Board 8 > Leonhart Presents: 50 Characters, 50 Games, 50 Moments - Part 2 [lists]

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05/24/12 6:55:00 PM

Which Mario RPG is your favorite?

Hmm... toss up between Super Mario RPG and Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story.

My Little Phineas and Ferb: Summer is Magic!
Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
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05/25/12 12:01:00 PM

I thought TTYD had enough good locales and good dungeons. It didn't really feel like it was lacking in that department, unless it's one of those "I want one in every chapter" things.

"I couldn't stand a day without a past or future. I need to live each moment to keep fighting here and now."
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05/25/12 12:02:00 PM

Mega Man X Spoilers Below

33. Mega Man X – Zero Dies

For me, this was a pretty surprising moment. This was probably the first game I had ever played where one of the heroes died (Remember, I didn’t play an RPG until Super Mario RPG, and that was 1996), so I imagine that’s why this moment sticks out to me. The dialogue may not be top notch exactly, but nothing’s perfect, right? I don’t think it seriously detracts from the scene anyway because that’s not the focus of the game, and it’s early 90s SNES, so yeah. Plus, I know Zero comes back in MMX2, but I’m judging this moment based on the impact it had when I first played the game. I don’t really think stuff like that retroactively lessens the impact of a moment like this personally, but I know it does for some people.

When you reach this moment, Zero volunteers to go in ahead of you to chase after Vile, but he ends up getting captured in some energy cage thing. Now you have to fight the guy who owned you at the very beginning of the game, and while you may be able to hold out a bit longer, you still can’t manage to do anything to him. Once again, Vile paralyzes you with that energy ball thing. It’s like all those upgrades and stuff you got all throughout the game were for nothing, because you still can’t beat this guy! What the heck is Vile’s Ride Armor made of anyway? Mega Man X can damage nearly anything else, but not that thing. Not even a Hadouken does anything!

But then Zero breaks free of his cage, and he destroys Vile’s Ride Armor. What a boss. You see him fly off of the screen afterward, but I had no idea it meant the explosion killed him. Now you have to fight Vile one-on-one, once and for all (LOL, only comic books are worse about keeping dead characters dead than MMX). He jumps around a bunch, but he does charge straight at you occasionally, so if you manage to avoid taking any damage, you can just Hadouken him into oblivion (like the guy in the video did). You may say it’s cheap to win a fight that way, but I say it’s extremely satisfying to one-shot the guy after two fights of not being able to damage him at all.

After the fight, X finds Zero in bad shape. For some reason, Zero didn’t give X his arm cannon before he died in the video I posted, but he always gave it to me! I’m sure some MMX aficionado can explain that one to me, but getting the upgraded X Buster was an awesome moment. I felt powerful just using that thing. So good.

Bonus Question: What is your favorite moment in the Mega Man series?

Guess who I am!
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05/25/12 12:06:00 PM

A Mega Man X aficionado can explain that to you, or even an ordinary Mega Man X fan! If you got the buster upgrade earlier in the game in whichever stage its hidden in, you don't get anything at that part.

Favourite Mega Man series moment...oddly enough I'd have to go with the Mega Man X4 battle between Zero and Iris. The hilariously awful voice acting afterward kind of ruins it but the boss fight itself is pretty cool, I love the music that plays for it, and its probably the only time that the series has ever come close to having any emotional impact to it.

Mistake you're making - overlooking the fact that we might not want to be saved.
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05/25/12 12:31:00 PM

Where do you get this X Buster upgrade anyway? Maybe I've gotten before and I just don't remember. I don't recall Zero ever not giving me his arm cannon though.

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05/25/12 12:33:00 PM

I guess that moment.

Mega Man X introduced me to the series.

SuperNiceDog - 1, pjbasis - 0
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05/25/12 12:44:00 PM

From: LeonhartFour | #205
Where do you get this X Buster upgrade anyway? Maybe I've gotten before and I just don't remember. I don't recall Zero ever not giving me his arm cannon though.

It's in one of the stages <_< Best answer ever! I think it's in Flame Mammoths stage, in the first area with the lava pits and the dudes throwing hammers, you dash jump from one of the platforms to the left.

We clasped our hands, our hands in praise of a conquerors right to tyranny
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05/25/12 12:45:00 PM

Well, I suppose I'll find out now that I have the MMX Collection and an excuse to play through the games!

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05/25/12 5:14:00 PM

That was a pretty good moment. I can't really think of any other amazing X or Original big "moments", unrelated to gameplay that is. Maybe the Mega Man 2 boss since I wasn't spoiled on it and I totally didn't expect it.

