Current Events > Dem: Biden's Black support is dropping because, they don't understand civics.

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11/06/23 3:06:46 AM

Heineken14 posted...
Things already have changed. It doesn't matter anyway, as republicans and the media will just say it's all shit regardless.

What else is new? Republicans pin economic issues on Democrats, when documented track record on the economy is a landslide against Republicans.

Swimming over the barrier to protect my egg.
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11/06/23 3:07:19 AM

Biden = lesser of two evils.
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11/06/23 3:09:31 AM

KingArthur3D posted...
Biden = lesser of two evils.
Left-wingers fall in love while right-wingers fall in line. Guess which side tends to win more when it really counts?

Miss the old GameFAQs politics board? Then come here to discuss it with us:
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11/06/23 3:12:37 AM

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you posted will be misquoted, then be used against you.
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11/06/23 3:17:17 AM

Ricemills posted...

Almost 10m people who didn't vote for Trump in 2016 voted for him in 2020 after 4 years of him as POTUS and an especially egregious handling of the pandemic.

There is absolutely fault to be placed with the constituents (general electorate), even if not all of it.

My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
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11/06/23 3:17:51 AM

Kradek posted...
Almost 10m people who didn't vote for Trump in 2016 voted for him in 2020 after 4 years of him as POTUS and an especially egregious handling of the pandemic.

There is absolutely fault to be placed with the constituents (general electorate), even if not all of it.

A sizable portion of voters are unspeakably awful people. After the miserable Bush Jr tenure, instead of ditching the GOP, their base shifted further right.

Some were even so thrilled by 4 years of Trump, they partook in the coup attempt to keep him in office.

Swimming over the barrier to protect my egg.
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11/06/23 7:20:03 AM

R_Jackal posted...
The thing is about takes like this, is that no one cares if the economy is good for the nation or upper class in general. No one cares that money is being made. Vast majority of people care that they're getting reamed from every direction with costs going up on literally everything, constantly seeing in the news companies posting record profits companies, and seeing no relief in sight for themselves.

I guess I just don't know what should be done then. Inflation has reduced greatly but people want prices to go back to 2019 levels, but that's just not possible and anyone promising that is lying. A deflation would be horrible, but people don't really care.

R_Jackal posted...

Not to mention the looming dread from AI, the job landscape changing incredibly fast, and a variety of other issues. "The economy is bad" is code for the population saying "I don't feel valued and only see doom ahead "

Normally I would point to Biden admin having a firm hand in incentivizing manufacturing jobs all over the USA, specifically in red states, through the use of the IRA, build back better, and the chips bill. But now, I don't know because people just don't care.

haters gonna hate
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11/06/23 7:21:52 AM

There are a lot of legitimate reasons for criticizing Biden, (and god knows I've pointed them out) but his struggles in recent polling are more likely just people whose brains have been poisoned by the overconsumption of cable news. People think crime is out of control in the absence of any statistics to back it up, they believe the economy is suffering contrary to a lot of evidence saying it's never been better for low-wage workers.

It'd be cool if you could say Biden's polling sucks because of his abhorrent Israel policy, but in general it's because reality doesn't match what people see on TV.

Have you tried thinking rationally?
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11/06/23 7:31:40 AM

AshesOfEden posted...
A person that doesn't agree with any sides has no opinions on their own? Interesting.

As far as you saying "destroying the country" goes, I have to ask, have you seen any a lot of these cities where drug users walk around like irate zombies? Do you know how much cartel members have crossed our borders and how there's possibly terrorists cells that have crossed to enter the United States? Have you seen king size candy bars that were $1.86 just a couple of years ago up to nearly 4 dollars now. Things are bad here NOW and if our current president stays in power it's only going to get worse.
I was talking to Duncan, not "anyone who disagrees".

Biden might not be great, but the stuff you're talking about is made up bullshit and Trump and the GOP literally have a working plan to install a fascist dictatorship

I'm not going to let tens of millions of people be sacrificed because people like you think the US President controls global inflation and that every city is a post-apocalyptic lawless hellhole. We know that there's terrorists in America. The vast majority of them are homegrown and a lot of those look to our Republican Party for inspiration.

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11/06/23 8:06:21 AM

She's 100% right.

Many don't actually understand civics. Many don't understand how laws are passed. Their feelings are dictating their reality.

They think they understand, but then they open their mouths and show they really don't.

Especially the purist wing who uses the same mindset of, "I want what I want, regardless if I don't have the numbers in government to get what I want! It's all or nothing!" The purist types are never satisfied no matter what you do for them because it's never good enough. Theyre purely idealistic, and not realistic.

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11/06/23 8:31:35 AM


No one is dismissing legitimate struggles. It's being pointed out that how some of those struggles are being characterized is most definitely feelings dictating reality.

Having legit struggles is not magically a legitimate reason to justify a twisted reality dictated by your feelings. The reality is many don't understand economics or civics.

