Board 8 > [VGMC] d10: Deoxyribose vs Fear Not This Night, Snake Eater vs Shop til You Drop

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04/07/20 9:59:34 PM

Best Monosaccharide?

Welcome to today's topic for Video Game Music Contest 14, a tournament of the best tracks from games, as decided upon by you, the voters.

Contest info -
Bracket -
Discussion and results thread -
Bracket playlist -
ToC playlist -
VGMC compability sheet -

- Listen to both of the songs. Links have conveniently been provided for both songs. Even if Song A is your favorite of all-time and Song B is from a series you hate... Listen. To. Both. (If I have suspicions your vote is not based on a fair and impartial preference, it will be disqualified.)
- Obvious con
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04/07/20 10:00:53 PM

Snake Eater
Servants of the Scourge
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04/07/20 10:04:48 PM

Snake Eater
Hidra Heteromycin
The moon! Turn it on its head. Reality's a lie.
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04/07/20 10:10:25 PM

Snake Eater
Servants of the Scourge
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04/07/20 10:11:38 PM

Snake Eater
Servants of the Scourge
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04/07/20 10:19:22 PM

Shop 'til You Drop
Servants of the Scourge

2nd match pains me to no end.

The sun always shines on TV
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04/07/20 10:23:37 PM

Guild Wars 2 - Fear Not This Night
Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater
Ar Nosurge - Hidra Heteromycin

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04/07/20 10:24:19 PM

Shop 'til You Drop

good picks today

hi hi! ~ zoom on discord
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04/07/20 10:26:19 PM

Shop 'til You Drop
Servants of the Scourge

Chemistry song (well the first one I guess) has a lot for me to like about it with the strong synth beat stuff. I'm not a fan of the strings or choir chanting, or the slow part near the end, but really it's still a great song despite those parts, thanks to the other parts ! Meanwhile Fear Not This Night is likely a bottom-2 song for me in this contest -- Filled with the stuff I actively do not want to listen to. It's Emotional Sad, Slow, Orchestral/Piano, and Lyric Singing. Well, ... actually I guess giving it a "fair" listen now it doesn't feel as much like a "bottom 2" song where the more "hopeful" sections flowing through are kind of alright, but it is still certainly a "bottom" type song for me so this match is still super easy.

Meanwhile I dislike Snake Eater for many of the same reasons I dislike Fear Not This Night!! Especially since the singer feels like she's got more of a focus here wow maybe this should be the one in my "bottom 2." Anyway Mr Domino Goes Shopping And You Can Not Stop Him But Perhaps You Can Drop Him And That Is When He Will No Longer Be Shopping is certainly nowhere near my bottom. No it is far more of a Top song for me with the cool synths. Though since the contest has begun it's already started to "fall" for me but I'm still super into it but I don't care much for the voices but at least they're not much of a focus. Really some of this inspired me to listen to the whole Mr Domino soundtrack and dang there's a bunch of great stuff on there! Really I feel like this Shopping song is one of my lower ranked ones. But yeah this is another ridiculously easy match for me.

Hi Draheteromycin is a song that features a focus on singing, with electric & non electric strings as backing, and it is versus one of my favorite retired songs from vgmc13. It gets better for me when the singing stops so I'd take it over the other two singings today but really it hardly stood a chance for me against Servants of Scourge so three very easy matches today, perhaps my easiest day of the entire contest which unnerves me because I have worry that people will disagree with me and then I can feel bad when my votes don't win. I'd much rather have to try to decide between 2 great songs going up against each other than have songs I love get eliminated by stuff I extremely do not

luigi says: "and"
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Team Rocket Elite
04/07/20 10:33:49 PM

Guild Wars 2 - Fear Not This Night
Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater
Ar Nosurge - Hidra Heteromycin
Link isn't the only one who kicks ass.
Congrats to Advokaiser for winning the CBX Guru Contest!
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04/07/20 10:40:24 PM

Guild Wars 2 - Fear Not This Night
Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater
Ar Nosurge - Hidra Heteromycin

