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Community » Kingfrost
Dungeater posted...
it sounds like u accidentally locked ur steering wheel

Oh god, I had this happen in high school. I was so embarrassed I had to get a teacher to do it. But after that, I knew how to do it at least.
cjsdowg posted...
Bullshit. I held my nose and voted Biden knowing his Criminal Justice record and we got no criminal justice reform and more funding to the police, and the deadliest year of police killings in 10 years. And a simple question does Biden bear any responsibility for people walking away gets met with this crap. You can't make up stuff to complain about.

Do you think there's a button Biden can push and just fix everything, and he's just not pushing it?

Defunding the police is NOT a popular position in most places. "Defunding the police' scares the shit out of a lot of people. Most people want more funding for the police because they think the police makes them safe. Don't cite statistics on me. Don't tell me "The police don't actually make you more safe!" because it doesn't matter. They make people feel more safe, even if the opposite is true. No amount of statistics is going to change that.

What Biden HAS done for criminal justice reform (and it's going to take a lot):

-Ordered the phasing out of private prisons
-Reducing excessive sentencing especially in drug cases and limiting the application of mandatory minimums
-Created a national database of police misconduct
-Restricted no-knock warrants, and banned chokeholds unless deadly force is authorized
-Created new standards that limits the use of force
-Restricted the transfer of military equipment to police.

There's a lot Biden has done. Could he do more? Absolutely. Should he? Absolutely. But let's not act like he hasn't done anything. Progress is slow. If Trump gets back in office, we'll be undoing most (if not all) of that. Biden can't just click his fingers, and thanos away the problems.
Also, you're accomplishing nothing by letting Trump win. You think you're sending a message to the party? You're not. You're only sending a message to America that you're okay if Trump wins. And that enables people like Trump to rise to power in the first place. This gives power of the courts to Republicans. Which in turn allows them to push their agenda and propaganda.
No, because nothing was ever going to get you to vote for him to begin with. If he came out tomorrow and cut off all aid for Israel, you'd say "Too late!" If he had never supported Israel, it'd be something else. Also, the Israel situation is way more complex and complicated than any of these "I can't vote for Genocide!" people are willing to admit. Biden has already called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Yes, we're still sending weapons and defense to Israel. We'd be doing that even if they weren't in the middle of razing Gaza.

Refusing to recognize how your own people will be harmed because of Trump, and how letting him win doesn't help Palestine in any way, is all on you.
Myself. I was a diehard Republican until about 2013. Now I'm a progressive liberal who'd vote for AOC for President in a split second.
So the good one?

(just give me this. It's all I have with the Texans basically signing every free agent)
"But it was ANTIFA who invaded the capital!"
Trumble posted...
Friendly reminder that the people getting upset about Biden losing support over this, are very frequently letting their mask slip and revealing themself as pro-Israel.

"How dare you get upset over losing your rights! You are only allowed to be concerned about Gaza."
Biden has called for a ceasefire. What he hasn't done is stop selling weapons to Israel. But even if there were a ceasefire, we'd be selling Israel weapons for their next attempt. But I feel like the whole Israel issue is a huge landmine. No matter what you do, you lose voters. And unfortunately, the pro-israel people are much more comfortable with a Trump presidency than the pro-palestine people.

specialkid8 posted...
Y'all keep saying this as if liberals can define it either.

And that might mean something if Liberals went around bitching about everything being woke 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year.
MrMojoRising posted...
You know you can vote for the constitutional amendment, right? If that one wins, abortion will actually be protected. If Biden wins, things will most likely stay the same or get worse under our legislature.

Thanks for proving that you're just a Trump supporter arguing in bad faith. You probably don't even care about Palestine. I'm sure some of the others here do. But you, most certainly do not.
DNC: *Loses Election*
DNC: "Shit. I guess that means we need to move further to the right on issues, and support Israel more."
People who abstained to 'send a message' *surprised pikachu face*
MrMojoRising posted...
They need to change, that's why I can't vote for Joe Biden, lol. He's the antithesis of change. The fact that people are braving the possibility of another Trump term by withholding their vote should be seen as evidence of the betrayal by Joe Biden. The fact that it's seen as either childish idealism or helping conservatives just shows how truly damaged the party mentality is.

