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Community » trappedunderice
I tried adderall a couple of times and it made everything great, no cynical or depressive thoughts but when it wears off the irritability is awful
Why the fuck would anyone give a shit about a mans boat sitting in his driveway? People need to mind their own business.
DuranOfForcena posted...
love that movie. pretty much the only actually good Van Damme movie.

the real Frank Dux was a huge fucking con artist though.
Bloodsport is trash, lionheart is better.
DrizztLink posted...
The Beatles have alot of great songs. The only Queen song I can stand is another one bites the dust.
Opeth - Moonlapse Vertigo, death metal/ prog rock and some jazz influence thrown in.
I want my haircut to look like betty from kung pow
One of the first things I try and do is buy the house in diamond city for 2000 caps. Store all of your weapons in that worksbench because anywhere else like sanctuary, settlers will take your weapons out of the workbench whenever they are attacked.
Riveting tale there ol chap, I'm sure the boys down at the pub can't wait to hear what exuberant stories you have to tell.
Stealth sniper
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
I didn't read the thing but I wasn't the biggest fan of it.

Tim Burton and Batman could have worked, maybe. But the theatrically artsy part of the director's style didn't work for the villain at all. Maybe if they had chosen like the Mad Hatter or somebody it might have turned out better. Joker is supposed to be loud and funny instead of dramatic and contemplative.
Don't you remember the scene where the joker says you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses would you? Puts on glasses and gets punched. Throws mechanical toy teeth on the ground after getting punched in the mouth. Doesn't get more joker than that.

Whatever happened to a good old fashioned rap battle in person
Stuffed animals
I can't stop them all Charles
Swans - Blind
They are pure garbage, the only good jurassic park movie was the first one.
LeoRavus posted...
Salvation is my least favorite because of Bale now that I think about it.
Christian bale is a phenomenal actor but even he couldn't elevate that movie beyond mediocrity.
I've only seen 1, 2 and the one with christian bale and I thought that one sucked. They should've stopped after 2, just tainting the franchise after that.
Looks like we got us a fancy lady
I thought it was kind of strange that in skyrim the textname for currency is gold when it's supposed to be septims.
Weekend at Biden's
Really trying to keep it pg? The cringe is too much this guy is embarrassing to listen to
It's trash. Online co op and Leons section is okay but it's not a good re game
The marines
I always have doom 1 downloaded on my ps5, it's a good old school fps.
Lonestar2000 posted...
PCs have free online, free game giveaways and games are cheaper.
Consoles requiring a subscription service so you can play games online while pc doesn't is bullshit
Shapeshifting reptilian aliens is the most insane conspiracy theory followed by flat earth but not accompanied by the moon landing.
Rusty browns ring donuts
And then everyone clapped
Dan the man with the 3 karma loss plan Schneider
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
GZ: Fantabulous.
TPP: Ok-ish.
Yeah ground zeroes is great and phantom pain is okay. The whole base ship recruiting is ass, you can't start a new game only replay missions.
No, I played about an hour and uninstalled that game is awful.
BTH_Phoenix posted...
Master of Disguise
I thought the scarface part was pretty funny.
The toxic avenger
Rip tc
Milky way, get that shit outta here!
We should be at the point now where you can buy that shit in stores like cigarettes.
Any idea on how i can make my neck thicker because weighted shrugs aint doin much I want to look like george corpsegrinder fisher
Earth plus plastic, were going to evolve into some kind of plastic flesh hybrid capable of flying and breathing underwater.
Could married with children be made today or what, al bundy is quite the character
viewmaster_pi posted...
WUDDUP YOUTOOOOOOB it's ya BOI viewmoister_pi and today we'll be feeding this tiny clone of myself to this giant desert centipede let's fucking gooooo

but before that, let me tell you about this video's sponsor
Sees includes paid promotion in corner. *Clicks off video* Nah
If you haven't seen And Justice for All do yourself a favor and watch it, it's a really good movie.
The first dedemption game is good, it's a really good wild west game. I couldn't bring myself to finish the second game. It was so fucking boring, a real slog to get through but the graphics are phenomenal.
Yeah snickerdoodle and also those lofthouse sugar cookies that have frosting and sprinkles on top, good luck just trying to eat one
You said it pal
If it's $15 with all of the dlc then that's a good price it most likely won't get cheaper than that.
Community » trappedunderice
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