, like, have seen her here all the time if she was like that. Maybe were, like, talking about a different Iris? Cool kids like her dont usually have time for nerd stuff, yknow.

Isnt that shallow to say? Does popularity really affect your hobbies?

She wags her file again. Its not shallow, its logical. If people hang around nerds, they do nerd stuff together. If basic people hang together, they do basic stuff together. And, like, I havent seen Iris hang around nerds. She taps her file on the counter. Oh, dont get her wrong though, I dont think she hates nerd stuff. Im pretty sure its just that nerds dont really talk to her.

Her phone vibrates. Oh, like, I gotta go. Ill see you around...Leahs twin brother.

You head back to the parking lot. There, you see Naomi sitting in her car, watching people. You walk over and wave at her, entering the shotgun seat.

So? How do you like this world? she asks while still watching people.

I, um, dont really know what to say? People here are just...really different, I guess.
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05/18/19 4:08:31 PM

She blows on her bangs. Id say that its your world thats different. Here, everyone is...normal. I think thats the best word I can use. Everyone here is REALLY bound by things they should say, things they should do...things not to say or do. She glances at you. Social cues. It makes everything so...boring. At least, that seems to be what a part of me was thinking.

Boring? If anything, its making things really hard for me. I couldnt really get close to anyone today.

She ruffles your hair. Dont forget; youve made friends BECAUSE you didnt care about social cues. Why stop now? She starts up the car. Lets just go home to my place for now. You can clear up your head in the shower.

Next day. English class, just right after lunch. You arrive earlier than everyone as usual.

And just like yesterday, Iris arrives just after you, being waved goodbye by her huge group of friends.

She walks up to her seat and waves at you as she sits down. Heyoo! Early again, huh?

You stare at her, sweating a bit from overthinking. Do you respond to her small talk? How can you possibly have contact with her with stupid small talk?

Fuck the social cues. You lean towards her with a serious face on. Um! Can I touch your hand?

Okay, not like THAT.

For a brief moment, she stares at you with great confusion, and then a small spark lights from her eyes.

She bursts into laughter in that moment. Pfft, Im sorry, that just came outta nowhere. It kinda reminds me of someone for some reason. She giggles from the residual laughter. Yknow, normally, people would be hella creeped out by that.

Your face turns red as you turn away from her. I, um, well, I really have no idea what Im trying to say. Im sorry.

Well, I said normally. But I get your vibes here. Youre trying to ask me out, right?

Steam blows from your ears. What?!

Well, you really wanted to hold my hand, right. Thats what couples do, aint it? she says as she leans closer to you.

In your mind, you can see Drake giving you a thumbs up.

But also in your mind, everything is on fire.

You slide down your seat in embarrassment. Im sorry.

Dont be sorry! Im flattered, honestly! Youre actually the first to try. Do you wanna, how about the mall down the block, after school?

Youre too fixated on your fuck-up, so you nod without even thinking about it.

Great! she says as other students start walking in. Ill be seeing you around the front of the mall then, Leah!

You nod again.

In fact, you pretty much stay dazed for the rest of class.

The moment the bell rings, you snap out of it.

You glance at Iris with a hint of panic.

She walks out the door, glancing back at you with a wink.

After school. You run to the library and slam your hands on the counter, frantically staring at Meg. Help. I accidentally asked Iris out on a date and I figured since youre dating someone that youd know what to do--

Whoa whoa whoa, like, back up. Youre like, dating THE Iris?! She does a double take. And Im dating someone?!

Well, Im about to date her I think! And, arent you with, wait, fuck, nevermind. You make your way out. Advice cancelled, have a good day--

She grabs your arm to stop you, which triggers a spark to run through her hand. Hold up, Lee. I could still like, totally help you out! She raises an eyebrow as she lets go of you. I dont know how I knew your name.

You look at her with curiosity.

She shakes her head a bit. Look, anyway, Ive read Twilight, okay? If you wanna date someone, all you gotta do is, like, be shirtless around her!

Uh, Im pretty sure that is something you DONT do in general--
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05/18/19 4:09:23 PM

Somebody clears their throat behind you. Turning around, you see Drake looming over you with a glare. Im tryna check out a book. You done yet?

You stammer a bit in shame. Oh, my bad, I didnt mean to, uh, Ill just, get out of your--

Your hand accidentally brushes against his arm as you try to move past him, which sets off a spark and causes him to clutch his head like hes having a major headache.

This would be your cue to leave. Which, this time, you take.

You get out of Naomis car, arriving at the front doors of the mall. She was nice enough to drive you here, but mostly amused at how you accidentally let this happen.

As she drives off, Iris walks up from the sidewalk. Wow, you got here early, she says as she waves at you. Excited?

You sweat a bit. I, uh, should probably let you know, I have no idea what Im doing.

She walks up to the doors, gesturing for you to follow. I dont either. Look at that, were already bonding! She holds the door open for you. After you, mlady.

Stiffly walking through and reaching the second set of doors inside, you mirror her and try to open one as well, except you didnt read the pull sign and try to push it open like a fool.

She laughs as she opens the second door for you. I didnt see anything.

You chuckle awkwardly as you go on through. She walks up to your side, looking around at the different shops with mild curiosity.

As shes looking away, your eyes are fixated on her hand dangling at her side. You slowly reach for it--

Oh hey, they got smoothies over there! she says as she moves her hand away to point at a shop. You feeling up for some?

Your hand slides to the back of your head like you were trying to scratch it. Oh, uh, yeah, sure!

While the two of you walk over to it, you try to reach for her hand again--

Two small smoothies please! she says as she raises her hand and puts up two fingers. Itll be vanilla for me, and...what did you want, Leah?

You try to swerve your hand back to your head, but end up slapping yourself. A hand--hango. Mango. Yes.

The cashier chuckles and rings it up on the register.

You instinctively reach into your pockets to pay, but remember that you havent been able to refill your allowance since youre stuck here.

Luckily, Iris also went for her wallet at the same time. No worries, I got us. Why dontcha find a seat for us? she says as she looks over to the benches lined up against a wide fountain.

You nod and run over to one, jumping right into it. As you sit there, you nervously kick your legs around. This is all going terribly.

She walks over with a smile as she holds the two drinks in her hands. Here you go! Dunno what they wrote on your cup, though.

You grab it and read the words Ooh geddit slightly washed off by the water droplets around the cup. Your face reddens. Haha, Im sure its something nice?

She takes a sip of hers. Hm! Thats a positive way to think. I like that!--

Her phone vibrates. She takes it out and groans upon reading it. Ugh, sorry, gotta text my mom.

You tilt your head. Is something wrong with you and your mom?

Nah, shes just being annoying as usual.

Do you, um, not like your mom?

She sighs. I mean, shes my mom so its not like I HATE hate her. But its just such a pain dealing with her sometimes. Always worrying that Im out late or hanging outside too much, like just let me live, damn, she says as she sets down her drink in between you two and starts tapping away on her phone.

You sip and stare at her, wondering how she could be so drastically different about her mom in this world. But, that just means she cares about you, right? you say as you also set your drink down next to hers.
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05/18/19 4:10:02 PM

"Yeah yeah, I guess. Wish shed care normally without being so annoying. She says as she goes to grab her drink, but you also happen to reach for it at the same time without realizing it.

Your hands graze, setting off a strong spark.

She quickly brings her hand to her head. Ooh...brain freeze

Are you okay?

Yeah, no worries. Cmon, lets keep walking around! she says as she gets up with renewed vigor.

The two of you spend the rest of the hour hopping between different shops, ranging from regular shoe shops to novelty sock shops. Shed occasionally direct your attention to cute or funny shirts. Youd also do the same, but theyd be less cute or funny. Nevertheless, she enjoys your efforts. Shed run into a few people from school, which really makes you wonder how she got so popular.

Throughout the date, you forget about the formalities and start relaxing more, even forgetting about trying to save her. Every time she laughs, youd be reminded of the times you played and read together. It somehow makes you miss her more even though shes right here with you.

And then the two of you stumble upon a particular store. Through the window, you can see video games and consoles being showcased in a rather flashy manner.

Looking at it makes you feel kind of nostalgic. Did you wanna check it out? you ask.

She slowly looks to the side. No, I dont really play that stuff Her eyes land on the sight of something familiar to her, which triggers another spark. ...Actually, yeah, sure.

