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07/05/23 10:35:13 PM

I assume the menu issue is how it slows down when viewing the world map

motion blur's never been a thing that's bothered me, but I've had a coworker make the same complaint about the game

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07/06/23 9:26:55 AM

Someone at work asked me about my FF16 progress and I told them I'm wrapping up all the side quests before I go to the final dungeon

He then said "what's a final dungeon?"

... do the kids these days not understand that terminology

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07/08/23 10:14:12 AM

even though it's not, in my head canon XVI is now a prequel to VI and Terra is the first Dominant in 1000 years.

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07/08/23 10:18:19 AM

I bounced off this pretty hard when we got to the desert. managed to push through to the big titan fight, which was an even split of fun and dumb. spectacle is really all this game has going for it, I think. I'll probably still finish the game but I really don't feel compelled to keep playing

while you slept, the world changed
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07/08/23 10:19:58 AM

I've been loving this game more and more as I play it, it rules

I find it kinda bussin, I find it kinda cap
That the dreams in which I'm dying are the ones that kinda slap
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07/08/23 11:25:07 AM

Am I super slow or did I do stuff people didn't bother with?

About 50 hours in, 95% of story cleared and then boom 9 sidequests show up.
Cleared all hunts up to this point including that big dragon ages ago

Congrats to Eli Ayase's #1 fan BK_Sheikah00 on winning the BYIG Guru Contest.
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07/08/23 11:30:29 AM

That sounds about right, I did everything and it took me I wanna say....55-60?

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07/08/23 11:33:54 AM

I 100% my first playthrough and I'm almost halfway through my Final Fantasy difficulty playthrough

voltch be slow

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07/08/23 11:37:47 AM

You get more sidequests every time you get to the hideaway I feel. At least there is a lot the last couple of times.

Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc, the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
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07/08/23 1:39:11 PM

colliding posted...
I bounced off this pretty hard when we got to the desert. managed to push through to the big titan fight, which was an even split of fun and dumb. spectacle is really all this game has going for it, I think. I'll probably still finish the game but I really don't feel compelled to keep playing

I can definitely relate to this, but i will say you should at least see it through to the next eikon fight. Its got a lot more meat to it gameplay-wise, and it definitely made me more of a believer

I'm the original TomNook7 from the old days. The other guy is just TomNook. Know your TomNooks.
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07/08/23 1:47:10 PM

The worst stretch of the game is after Titan and before Bahamut. It dumps the worst parts of ongoing sidequests and the least interesting all new sidequests in the game, and it spreads out their intial availability at random intervals. It also has tons of areas you can explore right away that exist for sidequests you don't have yet and are otherwise just a waste of time to go to, with all the other convenient teleporters in the dessert locked away due to story events.

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07/08/23 1:58:36 PM

Ok got the big sword and I don't see any bigger swords to get in this game.

Relatively painless to get compared with the crap FFX made you go through, but other FFs have had nicer quests attached to getting an ultimate weapon.

Congrats to Eli Ayase's #1 fan BK_Sheikah00 on winning the BYIG Guru Contest.
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07/08/23 10:02:13 PM

I just beat the game and I have some thoughts, I assume it'd be too gauche to post a "XVI unmarked spoilers for people who beat the game" topic so going to dump stuff here.

(Full game & ending spoilers)
I loved this game, like I was really really into it, and then the enthusiasm gradually kept dropping, almost in-time with the world going to shit actually. Hated pretty much every fight you were controlling Ifrit other than the Typhon fight, the whole Waloed section, but what pisses me off right now, in this moment having just beaten the game, is that Clive dies - I was way too invested in a fictional protagonist's survival and one again Square decided we couldn't have a happy ending. So I'm waiting through the credits for a post-credits "hey he survived" scene and instead I get something like a post-credits Marvel movie which doesn't give me closure at all!!!

Also I liked the intro of the red star near the moon, classic Chekov's gun scenario and I'm waiting all game for it to come into play and... Jill sees it disappear signifying Clive's death. Come on!!!

Anyways I probably need to take some more time to digest on this, overall still loved the game and am working on platinuming it now, probably gonna NewGame+ it too (assuming that's part of plat requirements). Just wish the last stretch was a little more interesting, Eikon battles weren't such drags, they toned down slightly on the insane flashiness of certain boss fights, and there was a happy ending for our loveable crew of characters!!!

