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It's exceedingly rare that I go to McD's, and even rarer that I feel like splurging on a milkshake instead of just drinking water with my meal (especially with how inflated fast food prices are getting). If those two stars ever align I might give it a shot just for the novelty, but that's probably never going to happen.
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I think they took down the demo. At least, I'm not seeing it anymore. How vexing.
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agesboy posted...
fuck's a chub helly

Ask ur mom ololol
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Coincidentally, DA:I just went up as Epic's free game this week. I still haven't played any of them, though, despite having owned Origins for a while.

ParanoidObsessive posted...
assuming BioWare isn't capable of making great games anymore.

It's less that they aren't capable and more that they aren't allowed. EA's done its usual thing of taking a studio people like and forcing them to chase profitable trends regardless of how well the studio can be expected to handle that style of game, hoping to cash in on the combination of brand recognition and pandering to the flavour of the month. Toss in some unrealistic deadlines (both in general and because they're working in unfamiliar territory) that mean the devs are under unsustainable amounts of pressure and have to rush to cobble something together, and you've got a recipe for games that just aren't very good.
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I've only been to Denny's once, that I can remember, and I wasn't overly impressed by it. I should probably give it another chance to see if it was just what I chose (it was a limited time bourbon-apple pancake thing, which just ended up being not as good as what I do for pancakes myself when I want to put apples and boozy caramel on them), but I'm in no rush.
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I like bologna well enough and all, but I don't think it's ever given me a full chub.
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Melody_JR posted...
Employees came up to the doors and found them locked with notes.

That's such a dick move. Like getting laid off is going to suck regardless of the circumstances, but at least have the decency to give people enough advance notice to not waste time and effort commuting in for their shifts. It costs virtually nothing for managers to send a mass text.
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Have you visited any other cities that aren't bogged down by North American car dependence?
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Jen0125 posted...
Also adjl doing gymnastics growing up makes a lot of sense

It kept me nice and limber, though I very much do not have the right body type to actually be any good at it (being lanky doesn't work so well).

Jen0125 posted...
Lol they got nuked for their weirdo opinion

Lol bye.
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I got it as part of the Ukraine bundle did. I haven't gotten around to playing it, but it's definitely a priority now that I've put in the effort to actually become aware of what games I have.
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Probably the truth, but also don't be surprised if she isn't overly eager about cashing that rain check because
DevilSummoner posted...
maybe don't give one word responses lol

You're not exactly coming across as being interested, and while that can be fine if you know somebody better and they can just chalk that up to your texting style, if most of your interactions to date have been through text, that's the main impression she's going to have of you. If you're interested in this girl, show a bit more enthusiasm.
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Yellow posted...
The idea that the lottery ruins peoples lives is a total lie. By every metric people who win the lottery have their lives improved vastly. Medically, financially, socially, everything.

That's mostly just the fact that "local guy wins lottery, declares bankruptcy within two years!" makes for an interesting headline, whereas "local guy wins lottery, sees life improve" does not. In practice, most lottery winners do indeed see overall improvements.
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ItIsSoOver posted...
Oh look. Adjl having 0 reading comprehension and still following me around for validation despite knowing I have him muted and am very much not interested in him lmao.


It's a public discussion. You don't have to pay attention to what I post for me to participate in it, nor do I have to care about what you decide in that regard.

ItIsSoOver posted...
Yes, being attracted to men that look like men is predator unlike being attracted to men who look like children lmao.

Being attracted to *boys* that look like men is predatorial. When a major criterion for male attractiveness is something that's present in quite a few adolescent boys, that's a pretty major red flag for child predation.

What else do you consider being a prerequisite for a man to look like an adult? Beards? Had a full one of those when I was 16, and that was before they came back into fashion (so I'd expect them to be even more common now). Deep voice? Also 15-16. Body hair? 15-16 again. Muscles? Not so much myself (years of gymnastics as a kid gave me a more wiry build), but plenty of my peers. These are all things that many teenagers have, so identifying them as being what you're looking for in deciding whether or not a man looks "adult" enough for you is pretty sketchy.
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Jen0125 posted...
If a 15 year old is over 6 feet tall does he look like an adult man automatically?