The two of you walk up to the Nintendo section, where a demo Switch is stationed. Right now, its currently showcasing Smash.

You take the joycons and hand her one. Hope youre a fast learner, you say, echoing the very words she said to you when you first played with her.

Wait, what?! But I never played this The moment she grabs the joycon, another spark sets off in her eyes. ...but all you gotta do is knock the other person off the screen, right?

You look at her with a bit of surprise. Yeah! Are you sure youve never played this before? you ask as you select your character.

She selects hers. As the sound effects ring out, another spark sets off by her ears. Nope. But yknow, it kinda feels like I have.

The first round begins...and ends as fast as it starts. You kick her ass like you were playing against a much younger sibling.

The very moment she gets knocked out, a stronger spark sets off from her eyes. That was a fluke, she says with a pout familiar to you.

Another round. You win again, but not as easily. Another spark flies out from her eyes. Argh! Cmon, again!

Another round. And another. With each round, more sparks get set off, and each round she gets better and better.

But more meaningful to you is that shes getting more and more expressive. Her face is showing a drama theatres worth of emotions; triumphant, dejected, frustrated...This is what youve missed this whole time. In this world, all youve seen from her is a mask of a smile conjured from the constraints of social cues.

Yet here, none of that matters. The only thing here is you, her, and a drive to win from both of you.

GAME! the games announcer shouts as Iris nets her first victory. Sparks jolt through her entire body.

She turns to you with lit-up eyes as the sparks die down. Did you see that, Lee?! I finally kicked your ass! she says, jumping up and down. But then, she stops her victory dance and looks at you with some confusion. Sorry, I dont know why I called out someone elses name.

You give her a resigned smile and put the joycon back. Its okay. Did you wanna keep walking around the mall?

She meekly returns the joycon as well and nods.

The two of you continue your stroll. Iris stays rather silent for the rest of this time as she clutches onto her head.
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05/18/19 4:10:45 PM

She spots a certain girl. Oh, hey Jamie! she says with a wave

Jamie doesnt even acknowledge her as she keeps walking by.

Iriss hand lowers in dejection. Must be having a bad day. She spots another classmate. Ayoo Josh!

Josh also walks by, ignoring her.

Her brow tenses up as she looks at her hands. Whats going on?

Your eyes widen as you see a painfully familiar sight; shes starting to fade away again.

She desperately runs up to a random passerby. Hello? she says, even waving in his face, but to no avail. Shed approach more people, but the result is all the same; she doesnt exist to anybody.

She falls on her knees, breathing heavily as she stares at her hands. Oh no...not again she says; tears forming on her eyes.

You try to run up to her, but stop in your tracks as Naomis words echo in your head: Are you prepared to undo that girls happiness?

Turns out, the answer is a very hard no. You have no idea what to say to her.

You feel a tap on your shoulder.

Its Naomi. I knew this would happen, she says with a sigh as she walks over to Iriss translucent body and offers a hand. Please get up. We must leave at once.

She turns to look at her, dazed. Are you...a witch?

If you have to ask, who knows. Just please, trust me.

She hesitates, but eventually gives in and takes her hand. Somehow, that triggers a spark, which makes her fade a bit more.

The three of you run out the mall and into her car.

Naomi starts it up and looks back at her. Lets just get you home, okay Iris? Can you guide me there?

She nods meekly.

Naomi revs up the car and starts moving. Lee, you have to get the cure immediately. It would seem that the paradox is contagious. I fear that the longer you stay here, the more this world is gonna be disrupted.

You sit in silence, worrying about so many things; fucking up this world, fucking up Iris, whatll happen when you get back

Eventually, you speak up. Naomi, did I really ruin your happiness?

She smiles at you from the rear-view mirror. I was certainly happy helping people. But you know what? Im much happier that were friends.

Naomi opens the passenger door to let Iris out.

She quickly runs up to the front door of her house and pounds on it.

It opens with her mom emerging from it. Yes?--

Iris embraces her tightly as her body shakes a bit, setting off sparks from both of them.

Her mom embraces back. Its gonna be okay, darling, she says as she guides her in. She looks back out the doorway and sees you two from the car. Are you friends of Iris? Would you two like to stay for dinner?

Naomi puts a hand up in rejection. I think you should go, Lee. Ill wait here in the car.
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05/18/19 4:11:03 PM

You nod and enter her house.

A few moments pass of you and Iris sitting together at the dinner table in silence. Her mom doesnt seem to be surprised at her translucency.

Iris speaks up. Hey you still have those Gameboys you got a few years ago?

She turns off the flame on the stove. Oh my, how nostalgic. I think I do still have them in my room, let me check. She then walks up the stairs to her room.

Shortly after, she returns with two GBA's. Its been a while since I've played these. Why the sudden interest, darling?

She takes one of them and looks at it with curiosity. I just felt like playing it.

She turns it on in unison with her mom. As the familiar start-up tune reverberates, a storm's worth of sparks jolt out from both of them.

Tears roll down her cheek as she lays her head against the screen. Mom...I dont wanna disappear again...I dont want people to think youre crazy again

Her mom embraces her gently. know I dont give a rats ass about what people think of me. If loving my daughter is a crazy thing to do, then let me be crazy.

As they hold each other, a flash of light blooms out from them. It eventually fades as a glowing blue orb descends upon your hands.

Just before you walk out the door, Iris hugs you from behind. Looking down, you can see her nearly-invisible arms around your chest.

Lee. I dunno whats going on, but thanks for the date, she says.

You put a hand on her arm. Iris...did I fuck up? Are you happy?

She tightens her hug. Im very happy. Im happy my mom is still on my side. And Im happy that we got to talk to each other again, even for a moment. Being cursed with popularity was fun and all, but honestly? Being cursed with games is way more fun.

She lets go of you and waves you goodbye as you walk back to the car.

You look back to her and yell out, Iris! Are we still friends after all?

She giggles. I told you my name, didnt I?

With that, she closes the door.

You get into the car and hold out the blue orb.

Naomi stares at it curiously. You did it. Impressive. Ready to head back?

Next day. After school. Naomi says that preparations for sending you back will take a while and shell be too busy to take you home. Youll have to figure out what to do after school for now.

A) Hang out in the library (Meg & Drakes arc 2)
B) Hang out somewhere else and lay low
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05/18/19 4:34:07 PM

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05/18/19 4:37:01 PM


so good
I use Gameraven and you should too.
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05/18/19 7:46:31 PM


Poor Iris. ;_;
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05/19/19 12:52:38 PM

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05/20/19 1:08:58 PM

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05/21/19 4:13:41 AM

-The Admirable
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05/21/19 8:47:35 AM

A) Hang out in the library (Meg & Drakes arc 2)

You decide to go to the library and read to pass the time. Upon entering, Meg waves at you. You wave back and walk over to the manga section, grabbing a volume of Naruto and going up to the counter to check it out.

As you bring it over, you realize that all the words are backwards. Shit. Oh well, here's hoping the pictures carry the story.

The moment Meg sees the book you're checking out, sparks flash on her eyes for a moment. Sup, Lee. Like, better make sure you actually return this on time, this time! She blinks. This time? I don't have any records of your borrows in my memory banks...wait, memory banks? Like, I'm so sorry if I'm sounding weird right now, Lee.

You take the book once she finishes scanning it. I don't think you're weird at all!

She shifts her gaze to the side. Well, like, I've been feeling so weird in general. I can't even focus on rumors because of these feelings. She points to a certain guy in the corner. Like, that guy over there? Drake? Hes like, been on my mind since yesterday and like, I can't stop thinking about him.

Oh man, shes totally remembering her feelings for Drake from the other world. You look down as you somewhat get hesitant about fucking up this world further.

She looks at you with desperate eyes. Like, what do I do, Lee? Twilight didnt teach me anything about these feelings!

You look back at her with a strong desire to help. You just cant leave these two alone after all. Okay, uh, well, have you tried to, uh, talk to him?

She starts to redden. Error. She smacks herself. I mean, uh, like, you want me to just...go up to him? While hes, like, busy? And TALK????

You nod at her with glee. Yeah! ...Is that something youre not supposed to do?

She stares at him again.

He takes a quick glance back, surprisingly.

She looks back at you with a big O on her mouth. I think thats like, a sign!

Heck yeah! You got this!

She takes a deep breath and walks over to Drake, who looks up from his book to look at her.

Panic. I didnt think this through, she says as she twiddles her thumbs. Yo. Is that a mirror in your Tennessee?