Ok now that's out of the way I have a question that I don't believe was ever explicitly stated in-game to us, hoping someone caught something I didn't:

Who was it that actually sent Benedikta's head to Hugo? I know they said it was from Cid but that always struck me as way too big of a dick move and never made sense to me so I was assuming all game it was a setup but if they ever conclusively said who sent it, I missed that? When it happened I assumed it was someone on the imperial side (vicereine?) to stir up shit, by the end of the game I'm assuming it was Barnabas or Sleipnir, again to stir up shit. So does the game ever directly or indirectly say who actually sent the box? or if not, was it really Cid all along, in your opinion?

Would appreciate if someone caught that somewhere because it's been kind of bugging me ever since it happened, also apologize in case that was addressed already - I hid this topic since it sprouted up but I'm gonna read through it now that I beat the game.
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07/09/23 2:02:15 AM

MartinFF7 posted...
Who was it that actually sent Benedikta's head to Hugo?

It was clearly Barnabus, or rather under his orders. Benedikta's whole relationship with Kupka was undertaken on his orders in the first place. That's why they bother showing Benedikta shacking up with Barnabus in the first place. They were always playing him, even if her feelings had some truth to them. But no one ever says directly, no. The fact that Sleipnir is even aware it happened is fairly telling in itself, though.

"One toot on this whistle will take you to a far away land."
-Toad, SMB3
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07/09/23 7:20:22 AM

Ive kind of stopped following this topic as Im further behind.

But to me this game is what dragon quest XI promised itself to be. I bounced hard off that game because it felt like the plot went nowhere and the side quests were complete fluff nonsense. The explanation I read was that was culturally what gamers who played those sort of games liked which I thought was weird.

This game has echoes of that with the putting together the ship quests but I feel like it actually executed where I can play an hour a day and feel immersed in the world and maybe it doesnt really advance the plot but the characters are interesting enough that Im on board.

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07/09/23 10:42:28 AM

Yonezu Kenshi end credit song cleared.

The MV dropped on his channel a few hours ago too!

Great game was worth purchasing a PS5 for, had many nitpicks earlier, but for the most part they got addressed as the game went on. Not really settled on where I'd rank it among my fav FFs, likely somewhere in the top 10 but outside the top 5.

Ending didn't end up changing my mind too much, though I much prefer Ardyn as a main villain among recent entries.

Game did leave me wanting for more big budget FF content, so hopefully we don't have to wait 5+ years for a non-Remake entry.

Congrats to Eli Ayase's #1 fan BK_Sheikah00 on winning the BYIG Guru Contest.
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07/09/23 12:30:48 PM

voltch posted...

Game did leave me wanting for more big budget FF content, so hopefully we don't have to wait 5+ years for a non-Remake entry.

I am not optimistic on this front

while you slept, the world changed
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07/10/23 8:59:51 AM

I just beat the game. I loved parts, but have a lot of criticisms. I need to compile my thoughts but burst fire from the hip opinions. Will try to keep them spoiler free:

  • Side Quests are 95% uninteresting trash padding with no decent rewards whatsoever. I do not need more stacks of Magicked Ashe.

  • Even some of Main Quest tasks feel like these Side Quests. Talk to A to talk to B to talk to C to talk to D to slay 5 monsters to talk to E. The MMO DNA is thick. The pacing is brutally bad, after learning mind shattering god level information you're forced to deal with political negotiations about grain or some shit. Like cmon now, does CLIVE really need to deal with this low level stuff? There's kind of bigger things happening.

  • This definitely lacks the color and pop of previous entries, but that was expected after I watched the first trailer (The ONLY thing I consumed before playing it too, I went in basically blind). But man, I was getting real bored of seeing the next town or area be more brown and grey. Dark Brown and grey. Black and brown. Black and Grey. Yes, it makes the magic and combat pop more in contrast, but for as beautifully designed the areas are they really started to bore me with their drab color palette.

  • Motion blur was obnoxious, glad that got patched out.

