Board 8 > All Purpose Wrestling Topic 140: Arrive. WWWYKI. Leave.

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Viktor Vaughn
07/12/11 8:46:00 PM

From: CMPunk
Dear Dr. Dre: these head phones better be good.

bad advice
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07/12/11 11:04:00 PM

ShawnMichaels_ Shawn Michaels
That's why I wanted to know @keithmarkmra . Amazing!! Next week, Michael Cole tries to ruin MRA. A very funny show, next week:-)

Well uh, this should be... interesting?

SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized
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Liberal Degenerate
07/13/11 12:07:00 AM

Vince and Ryder sign for those who didn't catch it

external image

notice how the "NO CHANCE" pops up right after he points to it

depressingly accurate coincidence right there

Time waits for no one.
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07/13/11 12:12:00 AM

You know after seeing that gif I'm not so sure Vince was acknowledging that Zack Ryder existed there

He could've been pointing at Hogan <_<

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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07/13/11 12:59:00 AM

I think you're right. Dammit.

Please don't go. The Drones need you.
Einstein would turn over in his grave. Not only does God play dice, the dice are loaded.
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07/13/11 1:02:00 AM

We'll never know.

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07/13/11 5:50:00 AM

Yeah, at the very least the Hulk guy thinks Vince is pointing at him.

Also, I vote A. That is how much faith I have in the WWE.

(Maniac64 at work) [Browncoat] ~Board 570901~
All the proteins, vitamins, and carbs of your grandma's best turkey dinner, plus 15% alcohol.
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07/13/11 5:58:00 AM

Even when he's not in the company Hogan is holding talent down.

Vote for this guy in every contest: Sess
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Tom Bombadil
07/13/11 6:26:00 AM

I dreamed last night that I WAS Zack Ryder. I don't remember details but I remember cutting a promo with all his catchphrases and I think somehow I got a title shot when I wasn't supposed to

~Tommeri Uranius Bombaldi the Fourth, esq.
(aka not Krakenprophet)
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07/13/11 6:27:00 AM

was it against Sheamus

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Tom Bombadil
07/13/11 6:28:00 AM


~Tommeri Uranius Bombaldi the Fourth, esq.
(aka not Krakenprophet)
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07/13/11 6:30:00 AM

get better dream recall

I mean my god I was able to remember a 2 second flash of the IRS trying to get into a cave blocked by a boulder to tax Sheamus >:(

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07/13/11 6:42:00 AM

TNA signs Kid Kash

Vote for this guy in every contest: Sess
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07/13/11 6:44:00 AM

It's like 2003 all over again.

If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person? [HERO'S PLUNGE]
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07/13/11 6:45:00 AM

My theory actually is that that Zack Ryder sign was a plant, to play along with the angle of Punk's accusations of Vince.

I mean, it just flat out says "Zack Ryder" with the Ryder head logo. Most regular Ryder signs say "WWWYKI" or "We Want Ryder" or "Ryder or Riot" or "Broski of the Week" or whatnot.

That sign was plainer conceptually than almost all the others, IMO to help casuals understand what it represented, and it was EXTREMELY perfectly placed.

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
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07/13/11 6:47:00 AM

You know Jak, I was kind of thinking about that.

When everyone was freaking out two weeks ago, I wasn't particularly struck by any single thing Punk said. Comments about Cena being overrated, comments about wanting Vince to die and HHH and Steph being stupid, we've seen and heard all those things before. Not to the same degree, but still.

This week, the one thing that was said that kind of surprised me was when Punk went down the road of "You can't recognize what makes a superstar in 2011." To me, that probably DOES represent a REAL conversation that is being had. I mean, we KNOW it's being had here and all over the Internet, but allowing that to be said on air to me is something of an acknowledgment that it may be happening behind the scenes in WWE HQ as well. And you're right that Zack Ryder is largely representative of that.

SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized
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07/13/11 6:59:00 AM

Well the promo 2 weeks ago got a lot of mileage off of shock value. To me it was a fantastic moment, but definitely overrated as a promo.

The closing promo/segment this week was far, far stronger and more effective IMO as far as selling the angle goes and really defining the storyline. An all-time classic.

And yeah, I have no doubt that a lot of this angle is touching on the real feelings of a lot of people, in the business and outside of it, and capitalizing on those feelings to draw the disillusioned and estranged fans back, at least to see where this is going.

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
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07/13/11 6:59:00 AM

Right, I'm just excited because now we finally KNOW, for a fact, that someone looked Vince McMahon in the face and said "you suck at evaluating talent."

Even if it was a work, even though it will likely lead to NOTHING, at least it has been said!

SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized
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Tom Bombadil
07/13/11 7:06:00 AM

jakyl you not having the nintendo sig makes me so confused

~Tommeri Uranius Bombaldi the Fourth, esq.
(aka not Krakenprophet)
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07/13/11 7:07:00 AM

The ratings being sub-3.0 do depress me a little though. This thing has had 2 weeks to really simmer and now we're using "Home Run Derby was on" as an excuse?