Also, a bit late, but this is awesome. For TTYD.

Rank 9, Dr. Peace? Pffft, nothing compared to Rank 1, Dr_Football!
when thinking of Krystal, does GMUN's pants get overcrowded? ~ GMUN
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05/25/12 7:34:00 PM

What is your favorite moment in the Mega Man series?

... most of them are gameplay related, really.

Oh, there was that "HOLY CRAP THAT JUST HAPPENED" moment in Megaman Star Force 3.

My Little Phineas and Ferb: Summer is Magic!
Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
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05/26/12 6:42:00 PM

Man, what a crazy day. Finally home.

"I couldn't stand a day without a past or future. I need to live each moment to keep fighting here and now."
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05/26/12 7:45:00 PM

32. Locke Cole (Final Fantasy VI)
Quote: “I promised I’d protect her. I will not back out on my word.”
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Yes, I’m using an FMV image of the back of Locke’s head from Final Fantasy Anthology because FFVI’s official art is SO bad. I always thought it was strange that those FMVs never showed Locke’s face. Well, they seemed to center around the idea of Celes looking for Locke in the World of Ruin, so I guess it makes sense, but still, I would’ve liked them to show his face. I wonder if he has some crazy Mako eyes like Edgar or something.

Anyway, Locke is by far my favorite old school Final Fantasy character. There are some others that I like quite a bit, but he’s way ahead of the pack for me. I talked about this in the Moments list, but I really enjoy his backstory with Rachel, how he failed to save her and her whole family turned against him because of it. Then she lost her memory and her family forced her to run him off, but she regains her memories of Locke shortly before she dies. The guilt of the entire situation grips him so much that he preserves her body in hopes of finding SOME way to revive her some day, and it’s such a burden to him that it motivates him to protect anyone he finds who’s in trouble in an attempt to atone for his failure. To me, it makes Locke a sympathetic character because even though he generally comes across as a cheerful guy, you know he’s dealing with a lot of hurt on the inside.

I also like Locke’s treasure hunter side. His theme is very... adventurous and lively, kind of Indiana Jones-ish. He’s got such a cool design, with the bandana and all the blue. I love his FFVI sprites, probably some of my favorite-looking sprites in any game. Locke just looks cool. I thought the gimmick in the Phoenix Cave was pretty neat, with all the treasure chests already opened before you got there, and then after all the stuff with Rachel, Locke gives them all to you with a wink. So smooth. And while Locke may not be the best character battle-wise, I still enjoy using him because I like having people who can steal in my party. I usually Genji Glove/Offering him out to make up for his natural lack of battle prowess.

Locke has his fair share of humorous moments, too. I love when Terra uses magic for the first time, and Edgar’s all like, “Dude, that was magic!” and Locke’s all like, “M-M-M-M-M-M-M-MAGIC?!” He also has that funny line when he gets seasick on the boat on the way to Thamasa, and he tells Shadow, “Not a word of this to anyone, O shrouded one.” I love his scenario during the part where everyone splits up before heading back to Narshe, and the dude just goes around stealing everyone’s clothes like it ain’t nothin’. Locke was also pretty great during the opera scene when he crashes onto the stage and picks it up by ad-libbing to keep the show going, and then the Impresario comments about how terrible his acting is. So yeah, Locke is a character who has a diverse resume of likeable qualities, and that’s why he’s the best old school FF character.

Bonus Question: Who is your favorite Final Fantasy VI character?

"I couldn't stand a day without a past or future. I need to live each moment to keep fighting here and now."
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05/26/12 7:47:00 PM

Who is your favorite Final Fantasy VI character?

... Celes I guess.

My Little Phineas and Ferb: Summer is Magic!
Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
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05/26/12 9:24:00 PM

Celes is pretty good, too. She's probably my #2 from the game.

"I can set you free, mate."
"My freedom was forfeit long ago!"
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05/26/12 10:19:00 PM

Just finished up reading the Maximum Carnage saga! It was pretty good!

Maybe time to pick up the Clone Saga next...!

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05/26/12 10:29:00 PM

Oh wait, Kraven's Last Hunt for ten bucks.


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05/27/12 11:05:00 AM

Man, nobody ever contributes to this thing when I'm actually around to discuss stuff.