A spark jolts from his chest. Uh, what?

She cant bear to look him in the eyes. Because, uh, youre the only pants I see. She quickly darts back to the counter covering her face and groaning. Hhhhh, like, I cant do this, Lee!

You give her a thumbs up. Hey, Id say thats progress! Here, can I see your phone?

With a raised brow, she hands it to you.

You tap it a few times. Here, see this WikiHow page? It says to keep trying! ...I think. Its kinda hard for me to read anything here right now.

The bell rings.

I need to recharge, she says as she packs things up from her bag. Er, like, I meant I need a nap. But like, thanks for supporting me, Lee.

You sigh as you wander around the second floor thinking about where to stay until Naomis ready. The moment you reach the balcony, you see a familiar person staring longingly at the sunset. Well, mostly you see the sunset through her.

She turns to look at you with surprise. Oh, heya Lee! Didnt think youd still be here. Dont feel like going home yet like everyone else?

You put a hand behind your neck. Well, I dont really have a home right now.

She looks up in thought for a bit, then looks at you with epiphany. Oh right! You took Leahs place but youre not quite her, so itd probably wouldnt work out to stay at her house, huh? And Im guessing your current crib is now unavailable, too?

You lean over the railing, which gives you a bit of nostalgia. Wow, yeah, pretty much. Youre really smart.
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05/21/19 8:49:14 AM

She smiles. I missed that straightforwardness of yours. If you want, maybe you can stay at my place for now?

You hunch over in a bit of embarrassment. I dont know, I feel like Id be imposing--

Dont worry. In the great words of my mom, she wouldnt give a rats ass, she says, followed by her phone vibrating. Speaking of her, looks like shes outside to pick me up. You coming along?

You mull it over for a bit, but decide to accept her offer.

Days pass. Naomi says that this is taking longer than expected since shes struggling to figure out a missing ingredient.

You visit the library regularly, initially to read but also to help out Meg, who you constantly hype up so she could have the confidence to talk to Drake. Ironically, in this mirror world, youre seeing the tables turned here, with an apathetic Drake and a persistent Meg.

More and more sparks jolt out with each of their interactions.

And then, one day.

You stop by the library as usual to talk to Meg, only to see a peculiar girl inspecting Megs arm.

By instinct, you wave at her with a smile. Hello! Are you Megs friend?

She lets go of Meg and extends her hand for a handshake. Perhaps a little more than that, yes. Im Alpha--aaa, er, Allie. I heard Meg was malfun...malnourished! Yes.

You shake her hand while looking at Meg with worry. Oh no, is that true? Are you okay, Meg? you say as sparks jolt between your hands.

She immediately legs go and raises an eyebrow, then taps on Megs shoulder. Well, are you okay?

Meg immediately jumps. Wha?! Hi, do you need to book a check?! She aggressively shakes her head. Oh. Creator.

Allie gestures with a shaking hand on her neck while shaking her head.

Meg immediately catches on. Creator of, uh, like, good things! I totes meant. Yeah. Lee, hi, sup? Dont worry about me, I am all good in the hood! she says as she pats your shoulder awkwardly, which releases more sparks.

Allie gazes curiously at the sight of those sparks. Oh my. I think my short visit just got extended by something far more...interesting. Meg, I can cover your duties for you occasionally, if youd like. You and Lee can go have fun.

She jumps again. Do you like, mean it, Cr...Allie?! She quickly hops over the counter and grabs a copy of Twilight from the shelves. Alright, Lee. I got my bible. Im ready for todays battle, she says with a determined look.

The rest of that day, as one would expect, did not go very well. Drake still refuses to humor Megs invitation for conversation as he rigorously focuses on studying. Still, sparks do fly. And as they do, Allie squints her eyes with skepticism.

That night, Iris invites you to play a casual game with her on her Switch, which apparently her mom curiously got around the same time she got it in the other world.

She sticks a bit of her tongue out as she pushes some buttons. So, heres my idea for Nintendo. What if we could use the joycons as lightsabers? Wouldnt that be rad?!

You mildly smile while sluggishly pushing the buttons. Oh, yeah, I guess.

She nudges you. Whats wrong?

Well, I have a friend whos trying to get with someone. But I dont think Im doing a good job helping her since nothings happening between them.

She giggles. No duh. Relationships dont just happen in the blink of an eye. Its not like you could just walk up to someone and say hey, wanna date?

You stare at the screen with a hint of an epiphany. Oh my god, I cant believe I forgot that.

You want me to just like, go up to him and ask for a date?! Meg says as she slams her hands on the counter, even glancing at Allie for affirmation.

Allie just shrugs.

Yeah! you say with confident glee. Trust me, Ive seen it work before.
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05/21/19 8:50:24 AM

She sighs. Okay, fine. Ill like, trust you, Lee.

With the stiff movements of a robot, she walks over to Drake like she was about to get executed or something. With a gulp, words flow out of her mouth: "Hi. Want, uh, like, date?

The bystanders in the library gasp.

He looks up in confusion. Todays Tuesday--

Suddenly, a surge of sparks run through his head, causing him to put a hand on it. ...Meg?

She jumps. Hi, yes, this is Meg. Like, so, is that a yes?

He groans. Hmmmg...for some reason, I really wanna bite your neck

The bystanders gasp even louder.

Meg immediately reddens to hell as she runs back to the counter, hyperventilating a bit. She then leans up and whispers to you, Like like like, what the FUCK was that, Lee?! That sounded really fucking HOT--oh my god Im so sorry Cre--Allie I didnt mean to swear and besmirch your name--

She smacks her in the back. Cool your jets. My my. I think youve been reading too much of thisTwilight.

Drake rubs his head a bit more, then briskly packs up and walks out while groaning more.

Allie glares at him and mumbles to herself, How odd...vampires shouldnt exist in a mirror

You couldnt really make out what she was saying though, as youre more focused on calming Megs breathing.

The next day.

You and Meg are sitting at a table, this time taking a break from your usual shenanigans. Luckily, Allie is still manning the counter for Meg, so she doesnt have to worry about that.

Suddenly, a tall woman with an imposing demeanor marches through the doors and stomps towards Drake.

He looks up with a bit of sweat forming. Uh, yo. Whats up, mom?

Mom?! Dont you mean mother?! she yells as she puts her hands to her hips. I wanted to save this for when we got home, but this is just far too urgent, she says as she slams a piece of paper on his desk. This B- is unacceptable. Youve been slacking, havent you?! Are you associating with friends? Havent I told you that you dont need friends?!

Drake stares at the floor sheepishly. ...Sorry, mom.

She pinches the bridge of her nose. Just...dont let this happen for Fridays test.

With that, she storms out of the library.

You and Meg look at each other with surprise and worry.

Like, I definitely dont think itll be a good idea to talk to him today after that, she says.

Next day. Thursday.

Meg hovers around Drake. Concern. Are you okay, Drake?

He leans in closer to his book. Bro, like, please dont talk to me for now. In fact just dont talk to me again.

You walk over, carrying the same worry you had from yesterday. Hey. Sorry to barge, but do you remember me?

He scratches his head. Fuck dude, I dont but at the same time I do. Its been eating me up this past week! He slams his book shut. Youre both distracting me! I gotta study!--

Allie shushes him from the counter.

He sighs. I cant be distracted no more, dudes. I dont even know why Im adding the word dudes to everything I say. Its like Im not even myself these days.

Your eyebrows droop. Do you have to study because of your mom?

He grips his pencil tightly. Everything I do is because of her. Shes my mom AND the principal. I cant make her look bad.

Yeah, but, you cant let her talk to you like that! you say. Its just not how a mom talks to her kid!

As you say that, sparks run around his mouth.

She glances at Allie, then to the floor. Yeah like, I think you should stand up to her. Its CUZ shes your mom that you gotta like, demand respect.

His hand shakes. Eventually, he just packs up aggressively and gets up. I gotta go. Sorry dudes, he says as he storms off.
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05/21/19 8:51:22 AM

As he said those words, you saw a glance of sharp fangs on his teeth.

Friday. Judgment day.

Drake buries his head against the textbook in anguish.

You and Meg walk up to him. Drake? Is everything okay? you say as you put a hand on his shoulder.

The moment you touch it, sparks run through his head.

He immediately jolts his face up from the textbook and looks at you frantically. ...Allies? No wait...friends?