Many don't really follow politics too closely, but think they understand politics and civics because of some social media feed or influencers opinions. Especially when there are bad faith actors who take advantage of things not being perfect, so it's characterized as being the worse thing ever.

Just ask the people claiming things are worse, and ask them to explain why it's worse. Their answer will speak volumes to their ignorance of the feelings dictating reality. Then ask them their grand plan to fix it, especially the ones who plan not to vote. Their answers always displays they don't have a clue how politics works and total lack of understanding of basic civics.

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11/06/23 9:17:21 AM

NatsuSama posted...

Especially the purist wing who uses the same mindset of, "I want what I want, regardless if I don't have the numbers in government to get what I want! It's all or nothing!" The purist types are never satisfied no matter what you do for them because it's never good enough. Theyre purely idealistic, and not realistic.

The purist type. You mean people who want Democrats to do more then be Republicans lite. Or don't want the president to lie about seeing dead babies ?

"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
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11/06/23 9:35:20 AM

cjsdowg posted...
The purist type. You mean people who want Democrats to do more then be Republicans lite. Or don't want the president to lie about seeing dead babies ?
The idea that they are "Republican lite" is definitely your feelings dictating reality given the level of extremism Republicans openly flirts with, and what they openly are telling Americans they will do if Trump wins. The fact that you characterized them as "Republicans lite" is actually my point.

As for Biden lying or not, no one said you cant be upset or criticize him about anything Biden does that bad.

However there is a fine line between criticism, and going down the purist route of acting like they are the same or "almost the same" as Republicans if they fuck up on something or have several stances that differentiate from you while you ignore the majority of stances and efforts that align with you. Especially the types that always say "it's not enough" given what Congress looks like.

Purist types would rather get nothing, flip the board and even destroy shit (pro let the even worse win) if it means they can't get everything they want. Their line of reasoning consistently ignores not having the numbers in Congress to pass whatever you want, and that the president does not have the level of authority purists think the PotUS has if the other 2 branches of government (Legislative and Judicial) and even state governments can and will check Executive Branch overreach.

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11/06/23 9:52:18 AM

NatsuSama posted...
The idea that they are "Republican lite" is definitely your feelings dictating reality given the level of extremism Republicans openly flirts with, and what they openly are telling Americans they will do if Trump wins. The fact that you characterized them as "Republicans lite" is actually my point.

As for Biden lying or not, no one said you cant be upset or criticize him about anything Biden does that bad.

However there is a fine line between criticism, and going down the purist route of acting like they are the same or "almost the same" as Republicans if they fuck up on something or have several stances that differentiate from you while you ignore the majority of stances and efforts that align with you. Especially the types that always say "it's not enough" given what Congress looks like.

Not if you are a leftist. They are both capitalist parties. They both support America propping up the current unfair order. They both oppose anything that would fundamentally change this dynamic. Therefore, they both appear as gradations of the same beast. Yes, one is better than the other, but they're both leading to the same conclusion. A Democratic Party that refused to do what the people want and need is a party that directly dampens the hopes of the people, creates frustration and desperation, and thus creates the conditions for a final Republican win. Under either, we're heading to the same future of a broken working class, climate disaster, continued racial injustice, and fascism at home and abroad.

You disagree with that because you don't think those things are inherently negative. Or you don't think the worst outcomes will occur. Or you think they're acceptable over the short term. Or you think the Democrats will eventually try to change these things. But disagreeing on that point is not immaturity or not understanding politics. It's having a different view of politics.

I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
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11/06/23 9:59:26 AM

legendary_zell posted...
Not if you are a leftist.
Even if you are leftist they are still not the same.

Claiming they are is exactly what I'm talking about. Everyone who doesn't perfectly align with you is not the same as the opposite extreme. Or "just as bad."

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11/06/23 10:12:39 AM

NatsuSama posted...
Even if you are leftist they are still not the same.

Claiming they are is exactly what I'm talking about. Everyone who doesn't perfectly align with you is not the same as the opposite extreme. Or "just as bad."

The fact that you boil things down into extremely binary non nuance level of logic, doesn't change they aren't actually the same.

You conveniently cut out the part where I said "one is better than the other" so you could make your scripted, strawman point. I vote straight ticket Democrat. I work for the Biden admin. I donate to the Dems. I do not think they're the same. The Democrats are much better than the Republicans. But that's mostly a function of how bad the Republicans are, not how good the Democrats are. And some of us think the Democrats need to be actually good, not just not as bad. And not for aesthetic or purely ideological reasons, but for practical ones.

For example, a party that does not include mobilizing ordinary, working class people as party of their strategy and core practices is not and will not be equipped to fight fascism. The Democratic Party actively avoids doing that, instead preferring to rely on donors and occasionally defanged unions. Let's pretend we're only talking about elections and electoral issues. A consequence of that is that they can't mobilize effectively to GOTV, can't combat voter purges and opposition to voting rights, can't combat bad rulings by the courts either with protests or electorally, can't mobilize for constitutional amendments/recalls/initiatives.