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05/27/12 11:24:00 AM

Cause you work doing stupid times

SuperNiceDog - 1, pjbasis - 0
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05/27/12 11:26:00 AM

More like you contribute during stupid times

I've been off all weekend, and NOTHING

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05/27/12 11:34:00 AM

Well I like Terra maybe solely for being a "weak" main character.

Or Edgar.

SuperNiceDog - 1, pjbasis - 0
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05/27/12 12:13:00 PM

Locke is pretty great, but I've always been a big fan of both Figaro brothers. Edgar is a pretty creative character, being able to kill things with chainsaws and what not. He's also just generally a cool character and has a lot of style. Sabin is pretty fun to play and come on, he suplexed the train.

Locke is probably my third favorite behind those two. I pretty much agree with you on the entire write-up, though!

Oh yeah, my favorite old-school FF character is definitely Galuf. Or Gilgamesh, if he counts. FFV love, represent.

Rank 9, Dr. Peace? Pffft, nothing compared to Rank 1, Dr_Football!
when thinking of Krystal, does GMUN's pants get overcrowded? ~ GMUN
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05/27/12 12:27:00 PM

32. Kingdom Hearts
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When word first started coming out about a potential Square/Disney crossover about ten years ago, I had somewhat mixed emotions. On the one hand, I loved Square and I loved Disney, but on the other hand, how could you possibly make both of them work together? It just seemed like a weird combination. But then we started getting screenshots of Cloud (dressed like Vincent and his Buster Sword wrapped with toilet paper, for some reason) and Squall (now going by the name “Leon” and looking quite a bit older), I was sold. One way or the other, I was determined to play this game, and I was not disappointed.

Admittedly, the game starts off a bit slow. All the stuff on Destiny Islands is pretty boring, with collecting “supplies” for their rafting trip, racing Riku to see who could share some love fruit with Kairi, and stuff like that. The three-on-one duel against child versions of Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie was pretty cool though. The game picks up a bit once the Heartless invasion starts and Sora gets the keyblade. The atmosphere is pretty cool during this part, and although the giant Heartless you have to fight is really easy, it looks cool. Then Traverse Town was a lot of fun, meeting all sorts of characters like Squall (ahem, excuse me, “Leon”), Donald, Goofy, Aerith, and even Yuffie’s sort of okay! But then the game goes back to being kind of not so interesting, because Deep Jungle and Wonderland were boring worlds, and Sora and Donald arguing all the time got pretty annoying.

But Kingdom Hearts started getting a lot more fun once you got to the Coliseum. Getting to fight Cloud and Cerberus was awesome. The Coliseum in general is one of my favorite parts to the game once you’re able to enter tournaments. Getting to fight Cloud and Squall at the same time…There are no words for how awesome that is. The worlds in general started getting a lot better at that point, with places like Agrabah, Halloween Town, Neverland, and Atlantica, now that you were finally getting to the Disney stuff people actually care about, teaming up with classic Disney heroes and fighting the most infamous Disney villains. The gameplay also started getting more fun as Sora learned more abilities. I’ve always enjoyed KH’s battles because they feel very frenetic, and they keep me invested in them. They’ve always had some really good boss fights, too. I feel like KH1’s battle system is “deeper” than KH2’s, although I find both fun, just for different reasons.

The game doesn’t really reach the “next level” of greatness and come into its own until you hit Hollow Bastion though. Up to that point, the story had been kind of silly, and a lot of it was just Sora, Donald, and Goofy being thrown into the plot of a classic Disney tale and rolling with it. There’s nothing wrong with that, of course, but Hollow Bastion elevated the game from good to great. All the stuff that had been there all along was still there (Well, except Hollow Bastion isn’t a Disney world, but then you get Beast as a guest partner, who’s awesome), but then you add some interesting plot elements, like the rivalry between Sora and Riku reaching the boiling point, the mystery of who’s supposed to be the real keyblade master, the emergence of Ansem, and things like that. You also have some great boss fights against Maleficent and Riku, and Hollow Bastion in general has a great design and atmosphere to it. It’s really fun.

So in conclusion, Kingdom Hearts accomplishes what it set out to do by successfully blending two great companies together and weaving an interesting world out of it. Fun game.

Bonus Question: What is your favorite aspect of the Kingdom Hearts series: The Square stuff, the Disney stuff, or the original stuff (Sora, Riku, Organization XIII, etc.)?

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05/27/12 12:49:00 PM

F*** yeah

I wouldn't know where to begin. I just really love the gameplay and direction.
It usually turns out to be the original worlds that end up having the best boss battles and level design, even if the plot can get hokey in the recent games.

