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05/24/12 10:07:00 AM

Haha you can kill Darius mid-air when he is using his ult. TY turret and my Q since he woulda killed me with it if he didn't die.

Official Mienshao of the pokemon B/W and BW2 clans
Comic pull list: UXF, WatX, XML, Avengers Academy, Defenders, Secret Avengers, JLI, and Batwing
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05/24/12 10:08:00 AM

I've been hit with an ashe arrow mid air as tristana before. It sucked

yE frE me Kweku Ananse Papa
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05/24/12 10:23:00 AM

even though she "jumps," tristana never actually leaves the ground. She can be hit by all skill shots.

"What if you just eat vegetarians?"-neonreaper
"^ You are what you eat. ^_~"-Koiji
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05/24/12 10:56:00 AM

ok just did a bot game with Darius. He is mad fun.

Official Mienshao of the pokemon B/W and BW2 clans
Comic pull list: UXF, WatX, XML, Avengers Academy, Defenders, Secret Avengers, JLI, and Batwing
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05/24/12 12:11:00 PM

Darius is now going to be my main. I did two bot games then in the PvP game as solo top against Riven and Rammus I just did I went 13/4/4. So much fun.

Official Mienshao of the pokemon B/W and BW2 clans
Comic pull list: UXF, WatX, XML, Avengers Academy, Defenders, Secret Avengers, JLI, and Batwing
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05/24/12 9:11:00 PM

I just had a jungle Alistar say the following:

I'm wasting all my time helping your lanes, I can't even jungle...

he has 1 assist.

I can't make this stuff up.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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05/24/12 9:18:00 PM

junglistar and blitzcrank are really annoying fotms

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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05/24/12 9:40:00 PM

tbh I know how that feels.

You waste all your time trying to gank lanes, but no one ever dies, so it never pays off, and you end up behind the support in gold and levels.

Then you think to yourself, "I should have just kept farming the jungle."

Except you can't, because all your laners that are losing their lanes need help, and all the ones that are doing well want you to camp their lanes.

It's incredibly frustrating. god I hate jungling.

"What if you just eat vegetarians?"-neonreaper
"^ You are what you eat. ^_~"-Koiji
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05/24/12 9:57:00 PM

there are 4 kinds of junglers

1.Control Guys like Shyvana who can steal buffs and keep the enemy jungler low. This is good against people like Warwick and Amumu who depend on buffs and levels for their ults.

2.There are Farm Junglers who treat the jungle like a solo lane but have gank potential if need be. Think Kayle and Jax.

3.Then there are junglers who HAVE TO GANK because their farming ability is bad and they don't scale well. Alistar and Pantheon and Pantheon are the big ones here.

4.Then you have the top tier guys like Trundle/Lee Sin/Mundo/Nocturne who can do all 3.

So for Alistar to complain about helping lanes, when that's his sole purpose, is laughably bad. Alistar can't farm well and doesn't scale well with items anyways.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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05/24/12 10:30:00 PM

At the risk of ruining your redundant joke, add Twitch to the must gank list.

His clears aren't awful but you're fooling yourself if you pick him for any reason other than guaranteed burned flash at level 2.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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05/24/12 11:32:00 PM

i never build wriggles on twitch or pantheon


i just get dorans and build normally

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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05/24/12 11:35:00 PM

Also, I'm staying away from normals until the next patch or the patch after.

Darius has ruined my taste for this game.

I can't enjoy it in this state.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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05/25/12 12:29:00 AM

I hate being able to pick fun champs like Yorick who win lanes and push things early because I have to pick champs that can snowball and carry games like Olaf :(

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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05/25/12 1:21:00 AM

who wants to play ranked 5s with me and the rest of Team Boko

Virtue - "You don't need a reason to Boko United."
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05/25/12 1:28:00 AM

So people finally realized

A.You can build Darius super tanky with hardly any damage and he still pumps out 600 true damage and then repeats it.

B.LoL treat him like Garen and Kite all day with Ashe.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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05/25/12 1:50:00 AM

I've built Daruis super tanky since my first ever game and never turned back.

you just swim around in fights ulting everyone near you, and never die.

I actually think Daruis could be an amazing jungler because his counter jungle game might just be completely insane. I haven't tried it in an actual game, but his E can pull creep camps through the jungle walls. With aggressive early wards, he can just sneak in and E at the right time to attack + smite steal any golem while being incredibly safe the entire time.

