Board 8 > Raetsel (and Raetsel's alts) rank 784 songs! [Rankings]

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12/28/22 1:17:43 PM

Every song in the Clump has officially ended in #440th place.



Bane: 20/38 Remaining

BlackDra90n: 14/30 Remaining

cakophon: 7/20 Remaining

CJones: 10/18 Remaining

CPU: 15/30 Remaining

DoctorJimmy: 14/24 Remaining

Dragon66116: 9/12 Remaining

handsomeboy: 23/31 Remaining

Haste: 10/31 Remaining

hotdogturtle: 9/14 Remaining

Jesse_Custer: 21/29 Remaining

kateee: 16/21 Remaining

Kopazzynth: 10/21 Remaining

Lasa: 4/14 Remaining

Mega Mana: 21/38 Remaining

Metalmind: 17/25 Remaining

Murphiroth: 15*/32 Remaining

NBIceman: 17/22 Remaining

NFUN: 19/31 Remaining

paulg: 25/52 Remaining

Player_0: 16/33 Remaining

Raka: 23/31 Remaining

rwlh: 11/24 Remaining

sergio: 4/13 Remaining

Snake: 17/32 Remaining

TheArkOfTurus: 11/17 Remaining

TunnelScene: 12/27 Remaining

UF8: 18/30 Remaining

Xtlm: 9/13 Remaining

ZaziGuado: 22/28 Remaining

*Reality TV somehow continues to be un-eliminated.



That should be the last large gathering of tied songs. There is a small cluster at the 70 point level, but I think it's only four or five songs and they'll probably be sorted into some order when we reach there.

Moving on with the songs that were part of the Clump, but had their eliminations delayed ever-so-slightly:


#439: Yelle - Mon pays (4:33):

Nominator: hotdogturtle [8/14 Remaining]

Initial Score: 58.70
Revised Score: 58.70
Final Score: 60.00 [Upgraded to 60.00000001]

(First Reaction: I don't like the instrumental break in the middle of the song and the lyrics repeat themselves too often, but the music itself has a bit of a darker vibe to it that is rather pleasing. Though the lyrics don't really play into the dark vibes at all, which makes this entire track quite confusing....)

!From someone who tried translating the lyrics to English:

This song is really interesting in that the lyrics are hopeful and almost vulnerable but the music and the tone are so menacing.

It is an interesting contrast, I just don't know that it entirely worked out? Like I kinda like the music and I kinda like the lyrics, but the combination just feels confusingly awkward.

[Final Thoughts: Okay, the instrumental break is definitely dragging the song down, but I really enjoy the instruments and note choices used during the main parts of the song. I think I'll move this song up a tier, but that break did give me pause.

*briefly considers rewording that for the incredibly tired paws/pause pun*

...Fine, I guess I haven't sank that low, but I still really wanted to say it.]

[Later: The synths on this song are working for me tonight, I'm kinda grooving to this one. But I still quite dislike that instrumental break... it's so unpleasant and completely different than everything I liked about the song that it is borderline ruining things for me.

Ehhhh... I guess I'm vibing with the majority of this song enough that i do want it above the Neo Clump, but it's close.]

[Later: When this song starts, I always wonder how something that starts off this good can possibly be so low on the list. And then we reach that point just before the two minute mark which is the wrong kind of "bramf" notes that feel like a wet fart and drag the song down. The fact that it lasts an entire minute is also a pretty bad sign... this song is so short that's practically 1/4th of the entire runtime.]




#438: Eskimo Callboy - Hypa Hypa (3:31):

Nominator: BlackDra90n [13/30 Remaining]

Initial Score: 50.16
Revised Score: 50.03
Final Score: 51.04 [Upgraded to 51.06] [Upgraded to 55.00000011] [Upgraded to 57.01] [Upgraded to 58.01] [Upgraded to 60.00] [Upgraded to 60.00000002]

(First Reaction: The blend of metal and generic poppy dance music creates something I partially like.)

This song served as a good base for other people to take it and make it better, but I'm not into the metal aspects of the song... the choruses and the bridge are nice, but we can hear versions of those that are as good if not better on other renditions of the song in this topic. I dare say this is probably the weakest version of the song and I'm having a hard time judging it fairly as a result. The fact that I accidentally clicked one of the better versions of this song by mistake because I forgot which link was which certainly doesn't help, as I really liked the one I just heard and this version does not compare to it.

Meow meow meow meow meow.

Switching between METAL YELLING and pop dance music is an interesting idea, but I don't think I like how it worked out in practice... I prefer my metal to be angry or Satanic and I prefer my pop music with less of a metallic taste, causing this to be a "two great tastes that are at odds with one another" song. I suppose I like it a bit, especially in a "look at how different this version of the song is compared to the ones we like!" concept, but... not quite something I'll go back to, I'm afraid.

*sometime later*

"Does not compare"... you can tell that I started with the Johnny Turbo DOESN'T EVEN COMPARE!! reference, but decided to restrain myself and speak normally. Oddly, there's at least one other song where I actually go for the reference, making one question why I held back during this writeup. Oh well.

[Final Thoughts: The two halves of this song go together like batteries and off-brand gelatin mix.]

[Later: ...That's really what we wanted to put down as a final thought, huh? Alright then. ...Man, why is the last chorus to this song so good? I have to eliminate SOMETHING tonight...

...Alright, fine, I kinda like this.]

[Late Breaking News: Possibly catchy enough to go up to 57 points.]

[Space Channel 5: Ehhhhh.... let's give this one extra point, maybe?]

[Space Channel 5 - Part 2: Alright, I suppose this pop metal is amusing me enough to go up into the Neo Clump.]

[Later: Well, I'd say this is definitely at least a fraction of a point better than the 257ers version, so this is getting moved above the Neo Clump.]




#437: Keisuke Ito, Yasuhiro Kawagoe, Noriko Murakami - Depths of the Submerged Cave (5:54):

Nominator: Haste [9/31 Remaining]

Initial Score: 56.09
Revised Score: 58.207
Final Score: 56.18 [Upgraded to 60.00] [Upgraded to 60.00000003]

(First Reaction: There are moments in this song that capture that "sinking into the abyss" feeling that I love, but the majority of the song is spent on a more upbeat "trudging through the snowfields" type sound, which is enjoyable, but not quite what I wanted from it.)

!I still get "snowfield" from the majority of this song, but that's still a cute adventure in its own right. And there are definitely some sinking in the abyss segments to the song, so it's not like it's entirely un-submerged. Just... less submerged than I'd have liked based on the song title.

[Final Thoughts: Some very nice ambiance on this track, definitely one of the better Mystery Dungeon songs.]

[Later: Adding this to the Neo Clump. I enjoy the opening aquatic feel too much to let this song drop any earlier than that.]

[Later: Slightly moving this ahead of the Clump due to *ambience*.]


"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
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12/28/22 1:50:25 PM

Last three of the afternoon:


#436: DEMONDICE - Gang Gang, Kawaii!! (3:30):

Nominator: Murphiroth [14*/32 Remaining]

Initial Score: 60.00

Revised Score: 60.10

FInal Score: 60.00000005

(First Reaction: Okay, this one did make me laugh, so I'll also add this to the Clump of 60 point songs.)

!Not her best track, but funny enough to be a welcome addition to the album.

[Final Thoughts: Gag song that is amusing enough that I like it, but not so hilarious that it goes much further than the 60 point tier.]

[Later: It's not seriously about food, but... well, you know how I feel about lists of food, even metaphorical food or ironic food or whatever.]




#435: Weather Report - Black Market [6:30]:

Nominator: Lasa [3/14 Remaining]

Initial Score: 60.00

Revised Score: 60.00

Final Score: 60.00 [Upgraded to 60.00000006]

(First Reaction: I'm not sure why I seem to like this slightly more than "Giant Steps", but it shall be added to the CLUMP while I attempt to figure out why.)

! A more enjoyable type of jazz than most of the songs that were nominated this year. There's a 70's groove to this that is enjoyable and, *checks info* oh hey, this is 70's music. Cool. The sound & the cover were very 70's, but I couldn't be positive... good to know I recognized something.

[Final Thoughts; A nice, mellow groove to this song. Interestingly enough (to me), just searching Weather Report Black Market gives a very different mix of the song:

Which is a far more bombastic mix for the song, which is also really neat! I'm not sure which one I like more... I think I like the first four minutes of the bombastic version better, but the last bits of the song better in the mellow version you nominated? I like both of them though, it just seems interesting that the song feels so different between the two links.]

[Later: I'd say the groove on this is worth a little extra.]




#434: Yelle - Unillusion (3:51):

Nominator: hotdogturtle [7/14 Remaining]

Initial Score: 55.10

Revised Score: 56.13

Final Score: 60.003

(First Reaction: Another in the evergrowing pile of "good songs that I enjoy listening to, but don't have much to say about".)

It has a nice sound to it, but there aren't any lyrics or moments that I want to draw any special attention to or discuss at any length. I'll never be disappointed to hear it, but probably won't go out of my way to find it again... still nice though.

[Final Thoughts: I dunno, I think I like this song tonight. And the fun thing about having a tier where I can explictly just say "I like this" and move on without clarifying things is that I don't have to say anything else.]



And so ends our brief detour into the songs that received the oddly specific scores of "more than Neo Clump" -but- "less than 60.01". Not really a group of songs, but they felt close enough in position that I wanted to go through all of them tonight before moving on to more typical scores tomorrow.

"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
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12/28/22 3:03:36 PM

Cool, another ranking topic where I got a score an infinitesimal distance away from a group threshold.

Hey man, LlamaGuy did encrypt the passwords.
With what? ROT-13? -CJayC
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12/28/22 3:59:40 PM

Damn, I somehow thought that the original Hypa Hypa would be the last one standing of the group.

Raetsel_Lapin posted...
Switching between METAL YELLING and pop dance music is an interesting idea, but I don't think I like how it worked out in practice...

That's pretty much Electric Callboy (they changed their name) songs in a nutshell. Their latest album Tekkno has some bangers in it if you wanna check out a few more of their songs.

Pump It is just a good song, FCKBOI is less metally and more rock, Spaceman has more German rap in it, and Hurrikan is just.. something else.

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12/28/22 4:32:40 PM

I shall (hopefully) remember to add those songs to the list tomorrow.

But first, an apology because something went wrong earlier and the phone kinda played Hellbento instead of Gang Gang Kawaii when I was relistening to it before eliminating it. I thought it was weird that I didn't remember food in that song at all...

Talk that trash about my waifu?
Cock my uzi, grab my knaifu!

So, Gang Gang isn't the food one. It's the intentionally lame to make fun of some idiots one. Which... is kinda also something that hasn't worked out well this topic. So I do support the score and placement ("End your laifu" is stupid, but kinda funny enough), but the last part of that writeup is blatantly wrong.

...I'd blame the phone, but I really should have noticed that earlier.

"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
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12/28/22 4:45:03 PM

Raetsel_Lapin posted...
abysmally low view count
to be fair, the bilibili link for it does have 23k views. still think it's very unfortunate nobody checks the youtube link though
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12/29/22 9:02:49 AM

Added. As usual, let me know if I forgot to add anything as there's never a guarantee I'll remember by the time I'm back over on this device:



UF8: "there actually is another song i probably 100% would've picked had it been fully out then though that also has a harumaki gohan-esque music video, remind me to bring it up if/when the ranking ends in another year or so lol"

The Great Escape by Seventh Wonder

Try something else by Thomas Dimuzio and 5uu's

Exit Strategy of a Wrecking Ball (Diablo Swing Orchestra)

Electric Callboy - Tekno ( Pump It, [the one that might count as a censor bypass], Spaceman, Hurrikan )



Two songs to open the morning.


#432: ACE - A Nopon's Life (2:19):

Nominator: DoctorJimmy [13/24 Remaining]

Initial Score: 25.99

Revised Score: D. You figure out what that translates to as a number because none of the voices in my head know either. [Later set to 51.66 so that it can be somewhere in the ranking?]

Final Score: 60.05

(First Reaction: A track that wants to be silly and fun, but only succeeds in being utterly forgettable.)

Sadly, I'm in even less of a mood for this song than I was the first time. I'm having a hard time putting my thoughts into words, as always, but the song feels... wrong. Not just a normal sort of wrongness, but a wrong that should be emphasized with bold and italics. wrong.

The song seems to be aiming for a cartoony and childish vibe, all smiles and sunshine, but it's missing the mark and feels quite unsettling. I'd classify this as one of the most unsettling songs I'd ever heard, which would be impressive if there was any indication that this was something the composer actually wanted to accomplish. As is, I find myself getting rather tense and twitchy, and quite actively wanting the song to stop doing whatever it's doing.


The worst part is that I want songs that cause an abnormal emotional reaction, so I'm almost obligated to give it a high score... but I don't really want to listen to it...

*sighs in an overly dramatic fashion*

Can I give a song an "Invalid Number" as a score? Just say that it broke the scale entirely and cannot be evaluated by numbers from this plane of existence? Have it come in "D-nd Place", a nonexistent value from another reality where it's left ambiguous where the song would fall on the actual ranking?

[Third Listen: I would describe the sound as "Christian Animals on Parade" which is apparently not a good sound? I'm still unclear where this negative association is coming from and I don't hate it, but... it's uhh... I still don't know what I want to do with this song.]

{Fourth Listen: Okay, let's go with early 50's for this. I'd say anything I have this chaotic a reaction to is something I have positive feelings towards, but I'm having a hard time saying I like it.}

[Final Thoughts: Huh. I actually like this at the moment; after having to listen to it so many times just to be able to give it something resembling a number, it's started to grow on me. Neat, I guess.]


-late, as usual-


#431: The Snake Charmer - Auld Lang Syne Bagpipes (3:33):

Nominator: CPU [14/30 Remaining]

Initial Score: 60.09
Revised Score: 60.09
Final Score: 60.065

(First Reaction: Exactly what it says it is and much prettier than I'd have expected from bagpipes. Not that I've listened to much bagpipe music, but it's not an instrument traditionally known for beauty. I think. Actually, I don't know anything about bagpipes.)

!A fine improvement of a traditional song.

[Final Thoughts: Still a surprisingly beautiful song. I'm *slightly* less into it, but it's still a fine addition to the list.]



UF8 posted...
to be fair, the bilibili link for it does have 23k views. still think it's very unfortunate nobody checks the youtube link though

I am glad that people at least listened to it somewhere. That unbelievably low viewcount as quite sad.

"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
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12/29/22 12:08:09 PM

Three more, including a double drop from handsomeboy:


#430: Tat Ming Pair - [Starry Starry Night] (3:33):

Nominator: Handsomeboy [22/31 Remaining]

Initial Score: 60.10
Revised Score: 60.10
Final Score: 60.10

(First Reaction: Another, probably more accurate translation put the title as "It's a Starry Night", but I've already listed it as "Starry Starry Night" on all my files and have become accustomed to that name, so I'll be sticking with that for now. Also, I'm just going to cheat and copy another site's words on the song:

As a track that is over two decades old, it still sounds surprisingly fresh and even precisely captures the current situation. The lyrics picture a city of twinkling lights a scene of resplendence where the night is never dark. Glossed over by the illusion of prosperity, however, is a touch of sorrow. Such sense of beauty is but a fragile glass, which breaks into pieces upon a slight stab. Please take a last glance at this glamorous city, / Then march forth. / With doubts deep down, / I fear this glittering city / has seen its last hurrah.

That is a heavy verse and, while I can't speak to the state Hong Kong was in during the late 80's, that verse feels especially poignant now. I'd also like to take a second and give some thanks & credit to the person translating that site's articles for English speaking audiences because that could not have been easy.

!Not much to add here. Very evocative and intense lyrics in a rather catchy 80's pop song. I like it.

[Final Thoughts: A sadly timeless song with enough pop sensibilities to be a bop as the kids say these days, or use to say, or whatever.]


-available now-


#429: Anita Mui - (Break the Iceberg) (6:23):

[Note: Song does not start until 47 seconds into the video.]

Nominator: Handsomeboy [21/31 Remaining]

Initial Score: 60.00
Revised Score: 60.00 {upgraded to 60.08}
Final Score: 60.105

(First Reaction: The lyrics repeat a bit too often, but they're a type of romantic that I enjoy & the backing singers compliment the song quite well & the music has a deeper type of synth that gives it a slightly edgy mechanical feeling; I think I kinda dig what this song is doing. I'm going to add it to the all-consuming CLUMP to start with and we'll see if it goes anywhere on a second listen.)

!Yeah, I like this. Seems like a good fit for the exactly 60 point mark.

[Slightly Later: Adding a slight boost to put it above something else.]

[Final Thoughts: I definitely like this.]

[Later: I may check out a few of her other songs later. She's got a nice voiee & had a very proliffic career, so I may try a few of her other songs on Spotify later. Seeing as both songs you nominated by her reached at least this level, I'd say I seem to like her.]




#428: Team Fortress 2 - Sandviches! [0:31]:

Nominator: paulg [24/52 Remaining]

Initial Score: 16.21
Revised Score: 11.39
Final Score: 51.36 [Upgraded to 60.20]

(First Reaction: Sorry. It's not a joke I find particularly funny and there's really nothing here musically. I don't hate it or anything, but it's definitely near the bottom of the list.)