It's also kind of a shame that the FF stuff has been really downplayed in the recent installments. I guess it's too much to ask for all the time, but I loved Olympus Coliseum in both I and II for having Cloud and Auron there.

SuperNiceDog - 1, pjbasis - 0
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05/27/12 2:14:00 PM

I still need to play BBS one of these days. I tried playing Re: Coded, but I didn't like it very much. I suppose whenever I get a 3DS, I'll get Dream Drop Distance.

"Stay with me until the end. Please."
"Not until the end. Always."
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05/27/12 2:26:00 PM

What did you not like about Re:coded?

The lack of plot or the level gimmicks?
I thought the combat was actually a great step in the right direction of being deep while still being KHII fancy, much like BBS.

SuperNiceDog - 1, pjbasis - 0
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05/27/12 2:32:00 PM

Eh, the gameplay wasn't very interesting to me.

I didn't get very far into it, mind you. I only got to...Wonderland, I think? I put it down shortly after that and haven't picked it up since.

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05/27/12 3:18:00 PM

I still haven't played a Kingdom Hearts game yet <_<

I do because I can.....and because I'm bored.
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05/27/12 4:07:00 PM

What is your favorite aspect of the Kingdom Hearts series: The Square stuff, the Disney stuff, or the original stuff (Sora, Riku, Organization XIII, etc.)?

Hmm... Original, I suppose.

My Little Phineas and Ferb: Summer is Magic!
Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
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Eeeevil Overlord
05/27/12 4:32:00 PM

I've tried to play Kingdom Hearts multiple times and never gotten into it. I guess out of what I played I enjoyed the Disney stuff most, though.

James - Board 8's Resident Warm And Safe, Slipper-Wearing User
& The Cream of Porcupine Tree Fanboyism
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05/27/12 8:20:00 PM

How far did you manage to get into it? Like I mentioned in the writeup, the game starts off rather slow.

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05/27/12 9:06:00 PM


You saved science, SuperNiceDog!
Congratulations to the Kentucky Wildcats, NCAA basketball champions!
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05/27/12 9:43:00 PM

going to reverse answer these questions because i'm bored.

Bonus Question: What is your favorite aspect of the Kingdom Hearts series: The Square stuff, the Disney stuff, or the original stuff (Sora, Riku, Organization XIII, etc.)?

Disney stuff I guess. Most of the Square stuff is a total bastardization, and the original stuff is pure awful.

Bonus Question: What is your favorite moment in the Mega Man series?

same as the one listed; not a whole lot of MM moments stand out.

Bonus Question: Who is your favorite Final Fantasy VI character?

Definitely Edgar, though Sabin is good too. Edgar's appeal is basically through his total lack of a personal dilemma - he's just a badass king tech wizard helping to fight against the evil empire. Demons to overcome can be nice, and add depth to someone but a character who has it all together and doesn't ever really waver is admirable. In the WoR where you have people like Terra being a moron, Edgar's still working at it, trying to get back into Figaro alone and using only his wiles to do so.

Bonus Question: Which Mario RPG is your favorite?

TTYD. It's one of the most charming games I've ever played. Not really a fan of the other games at all, though PM1 is pretty alright too.

You saved science, SuperNiceDog!
Congratulations to the Kentucky Wildcats, NCAA basketball champions!
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05/27/12 10:08:00 PM

Bonus Question: What is your favorite Bowser boss battle?

Uhh, I'm not sure. Paper Mario I guess. Bowser's a weird choice to me. He's not offensive or anything, and can even be entertaining (particularly in the RPG games), but I couldn't fathom ever putting him in a top x characters list.

Bonus Question: What is your favorite Nier moment?

Oh man, too many. The listed one is a good one. Plus most of the dungeon revisits in playthrough B - the stories of the enemies you fight are heartwrenchinng and very well done.

Bonus Question: Who is your favorite Mass Effect squadmate?

Having only played ME2 and up through Tuchanka in ME3, Mordin. Consistently entertaining, with one of the better backstories and resolutions.

Garrus, Thane, and Legion were cool too. Tali is trash.

Bonus Question: Which game has your favorite atmosphere?

Yikes. This question is crazy difficult. Let's just go with a tie between Shadow Hearts, Wild Arms, and FF7.

Bonus Question: What is your favorite optional scene in a game?

Not even a question, Zack scene.