The Republican Party is propped up by the broken system that's preserved as a result, and Democrats fear losing to this party, so they remain "moderate" and the cycle continues. This is one place where the Republicans and Democrats don't differ enough for it to be meaningful and it has vast consequences, almost enough to decide practical reality on its own.

You are the one boiling things down to an illogical binary by pretending that I'm saying they're the same or implying that I'm expecting or even seeking perfect alignment with my personal views.

I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
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11/06/23 10:15:14 AM

Policies and the views and practices of the parties heavily influence the numbers you get to achieve further policy goals. They aren't separate things. This shit is not a wishlist, it's deciding what happens. Being agnostic towards policy and tactics is how we got here.

I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
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11/06/23 10:23:17 AM

legendary_zell posted...
You conveniently cut out the part where I said "one is better than the other" so you could make your scripted, strawman point.
I didn't conveniently leave it out as your logic by your own words still leads you to claiming, "they're both leading to the same conclusion" when they are not.

The two are not the same, and not pushing for the same outcomes just because you can find a stance they might agree on at a wide variant level.

Your logic also still ignores reality of how politics works, and how laws are actually passed. Even your logic claiming "Democrats fear losing Republicans" which again ignores reality. Love them or hate them, Republicans make up approximately 40% of the country that actually votes. We have to compromise with these people to pass any legislation based on our current make up of congress. In politics that includes sometimes having to sweat talk a few into being willing to compromise. The House literally is controlled (I use that word loosely) by Republicans right now. Like it or not, the 2 parties need to work together right now until we can vote enough Republicans out.

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11/06/23 10:42:39 AM

NatsuSama posted...
I didn't conveniently leave it out as your logic by your own words still leads you to claiming, "they're both leading to the same conclusion" when they are not.

The two are not the same, and not pushing for the same outcomes just because you can find a stance they might agree on at a wide variant level.

Your logic also still ignores reality of how politics works, and how laws are actually passed. Even your logic claiming "Democrats fear losing Republicans" which again ignores reality. Love them or hate them, Republicans make up approximately 40% of the country that actually votes. We have to compromise with these people to pass any legislation based on our current make up of congress. In politics that includes sometimes having to sweat talk a few into being willing to compromise. The House literally is controlled (I use that word loosely) by Republicans right now. Like it or not, the 2 parties need to work together right now until we can vote enough Republicans out.

The conclusion is the same, even if they want different things. If you're trying to escape a serial killer by driving away and the serial killer (Republicans) is blocking your path and you (Democrats) genuinely want to escape, but don't put the keys in the ignition or turn the engine on (mobilizing people), the outcome is going to be you sitting there, regardless of what you want.

If you claim to pursue a goal, but don't utilize the tactics necessary to get there, you can't be surprised when you don't reach your goal. Not reaching the goal is what Republicans want and what we'll get if they're not stopped. So by not using the necessary tactics, you're getting to the same goal by a different route.

Let's tie this back to black voters. Lets say Dems want to end school segregation and funding disparities. Republicans want to keep things the same or even make them worse. Let's say that to fix that issue, funding would need to be a taken over by the state or federal government, and would no longer be based on the wealth of the school's area. If a lot of time, energy, and money is wasted on things that don't work, and the thing that does work is taken off the table, the outcome will be a Republican win (the status quo or worse) even though that's not what the Democrats wanted.

Also, I didn't say Democrats fear losing Republicans, I said they fear losing TO Republicans. Compromising into fake solutions that don't actually solve anything benefits Republicans and not Democrats. We have to waste our time defending half measures that still leave people suffering while Republicans prey on discontent and wait to reverse whatever gains we do make. The goal of politics is to solve problems, not merely be in office or pass something.

I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
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11/06/23 10:43:16 AM

libs better get to phone banking <3 yall got some work to do

"GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site." -CJayC
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11/06/23 10:44:08 AM

Black voters are the most pragmatic voters out of any group. Not that anyone should be taking any polling seriously for quite awhile but Trump will get the same number of black votes he did last time.

Moustache twirling villian Kerbey
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11/06/23 10:46:22 AM

legendary_zell posted...
The conclusion is the same, even if they want different things. If you're trying to escape a serial killer by driving away and the serial killer (Republicans) is blocking your path and you (Democrats) genuinely want to escape, but don't put the keys in the ignition or turn the engine on (mobilizing people), the outcome is going to be you sitting there, regardless of what you want.

If you claim to pursue a goal, but don't utilize the tactics necessary to get there, you can't be surprised when you don't reach your goal. Not reaching the goal is what Republicans want and what we'll get if they're not stopped. So by not using the necessary tactics, you're getting to the same goal by a different route.