SuperNiceChao about to win the Oracle 2020! TsunamiXXVIII and me will destroy all you noobs
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04/07/20 10:43:16 PM

deoxys ribs whatever sounds like a lot of different things at different times overall i think it is pretty good there are some things i like quite a bit, some things that don't go as well together as it probably hopes they do and a handful of parts that just aren't as there as the rest that prevent it going too high but it definitely has what it takes to be something
fear not this night is nice. not my particular preferred flavour of this kind of thing with its english vocals and all but again not bad.

snake eater is a song that absolutely does benefit from its vocals, however, even if its lyrics are a little goofy at times. a quirky but still definitive classic that i'm glad still gets enough respect to make it into these things. would be nice if it could top that off with a retirement, it's not like every mgs song has to be like you-know-what
shop till you drop is a song that i enjoy every second of more than i fully know i should

hail hidra. a song i was super big on in its first year alongside other ar nosurge things. my view dropped a little bit after, but now that we've passed the point of there being saturation of gust stuff i view higher than it... it really is a great song, huh.
speaking of songs that i view highly but also had worthy rivals from its game in its time, servants. shame murderswarm had to be where it was considering it was my probable favourite, but this is still very respectable. i wasn't sold on dm dokuro but the presence of stuff like this turned that around pretty easily

good day

Snake Eater
Hidra Heteromycin
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04/07/20 10:44:19 PM

-[DEOXYRIBOSE-] (18th) vs Fear Not This Night (164th)
Snake Eater (94th) vs Shop 'til You Drop! (144th)
Hidra Heteromycin [40th] vs "Servants of The Scourge" - Theme of The Sentinels of The Devourer [7th]

hwweeeee i am a BIG FAN of the 13 Sentinels snoudtrack!!! I love things that are an ALL PHASE MIX and imagine my surprise when i found out the bracket songs are actually all pahse mixes wtf....... the "briefing" intro is so good at setting up for the song proper and then when it drops into battle at 0:51 hooo mama banagor. The mix of constant pushing techno beat and epic JRPG boss choir/EPIC VIOLIN MELODY is just toooooooOOo good whaoaoha. honestly i can't even actually tell if the "three phases" that all of the other bracket songs have apply to here because i could see the entire main body of the song just being a loop until the victory section happens at 5:57. anyway yeah super banger, great energy, great fun. fear not this night is just kinda snoozer i dont even have much to say lol byemom

honestly, i don't have much to say for this second match either lol. everybody knows snake eater everybody that has ever existed on earth including a monk in nepal that has never looked with his Own Eyes At The Internet knows the words to snake eater by heart. it's actually not THAAAAT good imo, but it's damn good. shop til you drop is super cool sounding in the intro but then it Drops It and becomes kinda cool sounding but a tad bland. i want more from it!!!!

why hello VGMC12 Semifinalist Hidra Heteromycin, Big Song From My First Contest that made me like actually listen to all of EXA_PICO and then realize EXSPHERE was GOD and needed to get into contest again and then uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh guess how that turned out. I still really, really like but I think its lost a bit its luster for me by now!! My thoughts on Hidra are actually what I've seen a few people say about EXEC_Z/. where yeah its EXA_PICO but it could also just be a regular old J-Rock song for all I know if I didn't know. on the other hand Servants BIG synths BIG chords BIG banger DONGognongong god i still love it so much lmfao. i'm sorry that i do not love scourge of the universe as much as this song!!!! (that is not spoilers because it has ALREADY SDHOWED UP WHOA) very easy choice here tho i love and appreciate both songs despite a distance of over half the way away from each other lmao

"Servants of The Scourge" - Theme of The Sentinels of The Devourer > -[DEOXYRIBOSE]- > Hidra Heteromycin > Snake Eater > Shop 'til You Drop! > Fear Not This Night

yes i'm putting the full name for servants so i can say i'm voting -S" ok ok
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04/07/20 10:46:21 PM

this poll is brilliant

-Abraham Lincoln
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04/07/20 10:53:50 PM

Snake Eater
*ranking topic spoilers*
Hidra Heteromycin.................

