Board 8 > ITT I Rate Every Horror Movie I Watch in October

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10/28/21 8:02:14 AM

As far as Friday goes, I like all of them but 8 and Jason Goes to Hell (which is the worst movie ever made in my eyes). I even find Jason X to be entertaining even though it's a bad movie. Overall I'd say 6 is probably my favorite in the series.

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10/28/21 12:17:50 PM

92. Blood Red Sky (Netflix)

Hey, this is a fun plane heist movie.

Blood Red Sky is about a group of terrorists who try to take over a plane, but a sickly mother attempts to stop them.

This is a very bloody, entertaining ride. If I had one real complaint, it's that it feels a bit long for what it is. The ending probably overindulges a little bit. But aside from that, I thought it was great.

This was a German film, but had some non-German actors like Graham McTavish and Dominic Purcell in it. If I knew they were in it, I probably would've watched sooner! But it adds to a bit more authenticity of the concept to me. It explores the past of the woman, and it goes in directions I didn't expect. I saw the ending coming, but that wasn't bad.

Overall, it's a fun film. I recommend checking it out! I can't talk as much as I want to about it because of spoilers, since the twist in the movie is also what makes it so good. And it unfortunately comes about halfway through the movie, so you'll just need to take my word for it that it's a good one!

Rating: 7.5/10

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10/28/21 1:36:24 PM

The Medium

I initially dismissed this movie because I'm not really into Southeast Asian horror, but having read the two recommendations in this topic I decided to give it a try. Absolutely correct choice.

I don't have much to add, but there's a few details in the movie that I had to read reddit analysis to really grasp. Since I am not familiar with Southeast Asian folklore and such I don't think I could have pieced this together.

The shaman hired by Nim is actually evil. He locked the possessed girl in the room, and used her mother, Noi, to draw out Ba Yan into the pot. He killed Nim to set loose Ba Yan for capture, that's why Nim mysteriously died in her room. If he was truly helping Mink he would have been drawing out the evil spirit in her rather than drawing in whatever it is to her mother.

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10/28/21 1:48:50 PM

93. Escape Room (Hulu)

What a stupid movie. I had a good time though.

Escape Room is about a bunch of folks who get brought into an escape room, but it's fatal.

Like I said, this movie is really stupid. But it's fun enough. I feel like they didn't go far enough with the concept to make it better though? I mean it's basically just a survival room with various "concepts" to make it deadly. And then there's something to tie them all together? I appreciate the effort, at least, and them basically taking advantage of the escape room craze. But man do the clues and answers all kinda suck. And then it devolves into nonsense... I dunno.

It's not great. But it's still a dumb kind of entertaining. Watch it if you want something to turn your brain off and enjoy (ironically in a movie where you're supposed to use your smarts to solve it).

Rating: 6.5/10

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10/28/21 2:01:18 PM

Ayyyy glad you liked The Medium! It's an outstanding film! If you like that, check out The Wailing as well. It's a positively outstanding film made by a lot of the same people set in South Korea. I think The Wailing is a better film personally.

Also I am now watching the original Slumber Party Massacre.

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10/28/21 4:01:13 PM

Leigh Whannell is off Wolfman now.

Interest completely shot.

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10/28/21 4:44:20 PM

94. Slumber Party Massacre (1982) (Amazon)

Good lord, this is one B-level movie 80's slasher. I admit I was only really interested in it because I know it was like this, but I wanted to double check before I watch the reboot/sequel that just came out.

Slumber Party Massacre is about a serial killer who wants to murder a bunch of girls with a power drill during a sleep over.

I mean, there's not a ton here to say. It's your basic slasher with a unique weapon. I'll take it. Didn't light my world on fire, but it was a decent watch. It's exactly what you expect it to be though. There are long, elaborate scenes of gratuitous camera shots on bare ass or boobs. A school shower scene. You guys know this type of movie.

It does some entertaining stuff with it though, I guess. I can't really be too down on it because it does what it wants to do, and knows what it is, and it does all of that just fine. It's a weird little movie and I don't know how it stood out, but I guess it probably has a little more going for it than most movies like this, which isn't saying too much? I can't give it a ton of praise, frankly. So let's just rate it.

Rating: 6/10

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10/28/21 7:09:21 PM

I really lik The Terror so far. Unfortunately I'm not pacing through it as much as I'd like! I have five episodes yet for the first season, so I guess I'll have to see what I can get through at work tomorrow and blitz the rest.

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10/28/21 7:36:29 PM

Well October is almost over and I only JUST discovered they have a Shudder app for my Samsung TV. Not sure what hen they added it but god damn is it so much more intuitive than the mobile app which suuuuucked.

My quality of life has drastically increased with this app.