Let's tie this back to black voters. Lets say Dems want to end school segregation and funding disparities. Republicans want to keep things the same or even make them worse. Let's say that to fix that issue, funding would need to be a taken over by the state or federal government, and would no longer be based on the wealth of the school's area. If a lot of time, energy, and money is wasted on things that don't work, and the thing that does work is taken off the table, the outcome will be a Republican win (the status quo or worse) even though that's not what the Democrats wanted.

Also, I didn't say Democrats fear losing Republicans, I said they fear losing TO Republicans. Compromising into fake solutions that don't actually solve anything benefits Republicans and not Democrats. We have to waste our time defending half measures that still leave people suffering while Republicans prey on discontent and wait to reverse whatever gains we do make. The goal of politics is to solve problems, not merely be in office or pass something.
This entire post doubles down on you not understanding or even grasping Democrats do not have the numbers to pass whatever they want. Which means like it or not they are forced to compromise with Republicans on watered down legislation you don't like. Even being blocked on some of the agendas we may want.

You just didn't get everything you wanted so it's the same as some opposite extreme to you.

Your entire post and even the examples repeatedly ignores the reality that Democrats regardless if they genuinely want to do xyz, they can't based on what we have to work with. Regardless if you like it or not, we have to work with Republicans if we want to pass anything in Congress as we don't have the numbers in Congress to pass sweeping legislation without any obstruction from Republicans and even 1 or 2 flops like Sinema and Manchin. Regardless if you like it or not, how politics, government and civics works.... it mean we are forced to compromise on watered down legislation even if it doesn't check every box you wanted.

That ofc isn't to say one shouldn't criticize Democrats, or that there isn't room for improvement.... but Crocket was spot on. Too many do not actually comprehend how the United States Government actually works. They think because they vote sporadically once in a while that the person or team they voted for can just unanimously pass sweeping legislation from their campaign promises. In reality that is not how politics works.

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11/06/23 10:47:27 AM

I guess one thing is, I don't think the average American is actually as economic progressive as some of you think they are. At least not when it comes to the details needed to actually implement the progressive policy.

haters gonna hate
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11/06/23 11:03:23 AM

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11/06/23 11:14:38 AM

NatsuSama posted...
This entire post doubles down on you not understanding or even grasping Democrats do not have the numbers to pass whatever they want. Which means like it or not they are forced to compromise with Republicans on watered down legislation you don't like. Even being blocked on some of the agendas we may want.

You just didn't get everything you wanted so it's the same as some opposite extreme to you.

Your entire post and even the examples repeatedly ignores the reality that Democrats regardless if they genuinely want to do xyz, they can't based on what we have to work with. Regardless if you like it or not, we have to work with Republicans if we want to pass anything in Congress as we don't have the numbers in Congress to pass sweeping legislation without any obstruction from Republicans and even 1 or 2 flops like Sinema and Manchin. Regardless if you like it or not, how politics, government and civics works.... it mean we are forced to compromise on watered down legislation even if it doesn't check every box you wanted.

That ofc isn't to say one shouldn't criticize Democrats, or that there isn't room for improvement.... but Crocket was spot on. Too many do not actually comprehend how the United States Government actually works. They think because they vote sporadically once in a while that the person or team they voted for can just unanimously pass sweeping legislation from their campaign promises. In reality that is not how politics works.

Do you genuinely think I don't understand these basic things or are you just trying to smear me? Yes, I understand that with things exactly as they are, many of the things I want are impossible. But I'm making two points here.

  1. You need to find some other way to convince black people that the current situation is okay enough for them to come out and vote FOR the Democrats. Just insisting people are ignorant and stupid is not going to work. Just saying the other guy will be worse might work, but as 2016 shows, it might not. Democrats are the party that claims they will fix the issues black people care about, but they get elected and don't. People are going to be mad about that and you have to figure out how to deal with that in a constructive manner. The answer isn't lectures about civics or promising less, it's finding a way to deliver. You say you're focused on pragmatism and reality, but seem to be refusing to understand that reality.
  2. We can change what we have to work with if different tactics were used and different policies were enacted. Democrats have public support on their side for truly transformative policies. They have the overwhelming support of voting age people in general. But they don't mobilize these people, instead they demobilize them and try to win by upsetting things as little as possible. That's an active choice the Democratic party makes and it results in the constraints that we see. There are things that the Democrats independently control like their platform, their staffing, who they endorse, how they practice politics, how they communicate, etc that play a huge role in what the board looks like and what the possibilities are. For example, a lot more things are on the table if there was a possibility of targeted or even a general strike if any key Democratic priority was obstructed. But the Democrats would have to change to make that a possibility, totally independent of the number of Senators it takes to break a filibuster or the House map in 2024.

I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
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11/06/23 11:24:26 AM

legendary_zell posted...
You need to find some other way to convince black people that the current situation is okay enough for them to come out and vote FOR the Democrats.

emblem-man posted...

