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10/20/21 2:02:52 AM

It's so long dude. So long and nothing happens and nothing matters and the drama sucks. Ugh. Just the biggest drag of a movie and the ending is sooooo awful. Just a waste of time.

Also, I'm watching the original Flatliners.

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10/20/21 4:11:53 AM

55. Flatliners (1990)

I've never seen Flatliners. It has such a good cast of folks I really like but... damn it's just pretty good. I expected more.

Flatliners is about a bunch of medical students that attempt to kill themselves and bring themselves back to see what's on the other side.

Like alright, I just don't get how you do this concept and sort of... half ass it like they did? I'll spoil a bit and say what they find is some deeply traumatizing thing they feel guilt about. But none of it is particularly interesting aside from Julia Roberts' father? One is just... infidelity. And like two of these involve bullies. And really? bullies with an accidental death is the best you got for this? I expected a bit more juicy.

As a result, the nightmares they see aren't really chilling or scary for the most part. The concept is really cool and the acting is great, but the script doesn't deliver anything truly chilling for the idea. It's all super tame and watered down when it could have been a whole lot more.

I just don't get why they didn't go harder with this? It should have been a lot better than it was. It gets props for cool concept, great acting, and a few good scenes though.

Rating: 5.5/10

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10/20/21 7:57:58 AM

Aecioo posted...
I really enjoyed Halloween Kills but I wish they had kept the extended (alternate?) ending.

Laurie calls her daughter and Michael picks up and just breathes into the phone, so realizes her daughter is dead and grabs a knife to go hunt him down.

I get that with the time jump for the finale it wouldn't really fit in anymore but the ending is so abrupt it felt like something was cut.
Apparently DGG just came up with a new "twist" ending to Halloween Ends within the last month. I don't think that had anything to do with the ending changing because of the time jump, but it definitely brings up a lot more questions.

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10/20/21 11:59:35 AM

I am no more watching the original Thing.

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10/20/21 2:26:03 PM

56. The Thing (1982) (Starz)

It's been forever since I've watched this movie and it holds up so unbelievably well!

The Thing is about an alien parasite that lands in Antartica research base and proceeds to pick them off one by one.

You guys probably know The Thing. It's probably the best body horror movie, and it's inspired so many movies after it, because it's that damn good. I could gush forever about this film because there's so much greatness in it. The body horror element is gruesome and horrifying all in one, and what else do I really need to say about it other than that?

Where this movie shines though is the uncertainty and distrust as it finds new hosts over and over and you're left as clueless as the characters in the story. And then with each reveal it's as shocking as the last as this horrible creature just finds new ways to surprise people. Like it's unbelievable how good this movie is.

I actually have no complaints at all about this. As far as I'm concerned, it's one of the best horror movies ever made. Not many films can touch it. If you haven't seen it, go out of your way to do so!

Rating: 10/10

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10/20/21 3:19:32 PM

I have to ask, what's your opinion on the end?

Is Childs a Thing? Is MacReady a Thing? Neither? Both?

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10/20/21 4:06:12 PM

My opinion:

I actually take the approach both of them take: it's futile to think about. I think that's what makes the ending so amazing. After all that, they're the last two left, and they should be fighting to figure it out. But they're fucking tired and beaten down and they just don't know what's left. I like it better accepting it's ambiguous, and appreciating the genius of the ending. I don't think this movie would be better with any other ending.

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10/20/21 4:25:52 PM

Also, episode 2 of Chucky is really good and interesting! I'm surprised at how good this show is, but I recommend it!

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10/20/21 6:11:24 PM

57. Channel Zero: No-End House (TV Series) (Shudder)

Hey, it's season 2 of Channel Zero! Out of the four seasons, this one remains my least favorite!

No-End House is about a group of young adults heading to a house of horrors and appear in a parallel world that slowly becomes more nightmarish.

