Board 8 > Comics Topic 16: The Terror of Slutty Wonder Woman

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08/22/11 12:55:00 PM

>Do you still hang out with your former protégé Mark Millar at all?


>Is that an estranged situation?

>It's a can of worms. I met Mark when he was 18, and I really got on with him, because he laughed at all my jokes. He has the same sense of humor as me, he's very dark, and has that sense of humor, so we bonded. I used to phone him every day, and we ended up doing some work together on 2000 AD, which went well. It was funny stuff, we'd meet in the pub and get drunk and do this Big Dave strip, which was a comedy strip, and obviously, he was trying to get into American comics, so I got him on in Swamp Thing, and they asked me to write the book but I said, "Let's get Mark in, let's give him a job," so I consulted with him on the stories, and so on through the Nineties.

>When he got the Authority book, his star started to rise, and at that point, he felt he was in my shadow and he had to get out, and the way to get out was to do this fairly uncool split. It was quite hard, I felt, but he had to make his own way, and he was in denial that I'd been there, because I saw a lot of his work had been plotted or devised, even dialogue suggestions were done by me right up until the point of The Ultimates. It was seen by him as a dimunition of his position, even though it wasn't, I was quite proud of him as a mentor. He's done well without me, he has his own style, he does his own stuff. It was kind of that archetype, you get caught up in that story.

>[Mark Millar] still lives in Glasgow, is there a chance of bumping into him?

>Morrison: There's a very good chance of running into him, and I hope I'm going 100 miles an hour when it happens.


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08/22/11 1:04:00 PM

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Capullo is starting to hit all the right notes with me.

Also, that Action Comics page from a week ago that was a very small screencap properly sized

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More importantly, new Batwoman art.

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Not Dave
08/22/11 1:14:00 PM

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so good

More importantly, new Batwoman art.

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...holy ****

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08/22/11 1:17:00 PM

Ya know, I remember Harvey Bullock got kicked off the force around Gotham Central time, never knew how he got his job back, now he's in Synder's Batman and JH Williams III's Batwoman with his big cigar and fedora.

Not that I'm complaining, since I've always really liked Bullock since the animated series.

It will launch for $350 with some Wii Sports s***. I bet my life on it. Damn, that KoolAid guy is awesome - NGamer64
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08/22/11 1:18:00 PM

It was part of OYL

We never found out why

lololololol OYL

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08/22/11 1:21:00 PM


Were there actual comic book groupies?
Yeah. I didn't do anything with them. I was always very nice to them. They would send beautiful letters and give them a peck on the cheek and it was all very romantic because I was thought if you were a young girl. There were some people in the business who were f***ing every girl in sight. I just couldn't do that. I love the little girl-ness and the whole idea that they were really bright and they read Batman and Robin or they read Death from the Endless. It meant something to them and you don't want to ruin that and make them think that the guys that do this stuff are sleaze bags and mess up their lives. There are some amazing smart beautiful girls but I never had anything to do with it. We would go out and dance for a while, things like that but just that then put them in a taxi and say have a nice time.

Now I wanna know who these people were f***ing fangirls. Winick!?

It will launch for $350 with some Wii Sports s***. I bet my life on it. Damn, that KoolAid guy is awesome - NGamer64
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08/22/11 1:23:00 PM

Hey at least we got "Up, Up, & Away!" out of it.

From: TheKoolAidShoto | #206

Now I wanna know who these people were f***ing fangirls. Winick!?

Winick was too busy Real Worldn' it.

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08/22/11 1:43:00 PM

Static Shock page

Swamp Thing Page

@GailSimone GailSimone
One of my favorite characters I've created may be coming back from the dead with his own book. HA!

Uh well she made Ryan Choi but we already know about him so...

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Princess Anri
08/22/11 3:06:00 PM

From: KimPilgrim | #201
[Mark Millar] still lives in Glasgow, is there a chance of bumping into him?

Morrison: There's a very good chance of running into him, and I hope I'm going 100 miles an hour when it happens.

Man this really made me laugh.

Congratulations to Rafael Nadal on a Career Golden Slam. - The Mana Sword
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08/22/11 3:13:00 PM



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08/22/11 3:21:00 PM

Mister Terrific is staring into my soul

Nightwing's looks like a logo on some kind of Nightwing board game box

lol lazy Hawk & Dove and Voodoo logos

Captain Atom COMIN' AT YA

WTF Deathstroke IT'S ONE WORD

Suicide Squad doesn't deserve a logo that good.

Static Shock and Blue Beetle ROCKIN'

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08/22/11 3:30:00 PM


Hey guys

New Hawk and Dove art.