If you had told me that under Biden we would have the lowest unemployment numbers in decades, have passed the largest climate spending bill ever, poured tens of billions into the IRS so that they can go after large tax evaders, cancelled the student loans of millions of people, totalling over 100 billion, with the majority of those cancellations happening to low income people who were unfortunate enough to go to schools that essentially defrauded them and public servents, plus setup a new income based repayment program that drastically reduces student loan payments. Plus codify gay marriage, CHIPS bill, etc.

And all that happened with a 1 seat majority in the Senate?

If you had told me all of the above would happen with my 2020 vote for Biden, I'd have been joyous and would be asking how much of a landslide Biden would win 2024.

haters gonna hate
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11/06/23 11:34:54 AM

That's a much better strategy than what others have suggested. Go with that, not "you blacks are remedial and don't understand how government works." Why is that some people's instinct? If you really think Biden has done wonders, publicize those wonders and say there's more where that come from.

The issue is that there's an underlying current of unease that none of those policy wins actually addressed. People feel their paychecks shrinking, housing is increasingly unaffordable, they're not safe going outside due to mass shootings or just regular shootings, they're still living in segregated neighborhoods, behind on wealth, still overwhelmingly saddled with student/medical/credit card debt, that their kids will be worse off instead of better of than they were. So when you tell them things are actually great, they scoff. THAT'S what need to be addressed, it's what killed Hillary, and it may kill Biden and there really hasn't been a response on that other than telling people things are actually great, they just don't get it.

I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
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11/06/23 11:37:29 AM

Fair. Within Black urban communities, civics isnt our goddamn priority. Now, making that argument by itself without regard to why it isnt the priority is disingenuous.

If you're not getting promoted, it's not because you're not good at your job. It's because you're good at ONLY your job.
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11/06/23 11:50:41 AM

legendary_zell posted...
That's a much better strategy than what others have suggested. Go with that, not "you blacks are remedial and don't understand how government works." Why is that some people's instinct? If you really think Biden has done wonders, publicize those wonders and say there's more where that come from.

I'm not calling them dumb. Democrats tend to be bad at highlighting the positive things they do. I think it's good for me to highlight and let people know those positives in case they haven't heard about it.
If they have heard about it and they don't care, then that let's me better know what solutions and policies they want.
Informing people is not calling them stupid.

legendary_zell posted...
The issue is that there's an underlying current of unease that none of those policy wins actually addressed. People feel their paychecks shrinking, housing is increasingly unaffordable, they're not safe going outside due to mass shootings or just regular shootings, they're still living in segregated neighborhoods, behind on wealth, still overwhelmingly saddled with student/medical/credit card debt, that their kids will be worse off instead of better of than they were. So when you tell them things are actually great, they scoff. THAT'S what need to be addressed, it's what killed Hillary, and it may kill Biden and there really hasn't been a response on that other than telling people things are actually great, they just don't get it.

I can also tell them that part of the IRA was to allow negotiating of drug prices which will drive down prices. Depending on where they live, I can also talk about YIMBY wins that will help drive down the cost of home ownership. I can tell them about the lower student loans they will be paying for outright cancellation of those loans.

If their argument is that they want those things to happen now and not in a year since policy takes time, then you're right. I have no answer for them and I don't think any candidate will, and any candidate that does is outright lying to them.

haters gonna hate
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11/06/23 11:55:09 AM

It's tough being a democrat, you actually have to do stuff your constituents want... lately they have been coasting on a lot of the: "but if we lose the literal theocratic corporate fascists will end democracy and start up the camps" vote.

Republicans just have to say the right buzzwords and virtue signal their bigotry and intolerance.

Moderated for telling people not to commit illegal acts of assault and murder.09/2/23
Also moderated for not responding to obvious bait. - 10/03/23
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11/06/23 12:00:47 PM

emblem-man posted...
I'm not calling them dumb. Democrats tend to be bad at highlighting the positive things they do. I think it's good for me to highlight and let people know those positives in case they haven't heard about it.
If they have heard about it and they don't care, then that let's me better know what solutions and policies they want.
Informing people is not calling them stupid.

I can also tell them that part of the IRA was to allow negotiating of drug prices which will drive down prices. Depending on where they live, I can also talk about YIMBY wins that will help drive down the cost of home ownership. I can tell them about the lower student loans they will be paying for outright cancellation of those loans.

If their argument is that they want those things to happen now and not in a year since policy takes time, then you're right. I have no answer for them and I don't think any candidate will, and any candidate that does is outright lying to them.

I'm not criticizing you, I think you're taking the 100 percent right approach. There's not going to be a better, more aggressive candidate that materializes between now and the election, so what you're suggesting is the best that can be done. I'm criticizing others who seem to not even want to do that and instead default towards open derision and condescension or accusing people of wanting Trump to win.