This wasn't a bad pick for a nomination, in theory. I do love a few of these "making a song from spoken dialogue samples" songs. I still listen to Iteachvader's songs and Activate the Dancebot fairly regularly. But, to put it bluntly, those were actual songs? And recontextualized the clips that were edited? This takes a short clip of Heavy talking about sandwiches and turns it into a short clip of Heavy talking about sandwiches.

...actually it's so on the nose, I'm not sure why I'm assuming this video has been edited. This could very well just be a clip of the animated short presented without any alterations, which woulddn't really impact the scoring at all, but would make the previous paragraph even more irrelevant. Ah well. Anywho, I've never played Team Fortress 2, so my only real exposure to Heavy come from memes like this one & the first Poker Night at the Inventory where he's decidedly less interesting than Strongbad and Max (though probably more interesting than Tycho). So theres no nostalgia for the game or Heavy himself for this nomination to try to play off of and, well, there just isn't much here to really function as a song.

[Final Thoughts: Ohh, it's a My Little Pony parody:

I didn't recognize it; I haven't seen Season 1 since it originally came out and Cupcakes isn't exactly my favorite pony song. This context greatly changes my view of the track; it's still not a good song, but it *is* pony adjacent and vaguely making fun of Pinkie Pie's song... yeah, I kinda like this now. Not by much, but it's moving from next-to-last place to the positive score category.]

[Later: ...Okay now that I get the parody, this is funny enough that I like it. I'm ashamed to have it over so many other songs, but I just can't let it get under 60 points now.]

[Later: Pony Adjacency does helps deal with the stigma of being a food song, for those keeping track of such details.]


-surprisingly, there are still some food songs remaining. Which song shall be declared King of Food?!-

*there was going to be a fourth elimination here, but the writeup is too large & it'll have to wait until the next post.*

"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
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12/29/22 3:48:44 PM

Had some stuff to do, but I'm back with some late afternoon musics! Three to start with, including one that would have been posted three and a half hours ago if it weren't so large:


#427: The Birthday Massacre - The NeverEnding Story (4:35):

Nominator: CPU [13/30 Remaining]

Initial Score: 51.86
Revised Score: 51.86
Final Score: 51.86 [Upgraded to 54.9004] [Upgraded to 55.00] [Upgraded to 56.17] [Upgraded to 59.001] [Upgraded to 60.00] [Upgraded to 60.241]

(First Reaction: I'll still always be happy to hear more from this band, but I don't think this is one of their better songs. It doesn't really showcase the power of her voice, it's completely lacking in darkness, and I actually have no experience with the film series for this to get any nostalgia boost. I did see the second film once, but I don't want to think of how much time has passed since then and I did not care for it in the slightest--considering the abysmal review scores it seems to have, it looks like hardly anyone else cared for it either..

(I know nothing about the first, other than it presumably being a better film & also, I think some animal dies tragically at some point?)

Aaaaanywho...., this song is serviceable. It's nostalgic 80s synthpop and I'll never pass up a chance to listen to something like that, but without any nostalgia for the original version of the song, I'm left with the impression that this is the weakest song of theirs that I've heard thus far.)

I think I'd prefer an instrumental version of this track. The synth here is doing some things I like a fair amount, but I'm not interested in the lyrics and I still don't think the song fits her; or more accurately the song has absolutely nothing in common with the The Birthday Massacre songs I love, causing a disconnect between 'what I want when I see a song nominated by this band' and 'what this song is'.

...well now that sounds like I'm judging it based on what it isn't, which I'm trying not to do and don't think I really am this time--I have a tendency to do that a lot, but "I care not for these lyrics or her performance, and I know she can do things I love" isn't *meant* to be that type of irrelevant critique. I'm just not wording it correctly. Either way, this is something that sounded like a good idea on paper: related to children's media, a band that has at least a few songs I love, a genre that's right up my alley... but it never comes together correctly: it's a media I don't have an interest in, it's not like their songs that I love, and the vocals overpower the instruments I like about the genre. It just kinda misses all three targets... though now this writeup is way too negative because I do have somewhat positive feelings towards it.

[Final Thoughts: A good nomination on paper that just kinda misses the mark.]

[Later: I... might kinda like this? It's relatively low-tier for a Birthday Massacre nom, but I do enjoy synths and this is a very 80's inspired synth track.]

[NeverEnding Later: Perhaps a tiny nudge to just above the Wall.]

[NeverEnding Later 2: This is growing on me quite a bit lately.]

[NeverEnding Later III - Escape From/Return To Whereever: Alright, this has enough synths that I like to make it to the Neo Clump.]

[NeverEnding Later IV: ERROR FILM NOT FOUND: This song is starting to win me over a bit from the repetition. I suppose I'll move it above Neo Clump, but I'm likely going to grow tired of listening to this so many times in the near future.]


-followed, purely by coincidence, by one of the shortest:-


#426: Masashi Hamauzu - FINALE (2:00):

Nominator: Haste [8/31 Remaining]

Initial Score: 60.26
Revised Score: 60.26
Final Score: 60.26

(First Reaction: A very beautiful intro that transitions to a happy victory theme. It's a very "character walks along as a montage of how super happy everything is now plays in the background" celebration song. Pretty neat effect, especially for such a rather short song.)

!Still a pretty song.

[Final Thoughts: Victory song is victorious. terms of how it sounds, I mean. It did not win.]

[Later: I really like the intro! And I like the rest of the song too, it just loses some of its beauty when it switches to the more victorious type of sound.]


-and then one of the earlier mentioned songs from Cats-


#425: Cats (2019 Film) - Mr. Mistoffelees (4:41):

Nominator: @Raka_Putra [22/31 Remaining]

Initial Score: 60.00
Revised Score: 63.97
Final Score: 60.33

(First Reaction: I actually liked the film and, deep down inside, didn't we all kinda know that I would be the one lifeform in this dimension with the right combination of psychoses to not only think "I must watch this" upon seeing the trailer, but actually go see it in theaters more than once? Like, you kinda had to assume as much, right?

Aaanywho...., I think this is probably upper-mid tier for the film soundtrack? Macavity is the easy pick for first place, it's literally Taylor Swift singing an ode to Cat Satan, it's basically guaranteed to be the best part of anything ever. Skimbleshanks is second best, and... well, I can't honestly recall the rankings after that. Maybe this is actually the third best? Between it and "Mungojerrie And Rumpleteaser", probably.

Right, right, Mr. Misofelees. Steven McRae does a good job of selling his uncertainty and trying to build himself with false bravado, which is an uncommon emotion for a song to represent. It repeats the chorus far too often, but it is a catchy chorus; I'd also say it makes no sense how he (presumably) saves Judy Dench from Cat Satan, but at this point in the film, you just kinda go with it.)

!Catchy and impressive at selling the character's emotions, neat song.

[Final Thoughts: I do like it, but I'm moving it back down a bit because while I do want it to be ranked above the Neo Clump, I don't think I want it to be quite that far above it. The character work here is fantastic, but he doesn't exactly have the best singing voice & a full half of the song is dedicated to repeating the chorus. So... I mean, it is fantastic and I do like it, but I'm thinking it might fit better earlier in the tier.]


"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
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12/29/22 4:02:16 PM

And two more songs to end the day. After this post, we're officially 30 songs away from the halfway point! As such, I'll try to pick things up to 15 songs tomorrow and the day after, because I am hyped to reach that milestone and see which songs make the cut.


#424: The Knife - The Captain (6:09):

Nominator: Metalmind [16/25 Remaining]

Initial Score: 58.15
Revised Score: 51.994
Final Score: 58.15 [Upgraded to 60.40]

(First Reaction: Ah, one of the songs from Silent Shout. I know I ranked the tracks as part of that topic series, but I do not recall this song at all--apparently I had it as the third best song of the album? I'm curious what I rated above it.

*song gets to the part with the vocals*

Ohh. I was actually pretty into the instrumental part, but wow, this song jumps off a cliff rather drastically. I do not like that voice... it's unique enough that it doesn't ruin the song, but definitely drops the song down one or two tiers from what it would be as a pure instrumental.)

!There's an oppressive, alien feel to the instrumentals which gives the track a rather distinct ambiance that's always a treat to experience. And the vocals, while not being my thing currently, probably would have played well a few years ago--I used to go wild for any type of vocal distortion, so I probably would have highly enjoyed this band at one point. I'm just not really into the vocal distortions now, which makes this not something I really want to hear often... the general vibe is strong enough that my feelings towards the track are more positive than it sounds from this writeup, but it's definitely somewhere in the 50's tier.

[Final Thoughts: I'm back to kinda liking this tonight. The vocals are weird, but it's a vaguely intriguing sort of strangeness that I don't find entirely unappealing tonight.]

[Later: I've had this song stuck in my head all day and wish to raise it up to the "I like this" tier.]

[Later: I do like this, these days at least. It's certainly pretty far out there in terms of sound, but the alien qualities make it an interesting experience.]


-and the last of the day:-


#423: Planet X - Digital Vertigo (4:25):

Nominator: NFUN: [18/31 Remaining]

Initial Score: 54.00
Revised Score: 53.84
Final Score: 60.45

(First Reaction: I can tell this is a very talented band, but I think the music is a bit too... not intense exactly, but too... excessive? No, that's not the word either... too strong? Too something-or-other at any rate, though I do somewhat like it.)

This song goes pretty hard and feels rather shmup-esque, like you can see the [generic player ship] flying and blowing up hundreds of [genereic enemy ships] against a 2D space backdrop. That's not exactly a bad thing because there are definitely shmup songs I enjoy, but they're a bit of a risky proposition as battle music doesn't usually go well with me... and this song feels very combative. It's enjoyable enough and I kinda like it because it does manage to evoke some type of scene, but even though this isn't "video game fight songz" it feels too much like one for me to really get into it.

[Final Thoughts: I'm getting a lot of disjointed flashes of things this time. It's still a pretty action heavy song, but it almost feels "cyber noir" in places. Kinda Blade Runner or Snatcher-esque. Like you're a synth running from the government for some reason.

Hmm... this is an interesting headspace... I think I'll go ahead and jump this up a tier. It's quite nifty tonight.]

[Later: Definitely an intriguing ambience to this track which makes it much more interesting than the first two scores indicated. I'm not sure how I feel about the abrupt ending; there are certainly endings more abrupt than this, but it is a fairly unsatisfying stopping point. ...Though again, I'm being too negative for no valid reason; I like this.]


"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
... Copied to Clipboard!
12/29/22 9:36:22 PM

Raetsel_Lapin posted...
#430: Tat Ming Pair - [Starry Starry Night] (3:33):
Aw is one of my favourite songs by them, current events really elevated it and I was hoping it could go far.

I think I have nominated every song I wanted from the pair the past few rankings, there are still quite a number you probably havent heard of but I dont like them nearly as much.

... Copied to Clipboard!
12/30/22 11:45:49 AM

Four songs to start the morning. And hopefully I copy them over successfully this time (briefly lost one of these four songs, somehow).


#422: The9fool - (Toothbrush commercial song parody) (3:36):

Nominator: Handsomeboy [20/31 Remaining]

Initial Score: 15.56
Revised Score: 52.12
Final Score: 55.33 [Upgraded to 60.484]

(First Reaction: A roughly six second loop repeated for three minutes. On the plus side, the loop sounds like a parody of the Everly Brothers hit "All I Have To Do Is Dream" and yes I would like covers of 60's music. Actually, was this 60's music? It sounds more 50's and the album cover points that direction as well. *checks* 1958 release date, cool cool cool, I noticed/learned something.

The Everly Brothers - All I Have To Do Is Dream:

On the negative side, you know how I feel about repetition and this just goes on forever with the same few notes and one word repeated. I don't hate it, it's a competent version of the intro to a song I have a lot of nostalgia for, but I dread the thought of sitting through this almost-literally-one-note joke two more times.)

I'm afraid I really can't find anything else to say about this song. With more lyrics this would be a great song that is simultaneously nostalgic & new, but this is just six seconds on a loop and,,, aw, dammit, I do slightly like this, don't I? Fine, up to the positive values with you.

[Final Thoughts: It's a pretty great six seconds, honestly. Far too repetitive to actually hit the 60 point tier, but it packs in enough nostalgia and novelty value to fairly easy to hit the "kinda like" tier.]'

[Later: How is this song so low? Up to the 60 point tier with you.]

[Later: Accidentally deleted this song when I was copying it over to be eliminated... thankfully, I have a backup file.]




#421: A Perfect Circle - So Long, And Thanks for All the Fish (4:26):

Nominator: Jesse Custer [20/29 Remaining]

Initial Score: 60.00
Revised Score: 66.6099
Final Score: 60.500005

(First Reaction: I was expecting the song from the intro to the Hitchhiker's Guide film, but this is better. Perhaps a bit too sad, remembering how many people have died recently... and then realizing that 2016 isn't all that "recent". Oof.

*insert Farnsworth "I'm Sad Now" reaction*)

!I'm a bit surprised I didn't talk about nuclear war, the end of the world, or how this song is unexpectedly easy to listen to than I typically expect from Maynard. (Not that there aren't Tool songs that I love, this is just more approachable than expected. Though I suppose this song was written by Billy Howerdel, so that's probably why it sounds different... then again, I have no idea what other songs Billy has written & this is allegedly in a different key than he usually writes in, so this song could be abnormal for him as well and I don't think this thought is going anywhere, yet it seems to still be continuing).

Not that I had anything to say about any of those topics, you just think I'd have at least referenced them or something.

[Final Thoughts: I like this, but the lyrics feel a bit more repetitive than I might like & I'm moving it back towards the early parts of this tier.]




#420: Margo Guryan - Why Do I Cry (2:15):

Nominator: Snake [16/32 Remaining]

Initial Score: 60.777
Revised Score: 60.777
Final Score: 60.777

(First Reaction: I want to call this song "simple and delightful", but I'd also like to not be the type of crazy that refers to a song called Why Do I Cry as quote-unquote delightful. So instead, I'll stall for time and distract everyone: Look at that Initial Score! It's so oddly specific. Why exactly three digits and why triple sevens? Is it a subliminal message that this song--or possibly Snake himself--has won some sort of jackpot??

Wait, wait, crap, now I'm getting people's hopes up too high. Uhh...look how utterly barebones and devoid of content this writeup is! It's very distracting. You are distracted and forgetting what the previous paragraph was about. Do you think that could work as a Jedi Mind Trick? Like, if Obi-Wan decided to just shout "You are distracted and forgot what just happened" at a random Stormtrooper, would the Stormtrooper just be all confused? If so, would it be confusion about a crazy old man shouting at him or would it be due to the force?

,,,well, I've already forgotten how this conversation started, so I'll say this was sufficently distracting.)

!I thought about giving a more traditional score, like "60.73", but I felt bad about removing those fractions of a point so I guess the score stays at oddly specific jackpot values.

[Final Thoughts: I suppose the song can keep its oddly specific value that seems to have no particular meaning or significance.]




#419: Pilotredsky - Clicker That Should Be [4:18]:

Nominator: Kopazzynth [9/21 Remaining]

Initial Score: 58.79
Revised Score: 59.006
Final Score: 60.8666

(First Reaction: A fun song that I like, though not quite as much as I like everything in the clump. It may get moved up a tier by the end of things, once I've sorted out the clump and figured out where everything in there places.)

!I still don't quite like it as much as the 60 point CLUMP, but it's a rather fun & memorable instrumental tune and I'm giving it a *slight* (though largely inconsequential) boost.

[Final Thoughts: I think I like this one suddenly. It's a bit of a sudden shift from "just below clump" to "just above clump", but that's how I'm feeling right now.]


"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
... Copied to Clipboard!
12/30/22 2:30:19 PM

Naturally, a day where I want to get a lot of extra songs in is a rare day where other things come up and delay me for several hours... continuing with the next four:


#418: HANABIE. - Want to TIE-UP (3:41):

Nominator: Murphiroth [13*/32 Remaining]

Initial Score: 54.27
Revised Score: 56.49
Final Score: 61.00

(First Reaction: The song's pop rock instrumentation make it more immediately catchy and enjoyable than the other tracks on the album, but I think I'm still a few steps away from calling it something I like without any reservations.)

This song is the intro to a non-existent anime about "flower warriors" with "bad relationships". The song also has an intentionally outdated sound to it as they're trying to imitate old anime music. I feel old now. Anyway, this does sound like an anime intro, now that they've pointed it out. This still isn't really my type of metal or anime song, but it's enjoyable enough and I like the story about it being for a show that doesn't exist--gives it a "thing that isn't meant to exist in this reality" vibe that I dig.

[Final Thoughts: Huh, I was actually pretty excited when this song started playing again. Apparently, I do like this! Not enough to really say anything interesting, but enough to move it up a tier. That's nice.]




