Board 8 > Anagram ranks anything Star Trek-related with a short writeup (spoilers)

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09/13/20 10:34:32 PM

Riker swinging his leg over the back of a chair en route to sitting down

Besides, marijuana is far more harmful than steroids. - BlitzBomb
I headbang to Bruckner.
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09/13/20 10:42:49 PM

the picard torture scene with the lights

Board 8's Voice of Reason
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Mega Mana
09/13/20 10:50:54 PM

Sisko's Beard

"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
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09/14/20 12:56:56 AM

Kirk is a Jerk Shirt
I wonder how much people in the 70s have in common with us today in terms of laughing at stupid things. I realize this shirt was meant to be silly, but I can't imagine it being invented by a show today, even ironically.

Raemes T. Quirk
Quirk is a solid parody of Kirk, or at least the public perception of Kirk, not much else to say.

The Riker Lean
I really like the specific unstated quirks actors give to characters that have no effect on the plot, but that the audience will get used to. Riker leaning like that is a good example of one, so I approve of it.

I have conflicted feelings about this one. It's got a lot of bad in it, and the entire thing feels like an excuse to just have whatever adventures they want to have without worrying about continuity (AHEM DISCOVERY AHEM), but at the same time, it's... frustrating. It has good qualities, and 09 isn't really a bad movie. I'd be curious what a non-Trekkie thinks of this situation.

The Climax of Into Darkness
God, Into Darkness is like offensively dumb. I could complain about pretty much everything in the movie, but this specified the fight between Spock and Khan. I mean, it's dumb. I know that Spock gets emotional every movie because it's dramatic for him to drop his logic, but let's be real: Abrams Spock has no reason to care about Kirk. They haven't built up a rapport over the course of years like real Kirk and real Spock. And having a fistfight on a hovercar? Shut up.

TOS uniforms have little embroidered delta symbols on their chests. What did TNG do? Extended the idea to make those symbols into dual-badges/communicators. It's funny how TOS' communicators are discount cell phones, and TNG's combadges are discount bluetoothes. Blueteeth? Hm.

Children of Time
A good episode with a really clear and compelling Ethical Dilemma. Star Trek loves its Ethical Dilemmas, and this is one of the best: the crew learn that they're fated to go back in time, crash land on a planet, and form a colony that now exists in the present. They can choose not to do that, but their descendants (who are alive right now) will disappear. After a lot of hand wringing, Sisko decides to crash on the planet, only for Future Odo (who's immortal and has been on the planet since the crash in the past) to sabotage him so he can't crash. Why'd he do that? Because the crash would kill Kira... But I mean, if they can deviate from the timeline enough to aw forget it. Good episode, and it finally kicks off the Odo/Kira romance properly. It also does a great job of establishing why the characters are even willing to crash on purpose, what with Worf bonding with the wannabe Klingons and such.

Whatever the actor's name is, he's a master of eye acting. Gowron will forever be 'the guy with the eyes.' As a character, it's fun to see him be not really on the heroes' side, but always somehow end up working with them. He's sort of the Klingon version of a sleazy politician, which is enjoyable. He does a lot of dishonorable things, but it's fun when Gowron thinks Worf is a changeling one episode, and just responds by getting into a sword fight, because that's how Klingons do it.

Chain of Command Torture Scene
There's a lot to compliment about the torture sequences in CoC. The Cardassian, whatever his name is, establishing a rapport with Picard and Picard laughing at him for being bullied as a kid. His daughter just showing up and this is normal in Cardassian culture. And Picard's refusal to kowtow and his epic THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTSSSSSS but then admitting to Crusher that he almost saw five lights. This is one of the definitive Picard moments, right up there with the time he dressed flamboyantly and used a terrible French accent to infiltrate a space bar in order to get a Romulan ninja up to an illegal Borg part trader.

Sisko's Beard
Not as good as Riker's beard.