I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
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11/06/23 12:01:02 PM

Torgo posted...
It's tough being a democrat, you actually have to do stuff your constituents want... lately they have been coasting on a lot of the: "but if we lose the literal theocratic corporate fascists will end democracy and start up the camps" vote.

Republicans just have to say the right buzzwords and virtue signal their bigotry and intolerance.

Hell, even THAT isn't good enough for some people.

Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
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11/06/23 12:05:19 PM

Torgo posted...
It's tough being a democrat, you actually have to do stuff your constituents want... lately they have been coasting on a lot of the: "but if we lose the literal theocratic corporate fascists will end democracy and start up the camps" vote.

Republicans just have to say the right buzzwords and virtue signal their bigotry and intolerance.
The bigotry is what Republican constituents want.

Dokkan ID: 2365415872
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11/06/23 12:10:19 PM

legendary_zell posted...
A Democratic Party that refused to do what the people want and need is a party that directly dampens the hopes of the people, creates frustration and desperation, and thus creates the conditions for a final Republican win.
They are usually trying to do what people want. The issue is Dem voters in New England and Dem voters in the Midwest and Dem voters on the west coast all want different things so it isn't that simple.

How can the moon landing be real if the moon isn't real?
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11/06/23 12:13:30 PM

Torgo posted...
It's tough being a democrat, you actually have to do stuff your constituents want... lately they have been coasting on a lot of the: "but if we lose the literal theocratic corporate fascists will end democracy and start up the camps" vote.


God I fucking hate this angle. From 21 to 23, Biden and the Dems got a lot passed for the betterment of the country. It's not on the Biden administration that the House is currently entrapped by MAGA extremists, and the "moderates" want nothing to do with working with Democrats to pass shit.

There's a lot that the Biden administration is riding on, but losers on the left want to keep throwing up GOP talking points such as "coasting of fascism accusations".

In Brady We Trust.
I've finally realized the secret to making a successful Mearn topic. Make it about CZG - Mearn
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11/06/23 12:14:33 PM

I heard an interesting bit of theorizing where they said that Gavin Newsom would be a good way to jettison the vp as well.

The Twelfth amendment has a provision in the Habitancy clause.

Moustache twirling villian Kerbey
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11/06/23 12:44:22 PM

legendary_zell posted...
Do you genuinely think I don't understand these basic things or are you just trying to smear me?
I don't think you dont dont understand; your posts show you don't understand these basic things. I'm not saying that to smear you either believe it or not.

I also don't think this is unique to you, nor am I specifically making this about you to target you. What I said generally applies to the average American voter who gets their news from social media and their favorite talking heads. They think they understand basic civics and how the United States Government works..... but then they start talking with idealistic ideas, with idealistic expectations with the current makeup up even just our existing Congress and show no they really don't understand. As they start saying things that sound nice and idealistic......., but in reality and in practice ignores whether you like compromise or not we are unable to bypass the numbers we have to actually pass their idealistic legislation. The 40% of the country you disagree with doesn't just disappear because we dislike their toxic agendas. Just ignoring them doesn't make them go away, and it most certainly doesn't help "staying home" as some argue as their representation grows more powerful.

We legit have some who think the President can make sweeping policy changes with a flick of a pen. Or those who question why Democrats bother compromising with Republicans despite Democrats not having the numbers to pass what they originally wanted.

So yes, many think they understand how the United States Government works, but they really....dont. We have to work with these people if we are going to get anything done. At least until we can vote Republicans out in enough numbers that its impossible for them to obstruct. And we arent at the whims of 1 or 2 flakes like Sinema and Manchin.

And despite the propaganda, the Biden administration has actually passed a lot of good agendas despite the level obstruction he faced.

Which again I need to stress that isn't to say one shouldn't criticize Democrats, or that there isn't room for improvement.... but Crocket was spot on. Too many do not actually comprehend how the United States Government actually works. You can't pass legislation on idealistic dreams alone, and listening to your favorite talking head who perpetuates we can magically ignore our we don't have the numbers. That isn't how the United States Government actually works. Whether you like what we are stuck with or not, we literally have do not have the numbers in government to pass sweeping legislation without obstruction from Republicans.

You. Don't. Have. Enough. Power and numbers. In. Government. Yet. This cannot be stressed enough, which only gets worse with the "why vote" purist types.

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11/06/23 1:10:11 PM

Full_Pokedex posted...
I'm voting third party, screw both of them.

Neither party deserves my support.

Are you even allowed to vote without your Mom's consent?

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11/06/23 2:28:21 PM

NatsuSama posted...
I don't think you dont dont understand; your posts show you don't understand these basic things. I'm not saying that to smear you either believe it or not.

