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09/09/11 10:34:00 AM

I'm not sure about my maining MF anymore. I never feel like I'm really impacting a game unless I get a few kills early on and snowball.

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Started: July 6, 2005
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09/09/11 10:38:00 AM

Miss Fortune is a good AD carry, but when 33% of your competition is OP, you're going to have problems.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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09/09/11 11:01:00 AM

Main Ashe.

I don't care what anyone says she's the best Carry.

That Chain Slow and that Arrow are just too good.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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09/09/11 11:40:00 AM

So this guy is a crackpot when it comes to Chalice, right?

Don't get me wrong, Galio is the only champion who you can suggest Clarity on without getting laughed out of the building, but it's not like you're obligated to keep Chalice on you ALL GAME, which he seems to believe.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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09/09/11 1:32:00 PM

In Solo lane it's great on Galio. You get to spam Q over and over and over and over. It's the most annoying early game poke because of it's range, splash area, damage at level 3, it's cooldown, and the fact that it slows you so he can follow it up with E. Plus, you know the Ultimate is coming soon enough.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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09/09/11 1:36:00 PM

I usually do keep Chalice on me all game, because most games don't last long enough to sell it! The mana-regen is always helpful, sure, but the MR gives me a little bit of AP so that's nice too. It's just an all-around solid item, but the mana-regen is often overrated. Other items give much better regen, but it is very cheap and allows me to concentrate on other more tanky items. I don't enjoy AP Galio very much, but RoA might be something worth experimenting with. But his argument that CoH Galio's are squishy is silly - it's a nice early-game item and if you are consistent throughout the game about not spamming your abilities and using them when is most appropriate, then you should be able to have enough mana to engage in a fight at any time. And after you get this quick dead-end item, you can concentrate on going straight for your tank items.

Over the summer, around the time of the Galio changes, I began getting a philostone too. Between philo and chalice, my mana regen is very comfortable into the midgame. Philo (and sometimes HoG, though by the time you get it might be too late unless you were fed early) is a huge boost to Galio. Against teams with little to no AP, I just start off with the health regen and a health pot, just to get the philo faster (then obviously you need to adapt and get something in addition to philo for your mana-regen).

I disagree with his quints, but maybe that fits him better. I prefer my flat HP, because HoG/BV is usually my first +HP item.

~AHylian is Still Alive~
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09/09/11 1:40:00 PM

and really, CV is so much better than clarity

Galio's mana issues aren't what they used to be, and late-game clarity is much less useful than CV

Realo, I used to go R>Q>E>W, but I've since preferred R>W>Q>E, because that shield is just great. It also ups the damage on your abilities if you go WQ, since it increases your MR. Sure, it basically doubles the mana cost, but if you're selective with your abilities and not spamming as much it's fine. Granted, I prefer playing Galio as a tank/support than a solo-lane AP (I suck with him up top), but whatever.

~AHylian is Still Alive~
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09/09/11 1:47:00 PM

RoA is core on my Galio builds. But I always get chalice because it's very cost effective and Clarity is a complete waste of a slot.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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09/09/11 1:52:00 PM

if you're going RoA you're delaying other items that I think are more important for a tank, in my opinion. Also, if you're going RoA and philo then you shouldn't need the chalice. Philo is also cheaper than chalice, and the AP you get from chalice is negligible compared to the AP from RoA

~AHylian is Still Alive~
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09/09/11 1:53:00 PM

Corki is a lot of fun.

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09/09/11 2:27:00 PM

Galio's strength is in his ability to blow things up early and mid game. RoA also gives him mana and HP, things that he desperately needs.

My ideal Galio build would end up like this

Merc Treads
Abyssal Scepter
Frozen Heart/Thornmail depending on how much AD they have. If pretty balanced, then GA.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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09/09/11 2:41:00 PM

Even considering thornmail is funny - FH gives Galio so much more. Mana? Check. CDR? Check. Something to help his team, not just him? Check!

GA is good, but honestly I'd probably prefer Shurelia's. I know a lot of people say it's not that helpful, but I personally love it for late-game. HP, speed boost, HP/mana regen, CDR...

Abyssal Scepter is awesome on Galio, but again, I usually don't have a long-enough game to support it, and I prefer tankier items earlier. I'd argue that Galio is best at setting up kills for his team, and being able to take a hell of a beating sure helps with that. BV is probably more cost-effective on Galio than RoA, because sure it gives HP and Mana, but it also gives him MR (and thus some AP), and its passive allows him to be better at taking blows.

~AHylian is Still Alive~
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09/09/11 2:43:00 PM

The point is FH screws the damage on your ultimate... but I usually don't care about that since it's good for the stupidly long AoE taunt and not the meh damage that requires him to get himself beat up.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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09/09/11 3:07:00 PM

See, I'd rather use my ultimate to abuse my team's positioning and let them wreck everyone.