-[Deoxyribose]- (8.5) / Fear Not This Night (7.0)
Snake Eater (7.5) / Shop 'til You Drop (6.5)

Pretty much, deo's noms were amazing. Regarding Deoxyribose, it's intense and engaging. I love those punctuated synths in the background, both the light high ones (with awesome reverb) or the heavy low ones (love they way they fill the gaps between phrases). Very catchy at 0:51. At 1:36 I love those choir effects... interesting delay effects, or (who knows what's actually being done) which makes a great contrast and the high strings blend in with it perfectly. Great blend of bass sounds at places which works nicely with the lighter punctuated synths. The final minute is unexpected, the way it explores new harmonies towards the end... maybe its moving into a new track?

"Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So... what is a party?"
"Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think."
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04/07/20 11:01:22 PM

Snake Eater
Servants of the Scourge
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Mac Arrowny
04/07/20 11:07:26 PM

Shop 'til You Drop
Servants of the Scourge

Not too into the strings at 0:52 and other places in Deoxyribose, but it's good other than that. Get rid of that motif or whatever you call it and I'd like the song a lot. As it is, it's just "pretty good". FTNT actually better than I remember it though. The vocals sucks, but the rest of it is mostly enjoyable.

Snake Eater is still dumb of course. It's sad that this keeps getting into contests.Shop is not great, which makes is much better than Snake Eater.

Hidra has some parts I love and some I'm not so into. I generally lean into liking it quite a bit. Servants has all great parts, which I think wins it the day.

Servants of the Scourge > Hidra Heteromycin > -[Deoxyribose]- > Guild Wars 2 - Fear Not This Night > > Shop 'til You Drop > Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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04/07/20 11:16:38 PM

Snake Eater
Hidra Heteromycin

-[Deoxyribose]- vs Fear Not This Night: Woah Deoxyribose is kinda cool. It keeps progressing in this really neat way with the chanting and the general sciencey vibe its kinda got going on. Oh and the guitars towards the end are cool. Fear Not This Night feels like one of those tracks that are a lot better when you know the context behind them. To me it just sounds like "sad credits music".

Snake Eater vs Shop 'til You Drop: There isn't much I can say about Snake Eater that hasn't been said already, so I'll just be brief and say that it slaps. Shop 'til You Drop sadly had to go against this beast. It has a very funky vibe to it and is a bit catchy. The backing vocals are also kinda cool (or whatever those whispering sounds are).

Hidra Heteromycin vs Servants of the Scourge: Wtf I didn't expect Hidra to be this good. The guitar and chanting combo on this track are soooooooo good. I'm normally not a fan of the vocal songs from this series but damn when they hit they hit hard. Servants of the Scourge is the usual DM Dokuro stuff. The bells and the breakdown are kinda cool I guess? I dunno there isn't really much to this track and Dokuro's stuff in general that I can actually vibe to.

We schlitty
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04/07/20 11:47:16 PM

Fear Not This Night
Snake Eater
Hidra Heteromycin

Deoxyribose does not represent the things i like on the OST.

Fear Not This Night is cheesy but fun.

Snake Eater makes FNTN look deadly serious.

Shop til you drop is super repetitive to me. Also folks "till" does not get an apostrophe grumble grumble

hidra is awesome

sevants of the scourge has the same awesome lick as the other TCM track we had earlier, and I like the bits in between more than I did in that one, but there's still a *lot* of downtime.

i dunno short writeups are short today.
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius
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04/07/20 11:56:29 PM

Snake Eater
Hidra Heteromycin

not much to say about the main bracket but GOD this ToC match - mentioned this in my writeup for Scourge proper but it and Servants just have a cool feel to them that's like I'm flying through space super fast. Servants has the benefit of more variety and the triplet part is very cool. might be top 10 for me in the ToC field. sadly for it Hidra is literally me. hail

"Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything."
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04/07/20 11:56:41 PM

Snake Eater
Hidra Heteromycin

Our eyes were removed
For our own safety
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04/08/20 12:01:05 AM

Snake Eater
Servants of the Scourge

-[Deoxyribose]- is, uh, something. A lot of things, actually. All of them good! This is a masterpiece. And the fact that it keeps doing new things has me refusing to cut corners and move on to the next song even once I've got a clear and concrete opinion formed. Well, that and the fact that I'm loving it.