Speaking of Zack, though, I think my favorite moment of his is on the truck ride just before the ending. Despite the four years of isolation and experimentation, he is -- at heart -- the same puppy he was when he joined SOLDIER. He may be soured on SOLDIER and Shinra, but he's still looking forward to what's next, starting a mercenary gig with Cloud, meeting back up with Aeris, etc. I love how he continually addresses Cloud, even though Cloud is unable to respond.

Crisis Core did a lot of things wrong, and it'd never make a favorite games list of mine, but I have literally zero complaints about how they handled Zack. Even the things they changed were for the better.

Zack owns.

You saved science, SuperNiceDog!
Congratulations to the Kentucky Wildcats, NCAA basketball champions!
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05/27/12 10:11:00 PM

A Tali hater, huh.

That's unfortunate.

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05/27/12 10:14:00 PM

I'll admit that my Tali hatred is totally unreasonable and mostly based out of complete and utter confusion at her popularity. So I guess she isn't trash but geez. Her dialogue is cute sometimes but I'm still a bit baffled at how people enjoy her so much!

You saved science, SuperNiceDog!
Congratulations to the Kentucky Wildcats, NCAA basketball champions!
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05/27/12 10:14:00 PM

I thought I explained it pretty well...!

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05/27/12 10:23:00 PM

Well, I guess it'd be better had I actually seen those Legion scenes in ME2. As of now I'm basically going off of her Shepard crush, which isn't all that appealing to me!

You saved science, SuperNiceDog!
Congratulations to the Kentucky Wildcats, NCAA basketball champions!
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05/27/12 10:24:00 PM

Those scenes are relatively easy to find on YouTube!

"But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...outside."
"I am lightning...the rain transformed."
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05/27/12 10:51:00 PM

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask spoilers below

32. The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask – Reuniting Lost Love

For the record, this is going to be the only Zelda thing on any of the lists, so any of you waiting to see where Link or Ocarina of Time are going to land can stop wondering! Most people know I’m not a big fan of Zelda in general. I did enjoy Majora’s Mask and Twilight Princess, and they’d probably make my games list if I expanded it out to like 75 or something, but that’s it. That should give you an idea of how much I like this moment compared to my overall apathy toward the Zelda series overall. I did like the Bombers Notebook thing Majora’s Mask did. It was a very nice touch, and it results in a great moment like this one here.

I remember I did a playthrough topic on Board 8 when I played Majora’s Mask after GOTD (like I said I would if it won), and people told me the Kafei/Anju quest was the best one in the game, so I decided to save it for last. The gist of the quest is that Kafei and Anju were supposed to get married, but for some inexplicable reason, Kafei disappeared before the wedding day without a trace. So now Link’s job is to find Kafei and reunite him with Anju before it’s too late.

I think one of the great things about this quest is that it literally runs you right up to the end of the three days. You’re busy getting everything together over the entire course of the 72 hours, making sure you get everything in place and then helping Kafei get the mask back before it’s too late. After you do all that and time wears down toward the end while you’re waiting for Kafei to arrive at Anju’s room, there’s a great sense of, “Oh man, is he gonna make it in time?” It’s pretty tense. Plus, their romance is pretty sweet, especially how Anju resolves that she’s going to keep waiting for him, no matter what, even as the moon falls toward them and her family begs her to go. Then they decide that if they can spend their final moments together after all they’ve been through, then they have no regrets, even if they die from the moon crashing down on Clock Town.

Now normally, at that point, you just play the reverse Song of Time and rewind back to 72 hours left, right? But then I started thinking…If I did that, then all of that work will be undone and it’ll be as if it never happened. Kafei and Anju will go back to being miserable and alone. I was okay with letting the swamp go back to getting poisoned and leaving that monkey to get tortured again. I was fine with letting the Gorons get frozen over again. I was content to let that Zora chick lose her voice and let those eggs remain in the captivity of pirates. I was even willing to accept Ikana being returned to its cursed state. But to see love this pure reunited and then cruelly dashed? Not even the self-serving, pragmatic Link of Majora’s Mask could stand for that, no sir! Instead of rewinding time, I charged straight into the final battle, whipped that pansy little Skull Kid into shape, owned Majora’s Mask, and put the moon back into its place, all for Kafei and Anju, because love like that is once in a lifetime.

Bonus Question: What is your favorite Legend of Zelda moment?

"So cold. I am always by your side."
"There ain't no gettin' off of this train we on!"
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05/27/12 11:04:00 PM

What is your favorite Legend of Zelda moment?