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10/28/21 9:48:40 PM

Movie #28, House of the Devil. Oh wow that was legit a creepyass movie, lol. College girl accepts a babysitting job at a house in the middle of nowhere, and from the outset everything is incredibly wrong. Also manages to look just like a movie from the 70s in spite of being made in 2009

We are thought, and reality, and concept, and the unimaginable
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10/28/21 11:45:21 PM

I've been meaning to check out that one. I hear it's good!

But for now I'm going to watch Daniel Isn't Real.

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10/29/21 2:51:03 AM

95. Daniel Isn't Real (Shudder)

What the fuck this movie is really good and wild.

Daniel Isn't Real is about a college boy who feels overwhelmed, so he lets his imaginary friend return. But soon his imaginary friend isn't getting along with him anymore.

This last act is FUCKING CRAZY. I loved it. The lead up to it is just escalating this toxic relationship between the boy and his imaginary friend, Daniel. And then everything starts to become more clear as the movie goes and then WOW does it ever get nuts. The final act somehow becomes something so much stranger, and yet also calls back to a lot.

This movie does a ton of stuff really well, and as it starts to spiral out of control, you're feeling the tenseness. And then the final act? Oh god does it ever get nightmarish. Legitimately cringed at it got there. It just takes what you have seen thusfar and then skips notches 8-10 and just throws you into 11 and doesn't stop.

This movie is great! Go watch Daniel Isn't Real! You'll enjoy it!

Rating: 8.5/10

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10/29/21 10:24:05 AM

PrivateBiscuit1 posted...
I really lik The Terror so far. Unfortunately I'm not pacing through it as much as I'd like! I have five episodes yet for the first season, so I guess I'll have to see what I can get through at work tomorrow and blitz the rest.
I liked The Terror a lot but it's a slooooooow burn

unlike the carnival

Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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10/29/21 11:46:28 AM

Time for me to watch Silent Hill again.

This movie makes me sad.

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10/29/21 1:57:17 PM

I'm only halfway through this movie and I don't know how there is still another hour left of this movie.

How did they wring 2 hours out of this?

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10/29/21 3:02:25 PM

96. Silent Hill (Starz)

I'll kick this write up off with an anecdote.

I went to see this with my friend who knows nothing about Silent Hill. And around the time that that one girl nearly trips jumping over the chasm, he looked at me and said, "If this turns out to be aliens, I'm walking out of this movie." We both continued to not enjoy this movie to the end. Fortunately they did not give us the UFO ending for this film.

Silent Hill is about Rose taking her daughter and getting trapped in Silent Hill with Amanda from The Walking Dead as Cybil and then creepy stuff happens plus a cult while Sean Bean meanders around to find tiny morsels of LORE.

I have never wanted to like a movie as much as I did with this one. But I cannot like this movie. It's so bad. There is SO MUCH LOVE put into it from the franchise, and you can tell they wanted to do their best to make this an awesome movie for people who love the series. And the effects are great. Individual scenes are great!

But you leaned into the god damn game too much and it hurt because of it. You needed to treat this as a film for people who know nothing about the franchise first, and adapt it into a more cohesive film. Sean Bean's subplot is worthless. Waste of time entirely. And these flash backs, and legitimately cool scenes that actually have no purpose but to be cool? And other scenes that could easily be thrown out that weren't as cool? Uggggggh just maddening stuff. And the dialogue is really, horrifically bad at times (mostly because I'm sure they wanted to adapt it from the game) and there's so many unintentionally funny moments where this movie just sucked.

I don't think I've ever been so angry as when Rose walks into the room and it goes pitch black and then creepy girl goes "You made it and followed all my clues! Here is your reward! [SO MUCH FUCKING LORE THAT EXPLAINS THE WHOLE BACKGROUND OF THIS FILM]" Just absolutely awful writing and pacing.

This movie could have been something special. Hell, give it another shot with today's technology and I'm sure it's even cooler. But god damn, they messed this film up so badly and it frustrates me every time I watch. I don't think I can watch again it makes me so upset. I've never even seen Revelaiton, you know that? Not even once because I was so upset at this movie! Well... maybe next year.

This rating is as high as it is entirely on cool scenes and ideas, and nothing more.

Rating: 4.5/10

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10/29/21 3:23:49 PM

I admit... I like the Silent Hill movie quite a bit. And I know everything you said is right and true and I still like it a lot. Using the game OSTs was cheating.

On Revelaiton... if you're upset at the first film... well let me tell ya, it ain't gonna be pretty.

I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
(almost) every horror game ever made:
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10/29/21 3:46:31 PM

There is one song they played over and over and over again in the flashback scenes and scattered throughout the movie and it makes me so upset to hear that opening jingle.

