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Have you attended/do you plan to attend your high school reunion?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Have you attended/do you plan to attend your high school reunion?
Have you attended/do you plan to attend your high school reunion?

Zero interest. Anyone I care about from high school I have on FB.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
No, not counting the first class "reunion" that was held right after graduation.
Montreal Expos (1969-2004) Now playing: Final Fantasy VIII (PS1) -- started 7/9/2017
Rudy sucks
I wasn't able to go to my high school's 10-year reunion this year, unfortunately.
What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.
The 10 year mark passed several years ago, either they didn't have one, or I wasn't invited and they did a good job keeping it secret.
What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?
Aye Matey!
I missed it, only because it was all arranged via Facebook, which I don't use.
Official King of PotD
You only need one T-Rex to make the point, though. ~ Samus Sedai
29 votes and I'm the first to say yes lmao. I can get Sarcasthma since he's overseas and keyblader since that's how mines organized, but holy shit.
Didn't even attend my high school graduation ceremony. Got the diploma by mail.

TheCyborgNinja posted...
Zero interest.
"outrage culture sure is fun." - Nade Duck
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I wasn't invited to my 10 year. I only found out it happened when I saw people posting about it on facebook.
BlackScythe0 posted...
I wasn't invited to my 10 year. I only found out it happened when I saw people posting about it on facebook.

Wait, that's a thing? You can straight-up not be invited? Or do you mean you didn't know it when it was going to be until it happened?
^ If you've moved and no one involved either knows or are able to find out your email address or new home address, they won't be able to send you an invite. My cousin was on her reunion planning committe and she said it was a ton of work just trying to find out where people moved to, if they'd died, etc. This was 20 years ago, so it was pretty much all phone calls and mailing letters, but I'd imagine it's still a good amount of work to get contact info.
Montreal Expos (1969-2004) Now playing: Final Fantasy VIII (PS1) -- started 7/9/2017
Blaqthourne posted...
^ If you've moved and no one involved either knows or are able to find out your email address or new home address, they won't be able to send you an invite. My cousin was on her reunion planning committe and she said it was a ton of work just trying to find out where people moved to, if they'd died, etc. This was 20 years ago, so it was pretty much all phone calls and mailing letters, but I'd imagine it's still a good amount of work to get contact info.

Nah man, it should be easy now. Humans in the past 20 years have developed the habit of constantly inputting their information into an online database for reasons. You can just search Facebook.
One day dude, I'm just gonna get off the bus, and I'm gonna run in the woods and never come back, and when I come back I'm gonna be the knife master!
-The Rev
I currently live in a different state from my high school. For my 10 yr reunion, I skipped mostly because getting taking the time to go would have been an issue. For my 20 yr, I definitely considered going, but once the price and venue were revealed, I changed my mind ($65 a pop for dinner and dancing at a place my cousin had a nightmare of a wedding reception the year previous). I still feel obligated to eventually attend one, but I don't feel the need to try to reconnect with people I never connected with, especially since nobody has even tried to connect with me on Facebook.
Blaqthourne posted...
^ If you've moved and no one involved either knows or are able to find out your email address or new home address, they won't be able to send you an invite. My cousin was on her reunion planning committe and she said it was a ton of work just trying to find out where people moved to, if they'd died, etc. This was 20 years ago, so it was pretty much all phone calls and mailing letters, but I'd imagine it's still a good amount of work to get contact info.

To me, that would fall under the "didn't know when it was going to be until it happened." I picture not being invited as meaning they didn't want you to come/you weren't allowed to come, which is why I was baffled that could even happen. Not being able to contact you is a different scenario.
Lightning Bolt posted...
You can just search Facebook.

keyblader1985 posted...
via Facebook, which I don't use.
Official King of PotD
You only need one T-Rex to make the point, though. ~ Samus Sedai
Facebook would have made it easy to find me, especially since I have several teachers from the school as friends...

So I'm guessing they said screw that guy.
Good heavens no.

I hated that place.
Assassins do it from behind.
I try to go. I went to a small, rural school and have known most of these people most of my life.
Don't hit the pig in the road by McDonalds in Dardanelle
I will not attend high school reunion because there is no point.
GAMER since 1988 / GAMEFAQS user since 1999
My Languages: Japanese (read/type/speak), English (read/write/type/speak)
I went to the five year one, they never did a 10 year one, and I had conflicts so I couldn't go to the 15 year one last year (sucked because it was like two blocks away from where I live now, but oh well). They did have an informal BBQ at a local park the next day so I did stop by that on my lunch break from work, so I guess I kind of technically went.