He rubs his head again. Fuck, theres so much going on in my head right now. I just need to--

Suddenly, his mom barges in once again, firmly grasping at a piece of paper, as well as a very angry face.

The two of you step back as she comes up and slams it in front of Drake. Its full of red pen marks.

Explain, she says sternly. You know what, I dont even wanna hear it. This is just a goddamn disgrace.

With gritted teeth, he gets up and runs out, bumping into his mom and letting sparks jolt through her.

You and Meg run after him, with you brushing against his mom and causing even more sparks.

But one particular thing falls out from Meg as she runs past: a glowing, white feather. The moment his mom sees this, a huge burst of sparks jolts through her. She grits her teeth, revealing her fangs.

Upon seeing them, Allie sighs and closes her eyes, revealing glowing red ones upon opening them again. Hes no good after all she mumbles.

You find Drake catching his breath in the middle of the empty courtyard.

Before you could take another step, he looks back at you with bared fangs. Lee. Meg. Bros. Im hella sorry you had to see me like this. I look fugly as hell right now, dont I?--

Meg balls up her hand into a fist. Like, dont say that! Theres nothing wrong with you, okay? No matter what your mom says!

He glares at her. Theres so much wrong with me, dudes! Theres so much wrong and its marked in red, on those fucking papers! Its marked in red, in the blood bags I drank every lunch! His face changes from anger to melancholy. ...Its marked in red, in your own eyes when you first discovered who I was, Meg.

She couldnt say anything back.

Suddenly, you all hear very angry footsteps. In the distance, the silhouette of somewhat with large bat-wings approaches.

Its none other than Drakes mom. She slowly walks towards you, glaring at you and Meg. Drake. Not only have you failed to keep up your grades, you purposely associated with an Angel. I told you, havent I?!

She tenses up her hand, baring a sharp set of claws. Angels and those who associate with them are the natural enemy of Demons. As the leader of all Demons, I can say from experience that that is how things are.

Suddenly again, someone else approaches from the other side, spreading out 6 large white wings. Its Allie.

She points her palm specifically at you and Drake. Omega. You intentionally associate with a Demon behind my back AND allow this anomaly to corrupt you and this world?

Her palm starts glowing white. Demons and those who associate with them must be eradicated. Those are your directives. I command you, as both your creator and as the leader of all Angels, to heed my words.

Your eyes dart to Drakes mom, then back to Allie. Sweat starts forming around you heavily, just as heavy as your breathing becomes. You never thought youd ever feel as threatened as you are now. You duck and cover your head with your arms.

Allies hand readies up a shot of energy, in unison with Drakes mom charging forward as she winds up her claws--

A pair of white wings envelop you together with a pair of black wings, as well as 2 pairs of arms; Drake and Meg embrace you from both sides to protect you.

He glares at his mother, just as she glares at her creator.
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05/21/19 8:52:07 AM

His mom stops in her tracks, just as Allie puts down her hand.

Suddenly, a large volume of sparks blare out from everyone, except for Allie.

His mom blinks a few times, then retracts her wings and claws with a tired sigh. Just...please pass Mondays test. I dont care anymore how you do it. She looks back to glare at Allie. Hey, bitchface. Nobodys manning the library right now. Fix that, she says as she walks off.

Dont tell me what to do, asshag, she replies. With a glance at the three of you, she also lets out a tired sigh and starts heading back. Lee. If Omega thinks you are worth sparing, then I shall respect that for now. But heed my warning; return to your world, and stop associating with the abnormal.

With that, she vanishes back to the library.

After a long pause, Meg and Drake fall on their knees, crying.

Fuck dude, I never went against my mom before!! That shit was so fucking scary!! he says through muffled sobbing.

Like, I never went against my creator before either!! I thought we were all gonna die!!

You revel in their warmth. Ive never been hugged this tightly before. Im glad to have friends like you guys.

They cry even harder as they embrace you tighter. Im glad were friends too, Lee!!! they cry out in unison.

Everything flashes a bright white light, revealing two more orbs before you; one red for Drake, and one yellow for Meg.

Oh dear, a familiar voice calls out. She clears out her throat. Im interrupting something important here, arent I? Naomi says as she approaches from the side.

Drake and Meg let go of you as they look at Naomi curiously.

She tips her wizard hat at them. Dont worry about me. Im just another friend of Lee. She looks back at you with a serious face. Lets go. I figured out how to send you back, she says as she grabs your arm and drags you towards the womens bathroom where you first emerged.

She checks inside and confirms its empty, then shoves you in.

You look at yourself in the mirror, noting the bags on your eyes and seeing just how tired you are. Gosh, how long have I been here?

She takes out a peculiar orangeish cube and rubs it on her oar. Too long. Though I must say, I think everyone involved thoroughly enjoyed your company.

I enjoyed it too! I wonder if Leah will return here and get to talk to everyone as their sparked-up selves?

She sighs. Theyre paradoxes, Lee. It is my fault for letting this curse get bad enough to send you here and corrupt everything. Ill have to fix everything, and when I do, sad to say but that girl Leah must start from square one.

You look down sheepishly. Oh.

Her oar starts to glow orange. Can you believe the secret ingredient was pineapples? I personally am appalled at how useful it is. She twirls her oar and winds up a swing. So, any parting words?

You stare at the mirror in thought. When I lived at your small apartment for a bit, there wasnt anyone that ever came home, right? What happened to your parents?

She looks to the side with bitterness. If you have to ask, who knows.

With that, she smacks your head against the mirror, knocking you out.

You awaken to someones warmth on your face as someone repeatedly calls out your name. Lee. Lee! she says.

Your vision slowly returns to clarity, with Leah holding your face and calling your name.

She immediately embraces you the moment you stir. Oh thank god youre alive! She helps you up to your feet and walks you out of the restroom.

As you exit the door into the hallway, you see Naomi, Meg, and Drake looking at you with worry.

Hes finally back, Naomi! Leah says with a big grin. I guess you were right! All we had to do was wait for him here every lunch!--
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05/21/19 8:53:20 AM

Drake and Naomi jump on you with a tight hug.

Fuck dude, I thought you were a goner! Drake yells.

I was far too worried, my dear clubmate, Naomi says weakly.

Suddenly, the orbs you gathered from the other world emerge from within you and fly out to everyone here.

The white one hits Naomi first. She blinks a bit, then stares at you with widened eyes. ...I let you live with me?!

The yellow and red ones hit Meg and Drake at the same time.

Meg shakes her head. ...Distress. Exerting critical panic over defying my creator. Like, bigtime. Hm. Speech module seems to be, like, corrupted.

Drake smacks himself. Oh fuck, I fought my mom?! And I was a nerd?!

The last orb--the blue one--flies surprisingly close by. In fact, it flies just right against the wall.

Iris slowly starts to show herself.

Your eyes widen in disbelief. You didnt think it would actually work, but all your efforts paid off.

She looks at her hands with equal disbelief. I...I can be seen again? ...We lived together?! ...WE WENT ON A DATE?! A bead of tear forms in the corner of her eyes. ...I talked to my Mom physically?

Everyone else besides Naomi look at her with surprise. Whos that? Leah asks.

You walk up to her and open your arms for a hug. She accepts your offer with fervor.

My first friend, Iris, you say. Were you just there the whole time?

She lets go of you and plays with her hair. I...overheard that you went missing. I just had to make sure you were safe. She looks to the side with melancholy. Sorry I didnt try contacting you or something, even with your phone out for me all the time. I think the curse just got worse to the point where I couldnt even do that anymore.

You jump in excitement. Well, you dont have to worry about the curse anymore! Ive been trying so long to help you and now its just--I cant believe I can see you again normally!

She looks at her hand again. Yeah, I cant believe it either. What about your curse? Is it gone too?

You look at Naomi.

She shakes her head slowly.

Suddenly, the glitches start to happen to Leah again. Except this time, instead of static, she starts to fade in and out. Whoa, whats happening?!

You run up to her and grab her shoulders. Leah! Are you going back to your world?

No...shes being erased from existence, says Naomi as she covers her face with her hat. The mirror world has not been fixed of the paradoxes yet. Its too unstable to accept Leah back. If she has nowhere to go...then nowhere she shall be.

Leahs pupils shrink. You mean...Im basically gonna die?!

Naomi doesnt say anything further.

Just then, the sound of slow clapping echoes through the hallway.

A certain girl approaches.

Meg salutes her.