  • Game is piss easy. I only died a few times when fighting Hunts WAY above my level. And even then I still beat them after learning their easily telegraphed patterns. Will get into FF mode to see if that helps, but if it's just a "Enemies do more damage and have more health" I don't think that will improve things, it will just make battles longer and not more difficult.

  • Music is forgettable save for a few tracks. "Our Terms" though rivals Besaid Island for me for chillest FF track of all time. I could listen to that forever. Boss theme is also a bop, glad it played for every Hunt. The rest is "Dark Fantasy orchestrated filler"

  • The characters are quite wooden and uninteresting, which unfortunately includes Clive. There were a handful of characters who brought some life to the screen like Gav, Cid, Byron, and a few of the villains like Bennie and Kupka. The rest you could almost swap their personalities and you'd never know the difference. Clive, Josh, Dion, Otto, etc. Torgal best boy though.

  • The customization/loot is really dull. Whenever I got a new sword with bigger numbers, I never felt it at all. That and you're completely dumped on with crafting materials non stop that barely matter whatsoever. It got to a point where if I saw a shiny thing on the ground, I wouldn't even bother swerving to pick it up. The only equipment I felt made any difference is accessories which reduce your CDs.

  • Party members might as well have not have existed, I almost never felt their presence in any battle, including Torgal. I saw their spells and saw them doing some stuff, but they don't have any HP and can't die so I never felt the need to give a crap.

  • Stop taking my control away during boss fights to do needless QTEs. Who actually likes these?! If you want to show something cool happen, just show it. Don't freeze the game until I press Square.

  • The game teased and didn't deliver on a lot of FF staples. Won't say them here, but man...The FF fan in me was disapointed more than once. Seriously KYLE and WADE? You know what you did.

  • Voice acting is incredibly well done. Like damn, no more anime sounds between sentences makes everything feel much more natural. Lip syncing seemed to be pretty good as well.

  • Graphics are unbelievably good. I could not BELIEVE some of the stuff I was seeing being pulled off, mouth was agape for much of the run.

  • 0 Loading times, how in the hell?! Much appreciated especially when trudging through a lot of the uninteresting quests.

  • Combat feels really good. Despite it looking like there's 1000 things happening on screen, I always feel completely in control and know exactly what I need to do/how to do it. I also feel this is where Clive really comes to life and drops the dull whispery voice in favor of some brutal grunts and trash talk. The trail challenges were also very fun to master.

  • Story had me hooked from start to finish. Even despite the brutal pacing, I always wanted to know what the hell was going on. A lot of my predictions did come true, but many did not and that impressed me.

  • Boss fights are the incredible escalation of the game systems put to the test as they should be. Still wish they were a little tougher, but I was always dumb founded at what I was seeing play out. I felt the weight of the situation in a big way.

  • Eikons. Man. The scale of their power was sold SO well. More plz.

  • Really important side quests were marked with a + rather than a ! which was a nice touch.

  • Active Time Lore was definitely needed and I hope it appears in every story based game ever from here on out.

  • The game does not feel incomplete, glitchy, or otherwise needing polish. This AAA game came out finished, and it's sad that I need to praise this nowadays but I do.

I'm probably missing some stuff, but thats my immediate regurgitation of things I felt. Solid 6.5/10 "For me" game, but as a video game in general ignoring my tastes I'd probably say it's a 9/10.
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07/10/23 9:18:28 AM

This definitely lacks the color and pop of previous entries, but that was expected after I watched the first trailer (The ONLY thing I consumed before playing it too, I went in basically blind). But man, I was getting real bored of seeing the next town or area be more brown and grey. Dark Brown and grey. Black and brown. Black and Grey. Yes, it makes the magic and combat pop more in contrast, but for as beautifully designed the areas are they really started to bore me with their drab color palette.

This is my biggest complaint, other than the combat. For a game series (and developer) so predicated on insanely good visuals (whether anime or western inspired), nothing here really grabs me. It's hard to engage on anything that isn't an Eikon cutscene or fight. Most of the game being set at night doesn't help either. It's a deliberate stylistic choice that I hope they veer away from in the future.