#417: Philip Glass - Prophecies (8:12):

Nominator: sergio [3/13 Remaining]

Initial Score: 44.792
Revised Score: 52.04
Final Score: 56.74 [Upgraded to 59.309] [Upgraded to 60.00] [Upgraded to 61.046]

(First Reaction: Funeral music. I kinda like the way it cycles back to the "Koyaanisqatsi" chanting from the opening track, but the outro drags on for longer than it needs to, so I don't think I particularly liked this.)

I think listening to the entire album in one sittin' was a bit much, I find this song more enjoyable when it's by itself and standing out in comparison to the other recently listened to songs around its placement. There's a bridge between the poetic chanting the song opens with & the koyaanisqatsi chanting which features some wonderfully deep, reverberating notes that are quite magical. it's still not a favorite track ; the prophetic poem doesn't really appeal to me--it's not exactly "anti-technology", but as someone who can only live in virtual worlds, I'm not as open to messages about the downsides of the ubiquitous nature of technology (this is a personal failure and not a critique). And while I like the chanting at the end of the song, only repeating one word for so long causes the track to go a bit stale before it reaches the end. I feel a bit more brevity at the end of the song might have helped--it's like "ooh, yes, I like how we're reprising the chanting here. Very full circle and I do like the singer's deep voice vibrating through my soul, this is great! ...Okay, I get what you're doing, you can stop now. Seriously. You already conveyed the message. Please let me go to the next song now."

...That's another overly harsh way of putting things, especially when the score was moved out of the negative range...

[Final Thoughts: I think I'd prefer the song if it faded out shortly after the Koyannisqtsi chanting comes in. Things have come full circle, we've had some of the lower notes that I love, we've got a good ominous chant, it's time to let the album end on a high note. Instead, it continues on for almost three minutes; it's not bad, I generally like what the track is doing, so it's not like I actively dislike listening to it for the full runtime--I just wish it either ended sooner or added something new to keep the track feeling fresh for the rest of its length. Still, it does some stuff I love and I kinda like it.]

[Later: Going to go ahead and add this to the Neo Clump like everything else. I do l like it, it just needs a bit more brevity to the outro.]

[Still Later: I... think I'll move this above the Clump.]




#416: Chimeratio - Violent Reality (2:29):

Nominator: Haste [7/31 Remaining]

Initial Score: 50.00
Revised Score: 53.00 (increased to 59.00)
Final Score: ...61 points? I'm gonna try 61 points. (set to 61.05 for organizational purposes)

(First Reaction: This was certainly a battle related VGM. Yep.)

*paces around*

Well, the good news is that I'm liking the song this time. The unfortunate news is that I haven't the foggiest idea of why, beyond a general 'this is so much better than the other songs that were tied for 669th place' feeling. I've now listened to this four consecutive times and still have utterly no idea what I'm doing here.


How's about we just call this "computerized battle music done right" and move along? I mean, that's high praise. Probably. It looks like it from a distance at least and I tend to very strongly dislike fight music, so it's a high compliment by my standards. Or something like that.

[Final Thoughts: Yeah, I still dunno what I'm doing here, but I guess I like this?]




#415: Groove Armada - Don't Give Up (3:49):

Nominator: ZaziGuado [21/28 Remaining]

Initial Score: 63.00
Revised Score: 61.07
Final Score: 61.07

(First Reaction: *before listening* I know this isn't related to the Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush song of the same name, but every time I see that song name, the duet gets stuck in my head and I have to go listen to it because I'm going to be distracted until I let that song play out first. This has no impact on the nominated song's scoring, but it does create the illusion that this is a substantial writeup. Ya know, until you actually read it, at least.

*after listening* I'm not wild about the lyrics or vocals, but it's got a great beat. I'd probably really vibe with this as an instrumental, but I still like this enough to place it solidly above the clump of "I like this" songs.)

!Still feel the same way. Not into the lyrics or vocals, but the beat and vibe are nice.

[Final Thoughts: I still really enjoy the backing music.]

[Later: I really do like the backing track.]


"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
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12/30/22 3:07:56 PM

Two more, as the third song's writeup is too large to fit in this post.

...and I think I'll scrap the plan of getting to 15 tonight. Sorry; as much as I'd like to quickly reach the top half, losing three or four hours has set me back and I could really use a break. Since these two songs get us up to 10 for the day, this is a fine point to rest at.


#414: Kim Wilde - Born to Be Wild (Radio Mix) (3:24):

Nominator: CPU [12/30 Remaining]

Initial Score: 49.90
Revised Score:38.41
Final Score: 48.77 [Upgraded to 51.7928] [Upgraded to 53.00004] [Upgraded to 53.07] [Upgraded to 60.00] [Upgraded to 61.08]

(First Reaction: I like her more than Steppenwolf, but this is still a long way from being one of my favorite songs, regardless of performer.)

I'm less in the mood for the thumping beat on this track... I'm generally better with those than last year, but tonight, it's just this head-banging thump-thump-thump-thump that prevents me from focusing on anything else in the song. It also doesn't help that this is a cover of one of the most well known and iconic songs of all time, a constant mainstay of every oldies or classic rock station in existence, so I'm just a bit... tired of the song in general since any novelty or interest I had in the original would have worn off several eternities ago; Kim does a fine job with the song, I still think this is an improvement over the original--which I'd put somewhere around 7 to 12 points if I had to rank it at this exact moment--but even the most charitable comment I can give this song amounts to "a fine rendition of a song I never want to hear again" which... eh, maybe I'm just in a bad mood tonight or something.

[Final Thoughts: This isn't bad and it's close to being something I might love... it has the same general vibe as last year's winning song, this kinda "driving in a convertible and headbanging to some sweet dance tracks" feeling--which is... I'm gonna stick with "not bad" But the sound mix feels off, like there's just a bit too much emphasis on the thumping beat. Though this version is better than the Chillout Mix and that doesn't have the thumping at all, so I could be way off on what's bothering me with this track.

I think my feelings on this track are somewhere between the first and second listens; generally good vibes, but the beat is a bit too pronounced.for my tastes.]

[Later: Actually, I'm kinda in the mood for this. I know she doesn't mean wild in a furry way, but if you pretend hard enough....]

[Still Later: Just delaying this elimination a bit longer.]

[And Yet Later: Starting to wonder how long I'll delay this particular elimination...]

[LATER: I've been using a YouTube link for the song lately. I don't know if the beat is less pronounced on this link or if I'm just growing more tolerant of it on this specific track, but this has been on a serious upward trajectory since I flipped links. I actually like this now, so it can move up and join the Neo Clump.]

[Into Space: I seem oddly unwilling to eliminate this song. Another point, I guess?]




#413: DEMONDICE, Deadfool, Minari - 21st Century Haters (3:55):

Nominator: Murphiroth [12*/32 Remaining]

Initial Score: 52.67
Revised Score: 56.00
Final Score: 52.67 [Upgraded to 54.294] [Upgraded to 55.00] [Upgraded to 56.03] [Upgraded to 60.00] [Upgraded to 61.082]

(First Reaction: I enjoy her verse (the line about having never been human is incredibly relatable), but I don't have much of an opinion on Deadfool & Minari's verses.)

I just see humans being tumorous
Good thing I never was one

Good line. Don't want to talk about it at length, but it's a good line. I'll also say the chorus is catchier than I remembered it being and it's somewhat interesting having all three of the performers rap in a different language. English, Japanese, and Korean raps all combined into one song is a novel idea and worth a few more points than I realized at the time. I'm still not attached to the song enough to move it up to the 60 point tier, but definitely a lot more positives to it than the first reaction implied.

[Final Thoughts: Some days I'm super into her part of the song and other days it's just kinda fine; today, unfortunately, is more along the "It's fine" result and I'm still not particularly interested in the guest vocalists. Sorry, but this is definitely on the lower end for songs from this album.]

[Later: Adding a few extra points. I do like that lyric and the chorus; not quite enough to go back up to the Revised Score, but it's closer than I had it at the time of this writing.]

[Later Yet Again: Hmmm... let's go ahead and move this back up to where it came from.]

[*Standard "song has been stuck in my head, so I guess I like this now" Neo Clump writeup goes here*]

[Later, Only More So: I'm very much here for her verse and the choruses, but that's only 1/3rd of the song. How far do I really want to take a song based only on such a small fraction of its entire runtime? ...I dunno, but here's an extra point while I ponder that.]


A tried and successful technique
An elementary mental faade
They give you instructions for living and label them God

Not as aggressively anti-religion as I might like, but it's something. I do quite like her verse.]


"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
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12/30/22 5:35:15 PM

Raetsel_Lapin posted...
#425: Cats (2019 Film) - Mr. Mistoffelees (4:41):

Nominator: @Raka_Putra [22/31 Remaining]

Initial Score: 60.00
Revised Score: 63.97
Final Score: 60.33

(First Reaction: I actually liked the film and, deep down inside, didn't we all kinda know that I would be the one lifeform in this dimension with the right combination of psychoses to not only think "I must watch this" upon seeing the trailer, but actually go see it in theaters more than once? Like, you kinda had to assume as much, right?

Aaanywho...., I think this is probably upper-mid tier for the film soundtrack? Macavity is the easy pick for first place, it's literally Taylor Swift singing an ode to Cat Satan, it's basically guaranteed to be the best part of anything ever. Skimbleshanks is second best, and... well, I can't honestly recall the rankings after that. Maybe this is actually the third best? Between it and "Mungojerrie And Rumpleteaser", probably.

Right, right, Mr. Misofelees. Steven McRae does a good job of selling his uncertainty and trying to build himself with false bravado, which is an uncommon emotion for a song to represent. It repeats the chorus far too often, but it is a catchy chorus; I'd also say it makes no sense how he (presumably) saves Judy Dench from Cat Satan, but at this point in the film, you just kinda go with it.)

I didn't hate the 2019 movie, but the 1998 version is vastly better. They made a lot of really bizarre decisions. Like, why cast Judi Dench as Old Deuteronomy? Besides the pointless gender swap, wouldn't you want to cast someone who can actually sing for the character that sings the finale? And why did they use the old London version of Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer? The newer Broadway version, which even London has used since 1996, is much more appropriate for the lyrics. The 1998 movie uses the new version.

I can't say I'm a huge fan of the Mr Mistofolees song. For such an important character, it is surprisingly weak and repetitive. I like Skimbleshanks and Rum Tum Tugger quite a bit. I like the stage show versions of Jennyanydots and Bustopher Jones, but I wasn't a fan of how they turned them into a joke in the movie. And of course Memory is very good, but everyone knows that song.

My favorite song from Cats is Growltiger's Last Stand, which is missing from both movie versions. I have the song permanantly stuck in my head. Seriously, I just start singing or humming it several times a week. Growltiger (or someone with his name) does show up in the 2019 movie (he's the cat on the barge), and he starts to sing the song but Bustopher Jones cuts him off. It's not surprising the song was cut. In the stage show, it's part of Gus the Theater Cat's song. He's reminiscing about parts he's played and then the show takes a 15 minute detour to sing about a "fictional" pirate cat. In a show with almost no plot, it has even less to do with what's going on than usual. But it's the best part of the show.

Here it is, if you're interesting in seeing it:

The 2019 movie is also missing the Aweful Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles, but that IS in the 1998 version. It's quite common for one or the other or both of these to be omitted. Besides not having anythging to do with what's going on, they're also both kinda racist.

Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it.
... Copied to Clipboard!
12/30/22 5:53:00 PM

Fun Fact: The word "Jellicle" originally comes from a poem TS Elliott wrote for his 4yo god son: Pollicle Dogs and Jellicle Cats. Pollicle is a corruption of "Poor little" and Jellicle is a corruption of "Dear little".

I wondered where that word came from for decades and finally found out the answer a few months ago.

Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it.
... Copied to Clipboard!
12/30/22 8:16:10 PM

Raetsel_Lapin posted...
#422: The9fool - (Toothbrush commercial song parody) (3:36):
I have no idea this was supposed to be a reference of 60s music. Intended to get a low score with this because it was a super annoying commerical from 10+ years ago that aired every morning as I went to school. If you haven't translated it already, the lyrics is just
Sharp Sharp Sharp

... Copied to Clipboard!
12/31/22 12:47:06 AM

Raetsel_Lapin posted...
#436: DEMONDICE - Gang Gang, Kawaii!! (3:30):
i certainly know OF her but i never listened to/watched anything of hers before this topic.

wasn't really feeling any of the tracks before but this one is great lmao
... Copied to Clipboard!
12/31/22 8:23:10 AM

CJones posted...
He's reminiscing about parts he's played and then the show takes a 15 minute detour to sing about a "fictional" pirate cat. In a show with almost no plot, it has even less to do with what's going on than usual.

Sure, I'll add it to the list. I have an unexplained interest in "fiction within fiction" and have generally enjoyed what I've seen of Cats so far.

Also, considering how much scorn the 2019 movie receives, you might be the first person I've met who openly admitted to not hating it.

CJones posted...
Pollicle is a corruption of "Poor little" and Jellicle is a corruption of "Dear little".

I did not know that! Not sure how "Dear" becomes "Je", but then I'm not a poet.

handsomeboy2012 posted...
I have no idea this was supposed to be a reference of 60s music.

Yeah, I kinda figured this one was an accidental success. There's really no reason you'd know enough American pop hits of the 50's and 60's to hear the similarity & I imagine you'd have probably just nominated the Everly Brothers' song itself if you were trying to pander to my oldies bias. Still, I did like it!


Two songs to start the day:


#412: Dream Theater - Glass Prison [13:53]:

Nominator: CJones [9/18 Remaining]

Initial Score: 60.00
Revised Score: 61.11
Final Score: 61.11

(First Reaction: A complicated song with a large number of high-and-low points, which make it difficult to really score. A rather brief overview, starting with the negative points:

1 - As is a running theme at this topic, I'm not really into drumming, so while there's a lot of technical ability on display with the drums here... there's a lot of drumming here, and fairly intense drumming at that, which doesn't really play into my interests.

2 - Actually the instrumental parts in general didn't really work for me, apart from the static-y white noise intro (love me some static). I felt like a decent chunk of this song was spent waiting for the parts I liked to resume.

3 - I'm more into sadness than hope right now, so I don't think is quite what I want right now; though it could well be something I need in the future.

As for the Pro sides of the argument:

A - While the instrumental sections aren't to my liking, I can say that the song does a good job at staying fresh throughout its runtime. I wouldn't say it was padded or repetitive at all.

B - The bleak lyrics where he's being killed by his alcoholism are exactly the type of thing I love:

Fatal Descent
Spinning around
I've gone too far
To turn back round

That is definitely my jam these days.

And while that may sound like I'm leaning more into the negatives, I will say that I do actually like this song, regardless of how needlessly harsh I'm being.)

!Wow, it's an actual writeup. We actually had thoughts and reactions. & positive and negative things that impacted the score. How odd.

Not a lot to add here. I'll say the instrumentals are easier to listen to these days, as we've had a lot of.... "epic metal" at Rank the Tracks since I started this project, so the instruments on this song are incredibly tame compared to what I've had to rank before. I think that's helped give this song a couple extra points because even at its most intense, it's still not *that* bad.

[Final Thoughts: This is definitely so much easier to listen to than some other tracks that go for an epic feeling and become barely tolerable as a result. I like this.]


Help me return
To humanity


Though there are also some good lyrics that I didn't point out earlier:

"Help me I can't break out this prison all alone
Save me I'm drowning and I'm hopeless on my own
Heal me I can't restore my sanity alone"

Blunt, but lyrically that passage vaguely reminds me of Duvet, the theme to Serial Experiments Lain that did quite well a couple years ago:

Well, not like "I am drowning" is an especially uncommon metaphor or anything, I suppose...]




#411: Elephanz - Catcher in the Rye (4:05):

Nominator: Jesse Custer [19/29 Remaining]

Initial Score: 76.05
Revised Score: 61.18
Final Score: 61.19

(First Reaction: Great piano, fantastic flow--it's a very methodical and controlled feeling, and I love the verses... I kinda wish there were a third verse to the song though; the chorus basically plays itself six times which is a bit excessive. Not so excessive that it tanks the score or anything, but it does leave me wanting more from it.)

!Not really sure what I loved about the verses originally... still a great flow and atmosphere to the track, but I have no particular attachment to the lyrics or singing--I don't have any complaints either, I just find myself much more drawn to the instruments than the vocals.

[Final Thoughts: The chorus does repeat itself a few too many times, but I rather dig what's here.]

[Later: I'm still not clear what I loved about the song, but "I'm your ghost" is the type of line that usually gets a few extra points.]


"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
... Copied to Clipboard!
12/31/22 11:59:49 AM

Ah, it's been years since the wolf account has come out... four more songs, eliminated under a different identity because that is what pleases me right now:


#410: Wataru Ishibashi (arr. R-Man) - Heartless Surprise Attack (2:50):

Nominator: NFUN: [17/31 Remaining]

Initial Score: 60.01
Revised Score: 63.58
Final Score: 61.228

(First Reaction: For being a battle theme, this isn't half bad. The opening guitar intro does a good job of creating a hyped up atmosphere and I was genuinely looking forward to where the song went from there... then it was "oh yeah,, this is a remix of a battle theme, eh". .. but then the part at 1:28 is suddenly a broken music box vibe, followed by static, followed by more EPIC FIGHT TIMEZES?? It felt so disjointed, I had to immediately listen to it a second time just to try and figure out if I liked what it was doing. Which, I guess I do? At least, I like the confused reaction, so... sure, let's say I like it for now.)