This is a hard one to really get into. I know the first time I finished Channel Zero, this was bottom of my list of seasons and this kind of solidifies it. It's not because it's bad, because I don't think it's bad. It's just a little messy and trying to do too much.

The No-End House is kind of, uh, nonsense if we're being honest. I felt the coolest part of it was the house and it's barely a factor in anything, and all of the stuff inside is kind of arbitrary. When we're in the parallel world stuff, there's some good scenes and some interesting bits with these characters. I grant them that, but it feels like there's too many ideas bouncing around in this season for me.

The actual highlight is John Carroll Lynch playing an amazing and haunting role. He's incredible and carries this season on his back so hard. His character's story is so good and it drives the whole season.

That said, everything else surrounding the parallel world is just... not great? There's tons of awesome visuals, and the season holds a lot of promise, but it kind of fumbles about and it feels like it's at least 1 episode run time too long. There's a lot you could do with this concept, including separating the house and parallel world stuff into two different stories entirely for some really great stuff.

Another positive is there is a ton here to like with the visuals. It's legitimately creepy and haunting at its best, and it drags a little bit when we're not in these moments of horrifying tension. Give me more of the scariest bits in this season, please. There's some awfully terrifying stuff involved.

But even with my drawbacks, the positives really do carry this season so hard. I just wish the quality was more consistent.

Rating: 7/10

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10/20/21 8:25:39 PM

58. Poltergeist II: The Other Side (HBO Max)

This feels like the most sequel of most any sequel I've ever watched.

The Freelings are living with the one grandmother until she passes and then The Beast wants to take Carol Anne away again.

Guys, I don't know what to say. It's a sequel that doesn't even come close to the original. There's a lot of good visuals here, and seeing the Freelings again is great because they all have good chemistry. But this just feels so much more uninspired than the first film. I mean, there's haunted teeth braces. That should say it all.

Nothing is nearly as memorable or iconic as the first movie. All of the tension is gone. All of the thrills. All of the outright unsettling parts are removed. It's just a decent, feel-good, family horror movie. It didn't light my world on fire. I didn't have tons of interest in it. It did a pretty good job, but the quality drop just cannot be understated.

Rating: 6/10

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10/20/21 8:27:27 PM

Movie #20, Ju-on: The Grudge. Weirdly enough I know I've seen the Sarah Michelle Gellar version of this but never the original

We are thought, and reality, and concept, and the unimaginable
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10/20/21 8:45:42 PM

Yeah, I've maintained that the American versions are just not as good? I haven't seen more than the original Ju-On, but it felt a lot more inspired than The Grudge 1.

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10/20/21 10:19:58 PM

Oh hey, The Girls in the Woods comes out tomorrow. Good timing me! I'll watch that tomorrow!

I am now watching Let Me In.

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10/20/21 11:15:41 PM

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10/21/21 1:18:56 AM

59. Let Me In (2018) (Peacock)

We got ourselves a vampire love story here. It's pretty good.

A bullied boy makes friends with a vampire girl whose got his back and they slowly fall for each other.

It's pretty much another vampire love story, but it gets really fucking brutal, multiple times in the movie. When it leans into the more grisly and horrible parts of having a vampire girlfriend, that's when it is its best. I'm not much for this teenager gets bullied thing too much, but they play off it well.

It does a lot of unique things when they actually have action in it, and it's easily the best part of the movie. As far as vampires go, this does all of that excellently. I'm just not so into the romance aspect of it, especially from two kids (or a decades old vampire that is also a kid). Kind of beautiful at times, in a bloody way as well?

I liked it. It's just not so much my thing, really. But I can appreciate it for what it was.

Rating: 7/10

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10/21/21 3:36:21 AM

60. Ju-On: The Grudge 2 (Tubi)

So I decided to see how the sequel to the Japanese version turns out. I actually enjoyed it more than the original!

Ju-On: The Grudge 2 centers on a horror movie starlet that gets cursed with the film crew when they film in the cursed home.