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10/29/21 6:59:40 PM

The Terror is an absolutely fucked show

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10/29/21 8:59:19 PM

Movie #29, It Follows. Not a bad movie, but overthinking the rules of the monster made me laugh and I had to make myself stop

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10/29/21 9:12:51 PM

Much love to the STDemon

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Suprak the Stud
10/29/21 9:52:14 PM

PrivateBiscuit1 posted...
80. American Horror Story: Death Valley (FX)

So this season was completely garbage and thank god it was only 4 episodes. It ended so poorly I was CONVINCED there was another episode this week.

Death Valley is a story about aliens from back in the 1950's and the results of it in the present day.

It sucks. Everything about this season sucks. Just a complete slog to watch. It has a bunch of conspiracy bullshit, and it's only interesting half the time. They do the most insipidly boring thing you could possibly do with aliens. I enjoy the 1950's aesthetic and Neil McDonough is a delight, but good god almighty who cares about this alien conspiracy bullshit?

And then the present day stuff is even more insufferable. An ENTIRE EPISODE is spent on the sassy 20 somethings that they love to write for this show, and why? Why did this happen? And they're all the most blank slates of characters ever. And the set piece is in a white bunker. And NONE of this is interesting and I'm losing it at how little actual alien stuff they took advantage here. And it ends on the most awful cliffhanger. Nobody could care about any of the characters involved aside from maybe one in the past. It sucks. This might be the show at its worse. It threw away any and all character stuff to give us a lukewarm take on aliens.

Imagine squandering potential as hard as American Horror Story does so much. I only watched this season because my friend loves alien stuff and I wanted to watch with him, and we just hate watched this whole thing.

Absolute trash. All of it. Thank god it was only four episodes long.

Rating: 1.5/10


I was actually just getting back into AHS because I really enjoyed 1984, but this sounds borderline unwatchable. Hotel was so bad it put me off the series until they did a theme I really liked, but it sounds like maybe I should pass on this newest season as well.

"I thought you were making up diseases? That's spontaneous dental hydroplosion."
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10/29/21 10:01:18 PM

It's absolutely horrific. I hated the entire half season here.

The only seasons I think are worth watching are Murder House, Asylum, and 1984. I think the rest are various degrees of "okay at best" to "absolute trash". So if your opinion lines up with that, then you might be able to go by my word!

I thought the half seasons might be better because they usually get bored halfway through a season and just completely change directions entirely, but it turns out that they just contained some shitty stories in two halves.

This is a relevant tweet about American Horror Story:

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10/29/21 11:30:39 PM

I am now watching The Conjuring 2. Because I don't actually think I watched anything from the Conjuring Cinematic Universe this month!

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10/30/21 1:54:30 AM

97. The Conjuring 2 (HBO Max)

It's the sequel to Conjuring with the Warrens again! It's good, just not as good as the original.

A family in England has a possessed daughter and the Warrens go to help with the evil demonic issue!

I like this movie a lot. It has a ton of good with it. The storyline is really solid. The scares are really good. There's a lot of atmospherically creepy scenes too. It feels a lot like the first movie, but it has a lot more of a love story thru-line through the whole film which is... I dunno, fine I guess. I didn't feel it nearly as much as they wanted me to, but at least the Nun is super dope for it. So it's fine. I just never really bought into the premonition of Ed's death.

The best way I can truly describe it is just... the Conjuring 1, but not as good. But it's still really, really good! It's just very hard to top that original one, you know? But damnit all if James Wan doesn't still do a great job with it. It's clear that they had used the rest of the really good ideas by the end of this movie though. I just don't think there's enough in the Warren library to make another really excellent film like these two, because Conjuring 3 was not it.

Rating: 8/10

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10/30/21 11:40:00 AM

98. The House of the Devil (Peacock)

What a strange, strange movie with an interesting direction style.

The House of the Devil is about a girl who gets convinced to watch over a home for a large sum of money, but there appears to be something more sinister going on.

It's a movie done with a 70's or 80's aesthetic, down to the presentation. But it still feels like it has modern filmmaking at times? It's a very unique style that I appreciated! The storytelling also felt oddly like a more modernized take on that style too.

It's a very atmospheric film that just really ramps up the "what the fuck is going to happen", arguably a little bit too much. I feel like it needed to get to the meat and bones of the matter a little bit sooner, but how everything is done makes for a simple, good story. When things really ramp it, it ramps up hard and is actually a stark contrast to when things are just... quiet and subtle. In that respect, it makes for a more thrilling climax of the film by virtue of taking its time quite a bit when getting there.

It's a really solid film though. I quite enjoyed my time watching it. If any of that interests you, check it out!