"Evening caress, Always yearning, I must confess, The stars aren't burning"
Copernicus - Candlemass
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07/10/23 9:51:49 AM

Regarding color and music, I really didn't like that the bulk of sidequests happen in a world that looks ugly purple and all the good field music has gone away. Forevermore and Histoire are amazing, but there's zero reason to explore when those are playing. Didn't like that Rosaria was always foggy after the timeskip either.

Congrats to azuarc for winning GOTD2
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07/10/23 9:52:08 AM

I also didn't care much for how dreary the 2nd half of the game is, but they're big FF6 fans so I kinda took it as they were going for a World of Ruin look

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07/10/23 10:08:45 AM

I'm probably a little over halfway at this point. I'm disappointed there are no mini games. I love having an expansive mini game to sink my teeth into. Feels like there was a missed opportunity to breed and race chocobos here.

azuarc is OP.
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07/10/23 10:25:23 AM

SHINE_GET_64 posted...
I also didn't care much for how dreary the 2nd half of the game is, but they're big FF6 fans so I kinda took it as they were going for a World of Ruin look

Same, thematically it worked really well whether the state of the Twins post-purple haze, or the desolation and sterility of Ash, all executed great but as a player left something to be desired...

Well, I'll never forget how I felt first going through Three Reeds, like it was evoking serious childhood memories there that I can't explain but it was pretty great.

Also I agree on the minigame sentiment, when it first wouldn't let you talk to the moogle, I thought we'd get some minigame content out of him whether there was a card game or something. Didn't think it'd just be running the hunt board...

kevwaffles posted...
It was clearly Barnabus, or rather under his orders. Benedikta's whole relationship with Kupka was undertaken on his orders in the first place. That's why they bother showing Benedikta shacking up with Barnabus in the first place. They were always playing him, even if her feelings had some truth to them. But no one ever says directly, no. The fact that Sleipnir is even aware it happened is fairly telling in itself, though.

Yeah replaying the game really gives a lot of context of stuff I forgot about even if it only happened like, 2 weeks beforehand. Not just that scene with Barnabas and Benedikta and knowing who he is by the end of the game, the meaning behind his words in that scene; but the Waloeder faction seizing Caer Norvent and why they would try to hold an impossible-to-hold fortress in enemy territory, Cid even notes that it's all a ploy from the king, part of some greater purpose. So I guess he really sent Benedikta there just for her power to get zapped & her to get killed, setting off the broader Eikon conflict. I suppose it's a "show don't tell" moment to not explicitly state this in any Harpocrates or Vivian materials, but still.

wg64Z nailed more than a few items for me, solid pro/con list. The music I think had some standouts but my plans to buy the OST early on have pretty well fizzled out.
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07/10/23 10:39:24 AM

The soundtrack is fantastic by typical VG standards, but it doesn't hold a candle to any given XIV expansion independantly, much less as a whole.

I do think it's very thematically appropriate! As mentioned before, Soken is just able to go buck wild with whatever he wants in XIV due to it's nature, while he was fairly constrained here.

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07/10/23 11:43:51 AM

UshiromiyaEva posted...
The soundtrack is fantastic by typical VG standards, but it doesn't hold a candle to any given XIV expansion independantly, much less as a whole.

I do think it's very thematically appropriate! As mentioned before, Soken is just able to go buck wild with whatever he wants in XIV due to it's nature, while he was fairly constrained here.

yeah I just don't get it. I agree with the earlier poster about the music mostly being forgettable, save for a few tracks (mostly combat related)

particularly egregious is that one track that's basically just a low drone. it wouldn't be a bad thing except it's the music for a fairly large map. I get that they're trying to make it seem foreboding or whatever, but it's just boring.

while you slept, the world changed
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07/10/23 12:04:31 PM

Thematically appropriate =/= Fun, Catchy, Memorable, Re-listenable, or Good
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07/10/23 12:06:02 PM

I feel like complaining about the rewards of side quests is everything wrong with gaming today.

Doing sidequests because you want rewards is just a skinner box. Xenoblade chronicles was horrendous with this. The rewards were great and the sidequests were complete garbage. It killed the game for me because I felt obligated to do stupid meaningless tasks.