So I found this to be better in every way, which I feel might be heresy? I dunno, it just feels better in every way. The scares are excellent in here, and it seems like they got more creative with the ghost power bullshit and ended up with a lot of seriously twisted stuff as a result. The ending, in particular, is a great usage of this.

And speaking of the ending, I find the plot itself to be a lot stronger--at least the main one. It's more interesting than just some family moves in. It has a more terrifying idea of it branching out, and I thought the lead in this one was great too.

What can I say? It's Ju-On, but it's a better Ju-On to me. It just feels like a movie that just improves on the original. It still feels a lot better than the American versions as well! I recommend it for folks interested in the franchise.

Rating: 8.5/10

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10/21/21 4:03:28 AM

We're 2/3 of the way through! Still got lots more horror to go!

My Horror Movie Ratings For October 2021:

Best of the Best:
Midnight Mass (TV Series) - 10/10
A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984) - 10/10
Poltergeist (1982) - 10/10
The Thing (1982) - 10/10

Must Watch:
The Medium - 9.5/10
The Canal - 9/10
Halloween (2018) - 9/10
The Invisible Man - 9/10
Malignant - 9/10
The Audition - 8.5/10
Halloween Kills - 8.5/10
I Know What You Did Last Summer - 8.5/10
Ju-On: The Grudge 2 - 8.5/10
Mandy - 8.5/10
Scream Queens: Season 1 (TV Series) - 8.5/10
Suspiria (1977) - 8.5/10

Great Movies:
Brand New Cherry Flavor (TV Series) - 8/10
Channel Zero: Candle Cove (TV Series) - 8/10
Event Horizon - 8/10
Hellraiser II: Hellbound - 8/10
A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors - 8/10
The Midnight Meat Train - 8/10
Revenge - 8/10
Terrifier - 8/10
Demonic (2015) - 7.5/10
His House - 7.5/10
Unfriended - 7.5/10
The Blair Witch Project - 7/10
Channel Zero: No-End House (TV Series) - 7/10
A Classic Horror Story - 7/10
Let Me In (2010) - 7/10
Underwater - 7/10
V/H/S - 7/10

Pretty Good:
Fright Night (2011) - 6.5/10
Malevolent - 6.5/10
Nightbooks - 6.5/10
Them - 6.5/10
Willy's Wonderland - 6.5/10
Bedeviled - 6/10
Cat People (1984) - 6/10
The Grudge 2 - 6/10
Poltergeist II: The Other Side - 6/10
Flatliners (1990) - 5.5/10
One Missed Call (2004) - 5.5/10

Below Average:
Darkness Falls - 5/10
False Positive - 5/10
Halloween Party - 4/10
Held - 3/10
A Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge - 3/10
Rings - 3/10

Prom Night (2008) - 2.5/10
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer - 2/10
The Ring Two - 2/10
The Final - 1.5/10
The Hole - 1.5/10
Slender Man - 1.5/10
Valentine - 1.5/10
Captivity - 1/10
I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer - 1/10
Things Heard & Seen - 1/10
The Fourth Kind - 0.5/10
Open Graves - 0.5/10

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10/21/21 4:45:32 AM

I just finished The Medium, it was every bit as fantastic as you said. I completely agree that this is perhaps the best doc-horror film I ever seen (with Noroi: The Curse being the closest contender) and even the best possession movie. Everything about it feels genuine. It tackles taboo horrors with a professional ease and studious lens, basically the whole last hour is one of the most harrowing parts of a film I've ever seen and it just keeps escalating and escalating and getting more bloody and violent and grotesque by the minute, and it works so well because the family is so keenly human and you understand what they're going through as if you know them on a personal level. PB is not kidding when he says "Go out of your way to watch it.", because now I'm telling you the same thing. This film shook me to the core and I love it for that.

