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Community » Murphiroth
DodogamaRayBrst posted...
You can see the smith making the broken bits really hot and trying to stick them together like two pieces of tenderized gum.

tremain07 posted...

Miles is great, why is this a sigh?
hyperpowder posted...
I guess you guys can live in La La land

This is an incredibly dumb statement coming from the guy who openly admits to not really having any knowledge of the situation.
Monolith1676 posted...
Sorry for being reasonable and not always pigeonholing everything into one cause and keeping an open mind.

LMAO this post is a deeply hilarious set of lies.
JustMyOpinion posted...
No he doesn't. He gets off on shitposting.

Why not both? I think he genuinely believes the stupid shit he says but also loves the attention it gets him.
He actually thinks his posts are contributions to the community lol
Road of Resistance's instrumentation was written by the dudes from Dragonforce, that's why.
I see kazi's desperate for attention again.
bsp77 posted...
The obsession with Japan among introverted nerds is sad

Cheetaluv posted...
Politics look more of a joke by the day, living in dark times.

Hey it's your chuddy side that's at fault for the most part.

Go back to drive by shitposting, you can't hang in terms of an actual discussion.
radical_rhino posted...
Imagine having zero reading comprehension.

Nah I read your post just fine.
radical_rhino posted...
AOC took the troll bait, hook line and sinker.

Absolutely shit take.

Imagine going to bat for MTG.
It's a good game but Jonathan Blow is absolutely insufferable.
Spiderman23J posted...
im a 1st gen Haitian American who lives in ATL GA. I know what racism is like I said before I might have been ignorant but i didnt say anything malicious

The thing with racism is that it doesn't have to be malicious, it can be inadvertent.
I briefly worked as a door to door Kirby vacuum salesperson like twenty years ago. Quit after like a week and a half when the only vacuum the guy training me sold was one where he gave the people a 50% discount, then once we were outside told me I wasn't allowed to do that lol.

Shit sucked.
Spiderman23J posted...
I admitted to be stereotypical and ignorant but Im not gonna accept being labeled as racist. If I was racist I wouldnt entertain the thought of her being anything other than Muslim. Me being racist in this scenario would me be like SHE HAS TO BE MUSLIM AND CANT BE ANYTHING ELSE

"She looks middle eastern so I assume she's Muslim" is absolutely racist, whether you accept it or not. Racists often don't accept that they're racist so that's a moot point.
DuranOfForcena posted...
pretty disingenuous to frame this in a way as to suggest that AOC and MTG are both equally at fault. MTG is slinging shit at multiple people here. she was the one who instigated it. AOC is just pushing back on MTG's ridiculous theatrics.


TC ain't slick.
Spiderman23J posted...
Its not that deep how about you save your outrage and judgement for something serious and not a trivial matter like this.

I see you're going to triple down rather than learn at all.
Prismsblade posted...
Not when its clear as day I was referring to this game specifically, rather than series as a whole. Idk how you missed that.

Being unaware of the latest installment of a series you never played, had any interest in nor intention of ever playing is far from nonsensical.

Your statement of "you would never have even heard of it if not for the controversy" is patently false though. The game is a big name AAA game, it would absolutely get a ton of press regardless.

Spiderman23J posted...
im not trolling people just love to attach a negative connotation to everything these days. Nothing I said was racist perhaps a little stereotypical and ignorant but I never said anything negative about Islam or people who practice it.

Yeah racism does have a negative connotation, what a shocker.

What you said was absolutely racist and instead of doubling down and whining about people calling you out on it, take the opportunity to learn.
Spiderman23J posted...
People acting like its far fetched for me to assume shes Muslim are reaching like the majority of families who run gas stations/corner stores dont practice Islam. For more context theres a big Islamic presence on that street and theirs literally 2 Masques there.

Really not helping your case here by being more racist.
Spiderman23J posted...
Im assuming this girl is Muslim because she looks middle eastern


Error1355 posted...
Still laughing at the idea of unbanning and emailing EVERY SINGLE BANNED USER to welcome them back.

Remember, though, he's not pals with the Tails crew despite enabling them, constantly spouting their "waaaahhh gamefaqs" rhetoric, and advocating for them to come back.
bigblu89 posted...
I like to give the opposing viewpoint of the majority. Way too many people on here argue from a place of passion and not a place of logic.

Typical enlightened centrist drivel. Constantly playing the devil's advocate doesn't make you smart, it just makes you kind of obnoxious.
bigblu89 posted...
"All the time"

3 times.

Same thing.

Pretty sure I regularly see you playing the enlightened centrist for some of the worst causes but you do you my guy, we'll just pretend that doesn't happen. *wink*
bigblu89 posted...
I can't believe this place has be defending the decisions of police officers 2 days in a row.

My guy you defend and argue for the police all the fuckin' time, you even give police unions undeserved benefit of the doubt, what are you talking about?
Stero posts a lot of delusional horseshit but that's definitely the worst one so far.
shockthemonkey posted...
Honestly dude no one cares, its got no relevance to this topic, and if he wants to cry about a 2 year old topic then just let him.

Oh yeah it's just genuinely really funny that he remembers that.
Looked through the rest of that topic Hermit linked, he was in there having a meltdown over people being skeptical of chiropractors and multiple people including me pointed it out. Was I a little spicy? Definitely! But like...get over it? That shit was two years ago!