~AHylian is Still Alive~
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09/09/11 3:57:00 PM

Garen and Poppy dropped in price, and from the look of things, that's the last of them.

Garen nerfs incoming, Poppy buffs never.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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09/09/11 4:09:00 PM

Biolizard28 posted...
Garen and Poppy dropped in price, and from the look of things, that's the last of them.

Garen nerfs incoming, Poppy buffs never.

What makes them the last? I know Poppy was the last 260 RP champion to not be 450 IP, but beyond that?

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/09/11 4:10:00 PM

Garen was the last 3150 to be 585.

Unless some RP price reductions are on the horizon, they're all for now.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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09/09/11 4:29:00 PM

TheConductorSix posted...
I need to stop doing SOlo Queue and play with you guys more often.

My elo has dropped a tremendous amount but that's not even what bothers me: it's the overall attitude of this new group of players. Now, I'm not going to sit here and preach on a high horse and act like I wasn't new 6 months ago, but this new group that has sprouted up brings all the tact of a Call of Duty chat room.

Urgot + Karma 4 lyfe mang

Shield es #1, never loose!

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/09/11 4:30:00 PM

If anyone comes into more AW Caitlin codes, share with the group.

My store doesn't carry PC Gamer.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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09/09/11 4:31:00 PM

Biolizard28 posted...
Garen and Poppy dropped in price, and from the look of things, that's the last of them.

Garen nerfs incoming, Poppy buffs never.

Source? This is important, because I am ****ing SICK of Garen. He scales into doing what a carry does with Last Whisper and IE against a naked target with no items by 9, and it's really annoying.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/09/11 4:31:00 PM

From: Biolizard28 | #369
If anyone comes into more AW Caitlin codes, share with the group.

My store doesn't carry PC Gamer.


do you not live near any random convenience stores either

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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09/09/11 4:33:00 PM

That's where I checked, and it's the only store selling magazines nearby. Not carrying even older issues.

I'm heading out shopping Sunday, so I could grab a magazine at a Gamestop or something, but... well, I just know it's going to be rotten.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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09/09/11 4:54:00 PM

What the ****? I literally went right from waiting to join a ranked game into "GET SET GAME IS ABOUT TO BEGIN" with random ass runes.

"If he's so good, why isn't he playing in the SEC?" ~McAdamMc
"Yeah, that Walter Payton sucked, playing in the SWAC"
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09/09/11 5:24:00 PM

Gah, fought a team with an incredibly good Eve, just after asking if she was usable.

She went 12/2/4, and there were only 16 deaths in my entire team. Fortunately, the rest of her team was awful (standard awful Karma, the only good Karma I've seen is Realo's), so we beat them easily anyway, but still.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/09/11 7:11:00 PM

my first jungle fiddle run was vs eve and I pretty much got ass raped

her and nidalee have to be the most unfun champions to play against. nidalee gets the most screwed up 1000 damage spear every 5 seconds and eve is literally only in existence to annoy the **** out of everyone
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09/09/11 8:15:00 PM

So when is Gangplank getting nerfed?

Because I want to see the horrified look on the faces of every jackass who thought they were king for playing the most broken ass champ in the entire game.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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09/09/11 8:16:00 PM

Biolizard28 posted...
So when is Gangplank getting nerfed?

Because I want to see the horrified look on the faces of every jackass who thought they were king for playing the most broken ass champ in the entire game.

Never. He's in a good spot now. Maybe a couple more tweaks but otherwise he's fine.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/09/11 8:18:00 PM

KanzarisKelshen posted...
He's in a good spot now.

Good for who?

Him? Sure.

Everyone else? No.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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09/09/11 8:19:00 PM

Biolizard28 posted...
KanzarisKelshen posted...
He's in a good spot now.

Good for who?

Him? Sure.

Everyone else? No.

He's balanced. Not the dominant force he used to be, and certainly not as good as Garen now that that dude had almost 75% uptime on judgement and a renewable ghost in his Q.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/09/11 8:20:00 PM

A free cleanse every few seconds isn't balanced.

And that's just one thing wrong with him.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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09/09/11 8:20:00 PM

Note that this isn't to say that Plank isn't really strong, because he is. He's just not borderline broken like Garen or Orianna. He's in the Corki Spot, AKA that point where you're an excellent choice but not one that merits bans unless you're facing someone who's focused on mastering the one dude to hell and back.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/09/11 8:21:00 PM

Biolizard28 posted...
A free cleanse every few seconds isn't balanced.

And that's just one thing wrong with him.

The cleanse is worth jack ****. Plank jobs really hard to teams with a bunch of soft CCs. You want to argue his power, pick the stronger points of his kit.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/09/11 8:26:00 PM

A low cost nuke that procs on hit effects and crits?

A global ultimate that can kill you where he's nowhere near?

A steroid that makes him impossible to run from or catch?


