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03/07/17 7:22:29 PM

Yeah Face Hunter is bleh because Hunter can't keep up with Pirates/Shaman right now which just outclass it and have way more reach, and also Reno which as a card completely wrecks Face Hunter (Probably even moreso than the other classes)

You can try Karazhan Secret Hunter, lose Call of the Wild and run Rag if you have it. You can also maybe try some really janky Curator Hunter? (Finja is godlike right now and you can use Curator to pull out stuff like Drakes/Highmane which are just great lategame cards, dunno how much aggro appears at lower ranks)

Actually I looked up VS which I normally use for shamelessly netdecking and this deck popped up

Seems like the basic premise is really sticky minions then all of a sudden Tundra Rhino + Hyenas and then bam they dead. Sounds kinda fun.
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If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. - Sun Tzu
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03/07/17 7:33:31 PM

that's cool. I am running Tundra Rhino right now because of the synergy with stuff like kindly grandmother or rat pack. should be interesting to look into. I don't want to just netdeck though, I like coming up with my own decks. but I will see what stuff he did that works and see if I can come up with something based on those ideas, yeah.

I don't have Rag :^[

I played a Curator Paladin a lot during the Karazhan meta so I'm pretty familiar with the card. it's one of my favorites in the game. I love the idea of a card that thins out your deck and draws specific things you are looking for. wish Hearthstone had more ways to do similar things.
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03/07/17 8:13:13 PM

You can get Rag if you want to, crafting him is essentially free because the dust gets refunded

Higher ranks is tough because netdecking archetypes is almost essential because of Shaman/Reno everywhere (I mean I guess you can build a good Renolock/Mage but because it's singles there's a chance someone is doing a copy of what you are doing out there). I've avoided doing it at legend sometimes to some success (Lock and Load Hunter, C'thun Hunter, Patron Warrior/C'thun Renolock right when Old Gods was out)

I actually built one, tried secret package for the longest time but it just felt awkard so I made a basic face with water package

Alleycat x2
Argent Squire x2
Firey Bat x2
Worgen Infiltrator x2
Bluegill Warrior x2
Dire Wolf Alpha x2
Kindly Grandmother x2
Quick Shot x2
Animal Companion x2
Argent Horserider x2
Eaglehorn Bow x2
Kill Command x2
Murloc Warleader x2
Unleash the Hounds x2
Finja, the Flying Star
Leeroy Jenkins

If you don't have Finja you could try cards like Explosive Trap/Knife Juggler/Toad/Wolfrider/On The Hunt etc in place of the murlocs
You're a cool dude - Vlado to me.
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. - Sun Tzu
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03/07/17 8:13:20 PM

Fiery Bat x 2
Huge Toad x 2
Kindly Grandmother x 2
King's Elekk x 2
Quick Shot x 2
Animal Companion x 2
Deadly Shot x 2
Eaglehorn Bow x 2
Kill Command x 2
Unleash the Hounds x 2
Houndmaster x 2
Infested Wolf x 2
Ram Wrangler
Stranglethorn Tiger
Tundra Rhino
Savannah Highmane x 2

This is my only hunter deck. I constructed it before Gadgetzan launched. I win with it pretty easily whenever I need quests in the rank 10 - 16 range.

There's nothing particularly special about it though. It's just a bunch of good hunter cards. There's some Deathrattles I guess (it's named Deathrattle Hunter in my collection) but there isn't actually too much synergy happening there.