Frankly, as somebody who broke 6 feet when I was 15, I'm more than a little concerned that I was sharing this site with somebody that thinks like that at the time.
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For that matter, are >6' boys considered adults?
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ItIsSoOver posted...
Flip flopping all over the place lmao.

Not really.

"I'm more attracted to shorter guys" is a normal preference.
"I'm more attracted to taller guys" is a normal preference.
"I'm more attracted to blonde guys" is a normal preference.
"I think any guy less than 6 feet tall looks like a child and consider it creepy for anyone to date them" is not a normal preference.
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shadowsword87 posted...
Frozen fries in the oven are garbage, I want those suckers greasy.

That's why you dip them in melted butter. Duh.
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I wouldn't say nothing, since it does affect things like how easy/hard it is to find clothes, which shelves you can use, and can complicate physical intimacy if the height difference is too great, but nothing that would qualify as a dealbreaker for any rational person.
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"Men should never tell me I'm wrong for any reason, regardless of how ridiculous I'm being!"

Yeah, not so much. Having a preference? Sure, you do you. Insinuating that women are pedophiles if they date any man outside of the 85th percentile for height? That's just plain stupid, and can and should be judged accordingly.
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It's a collab that makes sense. There's a lot of overlap between Mythbusters' and the Slow-Mo Guys' niches, and while it's not entirely accurate to say they're a modern-day version of Mythbusters, it's also not entirely wrong. This is just really cool for everyone involved.
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rjsilverthorn posted...
If you need a guy on YouTube that has experience firing birds from air cannons, who better than Adam Savage.

Pretty much. He started talking about the safety and I had a brief moment of "why's he the one telling everybody this?" before realizing that he's done enough other experiments involving improvised cannons to already know exactly which issues needed to be considered to pull together a set of safety rules. In practice, they mostly just mirrored standard range safety guidelines, adapted for a compressor-powered air cannon, and anyone else could probably have done it, but I imagine it's second nature for Adam at this point.
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I like that Adam probably already that set of safety precautions ready to quote for exactly this sort of situation.
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"Anyone attracted to a man under 6' is a pedophile"
"Why are short guys so defensive?"
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On the news end of things, they "win" when they get their ad revenue. If you click on the article or watch the clip, they've gotten everything you can personally give them. If you talk about it further and get other people to click on it, even better.
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ItIsSoOver posted...
Most men these days do look like children.

Given that 78% of men in the US are over 18, maybe you just don't know what children look like?
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It depends a lot on the brand. Some frozen fries are pretty good, others not so much.

As an alternative, you can get a fry press/cutter for less than $50 and just make your own straight from potatoes, but that's more work, especially if you par-cook them first to mirror how they're usually made in restaurants.
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It'd be cool, but actually pulling it off would be so expensive that I wouldn't consider it worth the price the tickets had to be.
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Cupcake2006 posted...
The 25% off ultimately doesn't end up adding up to much unless you're buying for a lot of people

If fries are normally $6, 25% off becomes better than $1 fries if you spend more than $20 total, which is actually pretty easy to do these days. You might not do it solo, but if you're buying for even one other person there's a good chance you'll break $20.
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Isn't double decker pizza just lasagna?
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It'll vary by pizza, obviously, but pizza actually isn't too bad in terms of macronutrient balance. It works out to ~50% of the calories from carbs, ~35% from fat, and ~15% from protein. That's a bit higher-fat than is advisable, but nothing that can't be corrected by the rest of the day's meals. Heck, if you're light on the dressing, you can probably correct that just by having a side salad (which has the added benefit of shoring up the micronutrients that pizza tends not to offer in meaningful quantities).

That's not to say you should have pizza for every meal or anything, but being afraid of it like that is just silly.
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It'd remove some pretty considerable stressors for me and everyone I care about. Some things can't be fixed with money, but quite a few things can.
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Generally speaking, fast food places use higher margins on fries to compensate for lower margins on their meat. The gold standard for food service is to have food costs make up ~30% of the final price of the item (the rest covering labour, overhead, and profit margins), but fast food burgers typically have food costs of 50-55%. Fries, on the other hand, come in at 5-10%, and drinks are like 1%. This is why they push combos so hard.