I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
(almost) every horror game ever made:
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10/21/21 9:04:31 AM

PrivateBiscuit1 posted...
59. Let Me In (2018) (Peacock)
They made a remake of the remake of Let the Right One In?

Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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10/21/21 11:10:59 AM

Snake5555555555 posted...
I just finished The Medium, it was every bit as fantastic as you said. I completely agree that this is perhaps the best doc-horror film I ever seen (with Noroi: The Curse being the closest contender) and even the best possession movie. Everything about it feels genuine. It tackles taboo horrors with a professional ease and studious lens, basically the whole last hour is one of the most harrowing parts of a film I've ever seen and it just keeps escalating and escalating and getting more bloody and violent and grotesque by the minute, and it works so well because the family is so keenly human and you understand what they're going through as if you know them on a personal level. PB is not kidding when he says "Go out of your way to watch it.", because now I'm telling you the same thing. This film shook me to the core and I love it for that.
Yeeeeeah glad you liked this one too buddy!

Johnbobb posted...
They made a remake of the remake of Let the Right One In?
They sure did. I had the wrong year though--it's 2010.

It stars Chloe Grace-Moritz as the vampire.

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10/21/21 2:16:35 PM

61. Mayhem (Shudder)

I saw Stephen Yeun and Samara Weaving were in this, so I had to watch!

Mayhem is about an attorney at a law firm who teams up with someone who was screwed over by this law firm to kill his boss after a virus that makes everyone far more aggressive overtakes the entire company.

I had a lot of fun with this movie! It's a cornball film with tons of blood that doesn't take itself very seriously. Just what the title suggests: mayhem. The motivations are enjoyable, Samara Weaving and Stephen Yeun do a great job making it a really enjoyable trip as well. I really enjoyed immersing myself in the nonsense that was unfolding.

I actually have not much to say about this though. It's fun, gruesome, well-acted, and funny. I recommend!

Rating: 7.5/10

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10/21/21 5:34:49 PM

Watching The Girl In The Woods and I'm halfway through the season now.

It's okay.

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10/21/21 7:59:38 PM

62. The Girl In The Woods (TV Series) (Peacock)

This was a very quick watch with 8 episodes at 24 minutes each. Binged it pretty easily!

The Girl In The Woods is about a girl in the woods who is part of a cult that keeps evil away from the suburban town she lives in, and the cult has come for her.

So I posted when I was 4 episodes done with the show saying it was okay. I honestly probably would've given this series like, a 4 at that point? Just a nothing happening series for 4 episodes. It's very queer heavy, which is fine. I'm not queer myself, so it doesn't really strike me as any more gripping than anything else, and I'm sure for someone who is queer or teenagers trying to go through their own identities, this is probably more impactful for them. But there's not really anything happening for those first 4 episodes. I was actually pretty bored.

But it seems like they saved literally everything great about this for the back half of the series. However, because they did this, I feel like this whole series could've been an even more breezy 6 episodes long or so. But the stuff they have in this back half? Pretty great stuff and really well-directed moments. If you're familiar with CryptTV, you know they're capable of some good ass stuff. And when they just get down to typical horror elements, hot damn is it great stuff. We got body horror, interesting monsters, tense and thrilling situations. Legitimately good stuff here.

Buuuuut this still has some issues. Largely in that the characters, for the most part, aren't too interesting. The lead girl (the one not in the woods) is fun, but it feels like all the stuff where you really enjoy the characters is also in the back half of the series. It's a really strange dichotomy. They put so much of their lore and BS in the front that frankly isn't all that interesting? And then their own personal drama which also isn't terribly interesting? There's a non-binary character who probably has the most interest, but it boils a lot of it down to "mean kids bully him" so it's not the most inspired?

I dunno, I feel like they really could have just narrowed this down to 6 episodes and maybe went less heavy on LORE stuff. I don't need to know the ins and outs of your monster battle cult (sounds a lot cooler than it is), and I think they could have really could have done with better characterization with less.