My my, you really screwed up, havent you humans? says Allie as she keeps clapping slowly. Lee, I warned you not to get involved with the abnormal. It seems I will have to force that, else we risk any more imbalances across worlds.

She readies her hands for one more clap. You should have just been a normal person looking for normal friends.

With that, she claps, and a great flash of white engulfs your vision.


A) Begin the final ACT 3
B) Totally the end this time
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05/21/19 9:01:24 AM


Wow this is really getting heavy. >_> At least Iris is back to normal. But damn now Leah...
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05/21/19 9:45:50 AM

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05/21/19 10:54:31 AM


I use Gameraven and you should too.
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05/21/19 11:10:25 PM

-The Admirable
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05/22/19 1:07:46 AM

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05/23/19 1:11:49 AM

safety bump; currently writing the update
i didn't realize how close we are to the end though lmao; expect about 2-3 more choices
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05/23/19 1:42:13 AM

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05/23/19 5:04:48 AM


You are sitting the in corner of the lunch table, drinking BanApple by yourself, as usual.

...As usual? Was it always usual? Today, it feels lonelier than usual. You should be used to this already, but feels lonelier than usual.

No sign of Leah. No Drake.

The bell rings, which is your cue to go to English class.

You arrive to class earlier than everyone else, as usual.

...As usual? Shouldnt Iris be here before you?

Today, it feels quieter than usual.

After school. You swing by the club room. There, you see your clubmate stirring away on a boiling pot.

The moment you step in, she quickly jumps and taps her oar, causing everything to vanish. Clearing her throat, she turns around with the dull expression she wore from a long time ago. Yes? How may I help you?

You wave at her. Uh, hello Naomi. Are you all healed up from your wounds after all?

She tilts her head. Wounds? Yes, Ive recovered, but I dont remember anyone witnessing the moment I received them. Funny that you know my name, however. Have we been acquainted before?

Your hand freezes in the air. Uh, what are you talking about? Its me, Lee!

She looks up in thought. My apologies, I dont recall a Lee. Are you certain you are not mistaking me for someone else?

You look away, slowly backing out of the doorway. Maybe, uh, maybe youre right. Sorry, you say as you run out.

Today, it feels more suffocating than usual.

You run to the library, panting as you enter the doors.

Meg nods at you in acknowledgment, but this time with her former ice-cold glare rather than the slight, softened smile she usually flashes at you.

You walk up to the manga section and take a volume of Naruto to check out; this time its actually not backwards.

When you go to check it out, Meg responds...very normally. Please present your student ID, she says, even though she never had to ask you for it anymore past the first time you borrowed something from her.

With slightly droopy brows, you show it to her.

She squints at it. Lee. Please return this by the specified date.

Are you saying that because I was late before?

Were you? She walks to her computer and starts typing. So you were. Odd, as I would have kept a mental note of your lack of punctuality. Nevertheless, please keep the return date in mind.

All of that, still said with the stiffness of her robotic personality.

You nod in resignation and walk out.

Today doesnt feel like usual.

Today makes you want to throw this book on the ground. Today makes you want to run home. Today makes you want to bury your face into a pillow.

Today, you dont have a single friend.

Today, you went to school and drank some BanApple.

The End.

Oooh, is that Naruto? a voice says with enthusiasm from behind you.

Before you could turn to see who it is, she comes up beside you and grabs it out of your hand, flipping through the page.

My my, I was just about to check this chapter out, she says, with a very businesslike smile. I guess you beat me to it, huh Lee?

You look at her nervously; your hands slightly shaking. Allie, whats going on? Why does it seem like nobody knows me?

Her eyes close with glee. Thats easy! Because nobody knows you.

She holds out her hand, revealing a multi-colored orb. Everyones memories of you is right here.

You slowly reach out to it, but she yanks it away.
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05/23/19 5:05:18 AM

Tsk tsk. I took them away for a reason, Lee. This is the price that must be paid for everything to be fixed. Her business-smile warps to something angrier. After all, this was all your doing. You messed with the other world too much, which almost costed our world its stability, as well as your own counterparts existence.

She squeezes the orb, almost looking like shes going to break it, but then slowly calms down. Well, I shouldnt be too harsh on you. Strictly speaking, this is all technically the fault of the Mirror worlds Naomi. But then, I cant fault her too much for wishing to help others in extraordinary ways. She sighs. In the end, all of this stems from the flaws of humanity.

You look at your hands, still shaking a bit. So, youre saying...its like nothing ever happened? Like, this was a dream or something?

She nods. Yeah! But wasnt it such a lovely dream? After all, you were able to make lots of interesting friends, and even meet the other side of them!

The orb changes to white. You met a witch who simply wished to improve the lives of those around her, whether theyre paved with good or evil intentions.

It then changes to red. You met a vampire who might seem slow at first, but underneath that, is holding the weight of his mothers expectations.

Yellow. You met my lovely android agent; robotic on the surface but holds a lot of humanity in her. Yet still, one of us Angels.

Blue. You met an invisible girl who was somewhat content with being unnoticed, but also wished she could be seen and heard by everyone.

The orb changes to a reflective silver. And you met yourself. I really do wonder what it is you have thats stopping her from being happy. Is it perhaps luck?

She then hides the orb in her pocket and looks at you straight in the eye. And finally, you met me; a girl you should really listen to when she says that you should move on and stop dabbling with the abnormal.

Your hand ball up. I dont get it...youve been saying that a few times now, but I dont get why. I dont get why I have to lose my friends over it. I dont get why I have to feel like Im being punished for wanting to help my friends!

She sighs with pity and holds out the volume of Naruto. You know, I absolutely despise this book. Do you know why? Her brow tenses up. Because the main character believes in the unbreakable friendship between him and the main villain; that no matter what, theyll still be friends in the end.

She shoves it back in your hand aggressively. And I think thats complete and utter nonsense. True friendship is a fragile lie, ESPECIALLY amongst you normal humans and us abnormals.

20 years ago. In the very same school you attend.

Allie is laughing with her friends in the corner table of the cafeteria.

Are you guys sure youre not sisters or something? Am I the only one here thats genuinely curious if they are? her friend, Daisy, asks while sipping on a smoothie and flipping a page on her textbook.

Who gives a rats ass about that? You guys could be girlfriends for all I care. says another girl, Rana, while she returns her gaze to an old Gameboy Color.

Allie and yet another girl next to her look at each other, then laugh. Me and Lynn? No way! We dont even look alike! Were just best friends, alright? she says while also sipping on a smoothie.

Lynn leans in to steal a sip from Allies smoothie. Yeah, besides, if we were sisters, Im pretty sure shed kill me by now.

She yanks away the smoothie. Id kill you right now for stealing my drink you dork! she says jokingly.

They all laugh again. But then, Daisy nods at Allie and Rana with a somewhat serious expression.

Allies laughter slowly mellows out into an equally serious expression. Lynn, can we meet up after school? We have something we really wanna talk to you about.
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05/23/19 5:06:35 AM

Obliviously, Lynn nods with a smile. Sure thing!

After school. The home-economics room, also known as your clubroom.

Thanks for letting us relax in this room, Yumi, Allie says as she slouches into a chair, loosened up just as much as Daisy whos laying her head on the table, and Rana whos still playing games.

Maybe you can thank me by joining the cooking club yourself? Yumi says sarcastically while stirring a pot with a wooden spoon.

Just then, Lynn peeks her head through the doorway, knocking on the wall. Yoo hoo!

The rest of the girls at the table nod at each other and sit up straight. Rana puts away her Gameboy while Ruth stops stirring.

Lynn walks up with a bit of sweat forming. Whats uh, whats wrong guys? It feels really tense in here.

Allie gets up and looks at her with resolve. think of us as good friends, right?

She nods vigorously. Amazing friends!

You wouldnt judge us for how we look, would you?

She shakes her head vigorously. Never in my life! You guys are beautiful no matter what!

Another collective nod amongst the girls.

Allie takes a deep breath. The truth is

She spreads out her white Angel wings in unison with Daisy, who spreads out a large pair of bat wings.

Rana fades out a little while levitating; her legs phase through the table.

Yumi expands her spoon into a much larger size, with a pointed hat poofing unto her head out of thin air.

...that were not what you think we are. Since weve become such good friends, we thought that you should know this much about us.