!Experimental and fun in ways that elevate this song way beyond the tedium that battle themes are typically known for.

[Final Thoughts: Definitely an improvement over traditional battle music and something I like.]

[Later: I really like the intro to this song. The rest of it doesn't appeal to me quite as much, but something about the way it is both "simple" and "dramatically building" make it really appealing... and then it turns into the battle music it actually is..]


-Can music save your mortal soul?-


#409: Jethro Tull - Songs from the Wood (4:53):

Nominator: Snake [15/32 Remaining

Initial Score: 63.727
Revised Score: 63.33
Final Score: 61.24

(First Reaction: I really need to learn more words so I can stop describing everything as nice, but this is also a nice song. I'm not a fan of the instrumental sections, but his singing somehow seems perfectly suited for old-timey renaissance fair bard....ness. Which apparently I might like? Song would probably jump up at least one tier without the instrumental break, which feels a bit too modern for the vibe the song was giving before-and-after, but I still like it. I'm tempted to try listening to another song or two from this album later... as far as intro songs go, this one certainly does a great job getting me hyped for things to continue.)

!Still a neat song, still not really into the instrumental parts, still wouldn't mind hearing more of his music.

[Final Thoughts: Yep. Still neat.]


-'Cause fire is the devil's only friend-


#408: The Correspondents - Fear & Delight (3:30):

Nominator: ZaziGuado [20/28 Remaining]

Initial Score: 64.03
Revised Score: 54.06
Final Score: 61.32

(First Reaction: An incredibly adicting ode to self-destructive relationships. Probably should be moved up a tier, but I'm going to stick with this initial score for the time being.)

!Perhaps this energetic, swing vibe is something I need to be in the right headspace to fully appreciate. I like what the song is doing, but not nearly to the level as the first reaction--which I'm sure says more about me than the song. It's still neat & something I like, but not quite at the 60 point level.

[Final Thoughts:

I trot to the wolf as a doting sheep

Am I that easily manipulated by furry metaphors? Yes.]

[Later: A good song that I like, though it seems to be a fairly situational song. Some times I'm really into it, other times not-so-much.]


-The decision to use the wolf account was made before seeing that song was up for elimination, but the timing certainly does amuse me, yes-


#407: Grimes - Easily (3:03):

Nominator: Player_0 [15/33 Remaining]

Iniial Score: 61.99 [upgraded to 70.00]
Revised Score: 61.99
Final Score: 61.48

(First Reaction: Neat!

[Fluttershy's Note: Please tell me we're not leaving it at that.]

*rolls eyes* Fine. It's got a unique sound to it and the lyrics are vague enough to allow for multiple interpretations, some of which appeal to me. I still like failed friendship songs and you can certainly read this song that way. And as someone who regularly vanishes for years before contacting people, "three years later and now you want to call" hits me a bit harder than normal.

...Actually, let's go ahead and bump the score up a bit.)

!Ehh, actually I kinda feel like going back down to the original score. That one line is rather emotional, but it's not exactly "jump the song up an entire tier" levels of greatness.

[Later: Some good lyrics that hit hard for -reasons- with a fairly pleasing groove to it. I like it.]


Raetsel's alternate wolf identity
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12/31/22 5:38:45 PM

It's been a while, but we have four more songs to close out the evening.


#406: BotanicSage - Space Land Skinhead [3:16]:

Nominator: paulg [23/52 Remaining]

Initial Score: 60.00
Revised Score: 61.57
Final Score: 61.57

(First Reaction: An unexpectedly good mashup that works better than either of its component songs. I'll go ahead and add this to the clump for now.)

!Yep. Still better than either of the songs used to create it and I like it.

[Final Thoughts: i'm pretty sure having anything related to Kanye up this high on the list will be even more controversial after recent developments, but putting aside anything about him as a person, this song is a really good mashup that I like.]

[Later: It's remarkable how news involving Kanye West kept getting worse and worse over the year... I'm trying not to judge songs based on the artists who create them, but he's been making it very difficult for me to stick with that.]




#405: the_miracle_aligner - Smells Like Teen Spirit Cover In Classical Latin (75 BC to 3rd Century AD) Bardcore [3:51]:

Nominator: paulg [22/52 Remaining]

Initial Score: 39.44
Revised Score: 39.44
Final Score: 42.63 [Upgraded to 48.40] [Upgraded to 56.001] [Upgraded to 61.575]

(First Reaction: It's a fun idea, but not one that appeals to me and I'd have much, much preferred listening to the original version. ...Or even a really old song that was originally written in Latin, probably, since it would not invite such unfavorable comparisons.)

The song is an interesting novelty, I just don't think it even remotely compares with the original which I don't think was even my favorite Nirvana song to begin with? Been a long time since Rank the Tracks covered the album this and I can't really remember how I ranked things.


1: Come As You Are
2: Smells Like Teen Spirit

Okay, not a bad placement for the original song. Listening to it again, I was worried I may have been in one of my contrary moods and greatly undervalued it or something. Either way, this novelty cover kinda loses all the emotion & all the musical hooks & the iconic intro & Kurt's famous vocals in exchange for being in latin. This was not a good trade. It is, quite possibly, one of the worst musical trade-offs in history. And while the song itself is fine, every second it's playing is a second where I'm thinking, "boy, I wish I were listening to the actual song instead". And yes, my thoughts do refer to the original version as the "actual song", which is an absolutely brutal condemnation of this version that I wouldn't normally say out loud -but- I already typed it and I'm not going to un-type it.

...I refuse to un-type that or use the actual word for that action either. I will die on this pointlessly irrelevant hill!

[Final Thoughts: It's memorable and an interesting idea, but it just doesn't stack up to Nirvana and I'm having trouble judging it completely on its own merits.]

[Later: Memorable enough that I want to give it a few more points, I suppose.]

[And Later: Well, I've had this stuck in my head for two days now, so I guess I'll say that I kinda like it and move it up to that tier.]

[Postea: At some point, I started actually liking this one.[

[Et Postea:: I do like this song these days, though it took quite a while for it to start growing on me.]




#404: Josh Cottam - A New Family Robot [5:55]:

Nominator: @TunnelScene [11/27 Remaining]

Initial Score: 53.00
Revised Score: 60.15
Final Score: 60.15 [Upgraded to 61.58]

(First Reaction: *blinks*)

A new Family Robot arrives at the household. Dad switches it on and Family Robot is very excited, playing a robo-saxophone all over the house. It starts going crazy and Mum is concerned. Family Robot calms down and starts to express its joy of being part of a family through song.

Dad tests out the robot's manual controller but Family Robot starts dancing instead. Then it goes crazy again and the kids love it. Finally Dad manages to switch Family Robot off.

Featuring Lorenzo Prati on tenor saxophone

The song does a commendable job of conveying its story through music. It's like a really old Looney Tunes-era cartoon where you can practically see the animation that should go along with the audio. Fun story, great example of telling stories through instrumentation, weird enough to be intriguing, and a clearly defined type of saxophone to help with narrowing down exactly what type of sax music I'm looking for (not quite this, but it's neat). Well done.

On a completely unrelated note, I listened to this song through its Soundcloud link so I could read its description and the site started automatically playing a song I want to make a note of so I can find it again later:

STAFFCirc - A Mechanical Receptacle, Fifty Shards Of A Glowing Heart:

I'm not going to talk too much about this song as there seems to be no connection between it and Family Robot at all, but I kinda liked it and plan on listening to it again in the future. So it'll just kinda be hanging out in this writeup so I can find it at some future date.

[Final Thoughts: A nifty story that is well told through music. I like it.]

[Later: It's a different musical experience and I think I'll give it an extra point.]


-I will have darkness-


#403: Emery - See You on the Other Side (3:15):

Nominator: Snake [14/32 Remaining]

Initial Score: 78.33
Revised Score: 78.44
Final Score: 61.703

(First Reaction: Oof. I love most of this song, but that brief stretch starting around 1:50... it's like Nekrogoblikon decided to crash the background of my quiet emotional song for a moment, giving me a headache in a not-very-fun way. But the rest of the song is quite beautiful and moving, to a point I was questioning if I'd have to move it up to the highest tier on principle.

...78.33 is an arbitrary number, but it feels right at the moment. Love & headache inducing pain converge at the high-end of the "really liked" tier.)

!Actually that score, as arbitrarily selected as it was (they're all arbitrary numbers, subject to whatever whims amuse me at that exact second, but pay no attention to that), worked out pretty well. This is definitely a song that I really, really like but don't love or want to hyper-analyze.

[Final Thoughts: Oddly, I kinda like the random demon screaming added to this song towards the end this evening. I'm not connecting with the main part of the song, though I do like it... I don't want to drop it all the way down to the Neo Clump or anything too ridiculous, I'm just not entirely feeling it right now.[


Raetsel's alternate wolf identity
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12/31/22 6:02:54 PM

Raetsel_Lapin posted...
#412: Dream Theater - Glass Prison [13:53]:

Nominator: CJones [9/18 Remaining]

Initial Score: 60.00
Revised Score: 61.11
Final Score: 61.11

This is hands down my favorite Dream Theater song. But I'm a bit biased because I actually am an alcoholic.

Back in November of 2019 I was rehab for a month, and one of the things we did was choose music that we felt was relevant to our situation (or that we just really liked) to play for everyone. I choose this. People were really into it at first. Then it just kept going and going and going, and they were kinda pissed off by the end. Especially with the last instrumental section, right before the last bit of vocals. Even I agree that that part goes on too long. The councilor said this was the longest song he had ever heard.

It seems apparent that you put more import on lyrics than I do, while I put more import on composition and instrumentation. That's the impression I get anyway. However, in this case, I do like the song largely because of the lyrics.

Dream Theater's drummer at the time, Mike Portnoy, was an alcoholic, and he was a big proponent of AA. He wrote a series of 5 songs collectively known as the 12 Step Suite. Glass Prison is the first, and in my opinion best, of those songs. It covers steps 1, 2 and 3.

It's funny, I chose a lot of these songs because they were hopeful, and for some reason I thought you would like those better. Misjudged that :P

Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it.
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01/01/23 8:47:28 AM

Yeah, I'd say lyrics are usually pretty important to me. They're a pretty easy way of gaining a lot of points because I'm liable to get attached to a line or the story being told & glomp onto the song; that being said, they're obviously not the be-all & end-all. The first ranking topic's winning song was a foreign language song that I never even tried to find a translation of because it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever heard and knowing the words couldn't improve on perfection & the runner-up was a very experimental instrumental song.

PeriTune - Maclir:

bunbleman - focus tous:

Third topic winner won due to the way it made me feel, which the lyrics may have played a point in but weren't exactly a deciding factor:


On the other hoof, the second topic's winner was definitely boosted to the top due to the lyrics. They helped me process some things I was going through and while the song itself is high-quality, I was listening to it on an endless loop primarily for the words.

Kaf - Baby Bird:

So lyrics are a path to victory, but not the only one.

Also, picking hopeful songs would seem to make sense... someone who spends half their time prancing around as a brightly colored pony would likely usually be more into bright happiness instead of depression. I'm just.... very, very off.

And thank you, for sharing such a personal story.


One song to start off the morning.


#402: Antti Martikainen - The Forbidden City [4:08]:

Nominator: paulg [21/52 Remaining]

Initial Score: 63.44
Revised Score: 68.74
Final Score: 61.94

(First Reaction: I had low expectations when the intro image felt the need to declare that Antti was the creator of EPIC MUSIC, but was pleaasantly surprised that he meant it in terms of epic, high adventure soundtrack music that actually deserved the term. This feels like the intro to a rousing pirate adventure film; if you were to replace the opening theme from a Pirates of the Caribbean movie with this song, would anyone even notice?

...of course, this is officially "Chinese battle music", so I'm probably way off on what the song sounds like. Sounded like pirate music to me.)

!This still doesn't seem like battle music to me, which is likely a good thing. It's definitely the start of an epic adventure though, in a completely sincere & unironic meaning of "epic". Quite well done.

[Final Thoughts: I'm apparently less interested in epic adventuring at the moment, but it's still a fun musical experience that is solidly above the Neo Clump.]


"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
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01/01/23 12:59:19 PM

I forgot to discuss the winner of the R# section last year:

Two Mix - Just Communication:

A song that I had never gotten into before, but finally--after listening to it many times over several years--suddenly clicked. Something about confessing forbidden love in the middle of a rainstorm made the song incredibly fascinating to me and I loved it. So lyrics played a fairly large part of that song winning its division.


Moving along, with four more songs:


#401: Haken - Atlas Stone [7:31]:

Nominator: CJones [8/18 Remaining]

Initial Score: 63.00
Revised Score: 64.00
Final Score: 62.007

(First Reaction: Not often a fan of non-lyric voalizations, so the first solo is a bit of a low point. But the second solo has some amazing electric guitar that is rad in the best way possible, a real treat. The piano intro & outro were also pretty great and the lyrics ain't half-bad either for the most part (they can get a bit too high-pitched). I like this.)

!A nice progressive metal track that maanges to keep things fresh and interesting for its runtime. The first solo is still not the type of thing I'm interested in, but it's quite short in comparison to the rest of the song so it's not much of a drawback.

[Final Thoughts: Just a generally good song all-around.]


-and so we start the top 400:-


#400: Simply Red - Come to My Aid [4:04]:

Nominator: Lasa [3/14 Remaining]

Initial Score: 57.708
Revised Score: 58.27
Final Score: 61.01 [Upgraded to 62.012]

(First Reaction: It's clever how the opening lines like "you're sweet as everything" & "it's you I'm thinking of, oh yeah" lead you to expect a love song before it swerves into poverty & welfare. It's an unexpected turn, but a welcome one.)

!A bit heavier in subject matter than I usually go for, but I enjoy it.

[Final Thoughts: Yeah, let's go ahead and bump this up one tier.]

[Later: I do like this song, though it's not an easy one to talk about. The subject matter isn't exactly overwhelming, but I don't think I'm going to get anywhere trying to discuss welfare, social safety nets, poverty, or social division. And while I do like 80's pop music, I'm not finding any specific instruments or moments that I want to focus on. It's very... "yes, this is an 80's pop song and I like those" which gets up to this tier,, but doesn't inspire much than the standard "I like this" writeup.

Still,, I'm going to add an extra point to this song. I do like the 80's sound it has a bit more than the songs at 61 points.]


-I'd post an update here, but since we *should* reach the halfway point tonight, I'll wait until then-


#399: Mariah Carey - Vision Of Love (3.29):

Nominator: Xtlm [8/13 Remaining]

Initial Score: 60.00
Revised Score: 62.041
Final Score: 60.00 [Upgraded to 62.041]

(First Reaction: It is a fantastic song and it's truly incredible that this was her debut single. Songs that instantly establish someone as a breakout star are rare and coming out with one right out of the gate and at a fairly young age is very "wow". But while it's a fantastic song and I like it, I'm not finding anything about it that inspires me--mainstream 80s (and early 90s, apparently) pop are kinda what I listen to all the time, so I can't say it's anything really new or unexpected. And the lyrics, be they about romantic love or spiritual love, are not really a type of love song that I connect with. So... from an objective standpoint, yes, 90 points and all-time classic, wow ; from a "how many points I personally want to give the song at this moment" subjective gibberish standpoint, I'd say around 60 points.)

!An instantly legendary performance, though not one that I'm personally in love with; it's amazing & I like it, but no matter how much I acknowledge her talent, I still just "like" it.

[FInal Thoughts: Moving this back down to the Neo Clump. Her performance is fantastic, but I think there are a lot of songs I'm more personally attached to than this one.]

[Later: Let's go ahead and move this back to the Revised Score. It's not one of my favorites, but it's performed incredibly well & I'd feel bad not giving her those two extra points.]


-I don't have anything to say here, but don't want to leave the line blank-


#398: Salatio Mortis VS Eskimo Callboy - Hypa Hypa (3:04):

Nominator: BlackDra90n [12/30 Remaining]

Initial Score: 64.29
Revised Score: 64.29
Final Score: 60.76 [Upgraded to 62.05]

(First Reaction: This is officially the best song featuring bagpipes I have ever heard.

...granted, I haven't heard many songs with bagpipes, but it's still an accomplishment of some sort.)

!One of the best versions of the song, energetic & fun with enough of a spin to the track that it stands out compared to the other covers.

[Final Thoughts: I still like it, though not quite as much as usual.]

[Later: Slight upgrade. Not as far up the list as it was, but a bit better.]