Virtue - "You don't need a reason to Boko United."
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05/25/12 2:22:00 AM

Yea it's kinda obvious that Darius is pretty much Ghostblade/BT or wriggles/Tanky/Tanky/Tanky/Boots. And the Ghostblade is like... 6th item sitting at Brut or GP10. Dude is hella scary jungler actually from what I've been watching.

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05/25/12 8:13:00 AM

losing as Ashe with a 13/3/21 score sucks. hard. Some people don't get that the key to winning is pushing towers.

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05/25/12 9:12:00 AM

The funniest/worst thing about Darius is how they basically took everything Morello said about Irelia's damage and completely ignore it.

Stacking, magic damage DoT.

Massive true damage ultimate.

Physical everything else.

And it all scales of AD, so it's worse than it looks.

I'll be shocked if his passive doesn't end up getting an AP ratio at the end of the day.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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05/25/12 9:14:00 AM

I've played against Darius twice now (only played two games since the new patch so yeah >_>) and I have to say his pull or whatever it is is incredibly annoying. The first game I did well against him (but we still lost, see previous post), the second game not so much. Didn't help that our Darius that game sucked balls. Everyone I've seen so far builds damage on him though, and I have no idea why.

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05/25/12 3:47:00 PM

Irelia is still used in tourneys. Her problem is different than everyone else's except Xin Zhao.

They're both impossible to balance with the current skill set. Irelia shedding CC by default is one of if not the best passive besides Poppy's. This game is all about CC and she can shed it naturally. To top it off she has ridiculous sustain and true damage as A NORMAL MOVE. She never has to build real damage items. Ever. Throw in a gap closer and a stun and she literally has everything. Oh yeah gap closer doubles as an escape.

Xin has an unstoppable CC, passive AS, sustain, AS steroid, gap closer with slow, and a health percentage AOE ultimate that gives resistances. He can't be balanced. It's impossible. He's either too strong or weak.

Morello already explained Darius: he's an all or nothing fighter. When he engages he dies or he kills you. He has no sustain, a short range skills shot gap closer, and needs to trade to win.

But hey, the pros haven't really showed him off yet so who knows what he can be. His jungle is pretty cool though. His damage on ganks is silly so if you pair him with CC heavy lands it's an insta gib.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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05/25/12 6:01:00 PM

how is this my first time playing Volibear?

He might not be competitive at higher levels but damn is her fun.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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05/25/12 6:03:00 PM

TheConductorSix posted...
how is this my first time playing Volibear?

He might not be competitive at higher levels but damn is her fun.

Volibear one of my favorite champions to play. One of the only tanks I like playing too since they usually have to rely on their team not being stupid to win late game =P

I love Zigzagoon! <3
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05/25/12 6:09:00 PM

Would someone mind PMing me the Vent info, my computer got wiped when it went in for repairs.

&lt;i&gt;Falconnnnnnn &lt;b&gt;PUNCH!&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/i&gt;
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05/25/12 6:33:00 PM


I like his Mid Game action. His ability to just stack Doran's Shields and just auto attack punks all day is hilarious. Also his Passive+Spirit Visage is the best bait ever

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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05/25/12 9:48:00 PM

vs. bot practice paid off.

Did a normal as Ashe, ended in enemy surrender at 20 with two of their towers down and an ace a minute prior. Our Rumble dominated Olaf topside 5-1, mid broke even, our jungle Udyr was a good meatshield if nothing else, and bot with Lulu went 6/2/7 for me and 1/1/10 for her. Final score was 21-8 (lots of death on both sides in mid, and after a while Rumble just started roaming around and killing mid too.

Lulu/Ashe is a great lane for securing kills. Slows and ult stuns ftw.

This isn't 1950. Girls develop way later than they used to because human lifespans have increased - Lavos_Fanboy
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05/25/12 11:11:00 PM

I still don't believe I've ever even laned w/ a Lulu

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05/26/12 12:47:00 AM

When I first started playing LOL I went up against Master Yi my first game. He Penta'd us and I thought "My God...that was so friggin cool. One guy killed all the others by himself." This game is SWEET. I then bought Master Yi the second I could and I took him everywhere. Duo'd bot, Duo'd top, jungled(poorly. what the hell are runes), and could never come close to that Penta that hooked me initially.