Tough choice. Linebeck helping Link in Phantom Hourglass was awesome. That Lokomo forest guy (Gage, IIRC) in Spirit Tracks teaching us the song was great, my favorite Zelda song, but too short. Speaking of Spirit Tracks, that moment with Zelda where she... you know.

Gotta go with visiting the land you've saved in Oracles though. Nice touch.

Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
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05/27/12 11:15:00 PM

[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
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05/27/12 11:17:00 PM


At least it was a good entry

SuperNiceDog - 1, pjbasis - 0
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05/28/12 1:15:00 AM

also you lurkers feel free to contribute any time

let's take user saveus_Maria's advice to heart and be more sociable

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05/28/12 1:29:00 AM

Top tier Zelda moment. Majora's Mask is best.

Can't say I like Twilight Princess that much, though! But that's more of my extreme arachnophobia and how much I hate the art direction in Twilight Princess.

Rank 9, Dr. Peace? Pffft, nothing compared to Rank 1, Dr_Football!
when thinking of Krystal, does GMUN's pants get overcrowded? ~ GMUN
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Eeeevil Overlord
05/28/12 1:34:00 AM

"How far did you manage to get into it? Like I mentioned in the writeup, the game starts off rather slow."

I can't remember, but I think it was the world after Deep Jungle. Is that Aladdin? I can't remember the order of things, I do think I had a Riku fight though, although I may be completely misremembering that.

Basic summation of my thoughts, I guess: Disney stuff was quite fun (but only for the Disney worlds I actually cared about); Square stuff didn't actually matter and was just kinda distracting; the original stuff was nonsensical and boring.

"Bonus Question: What is your favorite Legend of Zelda moment?"

Only Zelda game I've properly played was Majora's Mask, and my best memory from that is rolling around in Goron mode, but I guess that doesn't really count as a moment? I don't really remember, it was a while ago!

James - Board 8's Resident Warm And Safe, Slipper-Wearing User
& The Cream of Porcupine Tree Fanboyism
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05/28/12 1:38:00 AM

Oh yeah, Kingdom Hearts question.

I liked both the Disney and Square parts! I thought they worked pretty well. Square seems to have a back seat for KH, though. I would like to see more of a presence in them. Old school FF would fit right snugly with Disney, so I'm surprised only Setzer showed up. And...poor Setzer, being reduced to playing games with children. Yeesh.

Don't like the original stuff too much. Organization XIII is hit/miss, Riku was a hit in KH1 and that's it, and everything else is miss. Especially Sora, no thanks.

Rank 9, Dr. Peace? Pffft, nothing compared to Rank 1, Dr_Football!
when thinking of Krystal, does GMUN's pants get overcrowded? ~ GMUN
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05/28/12 2:14:00 AM

LeonhartFour posted...
Nobody cares, LMS.

also everyone appreciates you saying "I am so blatantly inconsiderate that I refuse to use spoilers and then I will post the spoilers in ALL CAPS to make it easier for you to read"

I don't really care about spoilers period, honestly, especially for games that are almost a decade old if not older. And I put that in ALL CAPS because I liked that so much, not to make it easier for people to read.

Then again, watching YouTube LPs of games make me want to play the games more (for instance, I'd be totally pumped up to play Skies of Arcadia or Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal), so there.

And I honestly don't really get why Majora's Mask is oft-regarded to be in the upper echelon of the series.

Currently Playing - StarCraft: Brood War
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05/28/12 11:30:00 AM

From: LinkMarioSamus | #248
I don't really care about spoilers period

But other people do.

How you feel about spoilers is literally irrelevant.

"But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...outside."
"I am lightning...the rain transformed."
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05/28/12 11:34:00 AM

From: Eeeevil Overlord | #246
I can't remember, but I think it was the world after Deep Jungle. Is that Aladdin? I can't remember the order of things, I do think I had a Riku fight though, although I may be completely misremembering that.

Well, you can tackle some of the worlds in any order you want, although there is a "recommended" order based on what the game says the world's difficulty is. The first three worlds are Deep Jungle, Wonderland, and the Coliseum, and that's the "recommended" order based on what the game rates each world's difficulty as, but you don't have to go in that order.

But if you got to Agrabah, then you made it to the second set of Disney worlds. Did you actually finish that one? Because it's pretty good.

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Eeeevil Overlord
05/28/12 11:39:00 AM

I don't know if I did finish Agrabah, no. Not to say I didn't, though!

James - Board 8's Resident Warm And Safe, Slipper-Wearing User
& The Cream of Porcupine Tree Fanboyism
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