Air fryers are pretty great for making frozen fries at home, if you find a brand you like well enough to substitute for fast food fries. You can get even cheaper by just making your own, but that tends to be much more time-consuming and often doesn't turn out as well. Neither help for when you're on the road, but it's an opportunity to save some money at home.
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ItIsSoOver posted...
It absolutely is. Tasting good doesn't make something not trash.

It's fucking grease, salt, carbs, and high calorie dairy. It's pig slop. The sort of shit you'd feed to livestock to keep them fat and oblivious and ripe for slaughter

What farms are you visiting that they're ordering pizza for livestock?

Lokarin posted...
although the yeast might be expired.

You can test it by throwing a little bit in a cup of warm (~body temp), slightly sweetened water. If it bubbles after a few minutes, it's still good. If not, it's dead.
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Which is about what I expected, because America. The next best option is to stick with the advice of stretching your forearm out and doing a variety of small exercises to round out your arm's musculature.
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It's probably worth seeing a physiotherapist for that. If it were just hurting and you could pinpoint some form of overuse that was likely the culprit, you could work to balance that out yourself. If you've got other symptoms (though symptoms that are likely related), it's worth getting a professional opinion to help narrow down the root of the problem and make sure whatever you're doing doesn't exacerbate the other issues.
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ReturnOfFa posted...
It reminds me of playing a N64 or PS1 game, it can be pretty funny.

This seems pretty accurate to me. It's that same kind of jank that we just laugh off because it was a different time with lower standards for performance/quality control (heck, I recently watched a 4-hour video on all the different places invisible walls pop up in Mario 64 because of mistakes in object geometry), except for the part where it's a modern game in one of the world's biggest media franchises and the standards are therefore quite a bit higher. It doesn't stop it from being a fun game, it's just shameful.
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Lokarin posted...
Jeff Bezos claimed negative income a few years back... not only did he pay less than you, you paid HIM with your taxes

In a similar vein, ABK (at least before Microsoft bought them) gets a tax refund of upwards of a hundred million each year because they hide all of their assets in offshore tax havens.
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ConfusedTorchic posted...
warranties typically start at point of sale, so yes

This. For a product like this, they could track when you start using them, but most products can't and the only reason to do so would be to extend the warranty period, which doesn't work in the company's favour, so they aren't going to.
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TLR_ posted...
I will start by saying I'd experienced bugs and rendering issues within the first hour in the most up-to-date version of Violet.

...but also, it wasn't game breaking. Worth a chuckle at most. Just moving my character forward a little bit has *fixed* whatever bug or issue I'd encounter.

This is also true. That the performance is as bad as it is is 100% just GF not putting in the necessary effort to make a polished game, and that's worth complaining about to put pressure on them to coast less, but none of the problems are really that bad. The worst you'll get is an occasional crash, and the game autosaves frequently enough that that won't cost you much progress. Most of the time, it's just jank that's more entertaining than seriously harmful.
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Indeed. In general, RSIs like tennis elbow are caused not just by the repetitive motion, but by the fact that doing the motion repeatedly instead of a wider variety of motions causes certain muscles to become over/underdeveloped, resulting in unbalanced/incorrect tension on the affected tendons and more strain than the overdeveloped muscles would normally see during other motions because they end up doing more of the work than they're supposed to. Doing a variety of light exercises can help even things out.
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There's no excuse for how buggy and poor-performing they are, given GF's resources and what contemporary games on the Switch were able to do (namely, Xenoblade 3 and TotK both looked and ran better), but the experience of open-world Pokemon is really fun and there are quite few QoL improvements that are very welcome (particularly the option to change natures and IVs on a whim, and EV training being much more easily accessible). My assessment is mostly a second-hand one from my girlfriend's experience playing it (bought it for her last Christmas), and neither of us have played a Pokemon game since DP and therefore I can't comment on how it compares to Sw/Sh, but I'd say it's definitely worth playing.
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Roachmeat posted...
or having to nuke an account for having one bad game and all of its dlc junking up my library.