I wish this was a better outing for CryptTV because I think they're really capable of some excellent stuff. I don't know why they didn't opt for an anthology show where each episode is something new, which seems like more their speed. Or go in any other direction with this show, so there's more monsters happening. This just didn't work out, and I'm a bit bummed over it really. Because everything with the monsters and horror situations is SO GOOD. The problem is there's just not enough of it.

Rating: 5.5/10

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10/21/21 8:32:46 PM

Movie #21, Santa's Slay. This is the best thing Bill Goldberg ever did. One million billion stars

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10/21/21 9:01:06 PM

Don't have Shudder but The Medium seems really good

Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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10/21/21 9:09:51 PM

also just saw Halloween Kills and... I'm less impressed than you guys are? Like after seeing several people here talking about how great it was I really hoping for more, but everything was just really predictable. Just kinda felt like more of the same. A big chunk of the early movie was frankly hard to stay awake through, and when it does pick up, it kinda felt like nonsense? Like the mob in the hospital could've been cool, but it just kinda went from zero to full raging mob with no buildup (reminds me of if The Mist had just skipped the entire middle 45 minutes) and the mob scene at the end just felt bad? Like everyone takes turns hitting Michael Myers until he's downed and "helpless." His retaliation could've been cool but it felt really unearned. Why did they all just calmly let him recover? This is the dude that's been terrorizing you for 40 years and still they just let him up because they need a sequel.

I don't know, nothing about this really impressed me, from the design, to the awkward preachy writing, to the forgettable characters.

Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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10/21/21 9:28:48 PM

Well here's a few things.

First, in this timeline he's been locked up for 40 years. So he's quite literally only killed those four or so people 40 years ago, then some people Halloween night.

Also, they think he's dead there. There's no reason they have to believe he'd just get back up and kill everyone. Dude got shot in the chest like a dozen times. So the point is that they want you to really believe he's actually dead, and they spring on us that he's just an unholy entity, and that Laurie was right when she said he gets more powerful when he kills people.

The story is very much one of "He builds up his legend and the more people believe in him being such a menacing evil force, the more powerful he becomes" with the implication that he shouldn't have survived any of this, but it's because people believe he's more than just a man is why he's able to literally never die.

It's an idea I personally love. I think it makes him stand out. He's not an unkillable monster just because that's who he is, but because the people believed he was bigger than just a serial killer.

Hope that helps give you at least my perspective on it!

Edit: I don't disagree with a lot of your criticisms (I felt them too and mentioned them in my review!) I just think the best parts outweigh the bad parts of the film.

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10/21/21 9:36:42 PM

so I guess part of my issue is this movie (and by extension, the one before it) reset the canon, like you said, so that Michael is just a locked up killer from long ago. But that makes the movie's repeated, drilled-in message that he's the pure embodiment of evil growing in power over time and so on feel out of place? Like we, the audience know that because we've seen the character be the face of basically the whole horror film industry for 4+ decades. But everyone in the movie (except arguably Laurie Strode) seems to exist in some weird space between knowing Michael is an invincible evil beast and thinking he's just some guy, and their reactions to him seem inconsistent scene to scene.

Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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10/21/21 9:47:15 PM

See, I didn't feel a lot of that.

Laurie is the only one who thinks he's some unkillable monster. Everyone else seems pretty convinced he can be killed. In fact, I'd argue everyone in the movie thought that except for Laurie who maintains that he can only die if she does. While everyone tells her "It's not about you, he doesn't care about you" she maintains he can only die when she does, because they're so entwined.