Rating: 7/10

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10/30/21 7:14:05 PM

Movie #30, Nightmare on Elm Street (original). Wow they were really all downhill after this one

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10/30/21 8:46:31 PM

So I did finish The Terror season 1 and I also finished the latest season of What We Do In The Shadows. Expect write ups for those probably tomorrow.

Aaaaaand I'm going to see Last Night in Soho later tonight!

Antlers tomorrow.

Paranormal Activity Reboot sometime.

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10/31/21 1:09:45 AM

Go see Last Night In Soho. It is the best movie I've seen this year.

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10/31/21 12:10:21 PM

99. The Terror: Season 1 (TV Series) (Hulu)

This show was a fucking trip from start to finish. Really, really good stuff.

The Terror is about a group of naval explorers who get their ships trapped in the arctic and must survive while a terrible creature stalks them.

This is more of a drama between the folks in the arctic than it is about the creature, but it's still plenty terrifying. As time goes by, they become increasingly more desperate and horrifying as they begin to lose their minds, and it plays out and escalates so well. So many of the scenes just made me balk at how damn awful the things happening in them were. It's really great at being able to shock you because it's just such a strong story, and nothing feels like it shouldn't be happening.

And then the creature itself is basic, but it really is a group presence throughout the show as it just tears through people. It comes in at the perfect moments and is such a great device to propel the story. It really does feel like an insurmountable beast. I loved that about it.

It really just feels like such a suitably bleak show, but it does everything so well and keeps you on edge through its entire run time. My only complaint is that it feels a little too dry at times. But aside from that, it's a really great show that does many things to keep you uncertain of what's to come. Definitely worth checking out!

Rating: 8.5/10

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10/31/21 5:52:05 PM

Movie show whatever #31, Squid Game. Yeah let's binge this because why not

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10/31/21 6:19:38 PM

DeathChicken posted...
Movie show whatever #31, Squid Game. Yeah let's binge this because why not

Enjoy a very good show

edit: Just FYI the English dub is notoriously terrible

I need to update my signature.
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10/31/21 10:12:18 PM

100. What We Do In The Shadows: Seasons 1-3 (TV Series) (Hulu)

Is there anything more worthy of spot 100 here?

What We Do In The Shadows is a documentary-style comedy that follows multiple vampires and their familiar and their everyday hijinx.

There are very few shows that will absolutely knock me ass laughing as What We Do In The Shadows. It's just so damn good and hilarious. I don't think they've ever missed with a single episode. These dumb as fuck vampires and their personalities are all so fun to deal with, and what they get on with is great. I think this series gets better in time, really. And it starts off so strong already.

I could name so many episodes that hold such a special place for me with how funny they are, but there's no point. There's sooooo many. And they usually take mythology of vampires and many other horror creatures and really runs away with it. And just how little they take it all seriously. The cameos with so many people in Hollywood slay me every time they appear in the show--they never disappoint!

My favorite part is just how much of assholes the leads are to one another. And yet, it still feels endearing somehow despite this.

I love this show, and I can't wait for every episode. I recommend everyone check it out. I've never been disappointed by this show once.

Rating: 10/10

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10/31/21 10:18:44 PM

wallmasterz posted...
Enjoy a very good show

edit: Just FYI the English dub is notoriously terrible
Oh yeah, one minute in and I was like, yikes, Korean it is

We are thought, and reality, and concept, and the unimaginable
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10/31/21 10:38:28 PM

What We Do In The Shadows is an amazing show.

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10/31/21 11:13:41 PM

I've been putting off watching that for so long and I don't know why

Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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10/31/21 11:54:54 PM

Watched Halloween Kills. I liked it a good bit less than 2018 (which I also watched tonight, back to back). It was an unfocused film with way too many rushed characters but pretty much anything with Michael was great.

I'm with Johnbobb, I too think the whole mob scene was nonsense and I felt like I was watching a totally different film for a bit there. And it's also frankly comical how they bring back all these "characters you know" like they're the Halloween Avengers. Really missed the mark on the messaging there in my opinion.

But these are easily some of Michael's most brutal kills in the whole franchise and there was a lot of well-directed tension to go along with the destruction.

Also I hated the ending

I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
(almost) every horror game ever made:
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11/01/21 12:02:02 AM

101. Last Night In Soho (Theaters)

I think I mentioned this before, but I think this was the best movie I saw all year.

Last Night In Soho is about a fashion student who moves to Soho in London and begins to see visions of a girl who the 60's who wants to be a famous singer. Things start to take a more tragic turn though for the girl in the 60's.

Edgar Wright put together such a beautiful film. I'll go ahead and say that this movie isn't exactly the scariest film. There's moments where it's legitimately tense and terrifying though. But it has so many horror elements that just make this movie so amazing.

