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09/13/11 1:20:00 AM

I dont think Ive ever gotten Ragnar

Nice catch BlAcK TuRtLe.
But too bad your ass got SAAAAAAAAAAACKED.*tackles*
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09/13/11 1:24:00 AM

he is kingly. kind of guy you'd want to be best friends with.
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09/13/11 1:24:00 AM

From: ZFS | #046
Montezuma sux. It's all fun and games until he's your equal technologically and he declares war you randomly out of nowhere. Few things worse than finding out that Montezuma is in one of your games. Isabella might be one of those of choice few!

I've literally never seen Montezuma tech higher than riflemen. How does this this happen.

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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Jeff Zero
09/13/11 1:26:00 AM

I haven't either.

"Mr. Paris, I assume you've had a great deal of experience being rejected by women." ~SCP~
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09/13/11 1:31:00 AM

Montezuma is almost always last because he picks fights with everyone

Nice catch BlAcK TuRtLe.
But too bad your ass got SAAAAAAAAAAACKED.*tackles*
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09/13/11 1:32:00 AM

Riflemen? That's a long time to go without war on higher difficulties when Montezuma is involved!

peace comes from within
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09/13/11 1:32:00 AM

Oh and as for the questions:

C. I've played some of her games, would lean dislike. Mostly too many grunting sounds in Tomb Raider 2 as she moved around. Dumb reason, but hey. But yeah I'm actually probably more impartial to her than anything at this point though.
A. Shoryuken O T G.

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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09/13/11 1:34:00 AM

Ragnar is okay. I don't have any major feelings toward him one way or another, and I've only used him once. Tokugawa could be a terror when he wanted to be.

peace comes from within
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Jeff Zero
09/13/11 1:35:00 AM

Are we talking about Civ IV or V here? I've only played IV out of those two. But Tokugawa is a complete joke on most games I've played in IV. His uber-isolationist policies almost invariably make him lag behind the rest of the world tremendously and he just spends the entire modern era 'guarding' himself with like... samurai

"Mr. Paris, I assume you've had a great deal of experience being rejected by women." ~SCP~
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09/13/11 1:35:00 AM

From: ZFS | #056
Riflemen? That's a long time to go without war on higher difficulties when Montezuma is involved!

Well as I said I always bribe him with tech to declare war on other people so I don't have to worry about him. He's never declared war on me with rifles-- actually he pretty much never declares war on me because yeah I make him hate other people more. Once in a while he'll go nuts but it's usually pretty safe. I think the one time I had him with Rifles I was Genghis Khan and had an alliance of sorts with him-- hell I'm pretty sure I gave him the rifles to help kill Gandhi for me.

Granted I don't really play on difficulties higher than noble yet. I'm still kinda new to the game!

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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09/13/11 1:39:00 AM

Yeah, Tokugawa's not too bad most of the time. Whenever he goes all out with war, or makes a couple of well off friends, he ends up having a short time where he's taking over people's cities left and right. It's usually short-lived, though. I don't think he's actually ever be a contender to win by the end in my games.

peace comes from within
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09/13/11 1:42:00 AM

Samurai are beast. One of the best unique units. I mean that wouldn't make his AI better but still I could totally see an army of samurai taking down some lightly guarded cities with riflemen. I've never really seen Tokugawa do much though-- he's not generally very aggressive despite his trait.

I just wish Tokugawa had better traits. Protective sux. Genghis Khan leading Japan now that's a monster combo.

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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Jeff Zero
09/13/11 1:43:00 AM

Praetorian rush is my preferred poison.

I know nobody asked but I felt like throwing it out there anyway.

"Mr. Paris, I assume you've had a great deal of experience being rejected by women." ~SCP~
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09/13/11 1:44:00 AM

Samurai in Civ V plus Japan's Unique Ability is something to behold. Even when damaged, Samurai attack as though they're full strength.

peace comes from within
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09/13/11 1:45:00 AM

you know who sucks? Elizabeth in Civ 5. never likes me. probably jealous of my long golden ages that she can never have.
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Jeff Zero
09/13/11 1:47:00 AM

Elizabeth is one of my two mains in Civ IV alongside Julius. I hope I enjoy playing her in V.

"Mr. Paris, I assume you've had a great deal of experience being rejected by women." ~SCP~
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09/13/11 1:47:00 AM

Elizabeth is in Civ 5 is that way with me, too. Wu Zetian, though, always friends! Well, whenever she can actually appear since I'm always playing as China.

peace comes from within
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09/13/11 1:48:00 AM

For some reason I always do really well with Rome and it's not always because of the Praetorians. Last game I played I was isolated and Praetorians weren't even ever relevant and I still dominated with my military.

But yeah they're pretty broken. They're probably #1 strongest unique imhhho. That or uh vultures I think? There's some broken axeman variant out there.