I could probably improve it with Gadgetzan cards. i've added literally none. Alleycat sounds nice. But there you go!
The batman villians all seem to be one big joke that batman refuses to laugh at - SantaRPG
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03/07/17 8:29:56 PM

I'm messing around with Barnes right now. I took Alleycat out of my deck because even though it works well with Infest it works poorly with Barnes. right now every minion in my deck except Houndmaster has a positive outcome with Barnes. I'm even thinking of taking Houndmaster out. I almost never draw him at an opportune time.

gah. it's so hard to tell if something is bad or if you're just getting bad draw RNG at that particular moment, you know?

though I will say Barnes himself feels unreliable. I have only drawn him a single time in about 5 matches since I made this deck.
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Wedge Antilles
03/07/17 8:44:04 PM

Hunter is just bad right now. Pirate Warrior does Hunter's job and does it better.
I used the knife. I saved a child. I won a war. God forgive me.
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03/07/17 9:04:54 PM

just played 10 matches with this deck

it got me from rank 20 up to rank 18. lost 3 matches. I beat a pirate warrior and a jade druid, but neither of them seemed optimized. obviously at low ranks I'm not going to be facing the best. but that's fine with me, I just want something that can actually win matches and not be stuck at rank 20 forever. so that's probably not saying a lot.

still, doing better than my initial cobbled together idea already. I avoided the rhino or the hyena because I feel like those work best when the deck is entirely built around them. in this instance I focused on choosing cards that would always be good with barnes. of course I only drew him once in the course of all 10 matches, but oh well.

this was made using whichever cards I had available, searching for "beast" and/or "deathrattle" at points along the curve where I needed to sub in cards. I also put an emphasis on stuff like animal companion, unleash the hounds, infest, and even on the hunt. basically using spells which give me minions that way I could have plenty of minions without worrying about Barnes pulling them. anyway if you have suggestions for cards that might augment this deck feel free to offer them. it's very likely that I probably don't have the card, but would be willing to craft it. although it's also certainly possible I just overlooked it.

I'll probably play another 10 matches with this deck and determine the weakest cards before making any changes to it. it definitely needs a lot of fine tuning. even though I won a decent number of matches it always felt like I was struggling all the way to the end. there was only a single match where I dominated and won confidently.
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03/07/17 9:06:29 PM

why young priestess over argent squire or something
You're a cool dude - Vlado to me.
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. - Sun Tzu
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03/07/17 9:19:56 PM

I have no specific answer to that. I either don't have the card or I overlooked it while picking.

that being said she has done pretty well in the matches I played. might have something to do with the extremely low curve. not sure. but I actually think one of the problems I'm having is that the curve is too low.

anyway the most common YP synergies so far have been with fiery bat, the hound summoned from 'on the hunt,' dire wolf alpha, huge toad, and kindly grandmother. essentially anything that I play on turn 1 or turn 2. if they ignore/are unable to kill it and I have the young priestess in hand, I can usually drop her and buff its health outside of their kill range. essentially denying them the option of killing it on the following turn without expending additional resources. it's a very low cost punish for "misplays" on turn 1/2/3. if she gets summoned by Barnes she would also immediately boost his health which is nice, I guess.

argent squire seems good too. moreso as a minion to play on turn 1. it's more sticky. and it retains these same properties when summoned by barnes. it's something I'll have to consider. although what I'd really like is a beast or deathrattle to replace.
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03/08/17 5:56:47 AM

Eh reason I like Squire is because I generally think about what's in meta right now

On the one hand, you have a bunch of dumb 1 health pirates that Squire can trade with clean and Priestess is an even trade. On the other, theres a bunch of 3 health 1 drops that neither can really trade with clean unless there's buffs (you have dire wolf for this) and a bunch of pings that take out Priestess (hero powers, maelstrom portal, maybe Jade claws etc) but can't really with squire.

I think this deck is more Zoo in mind with infest to keep card draw in your hand, so I do like Squire for it a little more than young Priestess just because there's a lot of clean answers to turn 1 young Priestess (especially any deck that runs patches)

Alleycat isn't too terrible either, even off of Barnes it still is a beast
You're a cool dude - Vlado to me.
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. - Sun Tzu
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03/08/17 9:12:18 AM

that is true. I'll probably experiment around with them both and try to see what works.