Of everything they drilled over and over into this movie, I don't think that him growing in power was the one. I think the intent was to say "He's fucking evil. Let's kill this son of a bitch once and for all." And after his massacre in the previous movie and this one, it seems justified that they repeatedly tell you he's pure evil and they need a mob to take him down. Everyone in the movie pretty staunchly believes he's just an evil serial killer, and the fact that they keep building him up and building a mob to take him down is the driving point that he is more. And I think the only thing that changes between each scene is that they get a lot less brave when he's actually coming after them. The nurse is probably the most brave one because she survived him before when he was just a guy, and then he just uses incredible strength to murder her and the other folks in the car are horrified.

Laurie is our Loomis in this movie. She is the only one that understands the true extent of Michael Myers. Everyone else thinks they do, but they obviously don't.

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10/21/21 9:48:40 PM

I thought it was pretty evident they all thought he was Just Some Guy. For all their yelling about evil dying tonight, they took him for an evil dude with a knife and got killed for it, just like everyone has been doing since Loomis first started yelling "No he isn't you idiots"

We are thought, and reality, and concept, and the unimaginable
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10/22/21 12:30:52 AM

63. There's Someone Inside Your House (Netflix)

We got ourselves a teen slasher with some added gimmicks.

There's Someone Inside Your House is about a group of teenagers who are all getting picked off one by one by a killer wearing a mask of them.

Like alright, it has some good parts but this barely kept my attention. It's just not that interesting, the drama is decent, but it's really just carried by the gimmick and the lead actress' acting. It felt like it was going to take it less seriously than it did, but the movie is pretty serious for the most part despite some good bits.

I dunno, this one just didn't do a whole lot for me. It feels like a very Netflix movie, and you can probably guess what that's like. I just have little to say about it. I liked the interesting parts a lot, but everything else fell off.

Rating: 6.5/10

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10/22/21 2:15:52 AM

64. Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (Hulu)

It's incredible that I forgot how bad this movie was, and rest assured it's horrible.

Blair Witch 2 is about a group of people trying to find out stuff about the Blair Witch and they end up hallucinating a bunch.

Who is this movie for? Who in Hollywood thought that this would be for fans of The Blair Witch Project? It barely has cam footage, it's barely connected with the original movie, it is entirely scripted. What? Why? How did they just not make this its own movie? Who convinced execs this was a good idea?

This movie sucks even outside of that. It's a bunch of them just arguing with each other, each of them having shitty personalities, horrible acting, a nonsense plot that meanders its way to the finish line with an ending that is just terrible and stupid and insulting. It's not scary. It has random jump scare hallucinations. Just such an idiotic movie overall. I cannot understand anything about why it was made or why it was made how it was.

If you're wondering if it's as bad as you might remember: it is. Don't bother.

Rating: 0.5/10

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10/22/21 2:25:21 AM

You might know this already but the director, Joe Berlinger, was and is a huge documentary guy especially on Netflix in recent years. He even directed one of my personal favorite docs, Metallica's Some Kind of Monster. His original vision for BW2 was apparently a lot different than how it turned out.

I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
(almost) every horror game ever made:
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10/22/21 2:48:31 AM

Yeah, I saw he does documentaries, which makes it even more strange they asked him to do this movie. I dunno. I'm not convinced his vision would be that much better because the movie just sucks overall.

I was going to watch an awesome movie tonight but it's too late for me to give it the attention it deserves. So I'm watching The Unborn from 2009 instead.

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10/22/21 4:23:27 AM

65. The Unborn (2009) (Amazon)

This is kind of a ho-hum sort of movie that has some good qualities.

The Unborn is about a girl who keeps seeing weird stuff, and she realizes her family is cursed and she's next on the chopping block.

So alright, this movie isn't great. Bizarrely it has Gary Oldman and Idris Elba in minor roles, which confounds me. For the most part, it's decently acted though, and there's some really good visuals. The monsters, in particular, are outstanding. Legitimately great stuff there and really good effects for 2009.

But the plot sort of flounders a bit, and it's just, I dunno, not interesting? It serves it's purpose, but it just trudges along and isn't too compelling to get into. It's just there to get you through to some cool stuff, which is honestly fine to me. The ending kinda sucks though. It's really dumb. I feel like some things also got lost in the script, and things tossed away, while others were kept in.