Lynn looks visibly afraid as she covers her mouth with her trembling hands and starts backing away. Thats...not normalyou guys arent normal at all... she backs away even faster, hitting the back of her head against the wall. Please, dont hurt me!

Allie worriedly reaches her hand out. Lynn, were not--

She scrambles out the door, heavily breathing.

Allie runs out of the doorway, trying to go after her. Lynn!! Wait--

A scream rings out from behind her. She looks back, only for her eyes to widen at the fact that she forgot to hide her wings.

The other girls run out the room as well.

Allie! Is Lynn okay?-- Daisy asks, only to see the bystander fallen on the ground desperately trying to back away from them.

It doesnt help that another bystander just saw Rana phase through the wall to catch up to Allie.

The entire groups frozen. Frozen in fear. Frozen in regret.

More and more bystanders see them and react almost the same way; fear and panic.

Suddenly, an imposing figure with 6 wings emerges from the hallway, shaking her head as she glares at Allie with disappointment.

You revealed your identity to the humans AND youve befriended a Demon, the figure says to Allie with crossed arms as they fly up to the sky. Youve broken two rules of the Angels.

But mom! Daisy isnt bad at all! I dont care if shes a Demon, shes my friend!--

Absolutely not. Angels and Demons are destined to fight one another. That is simply how it is, she says sternly.

Why?! Why does it have to be like that?!--

Silence. This is just how things are.

Allie pouts and closes her eyes in frustrated silence. And then with a more somber tone she asks, ...Are things like that with humans and non-humans?

Her mom hesitates to answer, but eventually speaks up. Just as we are bounded by code, so are humans, both written and unspoken. You are well received if you conform, and heavily punished if you do not. She flaps her wings, releasing a large gust. Our wings, a Demons fangs...even a humans shortage of height or even a wide body; these mere things may just be appearance, but humans are brutal enough to condemn them.
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05/23/19 5:06:53 AM

And of course, she continues, theres the equally brutal social cues. Our way of life is not at all compatible with theirs. She looks back to her daughter with a stern but worried face. To them, we are abnormal, Alpha. I let you live there in hopes that such a thing wouldnt be a problem, but this was my blind optimism. Nothing good comes from letting abnormals and normals interact.

Allie tries to give a rebuttal, but cant find it in her to say a single word.

Her mom scoffs. Nothing to say about that? Of course not. Your friend abandoned you, after all. And THAT is just how things are.

Thats just how things are, Lee, Allie says to you. Ever since that day, everyone of us swore to a life of secrecy; that they would never ever reveal their uniqueness to anyone ever again. Daisy started thinking that nobody needs friends. Rana doesnt even remember how to use her powers anymore. And Yumis vanished under the radar even today.

Her hands start to tighten. Do you have any idea how suffocating it is to kill a part of yourself, just to try to fit in?

Of course you do. You practically lived with that description. But for some reason, you cant say a word back to her. You dont have the confidence to have your words reach her.

Her tense hands slowly calm down as she exhales. Sorry. Im projecting. Still, whats done is done. Or rather...whats done is undone. And I still firmly believe that interactions between normals and abnormals will only bring unhappiness...just like what has happened to this world and the mirror world.

You look to the ground, then to her with a serious face. I...I just cant accept this, Allie. Theres a reason I still read Naruto, and its because I DO believe in unbreakable friendships! It cant just end like this!

She gives you a mischievous grin. My my, is it stubbornness? Naivete? Stupidity? I didnt take their memories away to push a personal agenda, you know.

She exhales. But if youre really insistent on it, fine. I present you a choice: Are you willing to sacrifice your friends from the mirror world for the sake of continuing your friendships here? Are you really willing to kill Leah for that? Or are you willing to move on?

You look away. I cant just move on...I did so much to save Iris, and youre telling me to just forget it? To let her continue living like this? Fuck, what about Meg whos back to being cold and emotionless? What about Naomi whos sitting in that clubroom by herself again? What about Drake whos sitting in the bathroom resenting the idea of friends?

She wags her finger. Tsk. Arrogant, arent you? Dont forget, theyve lived just fine without your presence. Do you think they cant be happy without you?

No, that not what I

Ill ask you again, Lee. Will you return to that moment and kill Leah and everyone in the Mirror world? Or will you stay here and move on with your life, a life free of abnormals?

A) Stay
B) Return
C) Fight (Shoot for the true ending)
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05/23/19 5:38:24 AM

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05/23/19 9:05:06 AM

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05/23/19 10:23:19 AM

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05/23/19 11:33:41 AM

DrizztLink posted...

Fuck you Allie

I use Gameraven and you should too.
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05/24/19 1:15:57 PM

safety bump
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05/25/19 7:50:45 AM

Long ass update; we're in the endgame now lads

C) Fight!!! (Lees Arc)

You stare at her, determined for a moment, but then lose it as you look away again.

Allie leans closer to you. Hmm? Indecisive, arent you? She raises her hands, which start glowing. Perhaps this might help you decide

With that, she claps again, bursting out a flash of white.

You awaken to someones warmth on your face as someone repeatedly calls out your name. Lee. Lee! she says.

Your vision slowly returns to clarity, with Leah holding your face and calling your name. Immediately, youre overcome with relief.

She immediately embraces you the moment you stir. Oh thank god youre alive!

Its the same scene again. Even though youre smiling that Leahs right here again, anxiety washes over you.

She helps you up to your feet and walks you out of the restroom.

As you exit the door into the hallway, you see Naomi, Meg, and Drake looking at you with worry.

Hes finally back, Naomi! Leah says with a big grin. I guess you were right! All we had to do was wait for him here every lunch!--

Drake and Naomi jump on you with a tight hug.

Its happening all over again. Everyone embraces you. The orbs fly out. Iris becomes visible again.

Theyve only been gone from your life in a day, yet youre crying as though theyve been gone for an eternity, all as youre being held in their arms.

However...your worries are met with its source; Leah starts glitching out again, with her body slowly fading.

...You mean, Im basically gonna die?! Leah says with widened eyes.

Naomi doesnt say anything further.

The glitches get stronger. Suddenly, her legs burst with glitches, causing her to fall to her knees.

You quickly run up to her, catching her fall. Leah!! Leah, stay with me!!

Her breathing gets heavier and heavier. Lee...hhhh...I cant...hhh...feel a thing right now

You embrace her, crying into her shoulder. Its gonna be okay!! Its all bullshit, okay?! Youre gonna be fine!!!

With all of her remaining strength, she slowly brings her arms up. Even though theyre as heavy as a building to her right now, she still does her best to bring them up and embrace you back. Lee...everyone...hhh...thank you...for showing me...hhhhhwhat happiness looks like...

As she says her last words, she bursts into a firework of glitches. Your arms come together as the girl you were embracing vanishes into nothing.

Tears fall unto your arms. Partner

The rest of your friends stay silent, looking away from what just happened.

Then, Allie approaches once again with a clap.

Youre back in the hallway outside of the library, still on your knees and still having tears fall.

Allie crouches to meet your eyes. So? Did that help with your indecisiveness?--

Bring her back!! you say with a furious face as you punch the ground. Please

My my. I wish I could, Lee, but thats beyond my abilities. Her inexistence is caused by the will of the world correcting itself due to your disruptions. I may be powerful, but even I cannot defy it. I can only undo it. She stands up and crosses her arms. With that in mind, I ask you again--

Then take me back!! you scream, getting up as well. Bring me back to that moment! I can save her myself!!

Shes taken aback. You? A mere normal human? You think you can do what a God cannot?! She stomps her foot, which echoes loudly throughout the hallway. Your arrogance is commendable, Lee. Fine. Suffer again, she says as she claps once more." data-time="

You awaken to someones warmth on your face as someone repeatedly calls out your name.
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#193: Lee. Lee! she says.

Your vision slowly returns to clarity, with Leah holding your face and calling your name. Immediately, you jump unto her with a tight hug. Leah!!

Astonished at first, she hugs back. Whoa, Lee? Whats wrong? What happened in there?

You sob into her shoulder again. Leah...please...dont go

She rubs your back. Im not going anywhere, silly. After all, were--

Suddenly, the glitches strike again as you feel her body fading away.

Leah!! Were friends, right?!

Her embrace starts getting weaker.

Were friends, right?!!!! you ask again.

She pushes you away slightly, holding your shoulders. With a pained smile, she weakly nods.

And thus, the glitches take her away once again.

A clap rings out one more time.

Your vision returns to you.