I'm f***ing tired of being talked down to by FotM ass hats. I give what I get 100% of the time, and from these people all I get is s*** talk.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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09/09/11 8:34:00 PM

And Kanz, don't mistake this for yelling at you. I'm just venting, alright?

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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09/09/11 9:06:00 PM


~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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09/09/11 10:33:00 PM

I hate to interrupt an argument about Gangplank, but...

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/09/11 10:45:00 PM

this is

the very first melee champion that's looked interesting to me.

Here's hoping that I'll finally have someone I can get Youmuu's ghostblade on.

"What if you just eat vegetarians?"-neonreaper
"^ You are what you eat. ^_~"-Koiji
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09/09/11 11:03:00 PM

Gwindor posted...
this is

the very first melee champion that's looked interesting to me.

Here's hoping that I'll finally have someone I can get Youmuu's ghostblade on.

Rumor has it that she uses cooldowns only, like Katarina and Garen.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/09/11 11:06:00 PM

that would be p sweet

"What if you just eat vegetarians?"-neonreaper
"^ You are what you eat. ^_~"-Koiji
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09/09/11 11:12:00 PM

if that ultimate is being used on the wraiths, I think it'll be a low-power, low-cd ultimate

~AHylian is Still Alive~
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09/10/11 1:13:00 AM

Can't wait for Riven. I have regretted buying champions without testing them in the past, but I think I'll buy her immediately anyway.

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Started: July 6, 2005
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09/10/11 1:51:00 AM

I rescind prior statements:

Shaco is the most fun champion to smurf with. Hands down. Not even close.

Getting 5 people to chase you when you have Blue Buff and are spamming Deceive and putting knives into their backs is not only funny but hilarious!

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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09/10/11 1:58:00 AM

Nah. AP Shaco/Yi vs. Solo Tank Corki lane is the best smurf experience you can have.

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09/10/11 1:59:00 AM

Biolizard28 posted...
A low cost nuke that procs on hit effects and crits?

A global ultimate that can kill you where he's nowhere near?

A steroid that makes him impossible to run from or catch?


I'm f***ing tired of being talked down to by FotM ass hats. I give what I get 100% of the time, and from these people all I get is s*** talk.

`The global 125 AD he hands out. The free Reverie he gives his team. The fact that he gets about 4k from his passive and it synergizes beautifully for him. The way he gets half a creep, every creep is he's good at parrrleyhitting. The ultimate is unreliable, the steroid boils down to simply rooting him or using a heavy slow, and parrley is that strong because it's the sole offensive move he gets as opposed to the three of Xin, Jarvan, Irelia, et al. You don't know why he's beating you and thus are getting angry at Plank for the wrong reasons. If you hate his players, there's champions who rip him to absolute shreds, and he's permabanned in ranked because people are too dumb to adapt and ban Orianna and such. Just adapt to it.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/10/11 2:01:00 AM

And yeah, NP bio, we're cool. I absolutely despised the pirate when he first got megabuffed - trust me, what you're dealing with right now has nothing on the plank who slapped down a 40% slow on you at level 2 with lizard and who got double the gold from each creep. Having seen him at his absolute worse the current version is SUPER strong, but not broken. You'll see what I mean as you go up and fight more Oriannas, Garens, and possibly Brands.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/10/11 2:03:00 AM

Finally lost a game on my alt. Completely out of my power. Every lane lost. I killed Ezreal mid 2 times for Karthus and he still went 1-5.

That was some craaaaaaaaazy matchmaking =P

I love Zigzagoon <3
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09/10/11 2:04:00 AM

Anagram posted...
I hate to interrupt an argument about Gangplank, but...

That splash art is horrible, but hot damn I love those abilities more and more as I see them.

PS: She really is close to Ren in style, isn't she, Ana? Obviously the backstory is something else though. :P

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/10/11 2:05:00 AM

Silver_Ermine posted...
Finally lost a game on my alt. Completely out of my power. Every lane lost. I killed Ezreal mid 2 times for Karthus and he still went 1-5.

That was some craaaaaaaaazy matchmaking =P

One of these days you have to log into Sir Porcupine at a reasonable hour ermine. I wanna play with you without tanking your rating because I'm a nub! :(

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/10/11 2:07:00 AM

Peace___Frog posted...
if that ultimate is being used on the wraiths, I think it'll be a low-power, low-cd ultimate

'Low power' does not compute when you read "gains a percentage of her attack damage". Riven sounds like a posterchild for brut+HoG+Atmogs+Thirster or something. If you can get 300ish AD (and it should be easy to hit 250 at least), even a 30% bonus will mean she'll carry really hard. Make that 50-62.5-75 and she becomes a Yorick-tier carry with her FIVE offensive moves.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/10/11 9:48:00 AM

KanzarisKelshen posted...
PS: She really is close to Ren in style, isn't she, Ana? Obviously the backstory is something else though. :P

Ha, I didn't notice that, but now that you mention it, there are some similarities.

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Started: July 6, 2005
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