Today, coincidentally enough, I got my first Penta Kill with the Dunkmaster himself. Felt so damn good.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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05/26/12 5:33:00 AM

From: SythaWarrior | #117
Yea it's kinda obvious that Darius is pretty much Ghostblade/BT or wriggles/Tanky/Tanky/Tanky/Boots. And the Ghostblade is like... 6th item sitting at Brut or GP10. Dude is hella scary jungler actually from what I've been watching.

IMO Frozen Heart+Something that gives mana regen(I like shurelya's cause active+builds out of Philo) is core on Darius. I always have major mana problems till I build Frozen Heart.

My current build is this
Boot1+hp pots>Philo's stone>Boots2>Glacial Shroud>Phage/Hexdrinker/Madred's Razor(then other two)>Frozen Heart>Shurelya's reverie>Frozen Mallet/Maw of malmortis/Madred's boodrazorRazor(then other two).
I am tempted to swap out Madred's/Frozen Mallet for Bloodthirster and Spirit Visage(Going to try it in my next game and see how it goes)

Official Mienshao of the pokemon B/W and BW2 clans
Comic pull list: UXF, WatX, XML, Avengers Academy, Defenders, Secret Avengers, JLI, and Batwing
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05/26/12 12:01:00 PM

Well, I tried jungling mundo. I think I'm worse with mundo than any other champion I've ever tried. I think I could lose any game if I were mundo.

So, I'm not going to play him again. What I am curious about is how other people are effective with him. The clear time for camps was great, but my health was always low in the jungle, I would gank at full health but get burst down in a matter of seconds in every lane I tried to gank, I was useless in teamfights because even other melee champs could kite me. It was among the worst times I ever had playing league.

But I see other people dominate with him. I've seen people use mundo to gank, and deal infinite amounts of damage. I've watched this on streams and in tournaments. I've fought against Mundo's that are unkillable as long as at least one other member of their team is alive. I don't know how they do it.

"What if you just eat vegetarians?"-neonreaper
"^ You are what you eat. ^_~"-Koiji
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05/26/12 12:22:00 PM

A few of my last games have gone like this:
Ashe 13/3/21
Warwick solo top 6/7/20
Warwick jungle 15/7/22

all lost. I seriously need to work on my lategame. Not the teamfight part, mostly the pushing part. I rarely seem to get it right if I'm with only one/two good teammate. I've got no problem 'carrying' a team to the part where we could win, it's just finishing that I never seem to do. If most (or all) of my teammates are good that of course isn't an issue.

For example the last game had a Varus going 0/6/1 until lategame where he finally got some kills thanks to us. Does THAT make him a bad player? Nope. Everyone can have bad games or bad matchups. What DOES make him a bad player: He built bloodthirster as first item when he was 0/6 still. Why

I gave him some tips etc (I know yelling doesn't help much, so I was polite) but still we lost.

So I guess what I'm saying is: Can someone give me tips on how to handle a lategame where we have the SLIGHT upperhand? I've got no problem winning if we are clearly dominating, but otherwise it's always really tough.

Maybe it comes with time, I'm still level 27 after all.

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05/26/12 12:29:00 PM

Only three remain

Heimerdinger, the King of Falling Off
Rammus, the Nerfadillo
Xin Zhao, the Shame of Demacia

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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05/26/12 12:31:00 PM

"We're winning, but we still have to play cautious. Next dragon is in 90 seconds so let's heal/buy so we can be ready to secure it"

^say things like that.

Let them know that (A) They can't slack off just because you have a lead (however slight) and (B) let them know what the next or most important objective is.

And if you get to a point where baron or inhib become viable then when win a fight you have to instantly decide (based on how much life your team has and how many of them are left alive) if you can inhib, which is priority one. And if inhib isn't realistic then maybe baron is. Either way you make the call and ping it and get everyone behind you. Many games get lost because someone calls for inhib when it wasn't really viable. This could result in an ace after your team has a slight victory that could have turned into a baron. OR some people take baron when inhib was 100% available. If the inhib is available you take it because the inhib makes securing the baron that much easier.

OR games get lost because you see the inhib, you take the inhib, and then people don't go and HEAL immediately after (assuming you can't Nexus in which case you should nexus) and so your opponents take the counter baron which allows them to establish an advantage just because some idiot wanted to 'steal red buff' instead of 'make sure the enemy doesn't counter baron after losing an inhib which is extremely common'.

