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emblem-man posted...
* Article about why property taxes are bad

* Interviewed homeowners complaining that their taxes have gone up 50%! That's a few $1,000s!

* They've made $100,000s in unearned increases in land value
Like come on bro.

Freezes and caps on property taxes are also not good as they'll eventually create inequality in the future

It's not that simple. I own a home and I barely make more then minimum wage in my state
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
FurryPhilosifer posted...
Who the hell wears a polo shirt to a wedding? Or khakis?? How socially oblivious do you have to be.

I mean... I did but it was my wedding.
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
Seems weird that weddings are the line in the sand for materialism
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
LonelyStoner posted...
Meh. Call me a sap.

TC I'm in the same boat. I think it's pretty good.
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
HylianFox posted...
Anything advertised as having "ghost pepper" is full of shit

Honestly "advertised" ghost pepper is a pretty good heat level. It's not actual ghost pepper hot but it's still pretty good.
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
I miss their Verde
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
Looks meh.
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
Probably about 20%
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
People say the Mad Max video game was ok and that Furiosa confirms it's canon
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
Asherlee10 posted...
It isn't free or easy to get an ID in the US so becomes a barrier that would (and does) keep low-income individuals from voting.

This. We already have these they just aren't easily available for everyone
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
theAteam posted...
Cities force home builders to create HOAs for new neighborhoods now because they don't want to/can't afford to foot the bill for long term infrastructure maintenance (roads, etc...) in these neighborhoods that are way outside of the city so they are pushing that responsibility to the neighborhoods through HOAs.

So going forward any new homes will more likely than not be in an HOA.

Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
Vigero posted...
That's one thing foreigners often forget - the U.S. has quite a few different dialects depending on region

I think most people are used to what they view is that Standard American Voice based on what they see in Hollywood movies and TV shows.

I would say that's relatively average American but there are a ton of others. Like Massachusetts isn't New Orleans, isn't Texas, isn't Minnesota. What we think of as the American accent is a hodge podge of all of them. Maybe with a slight midwestern emphasis
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
Choco posted...
i know americans think there are only 2 countries it's just really fucking annoying

That has nothing to do with anything least of all this topic at hand.
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
Choco posted...
why is it impossible to make a topic like this without weirdos desperately trying to dunk on british people
i mean they deserve it but they have nothing to do with this

I can't help but feel like you don't understand how many Americans are going to perceive someone saying "wtf" to the way they pronounce a word.

wacky americans always be mispronouncing things for no good reason

See what I mean?

Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
Choco posted...
i'll just assume you're joking because otherwise i will be unhappy for days

That is what it sounds like.
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
I thought it was beautiful. Just short
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
shockthemonkey posted...
No it absolutely is still fiction

Do you not understand what fiction is?

No, I don't think so.

Hey TC if a conservative make a horny story about Trump and Putin going on a moonlight walk before Putin invites Trump back to his place for McDonalds and Skiiball, that is a fiction, from a fan based on current events
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
Billyionaire posted...
I mean, do you see why what you're saying is inherently contradictory?

It isn't. You can have current events fanfiction
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
It's great up until the final arc. The final arc has some good closure but it's very rushed and leave you feeling a bit unsatisfied. I think that speaks more to the overall quality then anything else
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
Dungeater posted...
no but that sounds better already. can u rec some?

i hate when the point is "YuRi". if theres just incidentsl lesbian romance and that isnt the entire premise, id have way better chance of liking it

hello, melancholic was genuinely my worst manga experience. and ive read Homonculous and Elfen Lied

and mfin GANTZ

Kill La Kill comes to mind. If you're willing to look outside anime, and any cartoon works, Owl House is superb. If you want something absolutely trashy that exists entirely for the male gaze but many lesbians enjoy anyway the I would recommend Valkyrie Drive Mermaid.

If I could broaden my scope to implied Yuri we would have more hits too. Pity about Witch From Mercury, it is really done very well.
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
Dungeater posted...
like manga specifically. idk any animes. i think something about forced wholesomeness makes me uneasy

my partners reading another one so i checked it out and was immediately like oh i hate this

unlike the last one I will not be reading this one tho

im always so fascinated by the ways in which i differ from the masses

Did you ever try Yuri that wasn't just wholesome slice of life?
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
pinky0926 posted...
My car, versus the most popular American car:

America, respectfully, wtf is wrong with you

Many many things. So many things
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
The Unknown
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
Printerscape posted...
Who's "they"?

Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
Kai_Laguna posted...

We the Supreme Court find the constitution, unconstitutional!
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
Yes it's good. It's not really high fantasy. It feels more Gothic/Urban Fantasy
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
Did he die...?
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
Thompson posted...
The soon-to-come evolution of Andrew Tatean logic:
Women are feminine, and femininity is gay.
Therefore, real men should have sex with things that are masculine, i.e, other men.

Not far off from how the Greeks thought of things lol
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
That's really cool. A friend of mine's son is also really into Zelda but then again so is she so it makes sense ^--^
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
darkace77450 posted...

Once again, Republicans are openly confessing their desire strip women of autonomy; and naturally they're using "think of the children" as a pretext to do so.

Which is fucking insane. Keeping children in a household, as any child who had parents who should have divorced years ago would attest, is abusive. It is much much worse for the children in the long run then splitting up
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
Printerscape posted...

Synopsis: Take a worldwide journey exploring the rich diversity of animal sexuality from flamboyant flamingos to pansexual primates, sex-changing clownfish, multi-gendered mushrooms and everything in between. This documentary looks at extraordinary creatures, witnesses amazing behaviors, and introduces the scientists who are questioning the traditional concept of whats natural when it comes to sex and gender.

They'll just be like "queer people are just like animals. Savage and Feral! We have to put them down for the civilized world to prosper!"
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
It's not. It's the Netherlands
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
OriginalPlain2 posted...
not a pain killer but was seriously hooked on gabapentins for about a year

I thought those weren't habit forming. I take them every now and then for anxiety. What was your dosage?
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
I really don't want to die because of all this...
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
AnsestralRecall posted...
i know giving in to despair over shit like that isn't the right move, but its just so hard not to

I feel that. How am I not supposed to not flee the country if he is elected? This is like Nazi level shit.
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
AceMos posted...
i wish people would learn what the word cuck means already

Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
I seriously wonder how these people escape violent reprisals from their victim's family. Like it happens so often. It just goes to show how much better the average person is then a cop
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
I had a friend who went by (I thiiiink) The Main Man and we lost contact awhile ago. I lost a few really good friends for stupid reasons during that time period but I still think about them. One of them still posts here from time to time. :)

And I may have... kinda... sorta... stole one of their screen names when I transitioned. In fairness I always liked the name.

Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
My rent might about to go up $1000 soooooo kinda
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
CADE_FOSTER posted...
yeah the hedge fund that bought them put all the debt into the business and are now losing millions on endless shrimp they screwed up red lobster so bad

So same thing that happened to Asmode? Huge failing Corpo buys successful Corpo to leverage their assets to pay down their loans and then split them off sticking them with the debt?
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
The final boss was a bit overtuned. Water levels take a minute to get used to for the controls. Missing 1 note in certain areas is a bit too easy. *Stares at Gobi Desert*
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
lolife67 posted...
So a trans man using a woman's bathroom is going to be ok with them and not awkward at all?

No they won't be. That's the point. They are trying to erase us from public life because trans people will just spend less time out in public.
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
Just one?
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
They announced something like this awhile ago when they said they that they would just be called "The Scouts"
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
Considering Kendrick's claim he has someone on the inside and if Drake takes that seriously, I wonder if we will even get to 10 before Drake bows out. Shits all kinda fucked.
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
Powdered_Toast posted...
I'm interested if they actually dug into deeply. It aired as a segment of a bigger show, and all the other segments were obviously exaggerated or outright fake, but people take the Nasubi one at face value. There was a longer youtube video on it, but it got copyright claimed recently. I think they found out that it wasn't a 24 hour livestream like most people say, but short segments at specific times, and it was also obviously prerecorded.

They talked about it a bit, apparently it was a mix of live footage and not and they would often edit out rougher moments to keep the comedy apparent and the depression and suicidal thoughts off camera. And yeah, it goes into Nasubi's suicidal ideations and how he dealt with them after as well. I can think of a dozen reason why this would be faked but honestly, I find it hard to imagine that it was or at least if it was, they had real life trauma consultants and were very good at covering their bases.
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
I've only been sorta keeping up. Did he say he is dropping more?
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
It's a good documentary. I've seen things about it before
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
Stellaris? Haha no.
Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
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