"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
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01/01/23 1:42:26 PM

Three more, because there's not enough room to get all five in one post:


#397: Cursor Miner - Dragon Drop [0:44]:

Nominator: Kopazzynth [8/21 Remaining]

Initial Score: 62.11
Revised Score: 62.11
Final Score: 62.11

(First Reaction: A high chaos song that reminds me of an extremely condensed version of that "what happens if you try to play Sonic CD in a CD player" vid (which is apparently titled "What a data track sounds like (Sega CD)" and the original video has been unlisted, so it took me more time to find than I would have liked:

Somewhere in there is a part where the music plays rapidly while glitching and this reminds me of that specific section, but the video is too long to sit through to find it. Feel free to try to find it yourself! [Warning: Please do not do that]. Also this video doesn't sound like I remembered it sounding, so it probably never actually sounds the nominated song anyway.)

!A bit short, but I'm not entirely sure that I'd have honestly preferred a longer song... "Remote Control" (the next song on the album) feels like too much of an electronic dance song for my taste, so this short & even more experimental blast of chaos may be the best track on the album.

[Final Thoughts: Definitely the closest to giving me anything like that broken data track, so I like this. I think that I do wish it were a bit longer though? 44 seconds just isn't enough time to fully get into it.]




#396: Serj Tankian - Occupied Tears (4:22):

Nominator: Murphiroth [11*/32 Remaining]

Initial Score: 60.00
Revised Score: 60.00
Final Score: 60.00 [Upgraded to 62.111]

(First Reaction: A goofy musical ranking topic probably isn't the best place to discuss the IsraeliPalestinian conflict & I'm personally one of the last people you should look to for a viewpoint on the matter, as I have no education & basically no grasp on the situation, outside of whatever scattered news reports I've rather arbitrarily half-listened to over the years. I think I'm more open to listening & learning about these things than I was back at the first topic though--quite honestly, I've been rather looking forward to a song dealing with this type of subject ever since I saw something by him nominated as I was rather dismissive towards some of his work back at the first ranking for being too serious. As for actually discussing the song:

First, I find the opening of the song to be quite powerful. There's a forboding tone to the opening instrumentals and his voice has a deeper intonation to his vocals in the first verse than he usually goes for, giving this song one of the strongest opening moments of the album. The song does lose some of its edge once we hit the first chorus, but it's an A+ introduction to the song.

Second, while I agree with the idea of the song and its messaging, I find the lyrics to be a bit too soft. Yes, there are attoricities being commited that we should be more aware of & yes, a call for coexistence and an end to violence is hard to criticize--if anything, I'd say the song itself is rather above criticism entirely based on subject matter--but the song is oddly light on details. For an artist who hasn't shied away from singing about metaphorical rape, Serj dials things back to a point where this is bizarrely easy listening for what the subject matter actually is.

It's also strangely optimistic:

Of course, we all know
Of course, we all care
Of course, we all see how this isn't fair
We are not blind
No more bombs falling over our heads
No more sirens predicting death
Yes, it's the two-state solution

I'd wager the amount of people that don't know and don't care is actually quite significant. Of course, this song was released in 2012, so perhaps it was easier to believe in humanity's capacity for caring back then. Still, even in the brighter & happier days of 2012, 'no more bombs & sirens' feels almost comedically naive given the scope and duration of the conflict.

...though perhaps that's just my pessimism showing and there is room for hope and optimism, even under these circumstances. It's a nice thought at least.

At any rate, I do like the song. Strong opening, good music, good message, gives a lot of think about. I didn't mean to spend so much time tearing it down like that and I'm adding it to the clump of 60 point songs.)

!Still too heavy and real of a subject to be something I'm comfortable discussing, but it's a pretty great song & one of his best.

[Final Thoughts: I like it.]

[Later: Ehhh... two extra points, I think.]




#395: Grimes - California (3:18):

Nominator: Player_0 [14/33 Remaining]

Initial Score: 52.00
Revised Score: 51.67
Final Score: 54.98 [Upgraded to 55.00] [Upgraded to 57.92] [Upgraded to 58.73002] [Upgraded to 62.123]

(First Reaction: I'd probably prefer her sadder album, so she would definitely hate me. Not really going anywhere with that, just a statement.

And I can't think of anything I actually want to add, so I guess that's enough for tonight.)

I'm very much going through a "sad music phase", so a song attacking people into sad songs is certainly a bold nomination choice. And strangely not the only song on the list with similar subject matter, though I suppose we'll cover any other such songs when we get to them, probably. Or maybe we already will have covered them? Things being posted out of chronological order makes it hard to keep track of... Either way, there's not a lot in this song for me... the lyrics aren't exactly pointed enough to brutally destroy me--"you only like me when I'm looking sad" is a bit of an attack, but an incredibly tame one. In fact, in terms of songs attacking fans for not supporting their healthier direction, this is one of the tamest? Like go back a couple ranking topics to that Maximum the Hormone song:

Maximum the Hormone - Let's Talk About Menkata Cottelee:

In which he describes in fairly graphic detail the fact that his unhealthy lifestyle was literally killing him and the way his so-called fans would rather he die than do anything to improve his life. It's raw and brutal; I wasn't especially a fan of the track, but it was certainly memorable and impactful, and I probably should retroactively give it a few more points for having a lasting impact or something.

California is lacking that sort of edge or direct condemnation and fails to leave as much of an impact.

[Final Thoughts: Even taking into account that the song is a direct condemnation of Pitchfork and music blogs in general, there's still not enough of an edge to really call this a "hate track". That being said, it is far catchier than I remembered it being so I'm giving it a few extra points.]

[Later: Catchy, sad bop. I could use more catchy sad bops, I suppose. Moving this a fair distance away from the Wall.]

[Later: Minor upgrade.]


"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
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01/01/23 1:50:20 PM


#394: Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition - Bury The Light [9:42]:

Nominator: paulg [20/52 Remaining]

Initial Score: 56.66
Revised Score: 58.94
Final Score: 62.13

(First Reaction: Cheating with the score a bit, but I wanted it to be in the mid-50's and the temptation to end with 666 was too much. This song is no Devil Trigger, but I'm quite partial to the bridge and everything after it. The restrained and rather quiet rage building throughout the bridge, followed by a rather melodic breakdown leading to the title drop & best verse of the song, is almost phenomenal. I don't think the rest of the song lives up to the ending though and it's a bit of a slog to get to the greatness.)

!It's definitely a good song and the type of darkness I typically love, but it feels a bit longer than I'd like it to be.

[Final Thoughts: Goes much longer than I think it probably should, but it's got a lot of those low tones that I like and the lyrics are pleasingly dark/sad without being tragic.]




#393: Grimes - Realiti (5:06):

Nominator: Player_0 [13/33 Remaining]

Initial Score: 57.71
Revised Score: 64.49
Final Score: 62.20

(First Reaction: "'Cause your love kept me alive and it made me insane, oh, yeah", is definitely the type of lyric I tend to love. And I do like this song, but it feels like it's missing something... like it's a bit too repetitive or something, where I'm not quite gelling with the song like I should be. Still good though, might go up on a relisten, but right now I feel like it's a step below the Clump of 60 Point Songs.)

!Okay, I like this song tonight. It's complicated... there's a heaviness to the instrumentals, but it's also somehow bubbly & dance-like. This contradiction is enjoyable and it does have some lyrics that I care about... quite an enchanting little song. I wouldn't say I *love* it, but it definitely deserves a jump up to the "I like this" tier.

[Final Thoughts: I still like this, though I may have overcorrected a bit; definitely a tier above the high-5o songs it was ranked around, but a bit earlier in the "I like this" tier than the Revised Score.]



And we have officially reached the top half of the ranking topic!



Bane: 20/38 Remaining
BlackDra90n: 12/30 Remaining
cakophon: 7/20 Remaining
CJones: 8/18 Remaining
CPU: 12/30 Remaining
DoctorJimmy: 13/24 Remaining
Dragon66116: 9/12 Remaining
handsomeboy: 20/31 Remaining
Haste: 7/31 Remaining
hotdogturtle: 7/14 Remaining
Jesse_Custer: 19/29 Remaining
kateee: 16/21 Remaining
Kopazzynth: 8/21 Remaining
Lasa: 3/14 Remaining
Mega Mana: 21/38 Remaining
Metalmind: 16/25 Remaining
Murphiroth: 11*/32 Remaining
NBIceman: 17/22 Remaining
NFUN: 17/31 Remaining
paulg: 20/52 Remaining
Player_0: 13/33 Remaining
Raka: 22/31 Remaining
rwlh: 11/24 Remaining
sergio: 3/13 Remaining
Snake: 14/32 Remaining
TheArkOfTurus: 11/17 Remaining
TunnelScene: 11/27 Remaining
UF8: 18/30 Remaining
Xtlm: 8/13 Remaining
ZaziGuado: 20/28 Remaining

*Reality TV continues to be un-eliminated.


Raka has the most songs in the top half with 22, followed by Mega Mana with 21. Forgive the lack of more detailed stats, I just wanted to get the update posted.

"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
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01/01/23 2:13:21 PM

Shame that California and Realiti had to go, but my favourite Grimes tracks stay alive!

-Abraham Lincoln
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01/02/23 1:30:48 AM

yeah, simply red actually has a surprising number of political songs. i thought it would be interesting to nominate one of those, as opposed to one of their many love songs.

Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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01/02/23 9:09:06 AM

It's a bit late, but a delayed Happy New Year to all! We start the top half of the ranking with three songs, as I'm oddly on time and things can proceed on schedule:


#392: Bjork - Isobel (5:46):

Nominator: Bane [19/38 Remaining]

Initial Score: 49.04
Revised Score: 51.75
Final Score: 58.18 [Upgraded to 62.222]

(First Reaction:

This is the story of Isobel; she was born in a forest by a spark, and as she grew up, she realized that the pebbles on the forest floor were actually skyscrapers. And by the time she was a grown-up woman and the skyscrapers had taken over the forest, she found herself in a city, and she didn't like all the people there so much, because they were a bit too clever for her.

She decided to send to the world, all these moths that she had trained to go and fly all over the world and go inside windows of people's houses the ones that were too clever and they'd sit on their shoulder and remind them to stop being clever and start to function by their instincts. They do that by saying "Nah-nah-nan-nah-nah!" to them... (Bjrk waves a finger in front of her face)... and then they'd say "Oh! Sorry! I was being all clever there!", and start functioning on instinct.

...Sure, why not.)

Well, it's a certainly unique story and I appreciate how unusual it is. There's also something oddly charming about her melodic "Na na na na" chants, to a point that I actually kinda like those sections, even though they're theoretically something I wouldn't enjoy. It's enough that I'm going to bump the song up to the "slightly enjoyed" tier; I'm still not crazy about it, for some reason. It's like this song's strangeness and my strangeness aren't compatible with one another, but it's somewhat enjoyable to experience it all the same.

[Final Thoughts: Weird song, but I'm kinda digging it tonight.]

[Later: I think I'll go ahead and raise this up a tier. It took a while to grow on me, but I'm starting to like this one.]


-not enough time to make arbitrary references though-


#391: Iron Frill - FANTASTIC LOVERS (4:07):

Nominator: Player_0 [12/33 Remaining]

Initial Score: 39.96
Revised Score: 70.00
Final Score: 62.37

(First Reaction: A fairly forgettable love song. I don't especially dislike it, but I doubt I'll remember much about it or come back to it in the future.)

Okay, so it's a bouncy jpop love song that doesn't really do much that seems original or special, but I'm actually really in the mood for this? Also, there is something slightly mindbending about this being a fictional band that's the favorite artist of a different fictional band member. 'It's a love song that was the biggest hit of [fictional band] that wsa the favorite song of [other fictional artist[' is just a lovely sentence--though to be fair, I gave the song the 70 points before I decided to look up why this song was credited to a different group than Franchouchou, so please don't take my love of fiction in fiction to imply that had a notable effect on scoring. Like, I do enjoy the history of the song, but it's definitely here on its own merits and this detour is more a combination of 'hey, look at this neat trivia about the song' and 'I can totally get enough words typed up about this random tangent to create the illusion of content' than anything that had a direct impact on placement.

For something actually on topic, I don't like the... whatever you call the section of music with the repeated "Hai! Hai! Hai!!" chants; the style of music shifts to one I'm less fond of and that repetition bores me... I decided to keep the score at 70 points anyway, but I was quite tempted to drop this back down to the high 60s.

[Final Thoughts: Another song that I may overcorrected a bit by jumping it up so many tiers instantly, though definitely something I like & still many tiers above the First Reaction. Just not quite as many as the Revised Score said.]


-yet somehow has time to reference the references-


#390: Made in Heights - Hors D'uvre (3:25):

Nominator: ZaziGuado [19/28 Remaining]

Initial Score: 65.44
Revised Score: 64.70
Final Score: 62.398

(First Reaction: Once the song goes full instrumental around the 1:50 mark... *contented sigh*)

!Not as contented tonight, but still a pretty good song.

[Final Thoughts: I'm really not into the opening of the song; it's fine enough, but there's nothing I really want to talk about either; the instrumental section that makes up the second half of the song is fantastic though, enough so that I definitely like this.]


"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
... Copied to Clipboard!
01/02/23 12:12:39 PM

Let's see if I can fit three more into this post (definitely can't get four):


#389: Company (1996 London Cast) - Side by Side by Side / What Would We Do Without You? (7:26):

Nominator: @Raka_Putra [21/31 Remaining]

Initial Score: 47.35 [upgraded to 55.55 during First Reaction]
Revised Score: 58.46
FInal Score: 62.43

(First Reaction: An older sounding showtune than most of the nominations, in terms of energy it reminds me of that old Bugs Bunny Show intro "This Is it":

...not a good comparison, but work with me here, I basically can only relate things to cartoons and video games & I can't think of a single game with a classic showtune here we are and... *notices the rest of the soundtrack* wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, this is where Being Alive comes from? I have an acapella version of that saved somewhere!

I forget exactly how I found this song. I was playing with Boil the Frog, that website where you can have an AI generate a playlist that gradually goes from one artist to another and Voctave popped up directly between whatever artists I entered. I can't recall if it gave me this song directly or I started playing other Voctave songs on my own, but this song right here, I actually made a point of Liking it on Spotify so that I could find it! You didn't tell me this song was performed by the same character!

You start to argue that there is no possible way you could know her fondness for a cover of a different song from the musical and that it's literally impossible for you to respond because you're not here at the moment & won't even read this message until it's posted in the distant future--possibly even over a year later--but you refrain from saying anything. As responding would require you to shatter the space-time continuum this is widely considered to be for the best.

I always half-wondered where that song was from, though not enough to actually search. And knowing this is a lead-in to a song I like does actually raise its value to me--it shouldn't, but I've never claimed to be unbiased, and "added context to another song on my playlist" is a valid reason to like something. Going to bump the score up to 55.55 for now.

You start to argue that the First Reaction has somehow managed to post two other songs, go on for sevveral paragraphs, and break the fourth wall without ever saying a single word about the song that we're supposed to be discussing, but decide to preserve the fabric of reality for now.)

!Fun showtune of a different style than anything else nominated. Neat.

[Final Thoughts:


What would we do without you?


Just what you usallly do.



The casual dismissal of Robert's entire existence without any hesitation from anyone is probably the most brutal line of any song in the topic.]




#388: Architects - Animals (Orchestra Version) (4:28):

Nominator: BlackDra90n [11/30 Remaining]

Initial Score: 64.00
Revised Score: 65.79
Final Score: 62.46

(First Reaction: The orchestra truly embiggened this song with their cromulent performance.

...seriously, this song is elevated greatly by the amazing ochestra on this track, I can't help it if my broken mind speaks in Simpson's memes.)

!This topic shall forever be known as the Simpsons Meme topic. Aaanywho, this is a good song. Might move it up later.

[Final Thoughts: Actually, I seem to like the original version of this song an equal amount. Today, I'm not finding an appreciable difference in the instrumentation to have an actual preference. The lyrics here are on point; "we're all a bunch of fucking animals" hits that sweet spot at the intersection of bleak, angry, and non-human that is incredbly rare. I'm feeling this as a bit more of an early entrant into the 60 point tier, but I definitely like it.].




#387: beaunoise - 251e Quad Sequential [4:26]:

Nominator: Kopazzynth [7/21 Remaining]

Initial Score: 50.26
Revised Score: 53.60
Final Score: 60.49 [Upgraded to 62.47]

(First Reaction: I wasn't a fan for most of the song, but the section that starts at around the 3 minute mark would be fairly high-scoring on its own. Think I'll put this in the "slightly positive" category.)

...That seems like an oddly specific section to have been drawn to, but I can almost see where I was going with that. The song slows down and goes for a "stealth mission" vibe, it's very "sneaking around through tunnels". The section is brief and doesn't really do a whole lot, but it almost transports me to a different environment or shifts me into a different identity. I think a different song that used that portion as a base to go in a more atmospheric direction could be absolutely perfect. I think I want to add a few points to the score here because it's right on the cusp of doing something I absolutely love and I want it to be a bit further into the "things I liked" category than it was.

[Final Thoughts: Ooh, I'm liking this one tonight. It's a mysterious song with a highly intriguing sound to it which I find to be quite enjoyable.]

[Later: Strange and mysterious. Think I'll add a few extra points to this one.]