Stuffs like that.

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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Chaotic Mind
05/26/12 12:44:00 PM

From: Gwindor | #130
Well, I tried jungling mundo. I think I'm worse with mundo than any other champion I've ever tried. I think I could lose any game if I were mundo.

So, I'm not going to play him again. What I am curious about is how other people are effective with him. The clear time for camps was great, but my health was always low in the jungle, I would gank at full health but get burst down in a matter of seconds in every lane I tried to gank, I was useless in teamfights because even other melee champs could kite me. It was among the worst times I ever had playing league.

But I see other people dominate with him. I've seen people use mundo to gank, and deal infinite amounts of damage. I've watched this on streams and in tournaments. I've fought against Mundo's that are unkillable as long as at least one other member of their team is alive. I don't know how they do it.

Start with cloth+5 pots to keep your health up during your intial jungle clear. Buy boots and Heart of Gold as soon as you can. After HoG get either Ninja Tabi (if enemy team has a lot of physical damage) or Boots of swiftness, or buy a Negatron Cloak first if enemy AP is bursting you.

Once you have T2 boots get a Phage. After that buy a Chain Vest (and a Neg Cloak if you didn't get one yet). Then finish Frozen Mallet (this will keep people from being able to kite you, make sure you keep Burning Agony on during team fights to shed CC faster).

After Mallet finish Force of Nature and Atma's, not necessarily in that order. Also consider getting Randuin's instead of Atma's if enemy team is mostly physical and Ninja Tabi + Chain Vest aren't enough.

Next get a Warmog's or build more resistances. Spirit Visage for more MR, Atma's or Sunfire Cape for more Armor. In rare cases against super-fed AD carries consider getting Thornmail.

Mundo starts off squishy but gets more and more unkillable as the game goes on. Make sure to activate his E after dropping below 50% health to watch his AD soar. Also make sure to activate his ult when initiating team fights to get his regen and movespeed up.

Hope this advice helps.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called Black Turtle by those who have not got it."
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05/26/12 12:47:00 PM

The pushing part is a direct component of the teamfight part. If you've got an advantage and you're sure you can win a fight, force an objective like tower or baron. Win fight, take advantage, further lead, rinse and repeat.

I had a series of games around my level 15 area where I would dominate lane as Tristana, but my team would have terrible fights whenever we grouped. So I thought I would just take objectives and really carry the team. I started split pushing and taking towers, being a real nuisance, even taking down nexus turrets some games. But every time my team would get wiped cause I wasn't there, then I'd get caught out if position and we'd lose the game.

I don't so that anymore. While pushing power can be great, winning fights gives you infinitely more power to win the game.

Force your team into favorable positions. If you feel like you're carrying but your team is never in the right place at the right time, take it upon yourself to buy stacks of wards and get the map presence out there. Then force good fights through excessive pinging and push to win after you ace. Boom.
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05/26/12 2:09:00 PM

I find that LoL players have a big problem with hubris. I have won and lost no more than ten games each to players who started getting cocky and making bad decisions because "these scrubs can't kill me." It only takes one bad fight near around 30 minutes to end the game on. LoL is the type of game where if you aren't on the ball consistently, you will be punished and will lose.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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05/26/12 5:08:00 PM

I've won more 4v5's than I've lost. People don't get cocky in those games, and it pays off.

Tried out Graves. His kit is pretty fun and focused, but I don't think his passive belongs on an AD carry. 30 free armor/MR is too much free tankiness for a role that's supposed to be fragile.

This isn't 1950. Girls develop way later than they used to because human lifespans have increased - Lavos_Fanboy
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05/26/12 5:45:00 PM

Took a break from LoL for awhile trying to play D3, but my laptop just can't handle it. Looks like I'll have to return to the OP Adventures of Zazi "snowpork" Guado.

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05/26/12 7:52:00 PM

Mundo is the most braindead champion this side of Singed. He's extremely versatile.

If the enemy is a slow jungler like Warwick or someone who has to start blue then invade their red.
You can start boots and 3 pots if you see a gankable lane and want early pressure
You can start cloth and 5 pots and sustain through your initial clear.
I tend to get 2 W 2 Q 1 E then max W.
Get ninja tabi and heart of gold then build accordingly. I tend to always get Spirit Visage because it works with his passive and ultimate so well.