I don't doubt that Young Priestess is not the optimal card for me to be using. if it was there would be other people using it. and I think literally no one uses this card. so yeah.
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03/08/17 9:50:31 AM

Kibler's been running hunter lately. Fairly low-end deck at that.
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03/08/17 9:54:59 AM

nice! well he made it to rank 11 so it can't be completely awful. I mean there are literally jade druids and pirate shaman/warrior at rank 20 right now so yeah. I'll have to check out some stuff from this deck and try to develop ideas.
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03/08/17 10:40:34 AM

Ranks 20 and 19 are often harder than 18-16.
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03/08/17 11:13:13 AM

One of these months I'm going to play ladder more than just for quests to see exactly what rank I need to reach for the difficulty level to catch back up to 20. Because it's not anywhere between 19-14.
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Huh? Finger!? What the hell?
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03/08/17 11:17:53 AM

5 to 1 is the hell of hearthstone. Unless it's within the first 10 days then it's not too bad

Also Heroic Brawl this week. Not doing it cause of lack of gold and rewards aren't worth it but letting you all know
You're a cool dude - Vlado to me.
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. - Sun Tzu
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03/08/17 11:29:15 AM

I'll definitely never get legend. I'm way too much of an average player with way too little desire to slog through that without the bonus stars.

I'd much rather see Heroic Brawl immediately after the new expansion, though I understand entirely why they wouldn't do that. This of course is coming from someone who will watch a few people play through it instead of participating myself because I'm cash and gold cheap.
When someone is giving you his opinion, you should receive it with deep gratitude even though it is worthless.
Huh? Finger!? What the hell?
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03/08/17 11:52:32 AM

it seems like Legend takes a lot of time and dedication which is not something I have for Hearthstone sadly.
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03/08/17 11:53:48 AM

I've done it a few times. It's not so much time as it is patience and luck
You're a cool dude - Vlado to me.
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. - Sun Tzu
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03/08/17 2:00:21 PM

VeryInsane posted...
You can get Rag if you want to, crafting him is essentially free because the dust gets refunded

Higher ranks is tough because netdecking archetypes is almost essential because of Shaman/Reno everywhere (I mean I guess you can build a good Renolock/Mage but because it's singles there's a chance someone is doing a copy of what you are doing out there). I've avoided doing it at legend sometimes to some success (Lock and Load Hunter, C'thun Hunter, Patron Warrior/C'thun Renolock right when Old Gods was out)

I actually built one, tried secret package for the longest time but it just felt awkard so I made a basic face with water package

Alleycat x2
Argent Squire x2
Firey Bat x2
Worgen Infiltrator x2
Bluegill Warrior x2
Dire Wolf Alpha x2
Kindly Grandmother x2
Quick Shot x2
Animal Companion x2
Argent Horserider x2
Eaglehorn Bow x2
Kill Command x2
Murloc Warleader x2
Unleash the Hounds x2
Finja, the Flying Star
Leeroy Jenkins

If you don't have Finja you could try cards like Explosive Trap/Knife Juggler/Toad/Wolfrider/On The Hunt etc in place of the murlocs

I tried this at rank 7 for a quest and went 2-1 seems ok but lack of card draw hurts
You're a cool dude - Vlado to me.
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. - Sun Tzu
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03/08/17 2:16:37 PM

the young priestess dream

the fact that I still lost after this is probably a good indication that she needs to go.
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03/08/17 5:25:55 PM

Seeing Young Priestess like that reminds me of the good ol' days when Blood Imp was 1/1.
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03/08/17 9:24:02 PM

Young Priestess actually can be good, but this isn't the right meta. Not when there are so many 1-health minions and 1-damage removal options.
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03/09/17 5:53:31 AM

I had a dream that I fought Thijs, he was Warrior and I was my Murloc Face Hunter. Then all of a sudden my deck turned into a really s***ty Arena warrior

I think I play this game too much >_>
You're a cool dude - Vlado to me.
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. - Sun Tzu
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03/10/17 7:07:52 AM

Yeah, especially since Thijs plays on EU.
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03/10/17 7:12:36 AM

He plays on other servers too! All pros do.