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You know you love it.

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Dauntless Hunter
08/22/11 4:10:00 PM

From: Not Dave | #203
More importantly, new Batwoman art.

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Batwoman for MK9 DLC

Black Turtle spilled my diet soda!
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08/22/11 4:14:00 PM

First thing I thought.

And I, Vampire is looking snazzy.

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08/22/11 4:15:00 PM

From: KimPilgrim | #210


I can't express in words how f***ing terrible the new Batman logo is.

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08/22/11 4:16:00 PM

was just about to say that the new batman logo is ugly

trying too hard to be cool

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08/22/11 4:17:00 PM

It's trying too hard to be Arkham Asylum.

Good business move.

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Dauntless Hunter
08/22/11 4:26:00 PM

Why not just use the Arkham logo? I mean it's all WB, right?

Black Turtle spilled my diet soda!
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08/22/11 4:30:00 PM

Not gonna disagree.

Anyways, JLD pics

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Still haven't fixed WW in that second pic.

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08/22/11 4:30:00 PM

Why not make it good, is the question.

It will launch for $350 with some Wii Sports s***. I bet my life on it. Damn, that KoolAid guy is awesome - NGamer64
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Dauntless Hunter
08/22/11 4:34:00 PM

From: KimPilgrim | #219
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so much for having a boner this week


did not need to see those

Black Turtle spilled my diet soda!
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08/22/11 4:34:00 PM

People people

Can we not just revel in the sexy beast that is Static Shock

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08/22/11 4:48:00 PM

From: Dauntless Hunter | Posted: 8/22/2011 7:10:50 PM | #213
Batwoman for MK9 DLC

My thoughts exactly.

My Backloggery (Work in progress, still adding games)
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08/22/11 4:50:00 PM

Koolaid writeups

an endangered species

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08/22/11 5:02:00 PM

like LtM's girlfriends

Wonder Woman Write-Up Will happen!

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08/22/11 5:04:00 PM


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08/22/11 5:23:00 PM

Oh god yes

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So good

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08/22/11 5:32:00 PM

Wonder Woman, written by Brian Azzerello with art by Cliff Chiang

Description: Wonder Woman, super-awesome-sexy-powerful-feminist person! Well, that's not much of a description, huh? Well, she can fly! No wait, I think she has an invisible plane. Uh, she fights Nazi people and stuff! Wait, no, I think that was her pre-1985 reboot, now she's an embassador for her greek island of Themyscira, bringing peace to man's world. Well, kinda, until her recent reboot where she looked like Jim Lee's Rogue from the 90s! And of course...that's out of continuity, too...hmm...

Wonder Woman is many things to many people, which is her best and worst asset. When you get right down to it, people love the CONCEPT of Wonder Woman: a powerful, beautiful, compassionate but deadly warrior princess. Someone who can stand up and fight just as good as the big boys, an icon for sexual equality the world over. Unfortunately, no one's really been able to nail the foundation! The whole "made from Clay, comes from Themyscira" thing is usually set in stone(dohoho), but beyond that, she's all over the place. Unlike her compartions in the DC "Trinity", Batman and Superman, she doesn't have any real memorable rogues, she doesn't these great runs you can point towards when people want to get into the character(although everyone seems to like Greg Rucka's tenure on the book!), she doesn't have a classic story everyone loves like All-Star Superman or Dark Knight Returns. She's a character in-transition, once again starting over and hoping to get it right. And, with the amount of talent behind producing this book, we just might get it.

Creative Team: Brian Azzerello is mostly known for his crime books or stories that deal with darker characters, specifically his incredible 100 Bullets series, which is one of the greatest comics of the past decade, his Hellblazer run(although its very polarizing!), and his various Batman stories like "Joker" or "Broken City". He's very big on characters, giving you a real sense of who these people are, the kind of world they live in, and why you should give a damn about the narrative. He has a real ear for dialog, grounding his characters in voices that you can relate to, or at the very least imagine someone like this. I don't want to call it "realistic" dialog, but its like the good version of Brian Michael Bendis. But at the end of the day, he's one of the very best at getting inside to the darkness of the human condition.

Now, darkness usually isn't what you think of with Wonder Woman, but Azzerello said this isn't a superhero book, but a horror one! I...have no idea how to feel about that, but at this point, Wonder Woman could probably handle any concept. Its the execution that will show the way, and Azzerello rarely misses.

And to boost that confidence even higher, we got Cliff Chiang on art duties. I...don't really have a lot to say about Chiang, actually. His work has a great comic book feel; realistically proportion characters with a cartoonist sheen that makes them feel animated. This is where LtM puts up some pages so you can gaze at it.