I also don't think this is unique to you, nor am I specifically making this about you to target you. What I said generally applies to the average American voter who gets their news from social media and their favorite talking heads. They think they understand basic civics and how the United States Government works..... but then they start talking with idealistic ideas, with idealistic expectations with the current makeup up even just our existing Congress and show no they really don't understand. As they start saying things that sound nice and idealistic......., but in reality and in practice ignores whether you like compromise or not we are unable to bypass the numbers we have to actually pass their idealistic legislation. The 40% of the country you disagree with doesn't just disappear because we dislike their toxic agendas. Just ignoring them doesn't make them go away, and it most certainly doesn't help "staying home" as some argue as their representation grows more powerful.

We legit have some who think the President can make sweeping policy changes with a flick of a pen. Or those who question why Democrats bother compromising with Republicans despite Democrats not having the numbers to pass what they originally wanted.

So yes, many think they understand how the United States Government works, but they really....dont. We have to work with these people if we are going to get anything done. At least until we can vote Republicans out in enough numbers that its impossible for them to obstruct. And we arent at the whims of 1 or 2 flakes like Sinema and Manchin.

And despite the propaganda, the Biden administration has actually passed a lot of good agendas despite the level obstruction he faced.

Which again I need to stress that isn't to say one shouldn't criticize Democrats, or that there isn't room for improvement.... but Crocket was spot on. Too many do not actually comprehend how the United States Government actually works. You can't pass legislation on idealistic dreams alone, and listening to your favorite talking head who perpetuates we can magically ignore our we don't have the numbers. That isn't how the United States Government actually works. Whether you like what we are stuck with or not, we literally have do not have the numbers in government to pass sweeping legislation without obstruction from Republicans.

TLDR: You. Don't. Have. Enough. Power and numbers. In. Government. Yet. This cannot be stressed enough, which only gets worse with the "why vote" purist types who do not understand they play a part in making shit worse. Who also seem to think there will be a promised turnaround after 2024 to reverse stacking damages and even more numbers of Republicans sitting in seats of government. Idealistic dreams isn't going to overcome the numbers needed in government to pass legislation, obstruction free.

Okay, let's back up. If someone believed that we need to get certain concrete policy proposals passed in order to still have anything resembling democracy or a habitable planet, how could they advocate for that in a way that shows they understand the government in your eyes? Is that possible? How would it look different from what I've said in this topic.

I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
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11/06/23 2:31:42 PM

NatsuSama posted...
I don't think you dont dont understand; your posts show you don't understand these basic things. I'm not saying that to smear you either believe it or not.

I also don't think this is unique to you, nor am I specifically making this about you to target you. What I said generally applies to the average American voter who gets their news from social media and their favorite talking heads. They think they understand basic civics and how the United States Government works..... but then they start talking with idealistic ideas, with idealistic expectations with the current makeup up even just our existing Congress and show no they really don't understand. As they start saying things that sound nice and idealistic......., but in reality and in practice ignores whether you like compromise or not we are unable to bypass the numbers we have to actually pass their idealistic legislation. The 40% of the country you disagree with doesn't just disappear because we dislike their toxic agendas. Just ignoring them doesn't make them go away, and it most certainly doesn't help "staying home" as some argue as their representation grows more powerful.

We legit have some who think the President can make sweeping policy changes with a flick of a pen. Or those who question why Democrats bother compromising with Republicans despite Democrats not having the numbers to pass what they originally wanted.

So yes, many think they understand how the United States Government works, but they really....dont. We have to work with these people if we are going to get anything done. At least until we can vote Republicans out in enough numbers that its impossible for them to obstruct. And we arent at the whims of 1 or 2 flakes like Sinema and Manchin.

And despite the propaganda, the Biden administration has actually passed a lot of good agendas despite the level obstruction he faced.

Which again I need to stress that isn't to say one shouldn't criticize Democrats, or that there isn't room for improvement.... but Crocket was spot on. Too many do not actually comprehend how the United States Government actually works. You can't pass legislation on idealistic dreams alone, and listening to your favorite talking head who perpetuates we can magically ignore our we don't have the numbers. That isn't how the United States Government actually works. Whether you like what we are stuck with or not, we literally have do not have the numbers in government to pass sweeping legislation without obstruction from Republicans.

TLDR: You. Don't. Have. Enough. Power and numbers. In. Government. Yet. This cannot be stressed enough, which only gets worse with the "why vote" purist types who do not understand they play a part in making shit worse. Who also seem to think there will be a promised turnaround after 2024 to reverse stacking damages and even more numbers of Republicans sitting in seats of government. Idealistic dreams isn't going to overcome the numbers needed in government to pass legislation, obstruction free.
This. Just this.

Miss the old GameFAQs politics board? Then come here to discuss it with us:
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11/06/23 2:32:54 PM

Why are so many people mad at Biden for something someone not part of his administration said?

Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less.
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11/06/23 2:34:32 PM

K181 posted...
Why are so many people mad at Biden for something someone not part of his administration said?
Because they don't understand civics.