I knew this song title sounded familiar! We've got a returner here. And a vocal track, so probably better than I expected from seeing the game name...oh, hold on, I started writing this before even heading onwards to that one and -[Deoxyribose]- has managed to dramatically shift again. I mean, there's really no need for me to listen to this to decide my vote, right? Just to determine where it sits within the six? Oh here we go, another five minutes. Have to wait 45 seconds just to get any vocals at all...I hate typing on my phone. This swipe thing never works properly; it just tried to write "asthmatics" when I swiped "seconds", yet it knew exactly the correct word to recommend as an alternative. Though more often than not it just gives me things that aren't words, especially when the words areshort. It somehow managed to completely spontaneously switch me back into italics, possibly because it sensed I was about to complain about how every time I switch into or out of them, it registers it as the start of a new sentence. Also it tends to forget the space after the first word outside of italics. The 5 minutes passed really quickly while I was ranting; I didn't even finish it when the music stopped.

Yeah no need to talk about this one. It's Snake Eater. It's deliciously cheesy and sounds like a parody of a Bond theme. I downloaded the demo of the 3DS version and have never played it because I want to one-shot it.

What is this? It's silly. I like it more than I expected to.

Ah, Hidra Heteromycin. I think this was the song that changed my opinion on EXA_PICO as a whole. Though come to think of it, I guess all the EXA_PICO songs I've actually liked have been from the Surge Concerto duology!

And then here comes Servants of the Scourge! Man this day is such a treat after yesterday's disaster. The weakest song today would beat at least four of yesterday's sextet. The second weakest would beat all six of them! I'm just glad that they're broken down the way they are; a lot of other pairings would be tough to decide.

Servants of the Scourge > Snake Eater > -[Deoxyribose]- >>> Hidra Heteromycin > Shop 'til You Drop >>> Fear Not This Night

Couldn't go crazy on the greater thans; even the worst song is pretty good.

Also known as Cyberchao X.
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04/08/20 12:01:55 AM

banshiryuu posted...
My thoughts on Hidra are actually what I've seen a few people say about EXEC_Z/. where yeah its EXA_PICO but it could also just be a regular old J-Rock song for all I know if I didn't know

There's parts of that where it's true, especially in the verses, but then you get to the pre-chorus bit and it's super gusty, and the chorus itself and the musical interlude at 3 minutes -- if your "regular old J-Rock" involves operatic singing and chanting on top of electric guitar solos, please introduce me to this wondrous thing I need to listen to it >_>
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius
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04/08/20 12:19:40 AM

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim - -[Deoxyribose]-
No One Can Stop Mr. Domino - Shop 'til You Drop
Ar Nosurge - Hidra Heteromycin

Match 1: Deoxyribose has that cool prog rock thing going on, maybe not as cool as Apostle's Maraud, but this is enjoyable. Really liking that little bit at 5:17. Fear Not This Night was pretty neat the first time I've heard it, but I actually don't like it as much anymore. Still kind of a close~ish match.

Match 2: This is one of the weakest R1 matches right here. Despite my familiarity with Snake Eater (from SSBB ;>_>), it's still never grown on me. Shop 'til You Drop kinda wins this one by default, but it's pretty forgettable.

ToC: Hidra Heteromycin ended up facing up against like three of my favorite songs during its run, but I actually really like this. Both of these have a cool sort of power metal thing going on here (even though SotS is "electronic" it gives off those same vibes), and I like both of these, it's a good match.

Placeholder signature until ImgTC comes back online
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04/08/20 12:42:12 AM

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
If you smell what the rock is cooking he's cooking crap - ertyu
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04/08/20 2:22:57 AM

Fear Not This Night
Snake Eater
Servants of the Scourge

Save in the name of true love
~Project 1000~
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Prody Parrot
04/08/20 3:10:11 AM

Snake Eater
Hidra Heteromycin
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04/08/20 3:10:33 AM

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim - -[Deoxyribose]-
No One Can Stop Mr. Domino - Shop 'til You Drop
Ar Nosurge - Hidra Heteromycin