The Beginning of Wisdom
The Rules of Acquisition
Data & Picard
Geordie's Epic Maneuver

Assimilate This
Galaxy Quest
TNG Warp Core Sound
The Riker Lean
Where No Fan Has Gone Before
Chain of Command Torture Sequence
Kirk is a Jerk Shirt
Children of Time
Wolf in the Fold

Make It So
RedLetterMedia's Picard Re:Views
Mike and Rich's Top 5 TNG episodes
Raemes T. Quirk

Highly Illogical
For the Uniform
Sisko's Beard
The Rock's Appearance on Voyager
It's a Faaaaaaaaake!
Naomi Wildman
DS9/Babylon 5 Similarities

Get the Cheese to Sickbay
Night Terrors
Flaunting Danger Clip

This is the Power of Math, People
Warp 10
God Aliens Not Respecting Consent
Climax of Into Darkness
The Rape Gangs of Turkana IV
Data x Borg Queen [robo][tf][buzzsaw]

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/14/20 1:41:27 AM


There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
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09/14/20 2:27:51 AM

Riker without a beard

This is quite a username I have here.
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09/14/20 3:07:29 AM

The Mirror Universe
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09/14/20 4:45:44 AM


It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
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09/14/20 7:28:57 AM

The frequency of uniform changes in the Federation

Board 8's Voice of Reason
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09/14/20 8:23:57 AM

STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc.
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09/14/20 8:28:16 AM

Sanctuary Districts

You shine, and make others shine just by being near them.
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09/14/20 11:18:58 AM

One of the few Star Trek "things" normies recognize. It's funny how an idea born of budget limitations has become such a major and beloved piece of the canon. It's also funny how half the episodes in the franchise have to come up with increasingly ridiculous reasons why no one can use the transporter, but hey.

Beardless Riker
He looks so unnatural. Johnathon Frakes just has one of those faces that demands a beard.

The Mirror Universe
One of my favorite ideas in all of Star Trek, just because of how silly it is. A universe where everyone good is evil and everyone evil is good is so dumb and funny that I can't help but love it. Every Mirror Universe episode in all the franchise has been good -- even Discovery, amazingly, managed not to completely screw it up. I hate Discovery, but when they go to the Mirror Universe and meet the Emperor, and there's a throne of plastic tubes someone spray-painted gold, and everyone is dressed like it's Warhammer 40K, I was like YES GIVE ME MORE OF THIS. However, one of the upcoming LD episodes features the Mirror Universe, so there is time to screw this up.

Valiant (DS9)
A lot of people love this episode. Ehhhhhh, I like it well enough. It's nowhere near my list of favorites, though. I'm not as much of a Nog fan as many other people are.

Frequency of Uniform Changes in Starfleet
This is one of the weirdest unstated aspects of Starfleet. They change their uniforms every few years for no discernible reason. Every time there's an alternate future, someone makes new uniforms for the entire cast that don't get reused. That has to be expensive, but they always do. Hell, there's an episode where Riker is kidnapped by an alien kid who's never left his planet. The kid tricks him into thinking it's the future, and shows him a Starfleet where everyone has new uniforms, and Riker doesn't even question it, which means that even on obscure planets with only one person on them, they still know that Starfleet is cycling through uniforms like nobody's business. If not for Voyager, every Star Trek show would have introduced a new uniform for the cast.

STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association
Never heard of it.
Each year, STARFLEET offers a number of academic Scholarships to deserving members pursuing their education in a variety of subjects and disciplines: medicine, engineering, theater arts, international studies, business and management, veterinary medicine, teaching, law enforcement, and journalism/writing.
Man, are there journalists in the Federation? I guess Jake wants to be one, and there was the dick Fox News journalist at the start of PIC.

Sanctuary Districts
I didn't remember the name of this, and had to look it up. So they're just future Hoovervilles, basically, fine. I neither like nor dislike this idea; it seems like a perfectly functional and reasonable thing to put in the story they wanted to tell.


The Beginning of Wisdom
The Mirror Universe
The Rules of Acquisition
Data & Picard
Geordie's Epic Maneuver

Assimilate This
Galaxy Quest
TNG Warp Core Sound
The Riker Lean
Frequency of Uniform Changes in Starfleet
Where No Fan Has Gone Before
Chain of Command Torture Sequence
Kirk is a Jerk Shirt
Children of Time
Wolf in the Fold

Make It So
RedLetterMedia's Picard Re:Views
Mike and Rich's Top 5 TNG episodes
Raemes T. Quirk
Sanctuary Districts

Highly Illogical
STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association
For the Uniform
Sisko's Beard
The Rock's Appearance on Voyager
It's a Faaaaaaaaake!
Naomi Wildman
Valiant (DS9)
DS9/Babylon 5 Similarities