Why would anyone do this?

Dikitain posted...
Besides, the whole investment thing is BS anyways. Like the people who say "Don't pay off your mortgage early, you can invest the extra money!". The math behind it is so far fetched once they try to explain it to you.

It does make some amount of sense, if your interest rate is low enough that you can reasonably expect a higher return on investment than you'll save by paying off the mortgage earlier, but in practice unless you're already actively investing that extra 2-3k you throw at your mortgage as an extra payment isn't going to make much of a difference in the long run, nor will it magically get you started on investing. That's more of a broader investment strategy sort of question than a "should I make an extra mortgage payment this month?" sort of question.

Dikitain posted...
Compared to some hobbies, video games isn't really a "I could have invested it!" thing. It is so minuscule vs. what some people pay on sports, cars, boats, planes, or other hobbies.

Indeed. The front-end cost for any given game/system is high enough to feel like a significant cost, but in terms of cost per hour of entertainment gaming is extremely economical compared to most other hobbies that have some sort of consumerist aspect to them.
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faramir77 posted...
No, the beef is just prepared by a kid getting paid minimum wage, and thus is likely contaminated with loads of salmonella. Your body reacts that way because in all likelihood the tacos they sell are literal poison.

Salmonella usually takes a day or two to start showing symptoms, or at least 8 hours. If you're seeing results within the hour, it's not from salmonella.
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ItIsSoOver posted...
Certain people (who probably share a lot of views with TC) aren't in favor of a flat tax, which could fix this issue

Yes and no. The problem with a flat tax is that losing, say, half your income when you make $20k is devastating, but losing half your income when you make $20M has very little impact on quality of life (and none whatsoever on your ability to survive). To that end, if it's determined that the tax needs are X% of the country's total income, taxing everyone X% is going to disproportionately hurt the lower class without actually doing that much to alleviate the overall tax burden. However it works, something needs to be done to ensure that people whose basic survival hinges on keeping as much of their income as possible get to do so.

Are tax brackets the best solution? Maybe, maybe not. The problem with tax brackets isn't that the idea doesn't work at a fundamental level, it's that the system of deductions and exemptions needed to make it work is too complicated for anyone without a good (and expensive) accountant to take full advantage of, plus there's been significant lobbying to ensure that those deductions work in favour of those who don't actually need them because they're the ones with the resources needed to lobby.

I could see a flat tax working with a much higher minimum income threshold (like you get taxed the greater of X% or whatever takes you down to $75k), but even that would require some rejigging to catch the multibillionaires who ostensibly only make like $10 a year because of how they've structured their wealth. You'd also probably still end up needing some extra deductions/credits (like $75k goes a lot further for a single person than for a person with three kids), which pretty quickly starts devolving into the same overcomplicated nonsense we've got now.
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Hopefully the player base doesn't...


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Nichtcrawler-X posted...
Guess I never knew that FFXIV was actually a 2d horizontal bullet hell...

I can't speak for FFXIV, but most raid bosses in WoW functionally were (at least the last time I paid attention to WoW, which was like 2010), just with a ground-level perspective. Positioning, dodging AoE attacks, and other movements that happen as part of executing any given fight rarely include any sort of verticality, which means they're effectively 2D bullet hells (or at least bullet hell-adjacent games) masquerading as 3D games. Abstracting them into 2D doesn't actually take much of anything away from the fights' executions.
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Count_Drachma posted...
idk, can't be any worse than Red Ventures. RV set a very, very, very low bar, given their wacked-out CEO's directives.

Are you unaware of the steps Fandom has taken over the last couple months?
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I tried to see if I could see anything here last night (Nova Scotia), but I'm within the city and it was pretty cloudy, so no dice. I've seen some other shots from around the province, though, which is pretty nifty.
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An experience similar to raiding in a WoW-like MMO, but without having to schedule around, rely on, or talk to other people? Colour me intrigued. I'll have to check out the demo
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