The acting in this movie is superb, and they serve to plot so well. And the plot flows in such a flawless way too. It takes you on so many turns and it's so incredibly paced too. By the end, I was so superbly happy with the time I spent watching.

Honestly though, this should be seen for the directing and cinematography, because there's some incredible stuff done with both the non-horror and horror aspects. It's amazing how this film can have me going "Aww everyone's so happy!" to immediately going "Oh my god oh my god this is awful make it stop" so seamlessly.

Go see Last Night In Soho. It's a must watch as far as I'm concerned. You won't regret it.

Rating: 9.5/10

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11/01/21 12:27:27 AM

102. Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin (Paramount+)

Uh, this will not be the reboot to the franchise they wanted. But it was fine.

Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin is about a girl who finds an Amish brother. Wanting to meet the rest of her family she never got to know when her mother gave her away, she joins her brother to go back to that community when Paranormal Activity Things happen.

So this movie is just the same Paranormal Activity stuff you've seen for the majority of the run time until the ending. What it does differently is put you in a setting with the Amish, and also they don't focus on the spooky demon stuff as much during it. It's a switch on a formula that feels better... but also not that great?

Like the Amish thing is interesting to me squarely because I used to live in Pennsylvania, which had a big Amish presence. But even then, it just doesn't do much interesting with the film, and while the characters are probably more interesting than the usual ones, they're still... well, horrifically dumb.

All of that said, the new setting is welcome. That's what made Paranormal Activity 5 stand out. And it has a legitimately good last act. Like, it's nothing like anything you've seen in these movies so far and it escalates quite a bit and gets fucking wild. I liked all of that a lot. If you end up starting the movie, it's worth sitting through the whole thing for that.

But bafflingly, there's parts of this movie where they add in noises and stuff and I was like "Did they just... have someone, in the universe this movie is set in, edit the film to have more spooky shit in post?" And then there's scenes where they just... don't use a camera. Like, there's no conceivable way a camera should be filming it, but it still has it there. It's jarring for a movie like this where they go "Fuck it, who cares," especially for scenes it probably would've played better without it. And then there's a moment where they show off slow-motion with these kids and I'm like "Oh, I guess they're going to slow down some footage to solve a problem." NOOOOOOPE. It's used solely in an action scene to look cool, meaning someone in-universe edited that in post too! It's SO STRANGE.

Some plot spoilers. They establish what is happening in the movie at the end. And when they do, they also prove that NONE OF THIS SPOOKY PARANORMAL ACTIVITY BULLSHIT SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED. There is no demon spirit fucking about. So it's this glaring plothole they don't give you time to think about until after the movie is over. It's like they just added this shit in to have spooky ghost stuff but there's no reason for that to happen as they explain it in the film. I was completely floored when I thought about it after the movie ended.

Overall, the thought that they expected this movie to come out in theaters is nuts. It's not great. It wouldn't bring that much more life into the franchise. But... it's still pretty good at the end for a Paranormal Activity movie? I dunno. That's my review. You can decide for yourself if you want to watch it. It gets carried by a great last act and a fresh setting.

Rating: 5.5/10

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11/01/21 12:34:25 AM

103. Antlers (Theaters)

This movie is a good time and a good story.

Antlers is about a boy who is taking care of his father who is becoming more and more feral, and a teacher that tries to help him.

This movie does a lot of things really well. It's a twisted folk story that is unsettling for a vast majority of it. Keri Russell and Jesse Plemons do a great job as well. The story stands out as facilitating these grisly moments and haunting imagery, while also not showing you a complete ton, but showing enough at the right moments.

I don't have a ton to say about this movie, but it's absolutely worth a watch. I loved the way that the story unfolded and thought it did some really awesome stuff with the idea and didn't pull any punches when they very reasonably could have because it gets twisted and dark really fast as some points.

Great movie. Check it out.

Rating: 7.5/10

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11/01/21 3:11:20 AM

I've got two more write ups for the last two movies I watched tonight... and then I'm finally done.

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11/01/21 2:43:27 PM

104. V/H/S 2 (Tubi)

So I was trying to figure out what to close my night off with for spooky season, and I went with something easy. An anthology series!

V/H/S 2 is about more anthology horror shorts, like the first one.

Like I said before, I never know what to say in these but I feel like this movie is better than the first V/H/S. Basically, these take full advantage of the found footage concept by just doing creative things with the genre, rather than just being some found footage movies. The first is about a man who has a cyber implant that ends up summoning ghosts. The second is GoPro footage of zombies. The next is just a bunch of hidden cam footage infiltrating a cult. And the last one is a camera attached to a dog during an alien abduction.