Personally I would be pissed off that my hottest angle in years not getting great numbers was using one of the lamest things in all of sport as an excuse for doing poorly. If I was a writer, I would feel that I had failed if people would rather watch that tripe than my best work.

And I don't call things "tripe" lightly! There are a lot of things in the world I don't really "get" (NASCAR, alcohol, the NFL Draft, marriage, etc.) but in general I don't look down on people for liking those things just because I don't. I recognize that there is substance within them that for me is not worth diving deeper into, but still in fact exists.

Home Run Derby is not one of those things. It is flat out the stupidest thing put on by a professional sports league in America.

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
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07/13/11 7:08:00 AM

Nintendo sig will come back after this weekend, for now gotta have Potter hype.

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
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07/13/11 7:14:00 AM

I need to watch part 1, too many Swedish movies taking up my time :/

Vote for this guy in every contest: Sess
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07/13/11 8:03:00 AM

I'm more interested in the quarterlies than the overall rating. To me if the show started and ended strong then the storyline is still being given justice.

The middle segments of Raw just weren't good at all last week. I didn't really blast it, but I did say this even though I thought Raw was good as a whole just because the opening and ending segments were that strong. I actually was one of those people who was distracted by The Home Run Derby for some of it-- not because I think the Home Run Derby is particularly interesting to watch (though it's way better than NASCAR) but because Raw was just that "zzz" for a lot of it. It fell into the formula of "PPV Build Show #1312" and I hate that formula. The segment where every member of the Raw MitB came out and cut a promo as to why they were going to win was particularly painful in this regard. The excess of hype packages didn't help either.

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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07/13/11 8:04:00 AM

I kinda dug that, just for the novelty of Evan Bourne actually getting mic time, which I don't think has ever happened before

We are thought, and reality, and concept, and the unimaginable
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07/13/11 8:09:00 AM

Yeah, I think I actually mentioned in the chat during raw - The Punk stuff was great, the other promos ranged from okay to awesome (holy crap I actually enjoyed Vickie in a sement), and all the matches were zzzzz.

I'd definitely be interested in the quarterlies like lopen

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07/13/11 8:13:00 AM

From: Lopen | Posted: 7/13/2011 8:03:20 AM | #323
t fell into the formula of "PPV Build Show #1312" and I hate that formula. The segment where every member of the Raw MitB came out and cut a promo as to why they were going to win was particularly painful in this regard. The excess of hype packages didn't help either.