Allie taps her foot. Had enough?

You wipe your face and get up. ...Take me back again.

She sighs. Nothings going to change, you know, she says, clapping again.

Your vision slowly returns to clarity, with Leah holding your face and calling your name. Immediately, you run up to her and grab her hand, then push it against the mirror.

Lee?? Whats going on??? she asks with visible confusion.

You hold it with both of your hands now. have to go back.

Go back? But we just reunited!--

Theres no time!!! you yell and grit your teeth. have to go back.

She looks at you with concern, then stares at the mirror. ...Okay.

She closes her eyes, thinking really hard and pushing her hand into the mirror with more force. ...I dont think its working, Lee. I dont really know how to--

You grab her shoulders desperately. Didnt you do something before?!

Fear covers her face. I--I dont know. I dont really know what I did...I just got really mad at the mirror.

Great! Try that again! you say as you let her go.

She hesitates for a moment, staring at her hand. She glances at your desperate face, then back at the mirror. With an exhale, she winds up a punch and throws it.

But before it could land, she collapses over the sink, awash with glitches.

You immediately tend to her. Leah!! Goddamnit no!!

She grits her teeth and tries to finish her punch.

With tears, you grab her wrist and help her finish the job.

...But its too late. She vanishes, leaving the side of your hand smashed against the broken mirror.

Holding your bleeding hand, you fall to your knees and scream; your agony echoes in unison with a clap.

Back once again. Your hand shakes, still fresh with the memory and the pain of what happened, even if it looks completely fine.

Allie crouches down and looks at you with worry. Lee. Please stop being stubborn. You cant save her--

I have to!! You sob and wipe your face. ...I have to. Shes my friend. I have to save her.

She lets out a long exhale. Okay. Have fun trying.

Youre back again, with her again. She walks you out again. You reunite with all of your friends again.

And you watch her vanish in your arms again.

And you cry again.

And youre back with Allie again.

And you beg her to try again. And she obliges again.

Even if she actually managed to punch the mirror again, she still vanishes again.

And again and again and again.

And again and again and again and again and again and again.


Youre back with Allie, collapsed and panting in exhaustion. Your eyes are red from all your crying. Your eyebags hold the weight of all the accumulated pain of watching Leah die over and over again.
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Youre overwhelmed by guilt. You did this. Your actions killed Leah. Youre a murderer. You murdered her.

Allie falls to her knees and embraces you. Lee...please stop this. Youre breaking apart.

Why you embrace her back. Why does it have to be like this?! Why do I have to pick between my friendships or Leahs life?!

Tears build up once again. Why do I have to pick between Iris living a normal life or Leah living a life?! Between Naomi being happy to actually use magic or Leah being able to breathe?! Between Drake and Meg feeling happy together or Leah feeling anything?!

Your embrace grows tighter. Why cant everyone be happy?!

She looks to the side, saying nothing.

...Fine, let Leah live. You push her back. But answer me this...Its all because I messed around in that mirror world, right? Why do you have to undo EVERYTHING even before that?!

She takes your hands off of her. Its not just that. It all started the moment she got sent to this world. In other words, the second day of school. I had to reset your interactions back to that. But, effectively, you could say that through Naomis goodwill, she gets killed. For that, I also cannot risk allowing Naomi to interact with you even if you met her on the first day.

You get up and glare at her. Fine! Ill just be friends with them again! Whats a little amnesia to an unbreakable friendship?!--

She glares back at you, somehow freezing up your body. Dont you dare. Your interactions with them has led to the death of somebody. No matter how much you promise it wont happen, I cannot risk it.

She closes her eyes, relieving you. Retaining your memories is mercy from me and the world. If you try to befriend them again, I will revoke that mercy.

You ball up your hands as you look to the ground. ...Take me back. Im gonna try again.

Lee, are you serious--

You can do this much, cant you?! Or are you gonna deny me this, too?!

She looks at you with concern, but eventually gives in. Fine. Go ahead and dream a little longer, she says as she claps her hands another time.

You awaken to someones warmth on your face as someone repeatedly calls out your name. Lee. Lee--

You quickly grasp her hand and lay your forehead against it. ...Im back.

She smiles with relief. Welcome back, Lee. Cmon, everyones waiting for you.

The two of you step out of the restroom, where youre greeted by everyones embrace. The orbs fly out again and catch everyones memories up.

Iris becomes visible again, allowing her to join the embrace.

This is the sight youve seen at least a hundred times now.

Right on cue, the glitches kick in as usual.

...As usual? Shouldnt you be more worried? Allie was right...youre breaking apart. Youre actually getting desensitized to her death.

All of your friends run up to her with great worry as she falls to her knees with labored breathing.

All while youre still standing still, not taking action anymore.

Leah weakly reaches out to you.

You look away. I cant

Mustering all her strength, she shoves everyone away as she crawls towards you.

Naomi tries to tend to her. Leah, dont push yourself!--

She puts her hand to shush her, giving her a look that speaks the words, Its fine.

With increasingly pained breathing, she continues to crawl up to you.

Your gaze stays away from her. What are you doing...I cant save you

The moment she reaches you, she grunts with all her might, slowly getting up using her trembling, faded legs.
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And with the last of her strength, she falls unto you, leaning against you with a desperate embrace. What are you...hhh...talking...about Faded tears run down her cheek. You already saved me...the moment you sat...with me

You give in and return her embrace, not saying a word.

She smiles. But it looked to you need saving...the moment you saidIm back. Her breathing gets even harder. ...So let beloved...friend

The moment you hear her call you a friend, you break down, ugly-crying into her shoulder. Im so sorry Leah, its all my fault--

Hey...did drawing...?

You nod with gritted teeth.

She pats your back, trying to slow down her breathing. ...Lee, none of your fault, okay? I know it as well as you do...what its like to live honestly...and still get punished by...the world for it

You look away, weakening your embrace. Leah...just go already. Stop suffering...please--

She holds you tighter. Not until...I save you

You dont have to, please

She starts fading even more. Everythings fine, Lee Her voice gets weaker. Everythings--

You fall forward as she vanishes in your arms again.

Youre expecting a clap around this time...but Allie doesnt show up.

All of your friends run up to you and hug you as the tears stop flowing, and you realize that youve successfully died inside. Youve stopped being able to cry for her death.

You come home looking like a wreck. The moment your mom sees you, she breaks down and hugs you, yelling out that you worried her greatly from being gone for days.

When she asks what happened, you couldnt tell her anything. You simply lock yourself in your room.

Some time passes.

You hear a knock on your bedroom door.

Hey sweetie your mom says, Can I come in?

Sure, you say with your face buried in pillows.

She enters and sits on the side of the bed. Its been a week since youve gone to school, everything okay?

Everythings fine.

I dont think your words and actions match right now, sweetie--

You sit up, throwing a pillow off the bed. Everythings fine! ...Everythings fine mom...thats what she said. Everythings fine. So thats what Im gonna believe. I have to at least be able to say it...even if I cant show it.

She puts a hand on your shoulder. Okay. I believe you, sweetie.

You bury your face in your knees. Im sorry mom, I lied. Nothings fine. I cant even keep her last words alive. You look up with a pained face. I lost a friend, mom! And its all my fault! Nothings fine!--

She quickly embraces you. Its gonna be okay, sweetie. Its gonna be okay. She pats your shoulder. Ive gone through something like this before...Ive lost all my friends because of what I did. They trusted me and I broke that trust. I abandoned them forever.

She ruffles your hair. But Lee, sweetie, youre different. Youve made friends that would never leave your side for good. I would know since they came by desperately looking for you when you disappeared. That kind of bond is almost never one-sided.

She holds your hands, looking at you with a serious face. Lee, if you DO have the chance to rekindle your friendship, please take it. Dont end up with regrets like I have.

You look at the sketchbook atop your dresser. Mom...I wish I could just get her back. But Im against the world here. How am I supposed to--

Suddenly, the doorbell rings.

She pats you on the back. Sweetie, I know you dont wanna get up, but could you check on that? I feel like itll be for you.

You sigh and get up. Upon opening the door, you see Naomi chewing on a leaf.

She nonchalantly hands it to you. Here. Its to cheer you up.
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You take it with confusion. Why a leaf?

She gasps. You never asked that the first time. Guess you really are shaken. She turns to walk away. Ill always be waiting for you in the clubroom, dear clubmate, she says as she closes the door for you.