Get the Cheese to Sickbay
Night Terrors
Flaunting Danger Clip
Beardless Riker

This is the Power of Math, People
Warp 10
God Aliens Not Respecting Consent
Climax of Into Darkness
The Rape Gangs of Turkana IV
Data x Borg Queen [robo][tf][buzzsaw]

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/14/20 11:40:56 AM

Pre-forehead ridge Klingons

Besides, marijuana is far more harmful than steroids. - BlitzBomb
I headbang to Bruckner.
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09/14/20 12:10:26 PM

Enterprise's reason for Klingon forehead ridges

You shine, and make others shine just by being near them.
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09/14/20 12:18:43 PM

Brent Spiner
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09/14/20 12:30:52 PM

Holodeck-based episodes

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09/14/20 12:33:52 PM

Star Trek: Lower Decks

It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
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09/14/20 12:45:06 PM

TOS Klingons
I completely understand why they updated the Klingons in TMP to have their famous foreheads. In TOS, they're just guys with shoe polish on their faces and sometimes fake mustaches. I've read a lot of Trekkies try to argue that TOS Klingons are less honorable because they're been mixed with human DNA and whatever, but really, the whole 'honor in combat' thing comes from a single line in TOS where a Klingon grabs a sword and says they'll fight Kirk for the honor and glory. TNG is where the Klingons get fleshed out more into a proper culture with some actual nuance. The best we ever saw in terms of complicated Klingons was probably TUC.

ENT's Reason for Klingon Forehead Ridges
I don't really like ENT, and I suspect most people don't, since this is the first ENT-specific nomination, but I'll give it this: it at least tries to be a real Star Trek and fit into the continuity. It does a very poor job of it, but it makes an attempt. So even though the actual explanation itself is insane and silly, I'm willing to be a little lenient on it, you know? It's not the worst thing.

Brent Spiner
What has Brent Spiner even been in besides Star Trek and Independence Day? After looking it up, I can definitively state that I have seen nothing else he's in. He seems like an okay guy, I think he's a fine actor. He's not too good for the franchise like Patrick Stewart is, but he's fine. By the way, did you know Patrick Stewart was originally going to play Data? Good call on switching his roles.

Holodeck Episodes
There's basically one holodeck episode, which is that the safety protocols break and the holograms run amok. It's so overdone that even Star Trek itself eventually stopped making holodeck episodes and starting making fun of them. Here's another ENT thing; the episode where an alien uses a holodeck to accidentally impregnate Trip. I saw that episode one time fourteen years ago, and I still remember it almost perfectly. TOS and PIC are the only shows in the franchise with no holodeck breakdowns, and both times it's only because they don't have holodecks.

As a sci-fi idea, though, the holodeck is brilliant and makes complete sense. A ton can be done with it, and from a TV show perspective, it offers a change of scenery from the sterile spaceships we're used to. Great idea, major contribution to sci-fi as a whole. But since this is specifically about the episodes themselves, it won't get as high a ranking.


The Beginning of Wisdom
The Mirror Universe
The Rules of Acquisition
Data & Picard
Geordie's Epic Maneuver

Assimilate This
Galaxy Quest
TNG Warp Core Sound
The Riker Lean
Frequency of Uniform Changes in Starfleet
Where No Fan Has Gone Before
Chain of Command Torture Sequence
Kirk is a Jerk Shirt
Children of Time
Wolf in the Fold

Make It So
TOS Klingons
RedLetterMedia's Picard Re:Views
Holodeck Episodes
Mike and Rich's Top 5 TNG episodes
Brent Spiner
Raemes T. Quirk
Sanctuary Districts

Highly Illogical
STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association
For the Uniform
Sisko's Beard
The Rock's Appearance on Voyager
It's a Faaaaaaaaake!
Naomi Wildman
Valiant (DS9)
DS9/Babylon 5 Similarities
ENT's Reason for Klingon Forehead Ridges

Get the Cheese to Sickbay
Night Terrors
Flaunting Danger Clip
Beardless Riker

This is the Power of Math, People
Warp 10
God Aliens Not Respecting Consent
Climax of Into Darkness
The Rape Gangs of Turkana IV
Data x Borg Queen [robo][tf][buzzsaw]

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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Mega Mana
09/14/20 1:01:18 PM


"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
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09/14/20 1:07:33 PM

Sisko punching out Q

Besides, marijuana is far more harmful than steroids. - BlitzBomb
I headbang to Bruckner.
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09/14/20 1:20:02 PM