Deoxyribose was one of my favorite discovery of noms~. Snake Eater/Domino very close actually thought I was voting Snake Eater until I started typing my vote up. ban azuarc from bracketmaking for allowing this toc match to be round 1.

xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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04/08/20 4:44:20 AM

Snake Eater
Servants of the Scourge
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04/08/20 5:24:42 AM

Snake Eater
Servants of the Scourge
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04/08/20 7:12:30 AM

Snake Eater
Hidra Heteromycin
Optimism is the first step to disappointment.
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04/08/20 10:59:47 AM

Shop 'til You Drop
Hidra Heteromycin
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04/08/20 11:11:02 AM

Shop 'til You Drop
Servants of the Scourge
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04/08/20 11:23:41 AM

Snake Eater
Servants of the Scourge
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04/08/20 11:26:03 AM

Snake Eater
Hidra Heteromycin

Deoxyribose was very good. Still huge fan of Hail Hidra.

Just killing time until the world ends.
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04/08/20 11:56:30 AM

Shop 'til You Drop
Servants of the Scourge
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04/08/20 12:45:50 PM

Fear Not This Night
Shop 'til You Drop
Servants of the Scourge

-[Deoxyribose]- is my 56th favorite in the contest! so I "sort of" introduced 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim to this community (even if prody and kao AND deo used songs from this game in vgm guessing games before I could go forward with my plan to nominate Isoleucine in my day 1 nomset...) at least I was one of the main people to bring attention to it anyway, so I have a lot of attachment to it. It's my favorite soundtrack to have released between vgmc13 and vgmc14! This song doesn't exactly represent what I like about it the a personal ranking of every song from the game I gave deoxyribose "36th place" out of 83 songs lol, so there's at least 35 things I'd rather have in than this from this game but like...this is still "favorite soundtrack to come out in the past year", even a mid-tier track from the game is still appealing enough to get in around the top quarter of my ranking of this bracket -[ha ha, bracket.....]-...i love Yoshimi Kudo (Apostle's Maraud composer...)...I love basiscape!!! alWAYS A PLEASURE TO LISTEN TO A BASISCAPE ORIGINAL SOUND TRACthe thing I like the most here is all the fast 16th arpeggios, it's a feature of most of the -(Amino Acids and Monosaccharides and Stuff)- tracks in the game, and I like the specific energy it brings. In this case the synth bass is having LOTS OF FUN. Like I said in Apostle's Maraud, the thing I like most about Yoshimi Kudo tends to be his unusual chord progressions (I mean...basiscape in general is known for that but Kudo's uniqueness is specifically about "chord changes" rather than interesting individual chords like a lot of the others there go more for). He'll change the tonal center at an unusual time in the middle of what'd otherwise be a standard looping 4 chord progression and it creates the same intensity of a total key change but like on repeat, music feels like it's infinitely ascending my body into the sky... It's the type of chord changes I like the most and I'd put Yoshimi Kudo at "zan-zan-zawa-veia tier" as far as "composer that I like specifically because their chord progressions make me explode". I don't feel as strongly about the chord changes in this song as some of Kudo's others from this game but it certainly still has element at parts, maybe actually most noticeable in the victory loop phase at the end? I love the choir layers here they make this song sound like a organic BEAM.

Fear Not This Night is my 82nd favorite in the contest! I like thiss one because it reminds me of enya..... I love melodramatic stuff lol. I guess the chord progression here's a big factor in why I love this so much too, the alternation between major minor every few bars is INTENSE and the melodic line highlights exactly the right moments of those chord changes nicely for me. Vocalist is nice, and I love these constant 8ths pounding strings because they SOUND LIKE ENYA (I like enya...). In general like the instrumentation and fluffy DARK "high fantasy" forest(field) castle landscape outdoors with a bunch of MOSS on all of the bricks with a bunch of twinkling fire flies at night that glow iridescent colors and there are dragons that look cool probably and probably have cool elemental powers or something idk i dont know anything about guild wars other than that i like a lot of the music to the series, this included apparently. These string chords aaaaahh they're so PUNCHy somehow they punch me more than the literally intense punchy synths in deoxyribose, what the FUSE. WHY AM I VOTING FOR THIS SONG. Wonderful magical music right here from the composer of one of my favorite video game soundtracks Freddi Fish and Luther's Maze Madness