So you're able to brave Trump, but not Biden?

I mean how is that just not being a Trump supporter at this point? You might not vote for him (though I wouldn't be surprised if you're not just a bad faith actor here), but you're still actively saying that you'll tolerate a Trump presidency and everything that comes with it unless you get everything you want.

Your lack of vote doesn't send ANY message to anyone. Thinking it does is naive at best. There's any number of reasons people aren't or won't vote for Biden. But I'm sure the DNC will get the exact message you're trying to send, and not think it means they need to go further right to win votes.
1337toothbrush posted...
So, again, you're saying genocide is a small price to pay since shutting down any and all criticism of biden is far more important.

You're saying women's rights are a small price to pay, as long as you can give Trump the win. I'm not sure you're arguing in good faith here.
1337toothbrush posted...
So you're saying genocide is a small price to pay?

So you're saying women's rights are a small price to pay, as long as the democratic party maybe possibly learns a lesson (even though they won't.) I'm sure all those Democrats will be like "Man, we probably lost because of Israel, and certainly not because we didn't go further to the right and appeal to more centrists. We don't totally go more right to try to win more elections in the future or anything like that. Nope. We would never do that!"
"When Biden loses the election, it'll be all his fault! Then maybe he'll see the error of his ways and support Palestine as a private citizen. Meanwhile, President Trump will allow Israel to bomb the ever loving fuck out of Gaza, killing even more civilians. But Joe Biden will have learned his lesson, and be entirely powerless to stop it. Women will lose their reproductive rights at an ever alarming rate, the Supreme Court will be solidly Republican for the next 50 years, and all will be right with the world because we taught an 80 year old man who is now a private citizen with no real power a lesson. Oh and trans kids will be in great danger. But that doesn't matter to me! Gaza is the ONLY issue. In fact, if Trump opposed Israel, I'd vote for him probably. Even if he is threatening to take away women's rights."
Are the Bills just hoping the Texans just beat the Chiefs for them?
If a slave should declare to his master, "You are not my master", he [the master] shall bring charge and proof against him that he is indeed his slave, and his master shall cut off his ear.

absolutely nothing wrong with it.
'Nanis23 posted...
No seriously, why? can you explain why would it benefit Israel to do that?

The Israeli Government and the IDF are not best serving the interests of the Israeli people. They are serving their own interests. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said: "I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,"

Often, a government does not best serve its people. I would certainly argue that the far right-wing party in Israel's policy of propping up Hamas to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian State was not in the best interests of the Israeli People.

Leaders like Netanyahu and Donald Trump put themselves first. Not their people. They will cry the whole time saying they do, but their actions speak louder than words.
I'll never get the appeal of cooking competition shows. You can't even taste the food to tell if it's any good or not!
I wonder if he bet on himself going to the Titans.
Alan Wake 2
When I hear myself speak, it's fine.
When I hear it without the filter of my bones? I fucking hate it.

I do not hear my accent when I speak. But it's there when I hear myself through recordings.
Perfect Dark was better than both.
Time for Trevor Lawrence to step up into the role of the prince who was promised!

...if only we could fire Trent Baalke and actually get an O-line that's not a turnstile.
Man I'd kill for my team to be in the position the 49ers are in. I'd rather be the Chiefs, obviously, but 49ers are in a pretty easy conference, have a fantastic team, and have made 3 super bowls recently. Some of us still haven't made one!
Quorthon109 posted...
Also how long until we find out about his mistress or whatever other skeletons you know he has

You mean his underage boytoy.
Frost. (Did you expect something else?)
Stat Wars: A New Hope
Of course not it's TLOU Part 2 Remastered HD
Community » Kingfrost