Ease of Access: Easy, as long as you're ok with women kicking ass! Wonder Woman continuity is so nutty, so they're throwing the vast majority of that s*** out. You know as much as we do, man.

Recommendation: Yes! Wonder Woman, as a concept, is a bit vague to describe to others, and even the rare glimpses we give of this title is a bit of an enigma. But the writer and artist combo is so good, its got to be at least worth a look.

It will launch for $350 with some Wii Sports s***. I bet my life on it. Damn, that KoolAid guy is awesome - NGamer64
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08/22/11 5:32:00 PM

Batman and Robin 16 was a great issue.

So what happened to Simon at the end of TTGL?
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08/22/11 5:33:00 PM

From: RayDyn | #229
Batman and Robin 16 was a great issue.

Indeed it was! Now get to work on Batman: The Return (its a single issue), and then start reading Batman Inc

It will launch for $350 with some Wii Sports s***. I bet my life on it. Damn, that KoolAid guy is awesome - NGamer64
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08/22/11 5:33:00 PM

Really excited for Wonder Woman.

Oh hey Teen Titans #2 Page 1

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It's just a Twitter art revealing bonanza today

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08/22/11 5:35:00 PM

From: RayDyn | #229
Batman and Robin 16 was a great issue.

With Xombi ending Irving isn't drawing any books.

I've only seen him in that B&R arc, Klarion, and Xombi, but I wouldn't mind more!

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08/22/11 5:39:00 PM

From: KimPilgrim | #231
Really excited for Wonder Woman.

Oh hey Teen Titans #2 Page 1

It's just a Twitter art revealing bonanza today

Now all I can imagine is a Very Special Issue of Bart Allen jerking it.

It will launch for $350 with some Wii Sports s***. I bet my life on it. Damn, that KoolAid guy is awesome - NGamer64
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08/22/11 5:46:00 PM

Why is all this DC art sooo good? Every time I check out recent Marvel books the art is trash.

Also, I really grew to love Irving on B&R and wanted to check out Xombi just because of him but didn't have the cash to spare on another book at the time.

Winter is coming
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08/22/11 5:49:00 PM

Stop reading Uncanny X-men, Bran

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08/22/11 5:50:00 PM

From: TheKoolAidShoto | Posted: 8/22/2011 8:33:49 PM | #230
Now get to work on Batman: The Return

Bruce and Damian playing Rock-em-Sock-em Robots with real robots was pretty funny.

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08/22/11 5:50:00 PM

Bran_Stark posted...
Why is all this DC art sooo good? Every time I check out recent Marvel books the art is trash.

The art of Daredevil is incredible right now, for example, there's often quality art over in Marvel books too.

One Piece: Pirates with style!
-= Metal Gear Solid: Tactical Espionage Action =-
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08/22/11 5:58:00 PM

18 more to go

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08/22/11 5:59:00 PM

I don't actually read any Marvel books currently. I guess I just haven't skimmed any of the books with GOOD art. Although Uncanny X-Force looks really good.

Winter is coming
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08/22/11 6:21:00 PM

Who was writing Resurrection Man again?

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Not Dave
08/22/11 6:26:00 PM

just whipped this up real quick

Resurrection Man, written by Dan Abnett/Andy Lanning, with art by Fernando Dagnino

Description: Resurrection Man was a cult hero back when he had a 27-issue ongoing series in the late 1990s, all of which was written by Abnett and Lanning. Mitch Shelley has a unique power that explodes with potential: every time he dies, he comes back to life with a new superpower. In his previous series, he's been able to fly, control fire, shapeshift, or turn things intangible. He was also once resurrected as a woman, and another time with the ability to... create butterflies out of thin air. His resurrecting ability is one that can be explored a lot, and the sheer potential of such a character is very intriguing. Resurrection Man is also wrapped in amnesia-induced mystery, which can make for a compelling story.

The Creative Team: Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning have been co-writing comics together for around fifteen years, including one-shots, elseworlds stories, and canon issues on characters like Punisher, Superman, Batman, The Legion, The Authority, and Cosmic Marvel. Their work on Nova (including in the Annihilation event) is fantastic.

Their prior works on Resurrection Man ranged from fantastic to awful. The authors seem to be quite content with shattering the status quo of a series and sending it in a completely different direction at times - a risky move that hasn't always improved their books. They've also wasted entire issues on silly gimmick plots that have absolutely no relevance to the book's plot. But their good is really quite good, and they have noticeably improved quite a lot since Resurrection Man last appeared.