It's a decent little movie though. I can't trash on it too terribly hard, because I need to really make it clear there's some great stuff in there. But it's just that when you factor the plot in, I don't know how much it's worth getting there for.

Rating: 6/10

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10/22/21 1:42:24 PM

66. Child's Play (1988) (Starz)

Hey guys, it holds up.

Child's Play is about a serial killer who puts his soul into a toy's body and starts to murder folks again.

I remember this being one of the few horror movies that scared the hell out of me as a kid. It's easy to see why--the concept is honestly brilliant. A toy come to life trying to kill you. I had toys! I never wanted them to kill me! And watching it again, much of this movie honestly holds up. This is before they became campy as hell, and I've sort of always preferred Chucky in this way. The movie doesn't take itself entirely seriously with a couple jokes here and there, but overall it plays it completely straight as a complete nightmare.

Everything about this movie works, and it's an awesome film because of it. When they finally start to show Chucky moving around on his own, the build up makes it unsettling. There's so many memorable things in this film that I remember distinctly since I last watched it a looong time ago. Chucky himself is just so well crafted and horrifying, especially in the last parts of the movie.

I'm surprised at just how well this movie holds up though. It hasn't aged poorly in the slightest, and it still feels like a legitimate horror icon. I think the reason I like the TV series so much is because they took a lot of the legitimately horrifying concepts and ideas that made these early movies enjoyable, but they also toss more of the light comedy in later. The horror bits are just too good to let go of, and I loved they went back to those roots more for the show.

Anyway, Child's Play is still great. Check it out.

Rating: 8.5/10

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10/22/21 2:50:24 PM

Starting Season 1 of Slasher, The Executioner

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10/22/21 8:46:02 PM

Movie #22, Wishmaster. I love this movie to bits almost entirely for Andrew Divoff's acting. There's a man who was having fun being evil

We are thought, and reality, and concept, and the unimaginable
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10/23/21 1:07:43 PM

I am now watching A Nightmare On Elm Street 4.

I'm not even 10 minutes in and I hate it already.

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10/23/21 2:59:14 PM

They're all downhill after 3. And then Freddy vs Jason manages to be really fun

We are thought, and reality, and concept, and the unimaginable
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10/23/21 3:26:36 PM

67. A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (HBO Max)


A Nightmare On Elm Street 4 is about Freddy Kreuger coming back to murder a bunch of kids.

Listen, they open this movie up with a few kids from the last movie all doing Dream bullshit and joking around and a dog being pulled in somehow to bite a girl and wake everyone up. Oh my god is this ever bad. And they make things more muddled with this dream bullshit like HELLO CAN WE JUST KEEP IT BASIC? The more bullshit you have for people to fight back against Freddy, this less cool or scary it is.

Speaking of, there are so few scares to be had here. But the worst part? This movie isn't fun. This stuff is just goofy, but it's just a boring kind of goofy. I found it so hard to engage or care about this film because it's just... bad. Bad, bad movie.

What can I honestly say about this film? For some reason they felt compelled to bring back a few members of the previous film to die, and then they pass on dream powers... what? Go back to basics! Freddy kills you in your sleep, you have to fight back and get away from him and survive! Bring him into the real world! Just... simple stuff! This Dream Warrior Dream Master stuff is maddeningly awful and I had intended to watch the whole franchise, but this movie is so bad it makes me dread watching any more. I just can't imagine who actually enjoyed this movie, let alone the others which are somehow worse!

This one gets by on having Freddy have some good moments, but otherwise it's an absolute dud.

Rating: 2/10

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10/23/21 6:44:52 PM

68. Child's Play 2 (Peacock)

The sequel to the creepy doll movie. It's good. Let's go.