I loved it when Truth was on the mic, talking about spiders and being nonsensical.

~~~Kuge~~~: Currently Studying: Google Analytics, SEO, Javascript and running a website
{official} joke grader and re-writer
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07/13/11 8:15:00 AM

I don't think they've ever figured out any other way to build MitB on the PPV go-home show than the usual "everyone comes out and says they're gonna win, somehow turns into a big tag match" scenario.

To be honest I don't have anything better either.

I would definitely do Qualifiers on the shows leading up to the go-home show, however. I think doing those helps establish who is actually in the match better than just showing a graphic/trotting them out 1-by-1-by-damn-1 to speak on it for 10 seconds. I know there aren't enough credible guys on each brand to fill out 16 Qualifiers total, but still just do them.

Heck, do a seeding process. Take the top 16 eligible guys on each brand and seed them 1-16 and do 1 vs. 16, 2 vs. 15, etc.

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
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07/13/11 8:15:00 AM

I don't care why they were back there randomly being friends, they had chemistry randomly and vickie has a great vince impression

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07/13/11 8:15:00 AM

It wasn't a terrible promo, maybe not even technically bad, but I just gagged at how formulaic it was.

Vickie/Drew/Ziggler backstage was kinda "wtf" I'm not sure what they were going for there. Drew Dolph Vickie face turn let's do it. I guess it was okay though, strangely.

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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07/13/11 8:19:00 AM

Or maybe even to help the qualifiers out so that they aren't spread super-thin, give the guys who won MitB the last time they were in it auto-entry.

Swagger and Miz would get in on that caveat on Raw, and Kane on SD. Only 13 qualifiers left to do!

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
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07/13/11 8:21:00 AM

I'm trying to think of who all could be the jobbers losing a MitB spot - the four obvious ones are Santino, Kozlov, Drew Mac, and Mason Ryan. Ziggles, Mcguillicutty, and Otunga are currently champs so I guess they're all out. Big Show could have taken a spot I suppose, even if they have other plans for him.

That leaves three spots, which can be filled by the superstars crew I guess - Ryder, Primo, Tyson Kidd. Everyone else credible seems to be off on injury or I just haven't seen in forever.

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07/13/11 8:22:00 AM


Champs aren't out just because they're champs, they've had IC/US Champs in MitB before.

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
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07/13/11 8:23:00 AM

Although Tyson Kidd is a SmackDown guy so I guess it evens out.

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
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07/13/11 8:24:00 AM

Eh. I think practically anything would be better than what they do. Just book them all in a battle royal for all I care. Or just randomly book a tag match between them and don't do the stupid chain 10 second promo. Or just give them random 1v1s/2v2s with singular promos before it.

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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07/13/11 8:29:00 AM

so first person to get a pinfall would get the briefcase?

That'd be pretty cool, actually

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07/13/11 8:29:00 AM


They could experiment one year with making MitB operate under Royal Rumble/Elimination Chamber rules--2 guys start the match, with a new guy coming out every so often until all 8 are in. Unlike the Rumble, in this case you WANT to come in early so that you don't lose without ever having gotten into the match.

On the go-home show they could do a Battle Royal for a guaranteed #1 slot.

EDIT: the obvious flaw being that while this would work if wrestling was real, since it's not, the match would never end before all 8 entered, or at most it might end RIGHT BEFORE #8 entered just to give whoever it was something to complain about.

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
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07/13/11 8:31:00 AM

No, you'd still have to climb a ladder and grab the case to win.

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
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07/13/11 8:33:00 AM

Oh we can Russo this up even more.

You could make it so that the MitB case starts really high and lowers slowly each time a new entrant comes out. So people would need to use a mammoth ladder to reach it before a few people have come out. This makes it easier to suspend disbelief, at least.

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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07/13/11 8:34:00 AM

At least there would be a reason for all the different length ladders.

(Maniac64 at work) [Browncoat] ~Board 570901~
All the proteins, vitamins, and carbs of your grandma's best turkey dinner, plus 15% alcohol.
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07/13/11 8:35:00 AM

They could also bring back the 49ers Match from Nitro and basically suspend FOUR MitB briefcases, with only one actually having the real contract.

And one would have a portrait of Scott Hall.

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
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07/13/11 8:38:00 AM

*During the Russofied Money In the Bank Match*

Cole: "Alberto Del Rio has pinned Evan Bourne! That activates MULTIBALL!"

**8 more briefcases drop from the ceiling**

Cole: "Now the Superstars will have to guess WHICH is the real Money in the Bank briefcase!"

King: "'s the one in the middle, the one that's been there the whole time!"

Cole: "SHHHHH!"

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
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07/13/11 8:38:00 AM

Lopen posted...
Oh we can Russo this up even more.

You could make it so that the MitB case starts really high and lowers slowly each time a new entrant comes out. So people would need to use a mammoth ladder to reach it before a few people have come out. This makes it easier to suspend disbelief, at least.

And in order to be able to lower the briefcase effectively...

...they put it on a pole.

If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person? [HERO'S PLUNGE]
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07/13/11 8:40:00 AM

Theres going to be the entire rest of the RAW roster at ringside to serve as lumberjacks, to make sure things stay in the ring, right?

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07/13/11 8:43:00 AM

Yep, and if you put a Lumberjack through a table, that's the equivalent of a Mario Kart Lightning Bolt. Everyone else in the match has to suddenly fall from wherever they are and stay down for 10 seconds.

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
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07/13/11 8:44:00 AM

If you were really tapped for guys to fill the qualifiers, you could always do something like "Alex Riley beats The Miz to qualify, Miz weasles his way into the match anyway." Maybe he says he deserves to be in because he won last year or because there was some controversy surrounding his loss to Riley.

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07/13/11 8:45:00 AM

From: JaKyL25 | #341
*During the Russofied Money In the Bank Match*

Cole: "Alberto Del Rio has pinned Evan Bourne! That activates MULTIBALL!"

**8 more briefcases drop from the ceiling**

Cole: "Now the Superstars will have to guess WHICH is the real Money in the Bank briefcase!"

King: "'s the one in the middle, the one that's been there the whole time!"

Cole: "SHHHHH!"


This made me laugh way too hard

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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07/13/11 8:45:00 AM

From: JaKyL25 | #340
They could also bring back the 49ers Match from Nitro and basically suspend FOUR MitB briefcases, with only one actually having the real contract.

And one would have a portrait of Scott Hall.

JAKYL'D by over ten minutes.

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07/13/11 8:46:00 AM

ladder matches have no DQ, what's stopping #8 from coming in early?

Growlithe-Tackling Mantine - Go To Meowth - Gardevoir + Mamoswine
Member of the merSHINEsess Nation since 7/15/09
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07/13/11 8:46:00 AM

good sportsmanship

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07/13/11 8:47:00 AM

From: X_Dante_X | #343
Theres going to be the entire rest of the RAW roster at ringside to serve as lumberjacks, to make sure things stay in the ring, right?

That solves the qualifying problem too! Everybody on the Raw roster starts outside the ring, and the first 8 guys to get in the ring successfully are MITB participants. The rest stay outside as lumberjacks!

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