It just takes this concept and does something even cooler with it. The stand out is definitely the one with the cult. Good god they go all out for this one and it feels like it could have been its own film. I loved it quite a bit and that alone is enough to edge it out over the first VHS.

Like I did last time, I'd like to take a look at some of the directors for this again:

Adam Wingard (again) - You're Next, Blair Witch, Godzilla vs. King Kong
Eduardo Snchez - The Blair Witch Project, Butterfly Kisses
Timo Tjahjanto - May the Devil Take You, May the Devil Take You Too, The Night Comes For Us, Train to Busan Remake (and I trust this dude to make it)
Gareth Evans - The Raid, The Raid 2, Apostle
Jason Eisener - Hobo With A Shotgun

Overall, I think this is a better showing than V/H/S 1. So if you want to see some creative anthology horrors, check this out.

Rating: 8/10

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11/01/21 3:27:19 PM

105. The Color of Space (Shudder)

I start with Nicholas Cage, I might as well end with Nicholas Cage. I wanted to finish with something I hadn't seen that I knew was great, and I went with this.

The Color of Space is about a strange meteor that crashes by a family's home, and their descent into madness as it starts to mess with them.

I have no clue how to even discuss this movie. It's gorgeous and terrifying all at once. The visuals are completely astounding, from the bright colors and wild visuals, to the actual horrifying parts which are a nightmare to witness. Like fuck. Some stuff is going to stick with me here.

This might be Nicholas Cage acting at his best. And him and the family all just losing it in different ways is so good. I love seeing the dynamic between all of them slowly start to devolve as they're trapped with this presence. And good lord this movie doesn't pull a single punch at the madness. Just all of a sudden just losing it while everything escalates, and by god does it escalate.

Just a completely chilling, extraordinary story that I was gawking at for the majority of it. Completely fantastic movie. Highly recommend checking it out! I was extremely happy with it.

Rating: 9.5/10

I stream sometimes. Check it out!
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11/01/21 3:47:29 PM

WE MADE IT! 105 (technically 106) movies and shows I watched in October this year! I was really happy with my spread of movies here too. Thanks to everyone who followed! I hope you learned some stuff about some horror movies and have interest or severely waned interest in some cases for a lot of films and TV shows! I'll put both years together here in another post later!

My Horror Movie Ratings For October 2021:

Best of the Best:
Midnight Mass (TV Series) - 10/10
The Descent - 10/10
Don't Breathe - 10/10
A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984) - 10/10
Poltergeist (1982) - 10/10
Scream (1996) - 10/10
The Thing (1982) - 10/10
What We Do In The Shadows: Seasons 1-3 (TV Series) - 10/10

Must Watch:
The Color of Space - 9.5/10
Last Night In Soho - 9.5/10
The Medium - 9.5/10
Psycho Goreman - 9.5/10
The Canal - 9/10
Halloween (2018) - 9/10
The Invisible Man - 9/10
Malignant - 9/10
The Audition - 8.5/10
Censor - 8.5/10
Child's Play (1988) - 8.5/10
Cloverfield - 8.5/10
Daniel Isn't Real - 8.5/10
Halloween Kills - 8.5/10
I Know What You Did Last Summer - 8.5/10
Ju-On: The Grudge 2 - 8.5/10
Mandy - 8.5/10
Scream Queens: Season 1 (TV Series) - 8.5/10
Slasher: The Executioner (TV Series) - 8.5/10
The Terror: Season 1 (TV Series) - 8.5/10
Suspiria (1977) - 8.5/10

Great Movies:
Brand New Cherry Flavor (TV Series) - 8/10
Channel Zero: Candle Cove (TV Series) - 8/10
The Conjuring 2 - 8/10
Event Horizon - 8/10
Hellraiser II: Hellbound - 8/10
A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors - 8/10
The Midnight Meat Train - 8/10
Revenge - 8/10
Terrifier - 8/10
V/H/S 2 - 8/10
Antlers - 7.5/10
Blood Red Sky - 7.5/10
Child's Play 2 - 7.5/10
Demonic (2015) - 7.5/10
Friday the 13th: Part III - 7.5/10
His House - 7.5/10
Insidious: Chapter 3 - 7.5/10
Mayhem - 7.5/10
Unfriended - 7.5/10
The Blair Witch Project - 7/10
Channel Zero: No-End House (TV Series) - 7/10
A Classic Horror Story - 7/10
The House of the Devil - 7/10
Let Me In (2010) - 7/10
Underwater - 7/10
V/H/S - 7/10