You stare at the leaf, but dont get much time to think about it as the doorbell rings again.

This time its Iris. Heyoo. I missed you, Lee. How have you been holding up?

You put a hand behind your neck. I havent been holding up. I dont think anyone could after all that.

She hands you a joycon. Unrelated, but could you leave your finger on this button here? she says as she points to one of the directional buttons.

Confused, you do as she says.

She giggles. See? Youre holding up now! Her eyes dart to the side. Sorry. Im not good with jokes. I just wanted to make you feel better, even if a little.

You smile at her slightly as you hand the joycon back to her. Thanks Iris, I missed you too.

She smiles back. Ill be seeing you in English class sometime, Lee. But more importantly, youll be seeing me too, she says as she closes the door.

The doorbell rings again within a second of that encounter.

Sup bro! Drake says as he grabs your hand and leaves it in the air for him to high-five. Gotchu a feel-better gift, ya feel? he says as he shoves a ketchup packet into your hand. That aint blood by the way. Remember me the next time you eat steak with that, bro, he says as he abruptly slams the door.

Came and went like a storm, if storms offered you ketchup.

Yet another doorbell ring.

Meg clears her throat. Like, greetings, Lee. Unfortunately, I aint equipped to like, emotionally support you. But like, I do wanna thank you again for helping me out in the other world. Also, I have a message for you from Allie. She says to come to the library anytime you want to wake up.

She then leans closer to you. But like, if you want my advice, go ask her to listen to you in the upper world. Shell definitely be more likely to take you seriously, she says as she lightly closes the door.

Your mom walks up from behind you and puts a hand on your shoulder. They asked if they could help out in any way, yknow. It makes me proud that you grew up to develop such fine friendships.

There should have been one more.

She closes her eyes. I know, sweetie.

You turn to her and lay your head against her shoulder. There should have been one more...I dont know what to do, Mom. I dont know how I can possibly fight the world.

She pats your head. You already have, havent you? The world is just made up of a bunch of social cues. And yet, you never really cared about of that, have you?

She hugs you. You CAN fight the world, Lee. I believe in you. You've found your friends fighting it, and you'll get your friend back the same way!

You pause, then hug her back. ...Thank you, mom" data-time="

Next day. Early morning. You march on to the library a bit before school starts.

Just as she said, Allie smiles at you from behind the counter. My my, arent you eager? Ready to go back?

You look at her, resolute as you take out the leaf Naomi gave you. With a crunch, you shake your head.

She tilts her head. Lee, you cant live with this forever. I wont allow that Leah remains dead.

Neither will I. which is why... Megs words echo in your head, I want an audience in the Upper World.

She does a double take. Oh. My my. Youre VERY serious, arent you? Very well then, she leads you out the library, and upon reaching the empty courtyard, she sprouts her wings and flies you all the way up to the sky.

Admittedly, you werent prepared to fly today, but right now, the only thing on your mind is fighting the world.
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After some time, the two of you burst through the clouds. She sets you down on one, leaving you surprised that youre able to stand on it just fine. Speak your plea, human.

You take a deep breath and face her head on with absolute firmness. I want to be friends with you.

She takes a step back, morbidly confused. Excuse me?

I want us to be friends, Allie! Youve been suffering from losing one in the past, havent you? I want to ease that pain! You point your finger up, higher beyond the sky. I want you to gain the confidence to find the power...the power to fight the world!

She tightens her fist, then zooms to you and grabs you, dragging you down through the clouds and dangling you. Absolute insolence. You DARE have the AUDACITY to ask such a thing of me? Me, a literal God?! She talks into your ear. Know your place, Lee. When you land, youll be back to having everyone forget about you. Leah lives, and everyone will be happy. Thats final.

With that, she lets go of you.

Hm. This is honestly not quite what you expected. You probably read too much Naruto, thinking that just by talking loudly about your ideals that things will go your way.

You close your eyes as you let the air flow through you. Guess this is it.

You went to school, drank BanApple, lost a friend, confronted God, and failed. The End.

Tears start forming in the corner of your eyes once more. Sorry Mom...I couldnt fight the world after all. Thank you, Naomi, Iris, Drake, Meg...and Iris. Thanks for being friends with me, even if its about to end shortly.

Suddenly, the wind stops. You open your eyes to see that everything is...upside-down? You look down and see your legs hanging from a floating, familiar oar.

Colored particles fly out of Allies pocket, the one she stored the orb in. What?! What are the memories doing?!

Red and yellow particles dance around you, causing you to sprout a large bat wing on your left, and a large bird-like wing on your right. You give them a great big flap to orient yourself back to normal and grab the oar. With a grin of renewed confidence, you fly straight up. Allie!!!" data-time="

Insolence...ABSOLUTE INSOLENCE!!! She brings her hands close together, readying a clap. You cant fight the world, Lee!! You cant even fight me!

She tries to clap, but more particles shoot out of her pocket and surround her arm, dampening it. What? The memories are...weakening me?! She shakes her head and aims her palms at you, charging up energy blasts. No matter! I dont need my full power to take a mere human down!! she screams as she unleashes a barrage of white energy.

You bat them away using Naomis oar, almost like youre rowing through the sky.

She furrows her brow to hell, screaming as she fires even more shots at you with even more intensity.

You try to deflect them all, but she overwhelms you, breaking the oar and your wings.

You fall a bit, but suddenly, a large mirror appears below you to catch you.

Reflective particles fly out, forming a staircase of mirror platforms. This gets followed by blue particles which surround your hand and form a pair of joycons.

You push their buttons, causing them to shoot up energy in the shape of a sword; joycon lightsabers.

However, her attacks dont let up as she fires another volley of energy blasts at you. Why do you resist, Lee?! Why cant you see that its futile to defy the will of the world?! she says as she shoots more at you. There is no power out there to overcome it!!

Yes-- you slash out a shot, There-- another slash, Is!!!! you yell as you keep running up the mirror staircase and swinging your lightsabers around, frantically deflecting her endless stream of attacks. Dont you see whats happening right now?!
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She stops attacking and brings her hands together, charging up a gigantic ball of energy. Whats happening is that youre gonna be a good boy She fires a colossal shot at you at lightning speed, ...and go back to school!!

You reach the end of the mirror staircase, jumping off the last step with all of your might and holding your lightsabers in an X formation to block her attack.

HAAAAAAAA!!! you scream off the top of your lungs as you push through her attack. You throw all of your might into it as you think of Leahs face telling you everythings fine. Youre throwing the weight of those words into your attack.

Eventually, you slice through the attack, breaking the joycons in the process.

Your momentum leads you right to her.

...Except, its not enough; You fall just short a few meters from her. You plummet straight down as you reach out your hand, desperate to reach her.

She crosses her arms as she watches you fall. This is the will of the world, Lee. Accept it." data-time="&start=27

You grit your teeth as you extend your hand with your all. Like it would do anything, anything at all--

Suddenly, a burst of particles shoot out of her pocket, surrounding you with their gentle warmth and restraining her.

The blue ones materialize into a humanoid figure and speaks to you with Iriss voice. Were playmates, right Lee? FIght the world, and lets play again! she says as she grabs your hand and throws you upwards.

The red and yellow ones materialize into an Angel and a Demon which grab hold of both of your arms and continue your momentum.

As allies, were fighting the world together, aight bro?! says the voice of Drake as he pulls up.

I confer unto you 100% of all my support, Lee. Like, Fight the world! says Meg as she pulls up together with Drake.

The reflective ones materialize as well, holding your hand. Everythings gonna be fine, partner! Fight the world! she yells as she keeps you moving up.

Finally, the white ones materialize and take hold of both of your hands, then start spinning you around like a hammer-shot. This would have made for a fantastic selfie, wouldnt you say so, Lee?

You look at her with anxiety. Naomi...what if I dont make it? What if this misses?

She grins at you. If you have to wont. Now get out there With all her might, she tosses you up with the force of tank-cannon. ...And fight the world, dearest clubmate!!!

Allies arms breaks free of the restraint and screams as she fires a few more desperate shots with the last of her energy.

You break past through them with your momentum, leading you straight to her. With the weight of all your friends words held in your hand, you wind it up behind you. Allie!!!

WIth nothing left to throw at you and still restrained from flying away, she flinches and covers her face with her arms.

This is it. The final choice.
A) Punch her
B) Hug her
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Wow this has been a ride. >_>
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05/25/19 12:59:21 PM

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