"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
... Copied to Clipboard!
01/02/23 12:30:04 PM

I've always liked Isobel for giving me a sort of fairytale/fantasy feel, almost like a dreamy version of one. The "Na Na Na"s help with that too

You were the cancer, that's all you'll ever be
I really messed up this contest, but azuarc gave it a Breath of fresh air
... Copied to Clipboard!
01/02/23 12:35:32 PM

Last four for the day:


#386: Diablo Swing Orchestra - War Painted Valentine [4:01]:

Nominator: CJones [7/18 Remaining]

Initial Score: 50.01
Revised Score: 50.01
Final Score: 46.59 [Upgraded to 49.26] [Upgraded to 53.087] [Upgraded to 58.000005] [Upgraded to 62.473]

(First Reaction: A satirical song that manages to be so ludicrously heavy-handed that it murders the very concept of satire. "We don't wanna tolerate, we know how to discriminate"? Apparently even I have limits to that sort of thing. Still, the song is both catchy and weird enough that it's well worth the listen and I think I might kinda sorta like aspects of this song other than the lyrics? It's hard to tell at this point.)

It's definitely weird, but I don't think it really works for me. Throwing flamenco music, synthetic voices, metal yelling, sarcastic whining, and chicken noises into a blender to create "metal flamenco war chicken screeching" was certainly unique. This is probably the most bizarre song on the album, if not this entire topic... which, once again, probably would have been worth a lot back when insanity was the only thing I really cared about, but these days... it's like... "do I actually like any of the dozen things this song is doing??" and... "well I don't dislike it " is the best answer I have to that.

So, in a way, I'm glad I had a chance to listen to this. In another way, this song is a pretty clear dividing line in that anything below it is in the "exactly 50 points or less" camp and anything above it is something I definitely enjoyed more.

...well, I mean, technially every song is a dividing point between the things I liked more and less than it, but that sentence seemed to make sense back when I started typing it.

[Final Thoughts: ....I still have no idea what to make of this particularly blend of chaos. I'm apparently less into it now?]

[Later: I think I'll move this closer to the 50 point mark. It's bizarre, but not entirely in ways that I enjoy and I don't know what to make of it.... but that oddness is definitely right on the line of "slight dislike" and "slight like", with 46 points being too low for whatever it is.]

[Still Later: I guess it's weird enough to get a few extra points? Probably?]

[Latest Developments: Okay, I kinda like whatever this thing is.]

[Developing Story: Oddly, I think I like this song lately. Going to go ahead and move it up a tier.]




#385: Zao Dao Ji - You Who Love 105 Degrees C (3:16):

Nominator: UF8 [17/30 Remaining]

Initial Score: 57.96
Revised Score: 60.00
Final Score: 60.00 [Upgraded to 60.00000007] [Upgraded to 62.479]

(First Reaction: Moderately cute.)

!Fun and cute enough that I enjoy it, with some personal bias towards the song because of how much effort it took to find it again. The original link was removed and I couldn't find any trace of a vtuber named Daodao Ji, no matter how I tried. After enough Googling, I managed to find that her name is usually translated as Zao Dao Ji which eventually led me to a video of someone playing Beat Saber to her version of the song. Which is close enough for my purposes, but I couldn't be positive it was the right track since I didn't remember the song clearly and kept searching... eventually I found an archived version of the description of the original video's post, which contained a Spotify link to the recording! Aha! A valid and official link to the song!

It was a time-consuming journey... one that has made me grow more attached to the song because now I have a personal connection to it. This is not fair to the many other songs that did not require me to scour the internet, but it is what it is.

[Final Thoughts: Definitely cute enough to stay at the 60 point tier.]

[Later: Minor boost to get above the Clump.]

[Later: And a bit more substance to this boost.]




#384: Chewitts - "I like to chew it Chewits!" [0:29]:

Nominator: paulg [19/52 Remaining]

Initial Score: 49.17
Revised Score: 52.19
Final Score: 55.019 [Upgraded to 62.48]

(First Reaction: ...Alright? It's still as mind-numbing and repetitive as the actual song, but the animation is kinda funny and the song is so abridged that it ends before it can really get annoying. It's not really good or bad, just a thing that exists.)

I should not give this song quite so many points because it's definitely being hard carried by the video, but the image of a dinosaur using busses as rollerskates and skating past a billboard of himself while a pulsing dance track informs you of how much he likes a specific brand of candy is comedy gold and I will die on this hill. The song is not of a genre I like, it's not espeially well sung, it only repeats one sentence endlessly, and the only positive thing I have to say is "at least this version of the song ends before it becomes a form of torture, unlike the original track that this is parody of"---but you combine this with the video and you get something so much better than either of them separately.

A jingle that repeats one sentence way too many times? Fuck off with that. A skating dinosaur? What is this, some sort of "We're Back: A Dinosaur's Story' nonsense?? A skating dinosaur while a jingle tells you how much this dinosaur loves some stupid brand of candy? YES PLEASE. So I'm going to put this into the positive score categories, but not far into it... like I can't imagine ever choosing to listen to this as a song, so I think this is basically the limit of how far I'll let it get in music ranking contest.

Now a music video contest, this would probably be way closer to getting first place than I'd care to admit...

[Final Thoughts: This is nothing without the video, but I actually do kinda like this with the video attached to and I can give bonus points for videos whenever I want. I try not to do so often, but will make exceptions whenever doing so amuses me. And this.... this amuses me.]

[Later: How could I forget about the dog barking at the dinosaur & the unhinged, manic smiles on the faces of those trapped inside his bus skates? This is just dumb enough that I like it quite a bit.]

[Later: I absolutely love this commerical, but I think this is as far as I want to carry it in a music ranking contest... if this were a music video contest though? Pretty good odds this would actually get first place.

Also, I believe this means the Peanut Commercial is King of Food? Because drinking songs don't inspire the same reaction, so that one song isn't considered as "Food Song".]




#383: Serj Tankian - Butterfly (4:10):

Nominator: Murphiroth [10*/32 Remaining]

Initial Score: 60.00
Revised Score: 60.00
Final Score: 62.58

(First Reaction:

...Well, I can't say I'm exactly thrilled with the choice of metaphors here, but the song itself is still good enough that I'm adding it to the CLUMP.)

!The instrumentation during the "We are being sacrificed" parts of the chorus is A++ work, I love that. I'm honestly not particularly into the rest of the song or the lyrics, but I love the sound on those parts enough to keep it at the 60 point level. The very subdued "Why can't we" practically spoken-word sections near the end of the song are also something I enjoy.

[Final Thoughts: I want to go ahead and move this one up a couple points.]


"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
... Copied to Clipboard!
01/02/23 12:52:04 PM

Raetsel_Lapin posted...
#385: Zao Dao Ji - You Who Love 105 Degrees C (3:16):
this writeup is nuts lol

but i totally get getting attached to something for reasons like that. definitely been there >_>
... Copied to Clipboard!
01/02/23 5:10:26 PM

Raetsel_Lapin posted...
[Final Thoughts: Actually, I seem to like the original version of this song an equal amount. Today, I'm not finding an appreciable difference in the instrumentation to have an actual preference. The lyrics here are on point; "we're all a bunch of fucking animals" hits that sweet spot at the intersection of bleak, angry, and non-human that is incredbly rare. I'm feeling this as a bit more of an early entrant into the 60 point tier, but I definitely like it.].

The original is good too but the orchestral version is probably my favourite, there's just something super epic about the composition.

I think that makes all of the Architects songs eliminated right? It's funny because I remember I nominated these songs particularly because they were some of the few orchestral versions of songs they released. But soon after the nominations closed they announced a full orchestral version of their For Those That Wish to Exist album and I was just like damn, wish they released this a month earlier haha.

... Copied to Clipboard!
01/02/23 10:02:24 PM

Heck yeah Company.

Thanks for sharing the story of how you found Being Alive! I didn't know about the website, and I have heard of Voctave before, but I didn't know they made a cover of Being Alive. Neato.

And I'm definitely glad you found the more somber undertone of the song. It's really pretty interesting how the melody and lyrics are both so chipper but the implications are...not.

"A blank page or canvas, his favorite. So many possibilities."
- RIP Stephen Sondheim, 1930-2021
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01/03/23 9:08:14 AM

BlackDra90n posted...
I think that makes all of the Architects songs eliminated right? It's funny because I remember I nominated these songs particularly because they were some of the few orchestral versions of songs they released. But soon after the nominations closed they announced a full orchestral version of their For Those That Wish to Exist album and I was just like damn, wish they released this a month earlier haha.

That should be the last of their songs, yeah. Anything on that album you think is especially worth checking out?


Two songs for the early morning. Slightly late, but not so late that I didn't get anything done:


#382: Hideaki Kobyashi - Thank You (8:53):

Nominator: NFUN: [16/31 Remaining]

Initial Score: 62.79
Revised Score: 62.79
Final Score: 62.597

(First Reaction: I'm sure I'd be moved to tears if I'd spent years playing the game to get to this final farewell, but it's still sweet even without all the emotional weight behind it.)

!It's a sweet song.

[Final Thoughts: It's a touching farewell song, though one I find it difficult to say much about. I suppose it does go on a bit long--I feel like the last minute doesn't contribute a lot to the song--but I like it.]


-Knifin' Around-


#381: Yelle - Chimie Physique (3:55):

Nominator: hotdogturtle [6/14 Remaining]

Initial Score: 71.28
Revised Score: 64.67
Final Score: 62.61

(First Reaction: A very good song in all respects. Catchy and a good beat, but subdued enough to not throw me on one of my "grr, arrgh, me hate dance" tangents. The music also feels sad and nostalgic in a way I find most appealing--even though the lyrics are too explictly about a sexual relationship, the way they are delivered is something I'm fairly drawn to. Well done, all around.)

!Another song in the "I still like this, but not quite at the 70 point tier level right now" pile... it's still great, but repeating "chimie physique entre nous" 20 times during the song is a tad excessive and I'm not as drawn to it as I was originally.

[Final Thoughts: I do like this, though the score seems to be dropping a bit with each listen.]


"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
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01/03/23 9:20:08 AM

Raetsel_Lapin posted...
That should be the last of their songs, yeah. Anything on that album you think is especially worth checking out?

This one for sure.

... Copied to Clipboard!
01/03/23 10:46:48 AM

At this rate, by the time Reality TV is finally ranked, it will have hit #1 and become your favorite song in recorded history.

azuarc is quite good at predicting GameFAQs bracket battles.
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01/03/23 4:01:51 PM

DoctorJimmy133 posted...
At this rate, by the time Reality TV is finally ranked, it will have hit #1 and become your favorite song in recorded history.


Four more songs:


#380: Whitetail - Canyon Pass (6:20):

Nominator: DoctorJimmy [12/24 Remaining]

Initial Score: 63.13
Revised Score: 63.13
Final Score: 62.706

(First Reaction: Ooh, this somehow has both an "old western saloon" and "techno city" vibes. It's an interesting contrast of styles that I like experiencing.)

!"Technological old west" is still a fairly unique idea, so I like what this track is doing.

[Final Thoughts; Quite a neat soundscape.]

[Later: I still haven't played Them's Fightin' Herds yet, though I'll probably check it out this year since it was free on Epic. I have some familiarity with the original MLP fangame that it started out as since those characters were converted to MUGEN & I use to film a lot of AI matches in that. Loved Rainbow Dash's version there, so I am fairly looking forward to seeing totally-not-RD in this one.]


-Twilight was also a fun character in MUGEN and there was a fanmade Trixie in the "Fighting is Magic" style which was also pretty neat-


#379: Eels - I Like Birds (2:31):

Nominator: ZaziGuado [18/28 Remaining]

Initial Score: 59.74
Revised Score: 62.76
Final Score: 62.75

(First Reaction: You have no idea how tempting it is to just say "I don't" for the writeup and leave it at that.

[Fluttershy's Note: The writeup just kinda stops there without a closing bracket. It's unclear if she meant to write a second sentence and forgot or if this was some sort of meta joke leaving things unfinished.])

!Simple, but this song is oddly compelling and more enjoyable than I recalled.

[Final Thoughts: The connection with his deceased mother who loved watching birds is sweet & the song is rather memorable. I like this.]


-views and opinions expressed in writeups are Raetsel's unless otherwise stated & this bird slander does not represent the views of Flutter, Luce, Katie, or that imaginary owl in our heads we do not speak of-


#378: Walt Disney - Home Video intro [0:13]:

Nominator: paulg [18/52 Remaining]

Initial Score: 60.00
Revised Score: 62.73
Final Score: 62.76

(First Reaction: This is not what I thought it was. Sadly, I can't properly identify what I was expecting... I thought I might have confused this with one of the Buena Vista Distribution logo tunes, but none of them are quite right. Nor do any of the variants of this intro I found in a compilation video trigger any memories (though, on an unrelated note I love the synth version that plays at 2:17 in this video::

Ohh, if only there were an extended version of that version of the intro, that low synth is to die for.)

Troublesome. I dreaded clicking this video because something about the title is triggering, but the questions of "exactly which Disney Intro are you scared of" and "why the hell are you trembling just reading the words "home video intro" are things I don't have answers for. Oh well, I suppose that's probably a mystery I'm better off not solving.

Back on track to the version that was nominated, this is a pretty neat little intro. The deep opening is lovely and, while it quickly becomes a bit too peppy, it's still an enjoyable little bop. I'll add it to the Clump which continues to consume everything.)

!Well made jingle. I like this, still have no clue what I was expecting to hear from this video.

[Final Thoughts: S'good.]

[Later: I still feel like there's some suppressed memory that this title is very close to dredging up... there's an almost panic inducing level of dread associated with it, but I am unable to decipher where this feeling is coming from. *shrugs*

Either way, this is a nice little jingle.]


-and now for something completely different-


#377: Barcelona - Falling Out of Trees (4:16):

Nominator: NBIceman [16/22 Remaining]

Initial Score: 66.76
Revised Score: 70.00
Final Score: 62.7606

(First Reaction: I'm a pretty big fan of the "I saw a ghost, I think it was me" line--while not really dealing with dissociation, it's at the very least dissociation-adjacent-ish. The singer also has a nice voice.)

!Okay I really, really like that one line & I'm going to move the song up a tier based on that line and no one can stop me.

[Final Thoughts: I'm significantly less attached to that line tonight, though I do still like the song. The outro is quite elegant and my current favorite part, strange as it is that I never mentioned it before now.]

[Later: I still enjoy the line and the outro is fairly pretty, but I don't feel nearly as strongly towards this song as I once did, I'm afraid.]


A not very secret alt account for when Raetsel wants to be a pony
... Copied to Clipboard!
01/03/23 4:05:09 PM

The ending of Thank You is the explicit tear jerker for players of the game. It's a reprise of the main theme that plays at the end of every major boss fight. I fucking cried in anticipation of Kobayashi doing that

Kneel... or you will be knelt
... Copied to Clipboard!
01/03/23 4:17:26 PM

NFUN posted...
The ending of Thank You is the explicit tear jerker for players of the game. It's a reprise of the main theme that plays at the end of every major boss fight. I fucking cried in anticipation of Kobayashi doing that

I probably should have guessed it was something like that, but since I haven't touched the series since the Genesis & am often quite poor at noticing reprisals or reused motifs, that's not really something I can pick up on.


Last four for the day. I'll be busy tomorrow, so it should just be a half-day with five songs posted in the early morning:


#376: GELL - R.N.A! [4:45]:

Nominator: Kopazzynth [6/21 Remaining]

Initial Score: 58.405
Revised Score: 62.78
Final Score: 60.00 [Upgraded to 60.00000009] [Upgraded to 62.78]

(First Reaction: I'm not sure what feelings this song is going for. It's start off like "happy adventure game" music, but then it gradually slows down--like your life support is failing and you wait for your inevitable death, as the song finally succumbs to silence. And then rockets back up (rather literally with rocket engine sounds) as the song picks up as the ship's power is recharged or something. I'd have preferred the bleak ending, but it's a fun journey sliding from hopeful to despair and back to hope.)

!The song is a fun journey and I'm going to give it a few extra points so it can reach the next tier.

[Final Thoughts: The slow march to death is quite entrancing and I actually don't mind things rocketing back to life at the end; it's a fun spin on a song that would otherwise be tragic & I like it.]

[Later: I'd say the experience of this musical journey is worth a little nudge to go above the Neo Clump.]

[Later: That dream like, floating through space interlude towards the middle of the track is wonderful. I think I'm going to go ahead and move this back to its Revised Score.]


-and now, another of the songs that have received a large number of upgrades since its "Final" score-


#375: Azealia Banks - 212 (3:25):

Nominator: Kateee [15/21 Remaining]

Initial Score: 51.00
Revised Score: 46.12
Final Score: 54.00 [Upgraded to 55.00] [Upgraded to 56.00005] [Upgraded to 60.00] [Upgraded to 61.225] [Upgraded to 62.709] [Upgraded to 62.92]

(First Reaction: Ehhh... I'm not quite *as* overly sensitive as I was even last year, but I think it's still a few years too early for me to really deal with this song.)