This is a far closer match for me than I imagine most people would expect me to feel.. both songs are ones I like more for the "emotional intensity derived from chord changes" than anything else but I feel like Fear Not This Night actually hits me stronger than Deoxyribose despite that type of feeling being what I most like in 13 sentinels's ost and deoxyribose going for it in a way that's more overtly "me". Fear Not This Night is far more simple and 'generic' in how it presents the shit i like about it but WHO CARES i just HAPPEN TO LIKE IT MORE FOR SOME REASON it's not like my reason for liking music is "because it does unconventional things", just happens to lean that way. This is a case where it does not lean that way, I can't deny that I prefer Fear Not This Night at a raw emotional level far more even if I appreciate some of the technical cool things about deoxyribose. I guess deoxyribose is just not really the best example for me of that from its ost and I feel bad that I'm so heavily considering voting against it (I am voting against it...and for the first time voting against my ranking!!!). Sorry "Yoshimi Kudo & Basiscape", do not worry though I will vote for you...pretty consistently, in future matches. Thank you for understanding. It probably does not matter today anyways...ha...ha... Maybe I'd feel different on a different day (obviously I did when I made my ranking) but I think Deoxyribose is more ranked high on principle of "I like the kinds of things this song does" than actual raw enjoyment of that example of it. we'll have to wait until -(Isoleucine)- to see me ACTUALLY get excited beyond belief about 13sentinels ost.....!


Snake Eater is my 160th favorite in the contest! I talked about this last year...I want to like this because it has lots of elements I like, cool jazz chords and funky SPY music. Something about this song though is dramatic in this precise way that bothers me that I've never been able to put a finger on exactly why it passes the threshold of "acceptable" to me, because I love stuff that takes stuff really far and i just gushed about how much i love fear not this nights overdramticness but just...i dunno. All these really long held out notes in the vocals linger on the tension just sliiightly too long for me to the point that it feels almost actively stressful to listen to somehow. and also this is catchy and if there's something that's catchy but i actually don't like it melodically that means I REALLY don't like it because it will get in my head and i don't want this thing i dislike to be in my head so yeah. but this is still like a 6 because I like enough elements : ) I used to like this more. but i've started to care less about the elements I like here and the amount i'm bothered by the elements I don't has increased for sure. Sorry snake song! I like snakes, my favorite metal gear solid song is Shop 'til You Drop from No one can piss on mr domino

Shop 'til You Drop is my 54th favorite in the contest! Transposing chord samples : ) fun break beat!!! fun 90s drum samples. mr. dom
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04/08/20 12:45:53 PM

[...continued from above]

Hidra Heteromycin is my 35th favorite ToC entrant! something about this song makes me think of a TOMATO that is sweating because it is too large and is struggling to sing this song before it is eaten or explodes from becoming too large. i do not know why but that is what i always picture. I have a hard time taking this seriously even though it's clearly meant to be serious and that bothers me. the same "the drums are too fast so i re-configure my interpretation of it as goofy carnival music". I think if this were mixed differently, didn't have the guitar (I really do not like the guitar layer in this one) and had different drums, I'd really appreciate this one's composition, but those elements turn this from "cool gust song" into this really hectic unappealing thing to me that i can not wait for it to end so i can turn it off and stop listening to it. I LOVE it melodically and i love everything the vocals and violin and background synths and everything do! The background chanting beneath the actual vocal melody is GREAT. The weird high metallic filtered percussive sound at like 1:20/5:30/etc is really cool. Wish there were an alternate version of this that focused on those elements. I love vocal ar tonelico series music but this track is definitely one of my least favorites in that category, mostly just because of the guitar/drums but the overall mixing drowns the elements I want to hear most too. The slower parts without them definitely save this from being something I actively dislike and remind me that I DO like this song, I just...don' this song.