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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09/13/11 1:50:00 AM

I can't even think of anyone who is always friends with me. I clear the rest of the pathetic civilizations off my continent early in the game, and they go crying to other countries about it with slanderous lies, so any good relationships I have don't last.
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09/13/11 2:05:00 AM


anastasia is not that bad

she's no lucia

XS2 is the only good Xenosaga game - Lady Ashe
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09/13/11 2:07:00 AM

ana is great
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09/13/11 2:30:00 AM

anastasia is something alright

peace comes from within
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09/13/11 2:36:00 AM

by the way, do you guys play Civ V online together? I've never played online, but I'm thinking I might investigate. doesn't seem like the kind of game that would have an active online community.
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09/13/11 2:36:00 AM

Civ isnt the type of game thats played all that well online <_<

Nice catch BlAcK TuRtLe.
But too bad your ass got SAAAAAAAAAAACKED.*tackles*
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09/13/11 2:37:00 AM

13) Nier (NIER)
Debut: NIER (2010)

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Nier, both the game and the character, were big surprises for me last year. I wasn't expecting the game to be good (it was my GOTY last year!), and I certainly didn't think that Gary Busey would end up making for a good lead character. I was wrong on both accounts, though, and Nier ended up being a character I'm particularly fond of -- someone who's willing to do anything, regardless of the danger or the questions raised by doing it, to protect his family. Nier is the kind of character who will go to the ends of the earth, never sleep, destroy worlds -- anything in the name of finding a cure for his daughter's disease. He has a single-minded devotion to stop his daughter's suffering, and her premature death, to such an extent that he sometimes doesn't always even notice her cries for attention. Some people will criticize him for being too single-minded, that it takes up too much of his character at the sacrifice of everything else, but that's exactly what I like about him. That single-minded dedication.

There's a point in the game, I think, where Grimoire Weiss (the talking book), will mention that the Shades (the main enemies) seem to have some level of reasoning, that they aren't just mindless monsters. Nier doesn't argue otherwise, but rejects the idea that they deserve better treatment from him. As long as they're in his way, attacking him or preventing him from completing his goal, he won't hesitate to cut them down. To him, they are an obstacle -- and that unquestionably makes them the enemy. If he were a regular hero, that would probably weigh heavily on him, eat away at him, and make him more compassionate toward the Shades, but nope, not Nier.

He isn't a ruthless character, though. To the people that need him, even complete strangers, he's kindhearted and helpful. It's how these different personality traits are balanced and used that make him interesting to me. He's open-minded, accepting, and a father figure to everyone that he meets, but he won't hesitate to also fight whoever stands against him if they dare to harm those who have come to rely on his protection. He kind of reminds me of Papas from Dragon Quest V. In fact, yeah, that's Nier. Nier is Papas -- he's even got the same gruff look! Best endorsement.

I believe in the Japanese PS3 version of the game, Nier is supposed to be a teenager (or around there), and his 'daughter' turns into his 'little sister.' I'm glad we didn't get that in any capacity, because I don't think it has the same emotional punch that the father / daughter angle has, at least for me. I can't say that I've seen that in too many games, not the way it's done in Nier, and I'm glad they went with the direction they did.

peace comes from within
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09/13/11 2:39:00 AM

OmarsComin posted...
by the way, do you guys play Civ V online together? I've never played online, but I'm thinking I might investigate. doesn't seem like the kind of game that would have an active online community.

we had a great civ 5 crew -- kleenex, iubaris, voltch, dante, harmonica, and myself. we haven't played in like six months, though.

peace comes from within
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09/13/11 2:40:00 AM

destroy a world to save your kid from BONEITIS what

or is that a figure of speech

Nice catch BlAcK TuRtLe.
But too bad your ass got SAAAAAAAAAAACKED.*tackles*
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09/13/11 2:41:00 AM

and uhh D

I have it, I just barely touch my PS3 for some reason. Hasn't done anything wrong so not sure why.
This gen sucks

Nice catch BlAcK TuRtLe.
But too bad your ass got SAAAAAAAAAAACKED.*tackles*
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09/13/11 3:28:00 AM

Ken writeup might be better than the four post masterpiece from 2005

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09/13/11 4:25:00 AM


Man you guys make me want to play Civ4. Must...resist...temptation...

Currently Playing - StarCraft: Brood War
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09/13/11 5:17:00 AM

you won't like it as much as Wind Waker
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09/13/11 5:47:00 AM

Very funny.

Currently Playing - StarCraft: Brood War
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09/13/11 6:13:00 AM

thanks it's my best joke
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09/13/11 7:18:00 AM

manny calavera not found.

Go Manny numero uno!

Vote for this guy in every contest: ZFS
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09/13/11 7:25:00 AM

Lara: C. Never played Tomb Raider
Ken: B B B augh
Nier: A, for the reasons you described. Nier isn't my favorite character from the game, but he's still a very interesting one.

Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
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09/13/11 7:33:00 AM

Oh, and on the subject of Japan Nier, this is what he looks like post time-skip:

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I can't find a picture of him pre-timeskip, but he I've seen it before and he looks absolutely ridiculous. Imagine a kid with Cloud's hair taped on sideways.

Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
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09/13/11 8:54:00 AM

medieval raiden

My fingers -- ALIVE! And threatening me with -- DEATH!
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09/13/11 9:00:00 AM

yeah, no thanks. that's like typical jrpg hero, and that just doesn't fit with the personality nier has.

peace comes from within
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09/13/11 9:14:00 AM

Blanka is the best character in this topic so far and it's not close!!!!!

Donny: Are they gonna hurt us, Walter?
Walter: No, Donny. These men are cowards.
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09/13/11 11:11:00 AM

For Ken, A. He's like Ryu but red and not as cool

For Nier, A. He's a nice change of pace from your regular JRPG protagonist, being an old dude who is willing to do ANYTHING for the sake of his daughter. Gotta admire that dedication.

Weiss is the best character from Nier though!

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09/13/11 11:16:00 AM

Found a picture of Replicant Nier pre-time skip. Good lord.

Very glad we didn't get that.

Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
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09/13/11 11:16:00 AM

Hey it's Cloud

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09/13/11 11:17:00 AM

Like I said

Cloud's hair taped on sideways

Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
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09/13/11 11:19:00 AM

more like hit by train

Nice catch BlAcK TuRtLe.
But too bad your ass got SAAAAAAAAAAACKED.*tackles*
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09/13/11 11:39:00 AM

Whoa. Nice hair.

peace comes from within
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09/13/11 7:45:00 PM

12) Victor Sullivan (Uncharted)
Debut: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (2007)

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Victor goddamn Sullivan. Sully is the old school adventurer personified. If he isn't preoccupied with finding immeasurable wealth, he's talking about taking hookers to church, or hitting on the next that woman crosses his path. When he's interacting with Drake, reminiscing about past exploits or cursing whatever predicament the two have found themselves in, he's at the top of his game. He's a genuinely entertaining character in a way that almost no others are. When Sully shows up, you know good times are ahead. Uncharted hasn't delved too much into his background, into how he got to where he has and the mentor / student relationship with Drake, but it's not even necessary. He's way too likeable even without knowing where he comes from. We're supposed to find more about that stuff in Uncharted 3, and that's one of the things I'm most looking forward to about the game. Uncharted 2, top 5 game that it is, had a severe lack of Sully, and that's probably it's greatest flaw! Sully makes games better.

Do you like Victor Sullivan?
A: Yes - insert why
B: No - insert why
C: Don't care
D: Haven't played Uncharted

peace comes from within
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09/13/11 7:46:00 PM

A. Sully is great. Great banter with Drake throughout the games. Love his voice actor, too. Fits the character perfectly. Definitely looking forward to more Sully in UC3!

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09/13/11 7:48:00 PM

A - because it's F***ING SULLY.
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09/13/11 7:52:00 PM

Yeah, he has a great voice actor. All Uncharted characters do, really.

peace comes from within
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09/14/11 12:56:00 AM

11) Saren Arterius (Mass Effect)
Debut: Mass Effect (2007)

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It's hard to find a good villain in games. It doesn't matter if it's a JRPG or a WRPG, an action game or an adventure game -- good villains don't come along often. Before Saren, I'd have to reach back to FFVII to find one I really liked. Sephiroth basically encompasses all the good qualities I look for in a villain: he had presence, he had style, and cool, memorable design. Forgetting everything else about his background and development, Sephiroth dominated scenes he was in, and made you look forward to the next encounter with him. I've said it before, but few games are so utterly dominated by their villain like FFVII. You spend the entire game chasing after him, he's the reason you're doing everything, he's always a step ahead, and just when you think you're on his level, he totally changes the game. That's what I like to see.

I'm not sure that I would say Saren has Sephiroth's style, but he absolutely has the presence. He's smart, devious, and untouchable -- and you're made totally aware of this on a constant basis. He has free reign to go wherever he wants and do whatever he wants. He's supposed to answer to the Council -- a kind of United Nations style government that controls the galaxy -- but even they don't like questioning him. You have no real tools as your disposal to handle him, and he has no one to keep him in check. Everything you do in Mass Effect revolves around finding out more about him, where he's heading, what he's plotting, when he'll strike next. When you do catch up with him, he's either already gone or about to get be gone.

I liked Saren's cause. He's one of those villains who isn't actually "evil." He believes that what he's doing is right, that his cause is preserving the future of not only his people but also the galaxy at large. His methods might be questionable, but the end result justifies them. As the story unfolds, you find out that he becomes misguided, manipulated, and isn't even totally in control of himself. He realizes what's happening to him, and he tries to prevent it from happening, but he eventually succumbs. At the end, he does get redemption, and I thought the scene was pretty well done, but I know some people view it as "too easy." In a way, Saren is like Golbez from FFIV. I think those two have a lot in common. Saren is more complex, more interesting, but the basic development of their stories are pretty similar.

But yeah, Saren gave Mass Effect purpose. He keeps the story interesting and focused. I always made sure to go through the dialogue trees when I could to find out more about from the people who knew him, and I always looked forward to those moments when there was a face-to-face confrontation. He wasn't the only driving force behind the story, but there's no doubt he was a significant part of it.

Do you like Saren?
A: Yes - insert why
B: No - insert why
C: Don't care
D: Haven't played Mass Effect

peace comes from within
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