I like the bridge at about 1:45. I actually like it quite a bit to be honest. There's a slowed down, dreamlike mood to that part of the song that is intoxicating in a "I want to hear an entire song of this" type way. I just don't really care for most of the song; even if I could get past the lyrics, the style of song and music is borderline unpleasant... like I seriously doubt removing or changing the lyrics would improve my views on the song much at all because I just dislike the basic foundation the song is built on more than I care about the language used.

At least "Bitch, the end of your lives are near" is a fun line and I'm well aware of the value of desensitizing myself to this type of song. I keep going back-and-forth between the high 40's and the low 50's for the placement. Some days the amazing bridge and value of the exposure therapy push it more into the "like" category, some days it isn't. Today is a "not" day.

[Final Thoughts: Ehhhhhhhhh..... it's a bit much, but I'm in an angrier mood and more willing to give this song a chance than usual.]

[Later: I dunno, I do kinda like this. Going to go ahead and add one bonus point so this can reach the next tier.]

[L-a-t-e-r: This is another of those songs that was added to the 55 point tier before it became a wall. And I'm going to slightly delay this elimination again. ]

[l i t t l e l a t e r: Ya know, I think I'm actually starting to like this one.]

[Still Later: I'm having a hard time properly determining how much I like this song. Most of the lyrics don't really appeal to me and the genre is too... something--it's not really head-banging music or club music, but it's reminding me of dancing in some way and that's vaguely unpleasant. But the anger is compelling and I keep refusing to actually eliminate it. It's all quite strange.]

[Even Later: Adding one more point to this. I do really like that bridge and the anger is certainly pleasing.]

[And Again: Adding just a little bit extra to the score this time.]


...actually, I need another post. Can't fit the third song into this one, much less the fourth.

"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
... Copied to Clipboard!
01/03/23 4:18:27 PM


#374: JAM PROJECT - Transformers EVO (4:37):

Nominator: CPU [11/30 Remaining]

Initial Score: 45.10
Revised Score: 47.70
Final Score: 55.59 [Upgraded to 55.949] [Upgraded to 58.137] [Upgraded to 62.93]

(First Reaction: I'm not entirely positive what it is, but I think this might be a bit too hard rock for my tastes? That doesn't seem quite right, but after the song ramps up in intensity, I find it a bit unpleasant. Not really bad, but not something I'm into either. Which is sad because I was fairly excited for new (to me) Transformers songs.)

...Actually, in retrospect, I just don't think I'm much of a fan of the band. I don't know how I didn't recognize them as the Super Robot Wars group immediately, but I kinda don't usuallly like the theme songs? SRW T's theme, "Tread on the Tiger's Tail", is just the worst kind of cheesy:

"SUPER ROBOT! We are fighting!" is just... *sigh*

I rather like Az's first theme from SRW 30, "Divine Beast", but that's not a Jam Project song... it's definitely tamer, going for a jpop idol flair. It rarely sounds like a battle theme at all, which is definitely a big plus for me.

I was quite disappointed when that song was replaced with her second theme later in the game... but again, I've strayed too far from the original topic.

Transformers EVO PROS:

1: I do like transformers.

2: "Open your wings and transform" is a fun lyric and image. Reminds me of Gundam Wing, which doesn't hurt things.


1: The band's presumably just not one I'm into, or at least, I can't recall being a fan of any of their themes.

2: I planned on saying "I'd have preferred the Decepticon song over the Autobot one", but honestly, I don't think the singer can pull off the dark vibe enough to properly sell it... as much as I love the fact that there is a Decepticon anthem...

...yeah, that's about it, really.

[Final Thoughts: I swear the audio to this song is much better on YouTube, so I'm replacing the link:

And also raising this song up a fair amount to the "kinda like" tier. I'm also probably more in the mood for battle music like this than usual and also feeling fairly nostalgic for some Super Robot Wars... kinda want to dig out my copy of T and see what happens if you side with Haman in the war between her and Char for control over Zeon. The correct answer is obviously "don't help either of the genocidal freaks", followed by "help Char because he's awesome & occasionally good", with literally no in universe reason for you to side with HAMAN of all people.

[Later: Super Robot Wars T spoilers continued: helping Haman is pretty dull actually, there's surprisingly little change between helping her or not helping either of them.

I do love Transformers and Robot Wars, so this is a neat combination of things that appeal to me. I'm still not crazy for the band, but I do kinda like this.]

[Roll Out: I'm still in a SRW mood, so I'm far more amicable to this band than usual. Also, I still swear the audio sounds much better on YouTube on my end.]


-remember the "block of five songs"? No? Me neither, but here's another of them:-


#373: Joey Sellers - Requiems (6:16):

Nominator: Haste [6/31 Remaining]

Initial Score: 64.14
Revised Score: 52.69
Final Score: 55.08 [Upgraded to 59.02] [Upgraded to 62.94]

(First Reaction: I like this. I dare say that, if I had to listen to live music, I might prefer something like this. Something I like, in a genre versatile enough that it's unlikely to get dull, and it seems likely to attract a quieter fanbase than other songs I like. You can practically hear the very polite clapping at the end of the song.)

!It's nice, but I'm afraid that I'm not quite in the mood for this subset of jazz as I was on the initial listen... I can appreciate that it's very high quality & there's still parts of it I like, but I think I'm going to bump it down a tier for the moment.

[Final Thoughts: Relaxing and smooth, in a way that I'm back to kinda liking it. Definitely a genre I should listen to more often.]

[And Also Later: Part of a block of 5 songs that are being moved up to the 59 point level because I do not want to eliminate them.]

[Later: Ahh, this is smooth and relaxing. Let's go ahead and take this back up a tier.]


"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
... Copied to Clipboard!
01/04/23 8:19:00 AM

Forgot to say that I did add the posted Architects song to the list. Moving along, five songs for the day, all right now:


#372: Ryu Umemoto - Activation (2:15):

Nominator: NFUN: [15/31 Remaining]

Initial Score: 59.478
Revised Score: 60.12
Final Score: 60.23 [Upgraded to 62.996]

(First Reaction: These topics could always use more old computer VGM, they're not games that typically get a lot of representation. I think I'd like something more primitive and crunchy than this, but it's still good representation and enjoyable.)

!Still not exactly one of my favorites from this era of computer music, but something I like enough to give a little boost to in order to move it up a tier.

[Final Thoughts: It's not quite "BWOOM"-ing notes, but there are these sort of vroom-ing & flooom-ing notes that I like.

...No, I'm not going to explain that any better.]

[Later: Floom!]


-Fin Fang Floom-


#371: The Music Man (original Broadway Cast) - Pick-A-Little, Talk-A-Little/Goodnight Ladies (1:56):

Nominator: @Raka_Putra [20/31 Remaining]

Initial Score: 53.13
Revised Score: 63.00
Final Score: 60.103 [Upgraded to 63.00]

(First Reaction: I probably shouldn't give this a very high score, but it made me laugh. Gave me a headache from all the fast-paced, repetitive chirping--but made me laugh all the same.)

...Honestly, I'm kinda in the mood to run around chirping at people, so I'll move this song up a tier. I'm sure someone will argue that I shouldn't inflate a song's score just because it features chirping and that just because I *can* give scores for any reason that doesn't mean I *should*. Those people should know they are in the wrong topic series by now.

I'm sure you want a more logical writeup; some commentary on the performances, a discussion of the implications of depicting a group of women as non-humans that don't know when to shut up, or really any indication that I'm making an attempt to engage with the song on some higher level. But you're not getting that; instead I will now run in circles clucking at nothing in particular.

Cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep1.

[Final Thoughts: I do like having an excuse to chirp...]

[Cheep: Cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep.]


-there's also a Muppet Show version of that song performed by Gonzo and the Muppet Chickens-


#370: T-Pain, Kurt Hugo Schneider - T-Pain Mashup (3:04):

Nominator: CPU [10/30 Remaining]

Initial Score: 58.67
Revised Score: 62.008
Final Score: 63.00001

(First Reaction: The beautiful music combined with these lyrics is certainly something. I don't know what, but something. I think I'd prefer an instrumental, but I do kinda like hearing T-Pain--he's appeared on enough things I've watched that there is a fun "hey, I know that guy!" kinda thing going on, even if I haven't really listened to his music before.)

!The beautiful backing music is kinda doing all the work on this track, but I like what it's doing enough to move it up a tier.

[Final Thoughts: An unexpectedly pretty mashup.]


Next writeup is too large to fit here, so I'll need a second post:

"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
... Copied to Clipboard!
01/04/23 8:21:04 AM


#369: Disillusion - Back to Times of Splendor (14:39):

Nominator: Ark [10/17 Remaining]

Initial Score: 63.04
Revised Score: 49.44
Final Score: 48.66428 [Upgraded to 53.00] [Upgraded to 55.10] [Upgraded to 59.01] [Upgraded to 60.00] [Upgraded to 63.02]

(First Reaction: There are so many different sections to this song that trying to summarize everything into one or two sentences is quite impossible. There are parts that I love, parts that I find fascinating, and parts that are "RARR I AM METAL SINGER, I AM GOING TO GROWL AND PLAY LOUDLY BECAUSE WE ARE METAL BAND GRRARRRR" which I do not care for. I think the parts that I quite like outnumber the metal sections (or, at least, my enjoyment of the good outweights my boredom with the bland) that it's safely over the 60 point mark, but I need to do a more concentrated breakdown of all the parts to this song for the writeup to actually go anywhere.

..mind you, almost none of these writeups ever go anywhere anyway...)

!This song has some of the most ludicrously, overly epic drumming & metal yelling of all metal music. But the interlude around the halfway point is really quite nice & it does take a while before it goes back to... the parts that I really don't care for. WIth apologies, tonight I'm far more agitated by all the drumming and overly metal aspects of this song; there's just so much of that & those sections go on for so long that I find it hard to even recall the parts of the track that I did enjoy. It's not like I hate, or even especially dislike the song right now, but it's decidedly on the lower half of scoring.

[Final Thoughts:

Intro: Very soft and pleasing. Even when the electric guitar joins and starts trashing, it isn't too intense. 57 points.

First two verses: A bit too metal for me and not a lot I'm attracted to lyrically; 49 points.

Instrumental break: Basically the same as the intro. 57 points.

Third verse: Basically the same as the first two, 49 points.

Fourth verse: Ah, tragedy and regret. Now we are getting somewhere. 62 points.

Chorus: Clean vocals and not bad lyrics. Not as appealing as the fourth verse, but enjoyable enough... 54 points?

Instrumental break: Ooh, we get some "soft and wistful electric guitar" around this point, that's neat. 55 points.

Fifth verse and what I'm going to call a bridge: 44 points. Starting to get a bit too "epic metal" at this point.

"I must have seen it coming *epic drum bashing*: 24 points. Go away drums.

Interlude with chirping birds: Sure, I'll take some bird sounds in my metal, why not? 50.80

Later in the interlude with a different string instrument: Pleasingly soft. 52 points.

Verse "I lost count here, this is a long song": Nice enough. Longing for the past and what not. Not as powerfully sad as fourth verse, but we're in the right area of lyrics. 54 points.


Chorus reprisal and outro: ...50.50 points. It hasn't gotten worse, but I don't think the repetition helped the song any and the outro probably goes on a bit longer than it needs to and then feels like it just kinda stops. There isn't a satisfying conclusion.

AVERAGE SCORE: Let's round it slightly to 48.66428,

...well, I like the fourth verse and there are some decent sections, but the intense drumming portions really tank the song's score.]

[Later: Ehhh... the high points are high enough that I don't think averaging the score actually works here and I'm quite into the instrumental break today. Going to try moving this up to 53 points for a bit and revisit it later.]

[Also Later: The intense parts of the song are trying very, very hard to take the song down... but I'm feeling like putting this back to the "kinda like" level, at least. I doubt I'll take it all the way back up to the 60 point tier it came from, but it's getting much closer to it, for a song that was scheduled to be eliminated before we reached the 50 point level.]

[And Also Later: Part of a block of 5 songs that are being moved up to the 59 point level because I do not want to eliminate them.]

[Time: Sure, Neo Clump, everything to Neo Clump, that's a thing I can do.]

[Keeps On Slippin', Slippin', Slippin': I've had parts of this stuck in my head lately... enough so that I was rather looking forward to hearing this again. The metal sections are still too metal, but the high points are rather high. Going to reset this to its initial value, I think it'll probably fit in better up there than all the way down here in Neo Clump.]

[Into the Future:

There is a road that I must travel
Let it be paved or unseen
May I be hindered by a thousand stones
Still onward I'd crawl down on my knees

I kinda love that section these days and the more subdued parts of the song, but there are enough epic parts that I dislike that I think this is as far as the song goes.]


-oh hey, I guess that previous song was also part of the "block of five songs" that I still don't actually remember:-


#368: DEMONDICE - (Outro) Goodnight, Japan (2:19):

Nominator: Murphiroth [9*/32 Remaining]

Initial Score: 56.16
Revised Score: 59.76
FInal Score: 59.92 [Upgraded to 63.04]

(First Reaction: A rather nice, ambient instrumental track.)

!It's pretty. I wish it were longer, but it's pretty close to the 60 point tier as is.

[Final Thoughts: I really wish this was longer, but this is definitely my type of instrumental outro.]

[Later: Oh yeah, I'm definitely into this type of quiet city ambience. I'm moving this a decent ways up the list.]


And that's it for today, should be back on track tomorrow, thank you for your understanding as always.

"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
... Copied to Clipboard!
01/04/23 8:25:19 AM

Raetsel ranks Chaucer
Raetsel ranks Rabelais
Raetsel ranks... BALZAC!

Cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep

"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
... Copied to Clipboard!
01/05/23 8:40:59 AM

Two songs to open the morning:


#367: Hidenori Shoji - Sky High (3:17):

Nominator: NFUN: [14/31 Remaining]

Initial Score: 68.24
Revised Score: 63.11
Final Score: 63.11

(First Reaction: Feels kinda like a modern Sonic special stage type song... feels very "get through this trippy, collapsing dimension to collect the Chaos Emerald before time runs out"-esque, which I like. And really, I tend to like anything that feels space or alternate dimension-y.)

!Trippy space music is usually an easy way to get into the "I like this" tiers.

[Final Thoughts: Space. Space space space. Space.]


-You know how it is when you wake up three hours early, so you basically have to go back to bed, but then you have a hard time waking up the second time around? Blegh.-


#366: Every Time I Die - sexsexsex (3:27):

Nominator: Bane [18/38 Remaining]

Initial Score: 53.03
Revised Score: 56.06
Final Score: 60.00 [Upgraded to 63.111111]

(First Reaction: I know this song is metaphorical, but Dorian Electra did the whole BDSM thing better.)

Song uses a lot of repetition with the majority of lyrics repeating themselves... like the opening of the song:

The way it should be
The way it should be
The way it should be is all ways

I'll accept yours
I'll accept yours
I'll accept yours always

The way it should be
The way it should be
The way it should be is all ways

I'll accept yours
I'll accept yours
I'll accept yours always

Punished and pure
Punished and pure
Wait and serve

Punished and pure
Punished and pure
Wait and serve

It leads to some sections of this song feeling almost tedious. It also doesn't help that this is one of the harsher songs on the album musically, battering me sonically at the same time it's boring me. The song really starts off on the wrong foot and never fully recovers, leaving it as one of the lower points on the album.

-BUT- it's not all bad news. BDSM songs are playing rather well this year (and no, I'm not going to question that at all), combining 666 & 69 is strangely clever--if you must have sex then you should always invite Satan--, the themes of accepting a suppressed side of yourself are actually quite appealing, and I always enjoy Buckley showing off with intellectual lyrics (the reference to a work by Marquis de Sade is especially clever). There's a lot of things I love about this track. Enough that I'm moving this a bit higher up the scoring chart, though the drawbacks to the song are enough that I don't think I want to go up a whole tier or anything.

[Final Thoughts: Ehhhhhh... yeah, I'm just going to go ahead and raise it a tier.]

[Later: Not a bad song. Clever & appealing lyrics, the intensity is not nearly as rough as I remember it being... going to try 63 points for a bit.]


"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
... Copied to Clipboard!
01/05/23 10:37:59 AM

I believe this is the second longest writeup of the topic. It... does not stay remotely on topic, yet it is quite large. It can't even fit in one post:


#365: Terry Taylor - Playing Pool in Outer Space (from The Neverhood) (1:42):

Nominator: rwlh [10/24 Remaining]

Initial Score: 51.00
Revised Score: 51.03
Final Score: 57.14 [Upgraded to 59.928[ [Upgraded to 61.20] [Upgraded to 63.20]

(First Reaction: *before listening* Rock 'N Roll Dixie is my jam from this soundtrack, but I remember liking a few other tracks. It's one of the few game soundtracks where I went out of my way to listen to the entire thing, so that's a fairly good sign.

*after clicking play* Ohh, right, right, pool. There are no pool tables in outer space and we didn't even, like, photoshop a pool table onto the album cover which means this doesn't quite work for the running gag. That being said, while there isn't much here musically, I do kinda like listening to the sounds of billiard balls so... actually not a bad pick, all things considered.)