Season 3 of Enterprise

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09/14/20 1:48:25 PM

Star Trek Online
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09/14/20 4:03:34 PM

The Chase (season 6 TNG episode)

There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
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09/14/20 6:32:47 PM

Star Trek: Lower Decks
It would be way easier to rank the episode, sadly, but this entry was phrased so that I have to rank the show. Honestly? I really hate saying this, but I guess I have no choice: I don't hate it. It holds the extremely dubious title of "Best of the New Trek," and I would say it takes that title really easily. I don't like the humor (I've had one laugh in all of the show so far), but if we're being really honest here, it seems to sort of get what Star Trek is about. People at least attempt to solve problems without violence, there are actual sci-fi-y questions asked occasionally, and the humor, while not funny, isn't nearly as bad as I expected from the trailers. I hate the main character, Mariner, who, if this show was in continuity, would be tossed out of Starfleet in one day, and I hate how the show proudly champions her for constantly breaking rules, but again, it's not that bad. What I do hate is the constant references to other Star Treks and the near-fourth wall-breaking humor, but again? Not that bad. It's a frustrating show to rank, because it manages to just barely scrape by into being kind of okay, but if it took things more seriously, I think I would genuinely enjoy it more than, say, VOY or ENT.

I think the show also really misunderstands what's interesting. It thinks it can mine humor out of the low-ranking officers bumming around all day, and maybe it can, but as a humorous concept, "incompetent captain who thinks she doesn't get the respect she deserves," "grumpy cat doctor," "warmongering giant guy," and "Commander Riker, but dumber" is way better than "Rulebreaker girl," "anal-retentive guy," "guy who's dedicated and enthusiastic," and "the girl." The show also doesn't seem to understand how to throw its characters together; Mariner/Boimler and Tendi/Rutherford don't seem to even interact with the other ones except briefly, and it's easy to see why: Mariner's shtick would only work with Boimler, and Boimler's shtick would only work with Mariner, meaning you effectively have three different casts every episode acting independently of each other.

Speaking of Tendi, I really hope they do something with her. She's been completely pointless the entire season, and even in this comedic context, it would be cool to do something with the Orions, who had the misfortune of their big episodes taking place in a slave auction in ENT.

Never liked him. He serves a useful purpose as a storytelling tool, but as a character, he's incredibly annoying. I also have difficulty believing Leeta would leave her young, handsome doctor boyfriend for this guy.

Sisko Punching Q
I always felt like this was added just to establish how unlike Picard Sisko is. I never felt like they were that similar, but I guess that was a concern during s1.

Season 3 of Enterprise
"We finally got it together." S3 is the second best ENT season, which means it's okay. If this had been the first season, ENT might have lasted a full seven years and been remembered as almost as good as the three good Star Treks. Alas, that is not the case. Interestingly, the destruction of Florida as an allegory for 9/11 isn't as good as the Battle of Wolf 359, despite Wolf 359 happening like a decade before 9/11.

Star Trek Online
I honestly don't remember it that well. I remember being impressed at the customizations of uniforms and ships, but the fact that you need to pay real money really turned me off. I liked the idea of customizing your away team so that everyone has different abilities, so you're effectively playing as an entire party during a mission, but the fact that everything inevitably turns into combat is just so not-Star Trek. The spaceship combat segments were also really dull. Finally, the game has a mandatory two faction situation between the Federation and Klingon Empire, because of WoW, but the Klingons have like 5% as much content as the Federation, which is kind of funny.

The Chase
One of my standard "I'm working on something and want a TNG episode on in the background" episodes. Allegory for real life situations? Check. Weird sci-fi idea? Check. Picard and company doing their best to resolve things diplomatically? Check. Humanity out of the Romulans who actually feel bad that things almost devolved into combat? Unexpected check. It's not a 10/10 mindblowing episode or anything, but it's a really solid 8.5.