Child's Play 2 is about Chucky coming back to go after Andy to put his soul in his body, while Andy is now in foster care after the events of the first movie.

So this movie is fine until we get to the halfway mark. Then I think it just blasts full speed into a great movie. I have a lot of memories about this one, and while it's not as good as the original, they do a ton of fun stuff still with the doll concept.

In particular, the doll factory is the best part of the movie and maybe the series? I love everything about that, the ending and everything leading up to it. It's a fun time when it just ramps up the insanity and doll body horror and do some crazy things they can't get away with when they have a human killer.

I really enjoy this one and I thiiiiink that's the last one they do a legitimately great job with making him a creepy terror. I need to refresh with Child's Play 3 again, but I recall it not being as good.

Rating: 7.5/10

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10/23/21 7:50:10 PM

Movie #23, Sleepaway Camp. It's odd to watch this knowing the ending already, since that ending flips the entire movie on its head

We are thought, and reality, and concept, and the unimaginable
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10/23/21 9:22:11 PM

Yeah, Sleepaway Camp is such a whatever movie except for the ending which comes out of fucking nowhere.

Also, I just finished watching Scream! About to watch Unfriended 2! Probably no ratings or anything until tomorrow.

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10/24/21 1:05:41 PM

69. Scream (1996) (Amazon)

Let's talk about the best slasher deconstructing slasher movies!

Scream is about a serial killer who is going after people in a high school talking about spooky movies.

I honestly think this movie is incredible, even re-watching it. The worst part about it is knowing the ending, because there's very few movies as fulfilling as this one without knowing the ending. But even then, there's so much there that Wes Craven does to subvert your expectations here and put so many clues that most of the characters could be the killer.

I could honestly gush about this for a while, but it's just just a fun movie to watch and does such a great job being funny and terrifying all the same. The fact that the killer acts like a regular ass dude helps with that. He's human. There's more reason to root for the survivors. They can reasonably fight back. The killer stumbles around like a fucking idiot half the time and it makes it so much more gripping.

The intro scene is one of the best. The ending is also really incredibly well done and cannot be forgotten. The film is just so awesome and really revolutionary. It's a fun ride when you know everything about it, and while it does delve a little bit too much into the dorky horror talk sometimes, I think the way it approaches it for this movie is incredible.

Rating: 10/10

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10/24/21 1:11:51 PM

70. Unfriended: Dark Web (Hulu)

Fuck this movie sucks and makes no sense.

Unfriended: Dark Web is about some kid who gets a laptop that starts doing weird stuff and then he's involved with the dArK wEb.

This entire movie I was praying for a supernatural element instead of the shit we got here. This movie completely falls apart and has the dumbest protagonists. It spends FOREVER to get us to a part where anything big happens. Literally paused it when the first thing happens and I was 1 hour, 1 minute in. So awful.

The characters aren't particularly likable either despite their best efforts. There's just a bunch of stupid hacking shit and abductions, and it's all just... dumb. It's the best way to describe it. Like so much falls apart if they did ONE thing differently. I don't know why they went this direction, because it falls apart so bad. And there's a deaf girl plot that seems so... pointless and it really didn't need it at all for the plot aside from like one scene?

There's a few cool bits in this movie, but it's honestly overwhelmed by how poorly everything is done otherwise. This movie sucks, make no mistake, and it is not worth your time.

Rating: 1.5/10

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10/24/21 6:36:20 PM

I am now watching Censor.

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10/24/21 6:45:35 PM

man I ALMOST watched that tonight but I'm watching Freaky (2020) instead

Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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10/24/21 6:51:17 PM

Freaky is a very fun movie and I had a great time watching that one!

I stream sometimes. Check it out!
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10/24/21 7:08:27 PM

I've been putting it off for a while as I'm generally not a Vince Vaughn fan, though I did enjoy him in Brawl In Cell Block 99

this woodshop teacher is literally the most ridiculously awful character I think I've ever seen

Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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