Servants of the Scourge is my 11th favorite ToC entrant! Ah, another "I like this song because the chord changes make me float in the air(fall out of my chair and onto the ground in an infinite loop)" song. DM DOKURO tends to focus on that type of thing a lot. Actually thinking about it his tonality sense is fairly similar to Yoshimi Kudo and I'd compare this track to Kudo's contributions 13sentinels as a result. Was listening to some stuff by dokuro yesterday and just being excited every single time what scale being used had to change near every chord. This is LONG and I definitely prefer some phases strongly to other phases here (tbh most of what I care about happens in the first 2:52 and i'm not a fan of the later phases much at all), but it's still enough to make me happy : ) luckily my favorite portion is honestly just the recurring thing that this starts with. Very "unexpected chord changes that are DESTINY(epic)", and sometimes the melodic line's threading those together nicely~! I LOVE CHIMES like the chimes at 1:02 : D those are so fun to listen to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! literally every single one of these chords is making me FALL OVER with it's presence after the previouis its like id purpose except on synthesizers instead of on orchestra and accordion and choir singing people. I miss Scourge the Hedgehog I hope that he and his HUSBAND do ok at moving to their new apartment

why is terraria calamity just a bunch of worms...........
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04/08/20 12:46:42 PM

Fear Not This Night
Snake Eater
Hidra Heteromycin

Came into first match expecting to vote for FTNN since I love this kind of lyrical music -- what can I say, it's the classical singer in me from way back -- but wow, Deoxyribose is good too. Wish this had been a round 2 match, but hey, it happens.

Snake Eater is camp and over the top, but I dig it. Shop 'til You Drop is just... there, I guess. There's a whole lot of complexity there but little substance beneath it.

Hail Hidra.

E come vivo? Vivo!
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04/08/20 1:17:35 PM

Snake Eater
Servants of the Scourge

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim - -[Deoxyribose]- at 9.5 is my ???th favorite -saccharide in the contest! I'm sure Deo and Tox will have writeups that describe why it's so good so i will avoid being redundant

Guild Wars 2 - Fear Not This Night at 8.4 is my ???th favorite song in the contest!! I feel like this is a particularly cruel matchup for FNTN. It's p good and there are plenty of songs I'd vote this over, just it has a... type disadvantage? If I liked this a little more than DNA I'd probably still vote for the latter because it can't compare to that kind of energy. So if this beautiful ballad does even worse than they usually do on B8, I blame this specific scenario.

Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater at 8.8 is my ???th favorite thrill in the contest! It's so supreme.

No One Can Stop Mr. Domino - Shop 'til You Drop at 8 is my ???th favorite song in the contest!! I definitely prefer its opponent; it's shame it's gonna be the champion. The perpetual champion. It'll win VGMC 123 and beat the other 2047 songs. I'll be the first national champion when it wins VGMC 783. When Tsunami is the last voter in VGMC 12420, he'll vote for it every time. This is not the future anybody wants. It's the future we're going to get. No one can stop Mr. Domino.

Ar Nosurge - Hidra Heteromycin at is my ???th favorite finalist in the contest! What the FUCK is this match. Fuck you.

Terraria Calamity Mod - Servants of the Scourge at 10 is my favorite finalist in the contest! What the FUCK is this match. Fuck you.
You shine, and make others shine just by being near them.
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04/08/20 1:50:55 PM

Snake Eater
Servants of the Scourge

Advokaiser was wiser against all the other Gurus!
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04/08/20 1:56:46 PM

Fear Not This Night
Snake Eater
Hidra Heteromycin

That final minute of Deoxyribose is my favorite part, including that little 3-second transition. I dont mean that as a knock against the rest of the track, its just that that section is very nice.

How did I miss FNTN during nominations? Its great!

If Snake Eater isnt a 10/10 for me, then its pretty close. Its much less cheesy then FNTN imo, I think that both have the perfect level of cheese for what theyre attempting to do. It adds some humbleness (?) to Snake Eater, which works especially well on those Some days you go through the rain, some days you feed on a tree frog lines because it effectively shows that whoever the character being mentioned is is really struggling.
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04/08/20 2:56:54 PM

Shop 'til You Drop
Servants of the Scourge


Woahhhhh these coool arps wobblin around. it feels like i am in the techno zone. and then you have the clicky little drums that make me feel like i am HACKING INTO THE WORLD S COMPUTER SYS TEM. there's this cool string section at like. 0:50 that has a cool bassline with it and it feels like the earth is shifting and slipping from underneath me oh no.. . later on there's this cool guitar and it feels like this colossal WORM made of rocks is shifting through the city landscape and eroding at everything it touches.