Anyway hit 5 with Dragon Priest yesterday and debating whether to go for legend this month
You're a cool dude - Vlado to me.
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. - Sun Tzu
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03/10/17 8:48:54 AM

I've got another 80g play a friend quest.

Rjakh #1679

Well it's done. Thanks for the game Camden. :)
"People don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed."
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03/10/17 10:04:08 AM

Thanks for the gold, I need it the way I'm going in arena now. Five arena runs and forget having 0 legendaries under the apparently increased odds, I'd just like to be able to choose between cards that aren't trash. I was offered more Blubber Barons and Fight Promoters in this last one than total two drops.
When someone is giving you his opinion, you should receive it with deep gratitude even though it is worthless.
Huh? Finger!? What the hell?
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03/10/17 10:45:38 AM

Dragon Priest seems like one of the best options on ladder right now, hit Rank 10 with it last night.

The rank floors are great, it let me set a goal in reaching Rank 10 and I felt relieved when I got there because I didn't really have to worry anymore.
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03/10/17 10:47:35 AM

Yeah it was a big winner of the Small Time nerf, which otherwise beats Agent or their 1 drops
You're a cool dude - Vlado to me.
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. - Sun Tzu
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03/10/17 10:56:14 AM

Was just playing against a Reno Mage with my dumb C'thun Reno Rogue and I burguled a Servant of Yogg-Saron that cast Curse of Rafaam and gave my opponent 10 cards. So he burned his Reno and conceded.

People literally play this game for money
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03/10/17 10:58:29 AM

People are willing to spend money to watch people play this game so why not

Pretty sure the big twitch streamers make decent cash
You're a cool dude - Vlado to me.
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. - Sun Tzu
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03/10/17 11:03:02 AM

I just like to remind myself that people play this game for money when ridiculous chains of RNG decide the outcome of the game. It was on better display before Yogg was nerfed but it's still just silly sometimes.
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03/10/17 12:30:11 PM

So I guess they adjusted a bunch of EU prices based on exchange rates for all the different currencies.

Reminds me how annoyed I am that there is no CAD pricing and I always have to pay at whate very the current USD to CAD rate is.

This makes it sound like Blizzard doesn't understand why specific pricing for specific markets is important anyways though.
Cly at Work
So more power to North Korea for this one. Good show. - MWC
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03/10/17 12:41:27 PM

ClyTheCool posted...
Reminds me how annoyed I am that there is no CAD pricing and I always have to pay at whate very the current USD to CAD rate is.

I also am Canadian, but if you buy anything through the Google Play store you'll get charged the USD price in CAD dollars at a 1:1 exchange rate.

I've done it for every adventure up to this point, which means I'm actually paying less than the USD price because I've been paying $19.99 CAD for things that cost $19.99 USD.
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03/10/17 1:24:52 PM

Hmm, is it possible to do that if you're not Canadian?

Oh, wait. My account is F2P. Still curious, though.
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03/10/17 1:31:36 PM

azuarc posted...
Hmm, is it possible to do that if you're not Canadian?

Oh, wait. My account is F2P. Still curious, though.

I'm not sure! I didn't even realize it was a thing until I bought some packs on my phone, checked my account, and realized it didn't get exchanged.

Since then I've been using my phone for any Hearthstone purchases and it's worked out.
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03/10/17 8:50:53 PM

I f***ing love Murlocs.

I'm playing Murloc Shaman vs a standard midrange shaman.

He hits my board full of murlocs with a Devolve. I wind up with 4 tiny fins.

Jokes on you, b****. They're still Murlocs.