I do feel somewhat honored that my posts in that topic stuck with him so hard though!
ForsakenHermit posted...
Search log for Chiropractors are woo woo
Here's a topic where you called everything I post cancer because I said Pastafarians are a cancer to humor.

I was gonna leave the link up but I'm not wasting a purg on you.


Oh no I said you make a lot of shitty posts in a thread where multiple other people are pointing out the same thing and apparently lived rent free in your head for two years due to that.

So that's two interactions, maybe if you keep searching you can find more! For what it's worth I'm sorry if that one-off mostly joking remark bothered you that much.
ForsakenHermit posted...
Yes I remember that topic where you put your head in the sand and acted like outrage warriors didn't exist so you use it as an excuse to bash me.

We've had multiple interactions and you contributed nothing but insults ever single time.

Again, citation needed.

I'm even looking on the log site to make sure I'm not crazy and that's literally the only interaction we've had, and I only posted three times in that topic. One of which was quoting someone else, one of which was asking you what the fuck you were talking about because I had quite literally never heard the term "wokescold" and the other was stating that you were ranting and rambling.

I think you're confused and mixing me up with someone else but hey you're welcome to provide evidence of your claim!
ForsakenHermit posted...
This topic is a pretty damn good microcosm of your posting history. You've harrased me multiple times over the past two years and go into topics looking to instigate shit.

Again, citation needed.

I've talked to you like once, dude.

Specifically it was a topic where you were going on about hipsters and wokescolds and whatever the fuck else. That's the only interaction I can remember having with you, late last year.
ForsakenHermit posted...
Murphiroth in particular has years of posting little but insults at other users.

Citation needed.

You have no idea who I am or my posting history, clearly.
ForsakenHermit posted...
If you want him to stop posting you need to stop stirring the pot. Harassing everyone you disagree with isn't the virtue signal you think it is.

Where was I virtue signaling? Or even harassing him?

His meltdown is entirely his own responsibility, as is his continued posting despite making a big stink about leaving.
0K_Then posted...
let the record show this guy got the last word in, therefore making him the special winner of this brave dramatic battle

and thus, on behalf of teachers across the U.S.: thank you for being such a stunning sharp-witted warrior for us all (w/ a bit of cool entertaining tude & TOTALLY NOT FORCED mic-drop moments present throughout which also provides very neat charisma to boot)

you are very cool & smart, and you are winner. enjoy the spoils, brother
0K_Then posted...
you guys seem to love giving me more attention than i have been enjoying typing this bullshit rather than booting-up Prodeus like ive been trying to do for the past 30 mins

away good game, i lose you win, im glad we cleared everything up

Oh shit we got the classic run away, I got a bingo!
Really playing all of the classic alt meltdown hits today

  • Say something dumb
  • Get mad when people point out it's dumb
  • Repeated explanations of how you're totally not mad, everyone else is
  • Whining about CE in general
We should have bingo cards for these.
That's not why you're throwing a shitfit ITT currently but you do you, my guy.
I see chilling is off the table, then.
0K_Then posted...
you guys are acting weird & angry af toward this throwaway comment i made which is only intended to be critical of all the shit teachers out there who exploit the few good ones to get raises at their jobs where they underperform in more & more w/ each passing decade. as if i said that believing teachers should be paid like dirt lmfao yall are always so eager to fling your own shit in order to virtue-signal at others

fr, learn to interact w/ others instead of going immediately hostile ffs. no wonder ppl hate this board

My guy, you said some stupid bullshit and are freaking out over getting called out on it, chill.
SHRlKE posted...
Its all performative for guys like ooger.

And yourself, don't play dumb.
DrizztLink posted...
Arbitrary denial of personhood based on stupidity and hurt feelings isn't exactly out of character for a racist.

True enough, the spinelessness in which he drive-by shitposts the topic and doesn't address any arguments is also pretty in character.
SHRlKE posted...
Whats sterolizer gonna do when hes called out on in a topic he lacks the ability to close?

Block people.

That's what he did in that other topic lmao, for "derailing" his dumbass topic that wasn't on rails to begin with.
blackrider76 posted...
I mean you guys arent real people.

This is a totally normal response to being called out for being racist.
Stormlight Archive
BDSMKane posted...

LMAO what a joke user.
BDSMKane's post in the topic about phrases that make you roll your eyes certainly makes a lot more sense given his posts in this topic.
Nanis23 posted...
You are as pathetic as all those people that said " I am going to buy Hogwarts Legacy just to spit JK Rowling Haters" you liked so much to make fun of

Just a food for thought

lol no
iGenesis posted...
Theres only 1 record that matters in NES Tetris, and its the guy (quad8) that TASed a full loop from Level 00 to 255 over a decade ago, while figuring out all the obstacles (glitched level numbers, colors, line counts, crashes, etc.) for the first time.

All of the kiddies playing competitive NES Tetris today are just piggybacking off his discoveries.

The entirety of speedrunning is based off piggybacking off other people's discoveries, you really have no idea what you're talking about.
Are we getting a second meltdown in this topic?

At the very least it's a second dude being very weird about racism.
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