But yeah, not something I'd try to avoid or anything, although really I'm in contact with everyone I want to be from then anyway, but I don't have any animosity towards others and it's nice to see them every 5-10 years, lol. Plus these days even the people I am in contact with, its hard to get all of us together at once so if all or most of us can make it to a reunion, it's cool.
I skipped on my 10 year reunion, which according to a friend of mine was fun, might go to the 20 year if it happens.
I enjoyed high school but we just had our 10 year and I didn't see any reason to go. I'm glad I didn't because it looked cringy af.
If my daughter was in it, Id have to be the co-star - Deoxxys on porn
Naw, I failed my last year from skipping too much so most of my friends graduated before I did, I just finished my last couple classes by correspondence in like a couple months and graduated with people I didn't really know.
This is my signature, there are many others like it, but this one is mine.
If you take 110% of what I say seriously then you're gonna have a bad time.
I would go but whoever is in charge of setting them up never did for our 10 year reunion. Seeing as next year is would be our 20th and no one has started the planning, I'm guessing their won't be one.
I went .
Didn't plan on it but I needed a night out and tickets were available up until the day before the event.
Had a good time.
1 John 2: 15-17
I have one coming up, and I will not. I'm too ashamed of my lack of accomplishment. But I love my classmates.
I didn't hate high school and everyone in it the way a lot of people online seem to, but I didn't care enough to go, either.

Skipped my 10 year, skipped my 20 year.

"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
No, fuck those country bumkins.
Smarkil posted...
I enjoyed high school but we just had our 10 year and I didn't see any reason to go. I'm glad I didn't because it looked cringy af.

I think it's an outdated concept now. My class had an eleventh year one because ten was forgotten. It was really informal, from the looks of it. I got invited. The person who put it on was basically Toby from Romy & Michelle's HS Reunion, and her and I had a similar dynamic to that character and Janeane Garafalo's character... As appealing as that made it already, I had a 3000 mile flight the morning after and wanted to not feel burned out.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
Well I guess in the age of Facebook, a reunion is kind of a formality now.
TheCyborgNinja posted...
Zero interest. Anyone I care about from high school I have on FB.
"I am not gay! Can't you get that through your head? I am very much aroused at the site of a naked woman!" - Dan0429
The 10 year mark passed and I didn't even get an invitation to go. Technically it was about 10 minutes from my house so I could have, but I wouldn't of even if they sent me one.

The people I care about from high school I am friends with on Facebook. The rest of them I would rather not see again if I can help it.
I am a senior software engineer. If you see me post here, I am tired of writing TPS reports.
No, I loved high school and all but I don't really want to travel 8 hours for that.
RSN: Pridefc
PSN: Jaosin
Our ten year would be next year if it happens, and I can't see myself wanting to go to it. I hate to sound like a stereotype here, but most of the people I knew in high school were assholes to me.
I don't see the point anymore. The ppl I care enough to see I stay in contact with and even acquaintances occasionally I'll communicate with via Facebook. Last reunion me and a few other friends just got together at a bar instead of the actual venue to hang out and catch up.
PSN: Reddogtag
Not terribly interested, but missed my reunion anyway.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
My high school class had one reunion so far, but I was out of the country when it happened. From what I heard, the turnout wasn't great, so I will likely only go to the next one if I happen to be in the area (as it seems unlikely it will be worth traveling) and if I am sure of at least a few people I know/knew attending.
"History is the road map and without it there is no way to navigate the future." - George Wunderlich
Maybe 25th or 50th, until then, nope.
A plethora of DKC-related fanart to numb your mind:
If one happens i wont be going no.
Currently playing - Bloodborne
I was the last graduating class from my high school. Some guys organized a 5-year one that I wasn't able to go to, but I don't think anyone planned a 10-year reunion.
My class was full of lazy fucks who couldn't get their shit together so we didn't have one.
My luck works best when things are... random. Mat Cauthon from The Dragon Reborn
Went to my 10-year reunion back in 2004 and enjoyed myself.

I didn't hear a thing about a 20-year reunion (supposed to have happened in 2014) - either it wasn't arranged, or it involved having to be on Facebook or some other social media to find out (which I can't be bothered with anyway).

If (and ONLY IF) there's a 25 year reunion (in 2019), I haven't heard a thing yet.
When ancient man screamed and beat on the ground with sticks, they called it WITCHCRAFT.
When modern man does the same thing, they call it GOLF.
We didn't have a five-reunion. We did have have a ten-year reunion and I went to that. It was... not great. I am sort-of friends with a couple of people from then, but we didn't really meet until after high school.
keyblader1985 posted...
I missed it, only because it was all arranged via Facebook, which I don't use.

Let strength be granted so the world might be mended.
bEcoMe aS gODs
I attended my 10-year high-school reunion in 2014 and plan to attend reunions in the future.
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
Poll of the Day » Have you attended/do you plan to attend your high school reunion?