Pretty Good:
Child's Play 3 - 6.5/10
Escape Room - 6.5/10
Fright Night (2011) - 6.5/10
Malevolent - 6.5/10
Nightbooks - 6.5/10
There's Someone Inside Your House - 6.5/10
Them - 6.5/10
Willy's Wonderland - 6.5/10
Antebellum - 6/10
Bedeviled - 6/10
Cat People (1984) - 6/10
From Within - 6/10
The Grudge 2 - 6/10
The Houses October Built - 6/10
Poltergeist II: The Other Side - 6/10
Slumber Party Massacre (1982) - 6/10
The Unborn (2009) - 6/10
Flatliners (1990) - 5.5/10
The Girl in the Woods (TV Series) - 5.5/10
One Missed Call (2004) - 5.5/10
Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin - 5.5/10

Below Average:
American Horror Story: Red Tide (TV Series) - 5/10
Darkness Falls - 5/10
False Positive - 5/10
Silent Hill - 4.5/10
Halloween Party - 4/10
Pulse (2006) - 3.5/10
Held - 3/10
A Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge - 3/10
Rings - 3/10

Prom Night (2008) - 2.5/10
A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master - 2/10
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer - 2/10
The Ring Two - 2/10
American Horror Story: Death Valley (TV Series) - 1.5/10
The Final - 1.5/10
The Hole - 1.5/10
Slender Man - 1.5/10
Unfriended: Dark Web - 1.5/10
Valentine - 1.5/10
Captivity - 1/10
Fantasy Island - 1/10
I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer - 1/10
Things Heard & Seen - 1/10
Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 - 0.5/10
The Fourth Kind - 0.5/10
Open Graves - 0.5/10

I stream sometimes. Check it out!
... Copied to Clipboard!
11/01/21 3:57:50 PM

Another amazing year! Sad it's over but I truly have a a decent bit to watch from this topic. And anyway Halloween is all year for me!

I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
(almost) every horror game ever made:
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11/01/21 5:01:15 PM

Yeah definitely inspired a few watches for this month and the coming future

Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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11/01/21 10:57:58 PM

watched Psycho Goreman tonight and holy shit you weren't kidding, amazing movie through and through

Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
... Copied to Clipboard!
11/01/21 11:04:46 PM

It's the heckin' best


I stream sometimes. Check it out!
... Copied to Clipboard!
11/02/21 3:38:41 PM

And here's the two years put together!

My Horror Movie Ratings For October 2020-21!:

The Best of the Best:
Aliens - 10/10
The Conjuring - 10/10
The Descent - 10/10
Don't Breathe - 10/10
Halloween (1978) - 10/10
Midnight Mass (TV Series) - 10/10
A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984) - 10/10
Poltergeist (1982) - 10/10
Psycho (1960) - 10/10
Scream (1996) - 10/10
Sinister - 10/10
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) - 10/10
The Thing (1982) - 10/10
The Wailing - 10/10
What We Do In The Shadows: Seasons 1-3 (TV Series) - 10/10

Must Watch:
The Color of Space - 9.5/10
Drag Me To Hell - 9.5/10
The Haunting of Bly Manor (TV Series) - 9.5/10
Last Night In Soho - 9.5/10
The Medium - 9.5/10
Psycho Goreman - 9.5/10
The Ring - 9.5/10
Alien - 9/10
The Canal - 9/10
Halloween (2018) - 9/10
Hellraiser - 9/10
Insidious - 9/10
The Invisible Man - 9/10
Malignant - 9/10
Oculus - 9/10
Spiral (2019) - 9/10
The Audition - 8.5/10
Black Christmas (1974) - 8.5/10
Censor - 8.5/10
Child's Play (1988) - 8.5/10
Cloverfield - 8.5/10
Daniel Isn't Real - 8.5/10
Halloween Kills - 8.5/10
Host - 8.5/10
I Know What You Did Last Summer - 8.5/10
Ju-On: The Grudge 2 - 8.5/10
The Lighthouse - 8.5/10
Lovecraft Country (TV Series) - 8.5/10
Mandy - 8.5/10
Mara - 8.5/10
The Mimic - 8.5/10
Scream Queens: Season 1 (TV Series) - 8.5/10
Slasher: The Executioner (TV Series) - 8.5/10
Suspiria (1977) - 8.5/10
The Taking of Deborah Logan - 8.5/10
The Terror: Season 1 (TV Series) - 8.5/10