*Drop warleader and grimscale Oracle next turn*

*Everyfin next turn for lethal*

Blasting off
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Wedge Antilles
03/10/17 9:22:35 PM

I'm really worried about the state of the next expansion. Pirate Warrior is already way the strongest (and easiest) deck in the game. It will be losing Finley, and nothing else. Reno is the card that gives a decent chance against it and it will be cycling out along with Brann and Thaurrisan. Unless big nerfs hit Pirate Warrior or Blizzard makes some really broken anti-aggro cards, PW will dominate even more than it already does and will make the next expac unplayable for me.
I used the knife. I saved a child. I won a war. God forgive me.
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03/11/17 8:52:59 AM

Losing Finley is pretty big -- getting Life Tap or the hunter's hero power is generally their only chance to close out games if their opponent stabilizes. It wouldn't surprise me to see some low-cost taunts in the new expansion, which would help shift the meta, too.
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius
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03/11/17 12:02:59 PM

I think that's a nice feature to give them a bit of a flexibility, but it's not even close to the heart of the deck and does nothing to stop them from doing what they are best at. I don't think it'll hurt them that bad. They only need to find 1 card to add some flexibility - and we have no idea what 130 cards in are left in Ungoro. I think they'll fill that gap pretty easily. You can't say the same for Reno decks!
The batman villians all seem to be one big joke that batman refuses to laugh at - SantaRPG
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03/11/17 12:19:02 PM

CoolCly posted...
I think that's a nice feature to give them a bit of a flexibility, but it's not even close to the heart of the deck and does nothing to stop them from doing what they are best at. I don't think it'll hurt them that bad. They only need to find 1 card to add some flexibility - and we have no idea what 130 cards in are left in Ungoro. I think they'll fill that gap pretty easily. You can't say the same for Reno decks!

except with the priest quest legendary, that's a quality reno replacement
we're all buds~jc~
<DeathChicken> you are my hero for being the first person to cite National Geographic in Mercs
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03/11/17 12:27:42 PM

While it is a similar ability to Reno, Reno decks as we know them are dead. You aren't going to put that card in a Reno Priest deck.

Maybe a new deck that makes that card work will be possible, but maybe not. I think that card is not going to work against Pirate Warrior specifically - you probably will not be able play it by the time Pirate Decks kill you.
The batman villians all seem to be one big joke that batman refuses to laugh at - SantaRPG
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03/11/17 12:29:57 PM

I feel like after the backlash they've faced with the current meta, there's no way that Blizzard doesn't do something to kill off Pirate Warrior, or at least make it not as good by releasing cards that make everything else better.
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03/11/17 12:31:50 PM

So how much do we think the stb nerf actually hurt pirate warrior? How would you quantify it?
Blasting off
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03/11/17 12:33:21 PM

Superboar 1 mana 1/1 charge After you play a beast, summon this minion from your deck

Pirate problem solved
You're a cool dude - Vlado to me.
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. - Sun Tzu
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03/11/17 2:38:13 PM

tbh, all you need to fix pirates is a swamp ooze variant with taunt.

2 mana 1/3 taunt destroy a weapon plz.
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius
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03/11/17 2:42:15 PM

I've seen a lot of discussion of this by guys like Kibler, and I think they are right that Ooze's don't really counter weapons. By the time you've played a card specifically designed to play a weapon, they've almost always already used the weapon to good effect at least one time. And then they just play another weapon. It means you play a card to do barely anything to counter the enemy weapons.

I think Blizz really needs to flex their creative muscles and come up with a more effective counter to early game weapons.
The batman villians all seem to be one big joke that batman refuses to laugh at - SantaRPG
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03/11/17 2:59:51 PM

'gain taunt if enemy plays a weapon'

we're all buds~jc~
<DeathChicken> you are my hero for being the first person to cite National Geographic in Mercs
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03/11/17 3:01:01 PM

We need more Mirror Image esque cards

That card is so annoying for Warrior to deal with
You're a cool dude - Vlado to me.
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. - Sun Tzu
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