The sidequests in this game I've for the most part really enjoyed because they have expanded the story of the game. Some have been not great but for the most part I've enjoyed the world building

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07/10/23 12:25:52 PM

I'm at the part where you have to go save Mid and Gav and friends right after you get Bahamut and it's weird how the game keeps giving me side quests when we're supposed to be in a hurry lol

MZero, to the extreme
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07/10/23 12:42:00 PM

Yeah they basically go full Like a Dragon (Yakuza) with the unfeasible timing of sidequests. The difference is LAD refuses to let you take it too seriously outside of main content.

"One toot on this whistle will take you to a far away land."
-Toad, SMB3
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07/10/23 12:45:58 PM

Make proper optional stories for the alliants and friends that give you the items for the Wall of Memories. Cut all the rest. Keep track of these stories on the journal, don't overwhelm the map with MMO sidequest markers. Like from the point you get their Seal, you get the entry on the journal to start their side story. Instesd of taunting the player to deviate from the main scenario with all these green markers.

And assure the player that these stories can be visited at any point and never missable after the timeskip, so players can decide if they'd rather just keep pushing the main scenario if they want.

Congrats to azuarc for winning GOTD2
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07/10/23 12:47:21 PM

Speaking of, holy shit Payback

That was one of my favorite side quests of all time.

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07/10/23 2:34:13 PM

"One toot on this whistle will take you to a far away land."
-Toad, SMB3
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07/10/23 3:12:49 PM

Best option: Have great/fun/lore based side quests that ALSO have good rewards. Is that really so hard?
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07/10/23 3:19:09 PM

What would you have made the rewards

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07/10/23 3:45:11 PM

Torgal skins

Congrats Black Turtle!
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07/10/23 3:54:58 PM

masterplum posted...
What would you have made the rewards

meaningful weapons and armor, but that would've required meaningful stats to begin with

while you slept, the world changed
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07/10/23 4:31:37 PM

colliding posted...
meaningful weapons and armor, but that would've required meaningful stats to begin with

Making it a looter and having to change my armor every side mission is not my definition of a good time

_stingers_ posted...
Torgal skins

This could have been cool though

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07/10/23 4:34:51 PM

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07/10/23 5:49:30 PM

I think you can have meaningful stats/items/equipment without making it a looter!

while you slept, the world changed
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07/10/23 6:21:18 PM

I'm confused, weren't table top RPGs all about numbers? I thought that's why we rolled dice, numbers are important!

TheRock ~ I had a name, my father called me Blues.
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07/10/23 8:12:59 PM

Yeah the stats mean very little to me since there's no party to synergize plus I have no control over the stat growth and very few ways to modify them. This game is fully combat and story focused, which isn't a terrible thing but I enjoy being able to tinker.

azuarc is OP.
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07/10/23 8:42:18 PM

masterplum posted...
Speaking of, holy shit Payback

That was one of my favorite side quests of all time.

just did this one actually. Manly tears

I'm the original TomNook7 from the old days. The other guy is just TomNook. Know your TomNooks.
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07/10/23 9:06:10 PM

colliding posted...
I think you can have meaningful stats/items/equipment without making it a looter!

I think part of that meme is that those games aren't looters. At least GoW isn't.

"One toot on this whistle will take you to a far away land."
-Toad, SMB3
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07/11/23 11:15:44 AM

Game just needs more equipment like the Berserker Ring and that one that autocharges magic, stuff that actually changes your moveset.
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07/11/23 8:12:55 PM

Finished the 5th eikon fight

This is the best movie Ive ever played

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07/11/23 10:15:01 PM

Man there are so many crafting items, and nothing to craft

So much gil, and nothing to buy

why does this game even have rpg elements

I'm the original TomNook7 from the old days. The other guy is just TomNook. Know your TomNooks.
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07/11/23 10:19:48 PM

I feel that way about a lot of modern rpgs tbh

Congrats Black Turtle!
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07/11/23 11:32:30 PM

What are the rewards for the Chronoliths? They're actually challenging, which is good, but I don't know if I want to try to power through or save them for post game.

while you slept, the world changed
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07/12/23 12:35:50 AM

Accessories that boosts damage for each Eikon's ultimate ability

Completing them all gets you one of the things you need for your wall of memories which is needed for a trophy

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07/12/23 9:33:03 AM

this game sure likes naked people

MZero, to the extreme
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