The Babysitter: Killer Queen - 8/10
Beach House - 8/10
Brand New Cherry Flavor (TV Series) - 8/10
Channel Zero: Candle Cove (TV Series) - 8/10
Come Play - 8/10
The Conjuring 2 - 8/10
Crawl - 8/10
The Empty Man - 8/10
Event Horizon - 8/10
Hellraiser II: Hellbound - 8/10
Insidious: Chapter 2 - 8/10
Ju-On: The Grudge - 8/10
Killer Klowns From Outer Space: 8/10
The Midnight Meat Train - 8/10
The Monster - 8/10
A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors - 8/10
The Room - 8/10
Still/Born - 8/10
Revenge - 8/10
Terrified - 8/10
Terrifier - 8/10
V/H/S 2 - 8/10
Antlers - 7.5/10
Blood Red Sky - 7.5/10
Child's Play (2019) - 7.5/10
Child's Play 2 - 7.5/10
Coherence - 7.5/10
Creep - 7.5/10
Creep 2 - 7.5/10
Demonic (2015) - 7.5/10
Friday the 13th: Part III - 7.5/10
Fright Night (1985) - 7.5/10
He's Out There - 7.5/10
His House - 7.5/10
The Hitcher (1986) - 7.5/10
Insidious: Chapter 3 - 7.5/10
Mayhem - 7.5/10
Nightbreed - 7.5/10
Paranormal Activity (5): The Marked Ones - 7.5/10
Sleepaway Camp - 7.5/10
Unfriended - 7.5/10
The Void - 7.5/10
Absentia - 7/10
Bad Hair - 7/10
The Blair Witch Project - 7/10
Channel Zero: No-End House (TV Series) - 7/10
A Classic Horror Story - 7/10
Devil's Gate - 7/10
Haunt - 7/10
The House of the Devil - 7/10
Let Me In (2010) - 7/10
Knock Knock - 7/10
Mama - 7/10
My Bloody Valentine - 7/10
Summer of '84 - 7/10
Trick 'r Treat - 7/10
Underwater - 7/10
V/H/S - 7/10

Pretty Good:
Child's Play 3 - 6.5/10
Escape Room - 6.5/10
Eyes Without a Face - 6.5/10
Friday the 13th (1980) - 6.5/10
Friday the 13th: Part II - 6.5/10
Fright Night (2011) - 6.5/10
The Grudge - 6.5/10
Lore (TV Series) - 6.5/10
Malevolent - 6.5/10
Nightbooks - 6.5/10
The Ruins - 6.5/10
Scanners - 6.5/10
Them - 6.5/10
There's Someone Inside Your House - 6.5/10
Willy's Wonderland - 6.5/10
Antebellum - 6/10
Bedeviled - 6/10
Cat People (1984) - 6/10
Children of the Corn - 6/10
From Within - 6/10
The Grudge 2 - 6/10
The Houses October Built - 6/10
Lake Mungo - 6/10
The Neon Demon - 6/10
Poltergeist II: The Other Side - 6/10
Prom Night - 6/10
Ringu - 6/10
Slumber Party Massacre (1982) - 6/10
The Unborn (2009) - 6/10
As Above So Below - 5.5/10
Flatliners (1990) - 5.5/10
The Girl in the Woods (TV Series) - 5.5/10
Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight - 5.5/10
One Missed Call (2004) - 5.5/10
Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin - 5.5/10

Below Average:
American Horror Story: Red Tide (TV Series) - 5/10
Darkness Falls - 5/10
Eraserhead - 5/10
False Positive - 5/10
The Gallows: Act II - 4.5/10
Silent Hill - 4.5/10
Halloween Party - 4/10
The Nun - 4/10
Thinner - 4/10
Behind You - 3.5/10
Paranormal Activity (6): Ghost Dimension - 3.5/10
Pulse (2006) - 3.5/10
Coyote Lake - 3/10
Held - 3/10
A Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge - 3/10
Paranormal Activity 4 - 3/10
Rings - 3/10

The Dinner Party - 2.5/10
The Gallows - 2.5/10
Prom Night (2008) - 2.5/10
The Bye Bye Man - 2/10
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer - 2/10
A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master - 2/10
The Ring Two - 2/10
Sinister 2 - 2/10
American Horror Story: Death Valley (TV Series) - 1.5/10
The Curse of Downer's Grove - 1.5/10
The Final - 1.5/10
The Hole - 1.5/10
The House of the Witch - 1.5/10
The Sandman - 1.5/10
Slender Man - 1.5/10
Slumber - 1.5/10
Unfriended: Dark Web - 1.5/10
Valentine - 1.5/10
Captivity - 1/10
Deadcon - 1/10
Evil Eye - 1/10
Fantasy Island - 1/10
I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer - 1/10
Texas Chainsaw (3D) - 1/10
Things Heard & Seen - 1/10
Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 - 0.5/10
The Fourth Kind - 0.5/10
Open Graves - 0.5/10
The Other Lamb - 0.5/10
When a Stranger Calls (2006) - 0.5/10

The Worst:
fear dot com - 0/10

I stream sometimes. Check it out!
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11/02/21 4:14:29 PM

now rank the 10/10s

does anyone even read this
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