The Beginning of Wisdom
The Mirror Universe
The Rules of Acquisition
Data & Picard
Geordie's Epic Maneuver

Assimilate This
Galaxy Quest
TNG Warp Core Sound
The Riker Lean
Frequency of Uniform Changes in Starfleet
Chain of Command Torture Sequence
Kirk is a Jerk Shirt
The Chase
Where No Fan Has Gone Before
Children of Time
Wolf in the Fold

Make It So
Enterprise s3
TOS Klingons
RedLetterMedia's Picard Re:Views
Holodeck Episodes
Mike and Rich's Top 5 TNG episodes
Brent Spiner
Raemes T. Quirk
Sanctuary Districts

Highly Illogical
Star Trek: Lower Decks
STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association
For the Uniform
Sisko's Beard
The Rock's Appearance on Voyager
It's a Faaaaaaaaake!
Naomi Wildman
Valiant (DS9)
Sisko Punching Q
DS9/Babylon 5 Similarities
ENT's Reason for Klingon Forehead Ridges

Get the Cheese to Sickbay
Night Terrors
Flaunting Danger Clip
Beardless Riker
Star Trek Online

This is the Power of Math, People
Warp 10
God Aliens Not Respecting Consent
Climax of Into Darkness
The Rape Gangs of Turkana IV
Data x Borg Queen [robo][tf][buzzsaw]

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/14/20 6:42:38 PM

Ambassador Class starships
The shattered stage is set and there's a role you must fulfil
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09/14/20 6:54:15 PM

Escape pods

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09/14/20 7:00:25 PM

Worfs love of prune juice
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09/14/20 7:02:42 PM

"The Outcast"

You shine, and make others shine just by being near them.
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09/14/20 7:47:39 PM

Ensign Harry Kim
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09/14/20 7:55:43 PM

The Doctor

There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
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09/14/20 8:05:09 PM

you put exactly how i feel about lower decks into a very good writeup thnx

(|| ' ' ||) "Your First Thought" - A (sometimes) Daily Topic Series 'Bout Thinkin':
. /|_|\ [azuarc]
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09/14/20 8:14:00 PM

Star Trek: The Animated Series

It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
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09/14/20 8:40:35 PM

Worf and Dax's relationship

Besides, marijuana is far more harmful than steroids. - BlitzBomb
I headbang to Bruckner.
... Copied to Clipboard!
09/14/20 8:50:08 PM

Ambassador-class Starship
Completely serviceable "not the main character's ship" ship. You look at it, and you immediately know it's a Federation ship that the main characters don't work on.

Escape Pods
Who invented escape pods? It couldn't have been Star Trek, right? When was Star Trek's first use of them? Hm.

Prune Juice
A solid running gag. I like when Klingons as a whole start drinking it because of Worf's renown.

Harry Kim
I would make a joke about Harry being the most forgettable main character in Star Trek, but he's not even in the bottom five. Garret Wang, the actor, commented that he was ordered to play his character wooden on purpose. The result of this is that Harry Kim is an intensely unintense character. In fact, Harry was going to be cut from the show entirely when the writers realized they needed to fire someone for budget reasons, but Garret Wang happened to be in the Top 100 Sexiest Men of that year, so they cut Kes instead. Now, really. Garret Wang isn't ugly, but tell me he's one of the sexiest men of 1998 or whatever. Really. Harry episodes are split into two categories:
  1. Harry has sex with an alien girl who turns out to be a space vampire, evil spy, or something like that.
  2. Harry is frustrated that no one takes him seriously and wants to advance in rank, but the circumstances of his situation prevent that, leading him to do something stupid.
What a character!

The Doctor
The Doctor is such a clever idea that it makes me wonder if VOY had a competent writer in the room, or if it was just an accident. "Reverse Data" really works as a character. For the first three years, the Doctor is carrying Voyager hard, and is absolutely the only redeeming quality of the show. Then Seven of Nine joins, and the two of them carry the show for the rest of its run. I can imagine being like Roxanne Dawson or something and being frustrated that your character is complete garbage while Robert Picardo gets to act circles around you with the material the writers feed him.

Star Trek: The Animated Series
The most ambiguously canon of the Treks, TAS is either non-canon, canon, or only canon for the one episode people remember. It's got sub-Scooby Doo levels of animation, but if you can forgive that, it's okay. It really makes an effort to use the animation to do things that you can't in live-action, like having wackier aliens, but they spent so much money hiring the real actors that they had no money for guest stars. Basically every single guest character, and some of the recurring characters, is either James Doohan or Nichelle Nichols doing a terrible voice. So they tried to tell some actual sci-fi stories with a budget of zero dollars, and they did basically the best job anyone could have. I can't fault them for that.