The artist, Fernando Dagnino, doesn't have a whole lot on his résumé - just a few random issues across DC every once in a while, and nothing that really stands out. However, the samples from the upcoming #1 of this series look fantastic:

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This art shows that Dagnino has a lot of potential - let's hope he can be consistent. The book's colorist has said that this is a new style for Dagnino, and that he really likes what he's seen.

Ease of Entry: Simple. In the past, Resurrection Man has been, for the most part, contained within his own little corner of the DC Universe. He had his own villains and his own towns, and this doesn't seem to have changed with the new series. This will be an easy series to get into.

Recommendation: Non-essential. It will probably be good, though. If you like the concept of the character, check out a couple issues and see if you want to keep it going.

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08/22/11 6:28:00 PM


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08/22/11 7:39:00 PM

Justice League, written by Geoff Johns with art by Jim Lee

Description: The premier book of the relaunch Justice League of America is DC's #1 team book, their Avengers before the Avengers if you will. The first arc of this comic will take place 5 years prior to the rest of the DCnU launch books, with the exception of Action Comics, and will be a new take on the formation of team. With that comes new founding members. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Aquaman, and Marti-errrr, Cyborg. Questioning yet promising new former Titan aside, Justice League is a necessary fresh launch on the series, after the previous 60 issue run failed to significantly impress even once in its 5 year run, due to poor editorial decisions and tie-in fatigue, and a lack of interesting and meaningful stories that really effected the DCU at all, inexcusable considering its supposed importance. With this new series, DC is promising to return Justice League to the biggest, most important and explosive series in their lineup, and thus have put their most popular talent on the job.

Creative Team: Geoff Johns is DC's big summer blockbuster super-star, savior of the Green Lantern franchise and writer of half the major event books since just over half a decade ago. He's pretty much become the face of DC next to the intricate mind-bending writing of Grant Morrison. What you're going to get here is a lot of action and big stories and really just straight up entertainment overall. And the full page spreads, OH THE FULL PAGE SPREADS. And don't get me started on the 2-page spreads, devoted to one dynamic picture with one beloved cheesy one liner that just makes you happy that comic books exist, the kind of stuff you want to tear out of the book and thumbtack to a wallboard or something.

Jim Lee is the most famous name in comic books. He's pretty much defined the public's perception of a majority of superheroes with his designs being used on everything from backpacks to clothing to toys. He was the artist on the highest selling comic book in history, Giant Sized X-Men #1. He's got that gritty 90's appeal without any of the negative connotations that come with it, bringing a sleek and dynamic style with his work. There's a reason that almost half the comic artists of today are considered Jim Lee ripoffs, he has DEFINED what is considered generic comic book artwork, but barely anything has come close to the original. That's the issue though, Jim lee isn't bringing anything special to the table. He's simply a great artist. But that's really what Justice League needs, recognizability, and Jim Lee's work will forever be the defining look of comic books for readers of the 90s.

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Ease of Access: Very easy. Justice League as it will be starting out is going to be an origin story. There's no history to worry about. It's not going to be something anyone will have to potentially worry about until the second arc when it starts running alongside the rest of the books.

Recommendation: Required reading. It's going to be the pillar of the DC Universe and pretty much unskippable, and thankfully you'll more than likely want to stick with it in the first place.

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08/22/11 7:44:00 PM

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08/22/11 8:12:00 PM

Giant Size X-Men #1 isn't the one Jim Lee drew, it's just "X-Men #1"

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08/22/11 8:19:00 PM

Ah, really? Guess I've had them mixed up all this time. Giant Size is the one Waid retconned, then? With the living island?

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08/22/11 8:31:00 PM

going to shop tomorrow

wont be doing usual work; upgrading their PC to windows 7 because it hasnt been upgraded since 2003

but I still get my comics! who wants spoilers?

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08/22/11 8:37:00 PM

I'll be writing Supergirl tomorrow hopefully, maybe I'll try Legion of Super-Heroes and Superboy as well, if no one else gets to them. I'm going to bed now, as I am extremely tired, just checking in.

~Halo Everybody run!
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08/22/11 8:43:00 PM

From: KimPilgrim | #246
Ah, really? Guess I've had them mixed up all this time. Giant Size is the one Waid retconned, then? With the living island?

Pretty sure that was Brubaker by way of editorial mandates. Krakoa...which is actually coming back in November!

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08/22/11 8:45:00 PM

Your right it was Brubaker.

I even said that in that First Class topic a few weeks back.

From: ZenOfThunder | #247
going to shop tomorrow

wont be doing usual work; upgrading their PC to windows 7 because it hasnt been upgraded since 2003

but I still get my comics! who wants spoilers?

Spoilers for

Teen Titans
Gates of Gotham

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