Ganking is pretty easy early before enemies get wards. One Q begins the chain slow and the W does big damage and prevents them from CCing you for long. If you get sn early kill get Oracles because it puts immense pressure on lanes when they have no vision of you.

In team fights you are an annoyance and a tank. Your job is to stick to enemy squishes with your W on and just stay in their face. Force the enemy to do something to you while your ult keeps you alive much longer you should live.

My typical build is heart of gold, tabi, visage, Warmogs, randuin's. You get in there and slow everything and just soak damage.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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05/26/12 9:33:00 PM

Mundo is the most braindead champion this side of Singed.

It's funny you should say that. I can't play singed either. A majority of people I've played singed with have asked me to never play singed.

"What if you just eat vegetarians?"-neonreaper
"^ You are what you eat. ^_~"-Koiji
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05/27/12 12:16:00 AM

Gwindor I'll hop on my alt all this weekend. I'll do custom games or normal games with you and show you how Braindead they are.

Singed and Mundo take literally NO skill. They AOE farm minions at a stupid rate and have Passives/Ults that make them Ignite Bait.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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05/27/12 2:35:00 AM

I changed my text message ringtone to play "Fish fish fish!" whenever I get a text now. <3

I love Zigzagoon! <3
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05/27/12 6:16:00 AM

Ugh yesterday I had a game where I was sneaking through Jungle on top cause I was a 2 in a 2v1 lane where my partner was doing enough damage that he would have to fall back to turret soon at level 1 and I was Malphite so I coulda !'d him and got a kill while living thru turret if he was in the right place. I found a mundo in jungle with barely any health and just missed igniting/seismic sharding him for fb. He was them the bain of our team for the entire game...

Official Mienshao of the pokemon B/W and BW2 clans
Comic pull list: UXF, WatX, XML, Avengers Academy, Defenders, Secret Avengers, JLI, and Batwing
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05/27/12 11:32:00 PM

Sivir mid should be more of a thing.

This isn't 1950. Girls develop way later than they used to because human lifespans have increased - Lavos_Fanboy
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05/27/12 11:53:00 PM

I loved when it was more acceptable for AD carries to play top or mid.

I would counterpick kassadin with sivir and laugh all day. You have a slow moving projectile silence? Thank you for the free mana good sir.

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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05/28/12 5:46:00 AM

Lol people who insist on following Bruiser top/AP mid/Jungler/Support+ad carry bot. Last night we had a guy who ended up jungling as Varus cause we need a jungler!!!! Then he spent the entire game whining that I didn't jungle as Darius when I said I couldn't jungle at the very begining of the champ select. He played horribly(no surprise there) and went afk at level 14 after the rest of us died in a teamfight by our turret cause he ran towards them and wasn't even in the area where the turret would attack them also.

Official Mienshao of the pokemon B/W and BW2 clans
Comic pull list: UXF, WatX, XML, Avengers Academy, Defenders, Secret Avengers, JLI, and Batwing
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05/28/12 8:11:00 AM

Realo, I probably won't be on for the rest of the day. Thanks anyway, though.

Really frustrating night of Dominion games. Down 21 elos. The last match ended with the enemy nexus at 1 hp. Kept getting really enormous elo spreads. One of the matches had a difference of 1000 between highest player and lowest. Ah well.

"What if you just eat vegetarians?"-neonreaper
"^ You are what you eat. ^_~"-Koiji
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05/28/12 4:48:00 PM

Earlier today I played Soraka for the first time in a very long time. I was worried that I'd miss being able to give mana to myself, but I refrained from constantly capping off health to make sure me and my lanemate were always full (which is basically what I used to do). Before philo I had to watch my mana usage a bit, but after that (and especially after shurries) I wasn't really wanting for mana at all, even when using starcall often. Definitely going to play Soraka more often. I forgot how nice good sustain could be.

"Later that day, I f***ed a panda." - PSO
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05/28/12 4:51:00 PM

Soraka is just so freaking good.

Your carry can stay in lane forever, and it's incredibly easy for you to do your job effectively.

Virtue - "You don't need a reason to Boko United."
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05/28/12 4:53:00 PM

Soraka is really stupid right now.

Just don't pick her against Leona/Blitz lanes because they can derp you in one combo.

But yeah, I ban Soraka every game I'm first pick. If she goes Exhaust/Heal she can burst heal her lane for stupid amounts.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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