The Beginning of Wisdom
The Mirror Universe
The Rules of Acquisition
Data & Picard
The Doctor
Geordie's Epic Maneuver

Assimilate This
Galaxy Quest
TNG Warp Core Sound
The Riker Lean
Frequency of Uniform Changes in Starfleet
Chain of Command Torture Sequence
Kirk is a Jerk Shirt
The Chase
Where No Fan Has Gone Before
Children of Time
Ambassador-class Starship
Wolf in the Fold

Make It So
Enterprise s3
Escape Pods
TOS Klingons
RedLetterMedia's Picard Re:Views
Holodeck Episodes
Mike and Rich's Top 5 TNG episodes
Brent Spiner
Raemes T. Quirk
Sanctuary Districts

Highly Illogical
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Star Trek: The Animated Series
STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association
Prune Juice
For the Uniform
Sisko's Beard
The Rock's Appearance on Voyager
It's a Faaaaaaaaake!
Naomi Wildman
Valiant (DS9)
Sisko Punching Q
DS9/Babylon 5 Similarities

Get the Cheese to Sickbay
Harry Kim
ENT's Reason for Klingon Forehead Ridges
Night Terrors
Flaunting Danger Clip
Beardless Riker
Star Trek Online

This is the Power of Math, People
Warp 10
God Aliens Not Respecting Consent
Climax of Into Darkness
The Rape Gangs of Turkana IV
Data x Borg Queen [robo][tf][buzzsaw]

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/14/20 8:50:35 PM

ZenOfThunder posted...
you put exactly how i feel about lower decks into a very good writeup thnx
Glad to help!

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/14/20 8:50:39 PM

Anagram posted...
Star Trek: Lower Decks
It holds the extremely dubious title of "Best of the New Trek," and I would say it takes that title really easily.

Just to be absolutely clear, New Trek begins with Star Trek 09, right?

I hate the main character, Mariner, who, if this show was in continuity, would be tossed out of Starfleet in one day,

This show actually is in continuity! Wrap your brain around that!

It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
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09/14/20 9:00:19 PM

NFUN posted...
"The Outcast"

You shine, and make others shine just by being near them.
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09/14/20 9:01:15 PM

The below event happening in my extended family's very small hometown

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09/14/20 9:05:38 PM

redrocket posted...

Just to be absolutely clear, New Trek begins with Star Trek 09, right?
I meant just the new shows, but, thinking on it, I'm not sure. I would say LD is about as good as 09. I'd say it's slightly better than 09, which is definitely the best of the new movies.

redrocket posted...
his show actually is in continuity! Wrap your brain around that!
Yeah, I figured. People rightfully rag on VOY, but it actually respected the canon in all aspects except when holodecks were invented. Even ENT at least tried. The Abramsverse at least had the decency to invent a new universe to bop around in. New Star Trek just doesn't give a damn.

Screw it, my new headcanon is that Mariner's admiral father keeps in Starfleet against regulations.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/14/20 9:06:09 PM

NFUN posted...
Whoops! I'll do it next time.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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Mac Arrowny
09/14/20 9:25:28 PM

Captain Jean Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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09/14/20 9:35:22 PM

Wil Wheaton

It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
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09/14/20 10:00:12 PM

Worst Star Trek race
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09/14/20 10:01:35 PM

The Neutral Zone

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09/14/20 10:15:05 PM

Rikers pizza-making fascination

Board 8's Voice of Reason
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09/14/20 11:23:40 PM

The Outcast
The Outcast is an episode that was meant to be a gay allegory, but comes across better as a trans allegory. "Better." So the story is that there's a planet of genderless aliens, but sometimes one of them feels like a gender, and wouldn't you know it, one of them identifies as a woman and falls in love with Riker. Riker reciprocates, but the planet sends you to Mike Pence gay conversion therapy camp if you think you have a gender. Riker tries to rescue her, but it's too late, and she's been converted, because in the future, gay conversion works I guess.

Is it amazing that this is only the second worst episode about trans issues? Nothing will ever touch the episode where Quark proves that women are as good as men by turning himself into a woman and continuing to have all of his male knowledge, of course, but this is still pretty embarrassing.

Jennifer Lien's Descent into Madness
I don't really know how "complaining to your neighbor about their annoying, crying child" turns into "show the neighbor's three children your boobs and butt," but Jennifer Lien does. I like how the article mentions her acting career, and ends it with "The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride." Imagine being an actor and that being one of your big roles.