Fear Not This Night

so... what you're saying is i should fear tomorrow night then. if i get your meaning. SLOW BALLAD CHOIR. IT SOUNDS LIKE A TITLE SCREEN TO AN MMO. like. i dislike this sort of music and would actively avoid this song because i don't want to listen to it. reminds me of phil collins movie scores except like. that's phil collins and more proggy than this.

Snake Eater

i'm stilllll in a dream snakeeaterrrrrrrrrrr whoaoaoaoao james bond knockofff 50% yeahahahaha. cool funkjazz-y. it's a guilty pleasure to listen to, and honestly; while i wouldn't go out of my way to purposefully listen to it myself? it's still an amazing song and one i'd love if like... i was in a situation where i couldn't choose what i could listen to and it just came on. what if snake eater just suddenly played at random points throughout your life? like. mowing the lawn "SOMEDAYSSSS YOU GO THROUGH THE RAIIIIN" but it's only specific phrases and as soon as you hear it it's gone.

Shop 'til You Drop

YEAH. YEAH. YEAH. COME ON LET'S ALL GO TO THE [business] PARADE ZONE WHERE WE CAN [business] but MOSTLY PARADE. cool shifty rave stabs make me think of money entering the counter, PADS = ROADS. the bass equals people dancing from side to side and there's a lot of murmury vocals in the background which makes me think... maybe there's a lot of people around here? cool. feels like i'm digging into metal and all that's coming up is dirt.

Hidra Heteromycin

every time i listen to this it sounds more and more generic anime JRPG Battle i wish it would go all castlevania woah look at how these organs are travellin all over the place on my ass but it isn't and that makes me sad 'n'. music for edgy folk. sounds vaguely like umineko at points. cool thrashing on the guitar tho.

Servants of the Scourge

BONG. BONG. BONG. BONG. big gongs in this track. it's very 'gaming music' i feel like i am about to shoot a fake pixelated football with this song. the storm weaver's segment from 1:00 to 1:50 is my favorite bit in the song where it just strips itself back to the gongs the lack of energy adds a lot of musical contrast to the sections around it. ceaseless void's section i don't love that much but signas's section starting from 4:45 i just fall into it feels like WAVES it's really comfy. 'rolling'.

cathode on discord
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04/08/20 3:26:05 PM

Snake Eater
Servants of the Scourge

4:09 of Deoxyribose reminds me Apex of the World/Edge of Dawn of all things, hey it's the game Lena Raine composed for I guess it's actually by Jeremy Soule though
I never heard Snake Eater in full until a few months before VGMC13 and I've always taken it pretty seriously, even if it is a weird pastiche of James Bond (vocal performance so good ugh)
I'd rather have EXEC_Z than Hidra, but wow that guitar solo was bangin I wish it was louder

-Abraham Lincoln
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04/08/20 3:43:19 PM

Fear Not This Night
Snake Eater
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04/08/20 3:47:11 PM

people have abbreviated the guild wars 2 song in three different ways so far

-Abraham Lincoln
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04/08/20 3:51:22 PM


Hey man, LlamaGuy did encrypt the passwords.
With what? ROT-13? -CJayC
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04/08/20 5:28:12 PM

Fear Not This Night
Snake Eater
Hidra Heteromycin

I helped get deoxyribose into the contest. And now I'm one of the scant few people voting against it. #VGMC

VGMC13 champion: Ar Nosurge - Class::EXSPHERE_NOSURGE;
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04/08/20 6:20:50 PM

Fear Not This Night
Shop 'til You Drop
Hidra Heteromycin

Today looks like a 0/3 for me and I'm not even mad, great stuff all around

Advokaiser is the man. Congrats!
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04/08/20 6:31:32 PM

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim - -[Deoxyribose]-
No One Can Stop Mr. Domino - Shop 'til You Drop

Ar Nosurge - Hidra Heteromycin
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -transience
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
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