It is a unique atmosphere and conceptually, I like the idea here. The clacketing of billiard balls echoing in the eternal void as a ghostly player calls his shot is certainly novel & I definitely have interests in "spoken word samples", "eternal voids", and "pool" so this *feels* like something I should really love... I'm just not really feeling it as a music track (even as a highly experimental one that questions what music even is) and it's certainly nifty, but not the sort of nifty that I want to revisit on a regular basis. Very neat, very cool, fantastic concept, not really what I'm looking for when I turn on some music.

...though if I ever made that hypothetical meditation playlist, I'd be interested in sneaking this onto it at some point. Not really sure how I'd react to this when already in a trance-like state, but it'd be interesting to test. In theory.

[Final Thoughts: Not entirely sure I'd call it music, but I kinda like it. It's definitely a novel experience and worth giving a few extra points so that it can make it into that "kinda like" tier.]

[Later: Well, I do like experiences and this is certainly one. Let's move this right up to the line of the next tier.]

[Later: Ah yes, pool. For the benefit of those who weren't here last year, an abridged version which is still going to be long because I'm am bad at summarizing:

I've had an odd fascination with the Sega CD's "Make My Video: INXS" for a long time now. I saw a review of it in one of the gaming magazines (probably GamePro) and really wanted it--not because it was good, but because the band looked so utterly moronic on the cover and I've always been into enjoying things ironically. It used the cover of their album "Welcome to Wherever You Are" which.. well I know I was being cruel to it, but let's just say they weren't the exactly the pinnacle of 90's fashion.

This led to me eventually falling in love with their song "Not Enough Time" and possibly liking the band unironically? My marking out whenever they played on the radio started as a joke, but it kinda stopped being a joke at some point. You know what they say: Beware what you do ironically, 'lest you start to do it 'ronically.

Aaaanywho, this SOMEHOW wound up with me going off on a really arbitrary tangent about the intro to the game. I have no idea which song set me off, but I went on this massive hallucinogenic stream of consciousness gibberish about the sheer majesty of the intro:

Ah, look at that glorious pool table. You need nothing else; it's the greatest song ever invented playing as you stare at a pool table. There is not, and indeed could never be, a greater music video than just staring at a beautiful pool table.

This was meant to be a one-off joke (probably; I have no idea what sparked this conversation, nor where I was going with it), until it turned out that someone actually HAD nominated a music video with a pool table in it. paulg235 was henceforth known as a time-traveling warlock for giving me something I demanded months before I knew I wanted it. Which brings us to this topic, in which there are more pool tables & pool related songs--presumably from people who are "in" on the running joke and wanted to keep it going another year, though it could also be a coincidence.

...Actually, now I want to go back and find that incoherent post because I need to know what started this gag:

*continued with a copy of a writeup from last year*

"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
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01/05/23 10:40:14 AM



Nominator: Player_0 (17/30)

Initial Score: 38.16 [#518]
Revised Score: 47.24 [#466]
Final Score: 47.05 (upgraded to 48.60) [#488]

(First Thoughts: More boring than anything else.)

By keeping things a bit vaguer than usual, I find this song actually rather tolerable. It's still nothing I'd choose to listen to, but it's also not the type of thing I'd bother complaining about.

[Having nothing to say about this track that hasnt been covered at other Weeknd songs, we go back to the "Raetsel talks about any song she feels like to waste all of our time" segment.]

Actually, lets change the format up a bit and talk about a game intro. It's time for

Make My Video ~ INXS:

Have you ever wanted to listen to INXS' hit song Not Enough Time while staring at a pool table? Now, with the awesome power of the Sega CD, you finally can! Before 1992, you could only listen to the sweet sounds of INXS and dream of what it would be like if you could stare at a majestic pool table while listening to it. Doubtless, as you sat in your pool table-less room, you would be moved to tears. Yes, INXS truly made the greatest song of all time, but if you haven't experienced it with a pool table in your vision then...why, you could hardly say you experienced the song at all, now could you?

BUT IT GETS EVEN BETTER! If you wait long enough (and you will because who could turn away from this magnificent song?) then there'll actually be people at the pool table! You'll also learn amazing facts, such as: Supermodels are all great at pool and love playing it while simultaneously watching generic stock footage play alongside the sweet sounds of INXS' greatest hits. Truly, no game has ever offered such a realistic look into the pool halls of America, as Make My Video ~ INXS.

Also, did you know that the only way to get rid of supermodels is to use a generic library of stock film footage to create the ultimate INXS music video? It's true! You'll be all "please, supermodels, allow me to play pool with you! Or listen to some other music at least!" and they'll say "we are trapped in a Sisyphean nightmare, damned to play this game of pool for eternity, until someone creates the ultimate music video for INXS. By playing this game of pool, we have ultimate control over what music plays, and we shall only play the same three INXS songs until someone makes the perfect video to go with it. Please, Sega CD Master, please create the perfect music video and free us from this Hell!!"

But you'll never make the perfect video. You'll just listen to the unmatched greatness of Not Enough Time for eternity with them. For you realize the truth: There can be no perfect music video for Not Enough Time, for it is the most timeless of all classics. In fact, you might say, there's not enough time for you to even begin creating a video that could live up to 1% of its greatness. So you stay, trapped in that bar forever, listening to the song for all eternity. "Wasn't I playing a Sega CD game?, "you ask yourself as you feel your consciousness slipping away. It's better this way.

...I actually considered nominating this for Jesse's intro ranking topic, but he probably doesnt' even like INXS or staring blankly at pool tables.

[Final Thoughts: *insert Dean Pelton's panicked "I don't know what that was" reaction after his Peanut Rap here*

On topic: Good instrument, good vocals, poor (though not infuriating or outright bad) choice of lyrics.]


Ah, so there was literally no reason for any of that. At all. Well, explains why I couldn't remember how I got onto that topic... Aaaanywho, I do like the sound of pool being played. Whether it was ironic or not to start with, it's stopped being ironic now and I think I'm going to move this to being slightly above the Neo Clump.]

[Later: Adding a few extra points to this.]

[Latest: I was going to give this some more points, but I guess we're further up the scoring chart than I thought. I felt, "I should move this up higher! Maybe not to the 64 point level, but at least 63.20 or something" and that's literally the exact score it already has? I'm confused now... I guess I've added points to so many songs that we're not quite where I thought we were.

But while I'm here, let's just kill some time with a few other explanations and sidenotes.

Community Peanut Rap:

I love this show and that panicked response has become one of my go-to references whenever I've gone so far off-track that even I don't recall where things started or how we got to this point.


Littlest Pet Shop (2012) reference. The bunny had a tendency to babble incoherently, prompting a confused "what?" from whoever was nearby--at which point she'd do... whatever that is and give a very drawn out Aaaanywho before rephrasing things in a slower, less confusing manner. It's become one of my verbal tics whenever I need to hard reset & try to get back onto a topic.

That extra / in shifty-eyed emoticons (eg </.<)

Started as a secret furry thing. When I was in "bunny mode" all the time, it was kinda like a floppy ear dropping down to cover of my eyes. A way for me to be furry, but subtle enough that I could sneak it in without drawing a lot of attention to it. Though these days it's more of a signature than anything, as I'm usually not in a bunny sort of mood these days (which makes this username a bit archaic, but that's another thing entirely).

It kinda doubles as a Fluttershy thing as some of her mane hangs over her face, but mostly it's just a thing I do because it's a thing I do.]


...actually, I wonder if this is the longest? There is another one that hasn't fallen yet that goes on for paragraphs about something not even tangentially related to the actual song that I think is larger, but it may not actually be. Might have to compare the when we get to that point.

"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
... Copied to Clipboard!
01/05/23 11:11:30 AM

Continuing on from whatever that was with four more songs:


#364: Laurie Anderson - Radar [2:06]:

Nominator: @TunnelScene [10/27 Remaining]

Initial Score: 60.00
Revised Score: 60.08
Final Score: 60.08 [Upgraded to 61.72] [Upgraded to 63.22]

(First Reaction: I like the faint backing music near the end of the track, but I can't place what it's reminding me of. Something 8-bit, maybe? Ah well; I immediately listened to this a second time and still don't have a real guess, but it held my attention through both listens, so I'll say I liked this and add it to the Clump.)

!Probably just my imagination, but the computer-ish guitar playing reminds me of the intro to The Protomen - The Stand:

Either way, the nominated song is neat. Simple, but slightly synthetic in a vaguely mysterious way. I like it.

[Final Thoughts: Even if the nostalgia is in my imagination, this song still tickles my fancy in a strangely nostalgic way. It's pretty neat.]

[later: Going to add an extra point here.]

[Later: I do like that instrument and the memories it brings back... going to try adding a bit more to the score here.[




#363: The Birthday Massacre - Lovers End (4:14):

Nominator: Kateee [14/21 Remaining]

Initial Score: 71.00
Revised Score: 72.00
Final Score: 63.26

(First Reaction: Ooh, I've actually wanted to more from this band for a while now! I don't recall the name of their previously nominated track, but I remember enjoying it and finding it quite interesting. What really got me into them was when I randomly hit their cover of Last Daze which I played a lot last year. I'm always impressed by the way the lead singer can effortlessly shift between clean vocals & Nekrogoblikon demonic growling while still being easily understood--too many of the more extreme metal growling artists are borderline impossible to understand even with the lyrics in front of me.

This isn't as immediately gripping as Last Daze, largely because I'm not as interested in the story here... evil children aren't exactly my favorite story subjects. But the song itself is damn good and the band continues to not disappoint, so I highly enjoy it.)

!This song acts as a pretty good introduction to the "I really liked this" tier. While not my favorite song by the group, this is definitely the type of song I'm into these days and an enjoyable horror song that is surprisingly a rather easy listen.

[Final Thoughts: I still like the band and want to hear more from them, but the story of killer children isn't really connecting with me tonight... I do like the song, but I don't think it's quite at that "really like" level.]

[Later: The Birthday Massacre -Last Daze (Funland Mix):

In case anyone wants to check out that one.]




#362: Roman Tam, Jenny Tseng - [You're the Best in the World] (1998 Live Performance) (2:17):

Nominator: Handsomeboy [19/31 Remaining]

Initial Score: 74.00
Revised Score: 75.55
Final Score: 63.2714

(First Reaction: *before listening* As much as Google Translate has improved, there's always a few points where it gets incredibly lost. It wants to translate the song title and lyric as "World Always Hello" which... kinda funny, yeah, but still utterly incoherent. (This has no impact on anything, I just wanted to laugh at it for a minute.]

*after listening* Is it just me or does the backing music sound kinda like the intro to Lavos' final battle theme? It's a simple note progression so I'm sure notes like those appear everywhere, but it adds an apocalyptic flair to this love song that I enjoy. It also makes this song feel like it was somehow created as a sarcastic rebuke to my criticism of "Iron Blood & Loyal Heart". The song's all, "oh, you think our romance is too traditional, huh? What if our next love song took place at the end of time while a giant alien space flea blows up the planet? Would you like that better?!?" and I'm like "yes, yes, so very much yes.")

!Not really much to add here. I still really like the song for the same blatantly-wrong-but-I-don't-care reason as before. Time Traveling Apocalyptic Romance=Big Points, apparently.

[Later: I'm not feeling the Chrono Trigger vibes as strongly as I usually do, but I do still like this a fair amount.[




#361: Deafheaven - Come Back (9.17)

Nominator: Xtlm [7/13 Remaining]

Initial Score: 53.41
Revised Score: 62.00
Final Score: 63.28

(First Reaction: *before listening* Ah,, this band. I remember the name from the first topic, Kateee nominated Dream House by them. I don't recall where the song placed, but I don't think I was prepared for this band at the time. I'm not sure I'm prepared now, but I've been exposed to far more songs of the genre so it'll be interesting?

*after* When the song started with overly intense drumming and vocals I couldn't make out even with a lyric sheet (that part I expected from the band), I thought it was going to be a bit difficult to listen to for the full nine minutes. But the song really doesn't stay full intensity for long; the instruments soften a bit, the lyrics get a bit cleaner, and then the song eventually transitions into practically being a radio-friendly soft rock instrumental for the remainder of the time It's certainly an unexpected journey and transition, much like Frank Zappa's "Truck Driver Divorce" in terms of impact (though certainly not in terms of anything musical).)

I'm not a fan of the first three minutes, there's just too much intense drumming for it to be something I enjoy--though I will say that, even at it's worst, the song never drops below like a "43.12" rating so it's not *bad*. It's just going all-in on a style that I don't care for. But once we get past that three minute hurdle, I do start to honestly like the song. Putting aside what the song is actually about and the lyrics, what I'm really drawn to is just the way the song feels: It conveys the feeling of breaking through the pain and being embraced by peace & serenity in a way that few songs can compare to. It's actually quite beautiful.

[Final Thoughts: Unexpected beauty. It's nice.]


"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
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01/05/23 11:19:23 AM

And three more to close out the day:


#360: IKTS - f:l:d [6:45]:

Nominator: Kopazzynth [5/21 Remaining]

Initial Score: 56.44
Revised Score: 57.92
Final Score: 61.01101 [Upgraded to 62.22] [Upgraded to 63.285]

(First Reaction: There are some overly pronounced "brrappp" type sounds that are the wrong type of static (??), but there's a really nice backing melody underneath all the chaos. Feels like a more computerized version of Venetian Snares Li2Co3:

Not a bad note to end the first phase on.)

!I love static, but this brrapp-ing sort of noise is remarkably unpleasant. It's like they're doing something that I love, but doing it completely wrong and I can't articulate what is wrong about the song, it simply *is* wrong. Which is an odd feeling because I should know why I'm vaguely repulsed by it, but the inability to process what is wrong makes it almost as enticing as it is repulsive. It is a wholly bizarre experience.

Still, there is also a beautiful song layered under the distortions, which is also appealing. I do not think that I like this quite enough to move it up a tier, but it is one of the most fascinating tracks to be nominated and i almost want to move it up a tier purely on principle.

[Final Thoughts: A song so fascinating & unappealing that it could fall virtually anywhere on the list, which has seemed to wound up in the middle of the "kinda like" zone. It's oddly beautiful and simultaneously unattractive, living in the middle between the two extremes. Smoking guns, hot to the touch, would cool down if we didn't use them so much, yeah. We're soul alone and soul really matters to me. Too much.

...*moves the song up a tier. You probably think I can't move a song up because it caused me to burst into a completely unrelated song for no reason, but there are no rules here. We've got no future, we've got no past. Here today, built to last, in every city. In every nation. From whatever the first place he names is to that second place, I'm not really in the mood to look up the lyrics.*

.....Okay, I'm not really sure what's happening right now, so I'm just going to flee to the next song before I wind up singing yet another song.]

[Later: Certainly a unique experience and worth an extra point.]

[Later: And another point. The song has a bit of a slow start, but once it gets into full swing, it's offering an experience unlike anything else on this half of the list.]


-Welcome to the Fantasy Zone-


#359: Linkin Park - By Myself (3:09):

Nominator: Mega_Mana [20/38 Remaining]

Initial Score: 59.90
Revised Score: 57.13
FInal Score: 56.9507 [Upgraded to 63.29]

(First Reaction: The sadness, lack of self-confidence, and failure are all familiar topics for Linkin Park and this song is still good--it just doesn't seem to land as strongly as much as many of the other songs on the album do, leaving this song feeling almost superfluous. I mean, I still like it, but I don't think it contributes all that much to the overall album.)

Not entirely sure why I'm not fully connecting with the song. It's good and performed well, and the interlude is amazing:

How do you expect I will know what to do
When all I know is what you tell me to?

Those lines really hit. But the rest of the song feels like it's missing something... maybe it's the way the pre-chorus is a bit more metal than I'd like, maybe it's the way the song ends abruptly, or maybe it's something entirely unrelated. Either way, I never connect with the song strongly enough to move it up to the next tier.

[Final Thoughts: Probably the pre-chorus. I just seem to prefer the Linkin Park songs that don't go quite that hard. It's not a surprise that my favorite part is the interlude which is an incredibly subdued and quiet sadness in contrast to the rest of the song. Definitely something I kinda like, but it's fairly low scoring for a Linkin Park song.]

[Later: Okay, now I'm suddenly into these lyrics. Going up a tier.]


-Get Ready-


#358: The Band's Visit (original Broadway Cast) - Omar Sharif (3:24):

Nominator: @Raka_Putra [19/31 Remaining]

Initial Score: 70.00
Revised Score: 68.44
Final Score: 63.297

(First Reaction: Katrina Lenk has a powerful voice and I think she's one of the artists I'd most want to see a performance by. With her alluring voice, I feel like she could sing just about anything and it would be well worth the listen. I can't say the lyrics to this song really do a lot for me, as I can't say I relate to them or have much of a reaction, but her singing and stage presence are so great that it scarcely matters.)

1A fantastic performance by a tremendous singer that I'd love to hear more from, but I'm not really invested in the lyrics or story which I think makes me move this down *slightly* to just below the 70 point mark.

[Final Thoughts: Her voice continues to impress, but I'm not quite as attached to it as I use to be.]


"Toothpaste is real and I hate everything in the world now."-MrCactuar
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