Captain Jean-luc Picard of the USS Enterprise
The best character in the franchise. He's been harmed a bit by his appearance on PIC, buuuuuut since this nomination specified "of the USS Enterprise," I'm only counting his when he was captain. Masterfully acted by Patrick Stewart, Picard is the best example of humanity. It's interesting, too. On paper, "philosophical artistic diplomat" isn't really more interesting than, say, Captain Janeway? It's all in the execution, my friends.

Wil Wheaton
I'm sure Wil Wheaton is a nice guy, and he's obviously aware of peoples' dislike for Wesley, but he constantly makes tweets about political issues that are just kind of embarrassing. He also seems to like DIS. Also, I went on a road trip with my friend once, and he made me listen to Ready Player One as narrated by Wil Wheaton, so I'm counting that book against him.

Worst Star Trek Race
I'm not sure if this nomination meant the worst race in any Star Trek or the worst major race. I choose to interpret it as the former. I'm giving this to the Wadi.
If you don't remember, the Wadi are a race of gamblers who all gamble all the time and do nothing else, but also don't think gambling is a big deal. They're responsible for Move Along Home, the worst s1 DS9 episode, and have the laziest makeup of any Star Trek alien that's not just a human with no makeup.

The Neutral Zone
A brilliant idea. It establishes the Romulans as this scary unknown threat we barely understand, and it creates an instant source of drama when the heroes inevitably have to violate the neutral zone. It doesn't make much sense, of course, that the Romulans can always violate it and the Federation can't, but who cares.

Riker's Pizza
This is canon: after Nemesis, Riker and Troi left Starfleet, moved into a forest on an obscure planet, and spent their time raising their daughter in the woods and making pizza. This is Star Trek canon.

Am I the only person who interpreted Riker as a very career-oriented guy? There's a whole episode dedicated to him agonizing over whether to pursue captaincy off the Enterprise or to stay as the first officer of the most prestigious ship in the fleet. Riker even left Troi to pursue his Starfleet career (although they got back together). Even Riker's transporter clone still defined himself by his relation to Starfleet even after leaving Starfleet. I just don't accept that Riker would ever leave Starfleet, especially since it's an organization that lets you bring your children onto the starship you work on. I could maaaaaaybe buy Riker becoming an admiral and captaining a desk on some planet, but there's no way he'd live in the ****ing woods. And even if he did, why would Starfleet immediately accept his reactivation and put him in charge of a giant fleet after he's spent years making pizzas? And isn't Troi a very social butterfly type of girl, who's proud of her job talking to and treating people?


Make it So
Captain Jean-luc Picard of the USS Enterprise

The Beginning of Wisdom
The Mirror Universe
The Neutral Zone
The Rules of Acquisition
Data & Picard
The Doctor
Geordie's Epic Maneuver

Assimilate This
Galaxy Quest
TNG Warp Core Sound
The Riker Lean
Frequency of Uniform Changes in Starfleet
Chain of Command Torture Sequence
Kirk is a Jerk Shirt
The Chase
Where No Fan Has Gone Before
Children of Time
Ambassador-class Starship
Wolf in the Fold

Make It So
Enterprise s3
Escape Pods
TOS Klingons
RedLetterMedia's Picard Re:Views
Holodeck Episodes
Mike and Rich's Top 5 TNG episodes
Brent Spiner
Raemes T. Quirk
Sanctuary Districts

Highly Illogical
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Star Trek: The Animated Series
STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association
Prune Juice
For the Uniform
Sisko's Beard
The Rock's Appearance on Voyager
It's a Faaaaaaaaake!
Naomi Wildman
Valiant (DS9)
Sisko Punching Q
DS9/Babylon 5 Similarities

Get the Cheese to Sickbay
Harry Kim
Wil Wheaton
ENT's Reason for Klingon Forehead Ridges
Night Terrors
Flaunting Danger Clip
Beardless Riker
Star Trek Online

This is the Power of Math, People
Riker's Pizza
Warp 10
The Outcast
God Aliens Not Respecting Consent
Climax of Into Darkness
Jennier Lien's Descent into Madness
The Rape Gangs of Turkana IV
Data x Borg Queen [robo][tf][buzzsaw]

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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Mac Arrowny
09/15/20 12:05:43 AM

The Picard Maneuver
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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09/15/20 12:20:03 AM


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09/15/20 12:26:39 AM

Warf's Baldric

This is quite a username I have here.
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09/15/20 12:28:10 AM


It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
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