Boku wa Dhaos wo taosu!
This board is a daycare with no adults.-HoshinoKatta
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11/06/23 2:37:59 PM

legendary_zell posted...
Okay, let's back up. If someone believed that we need to get certain concrete policy proposals passed in order to still have anything resembling democracy or a habitable planet, how could they advocate for that in a way that shows they understand the government in your eyes? Is that possible? How would it look different from what I've said in this topic.
I mean if you really believe to have your finger on the pulse and know all the right answers then why don't you run for office?

How can the moon landing be real if the moon isn't real?
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11/06/23 3:18:04 PM

Unknown5uspect posted...
I mean if you really believe to have your finger on the pulse and know all the right answers then why don't you run for office?

Because I'm a regular person with no political connections and I'm not independently wealthy, so I can't afford to give up my job to run for office. I also live in DC so running for office here wouldn't do a thing.

I had a friend with my views run against a DC insider. She had a real chance to win with ANY support from the party. She's far better suited for it than me as well. She was attacked and ignored by the party and lost by like 200 votes. So I've seen how that goes.

Additionally, I don't think I have all the answers. I'm just a guy. But it seems pretty clear that we need something more than we've gotten. To bring it back to black people, we've had Brown v. Board and the Civil Rights Action and other stuff for decades now, and yet residential segregation is just as bad as it was then, and worse in some ways, the wealth gap hasn't been closed, we have mass incarceration, failing schools, etc. The approach towards these issues has largely been the same since Carter and it hasn't worked. Gotta do something else clearly.

I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
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11/06/23 3:42:41 PM

K181 posted...
Why are so many people mad at Biden for something someone not part of his administration said?

Because as this topic demonstrates, it's the attitude from the administration and its supporters, it pervades the entire party. If it was an uncommon attitude, this would get no traction whatsoever.
Humble_Novice posted...
This. Just this.

This is not responsive to what I've actually said in this topic. That post responded as if I was demanding that Democrats give me the sky and the moon with 51 Senators and without the house. I explicitly said that's not what I want. It's acting as if I don't understand the current structural constraints Democrats face as if I don't deal with them on a daily basis in my job trying to actually improve things for people on the ground. I understand the number of Senators we have, the number of house members we have, the thresholds we need for filibuster proof majorities, to change House and Senate rules, the structural advantages Southern and less populous states have, the impact of the electoral college, the role of gerrymandering, etc. It's so arrogant of y'all to tell a goddamn federal constitutional lawyer that he doesn't understand civics. My job is civics. I explicitly said that I'm not ignoring those constraints or getting mad at Democrats for not ignoring them, I'm suggesting that Democrats work on what they independently control and do what they can do to reform themselves to deal with those constraints and change the ones that are changeable.

At no point in this topic have I suggested that Biden can snap his fingers and usher in an Anarcho-Communist Utopia. What I'm saying is that "the numbers we have" does not have to be an unchangeable constant. There's been times when we were much closer the numbers we need, and it's not a coincidence that unions were much stronger at that time. The numbers were what they were because the Democratic Party was much more of a working class party, they styled themselves that way, operated that way, legislated that way, and their current troubles are in large part because they traded that away for technocratic neoliberal and fake identity politics stuff that is a far less robust principle to organize around.

I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
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11/06/23 3:56:43 PM

legendary_zell posted...
Democratic Party was much more of a working class party, they styled themselves that way, operated that way, legislated that

Labor unions have seen their strongest growth and power under Biden

haters gonna hate
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11/06/23 4:15:05 PM

She's not wrong. This is due to failure of learning and understanding civics or caring about it. During high school when this was taught, a lot of them couldn't give two shits about US Government and understood that the POTUS has all the power.

I believe in the Golden Rule and you should too!
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11/06/23 4:17:18 PM

emblem-man posted...
Labor unions have seen their strongest growth and power under Biden

I give Biden credit to the extent that he deserves credit on that. His NLRB has been much better. He's been much less antagonistic than Clinton or Obama. But the union movement is growing from a point of near death. And unions are still not integrated into the party except as vote whips and donor bases. The Democratic Party is still not built around backing working class people to the hilt, even to the extent it was 20 years after the New Deal.

Additionally, Biden's record is a lot less clear when it comes to public sector unions as he kneecapped the railworkers, didn't push to get Dubester confirmed to the FLRA, and has set up an antagonistic relationship with unions at his agencies concerning remote work, despite collective bargaining agreements guaranteeing us flexibility.

I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
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11/06/23 4:29:34 PM

Its worth pointing out that as a Texas Democrat she regularly has to push back against people who have been mislead into voting against their own interests.

Moustache twirling villian Kerbey
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11/06/23 4:32:08 PM

She's not wrong, but this just isnt a discussion you can have amongst white people

Too many use it to be intellectually dishonest and the whole thing becomes counterproductive

Black In America
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